WeChat.apk(点击下载) / MsgHandler.java

package com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.jsapi;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.ProgressDialog;
import android.app.Service;
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.pm.Signature;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Point;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.nfc.NfcAdapter;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Base64;
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity;
import b10.h0;
import b10.o0;
import bg0.p0;
import bh0.d;
import bh0.e;
import bh0.f;
import bh0.n;
import bw3.as3;
import bw3.at5;
import bw3.ck3;
import bw3.db3;
import bw3.dg0;
import bw3.e00;
import bw3.e03;
import bw3.gk3;
import bw3.gm4;
import bw3.gt5;
import bw3.hm4;
import bw3.ht5;
import bw3.ix;
import bw3.jx;
import bw3.kx2;
import bw3.lk;
import bw3.lx2;
import bw3.m20;
import bw3.mc3;
import bw3.pp5;
import bw3.px5;
import bw3.qp5;
import bw3.qs5;
import bw3.rp5;
import bw3.sp5;
import bw3.st1;
import bw3.t13;
import bw3.v95;
import bw3.w65;
import bw3.w95;
import bw3.yl4;
import bz.c0;
import com.eclipsesource.mmv8.Platform;
import com.google.android.gms.common.Scopes;
import com.google.android.gms.common.internal.Constants;
import com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement;
import com.google.android.gms.wearable.WearableStatusCodes;
import com.google.firebase.analytics.FirebaseAnalytics;
import com.tencent.kinda.framework.widget.tools.ConstantsKinda;
import com.tencent.kinda.gen.ITransmitKvData;
import com.tencent.liteav.TXLiteAVCode;
import com.tencent.live2.jsplugin.V2TXJSAdapterConstants;
import com.tencent.luggage.sdk.launching.ActivityStarterIpcDelegate;
import com.tencent.map.geolocation.sapp.TencentLocation;
import com.tencent.mars.cdn.CdnLogic;
import com.tencent.mars.smc.IDKey;
import com.tencent.mm.R;
import com.tencent.mm.api.IEmojiInfo;
import com.tencent.mm.app.h;
import com.tencent.mm.app.w1;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.AddDownloadTaskEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.ChangePayActivityViewEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.DoFavoriteEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.ECardJsApiCheckEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.ExDeviceConnectDeviceEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.ExDeviceConnectLanDeviceEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.ExDeviceGetCurrentSSIDEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.ExDeviceGetDeviceInfosEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.ExDeviceGetLanDeviceInfosEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.ExDeviceGetTicketEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.ExDeviceScanDeviceEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.ExDeviceSendDataToDeviceEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.ExDeviceSendDataToLanDeviceEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.ExDeviceSetSendDataDirectionEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.ExDeviceStartScanLanDeviceEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.FTSEmojiDownloadedEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.FavoriteOperationEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.GameCenterOperationEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.GameCommOperationEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.GameDebugSettingEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.GameDownloadReport4WebViewEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.GameJsApiCommandEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.GameWatchReportEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.GetIsSupportFaceEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.GetIsSupportSoterEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.HKCashierJSApiPayResultEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.HaoKanActionEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.Launch3RdAppEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.MusicPlayerEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.NavigateBackH5Event;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.OnPrivacyPolicyAgreedEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.OpenCanvasEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.PayUProceedPayEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.PreEmotionSearchEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.RcptRecentAddrEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.ReportAdClickEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.RequestEnterWalletEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.RequestFaceVerifyForPayEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.RequestInternalFaceVerifyEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.RequestStartFaceDetectEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.SendMsgEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.SetLocalQQMobileEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.SnsForwardFeedToSnsForDataReportEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.SnsImageDownloadedEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.StartAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.StartVoipCSResultEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.WCPayWalletBufferEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.WalletGetPaidOrderDetailEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.WalletRealNameResultNotifyMoreEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.WebViewCloseWindowEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.WebViewExWindowCloseEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.WebViewWillCloseWindowEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.WepkgNotifyEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.events.WxPayGdprResultEvent;
import com.tencent.mm.autogen.mmdata.rpt.WCTopicSearchContentActionStruct;
import com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.e1;
import com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.q0;
import com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.t0;
import com.tencent.mm.game.report.g;
import com.tencent.mm.message.l;
import com.tencent.mm.modelavatar.AvatarStorage;
import com.tencent.mm.modelcontrol.VideoTransPara;
import com.tencent.mm.modelsns.SnsAdClick;
import com.tencent.mm.opensdk.constants.Build;
import com.tencent.mm.opensdk.modelmsg.WXAppExtendObject;
import com.tencent.mm.opensdk.modelmsg.WXMediaMessage;
import com.tencent.mm.opensdk.modelmsg.WXTextObject;
import com.tencent.mm.opensdk.modelmsg.WXWebpageObject;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.config.AppBrandLaunchReferrer;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.config.HalfScreenConfig;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.jsapi.a5;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.jsapi.appdownload.JsApiAddDownloadTask;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.jsapi.media.JsApiChooseImage;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.c1;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.d1;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.f1;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.i1;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.m1;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.downloader.model.FileDownloadTaskInfo;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.downloader_app.api.DownloadWidgetTaskInfo;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.game.commlib.util.f;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.lite.LiteAppCenter;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.mmsight.SightCaptureResult;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.mmsight.SightParams;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.mmsight.segment.FFmpegMetadataRetriever;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.recordvideo.jumper.RecordConfigProvider;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.report.service.q;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.FTSWebViewImageLogic;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.FTSWebViewLogic;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.p;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.f0;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.v;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.emojistore.EmojiStoreWebViewLogic;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.jsapi.exdevice.WebViewExDeviceMgr;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.WebViewEventReporter;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.WebViewJSSDKFileItem;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.WebViewJSSDKVideoItem;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.WebViewJSSDKVoiceItem;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.f2;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.g;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.j1;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.j2;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.k1;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.k2;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.m0;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.m2;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.r;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.s1;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.t1;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.LicenceScanner;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.a0;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.stub.WebViewStubTempUI;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.stub.m;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.WebViewDownloadUI;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.exdevice.WebViewExDeviceLanMgr;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.jsapi.c;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.x;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.v;
import com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.model.app.j0;
import com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.ui.tools.b2;
import com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.ui.tools.c2;
import com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.ui.tools.h2;
import com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.wallet.WalletJsapiData;
import com.tencent.mm.pointers.PByteArray;
import com.tencent.mm.pointers.PInt;
import com.tencent.mm.pointers.PString;
import com.tencent.mm.protocal.GeneralControlWrapper;
import com.tencent.mm.protocal.JsapiPermissionWrapper;
import com.tencent.mm.protocal.MMProtocalJni;
import com.tencent.mm.protocal.protobuf.TimeLineObject;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.coroutines.LifecycleScope;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.event.IListener;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.event.MvvmEventCenter;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.http.HttpWrapperBase;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.ChannelUtil;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.ConvertUtils;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.ImgUtil;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.LocaleUtil;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.LocationUtil;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.Log;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.MD5Util;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.MMApplicationContext;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.MMHandler;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.MMHandlerThread;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.MMKVSlotManager;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.NetStatusUtil;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.QueueWorkerThread;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.TinkerStatusReport;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.Util;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.WeChatHosts;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.WebViewUtilities;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.XmlParser;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.statecenter.ServiceStateCenter;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.thread.ThreadPool;
import com.tencent.mm.storage.f4;
import com.tencent.mm.storage.g4;
import com.tencent.mm.storage.r4;
import com.tencent.mm.storage.s4;
import com.tencent.mm.storage.w1;
import com.tencent.mm.storage.z1;
import com.tencent.mm.ui.MMActivity;
import com.tencent.mm.ui.MMFragmentActivity;
import com.tencent.mm.ui.l5;
import com.tencent.mm.ui.tools.y0;
import com.tencent.mm.ui.w;
import com.tencent.mm.vfs.h0;
import com.tencent.mm.vfs.n2;
import com.tencent.mm.vfs.o2;
import com.tencent.mm.vfs.q1;
import com.tencent.mm.vfs.u1;
import com.tencent.tav.core.AssetExtension;
import com.tencent.thumbplayer.api.TPOptionalID;
import com.tencent.thumbplayer.core.downloadproxy.api.TPDownloadProxyEnum;
import com.tencent.thumbplayer.tmediacodec.codec.CodecError;
import com.tencent.thumbplayer.tmediacodec.util.MimeTypes;
import com.tencent.thumbplayer.tplayer.plugins.report.TPReportKeys;
import com.tencent.thumbplayer.tplayer.plugins.report.TPReportParams;
import com.tencent.tinker.loader.shareutil.ShareConstants;
import com.tencent.tmassistantsdk.openSDK.QQDownloader.AssistantStore;
import com.tencent.wechat.aff.ting.TingClientProto;
import com.tencent.wechat.aff.ting.TingProto;
import com.tencent.xweb.FileReaderHelper;
import com.tencent.xweb.ProxyConfig;
import com.tencent.xweb.XWebFeature;
import com.tencent.xweb.internal.ConstValue;
import com.tencent.xweb.updater.IXWebBroadcastListener;
import com.tencent.xweb.xwalk.plugin.XWalkPlugin;
import com.tencent.xweb.xwalk.plugin.XWalkReaderBasePlugin;
import cu3.f0;
import d60.z;
import dv3.g1;
import ek4.y;
import ie1.h;
import ih.c;
import ih.l1;
import ih.l2;
import ih.s0;
import ih.x1;
import ih.y1;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.UUID;
import jh2.k0;
import jo3.a1;
import jo3.d0;
import jo3.e0;
import jo3.i0;
import jo3.r0;
import jo3.u;
import jo3.x0;
import jo3.z0;
import kd3.i;
import kp3.c;
import kp3.h1;
import kp3.k;
import kp3.o1;
import kq.t;
import kq.w;
import lm.b;
import lt.c;
import mg0.b;
import mi.c3;
import mi.l3;
import n72.o;
import n72.s;
import nf0.b3;
import nf0.e6;
import nf0.o3;
import nf0.p4;
import nf0.s3;
import nf0.u0;
import nf0.w0;
import nf0.z0;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONTokener;
import rg0.c;
import t32.e2;
import t32.f5;
import ub0.l;
import vj.r;
import w20.a;
import wg4.b0;
import wq3.o;
import yf0.c;
import yf0.l0;
import yf0.l0$$e;
import yk0.b;
import yv3.c;
import yz3.j;

public class MsgHandler implements MMActivity.d {
    public static final char[] V0 = {'<', '>', '\"', '\'', '&', ' ', '\''};
    public static final String[] W0 = {"&lt;", "&gt;", "&quot;", "&apos;", "&amp;", "&nbsp;", "&#39;"};
    public static final HashSet<String> X0;
    public static final String Y0 = (HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS + WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fyn) + "/security/");
    public static final String Z0 = (HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS + WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fym) + "/security/");

    /* renamed from: a1  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final String f167346a1 = (HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS + WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fys) + "/security/");

    /* renamed from: b1  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final String f167347b1 = (HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS + WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fyo) + "/security/");

    /* renamed from: c1  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final String f167348c1 = (HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS + WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.f368684fy0) + "/security/");

    /* renamed from: d1  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final String f167349d1 = (HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS + WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fy8) + "/security/");

    /* renamed from: e1  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static int f167350e1 = 1;

    /* renamed from: f1  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static int f167351f1 = 2;

    /* renamed from: g1  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static int f167352g1 = 3;

    /* renamed from: h1  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static int f167353h1 = 1;

    /* renamed from: i1  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static int f167354i1 = 2;

    /* renamed from: j1  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static int f167355j1 = 3;

    /* renamed from: k1  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static int f167356k1 = 4;

    /* renamed from: l1  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final LinkedList<Runnable> f167357l1 = new LinkedList<>();

    /* renamed from: m1  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static boolean f167358m1 = false;

    /* renamed from: n1  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static MsgHandler$$o0 f167359n1 = new MsgHandler$$h();
    public final int A;
    public boolean B = false;
    public final z3 C;
    public final LicenceScanner D;
    public final a0 E;
    public o F;
    public k G = new k();
    public Object H;
    public long I = 0;
    public int J;
    public int K = -1;
    public IListener L;
    public b M = null;
    public b.AbstractC3987b N = null;
    public MMHandler P;
    public boolean Q;
    public boolean R;
    public Map<String, Object> S = null;
    public long T = 0;
    public boolean T0;
    public h1 U;
    public boolean U0;
    public IListener V;
    public final Map<String, MsgHandler$$p0> W;
    public String X;
    public IListener Y;
    public final Map<Integer, MsgHandler$$q0> Z;

    /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
    public Context f167360d;

    /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
    public h1 f167361e;

    /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
    public WXMediaMessage f167362f;

    /* renamed from: g  reason: collision with root package name */
    public ProgressDialog f167363g = null;

    /* renamed from: h  reason: collision with root package name */
    public boolean f167364h = true;

    /* renamed from: i  reason: collision with root package name */
    public HashSet<String> f167365i;

    /* renamed from: j  reason: collision with root package name */
    public HashSet<String> f167366j;

    /* renamed from: n  reason: collision with root package name */
    public Bundle f167367n;

    /* renamed from: o  reason: collision with root package name */
    public String f167368o = null;

    /* renamed from: p  reason: collision with root package name */
    public String f167369p = null;

    /* renamed from: p0  reason: collision with root package name */
    public int f167370p0;

    /* renamed from: q  reason: collision with root package name */
    public HashMap<String, String> f167371q = null;

    /* renamed from: r  reason: collision with root package name */
    public HashMap<String, String> f167372r = null;

    /* renamed from: s  reason: collision with root package name */
    public String f167373s = null;

    /* renamed from: t  reason: collision with root package name */
    public boolean f167374t = false;

    /* renamed from: u  reason: collision with root package name */
    public boolean f167375u = false;

    /* renamed from: v  reason: collision with root package name */
    public String f167376v = null;

    /* renamed from: w  reason: collision with root package name */
    public boolean f167377w = false;

    /* renamed from: x  reason: collision with root package name */
    public m f167378x;

    /* renamed from: x0  reason: collision with root package name */
    public IListener f167379x0;

    /* renamed from: y  reason: collision with root package name */
    public m f167380y;

    /* renamed from: y0  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final IListener f167381y0;

    /* renamed from: z  reason: collision with root package name */
    public c f167382z = null;

    static {
        HashSet<String> hashSet = new HashSet<>();
        X0 = hashSet;

    public MsgHandler(int i15) {
        h hVar = h.f61283d;
        this.V = new IListener<StartVoipCSResultEvent>(hVar) {
            /* class com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.jsapi.MsgHandler.AnonymousClass61 */

                this.__eventId = -689945029;

            /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [com.tencent.mm.sdk.event.IEvent] */
            @Override // com.tencent.mm.sdk.event.IListener
            public boolean callback(StartVoipCSResultEvent startVoipCSResultEvent) {
                StartVoipCSResultEvent startVoipCSResultEvent2 = startVoipCSResultEvent;
                if (startVoipCSResultEvent2 == null) {
                    return false;
                int i15 = startVoipCSResultEvent2.f64776d.f64777a;
                MsgHandler msgHandler = MsgHandler.this;
                if (i15 == 1) {
                    msgHandler.q5(msgHandler.U, "startVoipCall:cancel", null);
                    return false;
                } else if (i15 == 2) {
                    msgHandler.q5(msgHandler.U, "startVoipCall:hangup", null);
                    return false;
                } else if (i15 == 3) {
                    msgHandler.q5(msgHandler.U, "startVoipCall:network error", null);
                    return false;
                } else if (i15 == 4) {
                    msgHandler.q5(msgHandler.U, "startVoipCall:param not match", null);
                    return false;
                } else {
                    msgHandler.q5(msgHandler.U, "startVoipCall:unknow", null);
                    return false;
        this.W = new HashMap();
        this.Y = new IListener<WebViewWillCloseWindowEvent>(hVar) {
            /* class com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.jsapi.MsgHandler.AnonymousClass88 */

                this.__eventId = -410575635;

            /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [com.tencent.mm.sdk.event.IEvent] */
            @Override // com.tencent.mm.sdk.event.IListener
            public boolean callback(WebViewWillCloseWindowEvent webViewWillCloseWindowEvent) {
                WebViewWillCloseWindowEvent webViewWillCloseWindowEvent2 = webViewWillCloseWindowEvent;
                if (MsgHandler.this.f167378x == null) {
                    return false;
                try {
                    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                    bundle.putInt("closeWindow. result: %d", webViewWillCloseWindowEvent2.f65245d.f65246a);
                    int i15 = webViewWillCloseWindowEvent2.f65245d.f65246a;
                } catch (RemoteException e15) {
                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
                if (webViewWillCloseWindowEvent2.f65245d.f65246a == -1) {
                    MsgHandler msgHandler = MsgHandler.this;
                    msgHandler.q5(msgHandler.f167361e, "get_h5_transaction_request:ok", null);
                } else {
                    MsgHandler msgHandler2 = MsgHandler.this;
                    msgHandler2.q5(msgHandler2.f167361e, "get_h5_transaction_request:cancel", null);
                return true;
        this.Z = new HashMap();
        this.f167370p0 = 1000;
        this.f167381y0 = new IListener<MusicPlayerEvent>(hVar) {
            /* class com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.jsapi.MsgHandler.AnonymousClass151 */

                this.__eventId = -1155728636;

            /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [com.tencent.mm.sdk.event.IEvent] */
            @Override // com.tencent.mm.sdk.event.IListener
            public boolean callback(MusicPlayerEvent musicPlayerEvent) {
                boolean z15;
                String str;
                MusicPlayerEvent musicPlayerEvent2 = musicPlayerEvent;
                MusicPlayerEvent.a aVar = musicPlayerEvent2.f63542d;
                String str2 = aVar.f63547e;
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "backgroundAudioListener callback in, state:%s, action: %s", str2, Integer.valueOf(aVar.f63543a));
                MusicPlayerEvent.a aVar2 = musicPlayerEvent2.f63542d;
                boolean z16 = aVar2.f63548f;
                n nVar = aVar2.f63544b;
                if (nVar == null || !nVar.U) {
                    z15 = false;
                } else {
                    z15 = true;
                if (z16 || z15) {
                    try {
                        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                        bundle.putString("background_audio_state_player_state", str2);
                        float f15 = (((float) musicPlayerEvent2.f63542d.f63546d) * 1.0f) / 1000.0f;
                        bundle.putFloat("background_audio_state_player_duration", f15);
                        bundle.putFloat("background_audio_state_current_time", (((float) ((y1) j.c(y1.class)).getPlayPosition()) * 1.0f) / 1000.0f);
                        n nVar2 = musicPlayerEvent2.f63542d.f63544b;
                        if (nVar2 != null) {
                            bundle.putString("background_audio_state_player_src", nVar2.f12711n);
                            bundle.putString("background_audio_state_player_src_id", musicPlayerEvent2.f63542d.f63544b.E);
                        bundle.putInt("background_audio_state_player_err_code", musicPlayerEvent2.f63542d.f63551i);
                        String str3 = "";
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(musicPlayerEvent2.f63542d.f63552j)) {
                            str3 = musicPlayerEvent2.f63542d.f63552j;
                        bundle.putString("background_audio_state_player_err_msg", str3);
                        n b15 = d.b();
                        if (b15 == null) {
                            b15 = musicPlayerEvent2.f63542d.f63544b;
                        String str4 = null;
                        if (b15 != null) {
                            str = b15.f12705e;
                        } else {
                            str = null;
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                            if (MsgHandler.this.T0) {
                                y1 y1Var = (y1) j.c(y1.class);
                                TingClientProto.TingItem playingItem = y1Var.playingItem();
                                if (playingItem == null && y1Var.wU().c() != null) {
                                    Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "backgroundAudioListener callback playingItem and get by activePlayer");
                                    playingItem = y1Var.wU().c().playingItem();
                                if (playingItem != null) {
                                    bundle.putString("background_audio_state_player_state", pf3.b.f282813a.a(y1Var.getPlayerState()));
                                    bundle.putString("background_audio_state_listen_item", y1Var.ep(playingItem, f15).toString());
                                    bundle.putString("background_audio_state_category_id", Util.nullAsNil(playingItem.getListenItem().getCategoryId()));
                                    bundle.putFloat("background_audio_state_buffered", ((((float) y1Var.Z4()) * f15) * 1.0f) / 100.0f);
                                } else {
                                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "backgroundAudioListener callback playingItem is null");
                            } else {
                                if (x.f168144l == null) {
                                    synchronized (x.class) {
                                        if (x.f168144l == null) {
                                            Context context = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                                            lh4.m.f(context, "getContext()");
                                            x xVar = new x(context, null);
                                            x.f168144l = xVar;
                                            IListener<MusicPlayerEvent> iListener = xVar.f168150f;
                                            if (iListener != null) {
                                        b0 b0Var = b0.f332794a;
                                ht5 e15 = x.f168144l.e(str);
                                if (e15 != null) {
                                    str4 = e15.f24152f;
                                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                                    bundle.putString("background_audio_state_player_audio_id", str4);
                        bundle.putBoolean("background_audio_state_is_ting", MsgHandler.this.T0);
                        MsgHandler msgHandler = MsgHandler.this;
                        if (msgHandler.f167378x != null) {
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "onBackgroundAudioStateChange musicId=%s, isTing=%b", str, Boolean.valueOf(msgHandler.T0));
                            MsgHandler.this.f167378x.callback(TingProto.TingScene.TingScene_MusicMembershipPage_VALUE, bundle);
                        } else {
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "backgroundAudioListener callbacker is null");
                        return true;
                    } catch (Exception e16) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "" + e16.getMessage());
                        return false;
                } else {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "is not from QQMusicPlayer or TingMusicPlayer, don't callback!");
                    return false;
        this.T0 = false;
        this.U0 = false;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "MsgHandler init: %d", Integer.valueOf(i15));
        this.A = i15;
        this.f167375u = false;
        this.f167365i = new HashSet<>();
        this.f167366j = new HashSet<>();
        this.f167382z = new c(i15);
        this.C = new z3();
        this.D = new LicenceScanner();
        this.E = new a0();
        this.F = new o();

    public static boolean A(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "gotoEmoticonPad");
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        try {
            bundle.putString("requestId", h1Var.f247819a.get("requestId").toString());
            m mVar = msgHandler.f167378x;
            if (mVar != null) {
                mVar.callback(151, bundle);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "gotoEmoticonPad exception" + e15.getMessage());
        return false;

    public static boolean A0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Map<String, Object> map;
        String str;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        Integer num = 0;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGetFinderLivePreviewUrl");
        if (h1Var == null || (map = h1Var.f247819a) == null) {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            hashMap.put("ret", -2);
            hashMap.put("url", "");
            hashMap.put("requestId", "");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "onGetFinderLivePreviewUrl:ok", hashMap);
        } else {
            if (map.get("encryptedId") == null || !(map.get("encryptedId") instanceof String)) {
                str = "";
            } else {
                str = (String) map.get("encryptedId");
            if (map.get("nonceId") == null || !(map.get("nonceId") instanceof String)) {
                str2 = "";
            } else {
                str2 = (String) map.get("nonceId");
            if (map.get("requestId") == null || !(map.get("requestId") instanceof String)) {
                str3 = "";
            } else {
                str3 = (String) map.get("requestId");
            try {
                if (map.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE) != null && (map.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE) instanceof String)) {
                    num = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt((String) map.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE)));
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "GetFinderLivePreviewUrl parseParams exception:" + e15.getMessage());
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGetFinderLivePreviewUrl encryptedId:%s, nonceId:%s, requestId:%s", str, str2, str3);
            try {
                ((zr.n) j.c(zr.n.class)).bD0(str, str2, num.intValue(), new p0(msgHandler, str3, h1Var));
            } catch (Exception e16) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "GetFinderLivePreviewUrl exception:" + e16.getMessage());
                HashMap hashMap2 = new HashMap();
                hashMap2.put("ret", -1);
                hashMap2.put("url", "");
                hashMap2.put("requestId", str3);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "onGetFinderLivePreviewUrl:ok", hashMap2);
        return false;

    public static boolean A1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        try {
            String obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("type").toString();
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(obj)) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openLuckyMoneyHistory:fail", null);
            } else if (obj.equals("send")) {
                Intent intent = new Intent();
                intent.putExtra("key_type", 1);
                sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "luckymoney", ".ui.LuckyMoneyMyRecordUI", intent, null);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openLuckyMoneyHistory:ok", null);
            } else if (obj.equals("receive")) {
                Intent intent2 = new Intent();
                intent2.putExtra("key_type", 2);
                sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "luckymoney", ".ui.LuckyMoneyMyRecordUI", intent2, null);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openLuckyMoneyHistory:ok", null);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenLuckyMoneyHistory error %s", e15);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openLuckyMoneyHistory:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean A2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String optString = h1Var.f247858d.optString("name");
        Object opt = h1Var.f247858d.opt("arg");
        try {
            JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
            jSONObject.put("name", optString);
            jSONObject.put("arg", opt);
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putString("info", jSONObject.toString());
            msgHandler.f167378x.v6(139, bundle);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "invokeMiniProgramAPI:ok", null);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doInvokeMiniProgramApi: %s", e15);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "invokeMiniProgramAPI:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean A3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mediaType"), 3);
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mediaTag");
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("limitCount"), 9);
        int i17 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("galleryType"), 0);
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("albumInfos");
        boolean z15 = !"false".equals((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("ignoreVideoPreview"));
        int i18 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sourceSceneId"), 0);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("key_can_select_video_and_pic", true);
        intent.putExtra("key_send_raw_image", false);
        intent.putExtra("max_select_count", i16);
        intent.putExtra("query_source_type", 15);
        intent.putExtra("query_media_type", i15);
        intent.putExtra("show_header_view", false);
        if (str2 != null) {
            intent.putExtra("game_haowan_local_albums_info", str2);
        intent.putExtra("game_haowan_ignore_video_preview", z15);
        intent.putExtra("game_haowan_source_scene_id", i18);
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        if (i17 == 2) {
            sv3.b.n(msgHandler.f167360d, "game", ".media.GameTabGalleryUI", intent, 66);
        } else if (i17 == 1) {
            sv3.b.n(msgHandler.f167360d, "game", ".media.GamePublishGalleryUI", intent, 66);
        } else {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + "fail_galleryType is invalid", null);
            return true;
        g.c(msgHandler.f167360d, 87, 8761, 0, 1, i18, a.a(4, null));
        return true;

    public static boolean B(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "querySimilarEmotion");
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        String f15 = p.f(map, "md5");
        int e15 = p.e(map, "offset", 0);
        String f16 = p.f(map, "searchId");
        String f17 = p.f(map, "sessionId");
        int e16 = p.e(map, "tab", 0);
        String f18 = p.f(map, "requestId");
        int e17 = p.e(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
        int e18 = p.e(map, "webview_instance_id", -1);
        String f19 = p.f(map, "emojiUrl");
        String f25 = p.f(map, "aesKey");
        if (fTSWebViewLogic.f164244t != null) {
            z.d().p(2999, fTSWebViewLogic);
        z.d().a(2999, fTSWebViewLogic);
        d0 d0Var = new d0(f15, e15, f16, f17, e16, f18, e17, f19, f25);
        fTSWebViewLogic.f164244t = d0Var;
        d0Var.f242309n = e18;
        return false;

    public static boolean B0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        try {
            Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
            if (map.get("encryptedId") == null || !(map.get("encryptedId") instanceof String)) {
                str = "";
            } else {
                str = (String) map.get("encryptedId");
            if (map.get("nonceId") == null || !(map.get("nonceId") instanceof String)) {
                str2 = "";
            } else {
                str2 = (String) map.get("nonceId");
            if (map.get("requestId") == null || !(map.get("requestId") instanceof String)) {
                str3 = "";
            } else {
                str3 = (String) map.get("requestId");
            if (map.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE) != null && (map.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE) instanceof Integer)) {
                Integer num = (Integer) map.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE);
            ((zr.n) j.c(zr.n.class)).bj(str, str2, msgHandler.f167360d, new r0(msgHandler, hashMap, str3, h1Var));
        } catch (Exception unused) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getFinderLivePreviewMicCover ex:${ex.message}");
            hashMap.put("ret", -1);
            hashMap.put("err_msg", "Invalid input parameters:${ex.message}");
            hashMap.put("requestId", "");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "onGetFinderLivePreviewMicCover:ok", hashMap);
        return false;

    public static boolean B1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, boolean z15) {
        String str;
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        int i15 = z15 ? 49 : 48;
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putBoolean("k_need_signature", true);
        bundle.putString("k_user_name", u0.b());
        bundle.putInt(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 2);
        bundle.putBoolean("needVideo", z15);
        bundle.putBoolean("is_check_dyncfg", false);
        bundle.putString("key_function_name", h1Var.f247863i);
        bundle.putInt("key_business_type", 1);
        String o65 = msgHandler.o6(msgHandler.s6());
        if (o65 == null) {
            o65 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        bundle.putString("appId", o65);
        bundle.putString("request_verify_pre_info", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("request_verify_pre_info"));
        bundle.putInt("check_alive_type", h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("check_alive_type") ? Util.getInt(h1Var.f247819a.get("check_alive_type").toString(), 0) : 0);
        RequestStartFaceDetectEvent requestStartFaceDetectEvent = new RequestStartFaceDetectEvent();
        RequestStartFaceDetectEvent.a aVar = requestStartFaceDetectEvent.f64286d;
        aVar.f64288a = msgHandler.f167360d;
        aVar.f64290c = i15;
        aVar.f64289b = bundle;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "start face detect event result: %b", Boolean.valueOf(requestStartFaceDetectEvent.f64287e.f64291a));
        if (!requestStartFaceDetectEvent.f64287e.f64291a) {
            ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(null);
            if (z15) {
                str = "requestWxFacePictureVerifyUnionVideo:fail";
            } else {
                str = "requestWxFacePictureVerify:fail";
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, str, kp3.a.a(requestStartFaceDetectEvent.f64287e.f64292b));
        return true;

    public static boolean B2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String o65 = msgHandler.o6(msgHandler.s6());
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(o65)) {
            Uri parse = Uri.parse(Util.nullAsNil(msgHandler.s6()));
            if (parse.getHost() == null || !parse.getHost().equals(WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fxy))) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setGameData:fail_appid_null", null);
                return true;
            o65 = "wx62d9035fd4fd2059";
        String str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("key");
        String str2 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("value");
        String str3 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("weight");
        String str4 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("expireTime");
        boolean z15 = Util.getBoolean((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("autoClean"), true);
        if (Util.getBoolean((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("pageCache"), false)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "common webview, not support pagecache");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setGameData:fail_not_support", null);
        } else if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "key or value is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setGameData:fail_null_key", null);
        } else {
            bp3.b c15 = bp3.b.c();
            if (c15.e(o65, str, str2, str3, str4, z15, (long) (str.getBytes().length + str2.getBytes().length), "")) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setGameData:ok", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setGameData:fail_exceed_size", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean B3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        JSONArray jSONArray;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("postIdList");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            jSONArray = ((n72.o) j.c(n72.o.class)).o50(null, true);
        } else {
            try {
                jSONArray = ((n72.o) j.c(n72.o.class)).o50(new JSONArray(str), false);
            } catch (JSONException unused) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "queryHaowanPublish:fail", null);
        if (jSONArray == null || jSONArray.length() <= 0) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "queryHaowanPublish:ok", null);
        } else {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            hashMap.put("data", jSONArray);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "queryHaowanPublish:ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean B4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        boolean z15;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(l3.COL_LOCALID);
        Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("isShowProgressTips");
        if (obj != null) {
            try {
                z15 = Util.getInt(obj.toString(), 0) == 1;
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Exception has occured : %s", e15.getMessage());
            o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "upload local image, appid = %s, localid = %s, isShowProgressTips(%s)", str, str2, Boolean.valueOf(z15));
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId or localid is null or nil.");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "uploadImage:fail_missing arguments", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.g7(h1Var, str, str2, 5, 0, 0, "uploadImage", z15);
            return true;
        z15 = true;
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "upload local image, appid = %s, localid = %s, isShowProgressTips(%s)", str, str2, Boolean.valueOf(z15));
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId or localid is null or nil.");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "uploadImage:fail_missing arguments", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean C(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openFinderFeed");
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) ka5).getClass();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "openFinderFeed %s", map);
        try {
            JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
            jSONObject.put("feedId", p.f(map, "feedId"));
            jSONObject.put("extInfo", new JSONObject(p.f(map, "extInfo")));
            jSONObject.put(TPReportKeys.LiveExKeys.LIVE_EX_EXTRA_INFO, p.f(map, TPReportKeys.LiveExKeys.LIVE_EX_EXTRA_INFO));
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("tab_type", 8);
            ((e2) j.c(e2.class)).I7(6, 2, 25, intent);
            ((e2) j.c(e2.class)).J80(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), jSONObject.toString(), intent);
        } catch (Exception unused) {
        return false;

    public static boolean C0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (!h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("enable")) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "enableFullScreen:fail_invalid_arguments", null);
        } else {
            try {
                boolean parseBoolean = Boolean.parseBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("enable"));
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle(1);
                bundle.putBoolean("enable_fullscreen_params_enable", parseBoolean);
                msgHandler.f167378x.v6(45, bundle);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "enableFullScreen:ok", null);
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doEnableFullScreen, exception = %s", e15);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "enableFullScreen:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean C1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        try {
            m mVar = msgHandler.f167378x;
            if (mVar == null) {
                return true;
            Bundle v65 = mVar.v6(87, null);
            if (v65 == null) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getWePkgAuthResult get NULL bundle return fail");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWePkgAuthResult:fail", null);
                return true;
            } else if (Util.nullAsNil(v65.getString("result")).equals("not_return")) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWePkgAuthResult:fail_auth_result_not_return", null);
                return true;
            } else {
                String string = v65.getString("full_url");
                int i15 = v65.getInt("set_cookie");
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(string)) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWePkgAuthResult:fail_full_url_empty", null);
                    return true;
                HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                hashMap.put("full_url", string);
                hashMap.put("set_cookie", Integer.valueOf(i15));
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWePkgAuthResult:ok", hashMap);
                return true;
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGetWePkgAuthResult exception, " + e15.getMessage());
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWePkgAuthResult:fail", null);
            return true;

    public static boolean C2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String o65 = msgHandler.o6(msgHandler.s6());
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(o65)) {
            Uri parse = Uri.parse(Util.nullAsNil(msgHandler.s6()));
            if (parse.getHost() == null || !parse.getHost().equals(WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fxy))) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getGameData:fail_appid_null", null);
                return true;
            o65 = "wx62d9035fd4fd2059";
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("key");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "key is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getGameData:fail", null);
            return true;
        bp3.a a15 = bp3.b.c().a(o65, str);
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(a15.field_value)) {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            hashMap.put("value", a15.field_value);
            hashMap.put("weight", a15.field_weight);
            hashMap.put("expireTime", Long.valueOf(a15.field_expireTime - (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)));
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getGameData:ok", hashMap);
            return true;
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getGameData:ok", null);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:12:0x0091  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:13:0x0093  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:16:0x00a6  */
    public static boolean C3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        JSONArray jSONArray;
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("postId");
        boolean z15 = Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("compressImg"), true);
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            str = ((n72.o) j.c(n72.o.class)).NV(str2);
        } else {
            String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("localIds");
            if (str3 != null) {
                try {
                    jSONArray = new JSONArray(str3);
                } catch (JSONException unused) {
                boolean z16 = false;
                int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("from"), 0);
                int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("postType"), 0);
                String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("extra");
                int i17 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sceneId"), 0);
                int i18 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("MiniGamePublish"), 0);
                o.a aVar = new o.a();
                aVar.f269501a = i18 != 1;
                if (Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("needDelAfterPost"), 0) == 1) {
                    z16 = true;
                aVar.f269503c = z16;
                aVar.f269502b = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("videoId");
                str = ((n72.o) j.c(n72.o.class)).Kj0(i15, i16, jSONArray, str4, z15, i17, aVar);
            jSONArray = null;
            boolean z162 = false;
            int i152 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("from"), 0);
            int i162 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("postType"), 0);
            String str42 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("extra");
            int i172 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sceneId"), 0);
            int i182 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("MiniGamePublish"), 0);
            o.a aVar2 = new o.a();
            aVar2.f269501a = i182 != 1;
            if (Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("needDelAfterPost"), 0) == 1) {
            aVar2.f269503c = z162;
            aVar2.f269502b = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("videoId");
            str = ((n72.o) j.c(n72.o.class)).Kj0(i152, i162, jSONArray, str42, z15, i172, aVar2);
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("postId", str);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "publishHaowanEdition:ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean C4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        boolean z15;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("serverId");
        Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("isShowProgressTips");
        if (obj != null) {
            try {
                if (Util.getInt(obj.toString(), 0) != 1) {
                    z15 = false;
                    o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doDownLoadImage, appid is : %s, media id is : %s", str, str2);
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "downloadImage:fail_missing arguments", null);
                    } else {
                        r2 r2Var = new r2(msgHandler, str2, h1Var);
                        com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.cO0().a(str, str2, r2Var);
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doDownLoadImage, add cdn download task result : %b", Boolean.TRUE);
                        if (z15) {
                            Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
                            msgHandler.f167363g = i14.j.Q(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f367625yv), hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.laq), true, true, new t2(msgHandler, r2Var, str2, h1Var));
                    return true;
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Exception has occured : %s", e15.getMessage());
        z15 = true;
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doDownLoadImage, appid is : %s, media id is : %s", str, str2);
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "downloadImage:fail_missing arguments", null);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:18:0x0073 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x00a9 }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:19:0x0088 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x00a9 }] */
    public static boolean D(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        boolean z15;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getCurrentLocation");
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "getCurrentLocation %s", map);
        try {
            Object obj = map.get("needUpdate");
            if (obj != null) {
                if (obj instanceof String) {
                    z15 = ((String) obj).equals("1");
                } else if (obj instanceof Integer) {
                    z15 = ((Integer) obj).equals(1);
                } else {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "wrong param: " + obj);
                int e15 = p.e(map, "webview_instance_id", -1);
                if (!z15) {
                    ((c) j.c(c.class)).Zv().b(new com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.j(fTSWebViewLogic, e15), false);
                } else {
                    t13 h15 = z0.h();
                    if (h15 != null) {
                        ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).Fh(e15, fTSWebViewLogic.g(h15).toString());
                    } else {
                        ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).Fh(e15, "");
                return false;
        } catch (Exception e16) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", e16, "", new Object[0]);
        z15 = false;
        try {
            int e152 = p.e(map, "webview_instance_id", -1);
            if (!z15) {
        } catch (Exception unused) {
        return false;

    public static boolean D0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        int i15;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("color");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSetStatusBarStyle, color is null or nill");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setStatusBarStyle:fail", null);
        } else {
            if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("black")) {
                i15 = 48;
            } else {
                i15 = str.equalsIgnoreCase("white") ? 49 : -1;
            if (-1 != i15) {
                try {
                    msgHandler.f167378x.v6(i15, Bundle.EMPTY);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setStatusBarStyle:ok", null);
                } catch (Exception e15) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSetStatusBarStyle, exception = %s", e15);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setStatusBarStyle:fail", null);
            } else {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSetStatusBarStyle, color is neither black or white");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setStatusBarStyle:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean D1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        if (h1Var == null || h1Var.f247819a == null) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "wcpaySecurityCrosscutBack fail");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "wcpay_security_crosscut_back:fail", null);
        ((qv3.c) j.c(qv3.c.class)).startJSApiWCPaySecurityCrosscut(h1Var.f247819a);
        try {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "wcpay_security_crosscut_back:ok", null);
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        return false;

    public static boolean D2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String o65 = msgHandler.o6(msgHandler.s6());
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(o65)) {
            Uri parse = Uri.parse(Util.nullAsNil(msgHandler.s6()));
            if (parse.getHost() == null || !parse.getHost().equals(WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fxy))) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "clearData:fail", null);
                return true;
            o65 = "wx62d9035fd4fd2059";
        String str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("keys");
        boolean z15 = Util.getBoolean((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("clearAllData"), false);
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            try {
                bp3.b.c().d().Sa(o65, new JSONArray(str));
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "clearGameData:ok", null);
                return true;
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doClearData: " + e15.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "clearGameData:fail", null);
                return true;
        } else if (z15) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "clearGameData:ok", null);
            return true;
        } else {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "key is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "clearGameData:fail", null);
            return true;

    public static boolean D3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        JSONArray jSONArray;
        if (Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("cancelAll"), false)) {
            ((n72.o) j.c(n72.o.class)).Ym0(null, true);
        } else {
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("postIdList");
            if (str != null) {
                try {
                    jSONArray = new JSONArray(str);
                } catch (JSONException unused) {
                if (jSONArray != null || jSONArray.length() == 0) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "cancelHaowanPublish:fail_empty_postId", null);
                    return true;
                ((n72.o) j.c(n72.o.class)).Ym0(jSONArray, false);
            jSONArray = null;
            if (jSONArray != null) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "cancelHaowanPublish:fail_empty_postId", null);
            return true;
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "cancelHaowanPublish:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean D4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("menuList");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "hideMenuItems:param is empty", null);
        } else {
            try {
                JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str);
                ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int i15 = 0; i15 < jSONArray.length(); i15++) {
                    String string = jSONArray.getString(i15);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doHideMenuItems:" + string);
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putStringArrayList("menu_item_list", arrayList);
                msgHandler.f167378x.xH(3001, bundle);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "hideMenuItems:ok", null);
            } catch (JSONException e15) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "JSONException : %s", e15.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "hideMenuItems:param is empty", null);
            } catch (RemoteException unused) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "hideMenuItems:param is empty", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean E(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "navControl");
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) ka5).getClass();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "navControl %s", map);
        try {
            ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).tO(p.e(map, "webview_instance_id", -1), map);
        } catch (Exception unused) {
        return false;

    public static boolean E0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("username");
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            ((c1) j.c(c1.class)).CA(str, null);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "forceUpdateWxaAttr:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean E1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getLocalWePkgInfo call");
        MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new f1(msgHandler, h1Var));
        return true;

    public static boolean E2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "do handle wcpay buffer");
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
        WCPayWalletBufferEvent wCPayWalletBufferEvent = new WCPayWalletBufferEvent();
        wCPayWalletBufferEvent.f65064d.f65073h = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("action");
        wCPayWalletBufferEvent.f65064d.f65075j = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("buffer");
        wCPayWalletBufferEvent.f65064d.f65074i = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("walletRegion"), 0);
        WCPayWalletBufferEvent.a aVar = wCPayWalletBufferEvent.f65064d;
        aVar.f65066a = walletJsapiData.f173486d;
        aVar.f65067b = walletJsapiData.f173490h;
        aVar.f65071f = walletJsapiData.f173489g;
        aVar.f65069d = walletJsapiData.f173495p;
        aVar.f65070e = walletJsapiData.f173488f;
        aVar.f65068c = walletJsapiData.f173491i;
        aVar.f65072g = walletJsapiData.f173497r;
        wCPayWalletBufferEvent.f65065e.f65078c = new s1(msgHandler, wCPayWalletBufferEvent, h1Var);
        return true;

    public static boolean E3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("videoUrl");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("thumbUrl");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sourceSceneId"), 0);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "launchGameVideoEditor:fail_invalid_videoUrl", null);
            return true;
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        ((s) j.c(s.class)).XP(msgHandler.f167360d, str, str2, str3, 67, i15);
        return true;

    public static boolean E4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("menuList");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "showMenuItems:param is empty", null);
        } else {
            try {
                JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str);
                ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int i15 = 0; i15 < jSONArray.length(); i15++) {
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putStringArrayList("menu_item_list", arrayList);
                msgHandler.f167378x.xH(3002, bundle);
            } catch (JSONException e15) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "JSONException : %s", e15.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "showMenuItems:param is empty", null);
            } catch (RemoteException e16) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "RemoteException : %s", e16.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "showMenuItems:param is empty", null);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "showMenuItems:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean F(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "gestrueOnPressBackControl");
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) ka5).getClass();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "gestrueOnPressBackControl %s", map);
        try {
            ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).Xt(p.e(map, "webview_instance_id", -1), p.d(map, "enabled", true));
        } catch (Exception unused) {
        return false;

