WeChat.apk(点击下载) / f2.java

package wk1;

import a02.f;
import bw3.ar0;
import bw3.bm0;
import bw3.bv1;
import bw3.cb;
import bw3.cm0;
import bw3.i00;
import bw3.k00;
import bw3.lk0;
import bw3.oj4;
import bw3.p00;
import bw3.r15;
import bw3.s23;
import bw3.tq1;
import bw3.zq0;
import com.tencent.mm.protocal.protobuf.FinderCommentInfo;
import com.tencent.mm.protocal.protobuf.FinderJumpInfo;
import com.tencent.mm.protocal.protobuf.Html5Info;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.Log;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import lh4.h;
import lh4.m;
import u32.c;
import w32.d;
import wg4.b0;
import wg4.l;
import wg4.n;
import xg4.t;
import xv3.a;
import xv3.b;
import yf0.c;
import yf0.y;
import zz1.e;
import zz1.h4;

public final class f2 extends c<ar0> {

    /* renamed from: t  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final long f333685t;

    /* renamed from: u  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final b f333686u;

    /* renamed from: v  reason: collision with root package name */
    public h4 f333687v;

    /* renamed from: w  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final boolean f333688w;

    /* renamed from: x  reason: collision with root package name */
    public long f333689x;

    /* renamed from: y  reason: collision with root package name */
    public d f333690y;

