抖阴.apk(点击下载) / r.java

package retrofit2;

import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import okhttp3.Protocol;
import okhttp3.a0;
import okhttp3.h0;
import okhttp3.j0;
import okhttp3.k0;
import retrofit2.l;

/* compiled from: Response */
public final class r<T> {
    private final j0 a;

    /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
    private final T f8234b;

    /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
    private final k0 f8235c;

    private r(j0 j0Var, @Nullable T t, @Nullable k0 k0Var) {
        this.a = j0Var;
        this.f8234b = t;
        this.f8235c = k0Var;

    public static <T> r<T> a(@Nullable T t) {
        return a((Object) t, new j0.a().a(200).a("OK").a(Protocol.HTTP_1_1).a(new h0.a().b("http://localhost/").a()).a());

    public int b() {
        return this.a.e();

    public k0 c() {
        return this.f8235c;

    public a0 d() {
        return this.a.g();

    public boolean e() {
        return this.a.i();

    public String f() {
        return this.a.j();

    public j0 g() {
        return this.a;

    public String toString() {
        return this.a.toString();

    public static <T> r<T> a(int i, @Nullable T t) {
        if (i >= 200 && i < 300) {
            return a((Object) t, new j0.a().a(i).a("Response.success()").a(Protocol.HTTP_1_1).a(new h0.a().b("http://localhost/").a()).a());
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("code < 200 or >= 300: " + i);

    public static <T> r<T> a(@Nullable T t, a0 a0Var) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(a0Var, "headers == null");
        return a((Object) t, new j0.a().a(200).a("OK").a(Protocol.HTTP_1_1).a(a0Var).a(new h0.a().b("http://localhost/").a()).a());

    public static <T> r<T> a(@Nullable T t, j0 j0Var) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(j0Var, "rawResponse == null");
        if (j0Var.i()) {
            return new r<>(j0Var, t, null);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("rawResponse must be successful response");

    public static <T> r<T> a(int i, k0 k0Var) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(k0Var, "body == null");
        if (i >= 400) {
            return a(k0Var, new j0.a().a(new l.c(k0Var.e(), k0Var.d())).a(i).a("Response.error()").a(Protocol.HTTP_1_1).a(new h0.a().b("http://localhost/").a()).a());
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("code < 400: " + i);

    public static <T> r<T> a(k0 k0Var, j0 j0Var) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(k0Var, "body == null");
        Objects.requireNonNull(j0Var, "rawResponse == null");
        if (!j0Var.i()) {
            return new r<>(j0Var, null, k0Var);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("rawResponse should not be successful response");

    public T a() {
        return this.f8234b;