小红书.apk(点击下载) / a.java

package u0;

import g1.a;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import n0.c;
import n0.d;
import n0.p;
import u0.d;
import x0.e;

/* compiled from: AwsSdkMetrics */
public enum a {
    public static final String AWS_CREDENTAIL_PROPERTIES_FILE = "credentialFile";
    public static final String CLOUDWATCH_REGION = "cloudwatchRegion";
    private static final boolean DEFAULT_METRICS_ENABLED;
    private static final String DEFAULT_METRIC_COLLECTOR_FACTORY = "com.amazonaws.metrics.internal.cloudwatch.DefaultMetricCollectorFactory";
    public static final String DEFAULT_METRIC_NAMESPACE = "AWSSDK/Java";
    public static final String EXCLUDE_MACHINE_METRICS = "excludeMachineMetrics";
    public static final String HOST_METRIC_NAME = "hostMetricName";
    public static final String INCLUDE_PER_HOST_METRICS = "includePerHostMetrics";
    public static final String JVM_METRIC_NAME = "jvmMetricName";
    private static final String MBEAN_OBJECT_NAME = ("com.amazonaws.management:type=" + a.class.getSimpleName());
    public static final String METRIC_NAME_SPACE = "metricNameSpace";
    public static final String METRIC_QUEUE_SIZE = "metricQueueSize";
    public static final String QUEUE_POLL_TIMEOUT_MILLI = "getQueuePollTimeoutMilli";
    private static final int QUEUE_POLL_TIMEOUT_MILLI_MINUMUM = 1000;
    private static final b REGISTRY = new b();
    public static final String USE_SINGLE_METRIC_NAMESPACE = "useSingleMetricNamespace";
    private static volatile String credentialFile;
    private static volatile d credentialProvider;
    private static boolean dirtyEnabling;
    private static volatile String hostMetricName;
    private static volatile String jvmMetricName;
    private static volatile boolean machineMetricsExcluded;

    /* renamed from: mc  reason: collision with root package name */
    private static volatile d f135425mc;
    private static volatile String metricNameSpace;
    private static volatile Integer metricQueueSize;
    private static volatile boolean perHostMetricsIncluded;
    private static volatile Long queuePollTimeoutMilli;
    private static volatile e region;
    private static volatile boolean singleMetricNamespace;

    /* renamed from: u0.a$a  reason: collision with other inner class name */
    /* compiled from: AwsSdkMetrics */
    public static class C2193a implements d {

        /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ p f135426a;

        public C2193a(p pVar) {
            this.f135426a = pVar;

        @Override // n0.d
        public c getCredentials() {
            return this.f135426a;

    /* compiled from: AwsSdkMetrics */
    public static class b {

        /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final Set<f> f135427a;

        /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
        public volatile Set<f> f135428b;

        public b() {
            HashSet hashSet = new HashSet();
            this.f135427a = hashSet;

        public boolean a(f fVar) {
            boolean add;
            synchronized (this.f135427a) {
                add = this.f135427a.add(fVar);
                if (add) {
            return add;

        public <T extends f> boolean b(Collection<T> collection) {
            boolean addAll;
            synchronized (this.f135427a) {
                addAll = this.f135427a.addAll(collection);
                if (addAll) {
            return addAll;

        public Set<f> c() {
            return this.f135428b;

        public boolean d(f fVar) {
            boolean remove;
            synchronized (this.f135427a) {
                remove = this.f135427a.remove(fVar);
                if (remove) {
            return remove;

        /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:5:0x0009, code lost:
            if (r3.size() == 0) goto L_0x000b;
        public <T extends f> void e(Collection<T> collection) {
            synchronized (this.f135427a) {
                if (collection != null) {
                if (this.f135427a.size() != 0) {
                    if (collection == null) {
                        collection = Collections.emptyList();
                    if (!b(collection)) {

        public final void f() {
            this.f135428b = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet(this.f135427a));

    /* access modifiers changed from: public */
    static {
        metricNameSpace = DEFAULT_METRIC_NAMESPACE;
        String property = System.getProperty("com.amazonaws.sdk.enableDefaultMetrics");
        boolean z14 = property != null;
        if (z14) {
            boolean z15 = false;
            boolean z16 = false;
            boolean z17 = false;
            for (String str : property.split(",")) {
                String trim = str.trim();
                if (!z15 && EXCLUDE_MACHINE_METRICS.equals(trim)) {
                    z15 = true;
                } else if (!z16 && INCLUDE_PER_HOST_METRICS.equals(trim)) {
                    z16 = true;
                } else if (z17 || !USE_SINGLE_METRIC_NAMESPACE.equals(trim)) {
                    String[] split = trim.split("=");
                    if (split.length == 2) {
                        String trim2 = split[0].trim();
                        String trim3 = split[1].trim();
                        try {
                            if (AWS_CREDENTAIL_PROPERTIES_FILE.equals(trim2)) {
                            } else if (CLOUDWATCH_REGION.equals(trim2)) {
                                region = e.fromName(trim3);
                            } else if (METRIC_QUEUE_SIZE.equals(trim2)) {
                                Integer num = new Integer(trim3);
                                if (num.intValue() >= 1) {
                                    metricQueueSize = num;
                                } else {
                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("metricQueueSize must be at least 1");
                            } else if (QUEUE_POLL_TIMEOUT_MILLI.equals(trim2)) {
                                Long l14 = new Long(trim3);
                                if (l14.intValue() >= 1000) {
                                    queuePollTimeoutMilli = l14;
                                } else {
                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("getQueuePollTimeoutMilli must be at least 1000");
                            } else if (METRIC_NAME_SPACE.equals(trim2)) {
                                metricNameSpace = trim3;
                            } else if (JVM_METRIC_NAME.equals(trim2)) {
                                jvmMetricName = trim3;
                            } else if (HOST_METRIC_NAME.equals(trim2)) {
                                hostMetricName = trim3;
                            } else {
                                t0.d.b(a.class).h("Ignoring unrecognized parameter: " + trim);
                        } catch (Exception e14) {
                            t0.d.b(a.class).d("Ignoring failure", e14);
                    } else {
                } else {
                    z17 = true;
            machineMetricsExcluded = z15;
            perHostMetricsIncluded = z16;
            singleMetricNamespace = z17;