    /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r3v7, resolved type: boolean */
    /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r4v2, resolved type: boolean */
    /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r3v8, resolved type: boolean */
    /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r3v11, resolved type: boolean */
    /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r4v5, resolved type: boolean */
    /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r4v6, resolved type: boolean */
    /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
    /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:44:0x0135  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:45:0x0137  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:48:0x0144  */
    public f2(long j15, String str, int i15, int i16, String str2, b bVar, h4 h4Var, long j16, boolean z15, bv1 bv12, int i17, int i18, h hVar) {
        super(bv12, null, 2, null);
        int i19;
        int i25;
        b bVar2 = (i18 & 32) != 0 ? null : bVar;
        h4 h4Var2 = (i18 & 64) != 0 ? null : h4Var;
        long j17 = (i18 & 128) != 0 ? 0 : j16;
        boolean z16 = (i18 & 256) != 0 ? true : z15;
        m.g(str2, "feedUsername");
        this.f333685t = j15;
        this.f333686u = bVar2;
        this.f333687v = h4Var2;
        this.f333688w = z16;
        this.f333689x = h4Var2 != null ? h4Var2.r2() : 0;
        c.b bVar3 = new c.b();
        zq0 zq02 = new zq0();
        zq02.f44748f = j15;
        zq02.f44749g = str;
        n2 n2Var = n2.f333835a;
        lk0 b15 = n2Var.b(11842, bv12);
        zq02.f44746d = b15;
        n2Var.g(b15, t.b(new l(Integer.valueOf(i15), Long.valueOf(j15))), null);
        zq02.f44753n = bVar2;
        if (j17 != 0) {
            zq02.f44752j = j17;
        zq02.f44751i = this.f333689x;
        zq02.f44750h = z16 ? 2 : 1;
        Log.i("Finder.CgiGetFinderGetCommentList", "getIdScene scene:" + i16 + ", commentScene:" + i15);
        if (e.f356376d.g().t().intValue() == 1 || e.f356530p0 != 1) {
            if (i15 != 7) {
                i19 = 1;
                if (!(i15 == 8 && i16 == 1)) {
                    i25 = 2;
                    zq02.f44747e = i25;
                    zq02.f44754o = i17;
                    bVar3.f345559a = zq02;
                    ar0 ar02 = new ar0();
                    ar02.setBaseResponse(new cb());
                    ar02.getBaseResponse().f18129e = new oj4();
                    bVar3.f345560b = ar02;
                    bVar3.f345561c = "/cgi-bin/micromsg-bin/findergetcommentlist";
                    bVar3.f345562d = 11842;
                    StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();
                    sb5.append("init pullScene:");
                    sb5.append(", feedId=");
                    sb5.append(" lastBuffer=");
                    boolean z17 = false;
                    sb5.append(bVar2 == null ? i19 : false);
                    sb5.append(" isSecondCommentFetch=");
                    sb5.append(this.f333687v != null ? i19 : z17);
                    sb5.append(" scene ");
                    Log.i("Finder.CgiGetFinderGetCommentList", sb5.toString());
                    this.f333690y = d.Disable;
                i25 = i19;
                zq02.f44747e = i25;
                zq02.f44754o = i17;
                bVar3.f345559a = zq02;
                ar0 ar022 = new ar0();
                ar022.setBaseResponse(new cb());
                ar022.getBaseResponse().f18129e = new oj4();
                bVar3.f345560b = ar022;
                bVar3.f345561c = "/cgi-bin/micromsg-bin/findergetcommentlist";
                bVar3.f345562d = 11842;
                StringBuilder sb52 = new StringBuilder();
                sb52.append("init pullScene:");
                sb52.append(", feedId=");
                sb52.append(" lastBuffer=");
                boolean z172 = false;
                sb52.append(bVar2 == null ? i19 : false);
                sb52.append(" isSecondCommentFetch=");
                sb52.append(this.f333687v != null ? i19 : z172);
                sb52.append(" scene ");
                Log.i("Finder.CgiGetFinderGetCommentList", sb52.toString());
                this.f333690y = d.Disable;
        } else if (!com.tencent.mm.plugin.finder.utils.h4.f119006a.d1(str2)) {
            i25 = 3;
            i19 = 1;
            zq02.f44747e = i25;
            zq02.f44754o = i17;
            bVar3.f345559a = zq02;
            ar0 ar0222 = new ar0();
            ar0222.setBaseResponse(new cb());
            ar0222.getBaseResponse().f18129e = new oj4();
            bVar3.f345560b = ar0222;
            bVar3.f345561c = "/cgi-bin/micromsg-bin/findergetcommentlist";
            bVar3.f345562d = 11842;
            StringBuilder sb522 = new StringBuilder();
            sb522.append("init pullScene:");
            sb522.append(", feedId=");
            sb522.append(" lastBuffer=");
            boolean z1722 = false;
            sb522.append(bVar2 == null ? i19 : false);
            sb522.append(" isSecondCommentFetch=");
            sb522.append(this.f333687v != null ? i19 : z1722);
            sb522.append(" scene ");
            Log.i("Finder.CgiGetFinderGetCommentList", sb522.toString());
            this.f333690y = d.Disable;
        i19 = 1;
        i25 = i19;
        zq02.f44747e = i25;
        zq02.f44754o = i17;
        bVar3.f345559a = zq02;
        ar0 ar02222 = new ar0();
        ar02222.setBaseResponse(new cb());
        ar02222.getBaseResponse().f18129e = new oj4();
        bVar3.f345560b = ar02222;
        bVar3.f345561c = "/cgi-bin/micromsg-bin/findergetcommentlist";
        bVar3.f345562d = 11842;
        StringBuilder sb5222 = new StringBuilder();
        sb5222.append("init pullScene:");
        sb5222.append(", feedId=");
        sb5222.append(" lastBuffer=");
        boolean z17222 = false;
        sb5222.append(bVar2 == null ? i19 : false);
        sb5222.append(" isSecondCommentFetch=");
        sb5222.append(this.f333687v != null ? i19 : z17222);
        sb5222.append(" scene ");
        Log.i("Finder.CgiGetFinderGetCommentList", sb5222.toString());
        this.f333690y = d.Disable;

    @Override // u32.c, w32.g
    public d L() {
        return this.f333690y;