    public static boolean F0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        int i15;
        int i16;
        String f15 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "targetAppId");
        String s65 = msgHandler.s6();
        String o65 = msgHandler.o6(s65);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(o65)) {
            o65 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "referrerAppId");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(f15)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "launchMiniProgram:fail_invalid_targetAppId", null);
        } else if (Util.isNullOrNil(o65)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "launchMiniProgram:fail_invalid_referrerAppId", null);
        } else {
            String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil(p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "envVersion"));
            if (nullAsNil.equals("trial")) {
                i16 = 2;
            } else if (!nullAsNil.equals("develop")) {
                i16 = 0;
            } else {
                i15 = 1;
                ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).dN0(msgHandler.f167360d, s65, o65, f15, i15, p.f(h1Var.f247819a, ConstantsKinda.INTENT_LITEAPP_PATH), msgHandler.l6());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "launchMiniProgram:ok", null);
            i15 = i16;
            ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).dN0(msgHandler.f167360d, s65, o65, f15, i15, p.f(h1Var.f247819a, ConstantsKinda.INTENT_LITEAPP_PATH), msgHandler.l6());
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "launchMiniProgram:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean F1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "url is null or nil");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openGameWebView:fail_invalid_url", null);
        } else {
            String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("orientation"));
            int i15 = -1;
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(nullAsNil)) {
                if (nullAsNil.equals("horizontal")) {
                    i15 = 0;
                } else if (nullAsNil.equals("vertical")) {
                    i15 = 1;
                } else if (nullAsNil.equals("sensor")) {
                    i15 = 4;
            boolean equals = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("fullscreen")).equals("true");
            boolean equals2 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("disable_swipe_back")).equals("1");
            String nullAsNil2 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("gameAppid"));
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("rawUrl", str);
            intent.putExtra("geta8key_scene", 32);
            intent.putExtra("KPublisherId", "game_webview");
            intent.putExtra("screen_orientation", i15);
            intent.putExtra("show_full_screen", equals);
            intent.putExtra("disable_swipe_back", equals2);
            intent.putExtra("game_hv_menu_appid", nullAsNil2);
            v.e(intent.getExtras(), "webview", ".ui.tools.WebViewUI", msgHandler.f167378x, new g1(msgHandler, intent));
            GameCommOperationEvent gameCommOperationEvent = new GameCommOperationEvent();
            GameCommOperationEvent.a aVar = gameCommOperationEvent.f63042d;
            aVar.f63044a = 2;
            aVar.f63045b = nullAsNil2;
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openGameWebView:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean F2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("reportId");
        boolean equals = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("reportInstantly")).equals("1");
        boolean equals2 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("reportTimeBegin")).equals("1");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("reportFormatData");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("reportTabsFormatData");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "reportId is null or nil");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportGamePageTime:fail_invalid_reportId", null);
        } else if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str2) || !Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "reportGamePageTime, reportId:%s, reportInstantly:%b, reportTimeBegin:%b, reportFormatData:(%s), reportTabsFormatData(%s)", str, Boolean.valueOf(equals), Boolean.valueOf(equals2), str2, str3);
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putString("game_page_report_id", str);
            bundle.putBoolean("game_page_report_instantly", equals);
            bundle.putBoolean("game_page_report_time_begin", equals2);
            bundle.putString("game_page_report_format_data", str2);
            bundle.putString("game_page_report_tabs_format_data", str3);
            try {
                msgHandler.f167378x.v6(95, bundle);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportGamePageTime:ok", null);
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "reportGamePageTime, exception = %s", e15);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportGamePageTime:fail", null);
        } else {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "reportFormatData && reportTabsFormatData is null or nil");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportGamePageTime:fail_invalid_reportFormatData_reportTabsFormatData", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean F3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String l15 = r.l();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "MsgHandler, getOAID, oaid=" + l15);
        q.INSTANCE.t(1896, 23);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(l15)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getOAID:fail", null);
            return true;
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("result", l15);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getOAID:ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean F4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        try {
            msgHandler.f167378x.xH(3003, null);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "RemoteException : %s", e15.getMessage());
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "hideAllNonBaseMenuItem:param is empty", null);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "hideAllNonBaseMenuItem:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean G(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "showNavBarShadow");
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) ka5).getClass();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "showNavBarShadow %s", map);
        try {
            int e15 = p.e(map, "webview_instance_id", -1);
            String f15 = p.f(map, "color");
            double doubleValue = Double.valueOf(map.get("alpha").toString()).doubleValue();
            int parseInt = Integer.parseInt(f15.substring(1, f15.length()), 16);
            ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).tr0(e15, parseInt, (int) (doubleValue * 255.0d));
        } catch (Throwable unused) {
        return false;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:10:0x014e A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x021a }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:11:0x0151 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x021a }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:16:0x017b A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x021a }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:21:0x01af A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x0218 }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:22:0x01b1 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x0218 }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:25:0x0204 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x0218 }] */
    public static boolean G0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        Exception e15;
        HalfScreenConfig.ShareActionConfig shareActionConfig;
        Bundle v65;
        String f15 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "targetAppId");
        String f16 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, ConstantsKinda.INTENT_LITEAPP_PATH);
        String f17 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "productPathCookies");
        String f18 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "extraData");
        int e16 = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 1055);
        String f19 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "sceneNote");
        om0.o oVar = new om0.o();
        oVar.f277592b = f15;
        oVar.f277596f = f16;
        oVar.f277601k = e16;
        oVar.f277602l = f19;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openFinderProduct appId = " + f15 + " path = " + f16 + " pathCookie = " + f17);
        try {
            JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("uiParam"));
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openFinderProduct uiParam = " + jSONObject.toString());
            boolean optBoolean = jSONObject.optBoolean("enableFullScreenGesture");
            boolean optBoolean2 = jSONObject.optBoolean("needShowTemplateNav");
            boolean optBoolean3 = jSONObject.optBoolean("hideCapsuleMenu");
            String optString = jSONObject.optString("capsuleMenuType");
            boolean optBoolean4 = jSONObject.optBoolean("showShareButton");
            HalfScreenConfig.BackgroundShapeConfig backgroundShapeConfig = new HalfScreenConfig.BackgroundShapeConfig(MMApplicationContext.getContext().getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.f359061c9), true, true, false, false);
            HalfScreenConfig.ShareActionConfig shareActionConfig2 = HalfScreenConfig.ShareActionConfig.f85566f;
            String str2 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("shareProductItem");
            if (str2 != null) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openFinderProduct shareItemStr = " + str2);
                JSONObject jSONObject2 = new JSONObject(str2);
                st1 st12 = new st1();
                st12.f36811i = jSONObject2.optString("appId");
                st12.f36813n = jSONObject2.optString("productId");
                st12.f36807e = jSONObject2.optString("finderUsername");
                st12.f36823x = jSONObject2.optString("ecSource");
                String dh02 = ((zr.r) j.c(zr.r.class)).dh0(st12);
                ((zr.r) j.c(zr.r.class)).Vp(st12.f36807e, dh02, oVar);
                if (optBoolean4) {
                    shareActionConfig = new HalfScreenConfig.ShareActionConfig(true, dh02);
                    HalfScreenConfig.c cVar = HalfScreenConfig.c.NORMAL;
                    if (!optBoolean3) {
                        cVar = HalfScreenConfig.c.HIDE;
                    } else if ("singleClose".equals(optString)) {
                        cVar = HalfScreenConfig.c.SINGLE_CLOSE;
                    HalfScreenConfig.b bVar = new HalfScreenConfig.b();
                    bVar.f85572a = true;
                    int i15 = l5.b(MMApplicationContext.getContext()).y;
                    if (MMApplicationContext.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == 2) {
                        i15 = l5.b(MMApplicationContext.getContext()).x;
                    str = "MicroMsg.MsgHandler";
                    bVar.f85573b = (int) ((((double) i15) * 0.75d) + ((double) MMApplicationContext.getContext().getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.f359089d1)));
                    bVar.f85582k = cVar;
                    bVar.f85578g = true;
                    bVar.f85580i = backgroundShapeConfig;
                    bVar.f85590s = true;
                    bVar.f85583l = optBoolean;
                    bVar.f85585n = optBoolean2;
                    bVar.f85588q = optBoolean2;
                    bVar.G = true;
                    bVar.D = optBoolean;
                    lh4.m.g(shareActionConfig, "shareActionConfig");
                    bVar.f85592u = shareActionConfig;
                    oVar.A = bVar.a();
                    AppBrandLaunchReferrer appBrandLaunchReferrer = new AppBrandLaunchReferrer();
                    JSONObject jSONObject3 = new JSONObject();
                    jSONObject3.put("cookies", f17);
                    appBrandLaunchReferrer.f85504d = 1;
                    appBrandLaunchReferrer.f85507g = jSONObject3.toString();
                    appBrandLaunchReferrer.f85506f = f18;
                    oVar.f277609s = appBrandLaunchReferrer;
                    ((zr.q) j.c(zr.q.class)).p8(oVar, optBoolean2);
                    ((zr.q) j.c(zr.q.class)).Hv(msgHandler.f167360d, oVar);
                    v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(7001, Bundle.EMPTY);
                    if (v65 != null) {
                        ((zr.n) j.c(zr.n.class)).XL0(v65.getString("KShareTraceLastGMsgId", ""), oVar);
                    ((zr.q) j.c(zr.q.class)).OA0(oVar);
                    ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).r80(msgHandler.f167360d, oVar);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openFinderProduct:ok", null);
                    return true;
            shareActionConfig = shareActionConfig2;
            HalfScreenConfig.c cVar2 = HalfScreenConfig.c.NORMAL;
            if (!optBoolean3) {
            HalfScreenConfig.b bVar2 = new HalfScreenConfig.b();
            bVar2.f85572a = true;
            int i152 = l5.b(MMApplicationContext.getContext()).y;
            if (MMApplicationContext.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == 2) {
            str = "MicroMsg.MsgHandler";
            try {
                bVar2.f85573b = (int) ((((double) i152) * 0.75d) + ((double) MMApplicationContext.getContext().getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.f359089d1)));
                bVar2.f85582k = cVar2;
                bVar2.f85578g = true;
                bVar2.f85580i = backgroundShapeConfig;
                bVar2.f85590s = true;
                bVar2.f85583l = optBoolean;
                bVar2.f85585n = optBoolean2;
                bVar2.f85588q = optBoolean2;
                bVar2.G = true;
                bVar2.D = optBoolean;
                lh4.m.g(shareActionConfig, "shareActionConfig");
                bVar2.f85592u = shareActionConfig;
                oVar.A = bVar2.a();
                AppBrandLaunchReferrer appBrandLaunchReferrer2 = new AppBrandLaunchReferrer();
                JSONObject jSONObject32 = new JSONObject();
                jSONObject32.put("cookies", f17);
                appBrandLaunchReferrer2.f85504d = 1;
                appBrandLaunchReferrer2.f85507g = jSONObject32.toString();
                appBrandLaunchReferrer2.f85506f = f18;
                oVar.f277609s = appBrandLaunchReferrer2;
                ((zr.q) j.c(zr.q.class)).p8(oVar, optBoolean2);
                ((zr.q) j.c(zr.q.class)).Hv(msgHandler.f167360d, oVar);
                v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(7001, Bundle.EMPTY);
                if (v65 != null) {
            } catch (Exception e17) {
                e15 = e17;
                Log.printErrStackTrace(str, e15, "open finder product parse params failed", new Object[0]);
                ((zr.q) j.c(zr.q.class)).OA0(oVar);
                ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).r80(msgHandler.f167360d, oVar);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openFinderProduct:ok", null);
                return true;
        } catch (Exception e18) {
            e15 = e18;
            str = "MicroMsg.MsgHandler";
            Log.printErrStackTrace(str, e15, "open finder product parse params failed", new Object[0]);
            ((zr.q) j.c(zr.q.class)).OA0(oVar);
            ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).r80(msgHandler.f167360d, oVar);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openFinderProduct:ok", null);
            return true;
        ((zr.q) j.c(zr.q.class)).OA0(oVar);
        ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).r80(msgHandler.f167360d, oVar);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openFinderProduct:ok", null);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:58:0x01e0  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:59:0x026e  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:62:0x0293  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:65:0x029c  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:68:0x031d  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:69:0x031f  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:72:0x0324  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:79:0x0348  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:82:0x035a  */
    public static boolean G1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        Bundle bundle;
        long j15;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        boolean z15;
        String str4;
        int i15;
        String str5;
        Point point;
        String str6;
        String str7;
        int i16;
        String str8;
        int i17;
        int i18;
        int i19;
        String str9;
        String str10;
        int i25;
        String str11;
        String str12;
        String str13;
        String str14;
        Point point2;
        String b15;
        RemoteException e15;
        Bundle bundle2;
        Bundle bundle3 = msgHandler.f167367n;
        if (bundle3 != null) {
            int i26 = bundle3.getInt("key_download_restrict", 0);
            String string = msgHandler.f167367n.getString("key_function_id", "");
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string)) {
                q.INSTANCE.g(14596, string, Integer.valueOf(i26), 1);
            if (i26 == 1) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "not allow to launch application");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "launchApplication:fail", null);
                return true;
        Bundle bundle4 = msgHandler.f167367n;
        boolean z16 = bundle4 != null ? bundle4.getBoolean("k_is_secret_msg", false) : false;
        long nowSecond = Util.nowSecond() - msgHandler.I;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "launchTimeInterval = %d", Long.valueOf(nowSecond));
        if (nowSecond < 2 && msgHandler.I > 0) {
            try {
                q.INSTANCE.g(13983, 5, URLEncoder.encode(msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl(), "UTF-8"), "");
            } catch (Exception unused) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "report launchApplication failed");
        String str15 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appID");
        String str16 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("schemeUrl");
        String str17 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("parameter");
        String str18 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("packageName");
        String str19 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sourceInfo");
        String str20 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("bizInfo");
        Bundle bundle5 = h1Var.f247859e;
        String string2 = bundle5 != null ? bundle5.getString("name") : null;
        int i27 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("alertType"), 0);
        String str21 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("signature");
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str15);
        String str22 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("extInfo");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doLaunchApplication, appid : %s, scheme : %s, extinfo:[%s], parameter : %s, pkg:%s, signature:%s", str15, str16, str22, str17, str18, str21);
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str15) || !Util.isNullOrNil(str16) || !Util.isNullOrNil(str18)) {
            Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("__jsapi_fw_ext_info");
            String string3 = obj instanceof Bundle ? ((Bundle) obj).getString("__jsapi_fw_ext_info_key_current_url") : null;
            String c15 = msgHandler.f167382z.c(string3);
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(c15) && (bundle2 = h1Var.f247859e) != null) {
                c15 = bundle2.getString("appId");
            Bundle bundle6 = new Bundle();
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string3)) {
                try {
                    bundle6.putString("current_page_url", URLEncoder.encode(string3, "UTF-8"));
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException unused2) {
            bundle6.putString("current_page_appid", c15);
            bundle6.putString("current_page_biz_info", str20);
            bundle6.putString("current_page_source_info", str19);
            try {
                m mVar = msgHandler.f167378x;
                if (mVar != null) {
                    str = str17;
                    try {
                        bundle = mVar.v6(1020, null);
                    } catch (RemoteException e16) {
                        e15 = e16;
                } else {
                    str = str17;
                    bundle = null;
            } catch (RemoteException e17) {
                e15 = e17;
                str = str17;
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invokeAsResult error.%s", e15);
                bundle = null;
                if (bundle == null) {
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str12)) {
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str11)) {
                bundle6.putInt("current_page_secCtrlMode", i17);
                bundle6.putString("current_page_fromUsername", str9);
                bundle6.putString("current_page_msgUsername", str8);
                bundle6.putInt("current_page_requestId", i18);
                bundle6.putInt("current_page_msgType", i19);
                bundle6.putInt("current_page_appMsgType", i16);
                bundle6.putInt("current_page_a8keyScene", i25);
                bundle6.putString("current_page_msgId", str10);
                bundle6.putBoolean("current_page_ad_onlineReport", true);
                c.b bVar = new c.b();
                bVar.f345559a = new kx2();
                bVar.f345560b = new lx2();
                bVar.f345561c = "/cgi-bin/mmbiz-bin/checklaunchapp";
                bVar.f345562d = TingProto.TingReportAction.TingReportAction_ControlAreaAudioIconClickToSquare_VALUE;
                yf0.c a15 = bVar.a();
                kx2 kx22 = (kx2) a15.f345548a.f345573a;
                kx22.f27888d = c15;
                kx22.f27889e = str15;
                kx22.f27890f = i25;
                kx22.f27891g = string3;
                kx22.f27892h = str4;
                kx22.f27893i = i15;
                kx22.f27894j = 0;
                kx22.f27897p = str5;
                kx22.f27898q = string2;
                kx22.f27899r = i18;
                kx22.f27900s = str9;
                kx22.f27901t = str8;
                kx22.f27902u = str10;
                kx22.f27903v = i19;
                kx22.f27904w = i16;
                kx22.f27905x = i17;
                kx22.f27906y = !z15 ? 1 : 2;
                if (!z15) {
                b15 = j1.f165615a.b(str3, str6);
                if (b15 != null) {
                Log.i(str2, "run cgi to check(appId : %s, toAppId : %s, scene : %s, url : %s, schemeUrl : %s, alertType : %s, msgType: %d, appMsgType: %d, ctrlMode:%d, hasTouched: %s, touchTime: %s, touchPosition: %s)", c15, str15, Integer.valueOf(kx22.f27890f), kx22.f27891g, kx22.f27892h, Integer.valueOf(kx22.f27893i), Integer.valueOf(kx22.f27903v), Integer.valueOf(kx22.f27904w), Integer.valueOf(kx22.f27905x), Integer.valueOf(kx22.f27906y), Long.valueOf(kx22.f27907z), point2);
                Log.i(str2, "CheckLaunchAppWithA8keyParams:request_id:%s, user_name:%s, msg_username:%s, msg_id:%s", Integer.valueOf(i18), str9, str8, str10);
                l0.e(a15, new e0(msgHandler, z16, h1Var, str15, str13, str4, bundle6, str14, str7, str, str22), false);
                return true;
            if (bundle == null) {
                int i28 = bundle.getInt("key_get_a8key_req_params_req_id");
                String string4 = bundle.getString("key_get_a8key_req_params_username");
                String string5 = bundle.getString("key_get_a8key_req_params_msg_username");
                String string6 = bundle.getString("key_get_a8key_req_params_msg_id");
                String string7 = bundle.getString("key_get_a8key_req_params_biz_info");
                String string8 = bundle.getString("key_get_a8key_req_params_source_info");
                int i29 = bundle.getInt("key_get_a8key_req_params_msg_type");
                int i35 = bundle.getInt("key_get_a8key_req_params_app_msg_type");
                int i36 = bundle.getInt("key_get_a8key_req_params_ctrl_mode");
                int i37 = bundle.getInt("key_get_a8key_req_params_scene");
                boolean z17 = bundle.getBoolean("key_get_a8key_req_params_has_touched", false);
                str2 = "MicroMsg.MsgHandler";
                str3 = str20;
                j15 = bundle.getLong("key_get_a8key_req_params_touch_timestamp", 0);
                str8 = string5;
                str10 = string6;
                str9 = string4;
                point = (Point) bundle.getParcelable("key_get_a8key_req_params_touch_position");
                str6 = str19;
                str12 = string7;
                i19 = i29;
                str4 = str16;
                str5 = str18;
                i18 = i28;
                i17 = i36;
                str7 = str21;
                i16 = i35;
                z15 = z17;
                str11 = string8;
                i15 = i27;
                i25 = i37;
            } else {
                str2 = "MicroMsg.MsgHandler";
                str3 = str20;
                i15 = i27;
                str6 = str19;
                str4 = str16;
                str5 = str18;
                str12 = "";
                str11 = str12;
                str10 = str11;
                str9 = str10;
                str8 = str9;
                i25 = 0;
                i19 = 0;
                i18 = 0;
                i17 = 0;
                point = null;
                z15 = false;
                j15 = 0;
                str7 = str21;
                i16 = 0;
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str12)) {
                bundle6.putString("current_page_biz_info", str12);
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str11)) {
                bundle6.putString("current_page_source_info", str11);
            bundle6.putInt("current_page_secCtrlMode", i17);
            bundle6.putString("current_page_fromUsername", str9);
            bundle6.putString("current_page_msgUsername", str8);
            bundle6.putInt("current_page_requestId", i18);
            bundle6.putInt("current_page_msgType", i19);
            bundle6.putInt("current_page_appMsgType", i16);
            bundle6.putInt("current_page_a8keyScene", i25);
            bundle6.putString("current_page_msgId", str10);
            bundle6.putBoolean("current_page_ad_onlineReport", true);
            c.b bVar2 = new c.b();
            bVar2.f345559a = new kx2();
            bVar2.f345560b = new lx2();
            bVar2.f345561c = "/cgi-bin/mmbiz-bin/checklaunchapp";
            bVar2.f345562d = TingProto.TingReportAction.TingReportAction_ControlAreaAudioIconClickToSquare_VALUE;
            yf0.c a152 = bVar2.a();
            kx2 kx222 = (kx2) a152.f345548a.f345573a;
            kx222.f27888d = c15;
            kx222.f27889e = str15;
            kx222.f27890f = i25;
            kx222.f27891g = string3;
            kx222.f27892h = str4;
            kx222.f27893i = i15;
            kx222.f27894j = 0;
            kx222.f27897p = str5;
            kx222.f27898q = string2;
            kx222.f27899r = i18;
            kx222.f27900s = str9;
            kx222.f27901t = str8;
            kx222.f27902u = str10;
            kx222.f27903v = i19;
            kx222.f27904w = i16;
            kx222.f27905x = i17;
            kx222.f27906y = !z15 ? 1 : 2;
            if (!z15) {
                str13 = string2;
                if (j15 > 0) {
                    str14 = str5;
                    kx222.f27907z = Math.max(0L, System.currentTimeMillis() - j15);
                } else {
                    str14 = str5;
                point2 = point;
                if (point != null) {
                    kx222.A = point2.x;
                    kx222.B = point2.y;
            } else {
                str13 = string2;
                str14 = str5;
                point2 = point;
            b15 = j1.f165615a.b(str3, str6);
            if (b15 != null) {
                ((c0) j.c(c0.class)).kU(b15);
            Log.i(str2, "run cgi to check(appId : %s, toAppId : %s, scene : %s, url : %s, schemeUrl : %s, alertType : %s, msgType: %d, appMsgType: %d, ctrlMode:%d, hasTouched: %s, touchTime: %s, touchPosition: %s)", c15, str15, Integer.valueOf(kx222.f27890f), kx222.f27891g, kx222.f27892h, Integer.valueOf(kx222.f27893i), Integer.valueOf(kx222.f27903v), Integer.valueOf(kx222.f27904w), Integer.valueOf(kx222.f27905x), Integer.valueOf(kx222.f27906y), Long.valueOf(kx222.f27907z), point2);
            Log.i(str2, "CheckLaunchAppWithA8keyParams:request_id:%s, user_name:%s, msg_username:%s, msg_id:%s", Integer.valueOf(i18), str9, str8, str10);
            l0.e(a152, new e0(msgHandler, z16, h1Var, str15, str13, str4, bundle6, str14, str7, str, str22), false);
            return true;
        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appid,pkg and scheme is null or nil");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "launchApplication:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean G2(MsgHandler msgHandler, final h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        String str4;
        int i15;
        if (ChannelUtil.isGPVersion()) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTask fail, GP Version not allowed to download");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "system:access_denied", null);
            return true;
        String str5 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("task_name");
        String str6 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("task_url");
        String str7 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("alternative_url");
        long j15 = Util.getLong((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("task_size"), 0);
        String str8 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("file_md5");
        String str9 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("extInfo");
        String str10 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("fileType");
        String str11 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("appid");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str11)) {
            str = "appid";
            str2 = msgHandler.o6((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("url"));
        } else {
            str = "appid";
            str2 = str11;
        String str12 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(IXWebBroadcastListener.PACKAGE_NAME);
        String str13 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("thumb_url");
        String str14 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("download_type"), 0);
        boolean isTeenMode = ((s0) z.q(s0.class)).isTeenMode();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTask, md5 = " + str8 + ", url = " + str6 + ", extinfo = " + str9 + ", fileType = " + str10 + ", isTeenMode = " + isTeenMode);
        if (isTeenMode) {
            ((i) j.c(i.class)).O4(msgHandler.f167360d);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "add_download_task:cancel", null);
            return true;
        Bundle bundle = msgHandler.f167367n;
        if (bundle != null) {
            int i17 = bundle.getInt("key_download_restrict", 0);
            str4 = str10;
            String string = msgHandler.f167367n.getString("key_function_id", "");
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string)) {
                str3 = str8;
                i15 = 1;
                q.INSTANCE.g(14596, string, Integer.valueOf(i17), 0);
            } else {
                str3 = str8;
                i15 = 1;
            if (i17 == i15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "not allow to download file");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "add_download_task:fail", null);
                return true;
        } else {
            str3 = str8;
            str4 = str10;
        if (!NetStatusUtil.isNetworkConnected(msgHandler.f167360d)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "add_download_task:fail_network_not_connected", null);
            MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new x1(msgHandler));
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTask fail, network not ready");
            msgHandler.V6(str2, TingProto.TingReportContext.ACTIONSONGINDEXINLIST_FIELD_NUMBER, str9);
            return true;
        } else if (!z.s().n()) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "add_download_task:fail_sdcard_not_ready", null);
            MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new y1(msgHandler));
            msgHandler.V6(str2, TingProto.TingReportContext.ACTIONCATEGORYID_FIELD_NUMBER, str9);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTask fail, sdcard not ready");
            return true;
        } else if (j15 > 0 && !((kq.x) j.c(kq.x.class)).tw0(j15) && !((kq.x) j.c(kq.x.class)).fq(j15)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "add_download_task:fail_sdcard_has_not_enough_space", null);
            MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new z1(msgHandler));
            msgHandler.V6(str2, TingProto.TingReportContext.ACTIONCATEGORYID_FIELD_NUMBER, str9);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTask fail, not enough space, require size = " + j15);
            return true;
        } else if (Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTask fail, url is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "add_download_task:fail_invalid_url", null);
            msgHandler.V6(str2, 700, str9);
            return true;
        } else {
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.setClass(msgHandler.f167360d, WebViewDownloadUI.class);
            intent.putExtra("task_name", str5);
            intent.putExtra("task_download_type", i16);
            intent.putExtra("app_developer", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("developer"));
            intent.putExtra("app_version", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("app_version"));
            intent.putExtra("app_desc", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("app_desc"));
            intent.putExtra("app_privacy_url", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("privacy_agreement_url"));
            intent.putExtra("app_permission_url", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("permission_url"));
            intent.putExtra("task_url", str6);
            intent.putExtra("alternative_url", str7);
            intent.putExtra("task_size", j15);
            intent.putExtra("file_md5", str3);
            intent.putExtra("extInfo", str9);
            intent.putExtra("fileType", str4);
            intent.putExtra(str, str2);
            intent.putExtra(IXWebBroadcastListener.PACKAGE_NAME, str12);
            intent.putExtra("thumb_url", str13);
            intent.putExtra(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, str14);
            intent.putExtra("page_url", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("url"));
            intent.putExtra("page_scene", 0);
            Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
            k30.a aVar = new k30.a();
            j30.a.d(context, aVar.b(), "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTask", "(Lcom/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/jsapi/MsgWrapper;Lcom/tencent/mm/protocal/JsapiPermissionWrapper;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
            context.startActivity((Intent) aVar.a(0));
            j30.a.e(context, "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTask", "(Lcom/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/jsapi/MsgWrapper;Lcom/tencent/mm/protocal/JsapiPermissionWrapper;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
            AnonymousClass38 r25 = new IListener<AddDownloadTaskEvent>(h.f61283d) {
                /* class com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.jsapi.MsgHandler.AnonymousClass38 */

                    this.__eventId = 1058823164;

                /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [com.tencent.mm.sdk.event.IEvent] */
                @Override // com.tencent.mm.sdk.event.IListener
                public boolean callback(AddDownloadTaskEvent addDownloadTaskEvent) {
                    AddDownloadTaskEvent addDownloadTaskEvent2 = addDownloadTaskEvent;
                    if (!(addDownloadTaskEvent2 instanceof AddDownloadTaskEvent)) {
                        Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mismatched event");
                        return false;
                    AddDownloadTaskEvent.a aVar = addDownloadTaskEvent2.f61796d;
                    if (aVar.f61797a != 0) {
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "not jsapi api callback");
                        return false;
                    HashMap hashMap = null;
                    if (aVar.f61798b) {
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTask callback, cancel");
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(addDownloadTaskEvent2.f61796d.f61800d)) {
                            hashMap = new HashMap();
                            hashMap.put("detail_err_msg", addDownloadTaskEvent2.f61796d.f61800d);
                        MsgHandler.this.q5(h1Var, "add_download_task:cancel", hashMap);
                        return false;
                    if (aVar.f61799c > 0) {
                        HashMap hashMap2 = new HashMap();
                        hashMap2.put("download_id", Long.valueOf(addDownloadTaskEvent2.f61796d.f61799c));
                        hashMap2.put("detail_err_msg", addDownloadTaskEvent2.f61796d.f61800d);
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTask callback, ok");
                        MsgHandler.this.q5(h1Var, "add_download_task:ok", hashMap2);
                    } else {
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTask callback, failed");
                        MsgHandler.this.q5(h1Var, "add_download_task:fail", null);
                    return false;
            msgHandler.L = r25;
            return true;

    public static boolean G3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        String str2;
        boolean z15;
        try {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "handle qq mail login result");
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            String str3 = "";
            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("mailAddr")) {
                str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mailAddr");
                bundle.putString("key_qq_mail", str);
            } else {
                str = str3;
            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("ticket")) {
                str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("ticket");
                bundle.putString("key_bind_ticket", str2);
            } else {
                str2 = str3;
            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("needSecPWD")) {
                z15 = "true".equals((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("needSecPWD"));
                bundle.putBoolean("key_need_second_pwd", z15);
            } else {
                z15 = false;
            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("secpwdkey")) {
                str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("secpwdkey");
                bundle.putString("key_second_pwd_key", str3);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mail %s, ticket %s, needSecondPwd %s, secPwdKey %s", str, str2, Boolean.valueOf(z15), str3);
            new WebViewCloseWindowEvent().publish();
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "qqMailLoginResult ok", null);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "qqMailLoginResult exception", new Object[0]);
        return true;

    public static boolean G4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        try {
            msgHandler.f167378x.xH(3004, null);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "RemoteException : %s", e15.getMessage());
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "showAllNonBaseMenuItem:param is empty", null);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "showAllNonBaseMenuItem:ok", null);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:117:0x02e8  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:202:0x0485  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:205:0x0498  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:219:0x050d  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:220:0x050f  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:223:0x0533  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:226:0x0558  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:229:0x0571  */
    public static boolean H(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String[] strArr;
        String str;
        String[] strArr2;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        int i15;
        String str4;
        String[] strArr3;
        String str5;
        String str6;
        String str7;
        String str8;
        String str9;
        boolean z15;
        int i16;
        Exception e15;
        int i17;
        float f15;
        String str10;
        String str11;
        String str12;
        String str13;
        float f16;
        int i18;
        String str14;
        JSONObject jSONObject;
        JSONObject optJSONObject;
        boolean z16;
        int a15;
        double d15;
        int optDouble;
        int optDouble2;
        int optDouble3;
        String string;
        String string2;
        String string3;
        int i19;
        String a16;
        MsgHandler msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
        String str15 = "webViewId";
        String str16 = "wxappPathWithQuery";
        String str17 = "geta8key_init_request_id";
        String str18 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("current");
        String[] strArr4 = (String[]) h1Var.f247819a.get("urls");
        int i25 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("currentPos"), -1);
        int i26 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE), 0);
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
        if (strArr4 == null || strArr4.length == 0) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doImgPreview fail, urls is null");
            msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
            msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail_urls_invalid", null);
            return false;
        int i27 = 0;
        while (i27 < strArr4.length) {
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(strArr4[i27]) || strArr4[i27].equalsIgnoreCase("null")) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "null url, i = %d", Integer.valueOf(i27));
            } else {
                if (Util.nullAsNil(strArr4[i27]).startsWith("weixin://resourceid/")) {
                    strArr4[i27] = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(strArr4[i27]).f165430g;
            str15 = str15;
            str17 = str17;
            str16 = str16;
        String[] strArr5 = (String[]) arrayList.toArray(strArr4);
        String[] strArr6 = (String[]) arrayList.toArray(new String[arrayList.size()]);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str18)) {
            str18 = strArr5[0];
        } else if (str18.startsWith("weixin://resourceid/")) {
            str18 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(str18).f165430g;
        String str19 = "";
        if (((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("liteAppId")) != null) {
            String[] strArr7 = (String[]) h1Var.f247819a.get("localCacheIds");
            if (strArr7 != null) {
                int[] iArr = new int[strArr7.length];
                for (int i28 = 0; i28 < strArr7.length; i28++) {
                    iArr[i28] = Integer.parseInt(strArr7[i28]);
                strArr = strArr6;
                str = "MicroMsg.MsgHandler";
                strArr2 = LiteAppCenter.getResourcePath(Long.parseLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("liteAppPtr")), Long.parseLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("liteAppPageId")), iArr);
            } else {
                str = "MicroMsg.MsgHandler";
                strArr = strArr6;
                strArr2 = null;
            if (strArr2 != null) {
                ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
                for (int i29 = 0; i29 < strArr2.length; i29++) {
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(strArr2[i29]) || strArr2[i29].equalsIgnoreCase("null")) {
                    } else {
                strArr2 = (String[]) arrayList2.toArray(strArr2);
        } else {
            str = "MicroMsg.MsgHandler";
            strArr = strArr6;
            strArr2 = null;
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("key_wxapp_id")) {
            String str20 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("key_wxapp_id");
            ((r21.d) z.q(r21.d.class)).gk0((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url"));
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str20)) {
                intent.putExtra("isFromAppBrandWebView", true);
            str2 = str20;
        } else {
            str2 = null;
        try {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putString("currentPicUrl", str18);
            try {
                Bundle v65 = msgHandler2.f167378x.v6(90001, bundle);
                if (v65 != null) {
                    try {
                        String string4 = v65.getString("cookie", null);
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string4)) {
                            intent.putExtra("cookie", string4);
                        f15 = v65.getFloat(Constants.PARAM_DENSITY, -1.0f);
                        int i35 = v65.getInt("topOffset", -1);
                        str10 = v65.getString("currentUrlPath", str19);
                        i17 = i35;
                    } catch (Exception e16) {
                        e15 = e16;
                        strArr3 = strArr2;
                        str3 = str18;
                        str4 = str19;
                        str7 = str17;
                        str8 = str16;
                        str9 = str;
                        z15 = true;
                        i16 = 1;
                        i15 = 0;
                        str5 = str4;
                        str6 = str2;
                        Object[] objArr = new Object[i16];
                        objArr[0] = e15.getMessage();
                        Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr);
                        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                        intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                        intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                        intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                        intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                        intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                        intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                        intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                        intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                        intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                        if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                        Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle();
                        bundle2.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                        bundle2.putInt(str7, i15);
                        bundle2.putString("stat_url", str19);
                        bundle2.putString(str8, str5);
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                        intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle2);
                        ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                        msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                        return false;
                } else {
                    f15 = -1.0f;
                    i17 = -1;
                    str10 = str19;
                strArr3 = strArr2;
                str3 = str18;
            } catch (Exception e17) {
                e15 = e17;
                strArr3 = strArr2;
                str3 = str18;
                str4 = str19;
                str7 = str17;
                str8 = str16;
                str9 = str;
                str6 = str2;
                str19 = str4;
                str5 = str19;
                z15 = true;
                i16 = 1;
                i15 = 0;
                Object[] objArr2 = new Object[i16];
                objArr2[0] = e15.getMessage();
                Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr2);
                msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                Bundle bundle22 = new Bundle();
                bundle22.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                bundle22.putInt(str7, i15);
                bundle22.putString("stat_url", str19);
                bundle22.putString(str8, str5);
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle22);
                ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                return false;
            try {
                Bundle v66 = msgHandler2.f167378x.v6(18, null);
                if (v66 != null) {
                    try {
                        string = v66.getString("preChatName");
                        string2 = v66.getString("preUsername");
                        i18 = i17;
                        string3 = v66.getString("rawUrl");
                        f16 = f15;
                        str12 = v66.getString("url", str19);
                    } catch (Exception e18) {
                        e15 = e18;
                        str4 = str19;
                        str7 = str17;
                        str11 = str16;
                        str9 = str;
                        str6 = str2;
                        str12 = str4;
                        str5 = str12;
                        str19 = str12;
                        z15 = true;
                        i15 = 0;
                        i16 = 1;
                        msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                        str8 = str11;
                        Object[] objArr22 = new Object[i16];
                        objArr22[0] = e15.getMessage();
                        Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr22);
                        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                        intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                        intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                        intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                        intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                        intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                        intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                        intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                        intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                        intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                        if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                        Bundle bundle222 = new Bundle();
                        bundle222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                        bundle222.putInt(str7, i15);
                        bundle222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                        bundle222.putString(str8, str5);
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                        intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle222);
                        ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                        msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                        return false;
                    try {
                        str5 = v66.getString(str16, str19);
                        str11 = str16;
                        try {
                            i19 = v66.getInt("getA8KeyScene");
                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                                str4 = str19;
                                try {
                                    intent.putExtra("wxaSessionId", v66.getString("wxappSessionId"));
                                    intent.putExtra("wxaScene", v66.getInt("wxappScene"));
                                    i19 = 44;
                                } catch (Exception e19) {
                                    e15 = e19;
                                    msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                                    str19 = str12;
                                    str7 = str17;
                                    str9 = str;
                                    str8 = str11;
                                    z15 = true;
                                    i16 = 1;
                                    i15 = 0;
                                    str6 = str2;
                                    Object[] objArr222 = new Object[i16];
                                    objArr222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                                    Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr222);
                                    msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                                    if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                                    if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                                    intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                                    intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                                    intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                                    intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                                    intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                                    intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                                    intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                                    intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                                    intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                                    if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                                    Bundle bundle2222 = new Bundle();
                                    bundle2222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                                    bundle2222.putInt(str7, i15);
                                    bundle2222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                                    bundle2222.putString(str8, str5);
                                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                                    intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle2222);
                                    ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                                    msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                                    msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                                    return false;
                            } else {
                                str4 = str19;
                            str6 = str2;
                            try {
                                i15 = v66.getInt(str17, 0);
                                try {
                                    intent.putExtra(str15, v66.getInt(str15));
                                    a16 = nf0.z0.a("ImgPreview");
                                    str7 = str17;
                                } catch (Exception e25) {
                                    e15 = e25;
                                    str7 = str17;
                                    str9 = str;
                                    str13 = str4;
                                    z15 = true;
                                    str4 = str13;
                                    str19 = str12;
                                    i16 = 1;
                                    msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                                    str8 = str11;
                                    Object[] objArr2222 = new Object[i16];
                                    objArr2222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                                    Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr2222);
                                    msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                                    if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                                    if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                                    intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                                    intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                                    intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                                    intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                                    intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                                    intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                                    intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                                    intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                                    intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                                    if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                                    Bundle bundle22222 = new Bundle();
                                    bundle22222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                                    bundle22222.putInt(str7, i15);
                                    bundle22222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                                    bundle22222.putString(str8, str5);
                                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                                    intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle22222);
                                    ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                                    msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                                    msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                                    return false;
                            } catch (Exception e26) {
                                e15 = e26;
                                str7 = str17;
                                str9 = str;
                                str19 = str12;
                                z15 = true;
                                i15 = 0;
                                i16 = 1;
                                msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                                str8 = str11;
                                Object[] objArr22222 = new Object[i16];
                                objArr22222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                                Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr22222);
                                msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                                if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                                if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                                intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                                intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                                intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                                intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                                intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                                intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                                intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                                intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                                intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                                if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                                Bundle bundle222222 = new Bundle();
                                bundle222222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                                bundle222222.putInt(str7, i15);
                                bundle222222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                                bundle222222.putString(str8, str5);
                                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                                intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle222222);
                                ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                                msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                                msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                                return false;
                        } catch (Exception e27) {
                            e15 = e27;
                            str4 = str19;
                            str7 = str17;
                            str9 = str;
                            str6 = str2;
                            str19 = str12;
                            z15 = true;
                            i15 = 0;
                            i16 = 1;
                            msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                            str8 = str11;
                            Object[] objArr222222 = new Object[i16];
                            objArr222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                            Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr222222);
                            msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                            intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                            intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                            intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                            intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                            intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                            intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                            intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                            intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                            intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                            if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                            Bundle bundle2222222 = new Bundle();
                            bundle2222222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                            bundle2222222.putInt(str7, i15);
                            bundle2222222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                            bundle2222222.putString(str8, str5);
                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                            intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle2222222);
                            ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                            msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                            msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                            return false;
                        try {
                            z0.c c15 = nf0.z0.d().c(a16, true);
                            c15.i("preUsername", string);
                            c15.i("preChatName", string2);
                            c15.i("url", str12);
                            c15.i("rawUrl", string3);
                            int i36 = !((r21.d) z.q(r21.d.class)).gk0(str12) ? 6 : 1;
                            c15.i("Contact_Scene_Note", str12);
                            c15.i("Contact_Sub_Scene", Integer.valueOf(i36));
                            if (i19 != 53) {
                                if (i19 != 52) {
                                    str9 = str;
                                    z15 = true;
                                    try {
                                        intent.putExtra("scanQrCodeGetA8KeyScene", i19);
                                        intent.putExtra("nowWebUrl", str12);
                                        intent.putExtra("KScene", i26);
                                        intent.putExtra("img_gallery_session_id", a16);
                                        if (w0.D(string2)) {
                                            str4 = string;
                                        str19 = str12;
                                    } catch (Exception e28) {
                                        e15 = e28;
                                        str19 = str12;
                                        i16 = 1;
                                        msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                                        str8 = str11;
                                        Object[] objArr2222222 = new Object[i16];
                                        objArr2222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                                        Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr2222222);
                                        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                                        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                                        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                                        intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                                        intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                                        intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                                        intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                                        intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                                        intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                                        intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                                        intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                                        intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                                        if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                                        Bundle bundle22222222 = new Bundle();
                                        bundle22222222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                                        bundle22222222.putInt(str7, i15);
                                        bundle22222222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                                        bundle22222222.putString(str8, str5);
                                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                                        intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle22222222);
                                        ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                                        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                                        msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                                        return false;
                            str9 = str;
                        } catch (Exception e29) {
                            e15 = e29;
                            str9 = str;
                            str13 = str4;
                            z15 = true;
                            str4 = str13;
                            str19 = str12;
                            i16 = 1;
                            msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                            str8 = str11;
                            Object[] objArr22222222 = new Object[i16];
                            objArr22222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                            Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr22222222);
                            msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                            intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                            intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                            intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                            intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                            intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                            intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                            intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                            intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                            intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                            if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                            Bundle bundle222222222 = new Bundle();
                            bundle222222222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                            bundle222222222.putInt(str7, i15);
                            bundle222222222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                            bundle222222222.putString(str8, str5);
                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                            intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle222222222);
                            ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                            msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                            msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                            return false;
                        try {
                            Log.i(str9, "not allow to ScanQRCode");
                            z15 = false;
                            intent.putExtra("scanQrCodeGetA8KeyScene", i19);
                            intent.putExtra("nowWebUrl", str12);
                            intent.putExtra("KScene", i26);
                            intent.putExtra("img_gallery_session_id", a16);
                            if (w0.D(string2)) {
                            str19 = str12;
                        } catch (Exception e35) {
                            e15 = e35;
                            str13 = str4;
                            z15 = true;
                            str4 = str13;
                            str19 = str12;
                            i16 = 1;
                            msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                            str8 = str11;
                            Object[] objArr222222222 = new Object[i16];
                            objArr222222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                            Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr222222222);
                            msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                            intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                            intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                            intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                            intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                            intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                            intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                            intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                            intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                            intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                            if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                            Bundle bundle2222222222 = new Bundle();
                            bundle2222222222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                            bundle2222222222.putInt(str7, i15);
                            bundle2222222222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                            bundle2222222222.putString(str8, str5);
                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                            intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle2222222222);
                            ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                            msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                            msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                            return false;
                    } catch (Exception e36) {
                        e15 = e36;
                        str11 = str16;
                        str4 = str19;
                        str7 = str17;
                        str9 = str;
                        str6 = str2;
                        str5 = str4;
                        str19 = str12;
                        z15 = true;
                        i15 = 0;
                        i16 = 1;
                        msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                        str8 = str11;
                        Object[] objArr2222222222 = new Object[i16];
                        objArr2222222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                        Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr2222222222);
                        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                        intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                        intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                        intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                        intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                        intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                        intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                        intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                        intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                        intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                        if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                        Bundle bundle22222222222 = new Bundle();
                        bundle22222222222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                        bundle22222222222.putInt(str7, i15);
                        bundle22222222222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                        bundle22222222222.putString(str8, str5);
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                        intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle22222222222);
                        ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                        msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                        return false;
                } else {
                    str4 = str19;
                    f16 = f15;
                    i18 = i17;
                    str7 = str17;
                    str11 = str16;
                    str9 = str;
                    str6 = str2;
                    str5 = str19;
                    z15 = true;
                    i15 = 0;
            } catch (Exception e37) {
                e15 = e37;
                str4 = str19;
                str7 = str17;
                str8 = str16;
                str9 = str;
                str6 = str2;
                str19 = str4;
                str5 = str19;
                z15 = true;
                i16 = 1;
                i15 = 0;
                Object[] objArr22222222222 = new Object[i16];
                objArr22222222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr22222222222);
                msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                Bundle bundle222222222222 = new Bundle();
                bundle222222222222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                bundle222222222222.putInt(str7, i15);
                bundle222222222222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                bundle222222222222.putString(str8, str5);
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle222222222222);
                ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                return false;
            try {
                String str21 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("currentInfo");
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str21)) {
                    try {
                        jSONObject = new JSONObject(str21);
                        if (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.v.a(str10)) {
                            intent.putExtra("nowUrlPath", str10);
                    } catch (Exception e38) {
                        e15 = e38;
                        str12 = str19;
                        str13 = str4;
                        str4 = str13;
                        str19 = str12;
                        i16 = 1;
                        msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                        str8 = str11;
                        Object[] objArr222222222222 = new Object[i16];
                        objArr222222222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                        Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr222222222222);
                        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                        intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                        intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                        intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                        intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                        intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                        intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                        intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                        intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                        intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                        if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                        Bundle bundle2222222222222 = new Bundle();
                        bundle2222222222222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                        bundle2222222222222.putInt(str7, i15);
                        bundle2222222222222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                        bundle2222222222222.putString(str8, str5);
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                        intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle2222222222222);
                        ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                        msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                        return false;
                } else {
                    jSONObject = null;
                if (!com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.v.f() || jSONObject == null || (optJSONObject = jSONObject.optJSONObject("pos")) == null) {
                    msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                    str14 = str19;
                    str8 = str11;
                } else {
                    msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                    str8 = str11;
                    try {
                        Bundle v67 = msgHandler2.f167378x.v6(107, new Bundle());
                        if (v67 != null) {
                            z16 = v67.getBoolean("isFullScreen", false);
                        } else {
                            z16 = false;
                        float g15 = f16 <= 0.0f ? gy3.a.g(msgHandler2.f167360d) : f16;
                        a15 = i18 < 0 ? l5.a(msgHandler2.f167360d) + l5.f(msgHandler2.f167360d) : i18;
                        d15 = (double) g15;
                        optDouble = (int) (optJSONObject.optDouble("width") * d15);
                        optDouble2 = (int) (optJSONObject.optDouble("height") * d15);
                        try {
                            str14 = str19;
                            optDouble3 = (int) (optJSONObject.optDouble("x") * d15);
                        } catch (Exception e39) {
                            e15 = e39;
                            str14 = str19;
                            str19 = str14;
                            i16 = 1;
                            Object[] objArr2222222222222 = new Object[i16];
                            objArr2222222222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                            Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr2222222222222);
                            msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                            intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                            intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                            intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                            intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                            intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                            intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                            intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                            intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                            intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                            if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                            Bundle bundle22222222222222 = new Bundle();
                            bundle22222222222222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                            bundle22222222222222.putInt(str7, i15);
                            bundle22222222222222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                            bundle22222222222222.putString(str8, str5);
                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                            intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle22222222222222);
                            ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                            msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                            msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                            return false;
                    } catch (Exception e45) {
                        e15 = e45;
                        str14 = str19;
                        str19 = str14;
                        i16 = 1;
                        Object[] objArr22222222222222 = new Object[i16];
                        objArr22222222222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                        Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr22222222222222);
                        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                        intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                        intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                        intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                        intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                        intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                        intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                        intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                        intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                        intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                        if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                        Bundle bundle222222222222222 = new Bundle();
                        bundle222222222222222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                        bundle222222222222222.putInt(str7, i15);
                        bundle222222222222222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                        bundle222222222222222.putString(str8, str5);
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                        intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle222222222222222);
                        ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                        msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                        return false;
                    try {
                        double optDouble4 = optJSONObject.optDouble("y") * d15;
                        if (z16) {
                            a15 = 0;
                        intent.putExtra("img_gallery_width", optDouble).putExtra("img_gallery_height", optDouble2).putExtra("img_gallery_left", optDouble3).putExtra("img_gallery_top", (int) (optDouble4 + ((double) a15)));
                        int j15 = gy3.a.j(msgHandler2.f167360d);
                        if (optDouble > 0 && optDouble2 > 0 && optDouble2 < j15) {
                            intent.putExtra("shouldRunDragAnimation", true);
                    } catch (Exception e46) {
                        e15 = e46;
                        str19 = str14;
                        i16 = 1;
                        Object[] objArr222222222222222 = new Object[i16];
                        objArr222222222222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                        Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr222222222222222);
                        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                        intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                        intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                        intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                        intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                        intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                        intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                        intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                        intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                        intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                        if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                        Bundle bundle2222222222222222 = new Bundle();
                        bundle2222222222222222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                        bundle2222222222222222.putInt(str7, i15);
                        bundle2222222222222222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                        bundle2222222222222222.putString(str8, str5);
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                        intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle2222222222222222);
                        ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                        msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                        return false;
                str19 = str14;
            } catch (Exception e47) {
                e15 = e47;
                msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                str14 = str19;
                str8 = str11;
                str19 = str14;
                i16 = 1;
                Object[] objArr2222222222222222 = new Object[i16];
                objArr2222222222222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr2222222222222222);
                msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
                if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
                if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
                intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
                intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
                intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
                intent.putExtra("type", -255);
                intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
                intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
                intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
                intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
                intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
                if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
                Bundle bundle22222222222222222 = new Bundle();
                bundle22222222222222222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
                bundle22222222222222222.putInt(str7, i15);
                bundle22222222222222222.putString("stat_url", str19);
                bundle22222222222222222.putString(str8, str5);
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle22222222222222222);
                ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
                msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
                msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
                return false;
        } catch (Exception e48) {
            e15 = e48;
            strArr3 = strArr2;
            str3 = str18;
            str4 = str19;
            str9 = str;
            str7 = str17;
            str8 = str16;
            str6 = str2;
            str19 = str4;
            str5 = str19;
            z15 = true;
            i16 = 1;
            i15 = 0;
            Object[] objArr22222222222222222 = new Object[i16];
            objArr22222222222222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
            Log.e(str9, "doImgPreview fail : %s", objArr22222222222222222);
            msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:fail", null);
            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
            intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
            intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
            intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
            intent.putExtra("type", -255);
            intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
            intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
            intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
            intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
            intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
            if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
            Bundle bundle222222222222222222 = new Bundle();
            bundle222222222222222222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
            bundle222222222222222222.putInt(str7, i15);
            bundle222222222222222222.putString("stat_url", str19);
            bundle222222222222222222.putString(str8, str5);
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
            intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle222222222222222222);
            ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
            msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
            msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
            return false;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("pageInfos")) {
            intent.putExtra("pageInfos", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("pageInfos"));
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("url")) {
            String str22 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str22) || (!str22.startsWith("http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?") && !str22.startsWith("https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?") && !str22.startsWith("http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/") && !str22.startsWith("https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/"))) {
                intent.putExtra("isOfficialAccountImg", false);
            } else {
                intent.putExtra("isOfficialAccountImg", true);
        intent.putExtra("nowUrl", str3);
        intent.putExtra("urlList", strArr);
        intent.putExtra("cacheList", strArr3);
        intent.putExtra("type", -255);
        intent.putExtra("isFromWebView", true);
        intent.putExtra("currentPos", i25);
        intent.putExtra("forBidForward", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1);
        intent.putExtra("showmenu", Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showmenu"), true));
        intent.putExtra("shouldShowScanQrCodeMenu", z15);
        if (msgHandler2.f167360d instanceof Service) {
        Bundle bundle2222222222222222222 = new Bundle();
        bundle2222222222222222222.putInt("stat_scene", 4);
        bundle2222222222222222222.putInt(str7, i15);
        bundle2222222222222222222.putString("stat_url", str19);
        bundle2222222222222222222.putString(str8, str5);
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
            Log.i(str9, "[banjump] doImgPreview, wxappId:%s", str6);
            bundle2222222222222222222.putString("stat_app_id", str6);
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
            bundle2222222222222222222.putString("stat_send_msg_user", str4);
        intent.putExtra("_stat_obj", bundle2222222222222222222);
        ((w1) ap3.a.f7840a).o(intent, msgHandler2.f167360d);
        msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "imagePreview:ok", null);
        msgHandler2.f167375u = false;
        return false;

    public static boolean H0(MsgHandler msgHandler, final h1 h1Var) {
        String f15 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "businessType");
        String s65 = msgHandler.s6();
        String o65 = msgHandler.o6(s65);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(o65)) {
            o65 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "referrerAppId");
        final HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(f15)) {
            hashMap.put("err_code", -4);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openBusinessView:fail invalid businessType", hashMap);
        } else if (Util.isNullOrNil(o65)) {
            hashMap.put("err_code", -1);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openBusinessView:fail invalid referrerAppId", hashMap);
        } else {
            String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil(p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "envVersion"));
            int i15 = !nullAsNil.equals("trial") ? !nullAsNil.equals("develop") ? 0 : 1 : 2;
            String f16 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "queryString");
            ((d1) j.c(d1.class)).jP(msgHandler.f167360d, s65, o65, f15, f16, i15, msgHandler.l6());
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenBusinessView appid:%s, businessType:%s, queryString:%s, referrerUrl:%s", o65, f15, f16, s65);
            AnonymousClass142 r25 = new IListener<NavigateBackH5Event>(h.f61283d) {
                /* class com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.jsapi.MsgHandler.AnonymousClass142 */

                    this.__eventId = 123962501;

                /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [com.tencent.mm.sdk.event.IEvent] */
                @Override // com.tencent.mm.sdk.event.IListener
                public boolean callback(NavigateBackH5Event navigateBackH5Event) {
                    NavigateBackH5Event navigateBackH5Event2 = navigateBackH5Event;
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenBusinessView errCode %d", Integer.valueOf(navigateBackH5Event2.f63563d.f63564a));
                    hashMap.put("err_code", Integer.valueOf(navigateBackH5Event2.f63563d.f63564a));
                    NavigateBackH5Event.a aVar = navigateBackH5Event2.f63563d;
                    int i15 = aVar.f63564a;
                    if (i15 == -4) {
                        MsgHandler.this.q5(h1Var, "openBusinessView:fail invalid businessType", hashMap);
                    } else if (i15 == -3) {
                        MsgHandler.this.q5(h1Var, "openBusinessView:fail cancel", hashMap);
                    } else if (i15 == -2) {
                        MsgHandler.this.q5(h1Var, "openBusinessView:fail request CGI error", hashMap);
                    } else if (i15 != 0) {
                        MsgHandler.this.q5(h1Var, "openBusinessView:fail system error", hashMap);
                    } else {
                        hashMap.put("extraData", aVar.f63566c);
                        MsgHandler.this.q5(h1Var, "openBusinessView:ok", hashMap);
                    return false;
            msgHandler.f167379x0 = r25;
        return true;

    public static boolean H1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doLoginOrAuthorize!");
        f0 f0Var = new f0(msgHandler, h1Var);
        if (!f167358m1) {
            f167358m1 = true;
        } else {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "add to authJsApiQueue!");
        return true;

    public static boolean H2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        int i15 = msgHandler.f167370p0;
        msgHandler.f167370p0 = i15 + 1;
        Bundle b15 = h1.b(h1Var.f247819a);
        if (!b15.containsKey("playerId")) {
            b15.putString("playerId", String.valueOf(i15));
        } else {
            i15 = Util.safeParseInt(b15.getString("playerId"));
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "inserting video player id %d, params %s", Integer.valueOf(i15), h1Var.f247819a);
        try {
            m mVar = msgHandler.f167378x;
            if (mVar != null) {
                mVar.callback(200000, b15);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doInsertVideoPlayer exception" + e15.getMessage());
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("playerId", Integer.valueOf(i15));
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "insertVideoPlayer:ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean H3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("desc");
        if (str == null || "".equals(str)) {
            str = MMApplicationContext.getContext().getString(R.string.f368581fb2);
        if (((xw.d) j.c(xw.d.class)).ar(MMApplicationContext.getContext())) {
            hashMap.put("ret", 0);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "requestOverlayPermission:ok", hashMap);
            return true;
        ((xw.c) j.c(xw.c.class)).zQ(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), str, new c1(msgHandler, hashMap, h1Var), true, bu3.a.b());
        return true;

    public static boolean H4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        a0.a aVar = new a0.a();
        aVar.f165889b = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("link");
        aVar.f165888a = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        aVar.f165891d = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("imgUrl");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(aVar.f165889b)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doUpdateTimelineData link not allow to share %s", aVar.f165889b);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "updateTimelineShareData:fail, link is needed.", null);
        } else if (msgHandler.a7(jsapiPermissionWrapper, h1Var)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doUpdateTimelineData link not allow to share %s", aVar.f165889b);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "updateTimelineShareData:fail, link must be in JS secure domain list", null);
        } else {
            String str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("url");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doUpdateTimelineData url %s, imgUrl:%s", str, aVar.f165891d);
            msgHandler.E.f165885b.put(str, aVar);
            String r65 = msgHandler.r6();
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(r65)) {
                msgHandler.E.f165885b.put(r65, aVar);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "updateTimelineShareData:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean I(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hideNavBarShadow");
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) ka5).getClass();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "hideNavBarShadow");
        try {
            ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).vC(p.e(map, "webview_instance_id", -1));
        } catch (Throwable unused) {
        return false;

    public static boolean I0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("idKeyDataInfo");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "idkey data is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportIDKey:fail_invaild_parms", null);
        } else {
            try {
                JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str);
                ArrayList<IDKey> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
                for (int i15 = 0; i15 < jSONArray.length(); i15++) {
                    JSONObject optJSONObject = jSONArray.optJSONObject(i15);
                    IDKey iDKey = new IDKey();
                    iDKey.SetID(Util.getInt(optJSONObject.optString("id"), 0));
                    iDKey.SetKey(Util.getInt(optJSONObject.optString("key"), 0));
                    iDKey.SetValue((long) Util.getInt(optJSONObject.optString("value"), 0));
                if (arrayList.size() > 0) {
                    q.INSTANCE.a(arrayList, true);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportIDKey:ok", null);
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "parse json array faild : %s", e15.getMessage());
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportIDKey:fail", null);
        return false;

    public static boolean I1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: start do check is support face detect");
        GetIsSupportFaceEvent getIsSupportFaceEvent = new GetIsSupportFaceEvent();
        GetIsSupportFaceEvent.a aVar = getIsSupportFaceEvent.f63171d;
        boolean z15 = aVar.f63172a;
        int i15 = aVar.f63173b;
        String str = aVar.f63174c;
        int i16 = aVar.f63175d;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: is support: %b, errCode: %d, errMsg: %s, ilbVersion: %d", Boolean.valueOf(z15), Integer.valueOf(i15), str, Integer.valueOf(i16));
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("err_code", "" + i15);
        hashMap.put("err_msg", str);
        hashMap.put("lib_version_code", "" + i16);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doCheckIsSupportFaceDetect: ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean I2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        Bundle b15 = h1.b(h1Var.f247819a);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "update video player  params %s", h1Var.f247819a);
        try {
            m mVar = msgHandler.f167378x;
            if (mVar != null) {
                mVar.callback(200001, b15);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doInsertVideoPlayer exception" + e15.getMessage());
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "updateVideoPlayer:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean I3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openNewLifeProfile");
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) ka5).getClass();
        boolean z15 = true;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "openFinderProfile %s", map);
        String f15 = p.f(map, "userName");
        String f16 = p.f(map, "reportExtraInfo");
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("finder_username", f15);
        intent.putExtra("report_scene", 14);
        intent.putExtra("key_enter_profile_type", 1);
        intent.putExtra("key_extra_info", f16);
        if (p.e(map, "isInsideFinder", 0) != 1 && !p.d(map, "isInsideFinder", false)) {
            z15 = false;
        int e15 = p.e(map, "commentScene", 0);
        intent.putExtra("key_is_in_finder", z15);
        intent.putExtra("key_entry_type", e15);
        ((e2) j.c(e2.class)).I7(6, 2, 213, intent);
        ((e2) j.c(e2.class)).i2(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), intent);
        return false;

    public static boolean I4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        boolean z15;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("jsApiList");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "checkJsApi:param is empty", null);
        } else {
            try {
                JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
                JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str);
                if (jSONArray.length() == 0) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "checkJsApi:param is empty", null);
                } else {
                    for (int i15 = 0; i15 < jSONArray.length(); i15++) {
                        String string = jSONArray.getString(i15);
                        if (f0.f164574a.a(string) == null) {
                            if (!c.we.a(string)) {
                                z15 = false;
                                jSONObject.put(string, z15);
                        z15 = true;
                        jSONObject.put(string, z15);
                    HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                    hashMap.put("checkResult", jSONObject.toString());
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "checkJsApi:ok", hashMap);
            } catch (JSONException e15) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "JSONException : %s", e15.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "checkJsApi:param is empty", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean J(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.jsapi.finder.i.NAME);
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) ka5).getClass();
        boolean z15 = true;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "openFinderProfile %s", map);
        String f15 = p.f(map, "userName");
        String f16 = p.f(map, "reportExtraInfo");
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("finder_username", f15);
        intent.putExtra("report_scene", 14);
        intent.putExtra("key_enter_profile_type", 1);
        intent.putExtra("key_extra_info", f16);
        if (p.e(map, "isInsideFinder", 0) != 1 && !p.d(map, "isInsideFinder", false)) {
            z15 = false;
        int e15 = p.e(map, "commentScene", 0);
        intent.putExtra("key_is_in_finder", z15);
        intent.putExtra("key_entry_type", e15);
        ((e2) j.c(e2.class)).I7(6, 2, 32, intent);
        ((e2) j.c(e2.class)).i2(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), intent);
        return false;

    public static boolean J0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (((jt.b) j.c(jt.b.class)).tn0()) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "eu user just return fail");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "add_contact:fail EU user failed", null);
            return true;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("username");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "user name is null or nil");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "add_contact:fail", null);
            return false;
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE);
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("scenenote");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doQuicklyAddContact scene = %s, sceneNote = %s", str2, str3);
        int i15 = Util.getInt(str2, 91);
        cu3.a aVar = new cu3.a();
        aVar.f193992a = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("profileReportInfo");
        aVar.f193993b = 4;
        aVar.f193994c = str3;
        aVar.f193995d = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("finderBuffer");
        aVar.f193996e = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("searchClickId");
        aVar.f193998g = false;
        MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new q(msgHandler, ((cu3.v) j.c(cu3.v.class)).Hb(msgHandler.f167360d, str, i15, new w3(msgHandler, h1Var), aVar)));
        return true;

    public static boolean J1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("operationType");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOperateBackgroundAudio(), optype:%s", str);
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, msgHandler.n6());
        if (!msgHandler.y6(h1Var)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOperateBackgroundAudio getMusicPermission is false");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:fail", null);
        } else if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOperateBackgroundAudio optype is empty");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:fail", null);
        } else {
            if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(AssetExtension.SCENE_PLAY)) {
                if (bh0.j.c()) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:ok", null);
                } else {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "operateBackgroundAudio play fail");
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:fail", null);
            } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("resume")) {
                if (bh0.j.c()) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:ok", null);
                } else {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "operateBackgroundAudio resume fail");
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:fail", null);
            } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("pause")) {
                if (bh0.j.b()) {
                    MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new bh0.g());
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:ok", null);
                } else {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "operateBackgroundAudio pause fail");
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:fail", null);
            } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("seek")) {
                int i15 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("currentTime"), -1);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "currentTime:%d", Integer.valueOf(i15));
                if (i15 < 0) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "currentTime is invalid!");
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:fail", null);
                } else if (d.i(i15 * 1000)) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:ok", null);
                } else {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "operateBackgroundAudio seek fail");
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:fail", null);
            } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("stop")) {
                if (bh0.j.d()) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:ok", null);
                } else {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "operateBackgroundAudio stop fail");
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:fail", null);
            } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("next")) {
                MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new e());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:ok", null);
            } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("pre")) {
                MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new f());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:ok", null);
            } else {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "operateBackgroundAudio fail, invalid opeType");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateBackgroundAudio:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean J2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        Bundle b15 = h1.b(h1Var.f247819a);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "remove video player   params %s", h1Var.f247819a);
        try {
            m mVar = msgHandler.f167378x;
            if (mVar != null) {
                mVar.callback(200002, b15);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doRemoveVideoPlayer exception" + e15.getMessage());
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "removeVideoPlayer:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean J3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openNewLifeDetailPage");
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        try {
            String f15 = p.f(map, "feedId");
            String f16 = p.f(map, "nonceId");
            int e15 = p.e(map, "fromScene", 14);
            ((gw.h) j.c(gw.h.class)).YI("newlife_reportExtraInfo", p.f(map, "reportExtraInfo"));
            p.e(map, "webview_instance_id", -1);
            gx0.r.b(new com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.i(fTSWebViewLogic, f16, f15, e15));
        } catch (Exception unused) {
        return false;

    public static boolean J4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        boolean z15;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(l3.COL_LOCALID);
        Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("isShowProgressTips");
        if (obj != null) {
            try {
                z15 = Util.getInt(obj.toString(), 0) == 1;
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Exception has occured : %s", e15.getMessage());
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "isShowProgressTips(%s)", Boolean.valueOf(z15));
            o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "The localId(%s) is null or appId(%s) is null.", str2, str);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "translateVoice:fail_missing arguments", null);
            } else {
                WebViewJSSDKFileItem b15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(str2);
                if (b15 != null) {
                    MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new g3(msgHandler, z15, h1Var, str2, b15));
                } else {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "translateVoice:fail_arguments error", null);
            return true;
        z15 = true;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "isShowProgressTips(%s)", Boolean.valueOf(z15));
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "The localId(%s) is null or appId(%s) is null.", str2, str);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "translateVoice:fail_missing arguments", null);
        return true;

    public static List<String> J6(JSONArray jSONArray) {
        if (jSONArray == null || jSONArray.length() <= 0) {
            return new LinkedList();
        LinkedList linkedList = new LinkedList();
        for (int i15 = 0; i15 < jSONArray.length(); i15++) {
        return linkedList;

    public static boolean K(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka()).e(h1Var.f247819a);
        return false;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:62:0x010e A[ADDED_TO_REGION] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:65:0x0115 A[ADDED_TO_REGION] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:70:0x0126  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:83:0x0173  */
    public static boolean K0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        boolean z15;
        int[] iArr;
        int i15;
        boolean z16;
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("needResult"), 1);
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("scanType");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "desc : %s, scene : %d, scanType : %s", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("desc"), Integer.valueOf(i16), str);
        boolean isNullOrNil = Util.isNullOrNil(str);
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
        try {
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                try {
                    JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str);
                    z15 = isNullOrNil;
                    for (int i17 = 0; i17 < jSONArray.length(); i17++) {
                        try {
                            String str2 = (String) jSONArray.get(i17);
                            switch (str2.hashCode()) {
                                case -993060056:
                                    if (str2.equals("pdf417")) {
                                        z16 = true;
                                    z16 = true;
                                case -952485970:
                                    if (str2.equals("qrCode")) {
                                        z16 = true;
                                    z16 = true;
                                case -334537568:
                                    if (str2.equals("barCode")) {
                                        z16 = false;
                                    z16 = true;
                                case 2003869675:
                                    if (str2.equals("datamatrix")) {
                                        z16 = true;
                                    z16 = true;
                                    z16 = true;
                            if (!z16) {
                                isNullOrNil = true;
                            } else if (z16) {
                                z15 = true;
                            } else if (z16) {
                            } else if (z16) {
                        } catch (Exception unused) {
                            i15 = 4;
                            iArr = null;
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doScanQRCode, ex in scanType");
                            if (z15) {
                            if (i16 != 0) {
                            return true;
                } catch (Exception unused2) {
                    z15 = isNullOrNil;
                    i15 = 4;
                    iArr = null;
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doScanQRCode, ex in scanType");
                    if (z15) {
                    if (i16 != 0) {
                    return true;
            } else {
                z15 = isNullOrNil;
            if (arrayList.isEmpty()) {
                i15 = 4;
                try {
                } catch (Exception unused3) {
                    iArr = null;
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doScanQRCode, ex in scanType");
                    if (z15) {
                    if (i16 != 0) {
                    return true;
            } else {
                i15 = 4;
            iArr = new int[arrayList.size()];
            for (int i18 = 0; i18 < arrayList.size(); i18++) {
                try {
                    iArr[i18] = ((Integer) arrayList.get(i18)).intValue();
                } catch (Exception unused4) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doScanQRCode, ex in scanType");
                    if (z15) {
                    if (i16 != 0) {
                    return true;
        } catch (Exception unused5) {
            i15 = 4;
            z15 = isNullOrNil;
            iArr = null;
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doScanQRCode, ex in scanType");
            if (z15) {
            if (i16 != 0) {
            return true;
        int i19 = (z15 || isNullOrNil) ? (!z15 || !isNullOrNil) ? 1 : i15 : 8;
        if (i16 != 0) {
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("BaseScanUI_select_scan_mode", i19);
            intent.putExtra("key_show_scan_tips", false);
            intent.putExtra("key_enable_multi_code", false);
            intent.putExtra("key_scan_report_enter_scene", 1);
            if (iArr != null && iArr.length > 0) {
                intent.putExtra("key_support_scan_code_type", iArr);
            if (!zk.a.g(msgHandler.f167360d) && !zk.a.w(msgHandler.f167360d) && !zk.a.c(msgHandler.f167360d, true)) {
                v.e(intent.getExtras(), "scanner", ".ui.BaseScanUI", msgHandler.f167378x, new k1(msgHandler, intent));
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "scanQRCode:ok", null);
        } else if (i16 == 1) {
            Intent intent2 = new Intent();
            intent2.putExtra("BaseScanUI_select_scan_mode", i19);
            intent2.putExtra("key_show_scan_tips", false);
            intent2.putExtra("key_enable_multi_code", false);
            intent2.putExtra("BaseScanUI_only_scan_qrcode_with_zbar", true);
            intent2.putExtra("key_set_result_after_scan", true);
            intent2.putExtra("GetFriendQRCodeUI.INTENT_FROM_ACTIVITY", 3);
            intent2.putExtra("key_scan_report_enter_scene", 1);
            if (iArr != null && iArr.length > 0) {
                intent2.putExtra("key_support_scan_code_type", iArr);
            if (!zk.a.g(msgHandler.f167360d) && !zk.a.w(msgHandler.f167360d) && !zk.a.c(msgHandler.f167360d, true)) {
                WebViewStubTempUI.V7(msgHandler.f167360d, "scanner", ".ui.BaseScanUI", intent2, 15, false, msgHandler.A);
        } else {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "unkown scene");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "scanQRCode:fail_invalid_scene", null);
        return true;

