APKPure.apk(点击下载) / e.java

package e.g.a.u.t;

import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.TextView;
import com.apkpure.aegon.R;
import com.apkpure.aegon.app.newcard.model.AppCardData;
import com.apkpure.aegon.widgets.textview.RoundTextView;
import com.google.android.gms.analytics.ecommerce.Promotion;
import e.g.a.h0.b.h;
import e.g.a.i0.g1;
import e.g.a.i0.p1;
import e.g.a.i0.x1.d;
import e.g.a.m0.k0.f;
import e.g.a.s.l.a;
import e.g.a.u.k;
import java.util.HashMap;
import k.g.c;
import o.s.c.j;

public final class e extends d {

    /* renamed from: l  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final /* synthetic */ int f7295l = 0;

    /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
    public TextView f7296e;

    /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
    public TextView f7297f;

    /* renamed from: g  reason: collision with root package name */
    public RoundTextView f7298g;

    /* renamed from: h  reason: collision with root package name */
    public RoundTextView f7299h;

    /* renamed from: i  reason: collision with root package name */
    public LinearLayout f7300i;

    /* renamed from: j  reason: collision with root package name */
    public LinearLayout f7301j;

    /* renamed from: k  reason: collision with root package name */
    public ImageView f7302k;

    @Override // e.g.a.i0.x1.d
    public int X0() {
        return R.layout.arg_RES_2131493135;

    @Override // e.g.a.i0.x1.d
    public void o0(View view) {
        Context context;
        j.e(view, Promotion.ACTION_VIEW);
        View findViewById = view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131297069);
        j.d(findViewById, "view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_root_ll)");
        LinearLayout linearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById;
        View findViewById2 = view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131296965);
        j.d(findViewById2, "view.findViewById(R.id.content_ll)");
        this.f7300i = (LinearLayout) findViewById2;
        View findViewById3 = view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131298659);
        j.d(findViewById3, "view.findViewById(R.id.title_tv)");
        this.f7296e = (TextView) findViewById3;
        View findViewById4 = view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131297021);
        j.d(findViewById4, "view.findViewById(R.id.desc_tv)");
        this.f7297f = (TextView) findViewById4;
        View findViewById5 = view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131296842);
        j.d(findViewById5, "view.findViewById(R.id.close_rtv)");
        this.f7298g = (RoundTextView) findViewById5;
        View findViewById6 = view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131297927);
        j.d(findViewById6, "view.findViewById(R.id.ok_rty)");
        this.f7299h = (RoundTextView) findViewById6;
        View findViewById7 = view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131296732);
        j.d(findViewById7, "view.findViewById(R.id.card_ll)");
        this.f7301j = (LinearLayout) findViewById7;
        View findViewById8 = view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131296663);
        j.d(findViewById8, "view.findViewById(R.id.bg_iv)");
        this.f7302k = (ImageView) findViewById8;
        boolean e0 = a.e0(this.b);
        TextView textView = this.f7296e;
        if (textView != null) {
            int i2 = R.color.arg_RES_2131099751;
            Context context2 = this.b;
            c.l0(textView, e0 ? i.i.d.a.b(context2, R.color.arg_RES_2131099751) : p1.i(context2, R.attr.arg_RES_2130969943));
            ImageView imageView = this.f7302k;
            if (imageView != null) {
                e.f.a.e.c.Y(imageView.getContext(), e0 ? "https://image.winudf.com/v2/user/admin/YWRtaW5fbWluaV9nYW1lX2NlbnRlcl9zaG9ydF9kaWFsb2dfYmdfbmlnaHQucG5nXzE2NjAxMTU5MDU4NDE/image.png?fakeurl=1" : "https://image.winudf.com/v2/user/admin/YWRtaW5fbWluaV9nYW1lX2NlbnRlcl9zaG9ydF9kaWFsb2dfYmcucG5nXzE2NjAxMTU5MDU4Mzk/image.png?fakeurl=1", imageView, e.f.a.e.c.K());
                TextView textView2 = this.f7297f;
                if (textView2 != null) {
                    if (e0) {
                        context = this.b;
                    } else {
                        context = this.b;
                        i2 = R.color.arg_RES_2131099747;
                    c.l0(textView2, i.i.d.a.b(context, i2));
                    int i3 = p1.i(this.b, R.attr.arg_RES_2130968870);
                    RoundTextView roundTextView = this.f7298g;
                    if (roundTextView != null) {
                        c.l0(roundTextView, i3);
                        f delegate = roundTextView.getDelegate();
                        delegate.f6864m = i3;
                        f delegate2 = roundTextView.getDelegate();
                        delegate2.f6857f = g1.f(0.2f, i3);
                        RoundTextView roundTextView2 = this.f7299h;
                        if (roundTextView2 != null) {
                            c.l0(roundTextView2, -1);
                            f delegate3 = roundTextView2.getDelegate();
                            delegate3.f6856e = i3;
                            f delegate4 = roundTextView2.getDelegate();
                            delegate4.f6857f = g1.f(0.7f, i3);
                            RoundTextView roundTextView3 = this.f7298g;
                            if (roundTextView3 != null) {
                                roundTextView3.setOnClickListener(new b(this));
                                RoundTextView roundTextView4 = this.f7299h;
                                if (roundTextView4 != null) {
                                    roundTextView4.setOnClickListener(new a(this));
                                    k.b = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                    LinearLayout linearLayout2 = this.f7300i;
                                    if (linearLayout2 != null) {
                                        j.e(linearLayout2, Promotion.ACTION_VIEW);
                                        HashMap<String, Object> b = k.b();
                                        h.s(linearLayout2, AppCardData.KEY_SCENE, b, true);
                                        h.o("imp", linearLayout2, b);
                                        LinearLayout linearLayout3 = this.f7301j;
                                        if (linearLayout3 != null) {
                                            j.e(linearLayout3, Promotion.ACTION_VIEW);
                                            HashMap<String, Object> b2 = k.b();
                                            b2.put("model_type", 153L);
                                            b2.put("module_name", "mini_game_shortcut");
                                            h.s(linearLayout3, "card", b2, false);
                                            h.o("imp", linearLayout3, b2);
                                            RoundTextView roundTextView5 = this.f7299h;
                                            if (roundTextView5 != null) {
                                                j.e(roundTextView5, Promotion.ACTION_VIEW);
                                                HashMap<String, Object> b3 = k.b();
                                                h.s(roundTextView5, "add_button", b3, false);
                                                h.o("imp", roundTextView5, b3);
                                                RoundTextView roundTextView6 = this.f7298g;
                                                if (roundTextView6 != null) {
                                                    j.e(roundTextView6, Promotion.ACTION_VIEW);
                                                    HashMap<String, Object> b4 = k.b();
                                                    h.s(roundTextView6, "close_button", b4, false);
                                                    h.o("imp", roundTextView6, b4);
                                                throw null;
                                            throw null;
                                        throw null;
                                    throw null;
                                throw null;
                            throw null;
                        throw null;
                    throw null;
                throw null;
            throw null;
        throw null;