WeChat.apk(点击下载) / m.java

package cu3;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.Application;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Pair;
import androidx.camera.core.FocusMeteringAction;
import bw3.j5;
import bw3.l95;
import bw3.lt3;
import bw3.w3;
import bw3.xk4;
import com.google.android.gms.common.Scopes;
import com.tencent.kinda.framework.widget.tools.ConstantsKinda;
import com.tencent.mm.R;
import com.tencent.mm.app.AppForegroundDelegate;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.CommandProcessorEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.GetJDUrlEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.GotoCardHomePageEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.openim.api.OpenIMKefuStartConversationRequest;
import com.tencent.mm.opensdk.channel.MMessageActV2;
import com.tencent.mm.opensdk.modelbiz.WXChannelOpenEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.config.AppBrandLaunchReferrer;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.report.AppBrandStatObject;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.c1;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.d1;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.magicbrush.q0;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.mmsight.segment.FFmpegMetadataRetriever;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.report.service.q;
import com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.model.app.j0;
import com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.model.q1;
import com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.wallet.PayInfo;
import com.tencent.mm.protocal.GeneralControlWrapper;
import com.tencent.mm.protocal.JsapiPermissionWrapper;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.http.HttpWrapperBase;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.BuildInfo;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.ChannelUtil;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.LocaleUtil;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.Log;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.MMApplicationContext;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.ScopedStorageUtil;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.Util;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.WeChatBrands;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.WeChatHosts;
import com.tencent.mm.storage.w1;
import com.tencent.mm.storage.z1;
import com.tencent.mm.ui.MMWizardActivity;
import com.tencent.mm.ui.contact.t1;
import com.tencent.mm.vfs.u1;
import com.tencent.thumbplayer.tplayer.plugins.report.TPReportKeys;
import com.tencent.tmassistantsdk.openSDK.OpenSDKTool4Assistant;
import com.tencent.tmassistantsdk.openSDK.QQDownloader.AssistantStore;
import com.tencent.wechat.aff.ting.TingProto;
import com.tencent.xweb.XWebSdk;
import com.tencent.xweb.util.WXWebReporter;
import com.tencent.xweb.xwalk.plugin.XWalkPlugin;
import com.tencent.xweb.xwalk.plugin.XWalkPluginManager;
import d60.z;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import jh2.k0;
import ln.l;
import nf0.b3;
import nf0.c3;
import nf0.j2;
import nf0.u0;
import nf0.w0;
import nf0.z0;
import om0.o;
import qt0.b;
import qv3.k;
import t32.e2;
import t32.u5;
import vj.r;
import xc4.t;
import yf0.n;
import yf0.y;
import yz3.j;

public final class m {

    /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final String f194043a = (HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS + WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fyn) + "/deeplink/noaccess#wechat_redirect");

    /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static boolean f194044b = false;

    /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final String f194045c = (HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS + WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fyn) + "/security");

    /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final String f194046d = (HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS + WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fym) + "/security");

    /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static String f194047e = "";

    /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final Map<String, Long> f194048f;

    public class a implements n {

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ Context f194053d;

        /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ int f194054e;

        /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ String f194055f;

        /* renamed from: g  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ String f194056g;

        /* renamed from: h  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ h f194057h;

        public a(Context context, int i15, String str, String str2, h hVar) {
            this.f194053d = context;
            this.f194054e = i15;
            this.f194055f = str;
            this.f194056g = str2;
            this.f194057h = hVar;

        /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:39:0x014a  */
        /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:41:? A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */
        @Override // yf0.n
        public void onSceneEnd(int i15, int i16, String str, y yVar) {
            h hVar;
            boolean z15;
            int i17;
            Exception e15;
            q qVar;
            Object[] objArr;
            z.d().p(TingProto.TingScene.TingScene_SingerWikiHalfScreen_VALUE, this);
            boolean z16 = true;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "[oneliang][doDeepLink][onSceneEnd]:errType:%s,errCode:%s,errMsg:%s", Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i16), str);
            if (yVar == null || !(yVar instanceof nt.e)) {
                z16 = false;
            } else {
                nt.e eVar = (nt.e) yVar;
                long M0 = eVar.M0();
                String s15 = m.s(eVar.Q());
                char c15 = 4;
                if (m.o(s15, M0)) {
                    try {
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "[oneliang] uri: %s", s15);
                        try {
                            z15 = m.m(this.f194053d, s15, null, 0, null, eVar.getCurrentSessionId(), eVar.T(), null);
                            try {
                                qVar = q.INSTANCE;
                                objArr = new Object[5];
                                objArr[0] = s15;
                                objArr[1] = 1;
                                objArr[2] = Integer.valueOf(this.f194054e);
                                objArr[3] = this.f194055f;
                                c15 = 4;
                            } catch (Exception e16) {
                                e15 = e16;
                                i17 = 11405;
                                c15 = 4;
                                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e15, "", "");
                                q qVar2 = q.INSTANCE;
                                Object[] objArr2 = new Object[5];
                                objArr2[0] = s15;
                                objArr2[1] = 0;
                                objArr2[2] = Integer.valueOf(this.f194054e);
                                objArr2[3] = this.f194055f;
                                objArr2[c15] = Util.nullAsNil(this.f194056g);
                                qVar2.g(i17, objArr2);
                                z16 = z15;
                                hVar = this.f194057h;
                                if (hVar != null) {
                            try {
                                objArr[4] = Util.nullAsNil(this.f194056g);
                                i17 = 11405;
                                try {
                                    qVar.g(11405, objArr);
                                } catch (Exception e17) {
                                    e15 = e17;
                            } catch (Exception e18) {
                                e15 = e18;
                                i17 = 11405;
                                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e15, "", "");
                                q qVar22 = q.INSTANCE;
                                Object[] objArr22 = new Object[5];
                                objArr22[0] = s15;
                                objArr22[1] = 0;
                                objArr22[2] = Integer.valueOf(this.f194054e);
                                objArr22[3] = this.f194055f;
                                objArr22[c15] = Util.nullAsNil(this.f194056g);
                                qVar22.g(i17, objArr22);
                                z16 = z15;
                                hVar = this.f194057h;
                                if (hVar != null) {
                        } catch (Exception e19) {
                            e15 = e19;
                            i17 = 11405;
                            c15 = 4;
                            z15 = false;
                            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e15, "", "");
                            q qVar222 = q.INSTANCE;
                            Object[] objArr222 = new Object[5];
                            objArr222[0] = s15;
                            objArr222[1] = 0;
                            objArr222[2] = Integer.valueOf(this.f194054e);
                            objArr222[3] = this.f194055f;
                            objArr222[c15] = Util.nullAsNil(this.f194056g);
                            qVar222.g(i17, objArr222);
                            z16 = z15;
                            hVar = this.f194057h;
                            if (hVar != null) {
                    } catch (Exception e25) {
                        e15 = e25;
                        i17 = 11405;
                        z15 = false;
                        Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e15, "", "");
                        q qVar2222 = q.INSTANCE;
                        Object[] objArr2222 = new Object[5];
                        objArr2222[0] = s15;
                        objArr2222[1] = 0;
                        objArr2222[2] = Integer.valueOf(this.f194054e);
                        objArr2222[3] = this.f194055f;
                        objArr2222[c15] = Util.nullAsNil(this.f194056g);
                        qVar2222.g(i17, objArr2222);
                        z16 = z15;
                        hVar = this.f194057h;
                        if (hVar != null) {
                    z16 = z15;
                } else {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "[oneliang] no permission");
                    if (eVar.J() != 49) {
                        Intent intent = new Intent();
                        intent.setClassName(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.WebViewUI");
                        intent.putExtra("rawUrl", m.f194043a);
                        intent.putExtra("geta8key_session_id", eVar.getCurrentSessionId());
                        intent.putExtra("geta8key_cookie", eVar.T());
                        sv3.b.j(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "webview", "com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.WebViewUI", intent, null);
                        q.INSTANCE.g(11405, s15, 0, Integer.valueOf(this.f194054e), this.f194055f, Util.nullAsNil(this.f194056g));
                    } else {
                        ((zw2.c) j.c(zw2.c.class)).wo0(this.f194053d, 4);
            hVar = this.f194057h;
            if (hVar != null) {
                hVar.c(i15, i16, str, yVar, z16);

    public class b implements n {

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ zy.h f194058d;

        /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ boolean f194059e;

        /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ h f194060f;

        /* renamed from: g  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ String f194061g;

        /* renamed from: h  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ Bundle f194062h;

        /* renamed from: i  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ Context f194063i;

        /* renamed from: j  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ int f194064j;

        public class a implements Runnable {

            /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
            public final /* synthetic */ y f194065d;

            /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
            public final /* synthetic */ int f194066e;

            /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
            public final /* synthetic */ int f194067f;

            /* renamed from: g  reason: collision with root package name */
            public final /* synthetic */ String f194068g;

            /* renamed from: cu3.m$b$a$a  reason: collision with other inner class name */
            public class RunnableC2025a implements Runnable {

                /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
                public final /* synthetic */ String f194070d;

                /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
                public final /* synthetic */ l95 f194071e;

                public RunnableC2025a(String str, l95 l95) {
                    this.f194070d = str;
                    this.f194071e = l95;

