9055彩票.apk(点击下载) / b.java

package io.reactivex;

import io.reactivex.annotations.CheckReturnValue;
import io.reactivex.annotations.NonNull;
import io.reactivex.annotations.SchedulerSupport;
import io.reactivex.d.a;
import io.reactivex.internal.d.h;
import io.reactivex.internal.e.a.c;
import io.reactivex.internal.e.a.d;
import io.reactivex.internal.e.a.e;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

/* compiled from: Completable */
public abstract class b implements d {
    /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
    public abstract void b(c cVar);

    public static b a(a aVar) {
        io.reactivex.internal.b.b.a((Object) aVar, "run is null");
        return io.reactivex.f.a.a(new io.reactivex.internal.e.a.a(aVar));

    public static b a(Callable<?> callable) {
        io.reactivex.internal.b.b.a((Object) callable, "callable is null");
        return io.reactivex.f.a.a(new io.reactivex.internal.e.a.b(callable));

    private static NullPointerException a(Throwable th) {
        NullPointerException nullPointerException = new NullPointerException("Actually not, but can't pass out an exception otherwise...");
        return nullPointerException;

    public static b a(d dVar) {
        io.reactivex.internal.b.b.a((Object) dVar, "source is null");
        if (dVar instanceof b) {
            return io.reactivex.f.a.a((b) dVar);
        return io.reactivex.f.a.a(new c(dVar));

    public final b a(e eVar) {
        return a(((e) io.reactivex.internal.b.b.a((Object) eVar, "transformer is null")).a(this));

    public final b a(r rVar) {
        io.reactivex.internal.b.b.a((Object) rVar, "scheduler is null");
        return io.reactivex.f.a.a(new d(this, rVar));

    public final io.reactivex.b.c a() {
        h hVar = new h();
        return hVar;

    @Override // io.reactivex.d
    public final void a(c cVar) {
        io.reactivex.internal.b.b.a((Object) cVar, "observer is null");
        try {
            c a2 = io.reactivex.f.a.a(this, cVar);
            io.reactivex.internal.b.b.a((Object) a2, "The RxJavaPlugins.onSubscribe hook returned a null CompletableObserver. Please check the handler provided to RxJavaPlugins.setOnCompletableSubscribe for invalid null returns. Further reading: https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki/Plugins");
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            throw a(th);

    public final io.reactivex.b.c a(a aVar, io.reactivex.d.d<? super Throwable> dVar) {
        io.reactivex.internal.b.b.a((Object) dVar, "onError is null");
        io.reactivex.internal.b.b.a((Object) aVar, "onComplete is null");
        io.reactivex.internal.d.d dVar2 = new io.reactivex.internal.d.d(dVar, aVar);
        return dVar2;

    public final b b(r rVar) {
        io.reactivex.internal.b.b.a((Object) rVar, "scheduler is null");
        return io.reactivex.f.a.a(new e(this, rVar));