FacePro.apk(点击下载) / BounceFilter.java

package com.tencent.ugc.videoprocessor.transitions;

public class BounceFilter extends TXCGPUTransitionFilterBase {
    private static final String FRAGMENT = "precision mediump float;\nvarying mediump vec2 _uv;\nuniform sampler2D inputImageTexture;\nuniform float progress;\nuniform float ratio;\nconst vec4 shadow_colour = vec4(0.,0.,0.,.6);\nconst float shadow_height = 0.075; // = 0.075\nconst float bounces = 3.0; // = 3.0\nconst float PI = 3.14159265358;\nvec4 getFromColor(in vec2 uv){\n    vec2 fromTexture = vec2(uv.x,1.0 - uv.y);\n    vec4 fromColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture,fromTexture);\n    return fromColor;\n}\nvec4 getToColor(in vec2 uv){\n    vec2 toTexture = vec2(uv.x,1.0-uv.y);\n    vec4 toColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture,toTexture);\n    return toColor;\n}\nvec4 transition (vec2 uv) {\n  float time = progress;\n  float stime = sin(time * PI / 2.);\n  float phase = time * PI * bounces;\n  float y = (abs(cos(phase))) * (1.0 - stime);\n  float d = uv.y - y;\n  return mix(\n    mix(\n      getToColor(uv),\n      shadow_colour,\n      step(d, shadow_height) * (1. - mix(\n        ((d / shadow_height) * shadow_colour.a) + (1.0 - shadow_colour.a),\n        1.0,\n        smoothstep(0.95, 1., progress) // fade-out the shadow at the end\n      ))\n    ),\n    getFromColor(vec2(uv.x, uv.y + (1.0 - y))),\n    step(d, 0.0)\n  );\n}\nvoid main() {\n    gl_FragColor = transition(_uv);\n}";

    public BounceFilter(int i10) {
        super("attribute vec2 position; \nvarying mediump vec2 _uv;\n  \nvoid main() \n{ \n    gl_Position = vec4(position,0,1); \n    vec2 uv = position * 0.5 + 0.5;\n    _uv = vec2(uv.x,1.0 - uv.y);\n}", FRAGMENT, i10);