                /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:80:0x01ac  */
                /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:93:0x0232  */
                /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:96:? A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */
                public void run() {
                    String str;
                    y yVar;
                    int i15;
                    boolean z15;
                    String str2;
                    h hVar;
                    String str3;
                    String str4;
                    boolean z16;
                    String str5;
                    String str6;
                    String str7;
                    char c15;
                    int i16;
                    char c16;
                    int i17;
                    int i18;
                    Exception e15;
                    q qVar;
                    Object[] objArr;
                    a aVar = a.this;
                    b bVar = b.this;
                    String str8 = this.f194070d;
                    int i19 = aVar.f194066e;
                    int i25 = aVar.f194067f;
                    String str9 = aVar.f194068g;
                    l95 l95 = this.f194071e;
                    y yVar2 = aVar.f194065d;
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "doTicketsDeepLink deepLinkUri: %s", str8);
                    int i26 = l95 != null ? l95.f28286s : 0;
                    if (l95 != null) {
                        str = l95.f28287t;
                    } else {
                        str = "";
                    boolean z17 = false;
                    if (m.c(str8)) {
                        try {
                            Object[] objArr2 = new Object[2];
                            objArr2[0] = str8;
                            try {
                                try {
                                    objArr2[1] = bVar.f194062h;
                                    Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "doTicketsDeepLink: deepLinkUri = %s, extraData: %s", objArr2);
                                    c15 = 2;
                                    str7 = "";
                                    str6 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                                    yVar = yVar2;
                                    str4 = str9;
                                    i15 = i25;
                                } catch (Exception e16) {
                                    e15 = e16;
                                    i18 = 4;
                                    str7 = "";
                                    str6 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                                    c16 = 0;
                                    str4 = str9;
                                    i15 = i25;
                                    i16 = 1;
                                    i17 = 11405;
                                    c15 = 2;
                                    yVar = yVar2;
                                    str3 = str4;
                                    Object[] objArr3 = new Object[i16];
                                    objArr3[c16] = str7;
                                    Log.printErrStackTrace(str6, e15, str7, objArr3);
                                    q qVar2 = q.INSTANCE;
                                    Object[] objArr4 = new Object[i18];
                                    objArr4[c16] = bVar.f194061g;
                                    objArr4[i16] = Integer.valueOf(bVar.f194064j);
                                    objArr4[c15] = 0;
                                    objArr4[3] = str8;
                                    qVar2.g(i17, objArr4);
                                    str2 = str3;
                                    z15 = z17;
                                    hVar = bVar.f194060f;
                                    if (hVar != null) {
                            } catch (Exception e17) {
                                e15 = e17;
                                i18 = 4;
                                str7 = "";
                                str6 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                                c16 = 0;
                                yVar = yVar2;
                                str4 = str9;
                                i15 = i25;
                                i17 = 11405;
                                i16 = 1;
                                c15 = 2;
                                str3 = str4;
                                Object[] objArr32 = new Object[i16];
                                objArr32[c16] = str7;
                                Log.printErrStackTrace(str6, e15, str7, objArr32);
                                q qVar22 = q.INSTANCE;
                                Object[] objArr42 = new Object[i18];
                                objArr42[c16] = bVar.f194061g;
                                objArr42[i16] = Integer.valueOf(bVar.f194064j);
                                objArr42[c15] = 0;
                                objArr42[3] = str8;
                                qVar22.g(i17, objArr42);
                                str2 = str3;
                                z15 = z17;
                                hVar = bVar.f194060f;
                                if (hVar != null) {
                            try {
                                z17 = m.n(bVar.f194063i, str8, null, bVar.f194064j, bVar.f194062h, yv3.h.a(), new byte[0], bVar.f194061g, i26, str, bVar.f194060f);
                                qVar = q.INSTANCE;
                                i18 = 4;
                                try {
                                    objArr = new Object[4];
                                    c16 = 0;
                                } catch (Exception e18) {
                                    e15 = e18;
                                    i17 = 11405;
                                    c16 = 0;
                                    i16 = 1;
                                    str3 = str4;
                                    Object[] objArr322 = new Object[i16];
                                    objArr322[c16] = str7;
                                    Log.printErrStackTrace(str6, e15, str7, objArr322);
                                    q qVar222 = q.INSTANCE;
                                    Object[] objArr422 = new Object[i18];
                                    objArr422[c16] = bVar.f194061g;
                                    objArr422[i16] = Integer.valueOf(bVar.f194064j);
                                    objArr422[c15] = 0;
                                    objArr422[3] = str8;
                                    qVar222.g(i17, objArr422);
                                    str2 = str3;
                                    z15 = z17;
                                    hVar = bVar.f194060f;
                                    if (hVar != null) {
                            } catch (Exception e19) {
                                e15 = e19;
                                i18 = 4;
                                i17 = 11405;
                                c16 = 0;
                                i16 = 1;
                                str3 = str4;
                                Object[] objArr3222 = new Object[i16];
                                objArr3222[c16] = str7;
                                Log.printErrStackTrace(str6, e15, str7, objArr3222);
                                q qVar2222 = q.INSTANCE;
                                Object[] objArr4222 = new Object[i18];
                                objArr4222[c16] = bVar.f194061g;
                                objArr4222[i16] = Integer.valueOf(bVar.f194064j);
                                objArr4222[c15] = 0;
                                objArr4222[3] = str8;
                                qVar2222.g(i17, objArr4222);
                                str2 = str3;
                                z15 = z17;
                                hVar = bVar.f194060f;
                                if (hVar != null) {
                            try {
                                objArr[0] = bVar.f194061g;
                                i16 = 1;
                                try {
                                    objArr[1] = Integer.valueOf(bVar.f194064j);
                                    objArr[2] = 1;
                                    objArr[3] = str8;
                                    i17 = 11405;
                                } catch (Exception e25) {
                                    e15 = e25;
                                    i17 = 11405;
                                    str3 = str4;
                                    Object[] objArr32222 = new Object[i16];
                                    objArr32222[c16] = str7;
                                    Log.printErrStackTrace(str6, e15, str7, objArr32222);
                                    q qVar22222 = q.INSTANCE;
                                    Object[] objArr42222 = new Object[i18];
                                    objArr42222[c16] = bVar.f194061g;
                                    objArr42222[i16] = Integer.valueOf(bVar.f194064j);
                                    objArr42222[c15] = 0;
                                    objArr42222[3] = str8;
                                    qVar22222.g(i17, objArr42222);
                                    str2 = str3;
                                    z15 = z17;
                                    hVar = bVar.f194060f;
                                    if (hVar != null) {
                                try {
                                    qVar.g(11405, objArr);
                                    if (m.f194044b) {
                                        str3 = bVar.f194063i.getString(R.string.hfk);
                                        try {
                                            m.f194044b = false;
                                        } catch (Exception e26) {
                                            e15 = e26;
                                        str2 = str3;
                                        z15 = z17;
                                        hVar = bVar.f194060f;
                                        if (hVar != null) {
                                            hVar.c(i19, i15, str2, yVar, z15);
                                } catch (Exception e27) {
                                    e15 = e27;
                                    str3 = str4;
                                    Object[] objArr322222 = new Object[i16];
                                    objArr322222[c16] = str7;
                                    Log.printErrStackTrace(str6, e15, str7, objArr322222);
                                    q qVar222222 = q.INSTANCE;
                                    Object[] objArr422222 = new Object[i18];
                                    objArr422222[c16] = bVar.f194061g;
                                    objArr422222[i16] = Integer.valueOf(bVar.f194064j);
                                    objArr422222[c15] = 0;
                                    objArr422222[3] = str8;
                                    qVar222222.g(i17, objArr422222);
                                    str2 = str3;
                                    z15 = z17;
                                    hVar = bVar.f194060f;
                                    if (hVar != null) {
                            } catch (Exception e28) {
                                e15 = e28;
                                i17 = 11405;
                                i16 = 1;
                                str3 = str4;
                                Object[] objArr3222222 = new Object[i16];
                                objArr3222222[c16] = str7;
                                Log.printErrStackTrace(str6, e15, str7, objArr3222222);
                                q qVar2222222 = q.INSTANCE;
                                Object[] objArr4222222 = new Object[i18];
                                objArr4222222[c16] = bVar.f194061g;
                                objArr4222222[i16] = Integer.valueOf(bVar.f194064j);
                                objArr4222222[c15] = 0;
                                objArr4222222[3] = str8;
                                qVar2222222.g(i17, objArr4222222);
                                str2 = str3;
                                z15 = z17;
                                hVar = bVar.f194060f;
                                if (hVar != null) {
                        } catch (Exception e29) {
                            e15 = e29;
                            c15 = 2;
                            i18 = 4;
                            str7 = "";
                            str6 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                            c16 = 0;
                            yVar = yVar2;
                            str4 = str9;
                            i15 = i25;
                            i17 = 11405;
                            i16 = 1;
                            str3 = str4;
                            Object[] objArr32222222 = new Object[i16];
                            objArr32222222[c16] = str7;
                            Log.printErrStackTrace(str6, e15, str7, objArr32222222);
                            q qVar22222222 = q.INSTANCE;
                            Object[] objArr42222222 = new Object[i18];
                            objArr42222222[c16] = bVar.f194061g;
                            objArr42222222[i16] = Integer.valueOf(bVar.f194064j);
                            objArr42222222[c15] = 0;
                            objArr42222222[3] = str8;
                            qVar22222222.g(i17, objArr42222222);
                            str2 = str3;
                            z15 = z17;
                            hVar = bVar.f194060f;
                            if (hVar != null) {
                    } else {
                        yVar = yVar2;
                        str4 = str9;
                        i15 = i25;
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "doTicketsDeepLink: translate failed");
                        if (!(i19 == 0 && i15 == 0)) {
                            if (l95 != null) {
                                str5 = l95.f28284q;
                            } else {
                                str5 = "";
                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str5)) {
                                Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "doTicketsDeepLink goto redirectUrl: %s", str5);
                                WeakReference<Activity> k15 = AppForegroundDelegate.k();
                                if (k15 == null || k15.get() == null) {
                                    k15 = AppForegroundDelegate.INSTANCE.j();
                                Activity context = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                                if (!(k15 == null || k15.get() == null)) {
                                    context = k15.get();
                                Intent intent = new Intent();
                                if (!(context instanceof Activity)) {
                                intent.setClassName(context, "com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.WebViewUI");
                                intent.putExtra("rawUrl", str5);
                                intent.putExtra("showShare", false);
                                sv3.b.j(context, "webview", "com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.WebViewUI", intent, null);
                                z16 = true;
                                if (!z16) {
                                    q qVar3 = q.INSTANCE;
                                    qVar3.g(11405, bVar.f194061g, Integer.valueOf(bVar.f194064j), 0, str8);
                                    int i27 = bVar.f194064j;
                                    if (i27 != 1 || bVar.f194060f == null) {
                                        Intent intent2 = new Intent();
                                        intent2.setClassName(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.WebViewUI");
                                        intent2.putExtra("rawUrl", m.f194043a);
                                        intent2.putExtra("showShare", false);
                                        Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "doTicketsDeepLink goto WebViewUI extraData: %s", bVar.f194062h);
                                        Bundle bundle = bVar.f194062h;
                                        if (bundle != null) {
                                        sv3.b.j(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "webview", "com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.WebViewUI", intent2, null);
                                        z15 = true;
                                        str2 = str4;
                                        hVar = bVar.f194060f;
                                        if (hVar != null) {
                                    } else {
                                        qVar3.g(11405, bVar.f194061g, Integer.valueOf(i27), 0, str8);
                                        bVar.f194060f.c(i19, i15, str4, yVar, false);
                        z16 = false;
                        if (!z16) {
                    str3 = str4;
                    str2 = str3;
                    z15 = z17;
                    hVar = bVar.f194060f;
                    if (hVar != null) {

            public a(y yVar, int i15, int i16, String str) {
                this.f194065d = yVar;
                this.f194066e = i15;
                this.f194067f = i16;
                this.f194068g = str;

            public void run() {
                l95 f15 = ((zy.h) this.f194065d).f();
                String K0 = ((zy.h) this.f194065d).K0();
                b bVar = b.this;
                String str = bVar.f194061g;
                Bundle bundle = bVar.f194062h;
                zy.h hVar = (zy.h) this.f194065d;
                String str2 = m.f194043a;
                if (!(!str.startsWith("weixin://dl/channels/shareVideo/") || bundle == null || f15 == null)) {
                    xk4 xk42 = f15.f28288u;
                    Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
                    objArr[0] = xk42 != null ? Integer.valueOf(xk42.f42271d) : null;
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "fillTranslateLinkResponse finderInfoResult: %s", objArr);
                    if (xk42 != null) {
                        String string = bundle.getString("key_app_id");
                        bundle.putInt("key_finder_share_video_jump_info_state", xk42.f42271d);
                        bundle.putString("key_finder_share_video_jump_info_string", hVar.q(string));
                ((xc4.j) xc4.j.f338034d).z(new RunnableC2025a(K0, f15));

        public b(zy.h hVar, boolean z15, h hVar2, String str, Bundle bundle, Context context, int i15) {
            this.f194058d = hVar;
            this.f194059e = z15;
            this.f194060f = hVar2;
            this.f194061g = str;
            this.f194062h = bundle;
            this.f194063i = context;
            this.f194064j = i15;

        @Override // yf0.n
        public void onSceneEnd(int i15, int i16, String str, y yVar) {
            if (this.f194058d == yVar) {
                z.d().p(1200, this);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "doTicketsDeepLink: errType = %s; errCode = %s; errMsg = %s", Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i16), str);
                if (!(yVar instanceof zy.h)) {
                if (this.f194059e) {
                    h hVar = this.f194060f;
                    if (hVar != null) {
                        hVar.c(i15, i16, str, yVar, true);
                    Log.w("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "doTicketsDeepLink justGetTranslateLinkResult, return");
                ((xc4.j) xc4.j.f338034d).a(new a(yVar, i15, i16, str));

    public class c implements u5.a<Integer> {

        /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ String f194073a;

        public c(String str) {
            this.f194073a = str;

