大漢易經書院.apk(点击下载) / t.java

package com.xiaomi.push.service;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.Constants;
import com.xiaomi.push.bp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class t {
    private static t a;

    /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with other field name */
    private Context f7633a;

    /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with other field name */
    private List<String> f7634a = new ArrayList();
    private final List<String> b = new ArrayList();
    private final List<String> c = new ArrayList();

    private t(Context context) {
        Context applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext();
        this.f7633a = applicationContext;
        if (applicationContext == null) {
            this.f7633a = context;
        SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = this.f7633a.getSharedPreferences("mipush_app_info", 0);
        String[] split = sharedPreferences.getString("unregistered_pkg_names", "").split(Constants.ACCEPT_TIME_SEPARATOR_SP);
        for (String str : split) {
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
        String[] split2 = sharedPreferences.getString("disable_push_pkg_names", "").split(Constants.ACCEPT_TIME_SEPARATOR_SP);
        for (String str2 : split2) {
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
        String[] split3 = sharedPreferences.getString("disable_push_pkg_names_cache", "").split(Constants.ACCEPT_TIME_SEPARATOR_SP);
        for (String str3 : split3) {
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str3)) {

    public static t a(Context context) {
        if (a == null) {
            a = new t(context);
        return a;

    public void a(String str) {
        synchronized (this.f7634a) {
            if (!this.f7634a.contains(str)) {
                this.f7633a.getSharedPreferences("mipush_app_info", 0).edit().putString("unregistered_pkg_names", bp.a(this.f7634a, Constants.ACCEPT_TIME_SEPARATOR_SP)).commit();

    /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with other method in class */
    public boolean m9742a(String str) {
        boolean contains;
        synchronized (this.f7634a) {
            contains = this.f7634a.contains(str);
        return contains;

    public void b(String str) {
        synchronized (this.b) {
            if (!this.b.contains(str)) {
                this.f7633a.getSharedPreferences("mipush_app_info", 0).edit().putString("disable_push_pkg_names", bp.a(this.b, Constants.ACCEPT_TIME_SEPARATOR_SP)).commit();

    /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with other method in class */
    public boolean m9743b(String str) {
        boolean contains;
        synchronized (this.b) {
            contains = this.b.contains(str);
        return contains;

    public void c(String str) {
        synchronized (this.c) {
            if (!this.c.contains(str)) {
                this.f7633a.getSharedPreferences("mipush_app_info", 0).edit().putString("disable_push_pkg_names_cache", bp.a(this.c, Constants.ACCEPT_TIME_SEPARATOR_SP)).commit();

    /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with other method in class */
    public boolean m9744c(String str) {
        boolean contains;
        synchronized (this.c) {
            contains = this.c.contains(str);
        return contains;

    public void d(String str) {
        synchronized (this.f7634a) {
            if (this.f7634a.contains(str)) {
                this.f7633a.getSharedPreferences("mipush_app_info", 0).edit().putString("unregistered_pkg_names", bp.a(this.f7634a, Constants.ACCEPT_TIME_SEPARATOR_SP)).commit();

    public void e(String str) {
        synchronized (this.b) {
            if (this.b.contains(str)) {
                this.f7633a.getSharedPreferences("mipush_app_info", 0).edit().putString("disable_push_pkg_names", bp.a(this.b, Constants.ACCEPT_TIME_SEPARATOR_SP)).commit();

    public void f(String str) {
        synchronized (this.c) {
            if (this.c.contains(str)) {
                this.f7633a.getSharedPreferences("mipush_app_info", 0).edit().putString("disable_push_pkg_names_cache", bp.a(this.c, Constants.ACCEPT_TIME_SEPARATOR_SP)).commit();