    /* JADX DEBUG: Failed to insert an additional move for type inference into block B:70:0x02f6 */
    /* JADX DEBUG: Failed to insert an additional move for type inference into block B:49:0x021d */
    /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r14v7, types: [int, boolean] */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r0v31 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r0v49 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r0v54 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r14v16 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r0v56 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r15v12, types: [com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.x] */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r2v8 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r1v24, types: [org.json.JSONArray] */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r44v12 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r15v15 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r2v11 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r1v27 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r1v32, types: [org.json.JSONObject] */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r44v15, types: [java.lang.String] */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r2v14 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r2v16 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r1v34 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r44v17 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r2v17 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r15v17 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r44v19 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r15v19 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r2v19 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r1v36 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r1v38, types: [java.lang.String] */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r2v21, types: [java.lang.String] */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r44v21 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r15v21, types: [java.lang.String] */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r15v24, types: [java.lang.String] */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r2v25, types: [double] */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r1v40, types: [com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.x] */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r2v27, types: [java.util.ArrayList] */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r2v28 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r15v25 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r1v41 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r3v33, types: [org.json.JSONObject] */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r2v33 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r2v34 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r1v42 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r2v35 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r15v27 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r14v27 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r14v28 */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:132:0x0540  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:133:0x0546  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:140:0x0595  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:143:0x05c8  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:170:0x0494 A[SYNTHETIC] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:70:0x02f6 A[SYNTHETIC, Splitter:B:70:0x02f6] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Unknown variable types count: 6 */
    public static boolean K1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        double d15;
        int i15;
        String str;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        String str4;
        String str5;
        String str6;
        double d16;
        double d17;
        int i16;
        String str7;
        int i17;
        ?? r05;
        Map<String, Object> map;
        int i18;
        int i19;
        ArrayList arrayList;
        x xVar;
        int i25;
        double d18;
        int i26;
        String str8;
        int i27;
        x xVar2;
        Exception e15;
        double d19;
        String str9;
        ArrayList arrayList2;
        x xVar3;
        x xVar4;
        double d25;
        ArrayList arrayList3;
        String str10;
        double d26;
        double d27;
        String str11;
        ArrayList arrayList4;
        x xVar5;
        ArrayList arrayList5;
        String str12;
        n a15;
        String str13;
        String str14;
        String str15;
        LinkedList<String> linkedList;
        h1 h1Var2 = h1Var;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSetBackgroundAudioState()");
        String n65 = msgHandler.n6();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId:%s", n65);
        o1.a(h1Var2.f247862h, false, null, n65);
        String str16 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("url");
        String c15 = !Util.isNullOrNil(str16) ? up3.b.c(str16) : null;
        String str17 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("src");
        String str18 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("lowbandSrc");
        String str19 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        String str20 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("epname");
        String str21 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("singer");
        String str22 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("coverImgUrl");
        String str23 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("webUrl");
        int i28 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("startTime"), 0);
        String str24 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("srcId");
        String str25 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("protocol");
        String str26 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("musicbar_url");
        boolean f15 = jsapiPermissionWrapper.f(308);
        String str27 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("songLyric");
        String str28 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("src_username");
        int i29 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("needStartMusicUI"), 0);
        double d28 = (double) Util.getFloat((String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("playbackRate"), 1.0f);
        int i35 = (d28 > 0.5d ? 1 : (d28 == 0.5d ? 0 : -1));
        double d29 = (double) Util.getFloat((String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("volume"), 1.0f);
        if (i35 < 0 || d28 > 2.0d) {
            d28 = 1.0d;
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str27)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "songLyric is empty");
            d15 = d28;
        } else {
            d15 = d28;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "songLyric:%s", str27);
        if (str22 == null) {
            str22 = "";
        String str29 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("albumId");
        String str30 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("audioList");
        String str31 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var2.f247819a).get("playAudioId");
        if (x.f168144l == null) {
            synchronized (x.class) {
                if (x.f168144l == null) {
                    i15 = i29;
                    Context context = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                    str = str28;
                    lh4.m.f(context, "getContext()");
                    x xVar6 = new x(context, null);
                    x.f168144l = xVar6;
                    IListener<MusicPlayerEvent> iListener = xVar6.f168150f;
                    if (iListener != null) {
                } else {
                    i15 = i29;
                    str = str28;
                b0 b0Var = b0.f332794a;
        } else {
            i15 = i29;
            str = str28;
        x xVar7 = x.f168144l;
        String str32 = "audioId";
        String str33 = "";
        xVar7.f168148d = c15;
        String str34 = "MicroMsg.MusicAlbumHelper";
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str30) || Util.isNullOrNil(str29) || Util.isNullOrNil(str31)) {
            i16 = i15;
            str5 = str27;
            str4 = str26;
            str3 = str25;
            str2 = str24;
            i15 = i28;
            str7 = c15;
            str6 = str;
            d17 = d29;
            d16 = d15;
            i18 = 1;
            Log.i(str34, "playAudioList invalid params");
        } else {
            try {
                JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str30);
                if (jSONArray.length() <= 0) {
                    Log.i(str34, "playAudioList invalid mAudioList");
                } else {
                    ArrayList arrayList6 = new ArrayList();
                    try {
                        xVar7.f168146b = new gt5();
                        xVar7.f168147c = str29;
                        int length = jSONArray.length();
                        ArrayList arrayList7 = arrayList6;
                        int i36 = 0;
                        i26 = 0;
                        ?? r15 = jSONArray;
                        ?? r25 = h1Var2;
                        ?? r152 = xVar7;
                        while (i36 < length) {
                            try {
                                Object obj = r15.get(i36);
                                lh4.m.e(obj, "null cannot be cast to non-null type org.json.JSONObject");
                                r15 = (JSONObject) obj;
                                String optString = r15.optString(str32, str33);
                                if (Util.isNullOrNil(optString)) {
                                    Log.i(str34, "playAudioList audioId is empty");
                                } else {
                                    lh4.m.f(optString, str32);
                                    i16 = i36;
                                    String f16 = r152.f(optString, str29, c15);
                                    if (lh4.m.b(optString, str31)) {
                                        str10 = f16;
                                        i26 = i16;
                                    } else {
                                        str10 = f16;
                                    ?? r442 = r15.optString("src", str33);
                                    String optString2 = r15.optString(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
                                    String optString3 = r15.optString("epname", str33);
                                    String optString4 = r15.optString("singer", str33);
                                    String optString5 = r15.optString("coverImgUrl", str33);
                                    String optString6 = r15.optString("webUrl");
                                    String optString7 = r15.optString("srcId", str33);
                                    String optString8 = r15.optString("protocol", str33);
                                    String optString9 = r15.optString("lowbandSrc", str33);
                                    String optString10 = r15.optString("musicbar_url", str33);
                                    r25 = 4607182418800017408;
                                    r25 = 4607182418800017408;
                                    try {
                                        double optDouble = r15.optDouble("playbackRate", 1.0d);
                                        double optDouble2 = r15.optDouble("volume", 1.0d);
                                        if (optDouble >= 0.5d) {
                                            if (optDouble <= 2.0d) {
                                                d26 = optDouble2;
                                                r25 = optDouble;
                                                String optString11 = r15.optString("songLyric", str33);
                                                String optString12 = r15.optString("src_username", str33);
                                                int optInt = r15.optInt("startTime", 0);
                                                if (Util.isNullOrNil((String) r442)) {
                                                    try {
                                                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(optString2)) {
                                                            gt5 gt5 = r152.f168146b;
                                                            if (!(gt5 == null || (linkedList = gt5.f23060e) == null)) {
                                                            d16 = d15;
                                                            r15 = optString7;
                                                            r25 = optString10;
                                                            i16 = i15;
                                                            str6 = str;
                                                            str5 = str27;
                                                            str4 = str26;
                                                            str3 = str25;
                                                            str2 = str24;
                                                            i15 = i28;
                                                            r442 = d29;
                                                            r152 = n65;
                                                            try {
                                                                a15 = bh0.o.a(10, optString5, optString2, optString4, optString6, optString9, r442, str10, z80.b.E(), bc2.a.a() + optString5.hashCode(), optString3, r152);
                                                                r152 = c15;
                                                            } catch (Exception e16) {
                                                                e15 = e16;
                                                                arrayList5 = arrayList7;
                                                                str12 = c15;
                                                                xVar5 = r152;
                                                                arrayList4 = arrayList5;
                                                                str11 = str12;
                                                                d27 = r442;
                                                                str34 = str34;
                                                                xVar3 = xVar5;
                                                                arrayList2 = arrayList4;
                                                                str9 = str11;
                                                                d19 = d27;
                                                                i27 = 1;
                                                                xVar2 = xVar3;
                                                                arrayList = arrayList2;
                                                                str8 = str9;
                                                                d18 = d19;
                                                                Object[] objArr = new Object[i27];
                                                                objArr[0] = e15.getMessage();
                                                                Log.w(str34, "playAudioList ex:%s", objArr);
                                                                i25 = i26;
                                                                xVar = xVar2;
                                                                i19 = i27;
                                                                str7 = str8;
                                                                d17 = d18;
                                                                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(arrayList)) {
                                                            try {
                                                                a15.C = r152;
                                                                int i37 = optInt * 1000;
                                                                a15.D = i37;
                                                                a15.E = r15;
                                                                a15.F = optString8;
                                                                a15.H = r25;
                                                                a15.f12714q = optString11;
                                                                a15.I = optString12;
                                                                r25 = r25;
                                                                a15.K = r25;
                                                                a15.L = (float) d26;
                                                                r15 = r152;
                                                                try {
                                                                    ht5 e17 = r15.e(str10);
                                                                    if (e17 == null) {
                                                                        e17 = new ht5();
                                                                    if (e17.f24151e <= 0) {
                                                                        e17.f24151e = 0;
                                                                        str14 = str29;
                                                                        e17.f24153g = str14;
                                                                        e17.f24152f = optString;
                                                                        e17.f24167x = (float) r25;
                                                                        ?? r35 = r15;
                                                                        JSONObject optJSONObject = r35.optJSONObject("reportData");
                                                                        if (optJSONObject != null) {
                                                                            e17.f24154h = optJSONObject.optInt("VoiceType", 0);
                                                                            str13 = str33;
                                                                            e17.f24155i = optJSONObject.optString("BizUin", str13);
                                                                            e17.f24156j = optJSONObject.optLong("MsgId", 0);
                                                                            e17.f24157n = optJSONObject.optInt("Idx", 0);
                                                                            e17.f24158o = optJSONObject.optString("SessionIdStr", "0");
                                                                            e17.f24159p = optJSONObject.optString("AlbumURL", str13);
                                                                            e17.f24160q = optJSONObject.optString("AlbumTitle", str13);
                                                                            e17.f24161r = optJSONObject.optString("AudioTitle", str13);
                                                                            e17.f24162s = optJSONObject.optLong("EnterId", 0);
                                                                            e17.f24163t = optJSONObject.optInt("Scene", 0);
                                                                            e17.f24164u = optJSONObject.optInt("SubScene", 0);
                                                                            String str35 = "AudioPos";
                                                                            e17.f24165v = optJSONObject.optInt(str35, 0);
                                                                            str15 = str35;
                                                                        } else {
                                                                            str13 = str33;
                                                                            str15 = r35;
                                                                        e17.f24166w = r152;
                                                                        r15.i(str10, e17);
                                                                        str34 = str15;
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        str14 = str29;
                                                                        str13 = str33;
                                                                        str34 = i37;
                                                                    r25 = arrayList7;
                                                                    try {
                                                                        i36 = i16 + 1;
                                                                        i28 = i15;
                                                                        arrayList7 = r25;
                                                                        str29 = str14;
                                                                        str33 = str13;
                                                                        c15 = r152;
                                                                        length = length;
                                                                        str31 = str31;
                                                                        str32 = str32;
                                                                        i15 = i16;
                                                                        d29 = r442;
                                                                        str34 = str34;
                                                                        d15 = d16;
                                                                        str = str6;
                                                                        str27 = str5;
                                                                        str26 = str4;
                                                                        str25 = str3;
                                                                        str24 = str2;
                                                                        r25 = h1Var;
                                                                        r152 = r15;
                                                                        r15 = r15;
                                                                    } catch (Exception e18) {
                                                                        e15 = e18;
                                                                        xVar5 = r15;
                                                                        arrayList4 = r25;
                                                                        str11 = r152;
                                                                        d27 = r442;
                                                                        str34 = str34;
                                                                        xVar3 = xVar5;
                                                                        arrayList2 = arrayList4;
                                                                        str9 = str11;
                                                                        d19 = d27;
                                                                        i27 = 1;
                                                                        xVar2 = xVar3;
                                                                        arrayList = arrayList2;
                                                                        str8 = str9;
                                                                        d18 = d19;
                                                                        Object[] objArr2 = new Object[i27];
                                                                        objArr2[0] = e15.getMessage();
                                                                        Log.w(str34, "playAudioList ex:%s", objArr2);
                                                                        i25 = i26;
                                                                        xVar = xVar2;
                                                                        i19 = i27;
                                                                        str7 = str8;
                                                                        d17 = d18;
                                                                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(arrayList)) {
                                                                } catch (Exception e19) {
                                                                    e15 = e19;
                                                                    arrayList4 = arrayList7;
                                                                    xVar5 = r15;
                                                                    str11 = r152;
                                                                    d27 = r442;
                                                                    str34 = str34;
                                                                    xVar3 = xVar5;
                                                                    arrayList2 = arrayList4;
                                                                    str9 = str11;
                                                                    d19 = d27;
                                                                    i27 = 1;
                                                                    xVar2 = xVar3;
                                                                    arrayList = arrayList2;
                                                                    str8 = str9;
                                                                    d18 = d19;
                                                                    Object[] objArr22 = new Object[i27];
                                                                    objArr22[0] = e15.getMessage();
                                                                    Log.w(str34, "playAudioList ex:%s", objArr22);
                                                                    i25 = i26;
                                                                    xVar = xVar2;
                                                                    i19 = i27;
                                                                    str7 = str8;
                                                                    d17 = d18;
                                                                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(arrayList)) {
                                                            } catch (Exception e25) {
                                                                e15 = e25;
                                                                arrayList5 = arrayList7;
                                                                str12 = r152;
                                                                xVar5 = r152;
                                                                arrayList4 = arrayList5;
                                                                str11 = str12;
                                                                d27 = r442;
                                                                str34 = str34;
                                                                xVar3 = xVar5;
                                                                arrayList2 = arrayList4;
                                                                str9 = str11;
                                                                d19 = d27;
                                                                i27 = 1;
                                                                xVar2 = xVar3;
                                                                arrayList = arrayList2;
                                                                str8 = str9;
                                                                d18 = d19;
                                                                Object[] objArr222 = new Object[i27];
                                                                objArr222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                                                                Log.w(str34, "playAudioList ex:%s", objArr222);
                                                                i25 = i26;
                                                                xVar = xVar2;
                                                                i19 = i27;
                                                                str7 = str8;
                                                                d17 = d18;
                                                                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(arrayList)) {
                                                    } catch (Exception e26) {
                                                        e15 = e26;
                                                        i16 = i15;
                                                        str5 = str27;
                                                        str4 = str26;
                                                        str3 = str25;
                                                        str2 = str24;
                                                        i15 = i28;
                                                        xVar5 = r152;
                                                        str6 = str;
                                                        d27 = d29;
                                                        d16 = d15;
                                                        arrayList4 = arrayList7;
                                                        str11 = c15;
                                                        str34 = str34;
                                                        xVar3 = xVar5;
                                                        arrayList2 = arrayList4;
                                                        str9 = str11;
                                                        d19 = d27;
                                                        i27 = 1;
                                                        xVar2 = xVar3;
                                                        arrayList = arrayList2;
                                                        str8 = str9;
                                                        d18 = d19;
                                                        Object[] objArr2222 = new Object[i27];
                                                        objArr2222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                                                        Log.w(str34, "playAudioList ex:%s", objArr2222);
                                                        i25 = i26;
                                                        xVar = xVar2;
                                                        i19 = i27;
                                                        str7 = str8;
                                                        d17 = d18;
                                                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(arrayList)) {
                                                i16 = i15;
                                                str5 = str27;
                                                str4 = str26;
                                                str3 = str25;
                                                str2 = str24;
                                                i15 = i28;
                                                r15 = r152;
                                                str6 = str;
                                                r442 = d29;
                                                d16 = d15;
                                                r25 = arrayList7;
                                                r152 = c15;
                                                str34 = str34;
                                                Log.e(str34, "playAudioList fail, src or title is null");
                                                str7 = r152;
                                                d17 = r442;
                                                r05 = false;
                                                i17 = 1;
                                        d26 = optDouble2;
                                        String optString112 = r15.optString("songLyric", str33);
                                        String optString122 = r15.optString("src_username", str33);
                                        int optInt2 = r15.optInt("startTime", 0);
                                        if (Util.isNullOrNil((String) r442)) {
                                        i16 = i15;
                                        str5 = str27;
                                        str4 = str26;
                                        str3 = str25;
                                        str2 = str24;
                                        i15 = i28;
                                        r15 = r152;
                                        str6 = str;
                                        r442 = d29;
                                        d16 = d15;
                                        r25 = arrayList7;
                                        r152 = c15;
                                        str34 = str34;
                                        try {
                                            Log.e(str34, "playAudioList fail, src or title is null");
                                            str7 = r152;
                                            d17 = r442;
                                            r05 = false;
                                            i17 = 1;
                                        } catch (Exception e27) {
                                            e15 = e27;
                                            xVar3 = r15;
                                            arrayList2 = r25;
                                            str9 = r152;
                                            d19 = r442;
                                            i27 = 1;
                                            xVar2 = xVar3;
                                            arrayList = arrayList2;
                                            str8 = str9;
                                            d18 = d19;
                                            Object[] objArr22222 = new Object[i27];
                                            objArr22222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                                            Log.w(str34, "playAudioList ex:%s", objArr22222);
                                            i25 = i26;
                                            xVar = xVar2;
                                            i19 = i27;
                                            str7 = str8;
                                            d17 = d18;
                                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(arrayList)) {
                                    } catch (Exception e28) {
                                        e15 = e28;
                                        i16 = i15;
                                        str5 = str27;
                                        str4 = str26;
                                        str3 = str25;
                                        str2 = str24;
                                        i15 = i28;
                                        xVar4 = r152;
                                        str6 = str;
                                        d25 = d29;
                                        d16 = d15;
                                        arrayList3 = arrayList7;
                                        str34 = str34;
                                        str9 = c15;
                                        xVar3 = xVar4;
                                        arrayList2 = arrayList3;
                                        d19 = d25;
                                        i27 = 1;
                                        xVar2 = xVar3;
                                        arrayList = arrayList2;
                                        str8 = str9;
                                        d18 = d19;
                                        Object[] objArr222222 = new Object[i27];
                                        objArr222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                                        Log.w(str34, "playAudioList ex:%s", objArr222222);
                                        i25 = i26;
                                        xVar = xVar2;
                                        i19 = i27;
                                        str7 = str8;
                                        d17 = d18;
                                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(arrayList)) {
                            } catch (Exception e29) {
                                e15 = e29;
                                i16 = i15;
                                str5 = str27;
                                str4 = str26;
                                str3 = str25;
                                str2 = str24;
                                i15 = i28;
                                xVar4 = r152;
                                str6 = str;
                                d25 = d29;
                                d16 = d15;
                                arrayList3 = arrayList7;
                                str9 = c15;
                                xVar3 = xVar4;
                                arrayList2 = arrayList3;
                                d19 = d25;
                                i27 = 1;
                                xVar2 = xVar3;
                                arrayList = arrayList2;
                                str8 = str9;
                                d18 = d19;
                                Object[] objArr2222222 = new Object[i27];
                                objArr2222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                                Log.w(str34, "playAudioList ex:%s", objArr2222222);
                                i25 = i26;
                                xVar = xVar2;
                                i19 = i27;
                                str7 = str8;
                                d17 = d18;
                                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(arrayList)) {
                        i16 = i15;
                        str5 = str27;
                        str4 = str26;
                        str3 = str25;
                        str2 = str24;
                        i15 = i28;
                        x xVar8 = r152;
                        str6 = str;
                        d17 = d29;
                        d16 = d15;
                        arrayList = arrayList7;
                        String str36 = c15;
                        gt5 gt52 = xVar8.f168146b;
                        xVar8.h(str29, str36, gt52);
                        i25 = i26;
                        i19 = 1;
                        xVar = xVar8;
                        str7 = str36;
                    } catch (Exception e35) {
                        e15 = e35;
                        i16 = i15;
                        arrayList = arrayList6;
                        str5 = str27;
                        str4 = str26;
                        str3 = str25;
                        str2 = str24;
                        i15 = i28;
                        xVar2 = xVar7;
                        str6 = str;
                        d18 = d29;
                        d16 = d15;
                        str8 = c15;
                        i27 = 1;
                        i26 = 0;
                        Object[] objArr22222222 = new Object[i27];
                        objArr22222222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                        Log.w(str34, "playAudioList ex:%s", objArr22222222);
                        i25 = i26;
                        xVar = xVar2;
                        i19 = i27;
                        str7 = str8;
                        d17 = d18;
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(arrayList)) {
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(arrayList)) {
                        Log.e(str34, "playAudioList fail, wrapperList is null");
                        i18 = i19;
                    } else {
                        xVar.f168152h = i19;
                        MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new bh0.i(arrayList, i25));
                        r05 = i19;
                        i17 = i19;
                        if (r05 == true) {
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setBackgroundAudioState:ok", null);
                            Object[] objArr3 = new Object[i17];
                            objArr3[0] = Integer.valueOf(i16);
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "needStartMusicUI :%d", objArr3);
                            if (i16 == i17) {
                                Intent intent = new Intent();
                                intent.putExtra("key_scene", 8);
                                sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "music", ".ui.MusicMainUI", intent, null);
                        } else {
                            Object[] objArr4 = new Object[11];
                            objArr4[0] = str17;
                            objArr4[i17] = str19;
                            objArr4[2] = str21;
                            objArr4[3] = str22;
                            objArr4[4] = str23;
                            objArr4[5] = Integer.valueOf(i15);
                            objArr4[6] = str3;
                            objArr4[7] = Boolean.valueOf(f15);
                            objArr4[8] = str4;
                            objArr4[9] = Double.valueOf(d16);
                            objArr4[10] = Double.valueOf(d17);
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "src : %s, title : %s, singer : %s, coverImgUrl : %s, webUrl : %s, startTime:%d, protocol:%s, barBackToWebView:%b, musicbar_url:%s, playbackRate:%f, volume:%f", objArr4);
                            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str17) || Util.isNullOrNil(str19)) {
                                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setBackgroundAudioState fail, src or title is null");
                                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setBackgroundAudioState:fail, src or title is null", null);
                                return i17;
                            } else if (str5 == null || str5.length() <= 32768) {
                                n a16 = bh0.o.a(10, str22, str19, str21, str23, str18, str17, "" + str17.hashCode(), z80.b.E(), bc2.a.a() + str22.hashCode(), str20, n65);
                                a16.C = str7;
                                a16.D = i15 * 1000;
                                a16.E = str2;
                                a16.F = str3;
                                a16.H = str4;
                                a16.f12714q = str5;
                                a16.I = str6;
                                a16.K = d16;
                                a16.L = (float) d17;
                                boolean z15 = a16.b(d.b()) && d.c();
                                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "needStartMusicUI :%d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                                if (!z15) {
                                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "play the music");
                                    if (i16 == 1) {
                                        Intent intent2 = new Intent();
                                        intent2.putExtra("key_scene", 8);
                                        map = null;
                                        sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "music", ".ui.MusicMainUI", intent2, null);
                                    } else {
                                        map = null;
                                } else {
                                    map = null;
                                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "The same music is playing");
                                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setBackgroundAudioState ok");
                                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setBackgroundAudioState:ok", map);
                                return true;
                            } else {
                                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setBackgroundAudioState fail, src or title is null");
                                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setBackgroundAudioState:fail", null);
                        return i17;
                i16 = i15;
                str5 = str27;
                str4 = str26;
                str3 = str25;
                str2 = str24;
                i15 = i28;
                str7 = c15;
                str6 = str;
                d17 = d29;
                d16 = d15;
                r05 = false;
                i17 = 1;
            } catch (Exception e36) {
                i16 = i15;
                str5 = str27;
                str4 = str26;
                str3 = str25;
                str2 = str24;
                i15 = i28;
                str7 = c15;
                str6 = str;
                d17 = d29;
                d16 = d15;
                i18 = 1;
                Log.w(str34, "setAudioList ex:%s", e36.getMessage());
            if (r05 == true) {
            return i17;
        r05 = false;
        i17 = i18;
        if (r05 == true) {
        return i17;

    public static boolean K2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        Bundle b15 = h1.b(h1Var.f247819a);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "operate video player  params %s", h1Var.f247819a);
        try {
            m mVar = msgHandler.f167378x;
            if (mVar != null) {
                mVar.callback(200003, b15);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOperateVideoPlayer exception" + e15.getMessage());
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateVideoPlayer:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean K3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        e04.a.a(new j2(msgHandler, h1Var));
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:12:0x0079  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:15:0x0095  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:23:0x00cc  */
    public static boolean L(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        r0 r0Var;
        boolean z15;
        r0 r0Var2;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        int e15 = p.e(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 201);
        int nullAsInt = Util.nullAsInt(((HashMap) map).get("webview_instance_id"), -1);
        if (((HashMap) fTSWebViewLogic.f164237j).get(Integer.valueOf(e15)) == null) {
            q1 q1Var = new q1(et2.e.a(), r0.a(e15));
            byte[] N2 = u1.N(q1Var.o(), 0, (int) q1Var.y());
            r0 r0Var3 = null;
            try {
                db3 db32 = new db3();
                r0Var2 = new r0();
                try {
                    r0Var2.f242480a = db32.f19145d;
                    r0Var2.f242481b = db32.f19146e;
                    r0Var2.f242482c = db32.f19147f;
                    r0Var2.f242483d = db32.f19148g;
                    r0Var2.f242484e = db32.f19149h;
                } catch (Exception unused) {
                    r0Var3 = r0Var2;
            } catch (Exception unused2) {
                r0Var2 = r0Var3;
                if (r0Var2 != null) {
                r0Var = (r0) ((HashMap) fTSWebViewLogic.f164237j).get(Integer.valueOf(e15));
                z15 = true;
                if (r0Var != null) {
                if (z15) {
                return false;
            if (r0Var2 != null) {
                ((HashMap) fTSWebViewLogic.f164237j).put(Integer.valueOf(e15), r0Var2);
        r0Var = (r0) ((HashMap) fTSWebViewLogic.f164237j).get(Integer.valueOf(e15));
        z15 = true;
        if (r0Var != null) {
            ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).gh0(nullAsInt, r0Var.f242481b, 1, r0Var.f242483d + r0Var.f242482c <= System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 ? 1 : 0, r0Var.f242484e);
            if (r0Var.f242483d + r0Var.f242482c > System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) {
                z15 = false;
        if (z15) {
            z.d().a(1866, fTSWebViewLogic);
            i0 i0Var = new i0(map, e15, 0);
            i0Var.f242393h = p.e(map, "webview_instance_id", -1);
        return false;

    public static boolean L0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("consumedCardId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("consumedCode");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doConsumedShareCard consumedCardId is " + str);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doConsumedShareCard failed, illegal params (id : %s, code : %s)", str, str2);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "consumedShareCard:fail", null);
            return false;
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("key_from_scene", 1);
        intent.putExtra("key_consumed_card_id", str);
        intent.putExtra("key_consumed_Code", str2);
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        sv3.b.n(msgHandler.f167360d, "card", ".sharecard.ui.CardConsumeSuccessUI", intent, 29);
        return true;

    public static boolean L1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        int i15;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGetBackgroundAudioState()");
        String str2 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("albumId");
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("needLastPlayInfo"), 0);
        String str3 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("url");
        String c15 = !Util.isNullOrNil(str3) ? up3.b.c(str3) : null;
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            if (x.f168144l == null) {
                synchronized (x.class) {
                    if (x.f168144l == null) {
                        Context context = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                        lh4.m.f(context, "getContext()");
                        x xVar = new x(context, null);
                        x.f168144l = xVar;
                        IListener<MusicPlayerEvent> iListener = xVar.f168150f;
                        if (iListener != null) {
                    b0 b0Var = b0.f332794a;
            str = x.f168144l.c(str2, c15);
        } else {
            str = null;
        if (msgHandler.y6(h1Var)) {
            n b15 = d.b();
            if (b15 != null) {
                bh0.k a15 = d.a();
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                    x.a aVar = x.f168143k;
                    ht5 e15 = aVar.a().e(b15.f12705e);
                    String str4 = e15 != null ? e15.f24153g : null;
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4) || i16 == 1) {
                        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                            x a16 = aVar.a();
                            synchronized (a16) {
                                str = a16.c(MMKVSlotManager.decodeString$default(a16.f168149e, "currentAlbumIdKey_" + c15 + '}', null, 2, null), c15);
                        } else {
                            str = aVar.a().c(str4, c15);
                    str2 = str4;
                if (x.f168144l == null) {
                    synchronized (x.class) {
                        if (x.f168144l == null) {
                            Context context2 = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                            lh4.m.f(context2, "getContext()");
                            x xVar2 = new x(context2, null);
                            x.f168144l = xVar2;
                            IListener<MusicPlayerEvent> iListener2 = xVar2.f168150f;
                            if (iListener2 != null) {
                        b0 b0Var2 = b0.f332794a;
                ht5 e16 = x.f168144l.e(b15.f12705e);
                String str5 = e16 != null ? e16.f24152f : null;
                int i17 = -1;
                if (a15 != null) {
                    i17 = a15.f12697a;
                    i15 = a15.f12698b;
                } else {
                    i15 = -1;
                if (a15 != null && !"stop".equals(a15.f12701e) && i17 >= 0 && i15 >= 0) {
                    int i18 = i17 / 1000;
                    int i19 = i15 / 1000;
                    int i25 = a15.f12699c;
                    int i26 = i18 > 0 ? (a15.f12700d * i18) / 100 : 0;
                    HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                    hashMap.put("duration", Integer.valueOf(i18));
                    hashMap.put("currentTime", Integer.valueOf(i19));
                    hashMap.put("paused", Integer.valueOf(i25 == 1 ? 0 : 1));
                    hashMap.put("src", b15.f12711n);
                    hashMap.put("buffered", Integer.valueOf(i26));
                    hashMap.put(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, b15.f12707g);
                    hashMap.put("epname", b15.f12709i);
                    hashMap.put("singer", b15.f12708h);
                    hashMap.put("coverImgUrl", b15.f12710j);
                    hashMap.put("isLive", 0);
                    hashMap.put("startTime", Integer.valueOf(b15.D / 1000));
                    hashMap.put("srcId", b15.E);
                    String str6 = b15.F;
                    if (str6 == null) {
                        str6 = "";
                    hashMap.put("protocol", str6);
                    hashMap.put("webUrl", b15.f12713p);
                    hashMap.put("playState", a15.f12701e);
                    hashMap.put("songLyric", b15.f12714q);
                    hashMap.put("playbackRate", Double.valueOf(b15.K));
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                        hashMap.put("audioListState", str);
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str5)) {
                        hashMap.put("audioId", str5);
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                        hashMap.put("albumId", str2);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getBackgroundAudioState ok");
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getBackgroundAudioState:ok", hashMap);
                } else if (!msgHandler.B5(str, i16, c15)) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "return parameter is invalid");
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getBackgroundAudioState:fail", null);
            } else if (!msgHandler.B5(str, i16, c15)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "currentWrapper is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getBackgroundAudioState:fail", null);
        } else if (d.b() != null || !msgHandler.B5(str, i16, c15)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "no permission to do get state");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getBackgroundAudioState:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean L2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        int i15 = msgHandler.A;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "getSearchHistory count %d, webviewId %d", 20, Integer.valueOf(i15));
        FTSWebViewLogic.f fVar = new FTSWebViewLogic.f(fTSWebViewLogic, null);
        fVar.f47191c = "";
        fVar.f47197i = 20;
        fVar.f47201m = fTSWebViewLogic.f164232e;
        fVar.f164260s = i15;
        ((b62.q) j.c(b62.q.class)).cc(8, fVar);
        return false;

    public static void L3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (h1Var.f247863i.equalsIgnoreCase(JsApiAddDownloadTask.NAME) && msgHandler.f167360d != null) {
            ((xc4.j) xc4.j.f338034d).z(new r1(msgHandler));

    public static boolean L4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("desc");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("img_url");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("link");
        try {
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
                str3 = msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Get current url fail. exception : %s", e15.getMessage());
        String C6 = msgHandler.C6(str3);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(C6)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "link is null or nil.");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "shareWeiboApp:fail", null);
        } else {
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                str = ((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE)) + " " + C6;
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            hashMap.put("type", 0);
            hashMap.put("openLBS", 0);
            QueueWorkerThread queueWorkerThread = c2.f173194a;
            hashMap.put("content", WebViewUtilities.doUrlEncode(str));
            hashMap.put("url", WebViewUtilities.doUrlEncode(str2));
            hashMap.put("thumbnailurl", WebViewUtilities.doUrlEncode(str2));
            Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse("weibo://t.qq.com/proxy/write"));
            StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Uri : %s", sb5.toString());
            intent.putExtra("microblog.intent.extra.ACTION", sb5.toString());
            if (Util.isIntentAvailable(msgHandler.f167360d, intent, true)) {
                try {
                    Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
                    k30.a aVar = new k30.a();
                    j30.a.d(context, aVar.b(), "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler", "doShareWeiboApp", "(Lcom/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/jsapi/MsgWrapper;Lcom/tencent/mm/protocal/JsapiPermissionWrapper;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                    context.startActivity((Intent) aVar.a(0));
                    j30.a.e(context, "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler", "doShareWeiboApp", "(Lcom/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/jsapi/MsgWrapper;Lcom/tencent/mm/protocal/JsapiPermissionWrapper;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "shareWeiboApp:ok", null);
                } catch (Exception e16) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "shareWeiboApp:fail", null);
                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e16, "", new Object[0]);
            } else {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "shareWeiboApp:fail", null);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:24:0x0113 A[Catch:{ JSONException -> 0x0141 }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:34:0x0125 A[SYNTHETIC] */
    public static boolean M(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.n vU = ((jo3.p) j.c(jo3.p.class)).vU();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewImageLogic fTSWebViewImageLogic = (FTSWebViewImageLogic) vU;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewImageLogic", "getSearchAvatarList");
        String f15 = p.f(map, "data");
        int nullAsInt = Util.nullAsInt(((HashMap) map).get("webview_instance_id"), -1);
        try {
            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(f15);
            JSONArray jSONArray2 = new JSONArray();
            String str = null;
            for (int i15 = 0; i15 < jSONArray.length(); i15++) {
                JSONObject jSONObject = jSONArray.getJSONObject(i15);
                String optString = jSONObject.optString("id");
                String optString2 = jSONObject.optString("userName");
                int optInt = jSONObject.optInt("type");
                String optString3 = jSONObject.optString("imageUrl");
                String optString4 = jSONObject.optString("bigImageUrl");
                if (!(optInt == 1 || optInt == 4)) {
                    if (optInt == 32) {
                        com.tencent.mm.modelavatar.n nVar = new com.tencent.mm.modelavatar.n();
                        nVar.f78487a = optString2;
                        nVar.f78491e = optString4;
                        nVar.f78490d = optString3;
                        nVar.f78495i = -1;
                        nVar.f78488b = 3;
                        nVar.f78492f = 1;
                        ((com.tencent.mm.modelavatar.o) ((yn.g) j.c(yn.g.class)).Ci()).sb(nVar);
                    } else if (optInt != 64) {
                    String g15 = ((AvatarStorage) ((yn.g) j.c(yn.g.class)).oL()).g(optString2, false, false);
                    if (u1.k(g15)) {
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewImageLogic", "avatar file exist %s", g15);
                        str = "weixin://fts/avatar?path=" + g15;
                    } else {
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewImageLogic", "avatar file not exist %s", g15);
                        fTSWebViewImageLogic.f164224g.put(optString2, Integer.valueOf(nullAsInt));
                        HashSet<String> hashSet = fTSWebViewImageLogic.f164221d.get(optString2);
                        if (hashSet == null) {
                            hashSet = new HashSet<>();
                        fTSWebViewImageLogic.f164221d.put(optString2, hashSet);
                        ((yn.f) j.c(yn.f.class)).p30().loadBitmap(optString2);
                    if (str == null) {
                        JSONObject jSONObject2 = new JSONObject();
                        jSONObject2.put("id", optString);
                        jSONObject2.put("src", str);
                        str = null;
                str = optString3;
                if (str == null) {
            if (jSONArray2.length() > 0) {
                ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).dk0(nullAsInt, 0, jSONArray2.toString());
            return false;
        } catch (JSONException e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewImageLogic", e15, "", new Object[0]);
            ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).dk0(nullAsInt, -1, "");
            return false;

    public static boolean M0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (!f2.f165535c.f165537b) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyPreload:fail_has_not_init", null);
        } else {
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webviewVideoProxyPlaydataId");
            int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webviewVideoProxyPreloadTime"), 0);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doWebviewProxyPreload, playDataId = %s, duration = %d", str, Integer.valueOf(i15));
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "playDataId is null or nil");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyPreload:fail_invaild_play_data_id", null);
            } else {
                try {
                    int i16 = Util.getInt(str, 0);
                    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                    bundle.putInt("webview_video_proxy_play_data_id", i16);
                    bundle.putInt("webview_video_proxy_preload_duration", i15);
                    int i17 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(5007, bundle).getInt("webview_video_proxy_pre_load_result");
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "preload video result = %d", Integer.valueOf(i17));
                    if (i17 == 0) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyPreload:ok", null);
                    } else {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyPreload:fail", null);
                } catch (Exception unused) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyPreload:fail", null);
        return false;

    public static boolean M1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        boolean z15;
        int i15;
        Map<String, Object> map;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSetBackgroundAudioStateMV()");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        if (msgHandler.f167367n != null) {
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
                str2 = msgHandler.f167367n.getString("jsapi_args_appid");
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
                str2 = msgHandler.f167382z.c(msgHandler.s6());
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId:%s", str2);
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str2);
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
        String c15 = !Util.isNullOrNil(str3) ? up3.b.c(str3) : null;
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("src");
        String str5 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("lowbandSrc");
        String str6 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        String str7 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("epname");
        String str8 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("singer");
        String str9 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("coverImgUrl");
        String str10 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webUrl");
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("startTime"), 0);
        String str11 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("srcId");
        String str12 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("protocol");
        String str13 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("musicbar_url");
        boolean f15 = jsapiPermissionWrapper.f(308);
        String str14 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("songLyric");
        String str15 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("src_username");
        int i17 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("needStartMusicUI"), 0);
        double d15 = (double) Util.getFloat((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("playbackRate"), 1.0f);
        double d16 = (double) Util.getFloat((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("volume"), 1.0f);
        if (d15 < 0.5d || d15 > 2.0d) {
            d15 = 1.0d;
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str14)) {
            str = str5;
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "songLyric is empty");
        } else {
            str = str5;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "songLyric:%s", str14);
        String str16 = str9 == null ? "" : str9;
        String str17 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mid");
        String str18 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mvMusicGenre");
        String str19 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mvIdentification");
        long j15 = Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mvIssueDate"), 0);
        long j16 = Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mvDuration"), 0);
        String str20 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.LiveExKeys.LIVE_EX_EXTRA_INFO);
        String str21 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mvObjectId");
        String str22 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mvNonceId");
        String str23 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mvCoverUrl");
        String str24 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mvMakerFinderNickname");
        String str25 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("musicOperationUrl");
        String str26 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sceneNote");
        String str27 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("musicAppId");
        String str28 = !TextUtils.isEmpty(str27) ? str27 : str2;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "src : %s, title : %s, singer : %s, coverImgUrl : %s, webUrl : %s, startTime:%d, protocol:%s, barBackToWebView:%b, musicbar_url:%s, playbackRate:%f, volume:%f", str4, str6, str8, str16, str10, Integer.valueOf(i16), str12, Boolean.valueOf(f15), str13, Double.valueOf(d15), Double.valueOf(d16));
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "genre:%s, identification:%s, issueDate:%d, duration:%d, extraInfo:%s, mvObjectId:%s, mvNonceId:%s, mvCoverUrl:%s, mvMakerFinderNickname:%s, sceneNote:%s, musicAppId:%s", str18, str19, Long.valueOf(j15), Long.valueOf(j16), str20, str21, str22, str23, str24, str26, str27);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str4) || Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setBackgroundAudioStateMv fail, src or title is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setBackgroundAudioStateMv:fail, src or title is null", null);
            return true;
        } else if (str14 == null || str14.length() <= 32768) {
            String str29 = "" + str4.hashCode();
            n a15 = bh0.o.a(10, str16, str6, str8, str10, str, str4, "" + str4.hashCode(), z80.b.E(), bc2.a.a() + str16.hashCode(), str7, str28);
            a15.C = c15;
            a15.D = i16 * 1000;
            a15.E = str11;
            a15.F = str12;
            a15.H = str13;
            a15.f12714q = str14;
            a15.I = str15;
            a15.K = d15;
            a15.L = (float) d16;
            a15.P = str17;
            ck3 ck32 = new ck3();
            ck32.f18393d = str21;
            ck32.f18394e = str22;
            ck32.f18395f = str23;
            ck32.f18396g = str24;
            ck32.f18407u = str6;
            ck32.f18397h = str8;
            ck32.f18409w = str16;
            ck32.f18398i = str7;
            ck32.f18401o = j15;
            int i18 = (int) j16;
            ck32.f18403q = i18;
            ck32.f18402p = str19;
            ck32.f18399j = str20;
            ck32.f18408v = str14;
            ck32.f18400n = str18;
            ck32.f18404r = str17;
            ((jv.b) j.c(jv.b.class)).P1(a15, bh0.p.a(str29, ck32));
            if (!a15.b(d.b()) || !d.c()) {
                i15 = 1;
                z15 = false;
            } else {
                i15 = 1;
                z15 = true;
            Object[] objArr = new Object[i15];
            objArr[0] = Integer.valueOf(i17);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "needStartMusicUI :%d", objArr);
            if (!z15) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "play the music");
                if (i17 == 1) {
                    Intent intent = new Intent();
                    intent.putExtra("key_scene", 8);
                    sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "music", ".ui.MusicMainUI", intent, null);
                    map = null;
                } else if (i17 == 2) {
                    Intent intent2 = new Intent();
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_song_name", str6);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_song_lyric", str14);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_album_cover_url", str16);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_feed_id", str21);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_nonce_id", str22);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_cover_url", str23);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_poster", str24);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_singer_name", str8);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_album_name", str7);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_music_genre", str18);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_issue_date", j15 + "");
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_identification", str19);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_extra_info", str20);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_music_duration", i18);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_music_operation_url", str25);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_song_mid", str17);
                    intent2.putExtra("key_mv_scene_note", str26);
                    gk3 gk32 = new gk3();
                    String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                    lh4.m.f(uuid, "randomUUID().toString()");
                    gk32.f22772e = uuid;
                    gk32.f22771d = 22;
                    gk32.f22774g = str29;
                    try {
                        intent2.putExtra("key_mv_report_data", gk32.toByteArray());
                    } catch (IOException e15) {
                        Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
                    map = null;
                    sv3.b.j(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "mv", ".ui.MusicMvMainUI", intent2, null);
                } else {
                    map = null;
            } else {
                map = null;
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "The same music is playing");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setBackgroundAudioStateMV ok");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setBackgroundAudioStateMv:ok", map);
            return true;
        } else {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setBackgroundAudioState fail, src or title is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setBackgroundAudioStateMv:fail", null);
            return true;

    public static boolean M2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) ka5).getClass();
        int e15 = p.e(map, "showType", 0);
        String f15 = p.f(map, "query");
        if (p.e(map, "isDeleteAll", 0) == 1) {
            ((b62.q) j.c(b62.q.class)).S3();
        } else {
            ((b62.q) j.c(b62.q.class)).N2(f15 + "​" + e15);
        return false;

    public static boolean M4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        if (msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity) {
            int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("procint"), 0);
            int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("dataint"), 0);
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("encryptKey", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("key"));
            intent.putExtra("procInterval", i15);
            intent.putExtra("dataInterval", i16);
            intent.putExtra("exdevice_airkiss_open_type", 1);
            ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
            sv3.b.n(msgHandler.f167360d, "exdevice", ".ui.ExdeviceConnectWifiUI", intent, 19);
        } else {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "configWXDeviceWiFi:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean N(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        HashSet<String> hashSet;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.n vU = ((jo3.p) j.c(jo3.p.class)).vU();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewImageLogic fTSWebViewImageLogic = (FTSWebViewImageLogic) vU;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewImageLogic", "getSearchSnsImageList");
        String f15 = p.f(map, "data");
        int nullAsInt = Util.nullAsInt(((HashMap) map).get("webview_instance_id"), -1);
        try {
            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(f15);
            JSONArray jSONArray2 = new JSONArray();
            String str = null;
            for (int i15 = 0; i15 < jSONArray.length(); i15++) {
                JSONObject jSONObject = jSONArray.getJSONObject(i15);
                String string = jSONObject.getString("id");
                String string2 = jSONObject.getString("objectXmlDesc");
                int i16 = jSONObject.getInt(FirebaseAnalytics.b.INDEX);
                TimeLineObject fJ0 = ((d63.v) j.c(d63.v.class)).fJ0(string2);
                if (fJ0.ContentObj.f29271h.size() > i16) {
                    mc3 mc32 = fJ0.ContentObj.f29271h.get(i16);
                    SnsImageDownloadedEvent snsImageDownloadedEvent = new SnsImageDownloadedEvent();
                    SnsImageDownloadedEvent.a aVar = snsImageDownloadedEvent.f64626d;
                    aVar.f64627a = 3;
                    aVar.f64629c = mc32.f29560d;
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewImageLogic", "generatePath: %s", snsImageDownloadedEvent.f64626d.f64630d);
                    if (u1.k(snsImageDownloadedEvent.f64626d.f64630d)) {
                        str = "weixin://fts/sns?path=" + u1.i(snsImageDownloadedEvent.f64626d.f64630d, false);
                    } else {
                        synchronized (fTSWebViewImageLogic.f164222e) {
                            if (fTSWebViewImageLogic.f164222e.containsKey(mc32.f29560d)) {
                                hashSet = fTSWebViewImageLogic.f164222e.get(mc32.f29560d);
                            } else {
                                hashSet = new HashSet<>();
                            fTSWebViewImageLogic.f164222e.put(mc32.f29560d, hashSet);
                            fTSWebViewImageLogic.f164225h.put(mc32.f29560d, Integer.valueOf(nullAsInt));
                        SnsImageDownloadedEvent snsImageDownloadedEvent2 = new SnsImageDownloadedEvent();
                        SnsImageDownloadedEvent.a aVar2 = snsImageDownloadedEvent2.f64626d;
                        aVar2.f64627a = 1;
                        aVar2.f64628b = mc32;
                    if (str != null) {
                        JSONObject jSONObject2 = new JSONObject();
                        jSONObject2.put("id", string);
                        jSONObject2.put("src", str);
                        str = null;
            if (jSONArray2.length() > 0) {
                ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).dk0(nullAsInt, 0, jSONArray2.toString());
        } catch (JSONException unused) {
        return false;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:25:0x00cc  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:26:0x00d0  */
    public static boolean N0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        String str2 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("key");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getLocalData:fail_key_is_null", null);
        } else {
            try {
                String currentUrl = msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
                String str3 = new String(Base64.encode(str2.getBytes(), 0));
                String c15 = msgHandler.f167382z.c(currentUrl);
                t1 bO0 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.bO0();
                String domin = Util.getDomin(currentUrl);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewLocalDataStorage", "get value by key = %s, appid = %s, domin = %s", str3, c15, domin);
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str3) && !Util.isNullOrNil(c15) && !Util.isNullOrNil(currentUrl) && !Util.isNullOrNil(domin)) {
                    int hashCode = (c15 + domin + str3).hashCode();
                    StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();
                    sb5.append("select value from WebviewLocalData where recordId = ");
                    String sb6 = sb5.toString();
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewLocalDataStorage", sb6);
                    Cursor rawQuery = bO0.rawQuery(sb6, new String[0]);
                    if (rawQuery == null) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.WebViewLocalDataStorage", "get cursor is null");
                    } else {
                        str = rawQuery.moveToFirst() ? rawQuery.getString(0) : null;
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewLocalDataStorage", "get value : %s for key : %s", str, str3);
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getLocalData:fail", null);
                        } else {
                            String str4 = new String(Base64.decode(str.getBytes(), 0));
                            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                            hashMap.put("data", str4);
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "get local data, key = %s, value = %s", str3, str4);
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getLocalData:ok", hashMap);
                str = null;
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "get url failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getLocalData:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean N1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.f168157c == null) {
            synchronized (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.class) {
                if (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.f168157c == null) {
                    Context context = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                    lh4.m.f(context, "getContext()");
                    com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.f168157c = new com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z(context, null);
                b0 b0Var = b0.f332794a;
        com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z zVar = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.f168157c;
        synchronized (zVar) {
            HashMap<String, Object> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
            if (zVar.a(h1Var, msgHandler, hashMap)) {
                TingClientProto.TingItem playingItem = zVar.b().playingItem();
                if (playingItem != null) {
                    l2 playerState = zVar.b().getPlayerState();
                    String categoryId = playingItem.getListenItem().getCategoryId();
                    float duration = (float) zVar.b().getDuration();
                    float playPosition = (float) zVar.b().getPlayPosition();
                    float f15 = 0.0f;
                    if (playerState == l2.Idle || duration < 0.0f || playPosition < 0.0f) {
                        Log.w("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "getTingAudioState audio is stop duration=" + duration + ", position=" + playPosition);
                    float f16 = duration / 1000.0f;
                    float f17 = playPosition / 1000.0f;
                    int Z4 = zVar.b().Z4();
                    if (f16 > 0.0f) {
                        f15 = (((float) Z4) * f16) / ((float) 100);
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(categoryId)) {
                        lh4.m.f(categoryId, "categoryId");
                        hashMap.put("categoryId", categoryId);
                    hashMap.put("currentTime", Float.valueOf(f17));
                    hashMap.put("buffered", Float.valueOf(f15));
                    hashMap.put("duration", Float.valueOf(f16));
                    hashMap.put("status", pf3.b.f282813a.a(playerState));
                    float playRate = zVar.b().getPlayRate();
                    if (playRate < 0.5f || playRate > 2.0f) {
                        playRate = 1.0f;
                    hashMap.put("playRate", Float.valueOf(playRate));
                    String jSONObject = zVar.b().ep(playingItem, f16).toString();
                    lh4.m.f(jSONObject, "getTingService().getPlay…tem, duration).toString()");
                    hashMap.put("item", jSONObject);
                    JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray();
                    String jSONArray2 = jSONArray.toString();
                    lh4.m.f(jSONArray2, "JSONArray().apply {\n    …\n            }.toString()");
                    hashMap.put("__json_key_set", jSONArray2);
                    hashMap.put("err_code", 0);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", hashMap);
                    return true;
                Log.e("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "no playing item");
                hashMap.put("status", "idle");
                hashMap.put("err_code", 0);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", hashMap);
            return false;

    public static boolean N2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        ((z00.o) j.c(z00.o.class)).RB(msgHandler.f167360d, ((e00.h) j.c(e00.h.class)).RR(h1Var.f247819a));
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("ret", 0);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "0", hashMap);
        return false;

