APKPure.apk(点击下载) / q.java

package e.g.a.c.m;

import com.apkpure.aegon.application.AegonApplication;
import com.apkpure.aegon.application.RealApplicationLike;
import com.apkpure.aegon.widgets.webview.CustomWebView;
import com.yalantis.ucrop.R;
import e.g.a.h0.b.h;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import k.g.c;
import o.g;
import o.m;
import o.p.d;
import o.p.j.a.e;
import o.p.j.a.i;
import o.s.b.p;
import o.s.c.j;
import o.s.c.k;
import p.a.b0;

@e(c = "com.apkpure.aegon.ads.taboola.TaboolaBannerRequest$request$1", f = "TaboolaBannerRequest.kt", l = {R.styleable.AppCompatTheme_buttonBarStyle}, m = "invokeSuspend")
public final class q extends i implements p<b0, d<? super m>, Object> {
    public final /* synthetic */ u $listener;
    public final /* synthetic */ b0 $mainScope;
    public final /* synthetic */ Map<String, Integer> $placementCountConfig;
    public final /* synthetic */ long $startTime;
    public int label;
    public final /* synthetic */ o this$0;

    public static final class a extends k implements p<i, String, m> {
        public final /* synthetic */ u $listener;
        public final /* synthetic */ b0 $mainScope;
        public final /* synthetic */ long $startTime;
        public final /* synthetic */ o this$0;

        /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
        public a(long j2, o oVar, u uVar, b0 b0Var) {
            this.$startTime = j2;
            this.this$0 = oVar;
            this.$listener = uVar;
            this.$mainScope = b0Var;

        /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */
        /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object] */
        @Override // o.s.b.p
        public m j(i iVar, String str) {
            String str2 = str;
            j.e(str2, "returnCode");
            l a2 = l.f4997h.a();
            long j2 = this.$startTime;
            j.e(str2, "returnCode");
            h.p("AppAdLoad", o.o.h.o(new g("model_type", 1007), new g("module_name", "banner"), new g("is_ad", 6), new g("ad_use_timelong", Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - j2)), new g("return_code", str2), new g("ad_placement_id", "taboola_banner")));
            e.g.a.i0.f2.a.d().post(new c(this.this$0, iVar, this.$listener, str2, this.$mainScope));
            return m.f15828a;

    /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
    public q(o oVar, Map<String, Integer> map, long j2, u uVar, b0 b0Var, d<? super q> dVar) {
        super(2, dVar);
        this.this$0 = oVar;
        this.$placementCountConfig = map;
        this.$startTime = j2;
        this.$listener = uVar;
        this.$mainScope = b0Var;

    @Override // o.p.j.a.a
    public final d<m> create(Object obj, d<?> dVar) {
        return new q(this.this$0, this.$placementCountConfig, this.$startTime, this.$listener, this.$mainScope, dVar);

    @Override // o.p.j.a.a
    public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
        o.p.i.a aVar = o.p.i.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
        int i2 = this.label;
        if (i2 == 0) {
            try {
                int i3 = AegonApplication.f1165e;
                CustomWebView customWebView = new CustomWebView(RealApplicationLike.getContext(), null);
                o oVar = this.this$0;
                String A = i.i.d.c.A(customWebView.getSettings().s());
                j.d(A, "getWebViewUserAgent(webView)");
                oVar.f5005e = A;
            } catch (Exception unused) {
            o oVar2 = this.this$0;
            Map<String, Integer> map = this.$placementCountConfig;
            a aVar2 = new a(this.$startTime, this.this$0, this.$listener, this.$mainScope);
            this.label = 1;
            if (o.b(oVar2, "https://api.sve.cc/v1/apkpure/ads", false, map, aVar2, this) == aVar) {
                return aVar;
        } else if (i2 == 1) {
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
        return m.f15828a;

    /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object] */
    @Override // o.s.b.p
    public Object j(b0 b0Var, d<? super m> dVar) {
        return new q(this.this$0, this.$placementCountConfig, this.$startTime, this.$listener, this.$mainScope, dVar).invokeSuspend(m.f15828a);