        /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */
        @Override // t32.u5.a
        public void a(Integer num) {
            Integer num2 = num;
            try {
                new a50.g().put(OpenSDKTool4Assistant.EXTRA_ERROR_CODE, num2);
            } catch (a50.f e15) {
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e15, "FINDER_OPEN_EVENT json expt", new Object[0]);
            com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.model.app.j appInfo = ((l) j.c(l.class)).getAppInfo(this.f194073a);
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            WXChannelOpenEvent.Resp resp = new WXChannelOpenEvent.Resp();
            if (num2.intValue() == 400) {
                resp.errCode = 400;
                resp.extMsg = "";
                if (appInfo == null) {
                    Log.w("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "can not find app info");
                MMessageActV2.Args args = new MMessageActV2.Args();
                args.targetPkgName = appInfo.field_packageName;
                args.bundle = bundle;
                args.flags = 268435456;
                MMessageActV2.send(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), args);

    public class d implements Runnable {

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ a50.g f194074d;

        public d(a50.g gVar) {
            this.f194074d = gVar;

        public void run() {

    public class e implements c3.a {

        /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ Intent f194075a;

        /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ Context f194076b;

        public e(Intent intent, Context context) {
            this.f194075a = intent;
            this.f194076b = context;

        @Override // nf0.c3.a
        public void a(String str, boolean z15) {
            if (!z15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "getContact fail, %s", str);
            this.f194075a.putExtra("Chat_User", str);
            try {
                Context context = this.f194076b;
                if (context != null) {
                    Intent intent = this.f194075a;
                    k30.a aVar = new k30.a();
                    j30.a.d(context, aVar.b(), "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$5", "getContactCallBack", "(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                    context.startActivity((Intent) aVar.a(0));
                    j30.a.e(context, "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$5", "getContactCallBack", "(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                Context context2 = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                Intent intent2 = this.f194075a;
                k30.a aVar2 = new k30.a();
                j30.a.d(context2, aVar2.b(), "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$5", "getContactCallBack", "(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                context2.startActivity((Intent) aVar2.a(0));
                j30.a.e(context2, "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$5", "getContactCallBack", "(Ljava/lang/String;Z)V", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e15, "", "");

    public class f implements i {

        /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final AtomicBoolean f194077a = new AtomicBoolean(false);

        /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ i f194078b;

        public f(i iVar) {
            this.f194078b = iVar;

        @Override // cu3.m.i
        public void a() {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "onDeepLinkDone#buildWeAppStartCallback");
            if (this.f194077a.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            } else {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "onDeepLinkDone#buildWeAppStartCallback, already callback");

        @Override // cu3.m.i
        public void b() {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "markDeepLinkDoneWillBeCallback#buildWeAppStartCallback");

    public class g implements om0.q {

        /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ Context f194079a;

        /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ i f194080b;

        public g(Context context, i iVar) {
            this.f194079a = context;
            this.f194080b = iVar;
            if (context instanceof Activity) {
                ((Application) MMApplicationContext.getContext()).registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new m$g$$b(this, this));

        @Override // om0.q
        public void a() {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "onAppBrandProcessDied#buildWeAppStartCallback");
            ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).Di(this);

        @Override // om0.q
        public void b(String str) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "onTriggerHalfScreenShare#buildWeAppStartCallback, token: " + str);

        @Override // om0.q
        public void c() {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "onAppBrandUIEnter#buildWeAppStartCallback");
            ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).Di(this);

        @Override // om0.q
        public void d() {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "onStartAppBrandUI#buildWeAppStartCallback");
            t tVar = xc4.j.f338034d;
            m$g$$a m_g__a = new m$g$$a(this.f194080b, this);
            xc4.j jVar = (xc4.j) tVar;
            jVar.w(m_g__a, FocusMeteringAction.DEFAULT_AUTOCANCEL_DURATION, false);

        @Override // om0.q
        public void e() {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "onAppBrandPreconditionError#buildWeAppStartCallback");
            ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).Di(this);

        @Override // om0.q
        public void f(boolean z15) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "onAppBrandUIExit#buildWeAppStartCallback, isFinish: " + z15);

    public interface h {
        void c(int i15, int i16, String str, y yVar, boolean z15);

    public interface i {
        void a();

        void b();

    static {
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        f194048f = hashMap;
        hashMap.put("weixin://", 0L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/stickers", 1L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/games", 2L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/moments", 4L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/add", 8L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/shopping", 16L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/groupchat", 32L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/scan", 64L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/profile", 128L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/settings", 256L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/general", 512L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/help", 1024L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/notifications", 2048L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/terms", 4096L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/chat", 8192L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/features", 16384L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/clear", 32768L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/feedback", 65536L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/faq", 131072L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/recommendation", 262144L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/groups", 524288L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/tags", 1048576L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/officialaccounts", 2097152L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/posts", 4194304L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/favorites", 8388608L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/privacy", 16777216L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/security", 33554432L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/wallet", 67108864L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/businessPay", 134217728L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/businessPay/", 134217728L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/wechatout", 268435456L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/protection", 1073741824L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/card", 2147483648L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/about", 1125899906842624L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/blacklist", 4294967296L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/textsize", 8589934592L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/sight", 17179869184L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/languages", 34359738368L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/chathistory", 68719476736L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/bindqq", 137438953472L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/bindmobile", 274877906944L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/bindemail", 549755813888L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/securityassistant", 1099511627776L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/broadcastmessage", 2199023255552L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/setname", 4398046511104L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/myQRcode", 8796093022208L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/myaddress", 17592186044416L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/hidemoments", 35184372088832L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/blockmoments", 70368744177664L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/stickersetting", 140737488355328L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/log", 281474976710656L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/wechatoutcoupon", 562949953421312L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/wechatoutshare", 18014398509481984L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/personalemoticon", 4503599627370496L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/designeremoji", 9007199254740992L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/jumpWxa/", 576460752303423489L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/offlinepay/", 576460752303423490L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/channels/shareVideo/", 576460752303423492L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/channels/profile/", 576460752303423496L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/channels/live/", 576460752303423504L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/channels/feed/", 576460752303423520L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/customerService/", 576460752303423552L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/channels/openEvent/", 576460752303423744L);
        hashMap.put("weixin://dl/channels/startLive/", 576460752303423616L);

    public static om0.q a(Context context, h hVar) {
        if (!(hVar instanceof i)) {
            return null;
        return new g(context, new f((i) hVar));

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:14:0x0058  */
    public static boolean b(String str) {
        boolean z15;
        if (str.equals("weixin://dl/wechatout") || str.equals("weixin://dl/wechatoutcoupon") || str.equals("weixin://dl/wechatoutshare")) {
            w1.a aVar = w1.a.f175347i3;
            if (z.a()) {
                if (((jt3.b) z.q(jt3.b.class)).gv0().b("WCOEntranceSwitch", 0) > 0) {
                    z.s().i().L(aVar, Boolean.TRUE);
                    z15 = true;
                    if (!z15) {
                        Intent intent = new Intent();
                        intent.setClassName(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.WebViewUI");
                        intent.putExtra("rawUrl", f194043a);
                        sv3.b.j(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "webview", ".ui.tools.WebViewUI", intent, null);
                        return true;
                } else {
                    z.s().i().L(aVar, Boolean.FALSE);
            z15 = false;
            if (!z15) {
        return false;

    public static boolean c(String str) {
        String r15 = r(s(str));
        if (((HashMap) f194048f).containsKey(r15)) {
            return true;
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(r15) && r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/business")) {
            return true;
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(r15) && r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/openbusinesswebview")) {
            return true;
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(r15) && (r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/jumpFakeWxa/") || r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/openNativeView/"))) {
            return true;
        return !Util.isNullOrNil(r15) && r15.startsWith("weixin://biz/");

    public static void d(Context context, String str, String str2, int i15, String str3, h hVar) {
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            str = str3;
        if (!b(str)) {
            nt.e vJ = ((nt.d) j.c(nt.d.class)).vJ(str, str2, i15, 0, yv3.h.a(), new byte[0]);
            z.d().a(TingProto.TingScene.TingScene_SingerWikiHalfScreen_VALUE, new a(context, i15, str2, str, hVar));
            z.d().f((y) vJ);

    public static void e(a50.g gVar) {
        if (gVar != null) {
            String optString = gVar.optString("package_info");
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(optString)) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "package_info is null in invokeData");
            try {
                a50.e eVar = new a50.e(optString);
                if (eVar.length() > 0) {
                    String str = z.s().f198644e + "TempMiniProgram/";
                    ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                    for (int i15 = 0; i15 < eVar.length(); i15++) {
                        a50.g gVar2 = new a50.g(eVar.getString(i15));
                        String optString2 = gVar2.optString("downloadUrl");
                        long optLong = gVar2.optLong("expireTime");
                        String optString3 = gVar2.optString("extraBytes");
                        String optString4 = gVar2.optString(AssistantStore.DownloadInfos.DownloadInfoColumns.FILEPATH);
                        String optString5 = gVar2.optString("fileMd5");
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(optString5) && !Util.isNullOrNil(optString2) && !Util.isNullOrNil(optString4) && !Util.isNullOrNil(optString3) && optLong > 0) {
                            if (optString4.startsWith("content")) {
                                if (u1.k(optString4)) {
                                    if (!u1.k(str)) {
                                    String str2 = str + Util.safeFormatString("%s.%s", optString5, u1.o(optString4));
                                    if (u1.d(optString4, str2, false) <= 0) {
                                        Log.e("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "file copy failed");
                                    } else {
                                        byte[] decodeHexString = Util.decodeHexString(optString3);
                                        b.a aVar = new b.a();
                                        Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", aVar.toString());
                                        aVar.f291395j = optLong;
                                        aVar.f291393h = optString5;
                                        aVar.f291394i = optString2;
                                        arrayList.add(new Pair(aVar, str2));
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "file not Exists, path = %s", optString4);
                    ((qt0.b) j.c(qt0.b.class)).BG(arrayList);
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e15.getMessage());

    public static void f(Context context, String str, int i15, Bundle bundle, h hVar, String str2, String str3) {
        g(context, str, i15, bundle, hVar, str2, str3, false);

    public static void g(Context context, String str, int i15, Bundle bundle, h hVar, String str2, String str3, boolean z15) {
        LinkedList<j5> linkedList = new LinkedList<>();
        j5 j5Var = new j5();
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str2) && !Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "package name = %s, package signature = %s", str2, str3);
            j5Var.f25705e = str2;
            j5Var.f25704d = str3;
        if (!b(str)) {
            zy.h w95 = ((zy.j) j.c(zy.j.class)).w9(str, i15, linkedList);
            if (str.startsWith("weixin://dl/channels/shareVideo/") && bundle != null) {
                String string = bundle.getString("key_finder_share_video_jump_info_string", "");
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string)) {
            z.d().a(1200, new b(w95, z15, hVar, str, bundle, context, i15));
            z.d().f((y) w95);

    public static Intent h(String str, Context context) {
        if (context == null || Util.isNullOrNil(str) || !str.startsWith("weixin://dl/businessPay")) {
            return null;
        Uri parse = Uri.parse(str);
        if (parse != null) {
            String queryParameter = parse.getQueryParameter("reqkey");
            String queryParameter2 = parse.getQueryParameter("appid");
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(queryParameter)) {
                PayInfo payInfo = new PayInfo();
                payInfo.f173472j = queryParameter;
                payInfo.f173474o = queryParameter2;
                payInfo.f173467e = 36;
                payInfo.f173470h = false;
                Intent intent = new Intent();
                intent.putExtra("key_pay_info", payInfo);
                if (context instanceof Activity) {
                    intent.putExtra("key_context_hashcode", context.hashCode());
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "startPay context %s %s", context, Integer.valueOf(context.hashCode()));
                if (u0.J()) {
                    sv3.b.n(context, "wallet_payu", ".pay.ui.WalletPayUPayUI", intent, 1);
                } else {
                    sv3.b.n(context, "wallet", ".pay.ui.WalletPayUI", intent, 1);
                return intent;
            Log.w("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "reqkey null");
            return null;
        Log.w("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "payUri null");
        return null;