    public static boolean N4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        try {
            ExDeviceGetCurrentSSIDEvent exDeviceGetCurrentSSIDEvent = new ExDeviceGetCurrentSSIDEvent();
            exDeviceGetCurrentSSIDEvent.f62310d.f62312a = true;
            ExDeviceGetCurrentSSIDEvent.b bVar = exDeviceGetCurrentSSIDEvent.f62311e;
            if (bVar.f62313a) {
                hashMap.put("currentSSID", bVar.f62314b);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getCurrentSSID:ok", hashMap);
            } else {
                hashMap.put("err_desc", "not on wifi");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getCurrentSSID:fail", hashMap);
        } catch (Exception unused) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getCurrentSSID:fail");
            hashMap.put("err_desc", "not on wifi");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getCurrentSSID:fail", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean O(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        HashSet<String> hashSet;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.n vU = ((jo3.p) j.c(jo3.p.class)).vU();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewImageLogic fTSWebViewImageLogic = (FTSWebViewImageLogic) vU;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewImageLogic", "getSearchImageList");
        int e15 = p.e(map, "requestType", 0);
        String f15 = p.f(map, "data");
        int nullAsInt = Util.nullAsInt(((HashMap) map).get("webview_instance_id"), -1);
        boolean isWifi = NetStatusUtil.isWifi(MMApplicationContext.getContext());
        if (e15 != 1) {
            try {
                JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(f15);
                JSONArray jSONArray2 = new JSONArray();
                for (int i15 = 0; i15 < jSONArray.length(); i15++) {
                    JSONObject jSONObject = jSONArray.getJSONObject(i15);
                    JSONObject jSONObject2 = new JSONObject();
                    String string = jSONObject.getString("id");
                    String string2 = jSONObject.getString("imageUrl");
                    jSONObject2.put("id", string);
                    jSONObject2.put("src", string2);
                ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).dk0(nullAsInt, 0, jSONArray2.toString());
            } catch (JSONException unused) {
        } else {
            JSONArray jSONArray3 = new JSONArray(f15);
            JSONArray jSONArray4 = new JSONArray();
            String str = null;
            for (int i16 = 0; i16 < jSONArray3.length(); i16++) {
                JSONObject jSONObject3 = jSONArray3.getJSONObject(i16);
                int optInt = jSONObject3.optInt("emojiType");
                String optString = jSONObject3.optString("id");
                if (optInt == 2) {
                    FTSEmojiDownloadedEvent fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent = new FTSEmojiDownloadedEvent();
                    FTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.a aVar = fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62641d;
                    aVar.f62643a = 3;
                    aVar.f62649g = jSONObject3.optString("md5");
                    fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62641d.f62644b = jSONObject3.optString("designerId");
                    fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62641d.f62647e = jSONObject3.optString("aesKey");
                    fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62641d.f62648f = jSONObject3.optString("encryptUrl");
                    fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62641d.f62650h = jSONObject3.optString("productID");
                    fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62641d.f62646d = jSONObject3.optString("express");
                    fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62641d.f62645c = jSONObject3.optString("imageUrl");
                    if (u1.k(fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62642e.f62651a)) {
                        str = "weixin://fts/emoji?path=" + fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62642e.f62651a;
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewImageLogic", "path=%s", fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62642e.f62651a);
                    } else if (isWifi) {
                        synchronized (fTSWebViewImageLogic.f164223f) {
                            if (fTSWebViewImageLogic.f164223f.containsKey(fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62641d.f62649g)) {
                                hashSet = fTSWebViewImageLogic.f164223f.get(fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62641d.f62649g);
                            } else {
                                hashSet = new HashSet<>();
                            fTSWebViewImageLogic.f164223f.put(fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62641d.f62649g, hashSet);
                            fTSWebViewImageLogic.f164226i.put(fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62641d.f62649g, Integer.valueOf(nullAsInt));
                        fTSEmojiDownloadedEvent.f62641d.f62643a = 1;
                    } else {
                        str = jSONObject3.optString("imageUrl");
                    if (str != null) {
                        JSONObject jSONObject4 = new JSONObject();
                        jSONObject4.put("id", optString);
                        jSONObject4.put("src", str);
                        str = null;
                } else if (optInt == 4) {
                    JSONObject jSONObject5 = new JSONObject();
                    jSONObject5.put("id", optString);
                    if (isWifi) {
                        jSONObject5.put("src", jSONObject3.optString(ShareConstants.DEXMODE_RAW));
                    } else {
                        jSONObject5.put("src", jSONObject3.optString("imageUrl"));
                } else {
                    JSONObject jSONObject6 = new JSONObject();
                    jSONObject6.put("id", optString);
                    jSONObject6.put("src", jSONObject3.optString("imageUrl"));
            if (jSONArray4.length() > 0) {
                ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).dk0(nullAsInt, 0, jSONArray4.toString());
        return false;

    public static boolean O0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        String str2 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("key");
        String str3 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("data");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "set local data, key = %s, data = %s", str2, str3);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2) || Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setLocalData:fail_param_should_not_null", null);
            return true;
        } else if (str2.length() > 1024 || str3.length() > 1024) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setLocalData:fail_param_lenght_too_long", null);
            return true;
        } else {
            try {
                String currentUrl = msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
                byte[] encode = Base64.encode(str2.getBytes(), 0);
                byte[] encode2 = Base64.encode(str3.getBytes(), 0);
                String str4 = new String(encode);
                String str5 = new String(encode2);
                String c15 = msgHandler.f167382z.c(currentUrl);
                t1 bO0 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.bO0();
                String domin = Util.getDomin(currentUrl);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewLocalDataStorage", "set data, key = %s, value = %s, url = %s, appId = %s, domin = %s", str4, str5, currentUrl, c15, domin);
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str4) || Util.isNullOrNil(currentUrl) || Util.isNullOrNil(c15) || Util.isNullOrNil(domin)) {
                    str = "fail_params_invalid";
                } else {
                    int hashCode = (c15 + domin + str4).hashCode();
                    String str6 = "select count(*) from WebviewLocalData where appId = '" + c15 + "' and domin = '" + domin + "'";
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewLocalDataStorage", str6);
                    Cursor rawQuery = bO0.rawQuery(str6, new String[0]);
                    if (rawQuery != null) {
                        if (rawQuery.moveToFirst()) {
                            int i15 = rawQuery.getInt(0);
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewLocalDataStorage", "now count = %d", Integer.valueOf(i15));
                            if (i15 >= 5) {
                                str = "fail_exceed_max_count";
                            } else {
                                String str7 = "select count(*) from WebviewLocalData where recordId =" + hashCode;
                                rawQuery = bO0.rawQuery(str7, new String[0]);
                                if (rawQuery != null) {
                                    if (rawQuery.moveToFirst()) {
                                        int i16 = rawQuery.getInt(0);
                                        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewLocalDataStorage", "sql = %s, count = %d", str7, Integer.valueOf(i16));
                                        if (i16 > 0) {
                                            String str8 = "update WebviewLocalData set value = '" + str5 + "' where recordId =" + hashCode;
                                            boolean execSQL = bO0.execSQL("WebviewLocalData", str8);
                                            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewLocalDataStorage", "sql = %s, ret = %b", str8, Boolean.valueOf(execSQL));
                                            if (!execSQL) {
                                                str = "fail";
                                            str = "ok";
                    s1 s1Var = new s1();
                    s1Var.field_appId = c15;
                    s1Var.field_domin = domin;
                    s1Var.field_key = str4;
                    s1Var.field_value = str5;
                    s1Var.field_recordId = hashCode;
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewLocalDataStorage", "insert data, ret = %b", Boolean.valueOf(bO0.insert(s1Var)));
                    str = "ok";
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSetLocalData retValue = %s", str);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setLocalData:" + str, null);
                return true;
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "get url failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setLocalData:fail", null);
                return true;

    public static boolean O1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doEditAddress");
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("req_url", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url"));
        intent.putExtra("req_app_id", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        intent.putExtra("launch_from_webview", true);
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
            ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
            sv3.b.o(msgHandler.f167360d, "address", ".ui.WalletSelectAddrUI", intent, 3, false);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:39:0x0125  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:40:0x012a  */
    public static boolean O2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        boolean z15;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "recordHistory:ok", null);
        jh0.a aVar = jh0.a.f240052c;
        if (!aVar.f240054b && z.a()) {
            aVar.f240053a = u0.j();
            aVar.f240054b = true;
        if (!((aVar.f240053a & 131072) == 131072)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doRecordHistory switch close");
        } else {
            String C6 = msgHandler.C6((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("url"));
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(C6)) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "recordHistory:fail", null);
            } else {
                int i15 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("webview_scene"), 0);
                if (i15 == 33 || i15 == 46) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hasRecordPermission false, getA8keyScene = " + i15);
                } else if (C6.startsWith(ProxyConfig.MATCH_HTTP)) {
                    Uri parse = Uri.parse(C6);
                    String str = parse.getHost() + parse.getPath();
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hasRecordPermission, hostPath: " + str);
                    String b15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.o0.b();
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(b15)) {
                        b15 = WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fya) + "/connect/oauth2/authorize";
                    String[] split = b15.split(";");
                    if (!str.contains(WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fys))) {
                        if (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.e.f164565a.contains(parse.getHost().toLowerCase())) {
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "forbidden host %s", parse.getHost());
                        } else {
                            int i16 = 0;
                            while (true) {
                                if (i16 >= split.length) {
                                    z15 = true;
                                } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(split[i16])) {
                                } else {
                            if (z15) {
                                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "recordHistory:fail", null);
                            } else {
                                String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE));
                                String nullAsNil2 = Util.nullAsNil((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("source"));
                                String nullAsNil3 = Util.nullAsNil((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("img_url"));
                                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doRecordHistory link %s,title %s,source %s,imgUrl %s", C6, nullAsNil, nullAsNil2, nullAsNil3);
                                bp3.f ZN0 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ZN0();
                                bp3.d dVar = new bp3.d();
                                dVar.field_link = C6;
                                if (!ZN0.get(dVar, "link")) {
                                    dVar = null;
                                if (dVar != null) {
                                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doRecordHistory update");
                                    dVar.field_link = C6;
                                    dVar.field_title = nullAsNil;
                                    dVar.field_source = nullAsNil2;
                                    dVar.field_imgUrl = nullAsNil3;
                                    dVar.field_timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
                                    com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ZN0().update(dVar, new String[0]);
                                } else {
                                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doRecordHistory insert");
                                    bp3.f ZN02 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ZN0();
                                    bp3.d dVar2 = new bp3.d();
                                    dVar2.field_link = C6;
                                    dVar2.field_title = nullAsNil;
                                    dVar2.field_source = nullAsNil2;
                                    dVar2.field_imgUrl = nullAsNil3;
                                    dVar2.field_timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
                                    dVar2.field_recordId = "" + C6.hashCode() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis();
                                    boolean insert = ZN02.insert(dVar2);
                                    StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();
                                    sb5.append("insert: ");
                                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewHistoryStorage", sb5.toString());
                                    e04.a.a(new bp3.e(ZN02));
                                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "recordHistory:ok", null);
                z15 = false;
                if (z15) {
        return true;

    public static boolean O3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        long j15 = Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("download_id"), -1);
        Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE), 1000);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doInstallDownloadTask, downloadId = " + j15);
        if (j15 <= 0) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doInstallDownloadTask fail, invalid downloadId = " + j15);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "install_download_task:fail", null);
            return true;
        c3 Uj = ((t) j.c(t.class)).Uj(j15);
        if (Uj == null) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doInstallDownloadTask fail, info is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "install_download_task:fail", null);
            return true;
        int i15 = Uj.field_status;
        if (i15 == -1) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doInstallDownloadTask fail, apilevel not supported");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "install_download_task:fail_apilevel_too_low", null);
            return true;
        } else if (i15 != 3) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doInstallDownloadTask fail, invalid status = " + Uj.field_status);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "install_download_task:fail", null);
            return true;
        } else {
            c3 Uj2 = ((t) j.c(t.class)).Uj(j15);
            if (Uj2 != null) {
                int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE), 0);
                int i17 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("uiarea"), 0);
                int i18 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("notice_id"), 0);
                int i19 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPDownloadProxyEnum.USER_SSID), 0);
                Uj2.field_scene = i16;
                Uj2.field_uiarea = i17;
                Uj2.field_noticeId = i18;
                Uj2.field_ssid = i19;
                ((t) j.c(t.class)).A00(Uj2);
            ((kq.o) j.c(kq.o.class)).dj(Uj.field_downloadId, false, new k2(msgHandler, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("bizInfo"), (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sourceInfo"), h1Var));
            return true;

    public static boolean O4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        if (msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity) {
            WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
            PayUProceedPayEvent payUProceedPayEvent = new PayUProceedPayEvent();
            PayUProceedPayEvent.a aVar = payUProceedPayEvent.f63895d;
            aVar.f63896a = walletJsapiData.f173486d;
            aVar.f63897b = walletJsapiData.f173487e;
            aVar.f63898c = walletJsapiData.f173488f;
            aVar.f63899d = walletJsapiData.f173489g;
            aVar.f63900e = walletJsapiData.f173490h;
            aVar.f63901f = walletJsapiData.f173491i;
            aVar.f63902g = walletJsapiData.f173495p;
            aVar.f63903h = walletJsapiData.f173497r;
            aVar.f63904i = walletJsapiData.f173498s;
            aVar.f63905j = walletJsapiData.f173499t;
            aVar.f63907l = walletJsapiData.f173501v;
            aVar.f63906k = walletJsapiData.f173500u;
            msgHandler.mmOnActivityResult(21, -1, null);
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        return true;

    public static boolean P(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        String str2;
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) ka5).getClass();
        try {
            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(p.f(map, "data"));
            JSONArray jSONArray2 = new JSONArray();
            for (int i15 = 0; i15 < jSONArray.length(); i15++) {
                JSONObject jSONObject = jSONArray.getJSONObject(i15);
                if (jSONObject.has("id")) {
                    str = jSONObject.getString("id");
                } else {
                    str = "";
                if (jSONObject.has("userName")) {
                    str2 = jSONObject.getString("userName");
                } else {
                    str2 = "";
                String displayName = ((hh2.j) j.c(hh2.j.class)).getDisplayName(str2);
                JSONObject jSONObject2 = new JSONObject();
                jSONObject2.put("id", str);
                jSONObject2.put("userName", str2);
                jSONObject2.put("displayName", displayName);
            hashMap.put("ret", 0);
            hashMap.put("data", jSONArray2.toString());
        } catch (JSONException e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", e15, "", new Object[0]);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getSearchDisplayName:ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean P0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        try {
            String currentUrl = msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
            t1 bO0 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.bO0();
            String c15 = msgHandler.f167382z.c(currentUrl);
            String domin = Util.getDomin(currentUrl);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewLocalDataStorage", "appid = %s, url = %s, domin = %s", c15, currentUrl, domin);
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(c15) && !Util.isNullOrNil(currentUrl) && !Util.isNullOrNil(domin)) {
                if (bO0.execSQL("WebviewLocalData", "delete from WebviewLocalData where appId = '" + c15 + "' and domin = '" + domin + "'")) {
                    str = "ok";
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doClearLocalData retValue = %s", str);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "clearLocalData:" + str, null);
                    return true;
            str = "fail";
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doClearLocalData retValue = %s", str);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "clearLocalData:" + str, null);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "get url failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "clearLocalData:fail", null);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:126:0x0384  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:149:0x040f  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:163:0x0435  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:166:0x0443  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:59:0x0225  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:61:0x0249  */
    public static boolean P1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        boolean z15;
        int i15;
        int i16;
        TingProto.TingScene tingScene;
        TingProto.TingScene tingScene2;
        TingProto.MMListenCategoryItem mMListenCategoryItem;
        boolean z16;
        TingClientProto.TingItem playingItem;
        boolean z17;
        TingProto.MMListenItem listenItem;
        TingProto.MMListenArticleInfo articleInfo;
        TingProto.MMListenItem listenItem2;
        TingProto.MMListenArticleInfo articleInfo2;
        TingProto.MMListenItem listenItem3;
        TingProto.MMListenItem listenItem4;
        TingProto.MMListenArticleInfo articleInfo3;
        TingProto.MMListenItem listenItem5;
        TingProto.MMListenArticleInfo articleInfo4;
        int i17;
        Exception e15;
        String str;
        String str2;
        String n65 = msgHandler.n6();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSetTingAudioState appId:%s", n65);
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, n65);
        if (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.f168157c == null) {
            synchronized (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.class) {
                if (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.f168157c == null) {
                    Context context = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                    lh4.m.f(context, "getContext()");
                    com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.f168157c = new com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z(context, null);
                b0 b0Var = b0.f332794a;
        com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z zVar = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.f168157c;
        HashMap<String, Object> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
        if (!zVar.a(h1Var, msgHandler, hashMap)) {
            return false;
        String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("playSrcId"));
        int i18 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("playMode"), 0);
        boolean z18 = Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("shuffle"), false);
        boolean z19 = Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("openPlayerUI"), false);
        float f15 = Util.getFloat((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("playRate"), 0.0f);
        if (f15 < 0.5f || f15 > 2.0f) {
            f15 = 1.0f;
        String nullAsNil2 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("categoryId"));
        String nullAsNil3 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("categoryName"));
        int i19 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("categoryType"), 0);
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mpExtraInfo");
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("itemList");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "setTingAudioState playSrcId: " + nullAsNil + ", categoryId: " + nullAsNil2 + ", categoryName: " + nullAsNil3 + ", categoryType: " + i19 + ", playRate: " + f15 + ", playMode: " + i18 + ", shuffle: " + z18 + ", openPlayerUI: " + z19 + ", mpExtraInfo: " + str3);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "setTingAudioState itemList is null");
            hashMap.put("err_code", -100);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", hashMap);
        } else {
            try {
                JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str4);
                if (jSONArray.length() <= 0) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "setTingAudioState audioList is empty");
                    hashMap.put("err_code", -100);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", hashMap);
                } else {
                    ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                    try {
                        int length = jSONArray.length();
                        i15 = i18;
                        int i25 = 0;
                        i16 = 0;
                        while (i25 < length) {
                            try {
                                Object obj = jSONArray.get(i25);
                                lh4.m.e(obj, "null cannot be cast to non-null type org.json.JSONObject");
                                JSONObject jSONObject = (JSONObject) obj;
                                z.a aVar = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.f168156b;
                                if (nullAsNil2 == null) {
                                    str = "";
                                } else {
                                    str = nullAsNil2;
                                if (nullAsNil3 == null) {
                                    str2 = "";
                                } else {
                                    str2 = nullAsNil3;
                                z.b a15 = aVar.a(jSONObject, str, str2, f15, new com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.a0(hashMap, msgHandler, h1Var));
                                if (a15 == null) {
                                    Log.w("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "wrapper is null");
                                if (lh4.m.b(a15.f168160b, nullAsNil)) {
                                    i16 = i25;
                                length = length;
                                jSONArray = jSONArray;
                            } catch (Exception e16) {
                                e15 = e16;
                                i17 = 1;
                                Object[] objArr = new Object[i17];
                                objArr[0] = e15.getMessage();
                                Log.w("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "setTingAudioState ex:%s", objArr);
                                if (arrayList.isEmpty()) {
                        b0 b0Var2 = b0.f332794a;
                    } catch (Exception e17) {
                        e15 = e17;
                        i15 = i18;
                        i17 = 1;
                        i16 = 0;
                        Object[] objArr2 = new Object[i17];
                        objArr2[0] = e15.getMessage();
                        Log.w("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "setTingAudioState ex:%s", objArr2);
                        if (arrayList.isEmpty()) {
                    if (arrayList.isEmpty()) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "setTingAudioState fail, wrapperList is null");
                        hashMap.put("err_code", -100);
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", hashMap);
                    } else {
                        TingClientProto.TingItem tingItem = (TingClientProto.TingItem) xg4.c0.R(arrayList, i16);
                        String bizUsername = (tingItem == null || (listenItem5 = tingItem.getListenItem()) == null || (articleInfo4 = listenItem5.getArticleInfo()) == null) ? null : articleInfo4.getBizUsername();
                        if (tingItem != null && pf3.i0.f(tingItem)) {
                            tingScene = TingProto.TingScene.TingScene_MpMusic;
                        } else {
                            tingScene = TingProto.TingScene.TingScene_MpAudio;
                        int number = tingScene.getNumber();
                        dg3.c cVar = new dg3.c(str3, i16, number, !z19, nullAsNil2, nullAsNil3, i19, i15, z18, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 130560, null);
                        dg3.d dVar = cVar.f200331q;
                        dVar.f200333b = z19;
                        if (bizUsername != null) {
                            dVar.f200335d.put("bizusername", bizUsername);
                            b0 b0Var3 = b0.f332794a;
                        b0 b0Var4 = b0.f332794a;
                        String albumId = (tingItem == null || (listenItem4 = tingItem.getListenItem()) == null || (articleInfo3 = listenItem4.getArticleInfo()) == null) ? null : articleInfo3.getAlbumId();
                        boolean z25 = !(albumId == null || albumId.length() == 0);
                        if (z25) {
                            tingScene2 = TingProto.TingScene.TingScene_MpAlbum;
                        } else {
                            tingScene2 = TingProto.TingScene.forNumber(number);
                        if (z19) {
                            ((l1) j.c(l1.class)).fv(false);
                        if (z25) {
                            if (z19) {
                                TingClientProto.TingTapeInfo TI0 = zVar.b().TI0();
                                TingClientProto.TingItem playingItem2 = zVar.b().playingItem();
                                if (!(TI0 == null || playingItem2 == null)) {
                                    if (lh4.m.b(playingItem2.getClientId(), tingItem != null ? tingItem.getClientId() : null)) {
                                        if (((nullAsNil2 == null || y.n(nullAsNil2)) && TI0.getCategoryItem().getType() == 7) || lh4.m.b(nullAsNil2, TI0.getCategoryItem().getCategoryId())) {
                                            z17 = true;
                                            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "setTingAudioState playWithCategory playSameSong:" + z17 + ", categoryId: " + nullAsNil2 + ", currentCategoryId: " + TI0.getCategoryItem().getCategoryId());
                                            if (!z17) {
                                                cVar.f200317c = TingProto.TingScene.TingScene_MpAlbum.getNumber();
                                                StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();
                                                sb5.append("setTingAudioState playWithCategory title: ");
                                                sb5.append((tingItem == null || (listenItem3 = tingItem.getListenItem()) == null) ? null : listenItem3.getTitle());
                                                sb5.append(", audioId: ");
                                                sb5.append((tingItem == null || (listenItem2 = tingItem.getListenItem()) == null || (articleInfo2 = listenItem2.getArticleInfo()) == null) ? null : articleInfo2.getAudioId());
                                                sb5.append(", albumId: ");
                                                sb5.append((tingItem == null || (listenItem = tingItem.getListenItem()) == null || (articleInfo = listenItem.getArticleInfo()) == null) ? null : articleInfo.getAlbumId());
                                                Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", sb5.toString());
                                                TingProto.MMListenCategoryItem.Builder newBuilder = TingProto.MMListenCategoryItem.newBuilder();
                                                z15 = true;
                                                TingProto.MMListenCategoryItem mMListenCategoryItem2 = (TingProto.MMListenCategoryItem) newBuilder.build();
                                                y1 b15 = zVar.b();
                                                b15.Tb0(tingItem, null, mMListenCategoryItem2, null, cVar);
                                                mMListenCategoryItem = mMListenCategoryItem2;
                                                if (z19) {
                                                    x1 JC = zVar.b().JC();
                                                    Context context2 = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                                                    lh4.m.f(context2, "getContext()");
                                                    lh4.m.f(tingScene2, "enterScene");
                                                    x1.a.d(JC, context2, false, tingItem, cVar, mMListenCategoryItem, null, tingScene2, null, 160, null);
                                                    ((ih.w1) j.c(ih.w1.class)).RW(tingItem, tingScene2);
                                                hashMap.put("err_code", 0);
                                                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", hashMap);
                                                return z15;
                                            z15 = true;
                                    z17 = false;
                                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "setTingAudioState playWithCategory playSameSong:" + z17 + ", categoryId: " + nullAsNil2 + ", currentCategoryId: " + TI0.getCategoryItem().getCategoryId());
                                    if (!z17) {
                            z17 = false;
                            if (!z17) {
                        } else {
                            z15 = true;
                            if (z19 && (playingItem = zVar.b().playingItem()) != null) {
                                if (lh4.m.b(playingItem.getClientId(), tingItem != null ? tingItem.getClientId() : null)) {
                                    z16 = true;
                                    if (!z16) {
                                        zVar.b().So("webview", arrayList, cVar);
                            z16 = false;
                            if (!z16) {
                        mMListenCategoryItem = null;
                        if (z19) {
                        hashMap.put("err_code", 0);
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", hashMap);
                        return z15;
            } catch (Exception e18) {
                z15 = false;
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", e18, "setTingAudioState exception", new Object[0]);
                hashMap.put("err_code", -100);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", hashMap);
        return false;

    public static boolean P2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "do open offline pay view");
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        ((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).HR(msgHandler.f167360d, new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a), 60);
        return true;

    public static Map P3(MsgHandler msgHandler, JSONObject jSONObject) {
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        if (jSONObject != null) {
            Iterator<String> keys = jSONObject.keys();
            while (keys.hasNext()) {
                String next = keys.next();
                hashMap.put(next, jSONObject.opt(next));
        return hashMap;

    public static boolean P4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doVerifyWCPayPassword JSOAUTH");
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        if (msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity) {
            WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("appId", walletJsapiData.f173486d);
            intent.putExtra("timeStamp", walletJsapiData.f173490h);
            intent.putExtra("nonceStr", walletJsapiData.f173489g);
            intent.putExtra("packageExt", walletJsapiData.f173491i);
            intent.putExtra("signtype", walletJsapiData.f173488f);
            intent.putExtra("paySignature", walletJsapiData.f173495p);
            intent.putExtra("url", walletJsapiData.f173497r);
            intent.putExtra(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 1);
            intent.putExtra("pay_channel", walletJsapiData.f173501v);
            ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
            sv3.b.o(msgHandler.f167360d, "wallet_core", ".ui.WalletCheckPwdUI", intent, 20, false);
        return true;

    public static boolean Q(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        String str2;
        boolean z15;
        boolean z16;
        int i15;
        boolean z17;
        Bundle bundle;
        Bundle bundle2;
        boolean z18 = false;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        m mVar = msgHandler.f167378x;
        lh4.m.g(h1Var, "msg");
        if (!((r21.d) d60.z.q(r21.d.class)).yc(5)) {
            str = "srcUserName";
        } else {
            int optInt = h1Var.f247858d.optInt("itemType", -1);
            Bundle bundle3 = new Bundle();
            if (optInt >= 0) {
                String optString = h1Var.f247858d.optString("jumpUrl");
                lh4.m.f(optString, "msg.rawParams.optString(\"jumpUrl\")");
                bundle3.putString("url", optString);
                bundle3.putInt("item_show_type", optInt);
                bundle3.putInt(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, h1Var.f247858d.optInt("openScene"));
                bundle3.putInt("openType", -1);
                bundle3.putString("KPublisherId", h1Var.f247858d.optString("publishId"));
                bundle3.putInt("geta8key_scene", 65);
                bundle3.putInt("KPageScene", 1);
                String d15 = ((FTSWebViewLogic) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka()).d(optString);
                if (d15 == null) {
                    d15 = "";
                String f15 = ((FTSWebViewLogic) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka()).f(d15);
                if (f15 == null) {
                    f15 = "";
                bundle3.putString("KPageInfo", f15);
                if (optInt == 5) {
                    if (h1Var.f247858d.has("currentInfo")) {
                        bundle3.putString("currentInfo", h1Var.f247858d.optString("currentInfo"));
                    if (h1Var.f247858d.has("openScene")) {
                        bundle3.putInt("biz_video_scene", h1Var.f247858d.optInt("openScene"));
                    bundle3.putInt("subscene", h1Var.f247858d.optInt("subScene", 10000));
                    bundle3.putInt("biz_video_session_id", com.tencent.mm.storage.u0.f175105c);
                    bundle3.putBoolean("isNativePage", true);
                    JSONObject jSONObject = h1Var.f247858d;
                    lh4.m.f(jSONObject, "msg.rawParams");
                    if (optInt == 5 || optInt == 16) {
                        ub0.o oVar = new ub0.o();
                        oVar.f317189j = jSONObject.optString("srcUserName");
                        oVar.f317190n = jSONObject.optString("srcDisplayName");
                        if (jSONObject.has("url")) {
                            oVar.f317193q.f317211e = jSONObject.optString("url");
                        } else if (jSONObject.has("jumpUrl")) {
                            oVar.f317193q.f317211e = jSONObject.optString("jumpUrl");
                        oVar.f317193q.f317210d = jSONObject.optString(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
                        oVar.f317193q.f317217n = jSONObject.optString("digest");
                        oVar.f317193q.f317215i = jSONObject.optString("cover");
                        l lVar = oVar.f317193q;
                        lVar.f317218o = optInt;
                        str = "srcUserName";
                        lVar.f317214h = (long) jSONObject.optInt("pubTime");
                        oVar.f317193q.f317220q = jSONObject.optInt("duration");
                        oVar.f317193q.E = jSONObject.optInt(V2TXJSAdapterConstants.PUSHER_KEY_RESOLUTION_WIDTH);
                        oVar.f317193q.F = jSONObject.optInt(V2TXJSAdapterConstants.PUSHER_KEY_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT);
                        oVar.f317193q.G = jSONObject.optString(TPReportKeys.Common.COMMON_VID);
                    } else {
                        str = "srcUserName";
                    q.INSTANCE.idkeyStat(1061, 20, 1, false);
                } else {
                    str = "srcUserName";
                Bundle v65 = mVar != null ? mVar.v6(200, bundle3) : null;
                if (v65 != null && v65.getBoolean("success")) {
                    z18 = true;
            } else {
                str = "srcUserName";
            z18 = false;
        if (z18) {
            return true;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        int i16 = msgHandler.A;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "startSearchItemDetailPage %s", map.toString());
        fTSWebViewLogic.f164238n.f242414d = true;
        boolean d16 = p.d(map, "isTeachPage", false);
        boolean d17 = p.d(map, "isMoreButton", false);
        if (p.e(map, "isFeedBack", 0) == 1) {
            str2 = str;
            z15 = true;
        } else {
            str2 = str;
            z15 = false;
        String f16 = p.f(map, str2);
        String f17 = p.f(map, "sessionId");
        HashMap hashMap = (HashMap) map;
        String str3 = (String) hashMap.get("navBarColor");
        int e15 = p.e(map, "subType", 0);
        p.f(map, "searchPlaceHolder");
        String f18 = p.f(map, "jumpUrl");
        String f19 = p.f(map, "searchClickId");
        int i17 = (Util.isNullOrNil(f18) || (!f18.contains("http://mp.weixin.qq.com/imgretrieval") && !f18.contains("https://mp.weixin.qq.com/imgretrieval"))) ? -1 : 3;
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
            try {
                i15 = Color.parseColor(str3);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e16) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "startSearchItemDetailPage: " + e16.getMessage());
                z16 = true;
        } else {
            i15 = 0;
        String str4 = (String) hashMap.get("statusBarStyle");
        if (z15) {
            String f25 = p.f(map, "jumpUrl");
            if (i16 != -1) {
                bundle2 = ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).TQ(i16);
            } else {
                bundle2 = null;
            fTSWebViewLogic.n(f25, bundle2, 0, "", "", 0, "", 0, 0, "");
        } else {
            int e17 = p.e(map, "type", 0);
            int e18 = p.e(map, "opType", 0);
            if (e18 > 0) {
                if (e18 == 2) {
                    fTSWebViewLogic.k(fTSWebViewLogic.i(map), d16);
                } else if (e18 == 3) {
                    jo3.d i18 = fTSWebViewLogic.i(map);
                    if (!w0.F(i18.f242291a)) {
                        fTSWebViewLogic.k(i18, d16);
                    } else {
                        Intent intent = new Intent();
                        intent.putExtra("Chat_User", i18.f242291a);
                        intent.putExtra("finish_direct", true);
                        intent.putExtra("key_temp_session_show_type", 0);
                        intent.putExtra("preChatTYPE", 9);
                        intent.putExtra("KOpenArticleSceneFromScene", 7);
                        sv3.b.t(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), ".ui.chatting.ChattingUI", intent, null);
                } else if (e18 == 4) {
                    String f26 = p.f(map, "jumpUrl");
                    if (i16 != -1) {
                        bundle = ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).TQ(i16);
                    } else {
                        bundle = null;
                    fTSWebViewLogic.n(f26, bundle, 0, "", "", 0, "", 0, 0, "");
            } else if (d17) {
                String f27 = p.f(map, "query");
                int e19 = p.e(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
                String f28 = p.f(map, "searchId");
                Intent intent2 = new Intent();
                intent2.putExtra("hardcode_jspermission", JsapiPermissionWrapper.f173510h);
                intent2.putExtra("hardcode_general_ctrl", GeneralControlWrapper.f173507e);
                intent2.putExtra("neverGetA8Key", true);
                intent2.putExtra("key_load_js_without_delay", true);
                intent2.putExtra("ftsQuery", f27);
                intent2.putExtra("ftsType", e17);
                intent2.putExtra("sessionId", f17);
                Map<String, String> c15 = jo3.z0.c(e19, false, e17, "");
                try {
                    ((HashMap) c15).put("query", ck.q.b(f27, "UTF-8"));
                } catch (Exception unused) {
                    ((HashMap) c15).put("query", f27);
                HashMap hashMap2 = (HashMap) c15;
                hashMap2.put("searchId", f28);
                hashMap2.put("sessionId", f17);
                String f29 = jo3.z0.f(Util.safeParseInt((String) hashMap2.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE)));
                hashMap2.put("subSessionId", f29);
                intent2.putExtra("subSessionId", f29);
                intent2.putExtra("rawUrl", jo3.z0.e(c15, 0));
                intent2.putExtra("key_session_id", f17);
                intent2.putExtra("searchId", f28);
                if (e19 == 20 || e19 == 22 || e19 == 24 || e19 == 33) {
                    sv3.b.j(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "webview", ".ui.tools.fts.MMFTSSOSMoreWebViewUI", intent2, null);
                } else {
                    sv3.b.y(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), intent2, null);
            } else {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "doStartSearchItemDetailPage: type=%d link=%s", Integer.valueOf(e17), (String) hashMap.get("url"));
                if (e17 == 1) {
                    z17 = false;
                    fTSWebViewLogic.k(fTSWebViewLogic.i(map), false);
                } else if (e17 == 8) {
                    z17 = false;
                    fTSWebViewLogic.m(p.f(map, "snsid"), p.f(map, "objectXmlDesc"), p.f(map, "userName"), p.d(map, "fromMusicItem", false));
                } else if (e17 != 32) {
                    String f35 = p.f(map, "jumpUrl");
                    String f36 = p.f(map, "publishId");
                    int e25 = p.e(map, "payScene", 0);
                    int e26 = p.e(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "jump url = %s, publishId = %s, payScene = %d", f35, f36, Integer.valueOf(e25));
                    String f37 = p.f(map, "cookie");
                    Bundle TQ = i16 != -1 ? ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).TQ(i16) : null;
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(f35)) {
                        fTSWebViewLogic.o(f35, TQ, i15, str4, f36, e25, f16, e26, e15, f37, i17, f19);
                } else {
                z16 = z17;
                return z16;
        z17 = false;
        z16 = z17;
        return z16;

    public static boolean Q0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("selectMode"), 0);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSelectSingleContact selectedMode:%d", Integer.valueOf(i15));
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        if (i15 == 1) {
            intent.putExtra("Select_Conv_Type", TPReportParams.LIVE_STEP_PLAY);
            intent.putExtra("jsapi_select_mode", 1);
        } else {
            intent.putExtra("Select_Conv_Type", TinkerStatusReport.KVSTAT_TYPE_ID_TINKER_EXCEPTION);
        intent.putExtra("select_is_ret", true);
        intent.putExtra("Select_block_List", u0.r());
        intent.putExtra("scene_from", 4);
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
            sv3.b.v((MMActivity) context, ".ui.transmit.SelectConversationUI", intent, 30, msgHandler);
        return true;

    public static boolean Q1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String n65 = msgHandler.n6();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSetTingAudioState appId:%s", n65);
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, n65);
        if (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.f168157c == null) {
            synchronized (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.class) {
                if (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.f168157c == null) {
                    Context context = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                    lh4.m.f(context, "getContext()");
                    com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.f168157c = new com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z(context, null);
                b0 b0Var = b0.f332794a;
        com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z zVar = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.media.z.f168157c;
        if (!zVar.a(h1Var, msgHandler, new HashMap<>())) {
            return false;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("operationType");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "doOperateTingAudio, opType:%s", str);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "doOperateTingAudio optype is empty");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
            return true;
        } else if (y.l(str, AssetExtension.SCENE_PLAY, true) || y.l(str, "resume", true)) {
            if (zVar.b().resume()) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
                return true;
            Log.e("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", h1Var.f247863i + " play fail");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
            return true;
        } else if (y.l(str, "pause", true)) {
            if (zVar.b().pause()) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
                return true;
            Log.e("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", h1Var.f247863i + " pause fail");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
            return true;
        } else if (y.l(str, "seek", true)) {
            float f15 = Util.getFloat((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("seektime"), 0.0f);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "operateTingAudio seek currentTime: " + f15);
            if (f15 < 0.0f) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "currentTime is invalid!");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
                return true;
            } else if (zVar.b().seekTo((long) (f15 * ((float) 1000)))) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
                return true;
            } else {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", h1Var.f247863i + " seek fail");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
                return true;
        } else if (y.l(str, "stop", true)) {
            if (zVar.b().stop()) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
                return true;
            Log.e("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", h1Var.f247863i + " stop fail");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
            return true;
        } else if (y.l(str, "next", true)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
            return true;
        } else if (y.l(str, "pre", true)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
            return true;
        } else if (y.m(str, "playRate", false, 2, null)) {
            float safeParseFloat = Util.safeParseFloat((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("playRate"));
            if (safeParseFloat <= 0.5f || ((double) safeParseFloat) > 2.0d) {
                safeParseFloat = 1.0f;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "operateTingAudio updatePlayRate: " + safeParseFloat);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
            return true;
        } else if (y.m(str, "playMode", false, 2, null)) {
            int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("playMode"), 0);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "operateTingAudio updatePlayMode: " + i15);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
            return true;
        } else if (y.m(str, "shuffle", false, 2, null)) {
            boolean z15 = Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("shuffle"), false);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", "operateTingAudio updateShuffle: " + z15);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
            return true;
        } else {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.WebViewTingHelper", h1Var.f247863i + " fail, invalid opType");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
            return true;

    public static boolean Q2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appid %s timeStamp %s nonceStr %s packageExt %s signType %s", Util.nullAs((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appid"), ""), walletJsapiData.f173490h, walletJsapiData.f173489g, walletJsapiData.f173491i, walletJsapiData.f173488f);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "isKindaBankCardManagerEnable");
        ((qv3.c) j.c(qv3.c.class)).startUseCase("bankCard", ITransmitKvData.create(), new o0(msgHandler));
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openWCPayCardList:ok", null);
        q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.f291958a, "openWCPayCardList:ok");
        return true;

    public static boolean Q3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("specificview");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenSpecificView fail, invalid specificview");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "specific_view:fail", null);
        } else {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putInt("webview_scene", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webview_scene"), 0));
            bundle.putString("url", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url"));
            bundle.putString("extinfo", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("extinfo"));
            cu3.z zVar = ap3.a.f7840a;
            ((w1) zVar).getClass();
            boolean d15 = ((com.tencent.mm.app.plugin.e) f0.a.a()).d(msgHandler.f167360d, str, bundle);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenSpecificView, targetView = %s, ret = %b", str, Boolean.valueOf(d15));
            if (d15) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "specific_view:ok", null);
            } else {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenSpecificView, targetView not supported in current wechat version");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "specific_view:not_supported", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean Q4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper, int[] iArr) {
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startMonitoringBeacons:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean R(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "startCommonSearchItemDetailPage %s", map.toString());
        String f15 = p.f(map, "snsid");
        String f16 = p.f(map, "objectXmlDesc");
        TimeLineObject fJ0 = ((d63.v) j.c(d63.v.class)).fJ0(f16);
        if (fJ0 == null || fJ0.ContentObj == null) {
            return false;
        String Uh0 = ((bz.d1) j.c(bz.d1.class)).Uh0(fJ0.Id);
        m20 m202 = fJ0.ContentObj;
        int i15 = m202.f29268e;
        if (i15 != 1) {
            if (i15 == 10) {
                LinkedList<mc3> linkedList = m202.f29271h;
                if (linkedList != null && linkedList.size() >= 1) {
                    String str = fJ0.ContentObj.f29271h.get(0).f29574u;
                    Intent intent = new Intent();
                    intent.putExtra("sns_object_data", str);
                    intent.putExtra("preceding_scence", 10);
                    intent.putExtra("download_entrance_scene", 13);
                    sv3.b.j(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "emoji", ".ui.EmojiStoreDetailUI", intent, null);
            } else if (i15 != 15) {
                if (i15 != 26) {
                    if (i15 == 28 || i15 == 50) {
                        ((bz.d1) j.c(bz.d1.class)).iq(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), fJ0);
                } else if (Util.isNullOrNil(m202.f29273j)) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(Uh0)) {
                        fTSWebViewLogic.m(f15, f16, p.f(map, "userName"), p.d(map, "fromMusicItem", false));
                    } else {
                        FavoriteOperationEvent favoriteOperationEvent = new FavoriteOperationEvent();
                        FavoriteOperationEvent.a aVar = favoriteOperationEvent.f62696d;
                        aVar.f62698a = 37;
                        aVar.f62700c = fJ0.ContentObj.f29273j;
                        aVar.f62712o = ((bz.d1) j.c(bz.d1.class)).UH0(fJ0);
                        favoriteOperationEvent.f62696d.f62699b = ((bz.d1) j.c(bz.d1.class)).Uh0(fJ0.Id);
                        favoriteOperationEvent.f62696d.f62705h = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
            } else if (Util.isNullOrNil(Uh0)) {
                fTSWebViewLogic.m(f15, f16, p.f(map, "userName"), p.d(map, "fromMusicItem", false));
            } else {
                ThreadPool.post(new com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.g(fTSWebViewLogic, fJ0), "play_video_task");
        } else if (Util.isNullOrNil(Uh0)) {
            fTSWebViewLogic.m(f15, f16, p.f(map, "userName"), p.d(map, "fromMusicItem", false));
        } else {
            int e15 = p.e(map, "snsImageIndex", 0);
            if (!((bz.d1) j.c(bz.d1.class)).mn(Uh0, e15, new ArrayList())) {
                fTSWebViewLogic.m(f15, f16, p.f(map, "userName"), p.d(map, "fromMusicItem", false));
            } else {
                ((bz.d1) j.c(bz.d1.class)).ur0(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), 2, 1, fJ0, f15, e15);
        return true;

    public static boolean R0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMsgToSpecifiedContact");
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(Scopes.OPEN_ID);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMsgToSpecifiedContact openid is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendAppMessageToSpecifiedContact:fail", null);
            return true;
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        if (msgHandler.f167367n != null && TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
            str2 = msgHandler.f167367n.getString("jsapi_args_appid");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMsgToSpecifiedContact appid is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendAppMessageToSpecifiedContact:fail", null);
            return true;
        msgHandler.f167362f = msgHandler.w5(h1Var, false);
        m0 m0Var = new m0(str2, str);
        d60.z.d().a(bt0.c.CTRL_INDEX, new a0(msgHandler, h1Var, str2));
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        msgHandler.f167363g = i14.j.Q(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f367625yv), hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.f367656zq), true, true, new b0(msgHandler, m0Var));
        return true;

    public static boolean R1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        if (ChannelUtil.isGPVersion()) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTaskStraight fail, GP Version not allowed to download");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "system:access_denied", null);
            return true;
        String str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("appid");
        String str2 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("url");
        String str3 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("extInfo");
        String str4 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("task_url");
        long j15 = Util.getLong((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("task_size"), 0);
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE), 1000);
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("download_type"), 1);
        int i17 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(TPDownloadProxyEnum.USER_SSID), 0);
        int i18 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("uiarea"), 0);
        int i19 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("notice_id"), 0);
        boolean z15 = Util.getBoolean((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("use_downloader_widget"), false);
        ((w) j.c(w.class)).Rq(9, new ua1.b(str, i15, str3, i18, i17, i19, i16));
        if (((s0) d60.z.q(s0.class)).isTeenMode()) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTaskStraight isTeenMode and ignore");
            ((i) j.c(i.class)).O4(msgHandler.f167360d);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "add_download_task_straight:cancel", null);
        } else if (z15) {
            ((kq.c0) j.c(kq.c0.class)).Lx(msgHandler.f167360d, com.tencent.mm.plugin.downloader_app.model.a.c(h1Var.f247819a), new w1(msgHandler, h1Var));
            ((lv.i) j.c(lv.i.class)).yP(10, "MsgHandler_doAddDownloadTaskStraight", msgHandler.hashCode());
        } else if (!NetStatusUtil.isNetworkConnected(msgHandler.f167360d)) {
            Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
            ak.a.makeText(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f368635fm1), 0).show();
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "add_download_task_straight:fail_network_not_connected", null);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTaskStraight fail, network not ready");
            msgHandler.V6(str, TingProto.TingReportContext.ACTIONSONGINDEXINLIST_FIELD_NUMBER, str3);
        } else if (!d60.z.s().n()) {
            Context context2 = msgHandler.f167360d;
            ak.a.makeText(context2, hy3.h.a(context2).getString(R.string.f368637fm3), 0).show();
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "add_download_task_straight:fail_sdcard_not_ready", null);
            msgHandler.V6(str, TingProto.TingReportContext.ACTIONCATEGORYID_FIELD_NUMBER, str3);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTaskStraight fail, sdcard not ready");
        } else if (j15 > 0 && !((kq.x) j.c(kq.x.class)).tw0(j15) && !((kq.x) j.c(kq.x.class)).fq(j15)) {
            Context context3 = msgHandler.f167360d;
            ak.a.makeText(context3, hy3.h.a(context3).getString(R.string.f368636fm2), 0).show();
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "add_download_task_straight:fail_sdcard_has_not_enough_space", null);
            msgHandler.V6(str, TingProto.TingReportContext.ACTIONCATEGORYID_FIELD_NUMBER, str3);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTaskStraight fail, not enough space, require size = " + j15);
        } else if (NetStatusUtil.isWifi(msgHandler.f167360d)) {
            msgHandler.A5(h1Var, jsapiPermissionWrapper);
        } else {
            q.INSTANCE.g(14217, str, 4, str2, str4, 3);
            Context context4 = msgHandler.f167360d;
            i14.j.D(context4, hy3.h.a(context4).getString(R.string.l5x), hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.l5y), hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.l5q), hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.f367394sg), false, new u1(msgHandler, str, str2, str4, h1Var, jsapiPermissionWrapper), new v1(msgHandler, str, str2, str4, h1Var), R.color.aaq);
        return true;

    public static boolean R2(MsgHandler msgHandler, final h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        final String str;
        final String str2;
        int i15;
        if (ChannelUtil.isGPVersion()) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "addDownloadApp fail, GP Version not allowed to download");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "system:access_denied", null);
        } else {
            final String str3 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("targetAppid");
            final String str4 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("apk_url");
            String str5 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("file_md5");
            final String str6 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("task_name");
            String str7 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("alternative_url");
            final long j15 = Util.getLong((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("task_size"), 0);
            final String str8 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("extInfo");
            final String str9 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(IXWebBroadcastListener.PACKAGE_NAME);
            final String str10 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("url");
            final int i16 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("download_type"), 0);
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "addDownloadApp fail_invalid_appid");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "addDownloadApp:fail_invalid_appid", null);
            } else {
                boolean isTeenMode = ((s0) d60.z.q(s0.class)).isTeenMode();
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "addDownloadApp, md5=%s, url=%s, appid=%s, currentUrl=%s, isTeenMode=%s", str5, str4, str3, str10, Boolean.valueOf(isTeenMode));
                if (isTeenMode) {
                    ((i) j.c(i.class)).O4(msgHandler.f167360d);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "addDownloadApp:cancel", null);
                } else {
                    Bundle bundle = msgHandler.f167367n;
                    if (bundle != null) {
                        int i17 = bundle.getInt("key_download_restrict", 0);
                        String string = msgHandler.f167367n.getString("key_function_id", "");
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string)) {
                            str = str5;
                            str2 = str7;
                            i15 = 1;
                            q.INSTANCE.g(14596, string, Integer.valueOf(i17), 0);
                        } else {
                            str2 = str7;
                            str = str5;
                            i15 = 1;
                        if (i17 == i15) {
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "not allow to download file");
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "addDownloadApp:fail", null);
                    } else {
                        str2 = str7;
                        str = str5;
                    if (!NetStatusUtil.isNetworkConnected(msgHandler.f167360d)) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "addDownloadApp:fail_network_not_connected", null);
                        MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new a2(msgHandler));
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "addDownloadApp fail, network not ready");
                        msgHandler.V6(str3, TingProto.TingReportContext.ACTIONSONGINDEXINLIST_FIELD_NUMBER, "");
                    } else if (!d60.z.s().n()) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "addDownloadApp:fail_sdcard_not_ready", null);
                        MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new c2(msgHandler));
                        msgHandler.V6(str3, TingProto.TingReportContext.ACTIONCATEGORYID_FIELD_NUMBER, "");
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "addDownloadApp fail, sdcard not ready");
                    } else if (j15 > 0 && !ck.f.c(j15) && !((kq.x) j.c(kq.x.class)).fq(j15)) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "addDownloadApp:fail_sdcard_has_not_enough_space", null);
                        MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new d2(msgHandler));
                        msgHandler.V6(str3, TingProto.TingReportContext.ACTIONCATEGORYID_FIELD_NUMBER, str8);
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "addDownloadApp fail, not enough space, require size = " + j15);
                    } else if (Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "addDownloadApp fail, url is null");
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "addDownloadApp:fail_invalid_url", null);
                        msgHandler.V6(str3, 700, "");
                    } else {
                        c.b bVar = new c.b();
                        bVar.f345559a = new ix();
                        bVar.f345560b = new jx();
                        bVar.f345561c = "/cgi-bin/mmbiz-bin/check_yybmicrodownloadurl";
                        bVar.f345562d = 2643;
                        yf0.c a15 = bVar.a();
                        ix ixVar = (ix) a15.f345548a.f345573a;
                        ixVar.f25432e = str10;
                        ixVar.f25431d = str3;
                        yf0.y f15 = l0.f(a15, new l0$$e() {
                            /* class com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.jsapi.MsgHandler.AnonymousClass42 */

                            @Override // yf0.l0$$e
                            public int callback(int i15, int i16, String str, yf0.c cVar, yf0.y yVar) {
                                ProgressDialog progressDialog = MsgHandler.this.f167363g;
                                if (progressDialog != null && progressDialog.isShowing()) {
                                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadApp check result errType:%d errCode:%d msg:%s", Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i16), str);
                                if (i15 == 0 && i16 == 0) {
                                    jx jxVar = (jx) cVar.f345549b.f345576a;
                                    if (jxVar == null || jxVar.f26679f != 0) {
                                        Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
                                        objArr[0] = Integer.valueOf(jxVar != null ? jxVar.f26679f : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadApp %d", objArr);
                                        MsgHandler.this.q5(h1Var, "addDownloadApp:fail_check fail", null);
                                        return 0;
                                    Intent intent = new Intent();
                                    intent.setClass(MsgHandler.this.f167360d, WebViewDownloadUI.class);
                                    intent.putExtra("task_name", str6);
                                    intent.putExtra("task_url", str4);
                                    intent.putExtra("alternative_url", str2);
                                    intent.putExtra("task_size", j15);
                                    intent.putExtra("file_md5", str);
                                    intent.putExtra("extInfo", str8);
                                    intent.putExtra("appid", str3);
                                    intent.putExtra(IXWebBroadcastListener.PACKAGE_NAME, str9);
                                    intent.putExtra("page_url", str10);
                                    intent.putExtra("page_scene", 0);
                                    intent.putExtra("thumb_url", jxVar.f26678e);
                                    intent.putExtra(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, jxVar.f26677d);
                                    intent.putExtra("task_download_type", i16);
                                    intent.putExtra("app_developer", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("developer"));
                                    intent.putExtra("app_desc", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("app_desc"));
                                    intent.putExtra("app_privacy_url", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("privacy_agreement_url"));
                                    intent.putExtra("app_permission_url", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("permission_url"));
                                    intent.putExtra("from_scene", 4);
                                    Context context = MsgHandler.this.f167360d;
                                    k30.a aVar = new k30.a();
                                    j30.a.d(context, aVar.b(), "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler$42", "callback", "(IILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/modelbase/CommReqResp;Lcom/tencent/mm/modelbase/NetSceneBase;)I", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                                    context.startActivity((Intent) aVar.a(0));
                                    j30.a.e(context, "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler$42", "callback", "(IILjava/lang/String;Lcom/tencent/mm/modelbase/CommReqResp;Lcom/tencent/mm/modelbase/NetSceneBase;)I", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                                    MsgHandler.this.L = new IListener<AddDownloadTaskEvent>(h.f61283d) {
                                        /* class com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.jsapi.MsgHandler.AnonymousClass42.AnonymousClass1 */

                                            this.__eventId = 1058823164;

