9055彩票.apk(点击下载) / SocialApiIml.java

package com.tencent.open;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.webkit.CookieSyncManager;
import android.webkit.WebSettings;
import com.tencent.connect.auth.QQToken;
import com.tencent.connect.auth.c;
import com.tencent.connect.common.BaseApi;
import com.tencent.connect.common.Constants;
import com.tencent.connect.common.UIListenerManager;
import com.tencent.open.b.b;
import com.tencent.open.log.SLog;
import com.tencent.open.utils.HttpUtils;
import com.tencent.open.utils.e;
import com.tencent.open.utils.f;
import com.tencent.open.utils.g;
import com.tencent.open.utils.h;
import com.tencent.open.utils.k;
import com.tencent.tauth.IUiListener;
import com.tencent.tauth.UiError;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

/* compiled from: ProGuard */
public class SocialApiIml extends BaseApi {

    /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
    private Activity f11941a;

    public SocialApiIml(QQToken qQToken) {

    public SocialApiIml(c cVar, QQToken qQToken) {
        super(cVar, qQToken);

    public void gift(Activity activity, Bundle bundle, IUiListener iUiListener) {
        a(activity, SocialConstants.ACTION_GIFT, bundle, iUiListener);

    public void ask(Activity activity, Bundle bundle, IUiListener iUiListener) {
        a(activity, SocialConstants.ACTION_ASK, bundle, iUiListener);

    private void a(Activity activity, String str, Bundle bundle, IUiListener iUiListener) {
        this.f11941a = activity;
        Intent c = c(SocialConstants.ACTIVITY_FRIEND_CHOOSER);
        if (c == null) {
            SLog.i("openSDK_LOG.SocialApiIml", "--askgift--friend chooser not found");
            c = c(SocialConstants.ACTIVITY_ASK_GIFT);
        if (SocialConstants.ACTION_ASK.equals(str)) {
            bundle.putString("type", SocialConstants.TYPE_REQUEST);
        } else if (SocialConstants.ACTION_GIFT.equals(str)) {
            bundle.putString("type", SocialConstants.TYPE_FREEGIFT);
        a(activity, c, str, bundle, g.a().a(e.a(), "http://login.imgcache.qq.com/open/mobile/request/sdk_request.html?"), iUiListener, false);

    public void invite(Activity activity, Bundle bundle, IUiListener iUiListener) {
        this.f11941a = activity;
        Intent c = c(SocialConstants.ACTIVITY_FRIEND_CHOOSER);
        if (c == null) {
            SLog.i("openSDK_LOG.SocialApiIml", "--invite--friend chooser not found");
            c = c(SocialConstants.ACTIVITY_INVITE);
        a(activity, c, SocialConstants.ACTION_INVITE, bundle, g.a().a(e.a(), "http://login.imgcache.qq.com/open/mobile/invite/sdk_invite.html?"), iUiListener, false);

    public void story(Activity activity, Bundle bundle, IUiListener iUiListener) {
        this.f11941a = activity;
        Intent c = c(SocialConstants.ACTIVITY_STORY);
        a(activity, c, SocialConstants.ACTION_STORY, bundle, g.a().a(e.a(), "http://login.imgcache.qq.com/open/mobile/sendstory/sdk_sendstory_v1.3.html?"), iUiListener, false);

    private void a(Activity activity, Intent intent, String str, Bundle bundle, String str2, IUiListener iUiListener, boolean z) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("-->handleIntent action = ");
        sb.append(", activityIntent = null ? ");
        boolean z2 = true;
        sb.append(intent == null);
        SLog.i("openSDK_LOG.SocialApiIml", sb.toString());
        if (intent != null) {
            a(activity, intent, str, bundle, iUiListener);
        f a2 = f.a(e.a(), this.c.getAppId());
        if (!z && !a2.b("C_LoginH5")) {
            z2 = false;
        if (z2) {
            a(activity, str, bundle, str2, iUiListener);
        } else {
            a(activity, bundle, iUiListener);

    private void a(Activity activity, Intent intent, String str, Bundle bundle, IUiListener iUiListener) {
        SLog.i("openSDK_LOG.SocialApiIml", "-->handleIntentWithAgent action = " + str);
        intent.putExtra(Constants.KEY_ACTION, str);
        intent.putExtra(Constants.KEY_PARAMS, bundle);
        UIListenerManager.getInstance().setListenerWithRequestcode(Constants.REQUEST_SOCIAL_API, iUiListener);
        a(activity, intent, Constants.REQUEST_SOCIAL_API);

    private void a(Activity activity, String str, Bundle bundle, String str2, IUiListener iUiListener) {
        SLog.i("openSDK_LOG.SocialApiIml", "-->handleIntentWithH5 action = " + str);
        Intent b2 = b("com.tencent.open.agent.AgentActivity");
        a aVar = new a(activity, iUiListener, str, str2, bundle);
        Intent b3 = b("com.tencent.open.agent.EncryTokenActivity");
        if (b3 == null || b2 == null || b2.getComponent() == null || b3.getComponent() == null || !b2.getComponent().getPackageName().equals(b3.getComponent().getPackageName())) {
            SLog.i("openSDK_LOG.SocialApiIml", "-->handleIntentWithH5--token activity not found");
            String f = k.f("tencent&sdk&qazxc***14969%%" + this.c.getAccessToken() + this.c.getAppId() + this.c.getOpenId() + "qzone3.4");
            JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
            try {
                jSONObject.put(SocialConstants.PARAM_ENCRY_EOKEN, f);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
        b3.putExtra("oauth_consumer_key", this.c.getAppId());
        b3.putExtra("openid", this.c.getOpenId());
        b3.putExtra(Constants.PARAM_ACCESS_TOKEN, this.c.getAccessToken());
        b3.putExtra(Constants.KEY_ACTION, SocialConstants.ACTION_CHECK_TOKEN);
        if (a(b3)) {
            SLog.i("openSDK_LOG.SocialApiIml", "-->handleIntentWithH5--found token activity");
            UIListenerManager.getInstance().setListenerWithRequestcode(Constants.REQUEST_SOCIAL_H5, aVar);
            a(activity, b3, Constants.REQUEST_SOCIAL_H5);