    public static boolean add(f fVar) {
        if (fVar == null) {
            return false;
        return REGISTRY.a(fVar);

    public static <T extends f> boolean addAll(Collection<T> collection) {
        if (collection == null || collection.size() == 0) {
            return false;
        return REGISTRY.b(collection);

    public static void disableMetrics() {

    public static synchronized boolean enableDefaultMetrics() {
        synchronized (a.class) {
            if (f135425mc == null || !f135425mc.c()) {
                if (!dirtyEnabling) {
                    dirtyEnabling = true;
                    try {
                        d a14 = ((d.b) Class.forName(DEFAULT_METRIC_COLLECTOR_FACTORY).newInstance()).a();
                        if (a14 != null) {
                            dirtyEnabling = false;
                            return true;
                    } catch (Exception e14) {
                        t0.d.b(a.class).f("Failed to enable the default metrics", e14);
                    } catch (Throwable th3) {
                        dirtyEnabling = false;
                        throw th3;
                    dirtyEnabling = false;
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Reentrancy is not allowed");
            return false;

    public static String getCredentailFile() {
        return credentialFile;

    public static n0.d getCredentialProvider() {
        StackTraceElement[] stackTrace;
        for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()) {
            if (stackTraceElement.getClassName().equals(DEFAULT_METRIC_COLLECTOR_FACTORY)) {
                return credentialProvider;
        SecurityException securityException = new SecurityException();
        t0.d.b(a.class).f("Illegal attempt to access the credential provider", securityException);
        throw securityException;

    public static String getHostMetricName() {
        return hostMetricName;

    public static d getInternalMetricCollector() {
        return f135425mc;

    public static String getJvmMetricName() {
        return jvmMetricName;

    public static <T extends d> T getMetricCollector() {
        if (f135425mc == null && isDefaultMetricsEnabled()) {
        return f135425mc == null ? (T) d.f135432a : (T) f135425mc;

    public static String getMetricNameSpace() {
        return metricNameSpace;

    public static Integer getMetricQueueSize() {
        return metricQueueSize;

    public static Set<f> getPredefinedMetrics() {
        return REGISTRY.c();

    public static Long getQueuePollTimeoutMilli() {
        return queuePollTimeoutMilli;

    public static e getRegion() {
        return region;

    public static <T extends g> T getRequestMetricCollector() {
        if (f135425mc == null && isDefaultMetricsEnabled()) {
        return f135425mc == null ? (T) g.f135434a : (T) f135425mc.a();

    public static <T extends h> T getServiceMetricCollector() {
        if (f135425mc == null && isDefaultMetricsEnabled()) {
        return f135425mc == null ? (T) h.f135435a : (T) f135425mc.b();

    public static boolean isDefaultMetricsEnabled() {

    public static boolean isMachineMetricExcluded() {
        return machineMetricsExcluded;

    public static boolean isMetricsEnabled() {
        d dVar = f135425mc;
        return dVar != null && dVar.c();

    public static boolean isPerHostMetricEnabled() {
        String str;
        if (perHostMetricsIncluded) {
            return true;
        String str2 = hostMetricName;
        if (str2 == null) {
            str = "";
        } else {
            str = str2.trim();
        if (str.length() > 0) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public static boolean isPerHostMetricIncluded() {
        return perHostMetricsIncluded;

    public static boolean isSingleMetricNamespace() {
        return singleMetricNamespace;

    public static boolean remove(f fVar) {
        if (fVar == null) {
            return false;
        return REGISTRY.d(fVar);

    public static <T extends f> void set(Collection<T> collection) {

    public static void setCredentialFile(String str) throws IOException {

    private static void setCredentialFile0(String str) throws IOException {
        p pVar = new p(new File(str));
        synchronized (a.class) {
            credentialProvider = new C2193a(pVar);
            credentialFile = str;

    public static synchronized void setCredentialProvider(n0.d dVar) {
        synchronized (a.class) {
            credentialProvider = dVar;

    public static void setHostMetricName(String str) {
        hostMetricName = str;

    public static void setJvmMetricName(String str) {
        jvmMetricName = str;

    public static void setMachineMetricsExcluded(boolean z14) {
        machineMetricsExcluded = z14;

    public static synchronized void setMetricCollector(d dVar) {
        synchronized (a.class) {
            d dVar2 = f135425mc;
            f135425mc = dVar;
            if (dVar2 != null) {

    public static void setMetricNameSpace(String str) {
        if (str == null || str.trim().length() == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        metricNameSpace = str;

    public static void setMetricQueueSize(Integer num) {
        metricQueueSize = num;

    public static void setPerHostMetricsIncluded(boolean z14) {
        perHostMetricsIncluded = z14;

    public static void setQueuePollTimeoutMilli(Long l14) {
        queuePollTimeoutMilli = l14;

    public static void setRegion(e eVar) {
        region = eVar;

    public static void setSingleMetricNamespace(boolean z14) {
        singleMetricNamespace = z14;