                                        /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [com.tencent.mm.sdk.event.IEvent] */
                                        @Override // com.tencent.mm.sdk.event.IListener
                                        public boolean callback(AddDownloadTaskEvent addDownloadTaskEvent) {
                                            AddDownloadTaskEvent addDownloadTaskEvent2 = addDownloadTaskEvent;
                                            if (!(addDownloadTaskEvent2 instanceof AddDownloadTaskEvent)) {
                                                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mismatched event");
                                                return false;
                                            AddDownloadTaskEvent.a aVar = addDownloadTaskEvent2.f61796d;
                                            if (aVar.f61797a != 0) {
                                                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "not jsapi api callback");
                                                return false;
                                            HashMap hashMap = null;
                                            if (aVar.f61798b) {
                                                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "addDownloadApp callback, cancel");
                                                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(addDownloadTaskEvent2.f61796d.f61800d)) {
                                                    hashMap = new HashMap();
                                                    hashMap.put("detail_err_msg", addDownloadTaskEvent2.f61796d.f61800d);
                                                AnonymousClass42 r102 = AnonymousClass42.this;
                                                MsgHandler.this.q5(h1Var, "addDownloadApp:cancel", hashMap);
                                                return false;
                                            if (aVar.f61799c > 0) {
                                                HashMap hashMap2 = new HashMap();
                                                hashMap2.put("download_id", Long.valueOf(addDownloadTaskEvent2.f61796d.f61799c));
                                                hashMap2.put("detail_err_msg", addDownloadTaskEvent2.f61796d.f61800d);
                                                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "addDownloadApp callback, ok");
                                                AnonymousClass42 r103 = AnonymousClass42.this;
                                                MsgHandler.this.q5(h1Var, "addDownloadApp:ok", hashMap2);
                                            } else {
                                                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "addDownloadApp callback, failed");
                                                AnonymousClass42 r104 = AnonymousClass42.this;
                                                MsgHandler.this.q5(h1Var, "addDownloadApp:fail", null);
                                            return false;
                                    return 0;
                                MsgHandler.this.q5(h1Var, "addDownloadApp:fail_check fail", null);
                                return 0;
                        }, true, null);
                        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
                        msgHandler.f167363g = i14.j.Q(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f367625yv), hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.f367656zq), true, true, new e2(msgHandler, f15));
                return true;
        return true;

    public static void R3(MsgHandler msgHandler) {
        try {
            msgHandler.f167378x.v6(12, new Bundle(0));
            msgHandler.f167378x.v6(11, new Bundle(0));
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "clearCloseWindowConfirmDialogInfo, exception = %s", e15);

    public static boolean R4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper, int[] iArr) {
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopMonitoringBeacons:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean S(MsgHandler msgHandler) {
        try {
            msgHandler.f167378x.xH(3003, null);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doShowOptionMenu, RemoteException : %s", e15.getMessage());
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        return false;

    public static boolean S0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        try {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle(1);
            bundle.putString("place_holder", "place_holder");
        } catch (Exception unused) {
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:22:0x0058 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x0075 }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:23:0x0071 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x0075 }] */
    public static boolean S1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        int i15;
        String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("orientation"));
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(nullAsNil)) {
            if (nullAsNil.equals("horizontal")) {
                i15 = 0;
            } else if (nullAsNil.equals("vertical")) {
                i15 = 1;
            } else if (nullAsNil.equals("sensor")) {
                i15 = 4;
            } else if (nullAsNil.equals("horizontal_unforced")) {
                i15 = 1001;
            } else if (nullAsNil.equals("vertical_unforced")) {
                i15 = 1002;
            if (msgHandler.f167378x == null) {
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putInt("screen_orientation", i15);
                msgHandler.f167378x.v6(1009, bundle);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setScreenOrientation:ok", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setScreenOrientation:fail", null);
            return true;
        i15 = -1;
        try {
            if (msgHandler.f167378x == null) {
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSetScreenOrientation exception, " + e15.getMessage());
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setScreenOrientation:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean S2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        if (context == null || !(context instanceof MMActivity)) {
            return true;
        ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        sv3.b.m(msgHandler.f167360d, "setting", ".ui.setting.SettingsModifyEmailAddrUI", 58);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:24:0x00c3  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:29:0x00d9  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:33:0x00e6  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:40:0x0154  */
    public static boolean S3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        String str2;
        int i15;
        Signature signature;
        String f15;
        Bundle bundle = msgHandler.f167367n;
        String str3 = "";
        if (bundle != null) {
            int i16 = bundle.getInt("key_download_restrict", 0);
            String string = msgHandler.f167367n.getString("key_function_id", str3);
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string)) {
                q.INSTANCE.g(14596, string, Integer.valueOf(i16), 1);
            if (i16 == 1) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "not allow tolaunch 3rd app");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "launch_3rdApp:fail", null);
                return true;
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("type");
        String str5 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appID");
        long nowSecond = Util.nowSecond() - msgHandler.I;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "lauchTimeInterval = %d", Long.valueOf(nowSecond));
        if (nowSecond >= 2 || msgHandler.I <= 0) {
            str = str3;
        } else {
            try {
                String currentUrl = msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
                str = msgHandler.f167382z.c(currentUrl);
                try {
                    String encode = URLEncoder.encode(currentUrl, "UTF-8");
                    q.INSTANCE.g(13983, 5, encode, str3);
                    str3 = encode;
                } catch (Exception unused) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "report lauch3rd failed");
                    o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str5);
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                    i15 = 0;
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doLaunch3RdApp launchType = %s", str2);
                    if (i15 == 0) {
                    return true;
            } catch (Exception unused2) {
                str = str3;
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "report lauch3rd failed");
                o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str5);
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doLaunch3RdApp launchType = %s", str2);
                if (i15 == 0) {
                return true;
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str5);
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
            str2 = str4;
            try {
                i15 = Util.getInt(str2, 0);
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invalid type", e15.getMessage());
        } else {
            str2 = str4;
            i15 = 0;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doLaunch3RdApp launchType = %s", str2);
        if (i15 == 0) {
            String str6 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("extInfo");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doLaunch3RdApp, appid:[%s], extinfo:[%s]", str5, str6);
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str5)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appid is null or nil");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "launch_3rdApp:fail", null);
            } else if (!ap3.a.f7841b.ec(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), str5)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "app is not installed, appid:[%s]", str5);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "launch_3rdApp:fail", null);
            } else {
                WXAppExtendObject wXAppExtendObject = new WXAppExtendObject();
                wXAppExtendObject.extInfo = str6;
                WXMediaMessage wXMediaMessage = new WXMediaMessage(wXAppExtendObject);
                wXMediaMessage.sdkVer = Build.SDK_INT;
                wXMediaMessage.messageExt = str6;
                Launch3RdAppEvent launch3RdAppEvent = new Launch3RdAppEvent();
                Launch3RdAppEvent.a aVar = launch3RdAppEvent.f63377d;
                aVar.f63379a = wXMediaMessage;
                aVar.f63380b = str5;
                aVar.f63382d = msgHandler.f167360d;
                aVar.f63383e = new l2(msgHandler, h1Var);
        } else if (i15 == 1) {
            String str7 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("signature");
            String str8 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("packageName");
            String str9 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("param");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doLaunch3RdApp, signature:[%s], packageName:[%s], param:[%s]", str7, str8, str9);
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str7) || Util.isNullOrNil(str8)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doLaunch3RdApp invalid_args");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "launch_3rdApp:fail_invalid_args", null);
            } else if (!j0.f(msgHandler.f167360d, str8)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doLaunch3RdApp not_install");
                if (Util.isAffectedByPackageVisibility(MMApplicationContext.getContext())) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doLaunch3RdApp isAffectedByPackageVisibility");
                    msgHandler.Q5(str8, str9, str3, str);
                } else {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "launch_3rdApp:fail_not_install", null);
            } else {
                Signature[] a15 = com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.model.app.c.a(msgHandler.f167360d, str8);
                if (a15 == null || (signature = a15[0]) == null || (f15 = gh.g.f(signature.toByteArray())) == null || !f15.equalsIgnoreCase(str7)) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doLaunch3RdApp signature_mismatch");
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "launch_3rdApp:fail_signature_mismatch", null);
                } else {
                    msgHandler.Q5(str8, str9, str3, str);
        } else {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "launch_3rdApp:fail_invalid_type", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean S4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        a0.a aVar = new a0.a();
        aVar.f165889b = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("link");
        aVar.f165888a = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        aVar.f165891d = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("imgUrl");
        aVar.f165890c = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("desc");
        String str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("floatBallTitle");
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putString("key_title", str);
            try {
                msgHandler.f167378x.callback(72, bundle);
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doUpdateAppMsgData remote ex, %s", e15.getMessage());
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(aVar.f165889b)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doUpdateAppMsgData link not allow to share %s", aVar.f165889b);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "updateAppMessageShareData:fail, link is needed.", null);
        } else if (msgHandler.a7(jsapiPermissionWrapper, h1Var)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doUpdateAppMsgData link not allow to share %s", aVar.f165889b);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "updateAppMessageShareData:fail, link must be in JS secure domain list", null);
        } else {
            String str2 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("url");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doUpdateAppMsgData url %s, imgUrl:%s", str2, aVar.f165891d);
            msgHandler.E.f165884a.put(str2, aVar);
            String r65 = msgHandler.r6();
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(r65)) {
                msgHandler.E.f165884a.put(r65, aVar);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "updateAppMessageShareData:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static String S6(String str) {
        StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        int length = str.length();
        int i15 = 0;
        while (i15 < length) {
            int i16 = 0;
            while (i16 < 7) {
                String str2 = W0[i16];
                int i17 = 0;
                while (i17 < str2.length() && (r8 = i15 + i17) < length && str2.charAt(i17) == str.charAt(r8)) {
                if (i17 == str2.length()) {
            char[] cArr = V0;
            if (i16 != 7) {
                i15 += W0[i16].length();
            } else {
        return stringBuffer.toString();

    public static boolean T(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) ka5).getClass();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "reportSearchStatistics: %s", map.toString());
        int e15 = p.e(map, "logId", 0);
        String f15 = p.f(map, "logString");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "reportSearchStatistics reporting %d, logString %s", Integer.valueOf(e15), f15);
        ww2.d.INSTANCE.kvStat(e15, f15);
        return false;

    public static boolean T0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseVideo()");
        msgHandler.G5(h1Var, 0);
        return true;

    public static boolean T1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("base64DataString"));
        String nullAsNil2 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("thumbUrl"));
        String nullAsNil3 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url"));
        String nullAsNil4 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("activityId"));
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(nullAsNil)) {
            ap3.a.a(new t(msgHandler, nullAsNil, h1Var, nullAsNil2, nullAsNil4));
            return true;
        } else if (!Util.isNullOrNil(nullAsNil3)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddToEmoticon use url:%s", nullAsNil3);
            q1 q1Var = new q1(msgHandler.f167360d.getCacheDir(), gh.g.f(nullAsNil3.getBytes()));
            if (q1Var.m()) {
                d60.z.e().postToWorker(new u(msgHandler, q1Var, nullAsNil2, nullAsNil4));
                return true;
            c.b bVar = new c.b();
            bVar.f294616b = true;
            bVar.f294620f = q1Var.o();
            bVar.f294639y = new Object[]{q1Var.o()};
            ((com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.m0) j.c(com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.m0.class)).zv().j(nullAsNil3, null, bVar.a(), new v(msgHandler, nullAsNil3, nullAsNil2, nullAsNil4, h1Var));
            return true;
        } else {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddToEmoticon base64DataString is null and url is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "addToEmoticon:fail_base64DataString_and_url_is_null", null);
            return false;

    public static boolean T2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("osVersion", Integer.valueOf(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT));
        hashMap.put("cpuCores", Integer.valueOf(j6.a.d()));
        hashMap.put("cpuFreqHz", Integer.valueOf(j6.a.b()));
        hashMap.put("memory", Long.valueOf(j6.a.e(MMApplicationContext.getContext())));
        hashMap.put("brand", android.os.Build.BRAND);
        hashMap.put("model", r.k());
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getSystemInfo:ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static void T3(MsgHandler msgHandler, String str, String str2, String str3) {
        int i15;
        String s702 = ((com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.s0) j.c(com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.s0.class)).s70(((e1) j.c(e1.class)).RN0(), "", str);
        IEmojiInfo F2 = ((q0) j.c(q0.class)).F2(str);
        if (F2 == null && u1.k(s702)) {
            if (ImgUtil.isGif(s702)) {
                i15 = 2;
            } else {
                i15 = 1;
            IEmojiInfo PK = ((q0) j.c(q0.class)).PK();
            PK.q1((int) u1.l(s702));
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
            ((q0) j.c(q0.class)).PJ0(PK);
            F2 = PK;
        if (F2 != null) {
            boolean RP = ((t0) j.c(t0.class)).RP(msgHandler.f167360d, F2, 18, u0.r());
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddAction %b", Boolean.valueOf(RP));
            if (RP) {
                msgHandler.q5(msgHandler.f167361e, "addToEmoticon:ok", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.q5(msgHandler.f167361e, "addToEmoticon:fail", null);
        } else {
            msgHandler.q5(msgHandler.f167361e, "addToEmoticon:fail", null);

    public static boolean T4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenWCPaySpecificView JSOAUTH");
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        if (!(msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity)) {
            return true;
        WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("appId", walletJsapiData.f173486d);
        intent.putExtra("timeStamp", walletJsapiData.f173490h);
        intent.putExtra("nonceStr", walletJsapiData.f173489g);
        intent.putExtra("packageExt", walletJsapiData.f173491i);
        intent.putExtra("signtype", walletJsapiData.f173488f);
        intent.putExtra("paySignature", walletJsapiData.f173495p);
        intent.putExtra("url", walletJsapiData.f173497r);
        intent.putExtra("pay_channel", walletJsapiData.f173501v);
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        sv3.b.o(msgHandler.f167360d, "wallet_index", ".ui.WalletSendC2CMsgUI", intent, 210, false);
        return true;

    public static boolean U(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka()).j(h1Var.f247819a);
        return false;

    public static boolean U0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        boolean z15;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(l3.COL_LOCALID);
        Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("isShowProgressTips");
        if (obj != null) {
            try {
                z15 = Util.getInt(obj.toString(), 0) == 1;
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Exception has occurred : %s", e15.getMessage());
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "upload local video, appId = %s, localId = %s, isShowProgressTips(%s)", str, str2, Boolean.valueOf(z15));
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId or localId is null or nil.");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "uploadVideo:fail_missing arguments", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.h7(h1Var, str, str2, 5, 0, 0, "uploadVideo", z15);
            return true;
        z15 = true;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "upload local video, appId = %s, localId = %s, isShowProgressTips(%s)", str, str2, Boolean.valueOf(z15));
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId or localId is null or nil.");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "uploadVideo:fail_missing arguments", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean U1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("base64DataString"));
        String nullAsNil2 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url"));
        String nullAsNil3 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("activityId"));
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(nullAsNil)) {
            ap3.a.a(new w(msgHandler, nullAsNil, h1Var, nullAsNil3));
            return true;
        } else if (!Util.isNullOrNil(nullAsNil2)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doShareEmoticon use url:%s", nullAsNil2);
            q1 q1Var = new q1(msgHandler.f167360d.getCacheDir(), gh.g.f(nullAsNil2.getBytes()));
            if (q1Var.m()) {
                d60.z.e().postToWorker(new x(msgHandler, q1Var, nullAsNil3));
                return true;
            c.b bVar = new c.b();
            bVar.f294616b = true;
            bVar.f294620f = q1Var.o();
            bVar.f294639y = new Object[]{q1Var.o()};
            ((com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.m0) j.c(com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.m0.class)).zv().j(nullAsNil2, null, bVar.a(), new y(msgHandler, nullAsNil2, nullAsNil3, h1Var));
            return true;
        } else {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doShareEmoticon base64DataString is null and url is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "shareEmoticon:fail_base64DataString_and_url_is_null", null);
            return false;

    public static boolean U2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        try {
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("tid");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doServiceClick, tid = %s", str);
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putString("service_click_tid", str);
            msgHandler.f167378x.callback(70, bundle);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        return false;

    public static boolean U3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doJumpToMall");
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("key_app_id", str);
        intent.putExtra("key_func_id", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("funcId"));
        intent.putExtra("key_url", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url"));
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
            ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", " walletMallV2 switch is :%s", Boolean.TRUE);
            sv3.b.o(msgHandler.f167360d, "mall", ".ui.MallIndexUIv2", intent, 5, false);
        return true;

    public static boolean U4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doBatchViewCard JSOAUTH");
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("key_app_id", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        intent.putExtra("card_list", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("card_list"));
        intent.putExtra("key_template_id", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("tempalate_id"));
        intent.putExtra("key_from_scene", 7);
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
            ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
            sv3.b.o(msgHandler.f167360d, "card", ".ui.CardViewEntranceUI", intent, 23, false);
            return true;
        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doBatchViewCard invalid context");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "batch_view_card:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean V(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        boolean d15 = p.d(map, "hasResult", false);
        String f15 = p.f(map, "query");
        int e15 = p.e(map, "type", 0);
        int e16 = p.e(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
        jo3.k kVar = fTSWebViewLogic.f164238n;
        if (kVar.f242416f != e16 || (str = kVar.f242412b) == null || !str.equals(f15) || kVar.f242415e != e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSLogObj", "setHasResultNotSame: %s VS %s | %d VS %d | %d VS %d", kVar.f242412b, f15, Integer.valueOf(kVar.f242415e), Integer.valueOf(e15), Integer.valueOf(kVar.f242416f), Integer.valueOf(e16));
        } else {
            kVar.f242413c = d15;
        return false;

    public static boolean V0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doJumpToInstallUrl");
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "jumpurl is null or nil");
            msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        } else {
            Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse(str));
            if (Util.isIntentAvailable(msgHandler.f167360d, intent, true)) {
                try {
                    Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
                    k30.a aVar = new k30.a();
                    j30.a.d(context, aVar.b(), "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler", "doJumpToInstallUrl", "(Lcom/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/jsapi/MsgWrapper;Lcom/tencent/mm/protocal/JsapiPermissionWrapper;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                    context.startActivity((Intent) aVar.a(0));
                    j30.a.e(context, "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler", "doJumpToInstallUrl", "(Lcom/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/jsapi/MsgWrapper;Lcom/tencent/mm/protocal/JsapiPermissionWrapper;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                } catch (Exception e15) {
                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
            msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        return false;

    public static boolean V1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putBoolean("k_need_signature", true);
        bundle.putInt(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 3);
        bundle.putBoolean("needVideo", false);
        bundle.putBoolean("is_check_dyncfg", false);
        bundle.putString("k_ticket", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("request_ticket"));
        bundle.putInt("check_alive_type", 0);
        RequestStartFaceDetectEvent requestStartFaceDetectEvent = new RequestStartFaceDetectEvent();
        RequestStartFaceDetectEvent.a aVar = requestStartFaceDetectEvent.f64286d;
        aVar.f64288a = msgHandler.f167360d;
        aVar.f64290c = 50;
        aVar.f64289b = bundle;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: start face register rsa event result: %b", Boolean.valueOf(requestStartFaceDetectEvent.f64287e.f64291a));
        if (!requestStartFaceDetectEvent.f64287e.f64291a) {
            ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(null);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "requestWxFaceRegisterInternal:fail", kp3.a.a(requestStartFaceDetectEvent.f64287e.f64292b));
        return true;

    public static boolean V2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String o65 = msgHandler.o6(msgHandler.s6());
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(o65)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[doOpenRealnameAuth]appid is null, return");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openRealnameAuth:fail appid is null", null);
            return false;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("categoryId");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[doOpenRealnameAuth]categoryId is null, return");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openRealnameAuth:fail categoryId is null", null);
            return false;
        Intent putExtra = new Intent().putExtra("intent_appid", o65).putExtra("intent_category_id", str);
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
            ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
            sv3.b.n(msgHandler.f167360d, "appbrand", ".ui.autofill.AppBrandIDCardUI", putExtra, 62);
            return true;
        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[doOpenRealnameAuth]context is err, return");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openRealnameAuth:fail context is err", null);
        return false;

    public static void V3(MsgHandler msgHandler, boolean z15, Bundle bundle, int i15) {
        if (z15) {
            try {
                byte[] byteArray = bundle.getByteArray("key_webview_secret_msg_info");
                if (byteArray != null) {
                    qs5 qs5 = new qs5();
                    qs5.f34597i = 3;
                    qs5.f34598j = i15;
                    q.INSTANCE.g(23341, Integer.valueOf(qs5.f34592d), qs5.f34593e, Integer.valueOf(qs5.f34597i), qs5.f34594f, Integer.valueOf(qs5.f34595g), qs5.f34596h, Integer.valueOf(qs5.f34598j));
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "reportSecretMsgLaunchAppResult exception", new Object[0]);

    public static boolean V4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        try {
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("userName");
            String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("nickName");
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setPageOwner:missing_arguments", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.f167378x.ad(str, str2);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setPageOwner:ok", null);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setPageOwner, Exception: %s", e15.getMessage());
        return false;

    public static boolean W(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.m q102 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.q10();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f fVar = (com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f) q102;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebSearchLogic", "getSuggestionData %s", map);
        e0 e0Var = new e0();
        String f15 = p.f(map, "query");
        e0Var.f242330b = f15;
        try {
            e0Var.f242330b = URLDecoder.decode(f15, "UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException unused) {
        e0Var.f242332d = p.e(map, "type", 0);
        e0Var.f242334f = p.e(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
        e0Var.f242329a = p.d(map, "isHomePage", false) ? 1 : 0;
        e0Var.f242345q = Util.nullAsInt(map.get("webview_instance_id"), -1);
        e0Var.f242340l.add(p.f(map, "prefixQuery"));
        int e15 = p.e(map, "requestType", 0);
        p.e(map, "subtype", 0);
        e0Var.f242347s = p.e(map, "isWeAppMore", 0);
        e0Var.f242350v = p.f(map, "sessionId");
        String f16 = p.f(map, "extReqParams");
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(f16)) {
            try {
                JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(f16);
                for (int i15 = 0; i15 < jSONArray.length(); i15++) {
                    JSONObject jSONObject = jSONArray.getJSONObject(i15);
                    e00 e002 = new e00();
                    e002.f19923d = jSONObject.optString("key", "");
                    e002.f19924e = (long) jSONObject.optInt("uintValue", 0);
                    e002.f19925f = jSONObject.optString("textValue", "");
            } catch (Exception unused2) {
        int[] iArr = null;
        if (e0Var.f242347s == 1) {
            px5 px5 = new px5();
            e0Var.f242348t = px5;
            px5.f33558d = p.a(3);
            px5 px52 = e0Var.f242348t;
            px52.f33561g = uf0.d.f317828a;
            px52.f33559e = p.e(map, "subType", 0);
            e0Var.f242348t.f33560f = null;
            Object f17 = d60.z.s().i().f(w1.a.f175351i7, null);
            if (f17 != null && (f17 instanceof String)) {
                e0Var.f242348t.f33562h = (String) f17;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebSearchLogic", "getSearchData, webviewID = %d", Integer.valueOf(e0Var.f242345q));
        if (e15 == 0) {
            f.g gVar = fVar.f164292r;
            if (gVar.f164312a != null) {
                d60.z.d().p(gVar.f164312a.getType(), com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f.this);
                gVar.f164312a = null;
            if (gVar.f164312a == null) {
                gVar.f164312a = new jo3.o0(e0Var);
                d60.z.d().a(gVar.f164312a.getType(), com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f.this);
        } else if (e15 == 1) {
            String str = e0Var.f242330b;
            int i16 = e0Var.f242332d;
            int i17 = e0Var.f242345q;
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                if (fVar.f164293s != null) {
                    ((b62.q) j.c(b62.q.class)).Bg(fVar.f164293s);
                    fVar.f164293s = null;
                if (i16 == 8) {
                    iArr = new int[]{131072};
                if (iArr != null) {
                    c62.k kVar = new c62.k();
                    kVar.f47190b = 16;
                    kVar.f47191c = str;
                    kVar.f47195g = iArr;
                    kVar.f47197i = 5;
                    kVar.f47200l = e62.b.f205778d;
                    kVar.f47198j = new HashSet<>();
                    kVar.f47201m = fVar.f164294t;
                    c62.b cc5 = ((b62.q) j.c(b62.q.class)).cc(2, kVar);
                    fVar.f164293s = cc5;
                    cc5.f47122i = Integer.valueOf(i17);
        } else if (e15 == 2) {
            int i18 = e0Var.f242345q;
            o0 o0Var = (o0) j.c(o0.class);
            yl4 a15 = x0.a();
            int size = a15.f43549d.size();
            JSONObject jSONObject2 = new JSONObject();
            try {
                JSONArray jSONArray2 = new JSONArray();
                JSONObject jSONObject3 = new JSONObject();
                JSONArray jSONArray3 = new JSONArray();
                int i19 = 0;
                while (i19 < a15.f43549d.size() && i19 < size) {
                    JSONObject jSONObject4 = new JSONObject();
                    jSONObject4.put("word", a15.f43549d.get(i19).f42284d);
                jSONObject3.put("items", jSONArray3);
                jSONObject3.put("count", jSONArray3.length());
                jSONObject3.put("type", 4);
                jSONObject2.put("data", jSONArray2);
                jSONObject2.put("ret", 0);
            } catch (JSONException unused3) {
            o0Var.u20(i18, jSONObject2.toString());
        return false;

    public static boolean W0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, boolean z15) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("designerId");
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("designerUin"), 0);
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("tagId");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("tagDesc");
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("keyword");
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("tid"), 0);
        String nullAs = Util.nullAs((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE), "");
        String nullAs2 = Util.nullAs((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("desc"), "");
        String nullAs3 = Util.nullAs((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("iconUrl"), "");
        String nullAs4 = Util.nullAs((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("secondUrl"), "");
        int i17 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("pageType"), 0);
        long j15 = Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("searchID"), 0);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("uin", i15);
        intent.putExtra("headurl", nullAs4);
        intent.putExtra("set_iconURL", nullAs3);
        intent.putExtra("set_desc", nullAs2);
        intent.putExtra("pageType", i17);
        intent.putExtra("set_title", nullAs);
        intent.putExtra("set_id", i16);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openDesignerEmojiView event: designerID:%s tagID:%s tagDesc:%s keyword:%s", str, str2, str3, str4);
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
            intent.putExtra("keyword", str4);
            intent.putExtra("searchID", j15);
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "emoji", ".ui.v2.EmojiStoreV2SingleProductUI", intent, null);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openDesignerEmojiView:ok" + str4, null);
            if (z15) {
                q.INSTANCE.g(13055, 2, "", "", "", Integer.valueOf(((com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.c1) j.c(com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.c1.class)).s0()), Long.valueOf(j15));
        } else if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            intent.putExtra("id", str);
            intent.putExtra("searchID", j15);
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "emoji", ".ui.v2.EmojiStoreV2SingleProductUI", intent, null);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openDesignerEmojiView:ok" + str, null);
        } else if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            intent.putExtra("tag_id", str2);
            intent.putExtra("tag_desc", str3);
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "emoji", ".ui.v2.EmojiStoreV2SingleProductUI", intent, null);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openDesignerEmojiView:ok" + str2, null);
        } else {
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "emoji", ".ui.v2.EmojiStoreV2SingleProductUI", intent, null);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openDesignerEmojiView:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean W1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putBoolean("k_need_signature", true);
        bundle.putString("k_user_name", o3.f270764c.a("login_user_name", ""));
        bundle.putInt(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 4);
        bundle.putBoolean("needVideo", false);
        bundle.putBoolean("is_check_dyncfg", false);
        bundle.putString("k_ticket", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("request_ticket"));
        bundle.putInt("check_alive_type", 0);
        RequestStartFaceDetectEvent requestStartFaceDetectEvent = new RequestStartFaceDetectEvent();
        RequestStartFaceDetectEvent.a aVar = requestStartFaceDetectEvent.f64286d;
        aVar.f64288a = msgHandler.f167360d;
        aVar.f64290c = 51;
        aVar.f64289b = bundle;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: start face verify rsa event result: %b", Boolean.valueOf(requestStartFaceDetectEvent.f64287e.f64291a));
        if (!requestStartFaceDetectEvent.f64287e.f64291a) {
            ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(null);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "requestWxFaceVerifyInternal:fail", kp3.a.a(requestStartFaceDetectEvent.f64287e.f64292b));
        return true;

    public static boolean W2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        WXMediaMessage w55 = msgHandler.w5(h1Var, false);
        msgHandler.f167362f = w55;
        if (w55 == null) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendSingleAppMessage fail, appmsg is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendSingleAppMessage:fail", null);
        } else {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("img_url");
            hashMap.put("img_url", str);
            hashMap.put("desc", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("desc"));
            hashMap.put(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE));
            hashMap.put("url", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("link"));
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("Select_Conv_Type", 39);
            intent.putExtra("select_is_ret", true);
            intent.putExtra("Select_block_List", u0.r());
            intent.putExtra("Select_block_List", "filehelper," + u0.r());
            intent.putExtra("scene_from", 10);
            intent.putExtra("webview_params", hashMap);
            intent.putExtra("Retr_Msg_Type", 2);
            Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
            if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
                sv3.b.v((MMActivity) context, ".ui.transmit.SelectConversationUI", intent, 61, msgHandler);
            } else {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendSingleAppMessage context is not activity");
                return false;
        return true;

    public static boolean W3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("packageName");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doWriteCommData fail, packageName is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "write_comm_data:fail", null);
        } else {
            String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("data");
            Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
            int i15 = 0;
            boolean commit = context.getSharedPreferences(MMApplicationContext.getPackageName() + "_comm_preferences", 0).edit().putString(str, str2).commit();
            Object[] objArr = new Object[3];
            objArr[0] = Boolean.valueOf(commit);
            objArr[1] = str;
            if (str2 != null) {
                i15 = str2.length();
            objArr[2] = Integer.valueOf(i15);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doWriteCommData, ret = %b, packageName = %s, data length = %d", objArr);
            if (commit) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "write_comm_data:ok", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "write_comm_data:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean W4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        try {
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
            String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("signature");
            o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "get_wechat_verify_ticket:fail ticket", null);
            } else {
                d60.z.d().a(1097, new l3(msgHandler, h1Var));
                d60.z.d().f(new com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.x(str, str2));
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getWechatVerifyTicket, Exception: %s", e15.getMessage());
        return false;

    public static boolean X(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) ka5).getClass();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "openEmotionPage %s", map);
        int e15 = p.e(map, "type", 0);
        int e16 = p.e(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
        String f15 = p.f(map, "searchId");
        String f16 = p.f(map, "activityId");
        int e17 = p.e(map, "isGenSticker", 0);
        int e18 = p.e(map, "fromSearchType", 0);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("extra_scence", e16);
        intent.putExtra("extra_type", e15);
        intent.putExtra("searchID", f15);
        intent.putExtra("docID", p.f(map, "docID"));
        intent.putExtra("activityId", f16);
        intent.putExtra("search_type", e18);
        intent.putExtra("extra_gen_sticker", e17);
        if (e15 != 1) {
            if (e15 == 2) {
                intent.putExtra("extra_emoji_name", p.f(map, "express"));
                intent.putExtra("extra_md5", p.f(map, "md5"));
                intent.putExtra("extra_aeskey", p.f(map, "aesKey"));
                intent.putExtra("extra_encrypt_url", p.f(map, "encryptUrl"));
                intent.putExtra("extra_thumb_url", p.f(map, "thumb"));
                intent.putExtra("id", p.f(map, "designerId"));
                intent.putExtra("extra_product_id", p.f(map, "productID"));
                intent.putExtra("productUrl", p.f(map, "productUrl"));
                intent.putExtra("extra_product_name", p.f(map, "productName"));
                intent.putExtra("weapp_user_name", p.f(map, "weappUserName"));
                intent.putExtra("biz_user_name", p.f(map, "bizUin"));
                intent.putExtra("weapp_version", p.e(map, "weappVersion", 0));
                intent.putExtra("source_type", p.e(map, "sourceType", 0));
            } else if (e15 == 3) {
                intent.putExtra("extra_emoji_name", p.f(map, "express"));
                intent.putExtra("extra_md5", p.f(map, "md5"));
                intent.putExtra("extra_aeskey", p.f(map, "aesKey"));
                intent.putExtra("extra_encrypt_url", p.f(map, "encryptUrl"));
                intent.putExtra("extra_thumb_url", p.f(map, "thumb"));
                intent.putExtra("id", p.f(map, "designerId"));
                intent.putExtra("name", p.f(map, "designerName"));
                intent.putExtra("headurl", p.f(map, "designerThumb"));
                intent.putExtra("weapp_user_name", p.f(map, "weappUserName"));
                intent.putExtra("weapp_version", p.e(map, "weappVersion", 0));
                intent.putExtra("source_type", p.e(map, "sourceType", 0));
                intent.putExtra("biz_user_name", p.f(map, "bizUin"));
            } else if (e15 != 4) {
                str = "";
            } else {
                intent.putExtra("extra_emoji_name", p.f(map, "express"));
                intent.putExtra("extra_encrypt_url", p.f(map, "encryptUrl"));
                intent.putExtra("extra_thumb_url", p.f(map, "thumb"));
                intent.putExtra("extra_article_name", p.f(map, "sourceTitle"));
                intent.putExtra("extra_article_url", p.f(map, "articleSource"));
                intent.putExtra("disableAddSticker", p.e(map, "disableAddSticker", 0) > 0);
                intent.putExtra("needSavePhotosAlbum", p.e(map, "needSavePhotosAlbum", 0) > 0);
                intent.putExtra("weapp_user_name", p.f(map, "weappUserName"));
                intent.putExtra("weapp_version", p.e(map, "weappVersion", 0));
                intent.putExtra("source_type", p.e(map, "sourceType", 0));
                intent.putExtra("biz_user_name", p.f(map, "bizUin"));
            str = ".ui.fts.FTSEmojiDetailPageUI";
        } else {
            intent.putExtra("extra_id", p.f(map, "productID"));
            intent.putExtra("preceding_scence", 18);
            intent.putExtra("download_entrance_scene", 27);
            intent.putExtra("searchID", f15);
            str = ".ui.EmojiStoreDetailUI";
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            return false;
        sv3.b.j(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "emoji", str, intent, null);
        return false;

    public static boolean X0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, boolean z15) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openDesignerProfile");
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("designerId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("searchID");
        int i15 = Util.getInt(h1Var.f247819a.get("operationScene"), 12);
        int unsignedInt = Util.getUnsignedInt(h1Var.f247819a.get("designerUin"), 0);
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("oldRedirectUrl");
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("designerName");
        String str5 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("designerHeadUrl");
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str) || unsignedInt != 0) {
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            if (unsignedInt == 0) {
                intent.putExtra("id", str);
            } else {
                intent.putExtra("uin", unsignedInt);
            intent.putExtra("extra_scence", i15);
            intent.putExtra("searchID", str2);
            intent.putExtra("rediret_url", str3);
            intent.putExtra("name", str4);
            intent.putExtra("headurl", str5);
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "emoji", ".ui.v2.EmojiStoreV2DesignerUI", intent, null);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openDesignerProfile", null);
            if (z15) {
                q.INSTANCE.g(13055, 3, "", str, "", Integer.valueOf(((com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.c1) j.c(com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.c1.class)).s0()), str2);
            return true;
        Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openDesignerProfile failed designer id and designerUin is null.");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openDesignerProfile", null);
        return false;

    public static boolean X1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, int i15) {
        String str;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        String str4;
        String str5;
        String str6;
        String str7;
        int i16;
        String str8;
        boolean z15;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("canvasId")) {
            str = h1Var.f247819a.get("canvasId").toString();
        } else {
            str = "";
        int safeParseInt = h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("preLoad") ? Util.safeParseInt(h1Var.f247819a.get("preLoad").toString()) : 0;
        int safeParseInt2 = h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("noStore") ? Util.safeParseInt(h1Var.f247819a.get("noStore").toString()) : 0;
        int safeParseInt3 = h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("openFirstSightVoice") ? Util.safeParseInt(h1Var.f247819a.get("openFirstSightVoice").toString()) : 0;
        int safeParseInt4 = h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("fromOuterIndex") ? Util.safeParseInt(h1Var.f247819a.get("fromOuterIndex").toString()) : 0;
        boolean z16 = (!h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("gesturePoints") || !h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("samplePoints") || !h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("targetDistance")) ? false : !((bz.l0) j.c(bz.l0.class)).DU(Util.nullAsNil(h1Var.f247819a.get("gesturePoints").toString()), Util.nullAsNil(h1Var.f247819a.get("samplePoints").toString()), Util.safeParseFloat(h1Var.f247819a.get("targetDistance").toString()));
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("extraData")) {
            str2 = h1Var.f247819a.get("extraData").toString();
        } else {
            str2 = "";
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("adInfoXml")) {
            str3 = h1Var.f247819a.get("adInfoXml").toString();
        } else {
            str3 = "";
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("sessionId")) {
            str4 = h1Var.f247819a.get("sessionId").toString();
        } else {
            str4 = "";
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("adBuffer")) {
            str5 = h1Var.f247819a.get("adBuffer").toString();
        } else {
            str5 = "";
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("canvasExt")) {
            str6 = h1Var.f247819a.get("canvasExt").toString();
        } else {
            str6 = "";
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("twistCardId")) {
            str7 = h1Var.f247819a.get("twistCardId").toString();
        } else {
            str7 = "";
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("source")) {
            i16 = Util.safeParseInt(h1Var.f247819a.get("source").toString());
        } else {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenCanvas, no source param, use default");
            i16 = 13;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("canvasDynamicInfo")) {
            str8 = h1Var.f247819a.get("canvasDynamicInfo").toString();
        } else {
            str8 = "";
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenCanvas, canvasId=" + str + ", getCanvasSource=" + i15 + ", preLoad=" + safeParseInt + ", noStore=" + safeParseInt2 + ", extra=" + str2 + ", sessionId=" + str4 + ", adBuffer=" + str5 + ", canvasExt=" + str6 + ", source=" + i16 + ", canvasDynamicInfo=" + str8 + ", adInfoXml=" + str3);
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) || "0".equals(str)) {
            hashMap.put("ret", -1);
            hashMap.put("ret_msg", "invalid page id = " + str);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doOpenCanvas:fail", hashMap);
            return false;
        } else if (z16) {
            hashMap.put("ret", -2);
            hashMap.put("ret_msg", "gesture open canvas failed, id = " + str);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doOpenCanvas:fail", hashMap);
            return false;
        } else {
            OpenCanvasEvent openCanvasEvent = new OpenCanvasEvent();
            OpenCanvasEvent.a aVar = openCanvasEvent.f63808d;
            aVar.f63810a = str;
            aVar.f63811b = str6;
            aVar.f63812c = safeParseInt;
            aVar.f63813d = safeParseInt2;
            aVar.f63815f = i15;
            aVar.f63814e = i16;
            aVar.f63816g = str3;
            aVar.f63817h = str8;
            if (safeParseInt != 1) {
                String str9 = openCanvasEvent.f63809e.f63819a;
                Intent intent = new Intent();
                if (str9 == null) {
                    str9 = "";
                intent.putExtra("sns_landing_pages_xml", str9);
                if (i15 == 1) {
                    intent.putExtra("sns_landing_pages_canvasid", str);
                    intent.putExtra("sns_landig_pages_from_source", 15);
                    intent.putExtra("sns_landing_pages_search_extra", str2);
                    intent.putExtra("sns_landing_pages_sessionId", str4);
                    intent.putExtra("sns_landing_pages_ad_buffer", str5);
                    intent.putExtra("sns_landing_pages_canvas_ext", str6);
                } else {
                    intent.putExtra("sns_landing_pages_pageid", Util.safeParseLong(str));
                    intent.putExtra("sns_landig_pages_from_source", i16);
                    intent.putExtra("sns_landing_pages_extra", str2);
                intent.putExtra("sns_landing_pages_need_enter_and_exit_animation", false);
                z15 = true;
                intent.putExtra("sns_landing_pages_is_from_jspi", true);
                intent.putExtra("sns_landing_pages_no_store", safeParseInt2);
                intent.putExtra("sns_landing_pages_ad_info", str3);
                intent.putExtra("sns_landing_is_native_sight_ad", safeParseInt3 == 1);
                intent.putExtra("sns_landing_page_canvas_dynamicinfo", str8);
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str7)) {
                    intent.putExtra("sns_landing_page_is_gesture_twist_card_id", str7);
                intent.putExtra("sns_landing_pages_from_outer_index", safeParseInt4);
                sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "sns", ".ui.SnsAdNativeLandingPagesPreviewUI", intent, null);
                q.INSTANCE.t(1676, 13);
            } else {
                z15 = true;
                q.INSTANCE.t(1676, 14);
            hashMap.put("ret", 0);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doOpenCanvas:succ", hashMap);
            return z15;

    public static boolean X2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        int e15 = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "actionType", 0);
        if (e15 == 1) {
            String f15 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "jumpUrl");
            String f16 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "publishId");
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("rawUrl", f15);
            intent.putExtra("KPublisherId", f16);
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "webview", ".ui.tools.WebViewUI", intent, null);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenWebSearchOutLinkItemClick actionType %d publishId %s url %s", Integer.valueOf(e15), f16, f15);
            hashMap.put("ret", 0);
        } else {
            hashMap.put("ret", -1);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "0", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static void X3(MsgHandler msgHandler, m mVar, h1 h1Var, String str, Map map, boolean z15, boolean z16) {
        String str2;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "callback ret:%s, make isBusy=false", str);
        if (h1Var == null) {
            str2 = null;
        } else {
            try {
                str2 = h1Var.f247857c;
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "onHandleEnd, ex = " + e15.getMessage());
        mVar.fl0(str2, str, h1.b(map), z15);

    public static boolean X4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        c.b w25;
        int z65 = msgHandler.z6();
        int A6 = msgHandler.A6();
        String q65 = msgHandler.q6();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Key Scene(%d)", Integer.valueOf(A6));
        if (A6 == 27) {
            String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("brandUserName");
            msgHandler.f167369p = str2;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "BrandUserName from shake(%s)", str2);
        } else if (!(z65 == 8 || z65 == -1)) {
            String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("brandUserName");
            msgHandler.f167368o = str3;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "BrandUserName from H5(%s)", str3);
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(q65) && !Util.isNullOrNil(msgHandler.f167368o)) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Chat name(%s)", q65);
                ih.c b15 = bg0.l.b(q65);
                if (!(b15 == null || (w25 = b15.w2(false)) == null || w25.e() == null || !w25.e().a() || q65.equals(msgHandler.f167368o))) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openWXDeviceLib:fail_UsernameError", null);
                    return true;
        String D6 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "srcUsername(%s)", D6);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(D6)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openWXDeviceLib:fail_UsernameError", null);
        } else {
            q qVar = q.INSTANCE;
            StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();
            String str4 = "";
            qVar.g(11533, sb5.toString(), "openWXDeviceLib");
            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("connType")) {
                str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("connType");
            boolean equalsIgnoreCase = str4.equalsIgnoreCase("lan");
            String str5 = "on";
            if (equalsIgnoreCase) {
                if (msgHandler.f167372r == null) {
                    msgHandler.f167372r = new HashMap<>();
                try {
                    WebViewExDeviceLanMgr.d().e(msgHandler.f167378x, D6);
                    if (!NetStatusUtil.isWifi(msgHandler.f167360d)) {
                        str5 = "off";
                    HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                    hashMap.put("minVersion", 1);
                    hashMap.put("maxVersion", 1);
                    hashMap.put("lanState", str5);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openWXDeviceLib:ok", hashMap);
                } catch (Exception e15) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openWXDeviceLib failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openWXDeviceLib:fail_exception", null);
            } else {
                if (msgHandler.f167371q == null) {
                    msgHandler.f167371q = new HashMap<>();
                try {
                    WebViewExDeviceMgr.d().e(msgHandler.f167378x, D6);
                    BluetoothAdapter defaultAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
                    String str6 = "unknow";
                    if (defaultAdapter != null) {
                        switch (defaultAdapter.getState()) {
                            case 10:
                                str5 = "off";
                            case 11:
                                str5 = "resetting";
                            case 12:
                                str5 = str6;
                        str6 = str5;
                    boolean hasSystemFeature = MMApplicationContext.getContext().getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature("android.hardware.bluetooth_le");
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.webview.ExDeviceBluetoothUtil", "isBLESupported, ret = %b", Boolean.valueOf(hasSystemFeature));
                    HashMap hashMap2 = new HashMap();
                    hashMap2.put("minVersion", 1);
                    hashMap2.put("maxVersion", 1);
                    hashMap2.put("bluetoothState", str6);
                    if (hasSystemFeature) {
                        str = "yes";
                    } else {
                        str = "no";
                    hashMap2.put("isSupportBLE", str);
                    if (z65 == 1) {
                        hashMap2.put("OS", Platform.ANDROID);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openWXDeviceLib:ok", hashMap2);
                } catch (Exception e16) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openWXDeviceLib failed : %s", e16.getMessage());
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openWXDeviceLib:fail_exception", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean Y(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) ka5).getClass();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "setSearchInputWord %s", map);
        String f15 = p.f(map, "word");
        boolean d15 = p.d(map, "isInputChange", false);
        String f16 = p.f(map, "custom");
        String f17 = p.f(map, "tagList");
        boolean d16 = p.d(map, XWalkPlugin.PRIVATE_CACHE_DIR_NAME, false);
        ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).ci(Util.nullAsInt(map.get("webview_instance_id"), -1), f15, f16, d15, f17, d16);
        return false;

    public static boolean Y0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openEmoticonTopicList");
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("tid"), 0);
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("desc");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("iconUrl");
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("pageScene"), 61);
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("setKey");
        int i17 = Util.getInt(h1Var.f247819a.get("emotionScene"), 12);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("topic_id", i15);
        intent.putExtra("topic_name", str);
        intent.putExtra("topic_desc", str2);
        intent.putExtra("topic_icon_url", str3);
        intent.putExtra("topic_ad_url", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("secondUrl"));
        intent.putExtra("entrance_scene", i17);
        if (str4 != null) {
            intent.putExtra("extra_ip_set_key", str4);
            intent.putExtra("EXTRA_IP_SET_NAME", str);
            intent.putExtra("EXTRA_IP_SET_DESC", str2);
            intent.putExtra("EXTRA_IP_SET_URL", str3);
            intent.putExtra("download_entrance_scene", i16);
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "emoji", ".ui.EmojiDesignerIPInfoUI", intent, null);
        } else {
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "emoji", ".ui.EmojiStoreTopicUI", intent, null);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openEmoticonTopicList", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean Y1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        String str2;
        String str3 = "";
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        int safeParseInt = Util.safeParseInt(h1Var.f247819a.get("voteResultIndex").toString());
        try {
            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray();
            Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("leftVoteInfo");
            Object obj2 = h1Var.f247819a.get("rightVoteInfo");
            if (obj == null) {
                str = str3;
            } else {
                str = obj.toString();
            if (obj2 == null) {
                str2 = str3;
            } else {
                str2 = obj2.toString();
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpVoteAdData, leftInfo=" + str + ", rightInfo=" + str2);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
                jSONArray.put(new JSONObject(str));
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
                jSONArray.put(new JSONObject(str2));
            str3 = jSONArray.toString();
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpVoteAdData, exp:" + e15.toString());
        try {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpVoteAdData, voteIndex=" + safeParseInt + ", voteResultInfo=" + str3);
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putInt("sns_landing_pages_ad_vote_index", safeParseInt);
            bundle.putString("sns_landing_pages_ad_vote_result", str3);
            msgHandler.f167378x.callback(150, bundle);
        } catch (Exception e16) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpVoteAdData, callback exp:" + e16.toString());
        return false;

    public static boolean Y2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Map<String, Object> map;
        Map<String, Object> map2;
        JSONObject jSONObject;
        String str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("opcode");
        String str2 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("business");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "business %s,opcode %s", str2, str);
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str, str2)) {
            if (!str2.equals("regLogin")) {
                if (com.tencent.mm.model.gdpr.a.a(str2) != null) {
                    if ("setIsAgree".equals(str)) {
                        boolean z15 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("isAgree"), 0) == 1;
                        Bundle bundle = new Bundle(1);
                        bundle.putBoolean("OnMPGdprPolicyAgreement_KIsAgree", z15);
                        try {
                            msgHandler.f167378x.callback(200, bundle);
                        } catch (Exception e15) {
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "wcPrivacyPolicyResult, [mp_gdpr], callback ex = %s", e15);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "wcPrivacyPolicyResult:ok", null);
                } else if (str2.equals("search")) {
                    if (str.equals("closeSearch")) {
                        ((u) j.c(u.class)).kG();
                    } else if (str.equals("openSearch")) {
                        ((u) j.c(u.class)).MM0();
                    try {
                        map = null;
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception unused) {
                    } catch (Exception unused2) {
                        map = null;
                    new WebViewCloseWindowEvent().publish();
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "wcPrivacyPolicyResult:ok", map);
                } else if (str2.equals("walletIndexGDPR")) {
                    if (str.equals("setIsAgree")) {
                        try {
                            Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle();
                            int i15 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("isAgree"), 0);
                            if (i15 == 1) {
                                bundle2.putString("go_next", "agree_privacy");
                            WxPayGdprResultEvent wxPayGdprResultEvent = new WxPayGdprResultEvent();
                            wxPayGdprResultEvent.f65277d.f65278a = "agree_privacy";
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "walletIndexGDPR agreement %s", Integer.valueOf(i15));
                            new WebViewCloseWindowEvent().publish();
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "set walletIndexGDPR wc privacy policy result:ok", null);
                        } catch (Exception e16) {
                            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setwalletIndexGDPR WcPrivacyPolicyResult, ex = " + e16.getMessage());
                } else if (str2.equals(FirebaseAnalytics.b.LOCATION) && str.equals("setIsAgree")) {
                    try {
                        Bundle bundle3 = new Bundle();
                        if (Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("isAgree"), 0) == 1) {
                            bundle3.putString("go_next", "gdpr_auth_location");
                        new WebViewCloseWindowEvent().publish();
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "hint location permission use scene result:ok", null);
                    } catch (Exception e17) {
                        Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setLocationPermissionUseScene Result, ex = " + e17.getMessage());
            } else if (str.equals("setIsAgree")) {
                try {
                    Bundle bundle4 = new Bundle();
                    if (Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("isAgree"), 0) == 1) {
                        bundle4.putString("go_next", "agree_privacy");
                        r.f327076a = true;
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.DeviceInfo", "allowGetSensitiveDataFromSys");
                        new OnPrivacyPolicyAgreedEvent().publish();
                    new WebViewCloseWindowEvent().publish();
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "set wc privacy policy result:ok", null);
                } catch (Exception e18) {
                    Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setWcPrivacyPolicyResult, ex = " + e18.getMessage());
            } else {
                String str3 = "";
                if (str.equals("setBirthday")) {
                    String str4 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("birthday");
                    String str5 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("mobile");
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mobile %s,birthday %s", str5, str4);
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(str5) && d60.z.a()) {
                        str5 = (String) d60.z.s().i().e(6, null);
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str5, str4)) {
                        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                        hashMap.put("birthday", str4);
                        hashMap.put("last_update_birthday_time", Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000));
                        p4 p4Var = p4.f270779b;
                        try {
                            if (hashMap.isEmpty()) {
                                Log.i("MicroMsg.RegisterAccountInfo", "kv map is null or empty!");
                            } else {
                                if (p4Var.f270780a.contains(str5)) {
                                    String string = p4Var.f270780a.getString(str5, str3);
                                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string)) {
                                        jSONObject = new JSONObject(new String(Base64.decode(string, 0)));
                                    } else {
                                        jSONObject = new JSONObject();
                                } else {
                                    jSONObject = new JSONObject();
                                for (String str6 : hashMap.keySet()) {
                                    jSONObject.put(str6, hashMap.get(str6));
                                Log.i("MicroMsg.RegisterAccountInfo", "put json str %s", jSONObject.toString());
                                p4Var.f270780a.edit().putString(str5, Base64.encodeToString(jSONObject.toString().getBytes(), 0)).commit();
                        } catch (Exception e19) {
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.RegisterAccountInfo", "save account info about %s failed, error: %s", str5, e19.getMessage());
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setBirthday OK", null);
                } else if (str.equals("getBirthday")) {
                    HashMap hashMap2 = new HashMap();
                    String str7 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("mobile");
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getBirthday of %s", str7);
                    long j15 = 0;
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(str7) && d60.z.a()) {
                        str7 = (String) d60.z.s().i().e(6, null);
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str7)) {
                        str3 = p4.f270779b.a(str7, "birthday");
                        j15 = Util.safeParseLong(p4.f270779b.a(str7, "last_update_birthday_time"));
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "updateTime %s", Long.valueOf(j15));
                    hashMap2.put("birthday", str3);
                    hashMap2.put("updatetime", Long.valueOf(j15));
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getBirthday OK", hashMap2);
                } else if (str.equals("birthdayComfirmOK")) {
                    try {
                        Bundle bundle5 = new Bundle();
                        bundle5.putString("go_next", "birthdayComfirmOK");
                        new WebViewCloseWindowEvent().publish();
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "birthdayConfirmOK", null);
                    } catch (Exception e25) {
                        Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setWcPrivacyPolicyResult, ex = " + e25.getMessage());
                } else if (str.equals("continue")) {
                    try {
                        Bundle bundle6 = new Bundle();
                        bundle6.putString("go_next", "gdpr_confirm_continue");
                        new WebViewCloseWindowEvent().publish();
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "h5 confirm continue OK", null);
                    } catch (Exception e26) {
                        Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setWcPrivacyPolicyResult, ex = " + e26.getMessage());
                } else if (str.equals("setPolicyListIsAgree")) {
                    int e27 = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "isAgree", 0);
                    String f15 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "customInfo");
                    String f16 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "policyTicket");
                    String f17 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "policyList");
                    yk0.b bVar = new yk0.b(b.a.JsApiAgree, e27, f15, f16, f17);
                    ((yk0.a) MvvmEventCenter.getEvent(yk0.a.class)).publish(bVar);
                    for (lm.i iVar : ((b.a) lm.b.f(yk0.d.class)).all()) {
                        if (lm.b.d(lm.b.f253957c, iVar)) {
                            ((yk0.d) ((lm.f) iVar.get())).onChanged(bVar);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "isAgree:%s customInfo:%s ticket:%s policyList:%s", Integer.valueOf(e27), f15, f16, f17);
                    try {
                        map2 = null;
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception unused3) {
                    } catch (Exception unused4) {
                        map2 = null;
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setPolicyListIsAgree:ok", map2);
                } else if (str.equals("onPrivacyPolicyAgree")) {
                    if (Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("isAgree"), 0) == 1) {
                        r.f327076a = true;
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.DeviceInfo", "allowGetSensitiveDataFromSys");
                        new OnPrivacyPolicyAgreedEvent().publish();
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "set wc privacy policy result:ok", null);
            return true;
        return true;

    public static boolean Y3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenProductView");
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("productInfo");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
        int i15 = 0;
        try {
            i15 = Integer.valueOf(new JSONObject(str).getInt("product_type"));
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("key_product_info", str);
        intent.putExtra("key_source_url", str2);
        msgHandler.P6(i15, 3, 0, null, intent);
        return true;

    public static boolean Y4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("connType")) {
            str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("connType");
        } else {
            str = "";
        if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("lan")) {
            try {
                String D6 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                q qVar = q.INSTANCE;
                qVar.g(11533, "" + D6, "closeWXDeviceLib");
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "closeWXDeviceLib failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "closeWXDeviceLib:fail_exception", null);
        } else {
            try {
                String D62 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                q qVar2 = q.INSTANCE;
                qVar2.g(11533, "" + D62, "closeWXDeviceLib");
            } catch (Exception e16) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "closeWXDeviceLib failed : %s", e16.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "closeWXDeviceLib:fail_exception", null);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "closeWXDeviceLib:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean Z(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        ((FTSWebViewLogic) ka5).getClass();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "doSearchWebQuery %s", map.toString());
        d60.z.d().f(new jo3.f0(p.f(map, "requestId"), p.f(map, "commReq"), p.e(map, "webview_instance_id", -1)));
        return false;

    public static boolean Z0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, boolean z15) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openEmotionDetailView");
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("ProductId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("searchID");
        int i15 = Util.getInt(h1Var.f247819a.get("emotionScene"), 12);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openEmotionDetailView failed product id is null.");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openEmotionDetailView", null);
            return false;
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("extra_id", str);
        intent.putExtra("preceding_scence", 12);
        intent.putExtra("download_entrance_scene", i15);
        intent.putExtra("searchID", str2);
        if (!msgHandler.B) {
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "emoji", ".ui.EmojiStoreDetailUI", intent, null);
            msgHandler.B = true;
        } else {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "had start emoji stroe detail ui.");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openEmotionDetailView", null);
        if (z15) {
            q.INSTANCE.g(13055, 0, str, "", "", Integer.valueOf(((com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.c1) j.c(com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.c1.class)).s0()), str2);
        return true;

    public static boolean Z1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGetLatestAddress JSOAUTH");
        try {
            str = msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "exception in get currentUrl %s", e15.getMessage());
            str = "";
        if (str == null) {
            msgHandler.q5(msgHandler.f167361e, "get_recently_used_address:fail", null);
        } else {
            RcptRecentAddrEvent rcptRecentAddrEvent = new RcptRecentAddrEvent();
            rcptRecentAddrEvent.f64044d.f64046a = (String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get("appId");
            rcptRecentAddrEvent.f64044d.f64047b = str;
            rcptRecentAddrEvent.f64045e.f64048a = -119;
            rcptRecentAddrEvent.callback = new n0(msgHandler, rcptRecentAddrEvent, "get_recently_used_address:");
        return true;

    public static boolean Z2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("brandIcon");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("brandName");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("desc");
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        String str5 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("cover");
        boolean z15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("forbidForward"), 0) == 1;
        boolean z16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("disableShowFinderLiveTopBar"), 0) == 0;
        a0.b bVar = new a0.b();
        bVar.f165894c = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("itemShowType"), -1);
        bVar.f165892a = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("userName");
        bVar.f165893b = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("brandName");
        bVar.f165895d = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("isPaySubscribe"), 0);
        String str6 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
        boolean z17 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("isMenuShowBrandInfo"), 0) == 1;
        boolean z18 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showSourceInfo"), 0) == 1;
        bVar.f165900i = z18;
        bVar.f165899h = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.Common.COMMON_VID);
        bVar.f165898g = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("duration"), 0);
        bVar.f165896e = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(V2TXJSAdapterConstants.PUSHER_KEY_RESOLUTION_WIDTH), 0);
        bVar.f165897f = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(V2TXJSAdapterConstants.PUSHER_KEY_RESOLUTION_HEIGHT), 0);
        bVar.f165901j = Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("isDisableMenuHeader"), false);
        bVar.f165902k = Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("canReadArticle"), false);
        bVar.f165903l = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("biz");
        bVar.f165904m = Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mid"), 0);
        bVar.f165905n = Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("idx"), 0);
        bVar.f165906o = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("hasFinderElement"), 0);
        msgHandler.E.f165887d.put(h2.a(str6), bVar);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Abe-Debug msg handler doCurrentMpInfo, %s", str6);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doCurrentMpInfo brandName:%s, title:%s, brandIcon:%s, userName:%s, itemShowType:%d, isPaySubscribe:%d, forbidForward: %b, showMenuBrandInfo: %b, vid=%s, duration=%d, showSourceInfo: %b, hasFinderElement:%d", str2, str4, str, bVar.f165892a, Integer.valueOf(bVar.f165894c), Integer.valueOf(bVar.f165895d), Boolean.valueOf(z15), Boolean.valueOf(z17), bVar.f165899h, Integer.valueOf(bVar.f165898g), Boolean.valueOf(z18), Integer.valueOf(bVar.f165906o));
        try {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putString("key_bag_icon", str);
            bundle.putString("key_brand_name", str2);
            bundle.putString("key_desc", str3);
            bundle.putString("key_url", str6);
            bundle.putString("key_brand_user_name", bVar.f165892a);
            bundle.putString("key_title", str4);
            bundle.putString("key_cover", str5);
            bundle.putBoolean("key_show_menu_onfo", z17);
            bundle.putBoolean("key_forbidForward", z15);
            bundle.putBoolean("key_show_live_top_bar", z16);
            bundle.putInt("key_item_show_type", bVar.f165894c);
            bundle.putBoolean("key_disable_menu_header", bVar.f165901j);
            bundle.putBoolean("key_disable_can_read_articel", bVar.f165902k);
            bundle.putString("key_biz_id", bVar.f165903l);
            bundle.putLong("key_idx", bVar.f165905n);
            bundle.putLong("key_mid", bVar.f165904m);
            bundle.putString("key_mp_vid", bVar.f165899h);
            msgHandler.f167378x.callback(71, bundle);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doCurrentMpInfo:ok", null);
            return true;
        } catch (Exception unused) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doCurrentMpInfo:fail", null);
            return true;

    public static boolean Z3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenProductViewWithPid");
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("key_product_id", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("pid"));
        intent.putExtra("key_source_url", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url"));
        msgHandler.P6(Integer.valueOf(Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("type"), 0)), 8, Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(XWalkReaderBasePlugin.PARAM_KEY_VIEW_TYPE), 0), (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("ext_info"), intent);
        return true;