    public static void i(Context context, int i15) {
        String str;
        if (!ChannelUtil.isNokiaAol && LocaleUtil.getApplicationLanguage().equals("zh_CN")) {
            str = context.getString(R.string.f369613la0);
        } else if (LocaleUtil.getApplicationLanguage().equals("zh_HK")) {
            str = context.getString(R.string.f369614la1);
        } else if (LocaleUtil.getApplicationLanguage().equals("zh_TW")) {
            str = context.getString(R.string.f369615la2);
        } else {
            str = context.getString(R.string.f369616la3);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("rawUrl", str);
        intent.putExtra("show_feedback", false);
        intent.putExtra("KShowFixToolsBtn", true);
        intent.putExtra("geta8key_session_id", i15);
        sv3.b.j(context, "webview", ".ui.tools.WebViewUI", intent, null);

    public static void j(Context context, int i15) {
        String str;
        if (ChannelUtil.isNokiaAol || (!LocaleUtil.getApplicationLanguage().equals("zh_CN") && !LocaleUtil.getApplicationLanguage().equals("zh_HK") && !LocaleUtil.getApplicationLanguage().equals("zh_TW"))) {
            str = context.getString(R.string.l8h);
        } else {
            str = context.getString(R.string.l8g);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("rawUrl", str);
        intent.putExtra("show_feedback", false);
        intent.putExtra("KShowFixToolsBtn", true);
        intent.putExtra("geta8key_session_id", i15);
        sv3.b.j(context, "webview", ".ui.tools.WebViewUI", intent, null);

    public static void k(Context context, String str) {
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "cpan gotoLoginUI url is null. finish");
        } else if (str.startsWith("weixin://dl/login/phone_view")) {
            Uri parse = Uri.parse(str);
            String queryParameter = parse.getQueryParameter("cc");
            String queryParameter2 = parse.getQueryParameter("num");
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("couttry_code", queryParameter);
            intent.putExtra("input_mobile_number", queryParameter2);
            intent.putExtra("from_deep_link", true);
            intent.putExtra("mobile_input_purpose", 1);
            sv3.b.j(context, "account", ".ui.MobileInputUI", intent, null);
        } else if (str.startsWith("weixin://dl/login/common_view")) {
            String queryParameter3 = Uri.parse(str).getQueryParameter("username");
            Intent intent2 = new Intent();
            intent2.putExtra("login_username", queryParameter3);
            intent2.putExtra("from_deep_link", true);
            sv3.b.j(context, "account", ".ui.LoginUI", intent2, null);
        } else {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "cpan gotoLoginUI url not Correct:%s", str);

    public static boolean l(Context context, String str) {
        return m(context, str, null, 0, null, yv3.h.a(), new byte[0], null);

    public static boolean m(Context context, String str, Intent intent, int i15, Bundle bundle, int i16, byte[] bArr, String str2) {
        return n(context, str, intent, i15, bundle, i16, bArr, str2, 0, "", null);

