小红书.apk(点击下载) / j.java

package retrofit2;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation;
import okhttp3.Call;
import okhttp3.Response;
import okhttp3.ResponseBody;
import retrofit2.w;

/* compiled from: HttpServiceMethod */
public abstract class j<ResponseT, ReturnT> extends t<ReturnT> {

    /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final q f125864a;

    /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final Call.Factory f125865b;

    /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final f<ResponseBody, ResponseT> f125866c;

    /* compiled from: HttpServiceMethod */
    public static final class a<ResponseT, ReturnT> extends j<ResponseT, ReturnT> {

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final c<ResponseT, ReturnT> f125867d;

        public a(q qVar, Call.Factory factory, f<ResponseBody, ResponseT> fVar, c<ResponseT, ReturnT> cVar) {
            super(qVar, factory, fVar);
            this.f125867d = cVar;

        @Override // retrofit2.j
        public ReturnT c(b<ResponseT> bVar, Object[] objArr) {
            return this.f125867d.b(bVar);

    /* compiled from: HttpServiceMethod */
    public static final class b<ResponseT> extends j<ResponseT, Object> {

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final c<ResponseT, b<ResponseT>> f125868d;

        /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final boolean f125869e;

        public b(q qVar, Call.Factory factory, f<ResponseBody, ResponseT> fVar, c<ResponseT, b<ResponseT>> cVar, boolean z14) {
            super(qVar, factory, fVar);
            this.f125868d = cVar;
            this.f125869e = z14;

        @Override // retrofit2.j
        public Object c(b<ResponseT> bVar, Object[] objArr) {
            b<ResponseT> b14 = this.f125868d.b(bVar);
            Continuation continuation = (Continuation) objArr[objArr.length - 1];
            try {
                if (this.f125869e) {
                    return l.b(b14, continuation);
                return l.a(b14, continuation);
            } catch (Exception e14) {
                return l.d(e14, continuation);

    /* compiled from: HttpServiceMethod */
    public static final class c<ResponseT> extends j<ResponseT, Object> {

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final c<ResponseT, b<ResponseT>> f125870d;

        public c(q qVar, Call.Factory factory, f<ResponseBody, ResponseT> fVar, c<ResponseT, b<ResponseT>> cVar) {
            super(qVar, factory, fVar);
            this.f125870d = cVar;

        @Override // retrofit2.j
        public Object c(b<ResponseT> bVar, Object[] objArr) {
            b<ResponseT> b14 = this.f125870d.b(bVar);
            Continuation continuation = (Continuation) objArr[objArr.length - 1];
            try {
                return l.c(b14, continuation);
            } catch (Exception e14) {
                return l.d(e14, continuation);

    public j(q qVar, Call.Factory factory, f<ResponseBody, ResponseT> fVar) {
        this.f125864a = qVar;
        this.f125865b = factory;
        this.f125866c = fVar;

    public static <ResponseT, ReturnT> c<ResponseT, ReturnT> d(s sVar, Method method, Type type, Annotation[] annotationArr) {
        try {
            return (c<ResponseT, ReturnT>) sVar.a(type, annotationArr);
        } catch (RuntimeException e14) {
            throw w.n(method, e14, "Unable to create call adapter for %s", type);

    public static <ResponseT> f<ResponseBody, ResponseT> e(s sVar, Method method, Type type) {
        try {
            return sVar.h(type, method.getAnnotations());
        } catch (RuntimeException e14) {
            throw w.n(method, e14, "Unable to create converter for %s", type);

    public static <ResponseT, ReturnT> j<ResponseT, ReturnT> f(s sVar, Method method, q qVar) {
        Type type;
        boolean z14;
        boolean z15 = qVar.f125960k;
        Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations();
        if (z15) {
            Type[] genericParameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
            Type f14 = w.f(0, (ParameterizedType) genericParameterTypes[genericParameterTypes.length - 1]);
            if (w.h(f14) != r.class || !(f14 instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
                z14 = false;
            } else {
                f14 = w.g(0, (ParameterizedType) f14);
                z14 = true;
            type = new w.b(null, b.class, f14);
            annotations = v.a(annotations);
        } else {
            type = method.getGenericReturnType();
            z14 = false;
        c d14 = d(sVar, method, type, annotations);
        Type a14 = d14.a();
        if (a14 == Response.class) {
            throw w.m(method, "'" + w.h(a14).getName() + "' is not a valid response body type. Did you mean ResponseBody?", new Object[0]);
        } else if (a14 == r.class) {
            throw w.m(method, "Response must include generic type (e.g., Response<String>)", new Object[0]);
        } else if (!qVar.f125952c.equals("HEAD") || Void.class.equals(a14)) {
            f e14 = e(sVar, method, a14);
            Call.Factory factory = sVar.f125990b;
            if (!z15) {
                return new a(qVar, factory, e14, d14);
            if (z14) {
                return new c(qVar, factory, e14, d14);
            return new b(qVar, factory, e14, d14, false);
        } else {
            throw w.m(method, "HEAD method must use Void as response type.", new Object[0]);

    @Override // retrofit2.t
    public final ReturnT a(Object[] objArr) {
        return c(new OkHttpCall(this.f125864a, objArr, this.f125865b, this.f125866c), objArr);

    public abstract ReturnT c(b<ResponseT> bVar, Object[] objArr);