    /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r3v4, resolved type: int */
    /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r3v5 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r3v6 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r3v7 */
    /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r3v8 */
    public static boolean Z4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        int i15;
        Exception e15;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("connType")) {
            str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("connType");
        } else {
            str = "";
        if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("lan")) {
            if (!WebViewExDeviceLanMgr.d().f166783b) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "startScanWXDevice not init");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startScanWXDevice:fail_notInit", null);
            } else {
                try {
                    String D6 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "srcUsername(%s)", D6);
                    q.INSTANCE.g(11533, "" + D6, "startScanWXDevice");
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(D6)) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startScanWXDevice:fail_UsernameError", null);
                    } else {
                        ExDeviceStartScanLanDeviceEvent exDeviceStartScanLanDeviceEvent = new ExDeviceStartScanLanDeviceEvent();
                        exDeviceStartScanLanDeviceEvent.f62474d.f62475a = true;
                        WebViewExDeviceLanMgr.d().f166784c = true;
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startScanWXDevice:ok", null);
                } catch (Exception e16) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "startScanWXDevice failed : %s", e16.getMessage());
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startScanWXDevice:fail_exception", null);
            return true;
        if (ck.e.c(23) && !LocationUtil.isGpsEnable()) {
            String str2 = Build.VERSION.RELEASE;
            if (!str2.equalsIgnoreCase("6.0") && !str2.equalsIgnoreCase("6.0.0")) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "ScannerInThisAndroidVersionRequireGPSServiceOn");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startScanWXDevice:fail_ThisAndroidVersionRequireGPSServiceOn", null);
        if (!WebViewExDeviceMgr.d().f164835b) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "startScanWXDevice not init");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startScanWXDevice:fail_notInit", null);
        } else {
            try {
                String D62 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("btVersion");
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "BtVersion(%s), srcUsername(%s)", str3, D62);
                q qVar = q.INSTANCE;
                Object[] objArr = new Object[2];
                objArr[0] = "" + D62;
                try {
                    objArr[1] = "startScanWXDevice";
                    qVar.g(11533, objArr);
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(D62)) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startScanWXDevice:fail_UsernameError", null);
                    } else {
                        ExDeviceScanDeviceEvent exDeviceScanDeviceEvent = new ExDeviceScanDeviceEvent();
                        ExDeviceScanDeviceEvent.a aVar = exDeviceScanDeviceEvent.f62396d;
                        try {
                            aVar.f62399b = true;
                            aVar.f62398a = D62;
                            if (Util.nullAsNil(str3).equals("ble")) {
                                exDeviceScanDeviceEvent.f62396d.f62400c = 0;
                            } else if (Util.nullAsNil(str3).equals("bc")) {
                                try {
                                    exDeviceScanDeviceEvent.f62396d.f62400c = 1;
                                } catch (Exception e17) {
                                    e15 = e17;
                                    i15 = 1;
                            WebViewExDeviceMgr.d().f164837d = exDeviceScanDeviceEvent.f62396d.f62400c;
                            if (exDeviceScanDeviceEvent.f62397e.f62401a) {
                                WebViewExDeviceMgr.d().f164838e = true;
                                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startScanWXDevice:ok", null);
                            } else {
                                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startScanWXDevice:fail", null);
                        } catch (Exception e18) {
                            e15 = e18;
                            i15 = 1;
                            Object[] objArr2 = new Object[i15];
                            objArr2[0] = e15.getMessage();
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "startScanWXDevice failed : %s", objArr2);
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startScanWXDevice:fail_exception", null);
                            return i15;
                } catch (Exception e19) {
                    e15 = e19;
                    i15 = 1;
                    Object[] objArr22 = new Object[i15];
                    objArr22[0] = e15.getMessage();
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "startScanWXDevice failed : %s", objArr22);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startScanWXDevice:fail_exception", null);
                    return i15;
            } catch (Exception e25) {
                e15 = e25;
                i15 = 1;
                Object[] objArr222 = new Object[i15];
                objArr222[0] = e15.getMessage();
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "startScanWXDevice failed : %s", objArr222);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startScanWXDevice:fail_exception", null);
                return i15;
        return true;

    public static boolean a(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGoVideoPlayerUI");
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("shareThumbUrl");
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("shareBtnHidden"), 0);
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("needReportData"), 0);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("KFromTimeLine", true);
        intent.putExtra("KStremVideoUrl", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("streamingUrl"));
        intent.putExtra("StreamWording", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("btnTitle"));
        intent.putExtra("StremWebUrl", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("jumpUrl"));
        intent.putExtra("KThumUrl", str);
        intent.putExtra("KMediaId", "fakeid_" + str.hashCode());
        intent.putExtra("KMediaVideoTime", (int) Util.getDouble((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("streamingVideoTime"), 0.0d));
        intent.putExtra("KMediaTitle", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("shareTitle"));
        intent.putExtra("ShareBtnHidden", i15);
        intent.putExtra("ReportArgs", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("reportArgs"));
        intent.putExtra("NeedReportData", i16);
        if (((ie1.h) j.c(ie1.h.class)).Xj0(h.c.f232438v1, 1) > 0) {
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "sns", ".ui.SnsAdStreamVideoPlayUI", intent, null);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "use new stream video play UI");
        } else {
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "sns", ".ui.VideoAdPlayerUI", intent, null);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "playStreamingVideo:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean a0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenWeAppPage %s", h1Var.f247819a);
        String f15 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "userName");
        String f16 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "relativeURL");
        if (f16.contains("render_data")) {
            try {
                JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(Uri.parse(f16).getQueryParameter("widgetData"));
                f16 = f16.replaceAll("(widgetData=.*&)|(widgetData=.*$)", "&") + "&widgetData=" + jSONObject.toString();
            } catch (JSONException e15) {
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
        int e16 = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "appVersion", 0);
        String f17 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "searchId");
        String f18 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "docId");
        int e17 = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "position", 1);
        int e18 = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 1000);
        int e19 = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "debugMode", 0);
        String f19 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "cookie");
        String f25 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "appId");
        int e25 = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "startWeAppScene", 0);
        JSONObject jSONObject2 = new JSONObject();
        try {
            jSONObject2.put("cookies", f19);
        } catch (Exception unused) {
        if (e19 < 0) {
            e19 = 0;
        if (((com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.q10()).f164282e != null) {
            e19 = 1;
        StartAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent = new StartAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent();
        StartAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.a aVar = startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d;
        aVar.f64743f = msgHandler.f167360d;
        aVar.f64738a = f15;
        aVar.f64739b = f16;
        aVar.f64746i = e16;
        aVar.f64759v = "sos";
        aVar.f64760w = jSONObject2.toString();
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(f25)) {
            startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u = f15;
        } else {
            startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u = f25;
        StartAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.a aVar2 = startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d;
        aVar2.f64740c = e19;
        if (e25 > 0) {
            aVar2.f64741d = e25;
        } else if (e18 == 201 || e18 == 14 || e18 == 22) {
            aVar2.f64741d = 1006;
        } else if (e18 == 3) {
            aVar2.f64741d = 1005;
        } else if (e18 == 16) {
            aVar2.f64741d = XWebFeature.INTERFACE_SET_WEB_CONTENTS_SIZE;
        } else if (e18 == 20 || e18 == 34 || e18 == 67 || e18 == 17 || e18 == 100) {
            aVar2.f64741d = 1053;
        } else if (e18 == 42 || e18 == 52) {
            aVar2.f64741d = 1106;
        } else {
            aVar2.f64741d = 1000;
        String f26 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "statSessionId");
        String f27 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "statKeywordId");
        String f28 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "subScene");
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64742e = f26 + ":" + f27 + ":" + f17 + ":" + f18 + ":" + e17 + ":" + f28;
        c.b bVar = new c.b();
        bVar.f345559a = new rp5();
        bVar.f345560b = new sp5();
        bVar.f345561c = "/cgi-bin/mmux-bin/weappsearchadclick";
        bVar.f345562d = 1873;
        yf0.c a15 = bVar.a();
        rp5 rp5 = (rp5) a15.f345548a.f345573a;
        rp5.f35588d = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "statSessionId");
        rp5.f35589e = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "statKeywordId");
        rp5.f35590f = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "searchId");
        rp5.f35591g = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "docId");
        rp5.f35592h = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "position", 1);
        rp5.f35593i = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "userName");
        rp5.f35594j = "" + p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "appVersion", 0);
        rp5.f35595n = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "adBuffer");
        rp5.f35596o = e18;
        rp5.f35597p = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "clickExtInfo");
        lh0.v vVar = new lh0.v();
        vVar.a("20StatSessionId", rp5.f35588d + ",");
        vVar.a("21KeywordId", rp5.f35589e + ",");
        vVar.a("22SearchId", rp5.f35590f + ",");
        vVar.a("23DocId", rp5.f35591g + ",");
        vVar.a("24Pos", rp5.f35592h + ",");
        vVar.a("25AppUserName", rp5.f35593i + ",");
        vVar.a("26AppVersion", rp5.f35594j + ",");
        vVar.a("27AdBuffer", rp5.f35595n + ",");
        vVar.a("28AdClickBuffer", rp5.f35597p + ",");
        vVar.a("29scene", e18 + ",");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doClickReportScene oreh" + vVar.c());
        l0.e(a15, new s0(msgHandler, vVar), false);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openWeAppPage:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean a1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        EmojiStoreWebViewLogic XN0 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.XN0();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        String Uq = ((com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.c1) j.c(com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.c1.class)).Uq();
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(Uq)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.emoji.EmojiStoreWebViewLogic", "load emojiStore Template Path error");
            return false;
        int a15 = EmojiStoreWebViewLogic.a(map, "type", 0);
        String b15 = EmojiStoreWebViewLogic.b(map, "pageName");
        String b16 = EmojiStoreWebViewLogic.b(map, "keyword");
        int a16 = EmojiStoreWebViewLogic.a(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("hardcode_jspermission", JsapiPermissionWrapper.f173510h);
        intent.putExtra("hardcode_general_ctrl", GeneralControlWrapper.f173507e);
        intent.putExtra("neverGetA8Key", true);
        intent.putExtra("rawUrl", "file://" + Uq + "/" + b15 + "?type=" + a15 + "&keyword=" + b16 + "&scene=" + a16 + "&lang=" + LocaleUtil.getCurrentLanguage(MMApplicationContext.getContext()) + "&clientType=1&version=" + ((com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.c1) j.c(com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.c1.class)).s0());
        intent.putExtra("keyword", b16);
        intent.putExtra("type", a15);
        intent.putExtra("sence", a16);
        sv3.b.j(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "webview", ".ui.tools.emojistore.EmojiStoreSearchWebViewUI", intent, null);
        q.INSTANCE.g(13055, 1, "", "", Integer.valueOf(a15), Integer.valueOf(((com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.c1) j.c(com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.c1.class)).s0()), 0L);
        PreEmotionSearchEvent preEmotionSearchEvent = new PreEmotionSearchEvent();
        PreEmotionSearchEvent.a aVar = preEmotionSearchEvent.f63931d;
        aVar.f63933b = a15;
        aVar.f63932a = b16;
        aVar.f63934c = "";
        return true;

    public static boolean a2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        try {
            String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil(h1Var.f247819a.get("jumpUrl").toString());
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpAdJump, jumpUrl=" + nullAsNil);
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putString("sns_landing_pages_ad_jumpurl", nullAsNil);
            msgHandler.f167378x.callback(151, bundle);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpVoteAdData, callback exp:" + e15.toString());
        return false;

    public static boolean a3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doFaceDetectForPay");
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        int i15 = 0;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE)) {
            i15 = Util.getInt(h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE).toString(), 0);
        String obj = h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("package") ? h1Var.f247819a.get("package").toString() : null;
        String obj2 = h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("package_sign") ? h1Var.f247819a.get("package_sign").toString() : null;
        String obj3 = h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("other_verify_title") ? h1Var.f247819a.get("other_verify_title").toString() : null;
        String obj4 = h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("other_verify_title_front") ? h1Var.f247819a.get("other_verify_title_front").toString() : null;
        String obj5 = h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("need_frontpage") ? h1Var.f247819a.get("need_frontpage").toString() : null;
        String obj6 = h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("face_verify_title") ? h1Var.f247819a.get("face_verify_title").toString() : null;
        q.INSTANCE.idkeyStat(917, 34, 1, false);
        RequestFaceVerifyForPayEvent requestFaceVerifyForPayEvent = new RequestFaceVerifyForPayEvent();
        RequestFaceVerifyForPayEvent.a aVar = requestFaceVerifyForPayEvent.f64259d;
        aVar.f64261a = i15;
        aVar.f64262b = obj;
        aVar.f64263c = obj2;
        aVar.f64264d = obj3;
        aVar.f64265e = obj4;
        aVar.f64266f = obj5;
        aVar.f64268h = 63;
        aVar.f64267g = obj6;
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        if (context instanceof Activity) {
            aVar.f64269i = (Activity) context;
        if (requestFaceVerifyForPayEvent.f64260e.f64270a) {
            return true;
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(null);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "faceVerifyForPay:fail", kp3.a.a(requestFaceVerifyForPayEvent.f64260e.f64271b));
        return true;

    public static boolean a4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f7((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE));
        return msgHandler.U5((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("username"), jsapiPermissionWrapper);

    public static boolean a5(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("connType")) {
            str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("connType");
        } else {
            str = "";
        if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("lan")) {
            if (!WebViewExDeviceLanMgr.d().f166783b) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "stopScanWXDevice not init");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopScanWXDevice:fail_notInit", null);
            } else {
                try {
                    String D6 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                    q qVar = q.INSTANCE;
                    qVar.g(11533, "" + D6, "stopScanWXDevice");
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(D6)) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopScanWXDevice:fail_UsernameError", null);
                    } else {
                        ExDeviceStartScanLanDeviceEvent exDeviceStartScanLanDeviceEvent = new ExDeviceStartScanLanDeviceEvent();
                        exDeviceStartScanLanDeviceEvent.f62474d.f62475a = false;
                        WebViewExDeviceLanMgr.d().f166784c = false;
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopScanWXDevice:ok", null);
                } catch (Exception e15) {
                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "stopScanWXDevice failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopScanWXDevice:fail_exception", null);
        } else if (!WebViewExDeviceMgr.d().f164835b) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "stopScanWXDevice not init");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopScanWXDevice:fail_notInit", null);
        } else {
            try {
                String D62 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                q qVar2 = q.INSTANCE;
                qVar2.g(11533, "" + D62, "stopScanWXDevice");
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(D62)) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopScanWXDevice:fail_UsernameError", null);
                } else {
                    ExDeviceScanDeviceEvent exDeviceScanDeviceEvent = new ExDeviceScanDeviceEvent();
                    ExDeviceScanDeviceEvent.a aVar = exDeviceScanDeviceEvent.f62396d;
                    aVar.f62399b = false;
                    aVar.f62398a = D62;
                    aVar.f62400c = WebViewExDeviceMgr.d().f164837d;
                    if (exDeviceScanDeviceEvent.f62397e.f62401a) {
                        WebViewExDeviceMgr.d().f164838e = false;
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopScanWXDevice:ok", null);
                    } else {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "stopScanWXDevice fail");
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopScanWXDevice:fail", null);
            } catch (Exception e16) {
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e16, "", new Object[0]);
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "stopScanWXDevice failed : %s", e16.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopScanWXDevice:fail_exception", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean b(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: doGetIbgPrepayRequest");
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        if (msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity) {
            WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
            walletJsapiData.A = 2;
            if (!((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).bh0((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, walletJsapiData, 27, msgHandler)) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "get_h5_prepay_request:fail", null);
            } else {
                long j15 = Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("message_id"), 0);
                int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("message_index"), 0);
                q.INSTANCE.g(10593, walletJsapiData.f173498s, walletJsapiData.f173486d, Long.valueOf(j15), Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173499t), walletJsapiData.f173497r);
                msgHandler.K = msgHandler.o5(h1Var);
        return true;

    public static boolean b0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        int e15 = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "logId", 0);
        String f15 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "logString");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSearchRailtime oreh id:%d, value:%s, params:%s", Integer.valueOf(e15), f15, h1Var.f247819a);
        ((z00.s) j.c(z00.s.class)).An(e15, f15);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportWeAppSearchRealtime:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean b1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        return false;

    public static boolean b2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        try {
            String jSONObject = ConvertUtils.map2Json(h1Var.f247819a).toString();
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpAdH5Func, params=" + jSONObject);
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putString("callbackId", h1Var.f247857c);
            bundle.putString("sns_landing_pages_h5_params", jSONObject);
            msgHandler.f167378x.callback(152, bundle);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpAdH5Func, callback exp:" + e15.toString());
        return false;

    public static boolean b3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("appId", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appid"));
        intent.putExtra("view_task", true);
        ((ab1.h) j.c(ab1.h.class)).vM(msgHandler.f167360d, intent, new x0(msgHandler, h1Var));
        return true;

    public static boolean b4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "dogetBrandWCPayBindCardRequest JSOAUTH");
        if (!(msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity)) {
            return true;
        WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
        walletJsapiData.f173500u = 4;
        ((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).v9((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, walletJsapiData, 7, msgHandler);
        return true;

    public static boolean b5(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        int i15;
        Exception e15;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("connType")) {
            str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("connType");
        } else {
            str = "";
        if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("lan")) {
            if (!WebViewExDeviceLanMgr.d().f166783b) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "connectWXDevice not init");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "connectWXDevice:fail_notInit", null);
            } else {
                String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("deviceId");
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doConnectWXDevice, deviceId : %s", str2);
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "deviceId is null");
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "connectWXDevice:fail_noDeviceId", null);
                } else {
                    String D6 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                    q.INSTANCE.g(11533, "" + D6, "connectWXDevice");
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(D6)) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "connectWXDevice:fail_UsernameError", null);
                    } else {
                        HashMap<String, String> hashMap = msgHandler.f167372r;
                        if (hashMap != null && !hashMap.containsKey(D6)) {
                            msgHandler.f167372r.put(D6, str2);
                        try {
                            ExDeviceConnectLanDeviceEvent exDeviceConnectLanDeviceEvent = new ExDeviceConnectLanDeviceEvent();
                            ExDeviceConnectLanDeviceEvent.a aVar = exDeviceConnectLanDeviceEvent.f62295d;
                            try {
                                aVar.f62299c = true;
                                aVar.f62298b = D6;
                                aVar.f62297a = str2;
                                if (exDeviceConnectLanDeviceEvent.f62296e.f62300a) {
                                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "connectWXDevice:ok", null);
                                } else {
                                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "connectWXDevice:fail", null);
                            } catch (Exception e16) {
                                e15 = e16;
                                i15 = 1;
                                Object[] objArr = new Object[i15];
                                objArr[0] = e15.getMessage();
                                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "connectWXDevice failed : %s", objArr);
                                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "connectWXDevice:fail_exception", null);
                                return true;
                        } catch (Exception e17) {
                            e15 = e17;
                            i15 = 1;
                            Object[] objArr2 = new Object[i15];
                            objArr2[0] = e15.getMessage();
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "connectWXDevice failed : %s", objArr2);
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "connectWXDevice:fail_exception", null);
                            return true;
        } else if (!WebViewExDeviceMgr.d().f164835b) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "connectWXDevice not init");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "connectWXDevice:fail_notInit", null);
        } else {
            String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("deviceId");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doConnectWXDevice, deviceId : %s", str3);
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "deviceId is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "connectWXDevice:fail_noDeviceId", null);
            } else {
                String D62 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                q.INSTANCE.g(11533, "" + D62, "connectWXDevice");
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(D62)) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "connectWXDevice:fail_UsernameError", null);
                } else {
                    HashMap<String, String> hashMap2 = msgHandler.f167371q;
                    if (hashMap2 != null && !hashMap2.containsValue(str3)) {
                        msgHandler.f167371q.put(D62, str3);
                    try {
                        ExDeviceConnectDeviceEvent exDeviceConnectDeviceEvent = new ExDeviceConnectDeviceEvent();
                        ExDeviceConnectDeviceEvent.a aVar2 = exDeviceConnectDeviceEvent.f62289d;
                        aVar2.f62293c = true;
                        aVar2.f62291a = D62;
                        aVar2.f62292b = str3;
                        if (exDeviceConnectDeviceEvent.f62290e.f62294a) {
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "connectWXDevice:ok", null);
                        } else {
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "connectWXDevice:fail", null);
                    } catch (Exception e18) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "connectWXDevice failed : %s", e18.getMessage());
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "connectWXDevice:fail_exception", null);
                        return true;
        return true;

    public static boolean c(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: doGetIbgTransactionRequest");
        if (msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity) {
            WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
            int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("closeWebAfterPayDetailBack"), 0);
            msgHandler.J = i15;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "close window: %s", Integer.valueOf(i15));
            if (walletJsapiData.f173494o == 2) {
                int i16 = walletJsapiData.f173493n;
                if (i16 == 1) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "businessScene: %d,data.reqKey:%s", Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173494o), walletJsapiData.f173492j);
                    WalletGetPaidOrderDetailEvent walletGetPaidOrderDetailEvent = new WalletGetPaidOrderDetailEvent();
                    WalletGetPaidOrderDetailEvent.a aVar = walletGetPaidOrderDetailEvent.f65092d;
                    aVar.f65093a = walletJsapiData.f173486d;
                    aVar.f65094b = walletJsapiData.f173490h;
                    aVar.f65095c = walletJsapiData.f173489g;
                    aVar.f65096d = walletJsapiData.f173491i;
                    aVar.f65097e = walletJsapiData.f173492j;
                    aVar.f65098f = walletJsapiData.f173493n;
                    aVar.f65099g = walletJsapiData.f173488f;
                    aVar.f65100h = walletJsapiData.f173495p;
                } else if (i16 == 2 && !((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).ds((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, walletJsapiData)) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "get_ibg_prepay_request:fail", null);
            } else if (!((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).X60((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, walletJsapiData, 25, msgHandler)) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "get_ibg_prepay_request:fail", null);
            long j15 = Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("message_id"), 0);
            int i17 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("message_index"), 0);
            q.INSTANCE.g(10593, walletJsapiData.f173498s, walletJsapiData.f173486d, Long.valueOf(j15), Integer.valueOf(i17), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173499t), walletJsapiData.f173497r);
        return true;

    public static boolean c0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        int e15 = p.e(map, "action", 0);
        if (e15 == 1) {
            if (x0.f242556a == null) {
            SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = MMApplicationContext.getContext().getSharedPreferences("fts_history_search_sp", 0);
            try {
                String encodeToString = Base64.encodeToString(x0.f242556a.toByteArray(), 0);
                sharedPreferences.edit().putString("key_pb_history_list" + u0.r(), encodeToString).apply();
                Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.WebSearchHistoryLogic", "addHistory pbListString %s", encodeToString);
            } catch (IOException unused) {
        } else if (e15 == 2) {
            int e16 = p.e(map, "type", 0);
            int e17 = p.e(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
            if (System.currentTimeMillis() - fTSWebViewLogic.f164233f > 1000) {
                fTSWebViewLogic.f164233f = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if (!p.h(0)) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "fts h5 template not avail");
                } else {
                    boolean DL0 = ((z00.p) j.c(z00.p.class)).DL0(e17, e16);
                    String e18 = jo3.w0.e("searchID");
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.WebSearchReportLogic", "kvReportGlobalTabClick type:%s, scene:%s, searchId:%s, isTabGuide:%s,sessionId:%s, redDotMsgId:%s", Integer.valueOf(e16), Integer.valueOf(e17), e18, Boolean.FALSE, "", "");
                    ww2.d.INSTANCE.g(12845, Integer.valueOf(e16), 0, Integer.valueOf(e17), e18, 0, "", "");
                    Intent a15 = jo3.z0.a();
                    a15.putExtra("ftsneedkeyboard", !DL0);
                    a15.putExtra("ftsbizscene", e17);
                    a15.putExtra("ftsType", e16);
                    a15.putExtra("rawUrl", jo3.z0.e(jo3.z0.b(e17, true, e16), 0));
                    a15.putExtra("key_load_js_without_delay", true);
                    a15.putExtra("key_change_search_icon", true);
                    a15.putExtra("key_from_whole_search", false);
                    a15.putExtra("key_search_icon_and_hint_fix_default", true);
                    sv3.b.y(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), a15, null);
        } else if (e15 == 3) {
            ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).Xi(p.e(map, "webview_instance_id", -1), map);
        return false;

    public static boolean c1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        EmojiStoreWebViewLogic XN0 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.XN0();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        String b15 = EmojiStoreWebViewLogic.b(map, "urlString");
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("rawUrl", b15);
        sv3.b.j(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "webview", ".ui.tools.WebViewUI", intent, null);
        return false;

    public static boolean c2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("list_type", 15);
        intent.putExtra("already_select_contact", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("selected_user_name"));
        intent.putExtra("titile", hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.f366946fx));
        intent.putExtra("list_attr", com.tencent.mm.ui.contact.t1.g(16384, 1, 4, 1048576, 268435456));
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
            sv3.b.v((MMActivity) context, ".ui.contact.SelectContactUI", intent, 54, msgHandler);
            return true;
        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSelectContact invalid context");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "selectContact:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean c3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        long j15 = Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("download_id"), -1);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doCancelDownloadTask, downloadId = " + j15);
        if (j15 <= 0) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doCancelDownloadTask fail, invalid downloadId = " + j15);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "cancel_download_task:fail", null);
            return true;
        FileDownloadTaskInfo p15 = ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.downloader.model.l) ((kq.y) j.c(kq.y.class)).fI0()).p(j15);
        int t15 = ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.downloader.model.l) ((kq.y) j.c(kq.y.class)).fI0()).t(j15);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doCancelDownloadTask, ret = " + t15);
        String a15 = j1.f165615a.a(j15);
        if (a15 != null) {
            ((c0) j.c(c0.class)).B10(a15);
        if (t15 <= 0) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "cancel_download_task:fail", null);
            return true;
        if (!(p15 == null || p15.f103382e == null || p15.f103390p != 2)) {
            ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.downloader.model.l) ((kq.y) j.c(kq.y.class)).fI0()).f(p15.f103382e);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "cancel_download_task:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean c4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        if (!msgHandler.f167374t || com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.WN0().f165946n) {
            boolean lo02 = ((xw.d) j.c(xw.d.class)).lo0(msgHandler.f167360d, "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "location perm: %s", Boolean.valueOf(lo02));
            if (!lo02) {
                WebViewStubTempUI.T7(msgHandler.f167360d, msgHandler.f167378x, new String[]{"android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"}, 75, msgHandler.A);
            } else {
        } else {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "geo_location:fail_background", null);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGeoLocation fail inBackGround");
        return true;

    public static boolean c5(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("connType")) {
            str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("connType");
        } else {
            str = "";
        if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("lan")) {
            if (!WebViewExDeviceLanMgr.d().f166783b) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "disconnectWXDevice  not init");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "disconnectWXDevice:fail_notInit", null);
            } else {
                String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("deviceId");
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doDisconnectWXDevice, deviceId : %s", str2);
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "deviceId is null");
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "disconnectWXDevice:fail_noDeviceId", null);
                } else {
                    String D6 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                    q qVar = q.INSTANCE;
                    qVar.g(11533, "" + D6, "disconnectWXDevice");
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(D6)) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "disconnectWXDevice:fail_UsernameError", null);
                    } else {
                        try {
                            ExDeviceConnectLanDeviceEvent exDeviceConnectLanDeviceEvent = new ExDeviceConnectLanDeviceEvent();
                            ExDeviceConnectLanDeviceEvent.a aVar = exDeviceConnectLanDeviceEvent.f62295d;
                            aVar.f62299c = false;
                            aVar.f62298b = D6;
                            aVar.f62297a = str2;
                            if (exDeviceConnectLanDeviceEvent.f62296e.f62300a) {
                                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "disconnectWXDevice:ok", null);
                                HashMap<String, String> hashMap = msgHandler.f167372r;
                                if (hashMap != null && hashMap.containsKey(D6)) {
                            } else {
                                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "disconnectWXDevice:fail", null);
                        } catch (Exception e15) {
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "disconnectWXDevice failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "disconnectWXDevice:fail_exception", null);
        } else if (!WebViewExDeviceMgr.d().f164835b) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "disconnectWXDevice  not init");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "disconnectWXDevice:fail_notInit", null);
        } else {
            String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("deviceId");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doDisconnectWXDevice, deviceId : %s", str3);
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "deviceId is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "disconnectWXDevice:fail_noDeviceId", null);
            } else {
                String D62 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                q qVar2 = q.INSTANCE;
                qVar2.g(11533, "" + D62, "disconnectWXDevice");
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(D62)) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "disconnectWXDevice:fail_UsernameError", null);
                } else {
                    try {
                        ExDeviceConnectDeviceEvent exDeviceConnectDeviceEvent = new ExDeviceConnectDeviceEvent();
                        ExDeviceConnectDeviceEvent.a aVar2 = exDeviceConnectDeviceEvent.f62289d;
                        aVar2.f62293c = false;
                        aVar2.f62291a = D62;
                        aVar2.f62292b = str3;
                        if (exDeviceConnectDeviceEvent.f62290e.f62294a) {
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "disconnectWXDevice:ok", null);
                            HashMap<String, String> hashMap2 = msgHandler.f167371q;
                            if (hashMap2 != null && hashMap2.containsKey(D62)) {
                        } else {
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "disconnectWXDevice:fail", null);
                    } catch (Exception e16) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "disconnectWXDevice failed : %s", e16.getMessage());
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "disconnectWXDevice:fail_exception", null);
                        return true;
        return true;

    public static boolean d(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doJumpToWXWallet");
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        if (msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity) {
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("key_wallet_region", 1);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", " walletMallV2 switch is :%s", Boolean.TRUE);
            sv3.b.k(msgHandler.f167360d, "mall", ".ui.MallIndexUIv2", intent, false);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "jump_to_wx_wallet:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean d0(MsgHandler msgHandler) {
        try {
            msgHandler.f167378x.xH(3004, null);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "RemoteException : %s", e15.getMessage());
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        return false;

    public static boolean d1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("operationType");
        String str2 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("dataUrl");
        boolean z15 = false;
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, "");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateMusicPlayer:fail", null);
        } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(AssetExtension.SCENE_PLAY)) {
            String str3 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
            String str4 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("singer");
            String str5 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("epname");
            String str6 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("coverImgUrl");
            String str7 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("lowbandUrl");
            String str8 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("webUrl");
            String str9 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("lyric");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "title : %s, singer : %s, epName : %s, coverImgUrl : %s, dataUrl : %s, lowbandUrl : %s, webUrl : %s, appid : %s", str3, str4, str5, str6, str2, str7, str8, "");
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str3) || Util.isNullOrNil(str4) || Util.isNullOrNil(str5) || Util.isNullOrNil(str6) || Util.isNullOrNil(str7) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2) || Util.isNullOrNil(str8)) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateMusicPlayer:fail", null);
            } else {
                d.j(bh0.o.a(7, str6, str3, str4, str8, str7, str2, "" + str2.hashCode(), z80.b.E(), bc2.a.a() + str6.hashCode(), str5, ""));
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateMusicPlayer:ok", null);
        } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("resume")) {
            if (bh0.j.a(str2) && d.e() && !d.c()) {
                z15 = true;
            if (z15) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateMusicPlayer:ok", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateMusicPlayer:fail", null);
        } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("pause")) {
            if (bh0.j.a(str2) && d.c()) {
                z15 = true;
            if (z15) {
                MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new bh0.g());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateMusicPlayer:ok", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateMusicPlayer:fail", null);
        } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("seek")) {
            int i15 = Util.getInt(Util.notNullToString(((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("position")), -1) * 1000;
            if (bh0.j.a(str2)) {
                z15 = d.i(i15);
            if (z15) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateMusicPlayer:ok", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateMusicPlayer:fail", null);
        } else if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("stop")) {
            if (bh0.j.a(str2) && d.e()) {
                z15 = true;
            if (z15) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateMusicPlayer:ok", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateMusicPlayer:fail", null);
        } else {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "operateMusicPlayer:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean d2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("phoneNumber");
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            String string = hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.bd7);
            String string2 = hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.f367394sg);
            ProgressDialog progressDialog = msgHandler.f167363g;
            if (progressDialog != null) {
                msgHandler.f167363g = null;
            i14.j.A(msgHandler.f167360d, str, "", string, string2, new v2(msgHandler, str, h1Var), new c3(msgHandler, h1Var)).setOnDismissListener(new n3(msgHandler, h1Var));
            return true;
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "makePhoneCall:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean d3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("pkgIdList");
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            try {
                JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str);
                if (jSONArray.length() > 0) {
                    ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                    for (int i15 = 0; i15 < jSONArray.length(); i15++) {
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(arrayList)) {
                        WepkgNotifyEvent wepkgNotifyEvent = new WepkgNotifyEvent();
                        WepkgNotifyEvent.a aVar = wepkgNotifyEvent.f65265d;
                        aVar.f65266a = 8;
                        aVar.f65272g = 0;
                        aVar.f65273h = arrayList;
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
                        return true;
            } catch (JSONException unused) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "data is not json");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
        return false;

    public static boolean d4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        if (msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity) {
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("toUserName", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("tousername"));
            intent.putExtra("extInfo", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("extmsg"));
            intent.putExtra("fromURL", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("url"));
            intent.putExtra("source", 2);
            cu3.z zVar = ap3.a.f7840a;
            MMActivity mMActivity = (MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d;
            ((com.tencent.mm.app.w1) zVar).getClass();
            if (mMActivity == null) {
                return true;
            intent.setClassName(mMActivity, "com.tencent.mm.ui.CheckCanSubscribeBizUI");
            mMActivity.mmStartActivityForResult(msgHandler, intent, 8);
            return true;
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "jump_to_biz_profile:fail", null);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:31:0x0131 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x013b }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:32:0x0132 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x013b }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:41:0x0182  */
    public static boolean d5(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Map<String, Object> map;
        RemoteException e15;
        String str;
        Exception e16;
        int D1;
        StringBuilder sb5;
        String str2 = "";
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("ad_info");
        String r15 = u0.r();
        String str4 = null;
        try {
            Bundle v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(18, null);
            if (v65 != null) {
                String string = v65.getString("prePublishId");
                String string2 = v65.getString("preChatName");
                String string3 = v65.getString("preUsername");
                String string4 = v65.getString("KAppId");
                int i15 = v65.getInt("getA8KeyScene");
                try {
                    int i16 = v65.getInt("preChatTYPE", 0);
                    String str5 = str2 + string + "," + string2 + "," + string3 + "," + i15 + ",";
                    if (i16 == 0) {
                        i16 = nf0.x0.b(string3, string2);
                    if (string != null) {
                        try {
                            if (string.startsWith("msg_") && !Util.isNullOrNil(string2)) {
                                try {
                                    f4 ZB = ((g4) ((k0) d60.z.q(k0.class)).WU()).ZB(string2, Util.safeParseLong(string.substring(4)));
                                    D1 = ((mp.b) j.c(mp.b.class)).D1(ZB.i());
                                    sb5 = new StringBuilder();
                                    str4 = ",";
                                } catch (Exception e17) {
                                    e16 = e17;
                                    str4 = ",";
                                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e16, str2, new Object[0]);
                                    str2 = str5;
                                    ((d63.g) j.c(d63.g.class)).pw0(13297, str3 + str4 + str2, (int) Util.nowSecond());
                                    if (Util.safeParseInt(Util.nullAs((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("need_record_page_operation"), "0")) != 0) {
                                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "adDataReport:ok", null);
                                    return true;
                                try {
                                    str = sb5.toString();
                                    String str6 = str + r15;
                                    StringBuilder sb6 = new StringBuilder();
                                    if (string4 != null) {
                                        string4 = str2;
                                    str2 = sb6.toString();
                                } catch (Exception e18) {
                                    e16 = e18;
                                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e16, str2, new Object[0]);
                                    str2 = str5;
                                    ((d63.g) j.c(d63.g.class)).pw0(13297, str3 + str4 + str2, (int) Util.nowSecond());
                                    if (Util.safeParseInt(Util.nullAs((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("need_record_page_operation"), "0")) != 0) {
                                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "adDataReport:ok", null);
                                    return true;
                        } catch (Exception e19) {
                            e16 = e19;
                            str4 = ",";
                            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e16, str2, new Object[0]);
                            str2 = str5;
                            ((d63.g) j.c(d63.g.class)).pw0(13297, str3 + str4 + str2, (int) Util.nowSecond());
                            if (Util.safeParseInt(Util.nullAs((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("need_record_page_operation"), "0")) != 0) {
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "adDataReport:ok", null);
                            return true;
                    str4 = ",";
                    str = str5 + ",," + i16 + str4 + com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.l2.g() + str4;
                    String str62 = str + r15;
                    StringBuilder sb62 = new StringBuilder();
                    if (string4 != null) {
                    str2 = sb62.toString();
                } catch (RemoteException e25) {
                    e15 = e25;
                    map = null;
                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, str2, new Object[0]);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "adDataReport:fail", map);
                    return true;
            } else {
                str4 = ",";
            ((d63.g) j.c(d63.g.class)).pw0(13297, str3 + str4 + str2, (int) Util.nowSecond());
            if (Util.safeParseInt(Util.nullAs((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("need_record_page_operation"), "0")) != 0) {
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putString("traceid", str3);
                bundle.putString("username", r15);
                try {
                    msgHandler.f167378x.v6(ConstValue.APP_SET_LOCAL_STG_SUFFIX, bundle);
                } catch (RemoteException e26) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invokeAsResult ex: %s", e26.getMessage());
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "adDataReport:ok", null);
        } catch (RemoteException e27) {
            e15 = e27;
            map = null;
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, str2, new Object[0]);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "adDataReport:fail", map);
            return true;
        return true;

    public static boolean e(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (!msgHandler.N6("nfcIsConnect", 4001, new Bundle())) {
            return true;
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "nfcIsConnect:connect", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean e0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FileReaderHelper.OPEN_FILE_FROM_CMD), 0);
        GameJsApiCommandEvent gameJsApiCommandEvent = new GameJsApiCommandEvent();
        GameJsApiCommandEvent.a aVar = gameJsApiCommandEvent.f63058d;
        aVar.f63060a = i15;
        aVar.f63061b = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("param");
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("result", gameJsApiCommandEvent.f63059e.f63062a);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getGameMessages:ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean e1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        int i15;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("dataUrl");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str2);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getMusicPlayerState:fail_dataUrl_null", null);
        } else {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "dataUrl : %s, appid : %s", str, str2);
            n b15 = d.b();
            if (b15 == null || !b15.f12711n.equals(str)) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getMusicPlayerState:failed_dataUrl_diff", null);
            } else {
                bh0.k a15 = d.a();
                int i16 = -1;
                if (a15 != null) {
                    i16 = a15.f12697a;
                    i15 = a15.f12698b;
                } else {
                    i15 = -1;
                if (a15 == null || i16 < 0 || i15 < 0) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getMusicPlayerState:fail", null);
                } else {
                    int i17 = a15.f12699c;
                    int i18 = a15.f12700d;
                    HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                    hashMap.put("duration", Integer.valueOf(i16 / 1000));
                    hashMap.put("currentPosition", Integer.valueOf(i15 / 1000));
                    hashMap.put("status", Integer.valueOf(i17));
                    hashMap.put("downloadPercent", Integer.valueOf(i18));
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getMusicPlayerState:ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean e2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("appId", Util.nullAs((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appid"), ""));
        intent.putExtra("timeStamp", walletJsapiData.f173490h);
        intent.putExtra("nonceStr", walletJsapiData.f173489g);
        intent.putExtra("packageExt", walletJsapiData.f173491i);
        intent.putExtra("signtype", walletJsapiData.f173488f);
        intent.putExtra("paySignature", walletJsapiData.f173495p);
        intent.putExtra("url", walletJsapiData.f173497r);
        intent.putExtra("reset_pwd_token", walletJsapiData.B);
        intent.putExtra("pay_channel", walletJsapiData.f173501v);
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        sv3.b.n(msgHandler.f167360d, "wallet", ".pwd.ui.WalletResetPwdAdapterUI", intent, 55);
        return true;

    public static boolean e3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.t0) j.c(com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.t0.class)).BR((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("uuid"), (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("req_data"));
        try {
            msgHandler.f167378x.v6(100000, Bundle.EMPTY);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPrivateOpenWeappFunctionalPage, AC_FINISH_ON_RESUME e = %s", e15);
        return false;

    public static boolean e4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        int i15;
        try {
            float f15 = Util.getFloat((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("latitude"), 0.0f);
            float f16 = Util.getFloat((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("longitude"), 0.0f);
            String S6 = S6((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("name"));
            String S62 = S6((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("address"));
            String S63 = S6((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("infoUrl"));
            try {
                i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("scale"), 0);
            } catch (Exception unused) {
                i15 = 0;
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            if (Util.getInt((String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get("webview_scene"), 0) == 25) {
                intent.putExtra("map_view_type", 9);
                intent.putExtra("kPoi_url", S63);
            } else {
                intent.putExtra("map_view_type", 10);
            intent.putExtra("kwebmap_slat", (double) f15);
            intent.putExtra("kwebmap_lng", (double) f16);
            if (i15 > 0) {
                intent.putExtra("kwebmap_scale", i15);
            intent.putExtra("kPoiName", S6);
            intent.putExtra("Kwebmap_locaion", S62);
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, FirebaseAnalytics.b.LOCATION, ".ui.RedirectUI", intent, null);
            msgHandler.q5(msgHandler.f167361e, "open_location:ok", null);
            return true;
        } catch (Exception unused2) {
            msgHandler.q5(msgHandler.f167361e, "open_location:invalid_coordinate", null);
            return true;

    public static boolean e5(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        if (WebViewExDeviceMgr.d().f164835b || WebViewExDeviceLanMgr.d().f166783b) {
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("deviceId");
            String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("type");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGetWXDeviceTicket, deviceId : %s, type : %s", str, str2);
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "deviceId or type is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWXDeviceTicket:fail_wrongParams", null);
            } else {
                try {
                    String D6 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                    q qVar = q.INSTANCE;
                    qVar.g(11533, "" + D6, "getWXDeviceTicket");
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(D6)) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWXDeviceTicket:fail_UsernameError", null);
                    } else {
                        ExDeviceGetTicketEvent exDeviceGetTicketEvent = new ExDeviceGetTicketEvent();
                        exDeviceGetTicketEvent.f62336d.f62340c = Util.getInt(str2, 0);
                        ExDeviceGetTicketEvent.a aVar = exDeviceGetTicketEvent.f62336d;
                        aVar.f62338a = D6;
                        aVar.f62339b = str;
                        aVar.f62341d = h1Var.f247857c;
                        exDeviceGetTicketEvent.callback = new q2(msgHandler, exDeviceGetTicketEvent, h1Var);
                } catch (Exception e15) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getWXDeviceTicket failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWXDeviceTicket:fail_exception", null);
        } else {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getWXDeviceTicket not init");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWXDeviceTicket:fail_notInit", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean f(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (!msgHandler.N6("nfcConnect", 4002, new Bundle())) {
            return true;
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "nfcConnect:connect", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean f0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGetWebPayCheckoutCounterRequst start");
        WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("appId", walletJsapiData.f173486d);
        intent.putExtra("timeStamp", walletJsapiData.f173490h);
        intent.putExtra("nonceStr", walletJsapiData.f173489g);
        intent.putExtra("packageExt", walletJsapiData.f173491i);
        intent.putExtra("signtype", walletJsapiData.f173488f);
        intent.putExtra("paySignature", walletJsapiData.f173495p);
        intent.putExtra("url", walletJsapiData.f173497r);
        intent.putExtra("pay_channel", walletJsapiData.f173501v);
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        sv3.b.o(msgHandler.f167360d, "wallet", ".pay.ui.WalletLoanRepaymentUI", intent, 28, false);
        return true;

    public static boolean f1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("clearCookie");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "clearflag = %s", str);
        boolean z15 = !Util.isNullOrNil(str) && str.equalsIgnoreCase("true");
        if (msgHandler.f167378x != null) {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putBoolean("clear_webview_cache_clear_cookie", z15);
            try {
                msgHandler.f167378x.v6(TXLiteAVCode.WARNING_IGNORE_UPSTREAM_FOR_AUDIENCE, bundle);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "clearWebviewCache:ok", null);
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "clear webview cache fail : %s", e15.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "clearWebviewCache:fail", null);
        } else {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "clearWebviewCache:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean f2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseInvoiceTitle");
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("req_scene", 0);
        intent.putExtra("launch_from_webview", true);
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
            ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
            sv3.b.o(msgHandler.f167360d, "address", ".ui.InvoiceListUI", intent, 56, false);
        return true;

    public static boolean f3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        try {
            str = msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPrivateCommonApi exception in get currentUrl" + e15.getMessage());
            str = "";
        boolean z15 = true;
        boolean z16 = false;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPrivateCommonApi currentUrl %s", str);
        MMFragmentActivity mMFragmentActivity = null;
        String str2 = null;
        if (msgHandler.H6(str) || str.equals("liteapp://")) {
            d4 d4Var = new d4(msgHandler);
            lh4.m.g(h1Var, "msg");
            Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("opcode");
            String str3 = obj instanceof String ? (String) obj : null;
            if (str3 == null) {
                str3 = "";
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
                d4Var.f167637a.q5(h1Var, "privateCommonApi:fail, opcode is empty", null);
            } else {
                if (lh4.m.b(str3, "selectContact")) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.PrivateCommonApiHandler", "doPrivateSelectContact");
                    Context context = d4Var.f167637a.f167360d;
                    Intent intent = new Intent();
                    intent.putExtra("list_type", 15);
                    intent.putExtra("titile", hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f366946fx));
                    intent.putExtra("list_attr", com.tencent.mm.ui.contact.t1.g(2, 16384, 1, 4));
                    if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
                        sv3.b.v((MMActivity) context, ".ui.contact.SelectContactUI", intent, 65, d4Var.f167637a);
                    } else {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.PrivateCommonApiHandler", "doSelectContact invalid context");
                        d4Var.f167637a.q5(h1Var, "selectContact:fail", null);
                } else if (lh4.m.b(str3, "changeQQLoginType")) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.PrivateCommonApiHandler", "doPrivateChangeQQLoginType");
                    Object obj2 = h1Var.f247819a.get("pwdMd5");
                    String str4 = obj2 instanceof String ? (String) obj2 : null;
                    if (str4 == null) {
                        d4Var.f167637a.q5(h1Var, "changeQQLoginType:fail", xg4.r0.f(new wg4.l("err_msg", "fail"), new wg4.l("errContent", "password empty")));
                    } else {
                        Object obj3 = h1Var.f247819a.get("loginName");
                        if (obj3 instanceof String) {
                            str2 = (String) obj3;
                        if (str2 == null) {
                            str2 = "";
                        LifecycleScope lifecycleScope = d60.z.b().f198580f.f198555e;
                        if (lifecycleScope != null) {
                            gk4.h.d(lifecycleScope, null, null, new a4(str4, d4Var, h1Var, str2, null), 3, null);
                } else if (lh4.m.b(str3, "forgetPassword")) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.PrivateCommonApiHandler", "doPrivateForgetPassword");
                    LifecycleScope lifecycleScope2 = d60.z.b().f198580f.f198555e;
                    if (lifecycleScope2 != null) {
                        gk4.h.d(lifecycleScope2, null, null, new b4(d4Var, h1Var, null), 3, null);
                } else if (lh4.m.b(str3, "setWXAlias")) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.PrivateCommonApiHandler", "doPrivateSetWxAlias");
                    String c15 = u0.c();
                    if (c15 == null || c15.length() == 0) {
                        z16 = true;
                    if (!z16) {
                        d4Var.f167637a.q5(h1Var, "fail", xg4.q0.b(new wg4.l("err_msg", "fail")));
                    } else {
                        MsgHandler msgHandler2 = d4Var.f167637a;
                        Context context2 = msgHandler2.f167360d;
                        if (context2 == null) {
                            msgHandler2.q5(h1Var, "fail", xg4.q0.b(new wg4.l("err_msg", "fail")));
                        } else {
                            Intent intent2 = new Intent();
                            intent2.setClassName(context2, "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsModifyAliasUI");
                            Context context3 = d4Var.f167637a.f167360d;
                            if (context3 instanceof MMFragmentActivity) {
                                mMFragmentActivity = (MMFragmentActivity) context3;
                            if (mMFragmentActivity != null) {
                                sv3.b.w(mMFragmentActivity, "com.tencent.mm.plugin.setting.ui.setting.SettingsModifyAliasUI", intent2, 2, new c4(h1Var, d4Var));
                } else {
                    d4Var.f167637a.q5(h1Var, "privateCommonApi:fail, opcode is invalid", null);
                return z15;
            z15 = false;
            return z15;
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "privateCommonApi:fail access_denied", null);
        return false;

    public static boolean f4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        try {
            String str = (String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get("link");
            o1.a(msgHandler.f167361e.f247862h, msgHandler.u6(com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.jsapi.share.n.NAME), str, null);
            if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "naerCheckIn fail, link is null");
                msgHandler.q5(msgHandler.f167361e, "timeline_check_in:fail", null);
                return true;
            msgHandler.d7((String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get("desc"));
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "naerCheckIn, img_url = " + ((String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get("img_url")) + ", title = " + ((String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE)) + ", desc = " + ((String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get("desc")));
            String str2 = (String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get("img_width");
            String str3 = (String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get("img_height");
            String str4 = (String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get("link");
            String C6 = msgHandler.C6(str4);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "naerCheckIn, rawUrl:[%s], shareUrl:[%s]", str4, C6);
            String str5 = (String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get("type");
            String str6 = (String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
            String str7 = (String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get("img_url");
            int i15 = -1;
            try {
                i15 = Integer.valueOf(str2).intValue();
            } catch (Exception unused) {
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_width", i15);
            intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_height", i15);
            intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_link", C6);
            intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_title", str6);
            intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_imgurl", str7);
            intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_type", 1);
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str5) && str5.equals("music")) {
                intent.putExtra("ksnsis_music", true);
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str5) && str5.equals("video")) {
                intent.putExtra("ksnsis_video", true);
            float f15 = Util.getFloat((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("latitude"), 0.0f);
            float f16 = Util.getFloat((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("longitude"), 0.0f);
            intent.putExtra("kpoi_id", (String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get("poiId"));
            intent.putExtra("kpoi_name", (String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get("poiName"));
            intent.putExtra("Kpoi_address", (String) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a.get("poiAddress"));
            intent.putExtra("k_lat", f15);
            intent.putExtra("k_lng", f16);
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "sns", ".ui.SnsUploadUI", intent, null);
            msgHandler.f167375u = false;
            return false;
        } catch (Exception unused2) {
            return true;

    public static boolean f5(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("connType")) {
            str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("connType");
        } else {
            str = "";
        if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("lan")) {
            if (!WebViewExDeviceLanMgr.d().f166783b) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getWXDeviceInfos not init");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWXDeviceInfos:fail_notInit", null);
            } else {
                try {
                    String D6 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                    q qVar = q.INSTANCE;
                    qVar.g(11533, "" + D6, "getWXDeviceInfos");
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGetWXDeviceInfos, %s", D6);
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(D6)) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWXDeviceInfos:fail_UsernameError", null);
                    } else {
                        ExDeviceGetLanDeviceInfosEvent exDeviceGetLanDeviceInfosEvent = new ExDeviceGetLanDeviceInfosEvent();
                        ExDeviceGetLanDeviceInfosEvent.a aVar = exDeviceGetLanDeviceInfosEvent.f62321d;
                        aVar.f62324b = D6;
                        aVar.f62323a = msgHandler.f167360d;
                        ExDeviceGetLanDeviceInfosEvent.b bVar = exDeviceGetLanDeviceInfosEvent.f62322e;
                        if (!bVar.f62325a || bVar.f62326b == null) {
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWXDeviceInfos:fail", null);
                        } else {
                            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                            hashMap.put("jsapi_callback_json_special_key", "deviceInfos");
                            hashMap.put("deviceInfos", exDeviceGetLanDeviceInfosEvent.f62322e.f62326b.toString());
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWXDeviceInfos:ok", hashMap);
                } catch (Exception e15) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getWXDeviceInfos failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWXDeviceInfos:fail_exception", null);
        } else if (!WebViewExDeviceMgr.d().f164835b) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getWXDeviceInfos not init");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWXDeviceInfos:fail_notInit", null);
        } else {
            try {
                String D62 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                q qVar2 = q.INSTANCE;
                qVar2.g(11533, "" + D62, "getWXDeviceInfos");
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGetWXDeviceInfos, %s", D62);
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(D62)) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWXDeviceInfos:fail_UsernameError", null);
                } else {
                    ExDeviceGetDeviceInfosEvent exDeviceGetDeviceInfosEvent = new ExDeviceGetDeviceInfosEvent();
                    ExDeviceGetDeviceInfosEvent.a aVar2 = exDeviceGetDeviceInfosEvent.f62315d;
                    aVar2.f62318b = D62;
                    aVar2.f62317a = msgHandler.f167360d;
                    ExDeviceGetDeviceInfosEvent.b bVar2 = exDeviceGetDeviceInfosEvent.f62316e;
                    if (!bVar2.f62319a || bVar2.f62320b == null) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWXDeviceInfos:fail", null);
                    } else {
                        HashMap hashMap2 = new HashMap();
                        hashMap2.put("jsapi_callback_json_special_key", "deviceInfos");
                        hashMap2.put("deviceInfos", exDeviceGetDeviceInfosEvent.f62316e.f62320b.toString());
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWXDeviceInfos:ok", hashMap2);
            } catch (Exception e16) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getWXDeviceInfos failed : %s", e16.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getWXDeviceInfos:fail_exception", null);
                return true;
        return true;