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:209:0x074f A[Catch:{ UnsupportedEncodingException -> 0x078e }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:213:0x0758 A[Catch:{ UnsupportedEncodingException -> 0x078c }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:388:0x0c97 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x0ca6 }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:389:0x0ca3  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:399:0x0cb8  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:415:0x0d61  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:416:0x0d66  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:419:0x0d72  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:420:0x0d84  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:456:0x0f10  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:472:0x0ffe A[RETURN] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:66:0x01ee  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:67:0x01f5  */
    public static boolean n(Context context, String str, Intent intent, int i15, Bundle bundle, int i16, byte[] bArr, String str2, int i17, String str3, h hVar) {
        String str4;
        String str5;
        String str6;
        int i18;
        String str7;
        String str8;
        String str9;
        String str10;
        String str11;
        Intent intent2;
        Context context2;
        Context context3;
        Intent intent3;
        String str12;
        String str13;
        Uri uri;
        String str14;
        char c15;
        Exception e15;
        UnsupportedEncodingException e16;
        String substring;
        int g15;
        String encode;
        StringBuilder sb5;
        String encode2;
        String encode3;
        String encode4;
        String encode5;
        String encode6;
        String encode7;
        String encode8;
        String encode9;
        String encode10;
        String encode11;
        String str15;
        Exception e17;
        String str16;
        String str17;
        Exception e18;
        String str18;
        String str19;
        Exception e19;
        String str20;
        String str21;
        String str22;
        Exception e25;
        String str23;
        String str24;
        String r15 = r(str);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(r15)) {
            return false;
        HashMap hashMap = (HashMap) f194048f;
        String str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.WebViewUI";
        String str26 = null;
        r21 = null;
        String str27 = null;
        d1.a aVar = null;
        String str28 = "&";
        String str29 = "";
        if (hashMap.containsKey(r15)) {
            long longValue = ((Long) hashMap.get(r15)).longValue();
            Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri, deepLinkMap contains uri, result = %d", Long.valueOf(longValue));
            Intent intent4 = new Intent();
            if (intent != null) {
                if (intent.getFlags() != 0) {
            String str30 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.emoji.ui.v2.EmojiStoreV2UI";
            if (longValue == 0) {
                str25 = "com.tencent.mm.ui.LauncherUI";
            } else if (longValue == 1) {
                q.INSTANCE.g(12065, 7);
                str25 = str30;
            } else if (longValue == 2) {
                intent4.putExtra("from_deeplink", true);
                intent4.putExtra("game_report_from_scene", 6);
                str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.game.ui.GameCenterUI";
            } else {
                if (longValue != 4) {
                    if (longValue == 576460752303423744L) {
                        Uri parse = Uri.parse(str);
                        String queryParameter = parse.getQueryParameter("appid");
                        String queryParameter2 = parse.getQueryParameter("username");
                        String queryParameter3 = parse.getQueryParameter("eventId");
                        try {
                            URLDecoder.decode(queryParameter2, "UTF-8");
                            str24 = URLDecoder.decode(queryParameter3, "UTF-8");
                        } catch (Exception e26) {
                            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e26, "decode error", new Object[0]);
                            str24 = str29;
                        a50.g gVar = new a50.g();
                        try {
                            a50.g gVar2 = new a50.g();
                            gVar2.put("eventEncryptedTopicId", str24);
                            gVar2.n("topicType", 7);
                            gVar.put("extInfo", gVar2);
                        } catch (a50.f unused) {
                        ((e2) j.c(e2.class)).Z60(context, gVar.toString(), new c(queryParameter));
                    } else if (longValue == 576460752303423616L) {
                        Uri parse2 = Uri.parse(str);
                        String queryParameter4 = parse2.getQueryParameter("appid");
                        String queryParameter5 = parse2.getQueryParameter("openId");
                        try {
                            str23 = URLDecoder.decode(parse2.getQueryParameter("liveInfoData"), "UTF-8");
                        } catch (Exception e27) {
                            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e27, "decode error", new Object[0]);
                            str23 = str29;
                        ((zr.n) j.c(zr.n.class)).ni(queryParameter4, str23, Util.isNullOrNil(queryParameter5) ? true : ((ln.t) j.c(ln.t.class)).Rv0(queryParameter4, queryParameter5));
                    } else if (longValue == 576460752303423492L) {
                        Uri parse3 = Uri.parse(str);
                        String queryParameter6 = parse3.getQueryParameter("appid");
                        String queryParameter7 = parse3.getQueryParameter(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
                        String queryParameter8 = parse3.getQueryParameter("url");
                        try {
                            str21 = URLDecoder.decode(queryParameter7, "UTF-8");
                            try {
                                str22 = URLDecoder.decode(queryParameter8, "UTF-8");
                            } catch (Exception e28) {
                                e25 = e28;
                        } catch (Exception e29) {
                            e25 = e29;
                            str21 = str29;
                            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e25, "decode error", new Object[0]);
                            str22 = str29;
                            String string = bundle.getString("key_finder_video_path");
                            int i19 = bundle.getInt("key_finder_share_video_jump_info_state");
                            if (i19 != 1) {
                            String string2 = bundle.getString("key_finder_share_video_jump_info_extra_data");
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "finderShareVideo finderComponentState: %s, finderJumpInfo: %s, videoPath: %s", Integer.valueOf(i19), r11, string);
                            ((e2) j.c(e2.class)).Vv0().c(context, queryParameter6, string, str21, str22, r11, string2);
                            str12 = ".ui.tools.WebViewUI";
                            context3 = context;
                            intent3 = intent4;
                            str9 = str12;
                            str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                            str10 = str29;
                            context2 = context3;
                            intent2 = intent3;
                            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                        String string3 = bundle.getString("key_finder_video_path");
                        int i192 = bundle.getInt("key_finder_share_video_jump_info_state");
                        String string4 = i192 != 1 ? bundle.getString("key_finder_share_video_jump_info_string") : str29;
                        String string22 = bundle.getString("key_finder_share_video_jump_info_extra_data");
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "finderShareVideo finderComponentState: %s, finderJumpInfo: %s, videoPath: %s", Integer.valueOf(i192), string4, string3);
                        ((e2) j.c(e2.class)).Vv0().c(context, queryParameter6, string3, str21, str22, string4, string22);
                    } else if (longValue == 576460752303423496L) {
                        Uri parse4 = Uri.parse(str);
                        String queryParameter9 = parse4.getQueryParameter("appid");
                        try {
                            str20 = URLDecoder.decode(parse4.getQueryParameter("username"), "UTF-8");
                        } catch (Exception e35) {
                            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e35, "decode error", new Object[0]);
                            str20 = str29;
                        ((e2) j.c(e2.class)).Vv0().d(context, queryParameter9, str20);
                    } else if (longValue == 576460752303423504L) {
                        Uri parse5 = Uri.parse(str);
                        String queryParameter10 = parse5.getQueryParameter("appid");
                        String queryParameter11 = parse5.getQueryParameter("feedID");
                        String queryParameter12 = parse5.getQueryParameter("nonceID");
                        try {
                            str18 = URLDecoder.decode(queryParameter11, "UTF-8");
                            try {
                                str19 = URLDecoder.decode(queryParameter12, "UTF-8");
                            } catch (Exception e36) {
                                e19 = e36;
                        } catch (Exception e37) {
                            e19 = e37;
                            str18 = str29;
                            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e19, "decode error", new Object[0]);
                            str19 = str29;
                            ((e2) j.c(e2.class)).Vv0().b(context, queryParameter10, str18, str19);
                            str12 = ".ui.tools.WebViewUI";
                            context3 = context;
                            intent3 = intent4;
                            str9 = str12;
                            str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                            str10 = str29;
                            context2 = context3;
                            intent2 = intent3;
                            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                        ((e2) j.c(e2.class)).Vv0().b(context, queryParameter10, str18, str19);
                    } else if (longValue == 576460752303423520L) {
                        Uri parse6 = Uri.parse(str);
                        String queryParameter13 = parse6.getQueryParameter("appid");
                        String queryParameter14 = parse6.getQueryParameter("feedID");
                        String queryParameter15 = parse6.getQueryParameter("nonceID");
                        String queryParameter16 = parse6.getQueryParameter("nonGetRelatedList");
                        try {
                            str16 = URLDecoder.decode(queryParameter14, "UTF-8");
                            try {
                                str17 = URLDecoder.decode(queryParameter15, "UTF-8");
                            } catch (Exception e38) {
                                e18 = e38;
                        } catch (Exception e39) {
                            e18 = e39;
                            str16 = str29;
                            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e18, "decode error", new Object[0]);
                            str17 = str29;
                            ((e2) j.c(e2.class)).Vv0().a(context, queryParameter13, str16, str17, queryParameter16);
                            str12 = ".ui.tools.WebViewUI";
                            context3 = context;
                            intent3 = intent4;
                            str9 = str12;
                            str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                            str10 = str29;
                            context2 = context3;
                            intent2 = intent3;
                            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                        ((e2) j.c(e2.class)).Vv0().a(context, queryParameter13, str16, str17, queryParameter16);
                    } else if (longValue == 8) {
                        str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.subapp.ui.pluginapp.AddMoreFriendsUI";
                    } else {
                        if (longValue == 16) {
                            GetJDUrlEvent getJDUrlEvent = new GetJDUrlEvent();
                            String str31 = getJDUrlEvent.f63178d.f63179a;
                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str31)) {
                                intent4.putExtra("rawUrl", str31);
                                intent4.putExtra("useJs", true);
                                intent4.putExtra("vertical_scroll", true);
                                intent4.putExtra("geta8key_session_id", i16);
                                str12 = ".ui.tools.WebViewUI";
                                intent4.putExtra("geta8key_cookie", bArr);
                        } else {
                            str12 = ".ui.tools.WebViewUI";
                            if (longValue == 32) {
                                intent4.putExtra("titile", MMApplicationContext.getContext().getString(R.string.f366945fw));
                                intent4.putExtra("list_type", 0);
                                intent4.putExtra("list_attr", t1.g(t1.a(), 256, 512));
                                intent4.putExtra("create_group_recommend", true);
                                intent4.putExtra("menu_mode", 2);
                                str25 = "com.tencent.mm.ui.contact.SelectContactUI";
                            } else if (longValue == 64) {
                                intent4.putExtra("animation_pop_in", true);
                                str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.scanner.ui.BaseScanUI";
                            } else if (longValue == 128) {
                                str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsPersonalInfoUI";
                            } else if (longValue == 256) {
                                str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsUI";
                            } else if (longValue == 512) {
                                str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsAboutSystemUI";
                            } else if (longValue == 1024) {
                                if (!w0.V()) {
                                    i(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), i16);
                                } else {
                                    j(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), i16);
                                context3 = context;
                                intent3 = intent4;
                                str9 = str12;
                                str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                                str10 = str29;
                                context2 = context3;
                                intent2 = intent3;
                                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                    return false;
                                intent2.setClassName(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), str27);
                                if (context2 != null) {
                                    try {
                                        if (str27.contains("WebViewUI")) {
                                            sv3.b.i(context2, "webview", str9, intent2);
                                        } else {
                                            k30.a aVar2 = new k30.a();
                                            j30.a.d(context, aVar2.b(), "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                                            context2.startActivity((Intent) aVar2.a(0));
                                            j30.a.e(context, "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                                    } catch (Exception e45) {
                                        Log.printErrStackTrace(str11, e45, str10, str10);
                                        return true;
                                } else {
                                    if (str27.contains("WebViewUI")) {
                                        sv3.b.i(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "webview", str9, intent2);
                                    } else {
                                        Context context4 = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                                        k30.a aVar3 = new k30.a();
                                        j30.a.d(context4, aVar3.b(), "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                                        context4.startActivity((Intent) aVar3.a(0));
                                        j30.a.e(context4, "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                                    i14.b.a(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), intent2);
                                return true;
                            } else if (longValue == 2048) {
                                str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsNotificationUI";
                            } else if (longValue == 4096) {
                                intent4.putExtra(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, MMApplicationContext.getContext().getResources().getString(R.string.hlr));
                                intent4.putExtra("rawUrl", MMApplicationContext.getContext().getResources().getString(R.string.k4f, LocaleUtil.getApplicationLanguage(), LocaleUtil.getCurrentCountryCode()));
                                intent4.putExtra("showShare", false);
                                intent4.putExtra("geta8key_session_id", i16);
                                intent4.putExtra("geta8key_cookie", bArr);
                            } else if (longValue == 8192) {
                                str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsChattingUI";
                            } else if (longValue == 16384) {
                                str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsPluginsUI";
                            } else if (longValue == 32768) {
                                str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.clean.ui.CleanUI";
                            } else {
                                if (longValue == 65536) {
                                    try {
                                        int indexOf = str.indexOf("?");
                                        substring = indexOf > 0 ? str.substring(indexOf + 1) : str29;
                                        g15 = z.b().g();
                                        encode = URLEncoder.encode(yv3.d.f349173d, "utf-8");
                                        sb5 = new StringBuilder();
                                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e46) {
                                        e16 = e46;
                                        intent3 = intent4;
                                        str9 = str12;
                                        str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                                        Log.e(str11, "[oneliang]UnsupportedEncodingException:%s", e16.getMessage());
                                        context3 = context;
                                        str10 = str29;
                                        context2 = context3;
                                        intent2 = intent3;
                                        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                    try {
                                        str29 = str29;
                                        encode2 = URLEncoder.encode(sb5.toString(), "utf-8");
                                        str9 = str12;
                                        try {
                                            try {
                                                encode3 = URLEncoder.encode(r.f(true), "utf-8");
                                                encode4 = URLEncoder.encode(yv3.d.f349171b, "utf-8");
                                                encode5 = URLEncoder.encode(yv3.d.f349172c, "utf-8");
                                                encode6 = URLEncoder.encode(yv3.d.b(), "utf-8");
                                                encode7 = URLEncoder.encode(d60.e.e(), "utf-8");
                                                encode8 = URLEncoder.encode(Util.getSourceeMd5(MMApplicationContext.getContext()), "utf-8");
                                                encode9 = URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(XWebSdk.getXWebSdkVersion()), "utf-8");
                                                encode10 = URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(XWebSdk.getInstalledNewstVersion(MMApplicationContext.getContext())), "utf-8");
                                                encode11 = URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(XWebSdk.safeGetChromiumVersion()), "utf-8");
                                            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e47) {
                                                e16 = e47;
                                                intent3 = intent4;
                                                str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                                                Log.e(str11, "[oneliang]UnsupportedEncodingException:%s", e16.getMessage());
                                                context3 = context;
                                                str10 = str29;
                                                context2 = context3;
                                                intent2 = intent3;
                                                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e48) {
                                            e16 = e48;
                                            intent3 = intent4;
                                            str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                                            Log.e(str11, "[oneliang]UnsupportedEncodingException:%s", e16.getMessage());
                                            context3 = context;
                                            str10 = str29;
                                            context2 = context3;
                                            intent2 = intent3;
                                            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e49) {
                                        e16 = e49;
                                        intent3 = intent4;
                                        str9 = str12;
                                        str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                                        str29 = str29;
                                        Log.e(str11, "[oneliang]UnsupportedEncodingException:%s", e16.getMessage());
                                        context3 = context;
                                        str10 = str29;
                                        context2 = context3;
                                        intent2 = intent3;
                                        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                    try {
                                        String encode12 = URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(XWebSdk.getMultiProcessType()), "utf-8");
                                        try {
                                            String encode13 = URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(XWebSdk.getEnableSandbox()), "utf-8");
                                            StringBuilder sb6 = new StringBuilder();
                                            sb6.append(Util.isNullOrNil(substring) ? 0 : 1);
                                            String str32 = sb6.toString() + "&xwebSdkVersion=" + encode9 + "&xwebCoreVersion=" + encode10 + "&sysCoreVersion=" + encode11 + "&multiProcessType=" + encode12 + "&enableSandbox=" + encode13;
                                            StringBuilder sb7 = new StringBuilder();
                                            try {
                                                List<XWalkPlugin> allPlugins = XWalkPluginManager.getAllPlugins();
                                                if (allPlugins == null || allPlugins.isEmpty()) {
                                                    str15 = str28;
                                                    Map<String, Integer> installedPluginVersions = XWalkPluginManager.getInstalledPluginVersions(MMApplicationContext.getContext());
                                                    if (installedPluginVersions != null) {
                                                        for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : installedPluginVersions.entrySet()) {
                                                            if (entry != null) {
                                                } else {
                                                    for (XWalkPlugin xWalkPlugin : allPlugins) {
                                                        if (xWalkPlugin != null) {
                                                            str15 = str28;
                                                            try {
                                                                str28 = str15;
                                                            } catch (Exception e55) {
                                                                e17 = e55;
                                                                str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                                                                try {
                                                                    Log.e(str11, "get xwalk plugin info error ", e17);
                                                                    sb7.append(URLEncoder.encode(ScopedStorageUtil.WorkProfiles.getAppUserInfo(context), "utf-8"));
                                                                    sb7.append(URLEncoder.encode(ScopedStorageUtil.WorkProfiles.getAppProfile(context), "utf-8"));
                                                                    sb7.append(URLEncoder.encode(((or2.b) j.c(or2.b.class)).bS(), "utf-8"));
                                                                    sb7.append(URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(((or2.b) j.c(or2.b.class)).UC0()), "utf-8"));
                                                                    String encode14 = URLEncoder.encode(((q0) j.c(q0.class)).Ga(), "utf-8");
                                                                    String str33 = str32 + sb7.toString();
                                                                    String str34 = (HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS + WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fyn) + "/cgi-bin/mmsupport-bin/readtemplate?t=feedback/index") + "&version=" + yv3.d.f349176g + "&rev=" + String.valueOf(BuildInfo.REV).trim() + "&lang=" + LocaleUtil.getCurrentLanguage(MMApplicationContext.getContext()) + str15 + Util.nullAsNil(substring) + str33;
                                                                    if (!WeChatBrands.AppInfo.current().isMainland()) {
                                                                    intent3.putExtra("showShare", false);
                                                                    intent3.putExtra("rawUrl", str34);
                                                                    intent3.putExtra("neverGetA8Key", true);
                                                                    intent3.putExtra("geta8key_session_id", i16);
                                                                    intent3.putExtra("geta8key_cookie", bArr);
                                                                    intent3.putExtra("hardcode_jspermission", JsapiPermissionWrapper.f173510h);
                                                                    intent3.putExtra("hardcode_general_ctrl", GeneralControlWrapper.f173507e);