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    /* access modifiers changed from: public */
    private void a(Context context, String str, Bundle bundle, String str2, IUiListener iUiListener) {
        SLog.v("openSDK_LOG.SocialApiIml", "OpenUi, showDialog --start");
        bundle.putString("oauth_consumer_key", this.c.getAppId());
        if (this.c.isSessionValid()) {
            bundle.putString(Constants.PARAM_ACCESS_TOKEN, this.c.getAccessToken());
        String openId = this.c.getOpenId();
        if (openId != null) {
            bundle.putString("openid", openId);
        try {
            bundle.putString(Constants.PARAM_PLATFORM_ID, e.a().getSharedPreferences(Constants.PREFERENCE_PF, 0).getString(Constants.PARAM_PLATFORM_ID, Constants.DEFAULT_PF));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            bundle.putString(Constants.PARAM_PLATFORM_ID, Constants.DEFAULT_PF);
        String str3 = str2 + HttpUtils.encodeUrl(bundle);
        SLog.d("openSDK_LOG.SocialApiIml", "OpenUi, showDialog TDialog");
        if (SocialConstants.ACTION_CHALLENGE.equals(str) || SocialConstants.ACTION_BRAG.equals(str)) {
            SLog.d("openSDK_LOG.SocialApiIml", "OpenUi, showDialog PKDialog");
            new c(this.f11941a, str, str3, iUiListener, this.c).show();
        new TDialog(this.f11941a, str, str3, iUiListener, this.c).show();

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    /* compiled from: ProGuard */
    public class a implements IUiListener {

        /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
        private IUiListener f11943b;
        private String c;
        private String d;
        private Bundle e;
        private Activity f;

        a(Activity activity, IUiListener iUiListener, String str, String str2, Bundle bundle) {
            this.f11943b = iUiListener;
            this.c = str;
            this.d = str2;
            this.e = bundle;

        @Override // com.tencent.tauth.IUiListener
        public void onComplete(Object obj) {
            String str;
            try {
                str = ((JSONObject) obj).getString(SocialConstants.PARAM_ENCRY_EOKEN);
            } catch (JSONException e2) {
                SLog.e("openSDK_LOG.SocialApiIml", "OpenApi, EncrytokenListener() onComplete error", e2);
                str = null;
            this.e.putString("encrytoken", str);
            SocialApiIml socialApiIml = SocialApiIml.this;
            socialApiIml.a((SocialApiIml) socialApiIml.f11941a, (Context) this.c, (String) this.e, (Bundle) this.d, (String) this.f11943b);
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
                SLog.d("openSDK_LOG.SocialApiIml", "The token get from qq or qzone is empty. Write temp token to localstorage.");

        @Override // com.tencent.tauth.IUiListener
        public void onError(UiError uiError) {
            SLog.d("openSDK_LOG.SocialApiIml", "OpenApi, EncryptTokenListener() onError" + uiError.errorMessage);

        @Override // com.tencent.tauth.IUiListener
        public void onCancel() {

    public void writeEncryToken(Context context) {
        String str;
        String accessToken = this.c.getAccessToken();
        String appId = this.c.getAppId();
        String openId = this.c.getOpenId();
        if (accessToken == null || accessToken.length() <= 0 || appId == null || appId.length() <= 0 || openId == null || openId.length() <= 0) {
            str = null;
        } else {
            str = k.f("tencent&sdk&qazxc***14969%%" + accessToken + appId + openId + "qzone3.4");
        b bVar = new b(context);
        WebSettings settings = bVar.getSettings();
        String a2 = g.a().a(context, "http://login.imgcache.qq.com");
        bVar.loadDataWithBaseURL(a2, "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html lang=\"en-US\"><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"><title>localStorage Test</title><script type=\"text/javascript\">document.domain = 'qq.com';localStorage[\"" + this.c.getOpenId() + "_" + this.c.getAppId() + "\"]=\"" + str + "\";</script></head><body></body></html>", "text/html", "utf-8", a2);

    /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
    @Override // com.tencent.connect.common.BaseApi
    public Intent b(String str) {
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.setClassName(Constants.PACKAGE_QZONE, str);
        Intent intent2 = new Intent();
        intent2.setClassName("com.tencent.mobileqq", str);
        Intent intent3 = new Intent();
        intent3.setClassName(Constants.PACKAGE_QQ_PAD, str);
        if (k.d(e.a()) && h.a(e.a(), intent3)) {
            return intent3;
        if (h.a(e.a(), intent2) && h.c(e.a(), "4.7") >= 0) {
            return intent2;
        if (!h.a(e.a(), intent) || h.a(h.a(e.a(), Constants.PACKAGE_QZONE), "4.2") < 0) {
            return null;
        if (h.a(e.a(), intent.getComponent().getPackageName(), Constants.SIGNATRUE_QZONE)) {
            return intent;
        return null;