    public static boolean g(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (!msgHandler.N6("nfcTransceive", 4002, new Bundle())) {
            return true;
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putString("apdu", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("apdu"));
        Bundle M6 = msgHandler.M6("nfcTransceive", WearableStatusCodes.DATA_ITEM_TOO_LARGE, bundle);
        if (M6 != null) {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            hashMap.put("result", M6.getString("result"));
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[NFC] nfcTransceive result : " + M6.getString("result"));
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "nfcTransceive:ok", hashMap);
            return true;
        Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[NFC] nfcGetId callback fail!");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "nfcTransceive:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean g0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "setSnsObjectDescList");
        String f15 = p.f(map, "data");
        boolean d15 = p.d(map, "append", false);
        FTSWebViewLogic.e eVar = new FTSWebViewLogic.e(null);
        eVar.f164257d = f15;
        eVar.f164258e = d15;
        ThreadPool.post(eVar, "append_music_list_task");
        return false;

    public static boolean g2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        if (((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).containsKey(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE)) {
            bundle.putString(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE));
        if (((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).containsKey("desc")) {
            bundle.putString("desc", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("desc"));
        if (((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).containsKey("items")) {
            bundle.putString("items", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("items"));
        try {
            msgHandler.f167378x.callback(133, bundle);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("actionSheetId", Integer.valueOf(bundle.getInt("actionSheetId")));
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean g3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE), 0);
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("check_alive_type"), 1);
        float f15 = Util.getFloat((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("light_threshold"), 4.0f);
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putInt(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 6);
        bundle.putInt("k_from_scene", i15);
        bundle.putString("key_function_name", h1Var.f247863i);
        bundle.putInt("key_business_type", 1);
        bundle.putInt("check_alive_type", i16);
        bundle.putString("k_ticket", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("user_ticket"));
        bundle.putFloat("mLight_threshold", f15);
        bundle.putString("appId", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        bundle.putString("request_verify_pre_info", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("jsonStr"));
        RequestInternalFaceVerifyEvent requestInternalFaceVerifyEvent = new RequestInternalFaceVerifyEvent();
        RequestInternalFaceVerifyEvent.a aVar = requestInternalFaceVerifyEvent.f64272d;
        aVar.f64274a = msgHandler.f167360d;
        aVar.f64276c = 64;
        aVar.f64275b = bundle;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "start face detect event result: %b", Boolean.valueOf(requestInternalFaceVerifyEvent.f64273e.f64277a));
        if (!requestInternalFaceVerifyEvent.f64273e.f64277a) {
            ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(null);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", kp3.a.a(requestInternalFaceVerifyEvent.f64273e.f64278b));
        return true;

    public static boolean g4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenWXCredit JSOAUTH");
        if (!(msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity)) {
            return true;
        WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
        walletJsapiData.f173500u = 6;
        ((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).v9((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, walletJsapiData, 9, msgHandler);
        return true;

    public static boolean g5(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        int i15;
        Exception e15;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("connType")) {
            str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("connType");
        } else {
            str = "";
        if (str.equalsIgnoreCase("lan")) {
            if (!WebViewExDeviceLanMgr.d().f166783b) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "sendDataToWXDevice not init");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToWXDevice:fail_notInit", null);
                return true;
            String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("deviceId");
            String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("base64Data");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendDataToWXDevice, deviceId : %s, has data : %s", str2, Boolean.valueOf(!Util.isNullOrNil(str3)));
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2) || str3 == null) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "deviceId or data is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToWXDevice:fail_wrongParams", null);
                return true;
            try {
                String D6 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                q qVar = q.INSTANCE;
                Object[] objArr = new Object[2];
                objArr[0] = "" + D6;
                try {
                    objArr[1] = "sendDataToWXDevice";
                    qVar.g(11533, objArr);
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(D6)) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToWXDevice:fail_UsernameError", null);
                        return true;
                    ExDeviceSendDataToLanDeviceEvent exDeviceSendDataToLanDeviceEvent = new ExDeviceSendDataToLanDeviceEvent();
                    ExDeviceSendDataToLanDeviceEvent.a aVar = exDeviceSendDataToLanDeviceEvent.f62412d;
                    aVar.f62414a = D6;
                    aVar.f62416c = str3;
                    aVar.f62415b = str2;
                    if (exDeviceSendDataToLanDeviceEvent.f62413e.f62417a) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToWXDevice:ok", null);
                        return true;
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToWXDevice:fail", null);
                    return true;
                } catch (Exception e16) {
                    e15 = e16;
                    i15 = 1;
                    Object[] objArr2 = new Object[i15];
                    objArr2[0] = e15.getMessage();
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "sendDataToWXDevice failed : %s", objArr2);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToWXDevice:fail_exception", null);
                    return true;
            } catch (Exception e17) {
                e15 = e17;
                i15 = 1;
                Object[] objArr22 = new Object[i15];
                objArr22[0] = e15.getMessage();
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "sendDataToWXDevice failed : %s", objArr22);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToWXDevice:fail_exception", null);
                return true;
        } else if (!WebViewExDeviceMgr.d().f164835b) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "sendDataToWXDevice not init");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToWXDevice:fail_notInit", null);
            return true;
        } else {
            String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("deviceId");
            String str5 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("base64Data");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendDataToWXDevice, deviceId : %s, has data : %s", str4, Boolean.valueOf(!Util.isNullOrNil(str5)));
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str4) || str5 == null) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "deviceId or data is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToWXDevice:fail_wrongParams", null);
                return true;
            try {
                String D62 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                q.INSTANCE.g(11533, "" + D62, "sendDataToWXDevice");
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(D62)) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToWXDevice:fail_UsernameError", null);
                    return true;
                ExDeviceSendDataToDeviceEvent exDeviceSendDataToDeviceEvent = new ExDeviceSendDataToDeviceEvent();
                ExDeviceSendDataToDeviceEvent.a aVar2 = exDeviceSendDataToDeviceEvent.f62406d;
                aVar2.f62408a = D62;
                aVar2.f62410c = Base64.decode(str5, 0);
                exDeviceSendDataToDeviceEvent.f62406d.f62409b = str4;
                if (exDeviceSendDataToDeviceEvent.f62407e.f62411a) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToWXDevice:ok", null);
                    return true;
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToWXDevice:fail", null);
                return true;
            } catch (Exception e18) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "sendDataToWXDevice failed : %s", e18.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToWXDevice:fail_exception", null);
                return true;

    public static boolean h(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (msgHandler.N6("nfcBatchTransceive", 4002, new Bundle())) {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putString("apdus", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("apdus"));
            bundle.putBoolean("breakIfFail", Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("breakIfFail"), 1) == 1);
            Bundle M6 = msgHandler.M6("nfcBatchTransceive", WearableStatusCodes.INVALID_TARGET_NODE, bundle);
            if (M6 != null) {
                HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                hashMap.put("result", M6.getString("result"));
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[NFC] nfcBatchTransceive result : " + M6.getString("result"));
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "nfcBatchTransceive:ok", hashMap);
            } else {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[NFC] nfcGetId callback fail!");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "nfcBatchTransceive:fail", null);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:7:0x005b, code lost:
        if (r2 == false) goto L_0x00c4;
    public static boolean h0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        List<n> list;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "clickSnsMusicPlayButton %s", map.toString());
        boolean d15 = p.d(map, "isLoop", false);
        boolean d16 = p.d(map, "needStartMusicUI", false);
        String f15 = p.f(map, "snsid");
        int nullAsInt = Util.nullAsInt(((HashMap) map).get("webview_instance_id"), -1);
        if (d.c()) {
            n b15 = d.b();
            if (b15.f12704d == 9 && b15.f12705e.equals(f15)) {
        if (d16 && (list = fTSWebViewLogic.f164239o) != null) {
            MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new bh0.b(list, true));
        TimeLineObject fJ0 = ((d63.v) j.c(d63.v.class)).fJ0(p.f(map, "objectXmlDesc"));
        n AC0 = ((jv.b) j.c(jv.b.class)).AC0(d60.z.s().f198643d, fJ0, 9);
        AC0.A = d15;
        MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new bh0.h(AC0));
        if (d16) {
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("key_scene", 4);
            sv3.b.j(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "music", ".ui.MusicMainUI", intent, null);
        return false;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:31:0x00c4 A[Catch:{ all -> 0x0102 }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:39:0x00ff  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:47:0x011c A[Catch:{ all -> 0x0123 }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:53:0x016b  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:54:0x0171  */
    public static boolean h1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        String str2;
        int i15;
        int i16;
        int i17;
        Bundle v65;
        Throwable th5;
        Bundle v66;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.get("pay_packageName") == null) {
            str = "";
        } else {
            str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("pay_packageName");
        String nullAs = Util.nullAs(str, "");
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPay %s", nullAs);
        if (msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity) {
            WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
            walletJsapiData.A = 1;
            walletJsapiData.f173499t = 3;
            if (!h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("cookie") || Util.isNullOrNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("cookie"))) {
                try {
                    Bundle v67 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(301, Bundle.EMPTY);
                    if (v67 != null && !Util.isNullOrNil(v67.getString("key_h5pay_cookie"))) {
                        walletJsapiData.f173496q = v67.getString("key_h5pay_cookie");
                } catch (Throwable th6) {
                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", th6, "AC_GET_H5_PAY_COOKIE", new Object[0]);
            } else {
                walletJsapiData.f173496q = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("cookie");
            try {
                Bundle v68 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(300, Bundle.EMPTY);
                if (v68 == null) {
                    str2 = null;
                    walletJsapiData.H = str2;
                    try {
                        v66 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(303, Bundle.EMPTY);
                        if (v66 == null) {
                            String string = v66.getString("msgUsername");
                            String string2 = v66.getString("geta8key_username");
                            int i18 = v66.getInt("geta8key_scene");
                            i15 = ((w00.e) j.c(w00.e.class)).Gn0(string);
                            if (i18 == 2 || i18 == 38) {
                                i16 = ((w00.e) j.c(w00.e.class)).Zp(string);
                            } else {
                                try {
                                    i16 = ((w00.e) j.c(w00.e.class)).Hj(string2);
                                } catch (Throwable th7) {
                                    th5 = th7;
                                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", th5, "AC_GET_PAY_CHAT_TYPE", new Object[0]);
                                    i16 = 0;
                                    walletJsapiData.I = i16;
                                    walletJsapiData.J = i15;
                                    v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(304, Bundle.EMPTY);
                                    if (v65 != null) {
                                    i17 = 0;
                                    walletJsapiData.f173502w = i17;
                                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPay, pay channel: %s, scene: %s, adUxInfo: %s, chatType: %d, codeScene: %d", Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173501v), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173499t), str2, Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.I), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173502w));
                                    if (!((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).bh0((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, walletJsapiData, 4, msgHandler)) {
                                    return true;
                        } else {
                            i16 = 0;
                            i15 = 0;
                    } catch (Throwable th8) {
                        th5 = th8;
                        i15 = 0;
                        Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", th5, "AC_GET_PAY_CHAT_TYPE", new Object[0]);
                        i16 = 0;
                        walletJsapiData.I = i16;
                        walletJsapiData.J = i15;
                        v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(304, Bundle.EMPTY);
                        if (v65 != null) {
                        i17 = 0;
                        walletJsapiData.f173502w = i17;
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPay, pay channel: %s, scene: %s, adUxInfo: %s, chatType: %d, codeScene: %d", Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173501v), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173499t), str2, Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.I), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173502w));
                        if (!((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).bh0((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, walletJsapiData, 4, msgHandler)) {
                        return true;
                    walletJsapiData.I = i16;
                    walletJsapiData.J = i15;
                    try {
                        v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(304, Bundle.EMPTY);
                        if (v65 != null) {
                            i17 = v65.getInt("code_scene");
                            walletJsapiData.f173502w = i17;
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPay, pay channel: %s, scene: %s, adUxInfo: %s, chatType: %d, codeScene: %d", Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173501v), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173499t), str2, Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.I), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173502w));
                            if (!((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).bh0((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, walletJsapiData, 4, msgHandler)) {
                                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "get_brand_wcpay_request:fail", null);
                            } else {
                                q.INSTANCE.g(10593, walletJsapiData.f173498s, walletJsapiData.f173486d, Long.valueOf(Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("message_id"), 0)), Integer.valueOf(Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("message_index"), 0)), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173499t), walletJsapiData.f173497r);
                                msgHandler.K = msgHandler.o5(h1Var);
                    } catch (Throwable th9) {
                        Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", th9, "AC_GET_PAY_CODE_SCENE", new Object[0]);
                    i17 = 0;
                    walletJsapiData.f173502w = i17;
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPay, pay channel: %s, scene: %s, adUxInfo: %s, chatType: %d, codeScene: %d", Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173501v), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173499t), str2, Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.I), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173502w));
                    if (!((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).bh0((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, walletJsapiData, 4, msgHandler)) {
                } else {
                    str2 = v68.getString(w.j.f187151q);
                    walletJsapiData.H = str2;
                    v66 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(303, Bundle.EMPTY);
                    if (v66 == null) {
                    walletJsapiData.I = i16;
                    walletJsapiData.J = i15;
                    v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(304, Bundle.EMPTY);
                    if (v65 != null) {
                    i17 = 0;
                    walletJsapiData.f173502w = i17;
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPay, pay channel: %s, scene: %s, adUxInfo: %s, chatType: %d, codeScene: %d", Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173501v), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173499t), str2, Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.I), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173502w));
                    if (!((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).bh0((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, walletJsapiData, 4, msgHandler)) {
            } catch (Throwable th10) {
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", th10, "AC_GET_AD_UX_INFO_FOR_JSAPI_PAY", new Object[0]);
        return true;

    public static boolean h2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("actionSheetId")) {
            int safeParseInt = Util.safeParseInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("actionSheetId"));
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putInt("actionSheetId", safeParseInt);
            try {
                msgHandler.f167378x.callback(134, bundle);
            } catch (RemoteException e15) {
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean h3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        if (!((r21.d) d60.z.q(r21.d.class)).yc(5)) {
            hashMap.put("err_desc", "abtest closed");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", hashMap);
            return false;
        } else if (!h1Var.f247858d.has("url")) {
            hashMap.put("err_desc", "invalid url");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", hashMap);
            return false;
        } else if (!h1Var.f247858d.has("item_show_type")) {
            hashMap.put("err_desc", "invalid item_show_type");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", hashMap);
            return false;
        } else if (!h1Var.f247858d.has(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE)) {
            hashMap.put("err_desc", "invalid scene");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", hashMap);
            return false;
        } else if (!h1Var.f247858d.has("openType")) {
            hashMap.put("err_desc", "invalid openType");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", hashMap);
            return false;
        } else {
            try {
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putString("url", h1Var.f247858d.getString("url"));
                bundle.putInt("item_show_type", h1Var.f247858d.getInt("item_show_type"));
                bundle.putInt(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, h1Var.f247858d.getInt(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE));
                bundle.putInt("subscene", h1Var.f247858d.optInt("subscene", 10000));
                bundle.putInt("openType", h1Var.f247858d.getInt("openType"));
                bundle.putString("biz_video_channel_session_id", h1Var.f247858d.optString("channelSessionId"));
                Bundle v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(200, bundle);
                if (v65.getBoolean("success")) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", hashMap);
                } else {
                    hashMap.put("err_desc", Util.nullAs(v65.getString("desc"), ""));
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", hashMap);
                return true;
            } catch (JSONException e15) {
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "doOpenWebViewUseFastload", new Object[0]);
                hashMap.put("err_desc", e15.toString());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", hashMap);
                return false;
            } catch (RemoteException e16) {
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e16, "doOpenWebViewUseFastload", new Object[0]);
                hashMap.put("err_desc", e16.toString());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", hashMap);
                return false;

    public static boolean h4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Bundle bundle = msgHandler.f167367n;
        if (bundle == null) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendServiceAppMsg fail, jsapiArgs is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "send_service_app_msg:fail", null);
        } else if (!bundle.getBoolean("isFromService", false)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendServiceAppMsg fail, not from service");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "send_service_app_msg:fail", null);
        } else {
            String string = msgHandler.f167367n.getString("jsapi_args_appid");
            String string2 = msgHandler.f167367n.getString("sendAppMsgToUserName");
            o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, string);
            WXMediaMessage w55 = msgHandler.w5(h1Var, false);
            msgHandler.f167362f = w55;
            if (w55 == null) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendServiceAppMsg fail, appmsg is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "send_service_app_msg:fail", null);
            } else {
                com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.model.app.j appInfo = ((ln.l) j.c(ln.l.class)).getAppInfo(string);
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(string2)) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "toUser is null");
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "send_service_app_msg:fail", null);
                } else {
                    String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("img_url");
                    q.INSTANCE.g(10923, 13, appInfo.field_appId, 1, string2);
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                        msgHandler.Y5(appInfo, "", string2, str, null, null, null, null);
                        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
                        i14.j.T(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f367601y7));
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "send_service_app_msg:ok", null);
                    } else {
                        Context context2 = msgHandler.f167360d;
                        ((yt.h) j.c(yt.h.class)).JA(str, new l0(msgHandler, i14.j.Q(context2, "", hy3.h.a(context2).getString(R.string.f367605yb), true, true, new k0(msgHandler, str, h1Var)), appInfo, string2, str, h1Var));
        return true;

    public static boolean h5(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        if (!WebViewExDeviceMgr.d().f164835b) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setSendDataDirection not init");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setSendDataDirection:fail_notInit", null);
        } else {
            try {
                String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("deviceId");
                String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TencentLocation.EXTRA_DIRECTION);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setSendDataDirection, deviceId = %s, direction = %s", str, str2);
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                        int i15 = Util.getInt(str2, 0);
                        String D6 = msgHandler.D6(h1Var);
                        q qVar = q.INSTANCE;
                        qVar.g(11533, "" + D6, "setSendDataDirection");
                        if (Util.isNullOrNil(D6)) {
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setSendDataDirection:fail_UsernameError", null);
                        } else {
                            ExDeviceSetSendDataDirectionEvent exDeviceSetSendDataDirectionEvent = new ExDeviceSetSendDataDirectionEvent();
                            ExDeviceSetSendDataDirectionEvent.a aVar = exDeviceSetSendDataDirectionEvent.f62438d;
                            aVar.f62440a = str;
                            aVar.f62441b = i15;
                            aVar.f62442c = false;
                            if (exDeviceSetSendDataDirectionEvent.f62439e.f62443a) {
                                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setSendDataDirection:ok", null);
                            } else {
                                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setSendDataDirection:fail", null);
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "wrong args");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setSendDataDirection:fail_wrongParams", null);
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setSendDataDirection failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setSendDataDirection:fail_exception", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean i(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        if (!msgHandler.N6("nfcGetId", 4002, bundle)) {
            return true;
        Bundle M6 = msgHandler.M6("nfcGetId", WearableStatusCodes.ASSET_UNAVAILABLE, bundle);
        if (M6 != null) {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            hashMap.put("id", M6.getString("id"));
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[NFC] nfcGetId result : " + M6.getString("id"));
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "nfcGetId:ok", hashMap);
            return true;
        Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[NFC] nfcGetId callback fail!");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "nfcGetId:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean i0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddCustomMenuItems start");
        boolean z15 = false;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("hideMenu")) {
            int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("hideMenu"), 0);
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddCustomMenuItems hideMenu=" + i15);
            if (i15 == 1) {
                z15 = true;
            if (msgHandler.F6(z15)) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doAddCustomMenuItems:ok", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doAddCustomMenuItems:fail", null);
        } else {
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("itemList");
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddCustomMenuItems fail: key or title must not be null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doAddCustomMenuItems:params error", null);
            } else {
                try {
                    JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str);
                    ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
                    ArrayList<String> arrayList2 = new ArrayList<>();
                    int length = jSONArray.length();
                    for (int i16 = 0; i16 < length; i16++) {
                        JSONObject optJSONObject = jSONArray.optJSONObject(i16);
                        if (optJSONObject != null) {
                            String optString = optJSONObject.optString("key");
                            String optString2 = optJSONObject.optString(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
                            if (Util.isNullOrNil(optString) || Util.isNullOrNil(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE)) {
                                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "key or title is null,ignore item: " + i16);
                            } else {
                    if (arrayList.size() > 0) {
                        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                        bundle.putStringArrayList("keys", arrayList);
                        bundle.putStringArrayList("titles", arrayList2);
                        try {
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doAddCustomMenuItems:ok", null);
                        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
                            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddCustomMenuItems:fail");
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doAddCustomMenuItems:fail", null);
                } catch (JSONException unused) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddCustomMenuItems eroor, parse itemList to jsonarray error");
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doAddCustomMenuItems:params parse error", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean i1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: start soter auth");
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        Bundle b15 = h1.b(h1Var.f247819a);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.setClassName(msgHandler.f167360d, "com.tencent.mm.plugin.soter.ui.SoterAuthenticationUIWC");
        intent.putExtra("key_soter_fp_mp_scene", 0);
        String o65 = msgHandler.o6(msgHandler.s6());
        if (o65 == null) {
            o65 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        intent.putExtra("key_app_id", o65);
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).startActivityForResult(intent, 38);
        return true;

    public static boolean i2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        try {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putString(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, p.f(h1Var.f247819a, FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE));
            bundle.putString("icon", p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "icon"));
            bundle.putInt("duration", p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "duration", 500));
            bundle.putInt("mask", p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "mask", 0));
            msgHandler.f167378x.callback(148, bundle);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "showSearchToast:succ", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean i3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("action");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doHandleHaoKanAction action=%s", str);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanAction:fail action is empty", null);
        } else {
            String str2 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("server_data");
            String str3 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("client_data");
            if ("submitMsgToTL".equals(str)) {
                HaoKanActionEvent haoKanActionEvent = new HaoKanActionEvent();
                HaoKanActionEvent.a aVar = haoKanActionEvent.f63265d;
                aVar.f63266a = str2;
                aVar.f63267b = str3;
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanAction:ok", null);
                return true;
            } else if ("update_recommend_status".equals(str)) {
                String str4 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("url");
                o.a aVar2 = msgHandler.F.f334829a.get(str4);
                if (aVar2 == null) {
                    aVar2 = new o.a();
                aVar2.f334830a = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("permission"), 0);
                aVar2.f334831b = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("recommend"), -1);
                aVar2.f334832c = Util.nullAs((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE), aVar2.f334832c);
                wq3.o oVar = msgHandler.F;
                oVar.f334829a.put(h2.a(str4), aVar2);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doHandleHaoKanAction Permission=%d,Recommend=%d", Integer.valueOf(aVar2.f334830a), Integer.valueOf(aVar2.f334831b));
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanAction:ok", null);
                try {
                    msgHandler.f167378x.v6(203, null);
                    return true;
                } catch (RemoteException e15) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doHandleHaoKanAction e=%s", e15.getMessage());
                    return true;
            } else if ("writeComment".equals(str)) {
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putString("style", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("style"));
                bundle.putString("action", str);
                try {
                    msgHandler.f167378x.v6(202, bundle);
                } catch (RemoteException e16) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doHandleHaoKanAction e=%s", e16.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanAction:ok", null);
                return true;
            } else if ("closeComment".equals(str)) {
                Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle();
                bundle2.putString("action", str);
                try {
                    msgHandler.f167378x.v6(202, bundle2);
                } catch (RemoteException e17) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doHandleHaoKanAction e=%s", e17.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanAction:ok", null);
                return true;
            } else if ("jumpToWow".equals(str)) {
                if (!((wg3.i) j.c(wg3.i.class)).DA0()) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanAction:fail_entrance_not_open", null);
                    return true;
                ((wg3.i) j.c(wg3.i.class)).Qx0(msgHandler.f167360d, TingProto.TingReportContext.CURRLISTENIDFINDERFEED_FIELD_NUMBER, new Bundle(), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("extParams"), h1Var);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanAction:ok", null);
                return true;
            } else if (a5.NAME.equals(str)) {
                if (!((wg3.i) j.c(wg3.i.class)).DA0()) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanAction:fail_entrance_not_open", null);
                    return true;
                ((wg3.i) j.c(wg3.i.class)).Q5(msgHandler.f167360d);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanAction:ok", null);
                return true;
            } else if ("openRecommend".equals(str)) {
                if (!((wg3.i) j.c(wg3.i.class)).DA0()) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanAction:fail_entrance_not_open", null);
                    return true;
                String str5 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("extParams");
                int i15 = 100;
                try {
                    i15 = Integer.parseInt(((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE).toString());
                } catch (Exception unused) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "scene :%s", Integer.valueOf(i15));
                ((wg3.i) j.c(wg3.i.class)).Qx0(msgHandler.f167360d, i15, new Bundle(), str5, h1Var);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanction:ok", null);
                return true;
            } else if ("shareToGoodLook".equals(str)) {
                try {
                    msgHandler.f167378x.v6(205, null);
                } catch (RemoteException e18) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "shareToGoodLook e=%s", e18.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanction:ok", null);
                return true;
            } else if ("turnOnHaoKanSwitch".equals(str)) {
                ((e00.m) j.c(e00.m.class)).TY();
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanAction:ok", null);
                return true;
            } else {
                if ("submitMsgToPhotosTL".equals(str)) {
                    String str6 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("data");
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanAction:fail data is empty.", null);
                        return true;
                    ((gw.f) j.c(gw.f.class)).getService().jq(str6, new b1(msgHandler, h1Var));
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleHaokanAction:fail, action not support", null);
        return false;

    public static boolean i4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        String str2 = "";
        try {
            str = msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "JSOAUTH exception in get currentUrl" + e15.getMessage());
            str = str2;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "currentUrl %s", str);
        if (msgHandler.H6(str) || str.equals("liteapp://")) {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            try {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", rp0.a.NAME);
                str2 = Base64.encodeToString(msgHandler.l7(), 0);
            } catch (Exception e16) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "device info get error %s", e16.getMessage());
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e16, str2, new Object[0]);
            hashMap.put("securityInfo", str2);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "mmsf0001:ok", hashMap);
        } else {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "system:access_denied", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean i5(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("gameId");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openGameDetail, appid = %s", str);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openGameDetail:fail", null);
        } else {
            GameCenterOperationEvent gameCenterOperationEvent = new GameCenterOperationEvent();
            GameCenterOperationEvent.a aVar = gameCenterOperationEvent.f63034d;
            aVar.f63037c = str;
            aVar.f63040f = 5;
            aVar.f63035a = 2;
            aVar.f63036b = msgHandler.f167360d;
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openGameDetail:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean j(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        if (!msgHandler.N6("nfcGetInfo", 4002, bundle)) {
            return true;
        Bundle M6 = msgHandler.M6("nfcGetInfo", WearableStatusCodes.WIFI_CREDENTIAL_SYNC_NO_CREDENTIAL_FETCHED, bundle);
        if (M6 != null) {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            hashMap.put("info", M6.getString("info"));
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "nfcGetInfo:ok", hashMap);
            return true;
        Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[NFC] nfcGetInfo callback fail!");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "nfcGetInfo:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean j0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("useridlist");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("chatname");
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("chatscene");
        try {
            str = msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "exception in get currentUrl %s", e15.getMessage());
            str = null;
        String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil(msgHandler.f167382z.c(str));
        LinkedList linkedList = new LinkedList();
        String[] split = str2.split(";");
        if (split == null || split.length <= 0) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openEnterpriseChat:fail", null);
            return false;
        for (String str5 : split) {
        cg0.h ZN0 = bg0.w0.ZN0();
        p3 p3Var = new p3(msgHandler, h1Var, str4);
        d60.z.l().f198618b.f(new cg0.t(nullAsNil, str3, linkedList, p3Var));
        return true;

    public static boolean j1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: do get soter support");
        GetIsSupportSoterEvent getIsSupportSoterEvent = new GetIsSupportSoterEvent();
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("support_mode", Integer.valueOf(getIsSupportSoterEvent.f63176d.f63177a));
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getSupportSoter", hashMap);
        msgHandler.c7(h1Var, 0, getIsSupportSoterEvent.f63176d.f63177a == 1 ? 1 : 0);
        return true;

    public static boolean j2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        try {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putString(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, p.f(h1Var.f247819a, FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE));
            bundle.putInt("mask", p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "mask", 0));
            msgHandler.f167378x.callback(149, bundle);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "showSearchLoading:succ", null);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:53:0x0187 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01ab }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:55:0x0190 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01ab }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:61:0x019c A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x01ab }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:67:0x021a  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:68:0x0222  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:71:0x022d  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:74:0x0236  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:76:0x0239  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:77:0x023b  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:80:0x0244  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:81:0x024e  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:84:0x02f3  */
    public static boolean j3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        String str2;
        byte[] bArr;
        boolean z15;
        r21.d dVar;
        int i15;
        String c15;
        String str3;
        String string;
        i iVar;
        Context context;
        Bundle bundle;
        boolean z16;
        boolean z17;
        String str4;
        m mVar = msgHandler.f167378x;
        lh4.m.g(h1Var, "msg");
        Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("action");
        lh4.m.e(obj, "null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.String");
        String str5 = (String) obj;
        int i16 = 0;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewNativePageUtil", "doHandleMPPageAction action=%s", str5);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str5)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleMPPageAction:fail action is empty", null);
        } else {
            new Bundle().putString("action", str5);
            int i17 = -1;
            if (lh4.m.b("paySuccess", str5)) {
                Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
                lh4.m.f(map, "msg.params");
                if (map.containsKey("fullUrl")) {
                    Object obj2 = h1Var.f247819a.get("fullUrl");
                    lh4.m.e(obj2, "null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.String");
                    str4 = (String) obj2;
                } else {
                    Object obj3 = h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
                    lh4.m.e(obj3, "null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.String");
                    str4 = (String) obj3;
                Map<String, Object> map2 = h1Var.f247819a;
                lh4.m.f(map2, "msg.params");
                if (map2.containsKey("itemShowType")) {
                    Object obj4 = h1Var.f247819a.get("itemShowType");
                    lh4.m.e(obj4, "null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.String");
                    i17 = Util.getInt((String) obj4, -1);
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleMPPageAction:fail_url_is_null", null);
                    return true;
                ((r21.d) d60.z.q(r21.d.class)).px(str4, i17);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleMPPageAction:ok", null);
                return true;
            } else if (lh4.m.b(ConstValue.INIT_CONFIG_KEY_ISGPVERSION, str5)) {
                HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                if (ChannelUtil.isGPVersion() || u0.y()) {
                    i16 = 1;
                hashMap.put("GPVersion", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleMPPageAction:ok", hashMap);
                return true;
            } else if (lh4.m.b("requestTeenModeTemporaryVisit", str5)) {
                s0 s0Var = (s0) d60.z.q(s0.class);
                boolean isTeenMode = s0Var != null ? s0Var.isTeenMode() : false;
                if (!isTeenMode) {
                    Log.w("MicroMsg.WebViewNativePageUtil", "requestTeenModeTemporaryVisit isTeenMode = " + isTeenMode);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail,not int teen mode now", null);
                } else {
                    int i18 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("type"), 0);
                    String str6 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
                    String str7 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("currentUrl");
                    String str8 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("coverUrl");
                    r21.d dVar2 = (r21.d) d60.z.q(r21.d.class);
                    boolean z18 = dVar2 != null && dVar2.g50(str7);
                    if (mVar != null) {
                        try {
                            bundle = mVar.v6(206, new Bundle());
                        } catch (Exception e15) {
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.WebViewNativePageUtil", "get info ex " + e15.getMessage());
                            str = null;
                    } else {
                        bundle = null;
                    lh4.m.e(bundle, "null cannot be cast to non-null type android.os.Bundle");
                    if (!z18) {
                        str7 = bundle.getString("webview_current_url");
                    if (str6 != null) {
                        if (!y.n(str6)) {
                            z16 = false;
                            if (z16) {
                                str6 = bundle.getString("webpageTitle");
                            if (str8 != null) {
                                if (!y.n(str8)) {
                                    z17 = false;
                                    if (z17) {
                                        str8 = bundle.getString("thumbUrl");
                                    str = bundle.getString("thumbPath");
                                    l.b bVar = new l.b();
                                    bVar.f76854f = str6;
                                    bVar.f76930y = str8;
                                    bVar.f76870j = str7;
                                    str2 = "<fromusr>" + u0.r() + "</fromusr>" + "<type>" + 49 + "</type>" + "<content>" + Util.escapeStringForXml(l.b.t(bVar, null, null)) + "</content>";
                                    lh4.m.f(str2, "sb.toString()");
                                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(str8)) {
                                        z15 = false;
                                        bArr = u1.N(str, 0, -1);
                                    } else {
                                        z15 = false;
                                        bArr = null;
                                    dVar = (r21.d) d60.z.q(r21.d.class);
                                    if (dVar != null) {
                                        if (dVar.g50(str7)) {
                                            z15 = true;
                                    i15 = z15 ? 2 : 3;
                                    c15 = wq3.c.f334779a.c(str7);
                                    if (z18) {
                                        str3 = msgHandler.f167360d.getString(R.string.l7c);
                                    } else {
                                        str3 = msgHandler.f167360d.getString(R.string.l7d);
                                    lh4.m.f(str3, "if (isMpArticle) {\n     …quest_out_link)\n        }");
                                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewNativePageUtil", "requestTeenModeTemporaryVisit type=" + i18 + ", bizType=" + i15 + ", bizKey=" + c15 + " title=" + str6 + ", coverUrl=" + str8 + ", thumbPath=" + str + ", currentUrl=" + str7);
                                    string = msgHandler.f167360d.getString(R.string.f367640za);
                                    lh4.m.f(string, "msgHandler.context.getSt…libmmui.R.string.app_url)");
                                    iVar = (i) j.c(i.class);
                                    context = msgHandler.f167360d;
                                    lh4.m.e(context, "null cannot be cast to non-null type android.app.Activity");
                                    if (!iVar.SG((Activity) context, i18, i15, c15, str3, string + Util.nullAsNil(str6), str2, bArr, new yp3.f(i18, msgHandler, h1Var, mVar), new yp3.g(msgHandler, h1Var))) {
                                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
                            z17 = true;
                            if (z17) {
                            str = bundle.getString("thumbPath");
                            l.b bVar2 = new l.b();
                            bVar2.f76854f = str6;
                            bVar2.f76930y = str8;
                            bVar2.f76870j = str7;
                            str2 = "<fromusr>" + u0.r() + "</fromusr>" + "<type>" + 49 + "</type>" + "<content>" + Util.escapeStringForXml(l.b.t(bVar2, null, null)) + "</content>";
                            lh4.m.f(str2, "sb.toString()");
                            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str8)) {
                            dVar = (r21.d) d60.z.q(r21.d.class);
                            if (dVar != null) {
                            if (z15) {
                            c15 = wq3.c.f334779a.c(str7);
                            if (z18) {
                            lh4.m.f(str3, "if (isMpArticle) {\n     …quest_out_link)\n        }");
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewNativePageUtil", "requestTeenModeTemporaryVisit type=" + i18 + ", bizType=" + i15 + ", bizKey=" + c15 + " title=" + str6 + ", coverUrl=" + str8 + ", thumbPath=" + str + ", currentUrl=" + str7);
                            string = msgHandler.f167360d.getString(R.string.f367640za);
                            lh4.m.f(string, "msgHandler.context.getSt…libmmui.R.string.app_url)");
                            iVar = (i) j.c(i.class);
                            context = msgHandler.f167360d;
                            lh4.m.e(context, "null cannot be cast to non-null type android.app.Activity");
                            if (!iVar.SG((Activity) context, i18, i15, c15, str3, string + Util.nullAsNil(str6), str2, bArr, new yp3.f(i18, msgHandler, h1Var, mVar), new yp3.g(msgHandler, h1Var))) {
                    z16 = true;
                    if (z16) {
                    if (str8 != null) {
                    z17 = true;
                    if (z17) {
                    str = bundle.getString("thumbPath");
                    l.b bVar22 = new l.b();
                    bVar22.f76854f = str6;
                    bVar22.f76930y = str8;
                    bVar22.f76870j = str7;
                    str2 = "<fromusr>" + u0.r() + "</fromusr>" + "<type>" + 49 + "</type>" + "<content>" + Util.escapeStringForXml(l.b.t(bVar22, null, null)) + "</content>";
                    lh4.m.f(str2, "sb.toString()");
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(str8)) {
                    dVar = (r21.d) d60.z.q(r21.d.class);
                    if (dVar != null) {
                    if (z15) {
                    c15 = wq3.c.f334779a.c(str7);
                    if (z18) {
                    lh4.m.f(str3, "if (isMpArticle) {\n     …quest_out_link)\n        }");
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewNativePageUtil", "requestTeenModeTemporaryVisit type=" + i18 + ", bizType=" + i15 + ", bizKey=" + c15 + " title=" + str6 + ", coverUrl=" + str8 + ", thumbPath=" + str + ", currentUrl=" + str7);
                    string = msgHandler.f167360d.getString(R.string.f367640za);
                    lh4.m.f(string, "msgHandler.context.getSt…libmmui.R.string.app_url)");
                    iVar = (i) j.c(i.class);
                    context = msgHandler.f167360d;
                    lh4.m.e(context, "null cannot be cast to non-null type android.app.Activity");
                    if (!iVar.SG((Activity) context, i18, i15, c15, str3, string + Util.nullAsNil(str6), str2, bArr, new yp3.f(i18, msgHandler, h1Var, mVar), new yp3.g(msgHandler, h1Var))) {
                return true;
            } else {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "handleMPPageAction:fail, action not support", null);
        return false;

    public static boolean j4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("singer");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("epname");
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("coverImgUrl");
        String str5 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("dataUrl");
        String str6 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("lowbandUrl");
        String str7 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webUrl");
        String str8 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        String str9 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mid");
        if (str4 == null) {
            str4 = "";
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str8);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "title : %s, singer : %s, epName : %s, coverImgUrl : %s, dataUrl : %s, lowbandUrl : %s, webUrl : %s, appid : %s, mid:%s", str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2) || Util.isNullOrNil(str3) || Util.isNullOrNil(str4) || Util.isNullOrNil(str6) || Util.isNullOrNil(str5) || Util.isNullOrNil(str7)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "playMusic:fail", null);
        } else {
            d.j(bh0.o.a(7, str4, str, str2, str7, str6, str5, "" + str5.hashCode(), z80.b.E(), bc2.a.a() + str4.hashCode(), str3, str8));
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "playMusic:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean j5(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "gameCenterJump:not support", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean k(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        boolean z15;
        boolean z16 = false;
        if (Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("isShowNfcSwitchGuide"), 1) == 1) {
            z15 = true;
        } else {
            z15 = false;
        NfcAdapter defaultAdapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(msgHandler.f167360d);
        if (defaultAdapter == null) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "nfcCheckState:nfc_not_support", null);
        } else {
            int intValue = ((Integer) d60.z.s().i().f(w1.a.I2, 0)).intValue();
            int intValue2 = ((Integer) d60.z.s().i().f(w1.a.J2, 0)).intValue();
            if (intValue == 2 || (intValue == 0 && intValue2 != 1)) {
                z16 = true;
            if (z16) {
                if (!z15) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "nfcCheckState:nfc_wechat_setting_off", null);
                } else {
                    MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new m3(msgHandler, h1Var));
            } else if (defaultAdapter.isEnabled()) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "nfcCheckState:nfc_ok", null);
            } else if (!z15) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "nfcCheckState:nfc_off", null);
            } else {
                MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new o3(msgHandler, h1Var));
        return true;

    public static boolean k0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        try {
            str = msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "exception in get currentUrl %s", e15.getMessage());
            str = null;
        String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil(msgHandler.f167382z.c(str));
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(nullAsNil)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openEnterpriseContact:fail", null);
        com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.y yVar = new com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.y(nullAsNil, str, h1Var.f247819a);
        d60.z.d().a(1393, new s3(msgHandler, h1Var, msgHandler));
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        msgHandler.f167363g = i14.j.Q(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f367625yv), hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.f367656zq), true, true, new t3(msgHandler, yVar));
        return true;

    public static boolean k1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        if (msgHandler.f167367n != null && TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            str = msgHandler.f167367n.getString("jsapi_args_appid");
        intent.putExtra("appId", str);
        intent.putExtra("timeStamp", walletJsapiData.f173490h);
        intent.putExtra("nonceStr", walletJsapiData.f173489g);
        intent.putExtra("packageExt", walletJsapiData.f173491i);
        intent.putExtra("signtype", walletJsapiData.f173488f);
        intent.putExtra("paySignature", walletJsapiData.f173495p);
        intent.putExtra("url", msgHandler.s6());
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        sv3.b.o(msgHandler.f167360d, "wallet", ".bind.ui.WalletUnbindBankCardProxyUI", intent, 39, false);
        return true;

    public static boolean k2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.ui.tools.l0 l0Var = (com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.ui.tools.l0) ((dx.j) j.c(dx.j.class)).cF0(msgHandler.f167360d);
        hashMap.put("heading", Integer.valueOf(l0Var.f173283b));
        hashMap.put("pitch", Integer.valueOf(l0Var.f173284c));
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGetHeadingAndPitch, heading=[%s], pitch=[%s]", Integer.valueOf(l0Var.f173283b), Integer.valueOf(l0Var.f173284c));
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "get_heading_and_pitch:ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean k3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        if (h1Var.f247819a.get("pay_packageName") == null) {
            str = "";
        } else {
            str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("pay_packageName");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "do request joint payment: %s", Util.nullAs(str, ""));
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        if (msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity) {
            WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
            walletJsapiData.A = 1;
            walletJsapiData.G = true;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPay, pay channel: %s, scene: %s", Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173501v), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173499t));
            if (!((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).bh0((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, walletJsapiData, 68, msgHandler)) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "get_brand_wcpay_request:fail", null);
            } else {
                long j15 = Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("message_id"), 0);
                int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("message_index"), 0);
                q.INSTANCE.g(10593, walletJsapiData.f173498s, walletJsapiData.f173486d, Long.valueOf(j15), Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(walletJsapiData.f173499t), walletJsapiData.f173497r);
                msgHandler.K = msgHandler.o5(h1Var);
        return true;

    public static boolean k4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGetTransferMoneyRequest JSOAUTH");
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        if (!(msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity)) {
            return true;
        WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 3);
        intent.putExtra("appId", walletJsapiData.f173486d);
        intent.putExtra("timeStamp", walletJsapiData.f173490h);
        intent.putExtra("nonceStr", walletJsapiData.f173489g);
        intent.putExtra("packageExt", walletJsapiData.f173491i);
        intent.putExtra("signtype", walletJsapiData.f173488f);
        intent.putExtra("paySignature", walletJsapiData.f173495p);
        intent.putExtra("url", walletJsapiData.f173497r);
        intent.putExtra("pay_channel", walletJsapiData.f173501v);
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        sv3.b.n(msgHandler.f167360d, "remittance", ".ui.RemittanceAdapterUI", intent, 11);
        return true;

    public static boolean k5(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("downloaderType"), 0);
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showAllLog"), 0);
        GameDebugSettingEvent gameDebugSettingEvent = new GameDebugSettingEvent();
        GameDebugSettingEvent.a aVar = gameDebugSettingEvent.f63048d;
        aVar.f63049a = i15;
        aVar.f63050b = i16;
        aVar.f63051c = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("countryCode");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setGameDebugConfig:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean l(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        if (!((jt.b) j.c(jt.b.class)).tn0()) {
            msgHandler.z5(h1Var, jsapiPermissionWrapper);
            return true;
        ((jt.b) j.c(jt.b.class)).i80(msgHandler.f167360d, com.tencent.mm.model.gdpr.a.f78328f, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("username"), new h1(msgHandler, h1Var, jsapiPermissionWrapper));
        return true;

    public static boolean l0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        try {
            str = msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "exception in get currentUrl %s", e15.getMessage());
            str = null;
        String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil(msgHandler.f167382z.c(str));
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(nullAsNil)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "selectEnterpriseContact:fail", null);
        h1Var.f247819a.put("groupId", "");
        h1Var.f247819a.put(AppMeasurement.Param.TIMESTAMP, "");
        h1Var.f247819a.put("nonceStr", "");
        h1Var.f247819a.put("signature", "");
        JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
        try {
            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("type"));
            jSONObject.put("fromDepartmentId", Util.safeParseInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("fromDepartmentId")));
            jSONObject.put("mode", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mode"));
            jSONObject.put("type", jSONArray);
            String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("selectedDepartmentIds");
            if (str2 != null) {
                jSONObject.put("selectedDepartmentIds", new JSONArray(str2));
            String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("selectedUserIds");
            if (str3 != null) {
                jSONObject.put("selectedUserIds", new JSONArray(str3));
            h1Var.f247819a.put("params", jSONObject);
        } catch (JSONException e16) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSelectEnterpriseContact ex: %s", e16.getMessage());
        } catch (NumberFormatException e17) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSelectEnterpriseContact ex: %s", e17.getMessage());
        com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.y yVar = new com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.y(nullAsNil, str, h1Var.f247819a);
        u3 u3Var = new u3(msgHandler, h1Var, msgHandler);
        d60.z.d().a(1393, u3Var);
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        msgHandler.f167363g = i14.j.Q(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f367625yv), hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.f367656zq), true, true, new v3(msgHandler, yVar, u3Var));
        return true;

    /* JADX INFO: Can't fix incorrect switch cases order, some code will duplicate */
    public static boolean l1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        int i15;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        try {
            int i16 = Util.getInt(h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE).toString().trim(), 0);
            bundle.putInt(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, i16);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doExposePreparation scene:%d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
            if (-1 == bundle.getInt(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE)) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doExposePreparation fail:unknown scene", null);
            } else {
                Bundle v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(73, bundle);
                HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                if (!v65.isEmpty()) {
                    if (i16 == 45) {
                        i15 = 0;
                    } else if (i16 == 51) {
                        i15 = 0;
                        hashMap.put("newMsgId", v65.getString("newMsgId"));
                        hashMap.put("msgType", Integer.valueOf(v65.getInt("msgType")));
                    } else if (i16 == 61) {
                        i15 = 0;
                        hashMap.put("realChatUser", ((f5) j.c(f5.class)).o(v65.getString("username")));
                    } else if (i16 == 76) {
                        i15 = 0;
                        hashMap.put("realChatUser", ((qd3.w) j.c(qd3.w.class)).o(v65.getString("username")));
                    } else if (i16 != 990) {
                        switch (i16) {
                                switch (i16) {
                                    case 33:
                                        hashMap.put("newMsgId", v65.getString("newMsgId"));
                                    case 34:
                                        hashMap.put("webviewImg", v65.getString("webviewImg"));
                                        hashMap.put("webviewHtml", v65.getString("webviewHtml"));
                                        hashMap.put("content", v65.getString("url"));
                                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "content = " + v65.getString("url"));
                                    case 35:
                                    case 36:
                                    case 37:
                                    case 38:
                                    case 39:
                                        i15 = 0;
                                        Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "unknown scene %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                            case 1:
                            case 2:
                            case 3:
                            case 4:
                            case 5:
                            case 6:
                            case 7:
                                i15 = 0;
                    } else {
                        i15 = 0;
                        hashMap.put("realChatUser", v65.getString("realChatUser"));
                    hashMap.put("username", v65.getString("username"));
                    JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray();
                    ArrayList<String> stringArrayList = v65.getStringArrayList("proof");
                    if (stringArrayList != null) {
                        int size = stringArrayList.size();
                        for (int i17 = i15; i17 < size; i17++) {
                    if (!hashMap.containsKey("content")) {
                        hashMap.put("content", jSONArray.toString());
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doExposePreparation ok", hashMap);
                } else {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doExposePreparation fail", null);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doExposePreparation exception " + e15.getMessage());
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doExposePreparation fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean l2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        try {
            msgHandler.f167378x.callback(150, new Bundle());
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "hideSearchLoading:succ", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean l3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Map<String, String> v65 = msgHandler.v6(h1Var);
        if (v65 == null) {
            return true;
        ((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).Sv0((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, "selectPayment", v65, 69, msgHandler);
        return true;

    public static boolean l4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        int i15;
        String str;
        String str2;
        if (!u0.s()) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doWeibo fail, qq not binded");
            p64.g n15 = i14.j.n(msgHandler.f167360d, R.string.lae, R.string.f367625yv, new m0(msgHandler), null);
            n15.setOnDismissListener(new q0(msgHandler, h1Var));
        } else {
            r4 Ga = ((s4) ((k0) d60.z.q(k0.class)).Cj0()).Ga("@t.qq.com");
            if (Ga == null || Util.nullAsNil(Ga.f174987b).length() == 0) {
                p64.g o15 = i14.j.o(msgHandler.f167360d, R.string.lac, R.string.f367625yv, true, new a1(msgHandler));
                o15.setOnDismissListener(new e1(msgHandler, h1Var));
            } else {
                String nullAs = Util.nullAs((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("type"), "40");
                int i16 = 40;
                if (nullAs != null && nullAs.length() > 0) {
                    try {
                        i15 = Util.getInt(nullAs, 40);
                    } catch (Exception unused) {
                    if (i15 == 11 || i15 == 20) {
                        i16 = i15;
                    str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("content");
                    str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
                    if (str == null || str.trim().length() == 0) {
                        str = "";
                    if (str2 != null || str2.length() == 0) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doWeibo fail, invalid argument, content = " + str + ", url = " + str2);
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "share_weibo:fail_-2", null);
                    } else {
                        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, msgHandler.u6("shareWeibo"), null, null);
                        String C6 = msgHandler.C6(str2);
                        Intent intent = new Intent(msgHandler.f167360d, ShareToQQWeiboUI.class);
                        intent.putExtra("type", i16);
                        intent.putExtra("shortUrl", C6);
                        intent.putExtra("content", str);
                        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
                        if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
                            ((MMActivity) context).mmStartActivityForResult(msgHandler, intent, 2);
                i15 = 40;
                i16 = i15;
                str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("content");
                str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
                str = "";
                if (str2 != null) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doWeibo fail, invalid argument, content = " + str + ", url = " + str2);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "share_weibo:fail_-2", null);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:25:0x00b0  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:26:0x00b4  */
    public static boolean l5(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        int i15;
        int i16;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sessionId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sessionFrom");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startTempSession:fail_missing arguments", null);
        } else {
            if (str2 != null) {
                try {
                    str2 = URLEncoder.encode(str2, "UTF-8");
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException unused) {
            } else {
                str2 = null;
            Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("showType");
            if (obj != null) {
                if (obj instanceof Integer) {
                    i15 = ((Integer) obj).intValue();
                } else if (obj instanceof String) {
                    try {
                        i15 = Util.getInt((String) obj, 0);
                    } catch (NumberFormatException unused2) {
                i16 = Util.getInt(Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE)), 0);
                String format = String.format("weixin://dl/business/tempsession/?username=%s&appid=%s&sessionFrom=%s&showtype=%s&scene=%s", str, msgHandler.f167382z.c(msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl()), Util.nullAsNil(str2), Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i16));
                Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW");
                if (i16 == 0) {
                    intent.putExtra("translate_link_scene", i16);
                } else {
                    intent.putExtra("translate_link_scene", 4);
                Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
                k30.a aVar = new k30.a();
                j30.a.d(context, aVar.b(), "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler", "doOpenTempSession", "(Lcom/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/jsapi/MsgWrapper;Lcom/tencent/mm/protocal/JsapiPermissionWrapper;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                context.startActivity((Intent) aVar.a(0));
                j30.a.e(context, "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler", "doOpenTempSession", "(Lcom/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/jsapi/MsgWrapper;Lcom/tencent/mm/protocal/JsapiPermissionWrapper;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startTempSession:ok", null);
            i15 = 0;
            i16 = Util.getInt(Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE)), 0);
            try {
                String format2 = String.format("weixin://dl/business/tempsession/?username=%s&appid=%s&sessionFrom=%s&showtype=%s&scene=%s", str, msgHandler.f167382z.c(msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl()), Util.nullAsNil(str2), Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i16));
                Intent intent2 = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW");
                if (i16 == 0) {
                Context context2 = msgHandler.f167360d;
                k30.a aVar2 = new k30.a();
                j30.a.d(context2, aVar2.b(), "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler", "doOpenTempSession", "(Lcom/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/jsapi/MsgWrapper;Lcom/tencent/mm/protocal/JsapiPermissionWrapper;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                context2.startActivity((Intent) aVar2.a(0));
                j30.a.e(context2, "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler", "doOpenTempSession", "(Lcom/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/jsapi/MsgWrapper;Lcom/tencent/mm/protocal/JsapiPermissionWrapper;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startTempSession:ok", null);
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startTempSession:fail_exception", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean m(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        try {
            Bundle v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(5001, null);
            if (v65 != null) {
                int i15 = v65.getInt("webview_video_proxy_init");
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "int webview video proxy : %d", Integer.valueOf(i15));
                HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                hashMap.put("videoProxyInitResult", Integer.valueOf(i15));
                if (i15 == 0) {
                    f2 f2Var = f2.f165535c;
                    f2Var.f165536a = msgHandler.f167378x;
                    f2Var.f165537b = true;
                    ArrayList<IDKey> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
                    IDKey iDKey = new IDKey();
                    IDKey iDKey2 = new IDKey();
                    q.INSTANCE.a(arrayList, false);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyInit:ok", hashMap);
                } else {
                    ArrayList<IDKey> arrayList2 = new ArrayList<>();
                    IDKey iDKey3 = new IDKey();
                    IDKey iDKey4 = new IDKey();
                    IDKey iDKey5 = new IDKey();
                    Map<Integer, Integer> map = aq3.a.f7944b;
                    Integer num = map.get(Integer.valueOf(i15));
                    if (num == null) {
                        num = map.get(-1);
                    q.INSTANCE.a(arrayList2, false);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyInit:fail", hashMap);
                return false;
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doinit webview proxy failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyInit:fail", null);
        return false;

    public static boolean m0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (msgHandler.f167378x == null) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendEnterpriseChat:fail", null);
        } else {
            try {
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putString("enterprise_action", "enterprise_get_context_bizchat");
                Bundle v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(71, bundle);
                String string = v65.getString("enterprise_context_biz");
                long j15 = v65.getLong("enterprise_context_bizchatid", -1);
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string)) {
                    if (j15 >= 0) {
                        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("type");
                        if (MimeTypes.BASE_TYPE_TEXT.equals(str)) {
                            msgHandler.j6(h1Var, string, j15);
                        } else if ("link".equals(str)) {
                            msgHandler.i6(h1Var, string, j15);
                        } else {
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendEnterpriseChat:fail_params error", null);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendEnterpriseChat:fail_not in enterprise chat", null);
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "clear webview cache fail : %s", e15.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendEnterpriseChat:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean m1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("chat_username").toString();
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("Chat_User", obj);
        intent.putExtra("finish_direct", true);
        intent.putExtra("expose_edit_mode", true);
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
            sv3.b.v((MMActivity) context, ".ui.chatting.ChattingUI", intent, 40, msgHandler);
        } else {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getMsgProofItems invalid context");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "select chat record:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean m2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        int i15 = 0;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.m q102 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.q10();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f fVar = (com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f) q102;
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("errcode", 0);
        hashMap.put("msg", "success");
        if (map != null) {
            int e15 = p.e(map, "limit", 3);
            int e16 = p.e(map, "webview_instance_id", -1);
            if (e16 > 0) {
                String str = String.valueOf(e16) + '_' + String.valueOf(Util.nowSecond() / 300);
                if (((HashMap) fVar.f164284g).containsKey(str)) {
                    i15 = ((Integer) ((HashMap) fVar.f164284g).get(str)).intValue();
                if (i15 < e15) {
                    ((vp.e) j.c(vp.e.class)).Xw0(40);
                    ((HashMap) fVar.f164284g).put(str, Integer.valueOf(i15 + 1));
                } else {
                    hashMap.put("errcode", -1);
                    hashMap.put("msg", "fail:over call");
        } else {
            ((vp.e) j.c(vp.e.class)).Xw0(40);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "updateWASearchTemplate:succ", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean m3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Map<String, String> v65 = msgHandler.v6(h1Var);
        if (v65 == null) {
            return true;
        ((u00.f) j.c(u00.f.class)).Sv0((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, "entrustAuthorization", v65, 69, msgHandler);
        return true;