                                                                    str10 = str29;
                                                                    context3 = context;
                                                                    str27 = str25;
                                                                    intent2 = intent3;
                                                                    context2 = context3;
                                                                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e56) {
                                                                    e16 = e56;
                                                                    intent3 = intent4;
                                                                    Log.e(str11, "[oneliang]UnsupportedEncodingException:%s", e16.getMessage());
                                                                    context3 = context;
                                                                    str10 = str29;
                                                                    context2 = context3;
                                                                    intent2 = intent3;
                                                                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                                                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                                    str15 = str28;
                                                str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                                            } catch (Exception e57) {
                                                e17 = e57;
                                                str15 = str28;
                                                str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                                                Log.e(str11, "get xwalk plugin info error ", e17);
                                                sb7.append(URLEncoder.encode(ScopedStorageUtil.WorkProfiles.getAppUserInfo(context), "utf-8"));
                                                sb7.append(URLEncoder.encode(ScopedStorageUtil.WorkProfiles.getAppProfile(context), "utf-8"));
                                                sb7.append(URLEncoder.encode(((or2.b) j.c(or2.b.class)).bS(), "utf-8"));
                                                sb7.append(URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(((or2.b) j.c(or2.b.class)).UC0()), "utf-8"));
                                                String encode142 = URLEncoder.encode(((q0) j.c(q0.class)).Ga(), "utf-8");
                                                String str332 = str32 + sb7.toString();
                                                String str342 = (HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS + WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fyn) + "/cgi-bin/mmsupport-bin/readtemplate?t=feedback/index") + "&version=" + yv3.d.f349176g + "&rev=" + String.valueOf(BuildInfo.REV).trim() + "&lang=" + LocaleUtil.getCurrentLanguage(MMApplicationContext.getContext()) + str15 + Util.nullAsNil(substring) + str332;
                                                if (!WeChatBrands.AppInfo.current().isMainland()) {
                                                intent3.putExtra("showShare", false);
                                                intent3.putExtra("rawUrl", str342);
                                                intent3.putExtra("neverGetA8Key", true);
                                                intent3.putExtra("geta8key_session_id", i16);
                                                intent3.putExtra("geta8key_cookie", bArr);
                                                intent3.putExtra("hardcode_jspermission", JsapiPermissionWrapper.f173510h);
                                                intent3.putExtra("hardcode_general_ctrl", GeneralControlWrapper.f173507e);
                                                str10 = str29;
                                                context3 = context;
                                                str27 = str25;
                                                intent2 = intent3;
                                                context2 = context3;
                                                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                            sb7.append(URLEncoder.encode(ScopedStorageUtil.WorkProfiles.getAppUserInfo(context), "utf-8"));
                                            sb7.append(URLEncoder.encode(ScopedStorageUtil.WorkProfiles.getAppProfile(context), "utf-8"));
                                            sb7.append(URLEncoder.encode(((or2.b) j.c(or2.b.class)).bS(), "utf-8"));
                                            sb7.append(URLEncoder.encode(String.valueOf(((or2.b) j.c(or2.b.class)).UC0()), "utf-8"));
                                            String encode1422 = URLEncoder.encode(((q0) j.c(q0.class)).Ga(), "utf-8");
                                            String str3322 = str32 + sb7.toString();
                                            String str3422 = (HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS + WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fyn) + "/cgi-bin/mmsupport-bin/readtemplate?t=feedback/index") + "&version=" + yv3.d.f349176g + "&rev=" + String.valueOf(BuildInfo.REV).trim() + "&lang=" + LocaleUtil.getCurrentLanguage(MMApplicationContext.getContext()) + str15 + Util.nullAsNil(substring) + str3322;
                                            if (!WeChatBrands.AppInfo.current().isMainland()) {
                                                intent3 = intent4;
                                                try {
                                                    intent3.putExtra("KShowFixToolsBtn", true);
                                                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e58) {
                                                    e16 = e58;
                                                    Log.e(str11, "[oneliang]UnsupportedEncodingException:%s", e16.getMessage());
                                                    context3 = context;
                                                    str10 = str29;
                                                    context2 = context3;
                                                    intent2 = intent3;
                                                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                            } else {
                                                intent3 = intent4;
                                            intent3.putExtra("showShare", false);
                                            intent3.putExtra("rawUrl", str3422);
                                            intent3.putExtra("neverGetA8Key", true);
                                            intent3.putExtra("geta8key_session_id", i16);
                                            intent3.putExtra("geta8key_cookie", bArr);
                                            intent3.putExtra("hardcode_jspermission", JsapiPermissionWrapper.f173510h);
                                            intent3.putExtra("hardcode_general_ctrl", GeneralControlWrapper.f173507e);
                                            str10 = str29;
                                        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e59) {
                                            e16 = e59;
                                            intent3 = intent4;
                                            str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                                            Log.e(str11, "[oneliang]UnsupportedEncodingException:%s", e16.getMessage());
                                            context3 = context;
                                            str10 = str29;
                                            context2 = context3;
                                            intent2 = intent3;
                                            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e65) {
                                        e16 = e65;
                                        str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                                        intent3 = intent4;
                                        Log.e(str11, "[oneliang]UnsupportedEncodingException:%s", e16.getMessage());
                                        context3 = context;
                                        str10 = str29;
                                        context2 = context3;
                                        intent2 = intent3;
                                        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                } else {
                                    str9 = str12;
                                    str10 = str29;
                                    str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                                    intent3 = intent4;
                                    if (longValue == 131072) {
                                        String string5 = MMApplicationContext.getContext().getString(R.string.iz_, Integer.valueOf(z.b().g()), Integer.valueOf(Util.nullAsNil((Integer) z.s().i().d(12304))));
                                        intent3.putExtra("showShare", false);
                                        intent3.putExtra("rawUrl", string5);
                                        intent3.putExtra("geta8key_session_id", i16);
                                        intent3.putExtra("geta8key_cookie", bArr);
                                    } else if (longValue == 262144) {
                                        str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.subapp.ui.friend.FMessageConversationUI";
                                    } else if (longValue == 524288) {
                                        str25 = "com.tencent.mm.ui.contact.ChatroomContactUI";
                                    } else if (longValue == 1048576) {
                                        str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.label.ui.ContactLabelManagerUI";
                                    } else if (longValue == 2097152) {
                                        str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.brandservice.ui.BrandServiceIndexUI";
                                    } else if (longValue == 268435456) {
                                        intent3.putExtra("IPCallAddressUI_KFrom", 1);
                                        sv3.b.i(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "ipcall", ".ui.IPCallAddressUI", intent3);
                                        return true;
                                    } else if (longValue == 4194304) {
                                        intent3.putExtra("sns_userName", (String) z.s().i().d(2));
                                        intent3.putExtra("sns_adapter_type", 1);
                                        z.s().i().K(68389, Integer.valueOf(Util.nullAs((Integer) z.s().i().d(68389), 0) + 1));
                                        str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.sns.ui.SnsTimeLineUserPagerUI";
                                    } else if (longValue == 8388608) {
                                        str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.fav.ui.FavoriteIndexUI";
                                    } else if (longValue == 16777216) {
                                        str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsPrivacyUI";
                                    } else if (longValue == 33554432) {
                                        str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsAccountInfoUI";
                                    } else if (longValue == 67108864) {
                                        Log.i(str11, " walletMallV2 switch is :%s", Boolean.TRUE);
                                        str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.mall.ui.MallIndexUIv2";
                                    } else if (longValue == 134217728) {
                                        context3 = context;
                                        intent2 = h(str, context3);
                                        context2 = context3;
                                        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                    } else {
                                        context3 = context;
                                        if (longValue == 1073741824) {
                                            str30 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.safedevice.ui.MySafeDeviceListUI";
                                        } else {
                                            if (longValue == 2147483648L) {
                                                Log.i(str11, "enter to cardhome");
                                                GotoCardHomePageEvent gotoCardHomePageEvent = new GotoCardHomePageEvent();
                                                gotoCardHomePageEvent.f63244d.f63246a = context3;
                                            } else if (longValue == 4294967296L) {
                                                intent3.putExtra("filter_type", j2.a(MMApplicationContext.getContext().getString(R.string.fsb)).a());
                                                intent3.putExtra("titile", MMApplicationContext.getContext().getString(R.string.ix6));
                                                intent3.putExtra("list_attr", 32768);
                                                str30 = "com.tencent.mm.ui.contact.SelectSpecialContactUI";
                                            } else if (longValue == 8589934592L) {
                                                str30 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsFontUI";
                                            } else if (longValue == 17179869184L) {
                                                str30 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsAboutSystemUI";
                                            } else if (longValue == 34359738368L) {
                                                str30 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsLanguageUI";
                                            } else if (longValue == 68719476736L) {
                                                str30 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.backup.backupmoveui.BackupUI";
                                            } else if (longValue == 137438953472L) {
                                                intent3.setClassName(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "com.tencent.mm.plugin.account.bind.ui.BindQQUI");
                                                MMWizardActivity.X7(context3, intent3);
                                                return true;
                                            } else if (longValue == 274877906944L) {
                                                intent3.setClassName(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "com.tencent.mm.plugin.account.bind.ui.BindMContactIntroUI");
                                                MMWizardActivity.X7(context3, intent3);
                                                return true;
                                            } else if (longValue == 549755813888L) {
                                                str30 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsModifyEmailAddrUI";
                                            } else if (longValue == 1099511627776L) {
                                                sv3.b.i(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), Scopes.PROFILE, ".ui.ContactInfoUI", intent3.putExtra("Contact_User", "qqsync"));
                                                return true;
                                            } else if (longValue == 2199023255552L) {
                                                str30 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.masssend.ui.MassSendHistoryUI";
                                            } else if (longValue == 4398046511104L) {
                                                str30 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsModifyNameUI";
                                            } else if (longValue == 8796093022208L) {
                                                str30 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SelfQRCodeUI";
                                            } else if (longValue == 17592186044416L) {
                                                intent3.putExtra("launch_from_webview", false);
                                                sv3.b.k(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "address", ".ui.WalletSelectAddrUI", intent3, true);
                                                return true;
                                            } else if (longValue == 35184372088832L) {
                                                intent3.putExtra("k_sns_tag_id", 4L);
                                                intent3.putExtra("k_sns_from_settings_about_sns", 1);
                                                sv3.b.i(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "sns", ".ui.SnsBlackDetailUI", intent3);
                                                return true;
                                            } else if (longValue == 70368744177664L) {
                                                intent3.putExtra("k_sns_tag_id", 5L);
                                                intent3.putExtra("k_sns_from_settings_about_sns", 2);
                                                intent3.putExtra("k_tag_detail_sns_block_scene", 8);
                                                sv3.b.i(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "sns", ".ui.SnsTagDetailUI", intent3);
                                            } else if (longValue == 140737488355328L) {
                                                str30 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.emoji.ui.EmojiMineUI";
                                            } else if (longValue == 281474976710656L) {
                                                CommandProcessorEvent commandProcessorEvent = new CommandProcessorEvent();
                                                CommandProcessorEvent.a aVar4 = commandProcessorEvent.f62112d;
                                                aVar4.f62114a = "//uplog";
                                                aVar4.f62115b = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                                                return true;
                                            } else if (longValue == 562949953421312L) {
                                                intent3.putExtra("IPCallAddressUI_KFrom", 1);
                                                sv3.b.i(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "ipcall", ".ui.IPCallAddressUI", intent3);
                                                sv3.b.i(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "ipcall", ".ui.IPCallShareCouponUI", intent3);
                                                return true;
                                            } else if (longValue == 18014398509481984L) {
                                                intent3.putExtra("IPCallAddressUI_KFrom", 1);
                                                sv3.b.i(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "ipcall", ".ui.IPCallAddressUI", intent3);
                                                sv3.b.i(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "ipcall", ".ui.IPCallShareCouponUI", intent3);
                                                sv3.b.i(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "ipcall", ".ui.IPCallShareCouponCardUI", intent3);
                                            } else if (longValue == 576460752303423488L) {
                                                intent3.putExtra("IPCallAddressUI_KFrom", 1);
                                                intent3.setClassName(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "com.tencent.mm.plugin.sight.draft.ui.SightDraftUI");
                                                Context context5 = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                                                k30.a aVar5 = new k30.a();
                                                j30.a.d(context5, aVar5.b(), "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                                                context5.startActivity((Intent) aVar5.a(0));
                                                j30.a.e(context5, "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                                            } else if (longValue == 1125899906842624L) {
                                                str30 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsAboutMicroMsgUI";
                                            } else if (longValue == 4503599627370496L) {
                                                intent3.putExtra("emoji_tab", 1);
                                                q.INSTANCE.g(12065, 7);
                                            } else if (longValue == 9007199254740992L) {
                                                str30 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.emoji.ui.v2.EmojiStoreV2SingleProductUI";
                                            } else if (longValue == 576460752303423489L) {
                                                Uri parse7 = Uri.parse(str);
                                                String queryParameter17 = parse7.getQueryParameter("appid");
                                                String queryParameter18 = parse7.getQueryParameter("userName");
                                                String queryParameter19 = parse7.getQueryParameter(ConstantsKinda.INTENT_LITEAPP_PATH);
                                                int i25 = Util.getInt(Util.nullAsNil(parse7.getQueryParameter("pathType")), 0);
                                                String queryParameter20 = parse7.getQueryParameter("invokeData");
                                                String queryParameter21 = parse7.getQueryParameter("runtimeSessionId");
                                                String queryParameter22 = parse7.getQueryParameter("runtimeTicket");
                                                String queryParameter23 = parse7.getQueryParameter("runtimeAppid");
                                                int i26 = Util.getInt(parse7.getQueryParameter("miniProgramType"), 0);
                                                z0.c c16 = z0.d().c("key_data_center_session_id", false);
                                                if (c16 != null) {
                                                    i26 = ((Integer) c16.c("key_launch_miniprogram_type", 0)).intValue();
                                                Log.i(str11, "appid = %s, userName = %s, path = %s, translateLinkScene = %d, type = %d", queryParameter17, queryParameter18, queryParameter19, Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i26));
                                                AppBrandStatObject appBrandStatObject = new AppBrandStatObject();
                                                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
                                                    str13 = str3;
                                                    appBrandStatObject.f93945g = str13;
                                                } else {
                                                    str13 = str3;
                                                    appBrandStatObject.f93945g = URLEncoder.encode(str2);
                                                if (i15 == 2 || i15 == 21) {
                                                    o oVar = new o();
                                                    oVar.f277591a = queryParameter18;
                                                    oVar.f277593c = i26;
                                                    oVar.f277594d = 0;
                                                    oVar.f277596f = queryParameter19;
                                                    if (i17 > 0) {
                                                        oVar.f277601k = i17;
                                                    } else {
                                                        oVar.f277601k = 1065;
                                                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
                                                        oVar.f277602l = str13;
                                                    } else {
                                                        oVar.f277602l = queryParameter17;
                                                    AppBrandLaunchReferrer appBrandLaunchReferrer = new AppBrandLaunchReferrer();
                                                    oVar.f277609s = appBrandLaunchReferrer;
                                                    appBrandLaunchReferrer.f85505e = queryParameter17;
                                                    appBrandLaunchReferrer.f85504d = 8;
                                                    oVar.E = a(context, hVar);
                                                    ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).r80(context, oVar);
                                                    return true;
                                                } else if (i15 == 1) {
                                                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(queryParameter20)) {
                                                        try {
                                                            a50.g gVar3 = new a50.g(queryParameter20);
                                                            String h902 = ((c1) j.c(c1.class)).h90(queryParameter18);
                                                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(h902)) {
                                                                uri = parse7;
                                                                try {
                                                                    if (((d1) j.c(d1.class)).jf(h902, i26)) {
                                                                        ((xc4.j) xc4.j.f338034d).a(new d(gVar3));
                                                                        String optString = gVar3.optString("ad_trace_data");
                                                                        str14 = Util.isNullOrNil(optString) ? new a50.g(optString).optString("click_id") : str10;
                                                                } catch (Exception e66) {
                                                                    e15 = e66;
                                                                    Log.printErrStackTrace(str11, e15, str10, new Object[0]);
                                                                    str14 = str10;
                                                                    if (1 == i25) {
                                                                    String queryParameter24 = uri.getQueryParameter("ad_trace_key");
                                                                    o oVar2 = new o();
                                                                    oVar2.f277591a = queryParameter18;
                                                                    oVar2.f277593c = i26;
                                                                    oVar2.f277594d = 0;
                                                                    oVar2.f277596f = queryParameter19;
                                                                    if (3 == i25) {
                                                                    oVar2.f277602l = queryParameter17;
                                                                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str14)) {
                                                                    oVar2.f277608r = queryParameter24;
                                                                    AppBrandLaunchReferrer appBrandLaunchReferrer2 = new AppBrandLaunchReferrer();
                                                                    oVar2.f277609s = appBrandLaunchReferrer2;
                                                                    appBrandLaunchReferrer2.f85505e = queryParameter17;
                                                                    appBrandLaunchReferrer2.f85504d = 4;
                                                                    ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).r80(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), oVar2);