    /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [int, int, java.lang.String, bw3.ci4, yf0.y] */
    @Override // u32.c
    public void p(int i15, int i16, String str, ar0 ar02, y yVar) {
        long j15;
        T t15;
        boolean z15;
        ar0 ar03 = ar02;
        m.g(ar03, "resp");
        Log.i("Finder.CgiGetFinderGetCommentList", "[onCgiBack] errType=" + i15 + " errCode=" + i16 + " errMsg=" + str + " resp=" + ar03 + " thread=" + Thread.currentThread());
        yf0.c cVar = this.f345492f;
        int i17 = cVar.f345551d;
        a aVar = cVar.f345548a.f345573a;
        m.e(aVar, "null cannot be cast to non-null type com.tencent.mm.protocal.protobuf.FinderGetCommentListRequest");
        lk0 lk02 = ((zq0) aVar).f44746d;
        if (lk02 != null) {
            j15 = lk02.f28614i;
        } else {
            j15 = 0;
        f.a aVar2 = new f.a(i17, j15);
        tq1 tq12 = ar03.f16531j;
        if (tq12 != null) {
            f.f299a.q(this.f333685t, tq12, aVar2);
        if (i15 >= 4) {
            this.f333690y = d.Default;
        if (i15 == 0 && i16 == 0) {
            LinkedList<FinderCommentInfo> linkedList = ar03.f16525d;
            m.f(linkedList, "resp.commentInfo");
            LinkedList<FinderCommentInfo> linkedList2 = new LinkedList<>();
            for (T t16 : linkedList) {
                Iterator<T> it = linkedList2.iterator();
                while (true) {
                    if (!it.hasNext()) {
                        t15 = null;
                    t15 = it.next();
                    if (t15.commentId == t16.commentId) {
                        z15 = true;
                    } else {
                        z15 = false;
                    if (z15) {
                if (t15 == null) {
                } else {
                    Log.w("Finder.CgiGetFinderGetCommentList", "filterDuplicate " + t16.commentId + " content " + t16.content + " username " + t16.username);
            ar03.f16525d = linkedList2;
            h4 h4Var = this.f333687v;
            if (h4Var != null) {
                h4Var.s2().lastBuffer = ar03.f16527f;
                if (this.f333688w) {
                    h4Var.s2().continueFlag = ar03.f16529h;
                } else {
                    h4Var.s2().upContinueFlag = ar03.f16528g;
            if (((Number) ((tl1.c) ((n) e.f356427gc).getValue()).t()).intValue() == 1 && this.f333686u == null && ar03.f16525d.size() > 5) {
                LinkedList<FinderCommentInfo> linkedList3 = ar03.f16525d;
                FinderCommentInfo finderCommentInfo = new FinderCommentInfo();
                finderCommentInfo.commentId = 1111111111;
                finderCommentInfo.comment_type = 1;
                finderCommentInfo.content = "新年打开百事,把乐带回家!";
                finderCommentInfo.headUrl = "https://p2.itc.cn/q_70/images03/20210602/aba4da2697d3456caeba09726f7b2861.png";
                finderCommentInfo.username = "";
                finderCommentInfo.nickname = "百事可乐";
                cm0 cm02 = new cm0();
                FinderJumpInfo finderJumpInfo = new FinderJumpInfo();
                finderJumpInfo.jumpinfo_type = 2;
                Html5Info html5Info = new Html5Info();
                html5Info.url = "https://www.baidu.com";
                html5Info.style = 1;
                finderJumpInfo.html5_info = html5Info;
                LinkedList<r15> linkedList4 = finderJumpInfo.style;
                r15 r15 = new r15();
                r15.f34847f = 12;
                r15.f34848g = true;
                r15.f34849h = 2;
                r15.f34850i = true;
                s23 s232 = new s23();
                s232.f36000e = "打开百事可乐官方小程序";
                s232.f35999d = "https://dldir1.qq.com/weixin/checkresupdate/icons_filled_music_dbffd75457b5423684dbbd330c2e3117.png";
                r15.f34853o = s232;
                cm02.f18470d = finderJumpInfo;
                LinkedList<bm0> linkedList5 = new LinkedList<>();
                bm0 bm02 = new bm0();
                bm02.f17401d = 21;
                bm02.f17402e = "内容重复";
                bm0 bm03 = new bm0();
                bm03.f17401d = 22;
                bm03.f17402e = "不喜欢该广告";
                bm0 bm04 = new bm0();
                bm04.f17401d = 23;
                bm04.f17402e = "对此内容不感兴趣";
                cm02.f18476j = linkedList5;
                finderCommentInfo.advertisement_info = cm02;
                finderCommentInfo.content_type = 3;
                i00 i002 = new i00();
                LinkedList<p00> linkedList6 = i002.f24351f;
                p00 p002 = new p00();
                p002.f32538d = "http://playertest-75538.gzc.vod.tencent-cloud.com/mp4/h264_definition_source/h264_864_486.mp4";
                p002.f32542h = 1920;
                p002.f32543i = 1080;
                LinkedList<k00> linkedList7 = i002.f24350e;
                k00 k002 = new k00();
                k002.f26799d = "https://www.smartm.com.tw/data/Images/31/3d/a4/7e/4142152402dc1f8d3d667d5.jpg";
                k002.f26801f = 1920;
                k002.f26802g = 1080;
                finderCommentInfo.content_info = i002;
                b0 b0Var = b0.f332794a;
                linkedList3.add(5, finderCommentInfo);
            Log.i("Finder.CgiGetFinderGetCommentList", "[onCgiBack] feedId=" + this.f333685t + "  size=" + ar03.f16525d.size() + ' ');