                                                                    return true;
                                                            } else {
                                                                uri = parse7;
                                                            String optString2 = gVar3.optString("ad_trace_data");
                                                            str14 = Util.isNullOrNil(optString2) ? new a50.g(optString2).optString("click_id") : str10;
                                                        } catch (Exception e67) {
                                                            e15 = e67;
                                                            uri = parse7;
                                                            Log.printErrStackTrace(str11, e15, str10, new Object[0]);
                                                            str14 = str10;
                                                            if (1 == i25) {
                                                            String queryParameter242 = uri.getQueryParameter("ad_trace_key");
                                                            o oVar22 = new o();
                                                            oVar22.f277591a = queryParameter18;
                                                            oVar22.f277593c = i26;
                                                            oVar22.f277594d = 0;
                                                            oVar22.f277596f = queryParameter19;
                                                            if (3 == i25) {
                                                            oVar22.f277602l = queryParameter17;
                                                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str14)) {
                                                            oVar22.f277608r = queryParameter242;
                                                            AppBrandLaunchReferrer appBrandLaunchReferrer22 = new AppBrandLaunchReferrer();
                                                            oVar22.f277609s = appBrandLaunchReferrer22;
                                                            appBrandLaunchReferrer22.f85505e = queryParameter17;
                                                            appBrandLaunchReferrer22.f85504d = 4;
                                                            ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).r80(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), oVar22);
                                                            return true;
                                                    } else {
                                                        uri = parse7;
                                                        str14 = str10;
                                                    if (1 == i25 || Util.isNullOrNil(queryParameter20)) {
                                                        String queryParameter2422 = uri.getQueryParameter("ad_trace_key");
                                                        o oVar222 = new o();
                                                        oVar222.f277591a = queryParameter18;
                                                        oVar222.f277593c = i26;
                                                        oVar222.f277594d = 0;
                                                        oVar222.f277596f = queryParameter19;
                                                        if (3 == i25) {
                                                            oVar222.f277601k = 1113;
                                                        } else {
                                                            oVar222.f277601k = WXWebReporter.WXWEB_IDKEY_FR_WORD_ID;
                                                        oVar222.f277602l = queryParameter17;
                                                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str14)) {
                                                            oVar222.f277602l = Util.safeFormatString("%s:%s", queryParameter17, str14);
                                                        } else if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
                                                            appBrandStatObject.f93945g = str13;
                                                        oVar222.f277608r = queryParameter2422;
                                                        AppBrandLaunchReferrer appBrandLaunchReferrer222 = new AppBrandLaunchReferrer();
                                                        oVar222.f277609s = appBrandLaunchReferrer222;
                                                        appBrandLaunchReferrer222.f85505e = queryParameter17;
                                                        appBrandLaunchReferrer222.f85504d = 4;
                                                        ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).r80(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), oVar222);
                                                        return true;
                                                    try {
                                                        str10 = new a50.g(queryParameter20).optString("name");
                                                        c15 = 0;
                                                    } catch (a50.f e68) {
                                                        c15 = 0;
                                                        Log.printErrStackTrace(str11, e68, str10, new Object[0]);
                                                    Object[] objArr = new Object[4];
                                                    objArr[c15] = queryParameter21;
                                                    objArr[1] = queryParameter22;
                                                    objArr[2] = queryParameter23;
                                                    objArr[3] = str10;
                                                    Log.i(str11, "runtimeSessionId:%s runtimeTicket:%s runtimeAppId:%s functionName:%s", objArr);
                                                    appBrandStatObject.f93944f = 1111;
                                                    appBrandStatObject.f93945g = queryParameter23 + ":" + str10;
                                                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str14)) {
                                                        appBrandStatObject.f93945g = Util.safeFormatString("%s:%s", appBrandStatObject.f93945g, str14);
                                                    } else if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
                                                        appBrandStatObject.f93945g = str13;
                                                    ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).BA0(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), queryParameter18, null, i26, 0, queryParameter19, appBrandStatObject, queryParameter17, queryParameter20);
                                                    return true;
                                                } else if (i15 == 6) {
                                                    appBrandStatObject.f93944f = 1007;
                                                    ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).yD0(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), queryParameter18, null, i26, 0, queryParameter19, appBrandStatObject);
                                                    return true;
                                                } else if (i15 == 7) {
                                                    appBrandStatObject.f93944f = 1008;
                                                    ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).yD0(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), queryParameter18, null, i26, 0, queryParameter19, appBrandStatObject);
                                                    return true;
                                                } else {
                                                    appBrandStatObject.f93944f = 1000;
                                                    ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).yD0(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), queryParameter18, null, 0, 0, queryParameter19, appBrandStatObject);
                                                    return true;
                                            } else {
                                                context2 = context3;
                                                if (longValue == 576460752303423490L) {
                                                    ((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).yJ0(context2, new Intent(), 0, Uri.parse(str).getQueryParameter("appid"));
                                                } else if (longValue == 576460752303423552L) {
                                                    String queryParameter25 = Uri.parse(str).getQueryParameter("kfurl");
                                                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(queryParameter25)) {
                                                        queryParameter25 = URLDecoder.decode(queryParameter25);
                                                    OpenIMKefuStartConversationRequest openIMKefuStartConversationRequest = new OpenIMKefuStartConversationRequest();
                                                    openIMKefuStartConversationRequest.f80187e = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                                    openIMKefuStartConversationRequest.f80188f = 6;
                                                    openIMKefuStartConversationRequest.f80186d = context2;
                                                    w3 w3Var = new w3();
                                                    openIMKefuStartConversationRequest.f80191i = w3Var;
                                                    w3Var.f40579d = queryParameter25;
                                                    w3Var.f40580e = queryParameter25;
                                                    w3Var.f40582g = new lt3();
                                                    lt3 lt32 = openIMKefuStartConversationRequest.f80191i.f40582g;
                                                    lt32.f28922f = queryParameter25;
                                                    lt32.f28921e = bundle != null ? bundle.getString("key_app_id", str10) : str10;
                                                    openIMKefuStartConversationRequest.f80191i.f40582g.f28920d = openIMKefuStartConversationRequest.f80188f;
                                                    openIMKefuStartConversationRequest.f80193n = true;
                                                    openIMKefuStartConversationRequest.f80194o = openIMKefuStartConversationRequest.f80186d.getString(R.string.hez);
                                                    openIMKefuStartConversationRequest.f80190h = si0.n.a(openIMKefuStartConversationRequest.f80188f);
                                                    openIMKefuStartConversationRequest.f80195p = true;
                                                    openIMKefuStartConversationRequest.f80197r = true;
                                                    ((si0.i) j.c(si0.i.class)).v20(openIMKefuStartConversationRequest);
                                                intent2 = intent3;
                                                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                            context2 = context3;
                                            intent2 = intent3;
                                            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                        str27 = str30;
                                        intent2 = intent3;
                                        context2 = context3;
                                        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                                context3 = context;
                                str27 = str25;
                                intent2 = intent3;
                                context2 = context3;
                                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                        context3 = context;
                        intent3 = intent4;
                        str9 = str12;
                        str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                        str27 = str25;
                        str10 = str29;
                        intent2 = intent3;
                        context2 = context3;
                        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                    str12 = ".ui.tools.WebViewUI";
                    context3 = context;
                    intent3 = intent4;
                    str9 = str12;
                    str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                    str10 = str29;
                    context2 = context3;
                    intent2 = intent3;
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
                } else if ((u0.n() & 32768) == 0) {
                    intent4.putExtra("sns_timeline_NeedFirstLoadint", true);
                    str25 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.sns.ui.SnsTimeLineUI";
                str12 = ".ui.tools.WebViewUI";
                str25 = null;
                context3 = context;
                intent3 = intent4;
                str9 = str12;
                str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
                str27 = str25;
                str10 = str29;
                intent2 = intent3;
                context2 = context3;
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
            str12 = ".ui.tools.WebViewUI";
            context3 = context;
            intent3 = intent4;
            str9 = str12;
            str11 = "MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper";
            str27 = str25;
            str10 = str29;
            intent2 = intent3;
            context2 = context3;
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str27)) {
        } else {
            int i27 = i15;
            if (r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/businessTempSession/")) {
                Intent intent5 = new Intent();
                if (intent != null) {
                    if (intent.getFlags() != 0) {
                Uri parse8 = Uri.parse(str);
                if (parse8 == null) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "tempsession uri is null");
                    return false;
                String queryParameter26 = parse8.getQueryParameter("sessionFrom");
                String queryParameter27 = parse8.getQueryParameter("showtype");
                String queryParameter28 = parse8.getQueryParameter("username");
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(queryParameter28)) {
                    queryParameter28 = parse8.getQueryParameter("userName");
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(queryParameter28)) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "tempsession user is null");
                    return false;
                int i28 = Util.getInt(Util.nullAsNil(parse8.getQueryParameter(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE)), 0);
                if (i28 != 0 && i27 == 4) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "Jsapi assign scene to " + i28);
                    i27 = i28;
                Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "tempsession jump, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s.", queryParameter28, queryParameter26, Integer.valueOf(i27), str, queryParameter27);
                intent5.setClassName(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "com.tencent.mm.ui.chatting.ChattingUI");
                intent5.putExtra("Chat_User", queryParameter28);
                intent5.putExtra("finish_direct", true);
                intent5.putExtra("key_is_temp_session", true);
                intent5.putExtra("key_temp_session_from", queryParameter26);
                intent5.putExtra("key_temp_session_scene", i27);
                intent5.putExtra("key_temp_session_show_type", Util.getInt(queryParameter27, 0));
                z1 z1Var = ((k0) z.q(k0.class)).Zx().get(queryParameter28);
                if (z1Var == null || z1Var.q3() <= 0) {
                    b3.a().a(queryParameter28, str29, new e(intent5, context));
                    return true;
                k30.a aVar6 = new k30.a();
                j30.a.d(context, aVar6.b(), "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                context.startActivity((Intent) aVar6.a(0));
                j30.a.e(context, "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                return true;
            } else if (r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/businessGame/detail/") || r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/businessGame/detail")) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri, uri startsWith GAME_DETAIL");
                Uri parse9 = Uri.parse(str);
                Intent intent6 = new Intent();
                if (parse9 != null) {
                    intent6.putExtra("game_app_id", parse9.getQueryParameter("appid"));
                    intent6.putExtra("game_report_from_scene", 6);
                    str26 = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.game.ui.GameDetailUI";
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str26)) {
                    return false;
                intent6.setClassName(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), str26);
                if (context != null) {
                    try {
                        k30.a aVar7 = new k30.a();
                        j30.a.d(context, aVar7.b(), "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                        context.startActivity((Intent) aVar7.a(0));
                        j30.a.e(context, "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                    } catch (Exception e69) {
                        Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e69, str29, str29);
                        return true;
                } else {
                    Context context6 = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                    k30.a aVar8 = new k30.a();
                    j30.a.d(context6, aVar8.b(), "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                    context6.startActivity((Intent) aVar8.a(0));
                    j30.a.e(context6, "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                    i14.b.a(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), intent6);
                return true;
            } else if (r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/businessGame/library/") || r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/businessGame/library")) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri, uri startsWith GAME_LIBRARY");
                Intent intent7 = new Intent();
                if (Util.isNullOrNil("com.tencent.mm.plugin.game.ui.GameLibraryUI")) {
                    return false;
                intent7.putExtra("game_report_from_scene", 6);
                intent7.setClassName(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "com.tencent.mm.plugin.game.ui.GameLibraryUI");
                if (context != null) {
                    try {
                        k30.a aVar9 = new k30.a();
                        j30.a.d(context, aVar9.b(), "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                        context.startActivity((Intent) aVar9.a(0));
                        j30.a.e(context, "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                    } catch (Exception e75) {
                        Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e75, str29, str29);
                        return true;
                } else {
                    Context context7 = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                    k30.a aVar10 = new k30.a();
                    j30.a.d(context7, aVar10.b(), "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                    context7.startActivity((Intent) aVar10.a(0));
                    j30.a.e(context7, "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                    i14.b.a(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), intent7);
                return true;
            } else if (r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/businessWebview/link/") || r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/businessWebview/link")) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri, uri startsWith H5_LINK");
                Uri parse10 = Uri.parse(str);
                Intent intent8 = new Intent();
                if (parse10 == null) {
                    return false;
                String queryParameter29 = parse10.getQueryParameter("url");
                int i29 = Util.getInt(parse10.getQueryParameter("type"), 0);
                String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil(parse10.getQueryParameter("appid"));
                int i35 = Util.getInt(Util.nullAsNil(parse10.getQueryParameter("outer")), 0);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri, rawUrl = %s, appId:%s, translateLinkScene: %s, outer:%d", queryParameter29, nullAsNil, Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i35));
                intent8.putExtra("rawUrl", queryParameter29);
                intent8.putExtra("geta8key_session_id", i16);
                intent8.putExtra("geta8key_cookie", bArr);
                if (i15 == 1) {
                    if (i35 == 1) {
                        intent8.putExtra("geta8key_open_webview_appid", nullAsNil);
                        intent8.putExtra("geta8key_scene", 53);
                    intent8.putExtra("show_openapp_dialog", false);
                    intent8.putExtra("pay_channel", 40);
                } else if (i15 == 2) {
                    if (i35 == 1) {
                        intent8.putExtra("geta8key_open_webview_appid", nullAsNil);
                        intent8.putExtra("geta8key_scene", 52);
                    intent8.putExtra("pay_channel", 39);
                if (i29 == 5) {
                    intent8.putExtra("webview_invoke_launch_app_when_back", true);
                    intent8.putExtra("webview_invoke_launch_app_ext_info_when_back", String.format("%s://opentypewebview?wx_internal_resptype=%d&ret=%d", nullAsNil, Integer.valueOf(i29), -2));
                    intent8.putExtra("KAppId", nullAsNil);
                intent8.putExtra("transaction_for_openapi_openwebview", f194047e);
                if (bundle != null) {
                if (context == null) {
                    sv3.b.i(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "webview", ".ui.tools.WebViewUI", intent8);
                    i14.b.a(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), intent8);
                    return true;
                } else if (i15 != 2) {
                    sv3.b.i(context, "webview", ".ui.tools.WebViewUI", intent8);
                    return true;
                } else if (!sv3.b.c(Uri.parse(queryParameter29))) {
                    sv3.b.i(context, "webview", ".ui.tools.CustomSchemeEntryWebViewUI", intent8);
                    return true;
                } else if (q1.a()) {
                    sv3.b.i(context, "game", ".luggage.SchemeEntryMMLuggageGameWebViewUI", intent8);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    sv3.b.i(context, "game", ".luggage.SchemeEntryLuggageGameWebViewUI", intent8);
                    return true;
            } else if (r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/openbusinesswebview/link/")) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri, uri startsWith openbusinesswebview");
                Uri parse11 = Uri.parse(str);
                Intent intent9 = new Intent();
                if (parse11 != null) {
                    String queryParameter30 = parse11.getQueryParameter("url");
                    str7 = str29;
                    int i36 = Util.getInt(parse11.getQueryParameter("type"), 0);
                    String nullAsNil2 = Util.nullAsNil(parse11.getQueryParameter("appid"));
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri, rawUrl = %s, appId:%s, translateLinkScene: %s", queryParameter30, nullAsNil2, Integer.valueOf(i15));
                    intent9.putExtra("rawUrl", queryParameter30);
                    intent9.putExtra("geta8key_session_id", i16);
                    intent9.putExtra("geta8key_cookie", bArr);
                    intent9.putExtra("geta8key_open_webview_appid", nullAsNil2);
                    intent9.putExtra("geta8key_scene", 57);
                    intent9.putExtra("show_openapp_dialog", false);
                    intent9.putExtra("webview_invoke_launch_app_when_back", true);
                    intent9.putExtra("webview_invoke_launch_app_ext_info_when_back", String.format("%s://openbusinesswebview?type=%d&ret=%d", nullAsNil2, Integer.valueOf(i36), -2));
                    intent9.putExtra("KAppId", nullAsNil2);
                    intent9.putExtra("transaction_for_openapi_openwebview", f194047e);
                    if (bundle != null) {
                    str8 = str25;
                } else {
                    str7 = str29;
                    str8 = null;
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str8)) {
                    return false;
                intent9.setClassName(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), str8);
                if (context != null) {
                    try {
                        k30.a aVar11 = new k30.a();
                        j30.a.d(context, aVar11.b(), "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                        context.startActivity((Intent) aVar11.a(0));
                        j30.a.e(context, "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                    } catch (Exception e76) {
                        Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", e76, str7, str7);
                        return true;
                } else {
                    Context context8 = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                    k30.a aVar12 = new k30.a();
                    j30.a.d(context8, aVar12.b(), "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                    context8.startActivity((Intent) aVar12.a(0));
                    j30.a.e(context8, "com/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper", "gotoUri", "(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/content/Intent;ILandroid/os/Bundle;I[BLjava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/pluginsdk/DeepLinkHelper$DeepLinkCallback;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                    i14.b.a(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), intent9);
                return true;
            } else if (!r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/jumpFakeWxa/") && !r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/openNativeView/")) {
                return false;
            } else {
                Uri parse12 = Uri.parse(str);
                String queryParameter31 = parse12.getQueryParameter("appid");
                String queryParameter32 = parse12.getQueryParameter("businessType");
                z0.c c17 = z0.d().c("key_data_center_session_id", false);
                if (c17 != null) {
                    i18 = ((Integer) c17.c("key_launch_miniprogram_type", 0)).intValue();
                    str5 = (String) c17.c("key_launch_miniprogram_query_info", str29);
                    str4 = (String) c17.c("key_open_business_view_ext_info", str29);
                    str6 = (String) c17.c("key_launch_mini_program_open_id", str29);
                } else {
                    str6 = null;
                    str5 = null;
                    str4 = null;
                    i18 = 0;
                Log.i("MicroMsg.DeepLinkHelper", "appid = %s, translateLinkScene = %d, type = %d", queryParameter31, Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i18));
                if (r15.startsWith("weixin://dl/jumpFakeWxa/")) {
                    if (i15 != 1) {
                        return false;
                    if (hVar instanceof d1.a) {
                        aVar = (d1.a) hVar;
                    ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).qj(context, queryParameter31, queryParameter32, str5, i18, aVar);
                    return true;
                } else if (f.f194023a.a(queryParameter32, queryParameter31, str4, str6)) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    f194044b = true;
                    return false;

    public static boolean o(String str, long j15) {
        long j16;
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            String r15 = r(str);
            HashMap hashMap = (HashMap) f194048f;
            if (hashMap.containsKey(r15)) {
                j16 = ((Long) hashMap.get(r15)).longValue();
            } else {
                j16 = -1;
            if (j16 == -1 || (j16 != 0 && (j16 & j15) != j16)) {
                return false;
            return true;
        return false;

    public static boolean p(Uri uri) {
        if (uri == null) {
            return false;
        return uri.toString().startsWith("weixin://dl/business/tempsession/") || uri.toString().startsWith("weixin://dl/businessTempSession/");

    public static boolean q(Uri uri) {
        if (uri == null || !bd.n.c(uri.toString(), "weixin://dl/")) {
            return false;
        String queryParameter = uri.getQueryParameter("ticket");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(queryParameter)) {
            queryParameter = uri.getQueryParameter("t");
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(queryParameter)) {
            return true;
        return p(uri);

    public static String r(String str) {
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            return null;
        Uri parse = Uri.parse(str);
        return parse.getScheme() + "://" + parse.getHost() + parse.getPath();

    public static String s(String str) {
        if (!WeChatBrands.AppInfo.current().isMainland() && str.startsWith("wechat://")) {
            str.replace("wechat://", "weixin://");
        return str;