    public static boolean m4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String[] split;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenWCPaySpecificView");
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        if (msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity) {
            WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
            String str = walletJsapiData.f173491i;
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str) && (split = str.split("&")) != null && split.length > 0) {
                for (int i15 = 0; i15 < split.length; i15++) {
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(split[i15])) {
                        String[] split2 = split[i15].split("=");
                        if (split2.length == 2 && !Util.isNullOrNil(split2[0])) {
                            hashMap.put(split2[0], split2[1]);
            String str2 = (String) hashMap.get("openview");
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putString("appId", walletJsapiData.f173486d);
            bundle.putString("timeStamp", walletJsapiData.f173490h);
            bundle.putString("nonceStr", walletJsapiData.f173489g);
            bundle.putString("packageExt", walletJsapiData.f173491i);
            bundle.putString("signtype", walletJsapiData.f173488f);
            bundle.putString("paySignature", walletJsapiData.f173495p);
            bundle.putString("url", walletJsapiData.f173497r);
            bundle.putInt("pay_channel", walletJsapiData.f173501v);
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                if (str2.equals("open_lqt_fixed_deposit_deposit")) {
                    bundle.putInt("entry_scene", Util.safeParseInt((String) hashMap.get("entry_scene")));
                    ((qv3.c) j.c(qv3.c.class)).startLqtFixedDepositMakePlanUseCase(msgHandler.f167360d, bundle);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "open_lqt_fixed_deposit_deposit:ok", null);
                } else if (str2.equals("open_lqt_fixed_deposit_plan_list")) {
                    ((qv3.c) j.c(qv3.c.class)).startLqtFixedDepositPlanListUseCase(msgHandler.f167360d, bundle);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "open_lqt_fixed_deposit_plan_list:ok", null);
            ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
            sv3.b.o(msgHandler.f167360d, "wallet_index", ".ui.WalletOpenViewProxyUI", new Intent().putExtras(bundle), 17, false);
        return true;

    public static boolean m5(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGetRecevieBizHongBaoRequest");
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        if (!(msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity)) {
            return true;
        WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("key_way", 3);
        intent.putExtra("appId", walletJsapiData.f173486d);
        intent.putExtra("timeStamp", walletJsapiData.f173490h);
        intent.putExtra("nonceStr", walletJsapiData.f173489g);
        intent.putExtra("packageExt", walletJsapiData.f173491i);
        intent.putExtra("signtype", walletJsapiData.f173488f);
        intent.putExtra("paySignature", walletJsapiData.f173495p);
        intent.putExtra("url", walletJsapiData.f173497r);
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        sv3.b.n(msgHandler.f167360d, "luckymoney", ".ui.LuckyMoneyBusiReceiveUI", intent, 22);
        return true;

    public static boolean n(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (!f2.f165535c.f165537b) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyStartPlay:fail_has_not_init", null);
        } else {
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webviewVideoProxyCdnUrls");
            String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webviewVideoProxyFileId");
            int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webviewVideoProxyFileSize"), 0);
            int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webviewVideoProxyFileDuration"), 0);
            int i17 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webviewVideoProxyFileType"), 1);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "cdnurls = %s, filedId = %s, fileSize = %d, fileDuration = %d, fileType = %d", str, str2, Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i16), Integer.valueOf(i17));
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyStartPlay:fail_cdnurl_is_null", null);
            } else {
                ArrayList<IDKey> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
                try {
                    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                    bundle.putString("webview_video_proxy_cdn_urls", str);
                    bundle.putString("webview_video_proxy_fileId", str2);
                    bundle.putInt("webview_video_proxy_file_size", i15);
                    bundle.putInt("webview_video_proxy_file_duration", i16);
                    bundle.putInt("webview_video_proxy_file_type", i17);
                    Bundle v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(5002, bundle);
                    IDKey iDKey = new IDKey();
                    if (v65 != null) {
                        int i18 = v65.getInt("webview_video_proxy_play_data_id");
                        String string = v65.getString("webview_video_proxy_local_url");
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invoke result palyDataId = %d, localUrl = %s", Integer.valueOf(i18), string);
                        if (i18 > 0 && !Util.isNullOrNil(string)) {
                            q qVar = q.INSTANCE;
                            qVar.a(arrayList, false);
                            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                            hashMap.put("videoProxyPlayDataId", Integer.valueOf(i18));
                            hashMap.put("videoProxyPlayLocalUrl", string);
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyStartPlay:ok", hashMap);
                            qVar.a(arrayList, false);
                } catch (Exception e15) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "proxy start play failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
                IDKey iDKey2 = new IDKey();
                q.INSTANCE.a(arrayList, false);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyStartPlay:fail", null);
        return false;

    public static boolean n0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("chatId");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("chatType");
        try {
            str = msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "exception in get currentUrl %s", e15.getMessage());
            str = null;
        String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil(msgHandler.f167382z.c(str));
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2) || Util.isNullOrNil(str3) || Util.isNullOrNil(nullAsNil)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "enterEnterpriseChat:fail_params error", null);
        } else {
            cg0.h ZN0 = bg0.w0.ZN0();
            q3 q3Var = new q3(msgHandler, h1Var);
            d60.z.l().f198618b.f(new cg0.m(nullAsNil, str2, str3, q3Var));
        return true;

    public static boolean n1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        boolean z15;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(l3.COL_LOCALID);
        Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("isShowProgressTips");
        if (obj != null) {
            try {
                z15 = Util.getInt(obj.toString(), 0) == 1;
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Exception has occured : %s", e15.getMessage());
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "uploadMediaFile, appid = %s, localid = %s, isShowProgressTips(%s)", str, str2, Boolean.valueOf(z15));
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId or localid is null or nil.");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "uploadMediaFile:fail_missing arguments", null);
            } else {
                o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
                WebViewJSSDKFileItem b15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(str2);
                if (b15 == null) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "uploadMediaFile:fail", null);
                } else {
                    int i15 = b15.f165434n;
                    if (i15 == 1) {
                        msgHandler.g7(h1Var, str, str2, 20301, 202, 2, "uploadMediaFile", z15);
                    } else if (i15 != 4) {
                        msgHandler.h7(h1Var, str, str2, 20303, 202, 2, "uploadMediaFile", z15);
                    } else {
                        msgHandler.h7(h1Var, str, str2, CdnLogic.kMediaTypeAppVideo, 202, 2, "uploadMediaFile", z15);
            return true;
        z15 = true;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "uploadMediaFile, appid = %s, localid = %s, isShowProgressTips(%s)", str, str2, Boolean.valueOf(z15));
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId or localid is null or nil.");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "uploadMediaFile:fail_missing arguments", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean n2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        String f15 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "userName");
        String f16 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "appId");
        boolean d15 = p.d(h1Var.f247819a, "fakeNative", false);
        boolean d16 = p.d(h1Var.f247819a, "preloadEnv", false);
        int e15 = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "preload search weapp, username[%s], appId[%s], preloadEnv[%b], fakeNative[%b], scene[%s]。", f15, f16, Boolean.valueOf(d16), Boolean.valueOf(d15), Integer.valueOf(e15));
        if (f15.length() > 0) {
            ((i1) j.c(i1.class)).Gp(f15, e15);
        if (d16) {
            if (d15) {
                ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.m0) j.c(com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.m0.class)).ED0(m1.D);
            } else if (f16.length() > 0) {
                ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.t0) j.c(com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.t0.class)).vR(f16);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "preloadSearchWeapp:succ", null);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:185:0x0748  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:194:0x07e6  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:195:0x07ea  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:198:0x07fa  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:203:0x0849  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:50:0x0274  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:63:0x02d7  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:73:0x0306  */
    public static boolean n3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        boolean z15;
        String str;
        RemoteException e15;
        int i15;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        String str4;
        String str5;
        String str6;
        String str7;
        DoFavoriteEvent doFavoriteEvent;
        Context context;
        String str8;
        RemoteException e16;
        RemoteException e17;
        if (Util.isNullOrNil((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE))) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMessage: msg.params.get('title') == null");
            String str9 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("url");
            try {
                str9 = Uri.parse(str9).getHost();
            } catch (Exception e18) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "parse url fail!, e= %s", e18.getMessage());
            ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).put(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, str9);
        boolean I6 = msgHandler.I6();
        WXMediaMessage w55 = msgHandler.w5(h1Var, I6);
        msgHandler.f167362f = w55;
        if (w55 == null) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMsg fail, appmsg is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "send_app_msg:fail", null);
            return true;
        String string = msgHandler.w6().getString(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE);
        if (!"friend".equals(string)) {
            o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, msgHandler.u6("sendAppMessage"), null, (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("appid"));
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "send appmsg scene is '%s'", string);
        if ("connector".equals(string)) {
            String string2 = msgHandler.w6().getString("connector_local_send");
            msgHandler.w6().putString("connector_local_report", string2);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "directly send to %s", string2);
            msgHandler.mmOnActivityResult(1, -1, new Intent().putExtra("Select_Conv_User", string2));
            z15 = true;
        } else {
            Object obj = "url";
            boolean z16 = I6;
            if ("favorite".equals(string)) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "favorite url");
                DoFavoriteEvent doFavoriteEvent2 = new DoFavoriteEvent();
                g.a aVar = new g.a();
                String str10 = (String) ((HashMap) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a).get("link");
                String C6 = msgHandler.C6(str10);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "rawurl:[%s], shareurl:[%s]", str10, C6);
                aVar.f165538a = C6;
                aVar.f165541d = (String) ((HashMap) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a).get("img_url");
                aVar.f165539b = (String) ((HashMap) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
                aVar.f165540c = (String) ((HashMap) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a).get("desc");
                aVar.f165542e = (String) ((HashMap) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a).get("appid");
                try {
                    a0.b x65 = msgHandler.x6(msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl());
                    if (x65 != null && !Util.isNullOrNil(x65.f165892a)) {
                        dg0 dg02 = new dg0();
                        aVar.f165547j = dg02;
                        int i16 = x65.f165894c;
                        dg02.f19281d = i16;
                        dg02.f19288n = x65.f165892a;
                        dg02.f19289o = x65.f165893b;
                        dg02.f19295u = x65.f165895d;
                        if (com.tencent.mm.message.f.f(i16)) {
                            dg0 dg03 = aVar.f165547j;
                            dg03.f19282e = 1;
                            dg03.f19287j = x65.f165899h;
                            dg03.f19283f = x65.f165896e;
                            dg03.f19284g = x65.f165897f;
                            dg03.f19286i = x65.f165898g;
                } catch (Exception e19) {
                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e19, "", new Object[0]);
                Bundle bundle = msgHandler.f167367n;
                if (bundle != null) {
                    str7 = bundle.getString("key_snsad_statextstr");
                    aVar.f165546i = str7;
                } else {
                    str7 = null;
                try {
                    Bundle v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(18, null);
                    if (v65 != null) {
                        String a15 = nf0.z0.a(Util.nullAsNil(v65.getString("KPublisherId")));
                        z0.c c15 = nf0.z0.d().c(a15, true);
                        c15.i("sendAppMsgScene", 2);
                        c15.i("preChatName", v65.getString("preChatName"));
                        c15.i("preMsgIndex", Integer.valueOf(v65.getInt("preMsgIndex")));
                        c15.i("prePublishId", v65.getString("prePublishId"));
                        c15.i("preUsername", v65.getString("preUsername"));
                        c15.i("getA8KeyScene", Integer.valueOf(v65.getInt("getA8KeyScene")));
                        c15.i("referUrl", v65.getString("referUrl"));
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str7)) {
                            c15.i("adExtStr", str7);
                        doFavoriteEvent = doFavoriteEvent2;
                        try {
                            doFavoriteEvent.f62174d.f62183h = a15;
                        } catch (RemoteException e25) {
                            e17 = e25;
                    } else {
                        doFavoriteEvent = doFavoriteEvent2;
                } catch (RemoteException e26) {
                    e17 = e26;
                    doFavoriteEvent = doFavoriteEvent2;
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "try to report error, %s", e17);
                    context = msgHandler.f167360d;
                    if (context instanceof Activity) {
                    com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.g.a(doFavoriteEvent, aVar);
                    doFavoriteEvent.f62174d.f62192q = new s2(msgHandler);
                    msgHandler.E.a(3, (String) ((HashMap) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a).get("use_update_jsapi_data"));
                    if (doFavoriteEvent.f62175e.f62197a != 0) {
                    z15 = true;
                    return z15;
                context = msgHandler.f167360d;
                if (context instanceof Activity) {
                    DoFavoriteEvent.a aVar2 = doFavoriteEvent.f62174d;
                    aVar2.f62184i = (Activity) context;
                    aVar2.f62188m = 36;
                    try {
                        Object obj2 = ((HashMap) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a).get("KPublisherId");
                        if (obj2 != null) {
                            if (obj2.toString().startsWith("wrd")) {
                                doFavoriteEvent.f62174d.f62189n = 2;
                            } else if (obj2.toString().startsWith("gs")) {
                                doFavoriteEvent.f62174d.f62189n = 3;
                    } catch (Exception unused) {
                com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.g.a(doFavoriteEvent, aVar);
                doFavoriteEvent.f62174d.f62192q = new s2(msgHandler);
                msgHandler.E.a(3, (String) ((HashMap) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a).get("use_update_jsapi_data"));
                if (doFavoriteEvent.f62175e.f62197a != 0) {
                    msgHandler.k7(3, 1);
                    try {
                        str8 = "invokeAsResult error : %s";
                        try {
                            msgHandler.W6(aVar.f165542e, aVar.f165541d, "", 4, -1, msgHandler.f167378x.v6(85, null));
                        } catch (RemoteException e27) {
                            e16 = e27;
                    } catch (RemoteException e28) {
                        e16 = e28;
                        str8 = "invokeAsResult error : %s";
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", str8, e16);
                        z15 = true;
                        return z15;
                } else {
                    msgHandler.k7(3, 2);
                    msgHandler.q5(msgHandler.f167361e, "send_fav_msg:fail", null);
            } else if ("enterprise".equals(string)) {
                String string3 = msgHandler.w6().getString("connector_local_send");
                msgHandler.w6().putString("connector_local_report", string3);
                HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                hashMap.put("img_url", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("img_url"));
                hashMap.put("desc", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("desc"));
                hashMap.put(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE));
                hashMap.put("src_username", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("src_username"));
                hashMap.put("src_displayname", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("src_displayname"));
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMessage, img_url=%s, desc=%s, title=%s", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("img_url"), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("desc"), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE));
                if (((fo.w) j.c(fo.w.class)).kL(string3)) {
                    Intent intent = new Intent();
                    intent.setClassName(msgHandler.f167360d, "com.tencent.mm.ui.bizchat.BizChatSelectConversationUI");
                    intent.putExtra("enterprise_biz_name", string3);
                    intent.putExtra("biz_chat_scene", 1);
                    intent.putExtra("enterprise_extra_params", hashMap);
                    Context context2 = msgHandler.f167360d;
                    if (context2 instanceof MMActivity) {
                        ((MMActivity) context2).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
                        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmStartActivityForResult(msgHandler, intent, 37);
                } else if (((fo.w) j.c(fo.w.class)).Zn(string3)) {
                    Intent intent2 = new Intent();
                    intent2.putExtra("enterprise_biz_name", string3);
                    intent2.putExtra("enterprise_scene", 3);
                    intent2.putExtra("enterprise_extra_params", hashMap);
                    Context context3 = msgHandler.f167360d;
                    if (context3 instanceof MMActivity) {
                        ((MMActivity) context3).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
                        sv3.b.n(msgHandler.f167360d, "brandservice", ".ui.EnterpriseBizContactPlainListUI", intent2, 37);
            } else if ("wework".equals(string) || "wework_local".equals(string)) {
                z15 = true;
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMessage do not share to wework here!");
            } else if ("facebook".equals(string)) {
                Intent intent3 = new Intent();
                intent3.putExtra(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE));
                intent3.putExtra("digest", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("desc"));
                intent3.putExtra("img", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("img_url"));
                intent3.putExtra("link", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("link"));
                intent3.setClassName(msgHandler.f167360d, "com.tencent.mm.plugin.account.ui.ShareToFacebookRedirectUI");
                Context context4 = msgHandler.f167360d;
                k30.a aVar3 = new k30.a();
                j30.a.d(context4, aVar3.b(), "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler", "doShareFacebook", "(Lcom/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/jsapi/MsgWrapper;Lcom/tencent/mm/protocal/JsapiPermissionWrapper;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                context4.startActivity((Intent) aVar3.a(0));
                j30.a.e(context4, "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler", "doShareFacebook", "(Lcom/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/jsapi/MsgWrapper;Lcom/tencent/mm/protocal/JsapiPermissionWrapper;)Z", "Undefined", "startActivity", "(Landroid/content/Intent;)V");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "shareQZone:ok", null);
            } else if ("qq".equals(string)) {
                msgHandler.a6(h1Var, jsapiPermissionWrapper);
            } else if ("recentFriend".equals(string)) {
                if (msgHandler.y5(jsapiPermissionWrapper, h1Var, jsapiPermissionWrapper.f(89) || jsapiPermissionWrapper.f(TingProto.TingReportContext.CURRPLAYQUALITY_FIELD_NUMBER))) {
                    msgHandler.f167362f = msgHandler.w5(h1Var, z16);
                String string4 = msgHandler.w6().getString("sourUserName");
                if (((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE)) == null) {
                    str2 = "";
                } else {
                    str2 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
                if (((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("img_url")) == null) {
                    str3 = "";
                } else {
                    str3 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("img_url");
                if (((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("src_username")) == null) {
                    str4 = "";
                } else {
                    str4 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("src_username");
                if (((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("src_displayname")) == null) {
                    str5 = "";
                } else {
                    str5 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("src_displayname");
                if (z16) {
                    str6 = "";
                } else {
                    str6 = msgHandler.f167360d.getResources().getString(R.string.f367640za);
                StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(str6);
                String stringBuffer2 = stringBuffer.toString();
                if (z16) {
                    stringBuffer2 = msgHandler.C6((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("link"));
                msgHandler.f167364h = true;
                ((cu3.w) j.c(cu3.w.class)).fU(msgHandler.f167360d, string4, stringBuffer2, new h3(msgHandler, str3, h1Var, string4, str4, str5), new j3(msgHandler, z16, h1Var), new k3(msgHandler));
            } else {
                msgHandler.E.a(1, (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("use_update_jsapi_data"));
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "select user to send");
                HashMap hashMap2 = new HashMap();
                if (msgHandler.y5(jsapiPermissionWrapper, h1Var, jsapiPermissionWrapper.f(89) || jsapiPermissionWrapper.f(TingProto.TingReportContext.CURRPLAYQUALITY_FIELD_NUMBER))) {
                    msgHandler.f167362f = msgHandler.w5(h1Var, z16);
                if (jsapiPermissionWrapper.f(com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.jsapi.audio.k.CTRL_INDEX)) {
                    ((HashMap) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a).put("share_callback_with_scene", Boolean.TRUE);
                } else {
                    ((HashMap) msgHandler.f167361e.f247819a).put("share_callback_with_scene", Boolean.FALSE);
                String str11 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("img_url");
                hashMap2.put("img_url", str11);
                hashMap2.put("desc", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("desc"));
                String str12 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(obj);
                hashMap2.put(obj, str12);
                try {
                    Bundle v66 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(18, null);
                    if (v66 != null) {
                        z0.c c16 = nf0.z0.d().c(nf0.z0.a(Util.nullAsNil(v66.getString("KPublisherId"))), true);
                        a0.b x66 = msgHandler.x6(str12);
                        z16 = z16;
                        try {
                            int i17 = v66.getInt("_DATA_CENTER_ITEM_SHOW_TYPE", -1);
                            if (x66 != null && (i15 = x66.f165894c) >= 0) {
                                i17 = i15;
                            if (x66 == null || !x66.f165900i) {
                                obj = obj;
                            } else {
                                obj = obj;
                                try {
                                    c16.i("_DATA_CENTER_NEED_SHOW_SOURCE_INFO", Boolean.TRUE);
                                } catch (RemoteException e29) {
                                    e15 = e29;
                                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMessage, %s", e15);
                                    str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
                                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                                    hashMap2.put(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, str);
                                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMessage, img_url=%s, desc=%s, title=%s, url=%s", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("img_url"), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("desc"), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(obj));
                                    q.INSTANCE.idkeyStat(157, 5, 1, false);
                                    Intent intent4 = new Intent();
                                    intent4.putExtra("Select_Conv_Type", 35);
                                    intent4.putExtra("scene_from", 2);
                                    intent4.putExtra("mutil_select_is_ret", true);
                                    intent4.putExtra("webview_params", hashMap2);
                                    if (z16) {
                                    if (!(msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity)) {
                            if (i17 != -1) {
                                hashMap2.put("item_show_type", String.valueOf(i17));
                                c16.i("_DATA_CENTER_ITEM_SHOW_TYPE", Integer.valueOf(i17));
                                c16.i("_tmpl_webview_transfer_scene", 11);
                                c16.i("_DATA_CENTER_IS_PAY_SUBSCRIBE", Integer.valueOf(x66 != null ? x66.f165895d : 0));
                                if ((i17 == 5 || i17 == 16) && x66 != null) {
                                    c16.i("_DATA_CENTER_VID", x66.f165899h);
                                    c16.i("_DATA_CENTER__DULATION", Integer.valueOf(x66.f165898g));
                                    c16.i("_DATA_CENTER_COVER_URL", str11);
                                    c16.i("_DATA_CENTER_VIDEO_WIDTH", Integer.valueOf(x66.f165896e));
                                    c16.i("_DATA_CENTER_VIDEO_HEIGHT", Integer.valueOf(x66.f165897f));
                                    c16.i("_DATA_SHOW_NATIVE_PAGE", 1);
                        } catch (RemoteException e35) {
                            e15 = e35;
                            obj = obj;
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMessage, %s", e15);
                            str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
                            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                            hashMap2.put(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, str);
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMessage, img_url=%s, desc=%s, title=%s, url=%s", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("img_url"), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("desc"), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(obj));
                            q.INSTANCE.idkeyStat(157, 5, 1, false);
                            Intent intent42 = new Intent();
                            intent42.putExtra("Select_Conv_Type", 35);
                            intent42.putExtra("scene_from", 2);
                            intent42.putExtra("mutil_select_is_ret", true);
                            intent42.putExtra("webview_params", hashMap2);
                            if (z16) {
                            if (!(msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity)) {
                    } else {
                        z16 = z16;
                        obj = obj;
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMessage bundle == null");
                } catch (RemoteException e36) {
                    e15 = e36;
                    z16 = z16;
                    obj = obj;
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMessage, %s", e15);
                    str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                    hashMap2.put(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, str);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMessage, img_url=%s, desc=%s, title=%s, url=%s", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("img_url"), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("desc"), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(obj));
                    q.INSTANCE.idkeyStat(157, 5, 1, false);
                    Intent intent422 = new Intent();
                    intent422.putExtra("Select_Conv_Type", 35);
                    intent422.putExtra("scene_from", 2);
                    intent422.putExtra("mutil_select_is_ret", true);
                    intent422.putExtra("webview_params", hashMap2);
                    if (z16) {
                    if (!(msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity)) {
                str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) || !((r21.d) d60.z.q(r21.d.class)).gk0(str12)) {
                    hashMap2.put(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, str);
                } else {
                    try {
                        hashMap2.put(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, msgHandler.f167378x.v6(84, null).getString("webview_current_title"));
                    } catch (RemoteException e37) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invokeAsResult error : %s", e37);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMessage, img_url=%s, desc=%s, title=%s, url=%s", (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("img_url"), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("desc"), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE), (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(obj));
                q.INSTANCE.idkeyStat(157, 5, 1, false);
                Intent intent4222 = new Intent();
                intent4222.putExtra("Select_Conv_Type", 35);
                intent4222.putExtra("scene_from", 2);
                intent4222.putExtra("mutil_select_is_ret", true);
                intent4222.putExtra("webview_params", hashMap2);
                if (z16) {
                    intent4222.putExtra("Retr_Msg_Type", 2);
                } else {
                    String C62 = msgHandler.C6(str12);
                    intent4222.putExtra("Retr_Msg_Type", 4);
                    hashMap2.put(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, C62);
                if (!(msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity)) {
                    ((HashMap) h1Var.f247862h).put("Internal@AsyncReport", Boolean.TRUE);
                    if (Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("open_from_scene"), 0) == 4) {
                        z15 = true;
                        ((nr.j) j.c(nr.j.class)).PM(msgHandler.f167367n.getLong("favlocalid", 0), 1, 0);
                    } else {
                        z15 = true;
                    ((ep.j) j.c(ep.j.class)).setScene(5);
                    int i18 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
                    int i19 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
                    int i25 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
                    int i26 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
                    int i27 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
                    int i28 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
                    sv3.b.v((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, ".ui.transmit.SelectConversationUI", intent4222, i18, msgHandler);
                } else {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSendAppMessage context is not activity");
                    return false;
            z15 = true;
        return z15;

    public static boolean n4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseCard JSOAUTH");
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(ConstantsKinda.INTENT_LITEAPP_APPID);
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("location_id"), 0);
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sign_type");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("card_sign");
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("time_stamp"), 0);
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("nonce_str");
        String str5 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("card_id");
        String str6 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("card_type");
        if ("INVOICE".equalsIgnoreCase(str6)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "choose_card:fail", new HashMap());
            return false;
        int i17 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("can_multi_select"), 0);
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra(ConstantsKinda.INTENT_LITEAPP_APPID, str);
        intent.putExtra("shop_id", i15);
        intent.putExtra("sign_type", str2);
        intent.putExtra("card_sign", str3);
        intent.putExtra("time_stamp", i16);
        intent.putExtra("nonce_str", str4);
        intent.putExtra("card_tp_id", str5);
        intent.putExtra("card_type", str6);
        intent.putExtra("can_multi_select", i17);
        intent.putExtra("key_from_scene", 7);
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
            ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
            sv3.b.o(msgHandler.f167360d, "card", ".ui.CardListSelectedUI", intent, 13, false);
        return true;

    public static boolean n5(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        if (msgHandler.f167360d != null) {
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("deviceType");
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "deviceType is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openMyDeviceProfile:fail_no deviceType", null);
                return true;
            String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("deviceId");
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "deviceId is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openMyDeviceProfile:fail_no deviceId", null);
                return true;
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            if (!(msgHandler.f167360d instanceof Activity)) {
            intent.putExtra("device_type", str);
            intent.putExtra(TPDownloadProxyEnum.USER_DEVICE_ID, str2);
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "exdevice", ".ui.ExdeviceDeviceProfileUI", intent, null);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openMyDeviceProfile:ok", null);
            return true;
        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "context is null");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openMyDeviceProfile:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean o(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (!f2.f165535c.f165537b) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyStartPlay:fail_has_not_init", null);
            return true;
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webviewVideoProxyPlaydataId"), 0);
        if (i15 > 0) {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putInt("webview_video_proxy_play_data_id", i15);
            try {
                msgHandler.f167378x.v6(5003, bundle);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyStopPlay:ok", null);
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "webview proxy stop play failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
            return false;
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyStopPlay:fail", null);
        return false;

    public static boolean o0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        try {
            Bundle b15 = h1.b(h1Var.f247819a);
            String str = "";
            Bundle bundle = msgHandler.f167367n;
            if (bundle != null) {
                str = msgHandler.f167367n.getString("KoriginUrl");
            WebViewCloseWindowEvent webViewCloseWindowEvent = new WebViewCloseWindowEvent();
            webViewCloseWindowEvent.f65229d.f65230a = str;
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doCloseWindow, ex = " + e15.getMessage());
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "close_window:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean o1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        String trim = h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE).toString().trim();
        if (!trim.equals("expose")) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openSecurityView fail, scene error : " + trim, null);
        } else if (h1Var.f247819a.get("userData") != null) {
            try {
                Intent intent = new Intent();
                intent.putExtra("sns_permission_userName", ((JSONObject) new JSONTokener(h1Var.f247819a.get("userData").toString()).nextValue()).get("userName").toString());
                intent.putExtra("sns_permission_anim", true);
                intent.putExtra("sns_permission_block_scene", 1);
                sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "sns", ".ui.SnsPermissionUI", intent, null);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openSecurityView ok", null);
            } catch (JSONException unused) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openSecurityView error, userData not in json");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openSecurityView error,userData not in json", null);
        } else {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openSecurityView fail, no userData", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean o2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        String obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("list").toString();
        LinkedList<as3> linkedList = new LinkedList<>();
        try {
            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(obj);
            for (int i15 = 0; i15 < jSONArray.length(); i15++) {
                JSONObject optJSONObject = jSONArray.optJSONObject(i15);
                if (optJSONObject != null) {
                    as3 as32 = new as3();
                    as32.f16559d = optJSONObject.optInt("cmdId");
                    String optString = optJSONObject.optString("cmdBuffer");
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(optString)) {
                        as32.f16560e = new xv3.b(optString.getBytes());
                    } else {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doUxSearchOpLog cmdId " + as32.f16559d + " , cmdBuffer is empty");
        } catch (JSONException e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", Util.stackTraceToString(e15));
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        long nowMilliSecond = Util.nowMilliSecond();
        hashMap.put("reqId", Long.valueOf(nowMilliSecond));
        if (!linkedList.isEmpty()) {
            c.b bVar = new c.b();
            bVar.f345559a = new pp5();
            bVar.f345560b = new qp5();
            bVar.f345561c = "/cgi-bin/mmux-bin/wxaapp/wxaapp_opsearch";
            bVar.f345562d = 1865;
            yf0.c a15 = bVar.a();
            ((pp5) a15.f345548a.f345573a).f33259d = linkedList;
            l0.e(a15, new x3(msgHandler, nowMilliSecond), false);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "uxSearchOpLog:succ", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean o3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        long j15 = Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("download_id"), -1);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPauseDownloadTask, downloadId = " + j15);
        if (j15 <= 0) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPauseDownloadTask fail, invalid downloadId = " + j15);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "pause_download_task:fail", null);
        } else {
            c3 Uj = ((t) j.c(t.class)).Uj(j15);
            if (Uj == null) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "pause_download_task:ok", null);
            } else {
                int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE), 1000);
                int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("uiarea"), 0);
                int i17 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("notice_id"), 0);
                int i18 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPDownloadProxyEnum.USER_SSID), 0);
                boolean z15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("ignoreNetwork"), 0) == 1;
                Uj.field_scene = i15;
                Uj.field_uiarea = i16;
                Uj.field_noticeId = i17;
                Uj.field_ssid = i18;
                Uj.field_downloadInWifi = false;
                ((t) j.c(t.class)).A00(Uj);
                ((kq.c0) j.c(kq.c0.class)).Ly0(msgHandler.f167360d, j15, z15, new f2(msgHandler, h1Var));
        return true;

    public static boolean o4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseInvoice JSOAUTH");
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(AppMeasurement.Param.TIMESTAMP), 0);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra(ConstantsKinda.INTENT_LITEAPP_APPID, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId"));
        intent.putExtra("sign_type", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("signType"));
        intent.putExtra("card_sign", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("cardSign"));
        intent.putExtra("time_stamp", i15);
        intent.putExtra("nonce_str", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("nonceStr"));
        intent.putExtra("can_multi_select", 1);
        intent.putExtra("card_type", "INVOICE");
        intent.putExtra("key_from_scene", 7);
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
            ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
            sv3.b.o(msgHandler.f167360d, "card", ".ui.CardListSelectedUI", intent, 36, false);
        return true;

    public static boolean p(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (!f2.f165535c.f165537b) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxyStartPlay:fail_has_not_init", null);
            return true;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webviewVideoProxyPlayState");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "set player state : %s", str);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxySetPlayerState:fail", null);
            return true;
        int i15 = Util.getInt(str, 0);
        try {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putInt("webview_video_proxy_play_state", i15);
            msgHandler.f167378x.v6(5004, bundle);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxySetPlayerState:ok", null);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "set player state failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxySetPlayerState:fail", null);
        return false;

    public static boolean p0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        try {
            String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil(msgHandler.f167382z.c(msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl()));
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(nullAsNil)) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getEnterpriseChat:fail", null);
            } else {
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putString("enterprise_action", "enterprise_get_context_bizchat");
                Bundle v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(71, bundle);
                String string = v65.getString("enterprise_context_biz");
                long j15 = v65.getLong("enterprise_context_bizchatid", -1);
                String str = cg0.e.f49351a;
                String str2 = bg0.w0.bO0().c0(j15).field_bizChatServId;
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string)) {
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                        r3 r3Var = new r3(msgHandler, h1Var);
                        d60.z.l().f198618b.a(1285, r3Var);
                        JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
                        boolean z15 = false;
                        try {
                            jSONObject.put("brand_user_name", string);
                            jSONObject.put("bizchat_id", str2);
                            z15 = d60.z.l().f198618b.g(new p0(nullAsNil, 1, jSONObject.toString(), null), 0);
                        } catch (Exception unused) {
                        if (!z15) {
                            d60.z.l().f198618b.p(1285, r3Var);
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getEnterpriseChat:fail", null);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getEnterpriseChat:fail_not in enterprise chat", null);
        } catch (Exception unused2) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getEnterpriseChat:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean p1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("toUsername"));
        String nullAsNil2 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE));
        String nullAsNil3 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("type"));
        String nullAsNil4 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("allowBackCamera"));
        String nullAsNil5 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showOther"));
        String nullAsNil6 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("avatarUrl"));
        String nullAsNil7 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("context"));
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doStartVoipCS,toUserName:" + nullAsNil + ",scene:" + nullAsNil2 + ",type:" + nullAsNil3 + ",allowBackCamera:" + nullAsNil4 + ",showOther:" + nullAsNil5 + ",avatarUrl:" + nullAsNil6 + ",voipCSContext:" + nullAsNil7);
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        if (str == null || str.equals("") || nullAsNil == null || nullAsNil.equals("")) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "startVoipCall:param invalid", null);
            return true;
        msgHandler.U = h1Var;
        if (nullAsNil.equals("testacs")) {
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("voipCSBizId", "gh_e8b085bb67e0");
            intent.putExtra("voipCSAppId", "wx1224160e0adcefd6");
            sv3.b.j(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), "voip_cs", ".ui.VoipCSMainUI", intent, null);
            return true;
        Intent intent2 = new Intent();
        intent2.putExtra("voipCSBizId", nullAsNil);
        intent2.putExtra("voipCSScene", nullAsNil2);
        intent2.putExtra("voipCSType", nullAsNil3);
        intent2.putExtra("voipCSAppId", str);
        intent2.putExtra("voipCSAllowBackCamera", nullAsNil4);
        intent2.putExtra("voipCSShowOther", nullAsNil5);
        intent2.putExtra("voipCSAvatarUrl", nullAsNil6);
        intent2.putExtra("voipCSContext", nullAsNil7);
        v.e(intent2.getExtras(), "voip_cs", ".ui.VoipCSMainUI", msgHandler.f167378x, new u2(msgHandler, intent2));
        return true;

    public static boolean p2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putString("widgetId", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("widgetId"));
        try {
            m mVar = msgHandler.f167378x;
            if (mVar != null) {
                mVar.callback(100001, bundle);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenSearchWAWidgetLogView exception" + e15.getMessage());
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openSearchWAWidgetLogView:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean p3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
        try {
            if (h1Var.f247819a.get("style") != null) {
                jSONObject.put("style", h1Var.f247819a.get("style"));
        } catch (Exception unused) {
        boolean LH0 = ((z00.t) j.c(z00.t.class)).LH0(jSONObject.toString());
        StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();
        if (LH0) {
            str = "ok";
        } else {
            str = "fail";
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, sb5.toString(), null);
        return true;

    public static boolean p4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("card_list");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("src_username");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("consumedCardId");
        String str5 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("tempalate_id");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doBatchAddCard consumedCardId %s", str4);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doBatchAddCard %s", h1Var.f247819a.toString());
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webview_scene"), 0);
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("stastic_scene"), 0);
        int i17 = i15 == 25 ? 16 : 7;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doBatchAddCard src_username is %s, scene is %d, stasticScene is %d", str2, Integer.valueOf(i17), Integer.valueOf(i16));
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("key_in_card_list", str);
        intent.putExtra("key_from_scene", i17);
        intent.putExtra("key_stastic_scene", i16);
        intent.putExtra("src_username", str2);
        intent.putExtra("js_url", str3);
        intent.putExtra("key_consumed_card_id", str4);
        intent.putExtra("key_template_id", str5);
        Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
        if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
            ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
            sv3.b.o(msgHandler.f167360d, "card", ".ui.CardAddEntranceUI", intent, 16, false);
        return true;

    public static ArrayList<f4> p6(long[] jArr) {
        ArrayList<f4> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
        if (jArr != null) {
            for (long j15 : jArr) {
                arrayList.add(((g4) ((k0) d60.z.q(k0.class)).WU()).tz(j15));
        return arrayList;

    public static boolean q(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (!f2.f165535c.f165537b) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxySetRemainTime:fail_has_not_init", null);
        } else {
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webviewVideoProxyPlaydataId");
            int i15 = Util.getInt(str, 0);
            String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webviewVideoProxyRemainTime");
            int i16 = Util.getInt(str2, 0);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doWebviewProxySetRemainTime, id = %s, time = %s", str, str2);
            try {
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putInt("webview_video_proxy_play_data_id", i15);
                bundle.putInt("webview_video_proxy_play_remain_time", i16);
                msgHandler.f167378x.v6(5006, bundle);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxySetRemainTime:ok", null);
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "set remain time faild : %s", e15.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "videoProxySetRemainTime:fail", null);
        return false;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:35:0x00cd  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:36:0x00d7  */
    public static boolean q0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        String str2;
        String o65;
        int i15;
        String str3;
        String str4;
        String str5;
        UnsupportedEncodingException e15;
        int i16;
        Exception e16;
        String str6 = " ";
        String str7 = "";
        String str8 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("actionKey");
        String str9 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("actionValue");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doReportActionInfo, actionKey =  %s, actionValue =  %s", str8, str9);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str8) || Util.isNullOrNil(str9)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doReportActionInfo, actionKey or actionValue is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportActionInfo:fail", null);
            return true;
        } else if (str8.length() <= 0 || str8.length() > 32 || str9.length() <= 0 || str9.length() > 1024) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doReportActionInfo, actionKey or actionValue size is bad");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportActionInfo:fail", null);
            return true;
        } else {
            try {
                Bundle v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(77, null);
                if (v65 != null) {
                    str = Util.nullAsNil(v65.getString("KSessionId"));
                    try {
                        str2 = Util.nullAsNil(v65.getString("KUserAgent"));
                    } catch (Exception e17) {
                        e16 = e17;
                        str2 = str6;
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "get sessionId error, %s", e16);
                        o65 = msgHandler.o6(str6);
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(o65)) {
                    try {
                        str6 = Util.nullAsNil(v65.getString("KUrl"));
                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str6)) {
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doReportActionInfo, url is empty");
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportActionInfo:fail", null);
                            return true;
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doReportActionInfo, sessionId %s, userAgent %s, url %s", str, str2, str6);
                    } catch (Exception e18) {
                        e16 = e18;
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "get sessionId error, %s", e16);
                        o65 = msgHandler.o6(str6);
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(o65)) {
                } else {
                    str2 = str6;
                    str = str2;
            } catch (Exception e19) {
                e16 = e19;
                str2 = str6;
                str = str2;
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "get sessionId error, %s", e16);
                o65 = msgHandler.o6(str6);
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(o65)) {
            o65 = msgHandler.o6(str6);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(o65)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doReportActionInfo, appId is empty");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportActionInfo:fail", null);
                return true;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doReportActionInfo, appId %s", o65);
            if (NetStatusUtil.isConnected(msgHandler.f167360d)) {
                if (NetStatusUtil.isWifi(msgHandler.f167360d)) {
                    i16 = 1;
                } else if (NetStatusUtil.is5G(msgHandler.f167360d)) {
                    i16 = 5;
                } else if (NetStatusUtil.is4G(msgHandler.f167360d)) {
                    i16 = 4;
                } else if (NetStatusUtil.is3G(msgHandler.f167360d)) {
                    i16 = 3;
                } else {
                    i16 = NetStatusUtil.is2G(msgHandler.f167360d) ? 2 : 0;
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doReportActionInfo, get networkType %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                i15 = i16;
            } else {
                i15 = 0;
            long nowSecond = Util.nowSecond();
            try {
                str3 = URLEncoder.encode(Util.nullAsNil(str2), "UTF-8");
                try {
                    str5 = URLEncoder.encode(str6, "UTF-8");
                    try {
                        str4 = URLEncoder.encode(str8, "UTF-8");
                        try {
                            str7 = URLEncoder.encode(str9, "UTF-8");
                        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e25) {
                            e15 = e25;
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e26) {
                        e15 = e26;
                        str4 = str7;
                        Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, str7, new Object[0]);
                        q.INSTANCE.g(13379, Long.valueOf(nowSecond), o65, Integer.valueOf(i15), str3, str5, str, str4, str7);
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportActionInfo:ok", null);
                        return true;
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e27) {
                    e15 = e27;
                    str5 = str7;
                    str4 = str5;
                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, str7, new Object[0]);
                    q.INSTANCE.g(13379, Long.valueOf(nowSecond), o65, Integer.valueOf(i15), str3, str5, str, str4, str7);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportActionInfo:ok", null);
                    return true;
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e28) {
                e15 = e28;
                str5 = str7;
                str4 = str5;
                str3 = str4;
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, str7, new Object[0]);
                q.INSTANCE.g(13379, Long.valueOf(nowSecond), o65, Integer.valueOf(i15), str3, str5, str, str4, str7);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportActionInfo:ok", null);
                return true;
            q.INSTANCE.g(13379, Long.valueOf(nowSecond), o65, Integer.valueOf(i15), str3, str5, str, str4, str7);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "reportActionInfo:ok", null);
            return true;

    public static boolean q1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String o65 = msgHandler.o6(msgHandler.s6());
        String f15 = r.f(true);
        String i15 = r.i();
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(f15) || Util.isNullOrNil(o65) || Util.isNullOrNil(i15)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getOpenDeviceId:fail", null);
        } else {
            String mD5String = MD5Util.getMD5String(MD5Util.getMD5String(o65 + f15));
            String mD5String2 = MD5Util.getMD5String(MD5Util.getMD5String(o65 + i15));
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            hashMap.put("deviceid", mD5String);
            hashMap.put("newDeviceId", mD5String2);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getOpenDeviceId:ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean q2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("username");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "open_biz_chat:param_err", null);
        } else {
            z1 z1Var = ((k0) d60.z.q(k0.class)).Zx().get(str);
            if (z1Var == null || !z1Var.u3()) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "open_biz_chat:not biz username", null);
            } else if (!z1Var.z3()) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "open_biz_chat:unfollow", null);
            } else {
                String str2 = h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("modalMode") ? (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("modalMode") : null;
                String str3 = h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("referInfo") ? (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("referInfo") : null;
                Intent intent = new Intent();
                intent.putExtra("Chat_User", str);
                intent.putExtra("finish_direct", true);
                if (str3 != null) {
                    intent.putExtra("key_biz_half_screen_chat_refer_info", str3);
                if ("1".equals(str2)) {
                    intent.putExtra("key_biz_half_screen_chat_style", true);
                    sv3.b.t(msgHandler.f167360d, ".ui.chatting.BizHalfScreenChattingUI", intent, null);
                    try {
                        if (msgHandler.f167378x != null) {
                            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                            bundle.putBoolean("forbid_response_kb_state_when_inactive", true);
                            msgHandler.f167378x.v6(305, bundle);
                    } catch (Exception e15) {
                        Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "doOpenBizChat", new Object[0]);
                } else {
                    sv3.b.t(msgHandler.f167360d, ".ui.chatting.ChattingUI", intent, null);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "open_biz_chat:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean q3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE);
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("panelShowType");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mode");
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("businessId");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[WeCoin] doBuyWCCoin scene is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
            return false;
        m1 m1Var = new m1(msgHandler, h1Var);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str3) || "1".equals(str3)) {
            zl3.i iVar = new zl3.i();
            iVar.f354476b = Util.safeParseInt(str4);
            iVar.f354475a = Integer.parseInt(str);
            iVar.f354477c = "";
            iVar.f354478d = m1Var;
            iVar.f354481g = zl3.h.COMMON_CHARGE;
            ((zl3.e) d60.z.q(zl3.e.class)).zK0((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, iVar);
        } else if ("2".equals(str3)) {
            String str5 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("customCount");
            String str6 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("productId");
            String str7 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("agreementVersion");
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str5)) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[WeCoin] doBuyWCCoin customCount is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
                return false;
            } else if (Util.isNullOrNil(str6)) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[WeCoin] doBuyWCCoin productId is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
                return false;
            } else if (Util.isNullOrNil(str7)) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[WeCoin] doBuyWCCoin agreementVersion is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
                return false;
            } else {
                zl3.i iVar2 = new zl3.i();
                iVar2.f354476b = Util.safeParseInt(str4);
                iVar2.f354480f = str6;
                iVar2.f354482h = Long.parseLong(str5);
                iVar2.f354479e = Integer.parseInt(str7);
                iVar2.f354475a = Integer.parseInt(str);
                iVar2.f354477c = "";
                iVar2.f354478d = m1Var;
                iVar2.f354481g = zl3.h.DIRECT_CHARGE;
                ((zl3.e) d60.z.q(zl3.e.class)).zK0((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, iVar2);
        } else {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mode not right");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
            return false;
        return true;

    public static boolean q4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.LiveExKeys.LIVE_EX_DEFINATION_SWICH);
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("title_cn");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("title_eng");
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("ok_cn");
        String str5 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("ok_eng");
        String str6 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("cancel_cn");
        String str7 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("cancel_eng");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSetCloseWindowConfirmDialogInfo, switch value : %s, title_cn : %s, title_eng : %s, ok_cn : %s,  ok_eng : %s,  cancel_cn : %s,  cancel_eng : %s", str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putString("close_window_confirm_dialog_switch", str);
        bundle.putString("close_window_confirm_dialog_title_cn", str2);
        bundle.putString("close_window_confirm_dialog_title_eng", str3);
        bundle.putString("close_window_confirm_dialog_ok_cn", str4);
        bundle.putString("close_window_confirm_dialog_ok_eng", str5);
        bundle.putString("close_window_confirm_dialog_cancel_cn", str6);
        bundle.putString("close_window_confirm_dialog_cancel_eng", str7);
        try {
            msgHandler.f167378x.callback(13, bundle);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSetCloseWindowConfirmDialogInfo invoke callback failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "setCloseWindowConfirmDialogInfo:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean r(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        p.e(h1Var.f247819a, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
        ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.q10()).c(h1Var.f247819a);
        return false;

    public static boolean r0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("brandUsername");
        Intent Cd0 = ((z00.o) j.c(z00.o.class)).Cd0();
        Cd0.putExtra("ftsneedkeyboard", true);
        Cd0.putExtra("ftsbizscene", 19);
        Cd0.putExtra("ftsType", 2);
        Map<String, String> tq4 = ((z00.o) j.c(z00.o.class)).tq(19, true, 2);
        tq4.put("userName", str);
        Cd0.putExtra("rawUrl", ((z00.o) j.c(z00.o.class)).FB(tq4));
        Cd0.putExtra("key_load_js_without_delay", true);
        Cd0.putExtra("ftsbizusername", str);
        sv3.b.y(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), Cd0, null);
        return false;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:16:0x0046 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x009b }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:17:0x0048 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x009b }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:24:0x006e A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x009b }, LOOP:0: B:23:0x006c->B:24:0x006e, LOOP_END] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:27:0x0090 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x009b }] */
    public static boolean r1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        ih.c b15;
        try {
            Bundle v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(CodecError.FLUSH_ILLEGAL, null);
            if (v65 != null) {
                String[] stringArray = v65.getStringArray("webview_get_route_url_list");
                int i15 = v65.getInt("webview_get_route_url_geta8key_scene");
                if (i15 == 7 || i15 == 56) {
                    String string = v65.getString("geta8key_username");
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string) && (b15 = bg0.l.b(string)) != null) {
                        str = b15.field_appId;
                        Object[] objArr = new Object[3];
                        objArr[0] = Integer.valueOf(stringArray == null ? stringArray.length : -1);
                        objArr[1] = Integer.valueOf(i15);
                        objArr[2] = str;
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "routeUrl length = %d, scene = %d, appid = %s", objArr);
                        if (stringArray != null && stringArray.length > 0) {
                            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray();
                            for (String str2 : stringArray) {
                            hashMap.put("urls", jSONArray.toString());
                            hashMap.put(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, Integer.valueOf(i15));
                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                                hashMap.put("appid", str);
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getRouteUrl:ok", hashMap);
                            return true;
                str = null;
                Object[] objArr2 = new Object[3];
                objArr2[0] = Integer.valueOf(stringArray == null ? stringArray.length : -1);
                objArr2[1] = Integer.valueOf(i15);
                objArr2[2] = str;
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "routeUrl length = %d, scene = %d, appid = %s", objArr2);
                HashMap hashMap2 = new HashMap();
                JSONArray jSONArray2 = new JSONArray();
                while (r10 < r9) {
                hashMap2.put("urls", jSONArray2.toString());
                hashMap2.put(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, Integer.valueOf(i15));
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getRouteUrl:ok", hashMap2);
                return true;
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "get routeurl failed ; %s", e15.getMessage());
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "getRouteUrl:fail", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean r2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        int safeParseInt = Util.safeParseInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("x"));
        int safeParseInt2 = Util.safeParseInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("y"));
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putString("widgetId", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("widgetId"));
        bundle.putInt("x", safeParseInt);
        bundle.putInt("y", safeParseInt2);
        bundle.putString("eventId", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("eventId"));
        try {
            m mVar = msgHandler.f167378x;
            if (mVar != null) {
                mVar.callback(100002, bundle);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doTapSearchWAWidgetView exception" + e15.getMessage());
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "tapSearchWAWidgetView:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean r3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("buff");
        if (str == null) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[WeCoin] doConsumeWCCoin rawPrepareBuffParams is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
        } else {
            byte[] decode = Base64.decode(str, 2);
            String str2 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("businessId");
            String str3 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("mode");
            String str4 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("productWecoinPrice");
            String str5 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("productTitle");
            String str6 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("productTitleInsufficient");
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[WeCoin] doConsumeWCCoin businessId is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
            } else {
                fl3.j jVar = new fl3.j(Util.safeParseInt(str2), (MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d, new n1(msgHandler, h1Var), new o1(msgHandler, h1Var), new p1(msgHandler, h1Var));
                jVar.f215478g = decode;
                if ("2".equals(str3)) {
                    jVar.f215477f = fl3.i.ShowPanel;
                    lh4.m.g(str5, "<set-?>");
                    jVar.f215479h = str5;
                    lh4.m.g(str6, "<set-?>");
                    jVar.f215480i = str6;
                    jVar.f215481j = Util.safeParseInt(str4);
                    String str7 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("productWecoinRealPrice");
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str7)) {
                        lh4.m.g(str7, "<set-?>");
                        jVar.f215482k = str7;
                    String str8 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("consumeTipsWording");
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str8)) {
                        try {
                            List<String> asList = Arrays.asList(Util.toStringArray(new JSONArray(str8)));
                            lh4.m.g(asList, "<set-?>");
                            jVar.f215483l = asList;
                        } catch (JSONException unused) {
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "json parse fail");
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
                msgHandler.H = ((zl3.e) d60.z.q(zl3.e.class)).Y90(jVar);
                return true;
        return false;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:59:0x0191  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:60:0x0194  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:63:0x019b  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:64:0x019e  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:66:0x01a1 A[ADDED_TO_REGION] */
    public static boolean r4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        boolean z15;
        Exception e15;
        String str;
        String str2;
        int i15;
        p2 p2Var;
        boolean z16;
        int i16;
        int i17;
        Exception e16;
        String string;
        String str3 = "";
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("verifyAppId");
        String str5 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("verifySignature");
        String str6 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("verifyNonceStr");
        String str7 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("verifyTimestamp");
        String str8 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("verifySignType");
        String str9 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("verifyJsApiList");
        String str10 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
        String str11 = h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("verifyOpenTagList") ? (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("verifyOpenTagList") : null;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPreVerifyJSAPI, appid:%s, signature:%s, nouce:%s, timeStamp:%s, signType:%s", str4, str5, str6, str7, str8);
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str4);
        LinkedList linkedList = new LinkedList();
        LinkedList linkedList2 = new LinkedList();
        try {
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str11)) {
                JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str11);
                str = str8;
                for (int i18 = 0; i18 < jSONArray.length(); i18++) {
            } else {
                str = str8;
            JSONArray jSONArray2 = new JSONArray(str9);
            Object[] objArr = new Object[2];
            objArr[0] = str9;
            try {
                objArr[1] = str11;
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPreVerifyJSAPI jsapiListStr %s, webComptListStr %s", objArr);
                if (jSONArray2.length() == 0 && linkedList2.size() == 0) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "checkJsApi:param is empty", null);
                } else {
                    for (int i19 = 0; i19 < jSONArray2.length(); i19++) {
                        String string2 = jSONArray2.getString(i19);
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string2)) {
                    String x35 = msgHandler.f167378x.x3();
                    String str12 = Util.isNullOrNil(x35) ? str10 : x35;
                    Object[] objArr2 = new Object[2];
                    objArr2[0] = str10;
                    try {
                        objArr2[1] = str12;
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPreVerifyJSAPI currentUrl %s, commitUrl %s", objArr2);
                        try {
                            Bundle v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(140, null);
                            int i25 = v65.getInt("key_webview_preverify_info_scene", 0);
                            try {
                                string = v65.getString("key_webview_preverify_info_source_appid", str3);
                            } catch (Exception e17) {
                                e16 = e17;
                                i16 = i25;
                                i17 = 1;
                                Object[] objArr3 = new Object[i17];
                                objArr3[0] = e16;
                                Log.e("TAG", "doPreVerifyJSAPI: %s", objArr3);
                                i15 = i16;
                                str2 = str3;
                                msgHandler.f167378x.v6(252, null);
                                String b15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.webcompt.u.b(str10);
                                String b16 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.webcompt.u.b(str12);
                                m mVar = msgHandler.f167378x;
                                c cVar = msgHandler.f167382z;
                                int l65 = msgHandler.l6();
                                int m65 = msgHandler.m6();
                                p2Var = new p2(msgHandler, b16, mVar, str12, jsapiPermissionWrapper, str10, h1Var);
                                z16 = !Util.isNullOrNil(str4);
                                if (linkedList.size() <= 0) {
                                if (linkedList2.size() <= 0) {
                                if (z16) {
                                Log.e("MicroMsg.webview.JSVerifyHelper", "handlePreVerify wrong args, %s", str4);
                                p2Var.b(c.a.EnumC1741a.RET_FAIL, null, null, 0, 0);
                                return true;
                            try {
                                v65.getString("raw_url", str3);
                                i15 = i25;
                                str2 = string;
                            } catch (Exception e18) {
                                e16 = e18;
                                i16 = i25;
                                str3 = string;
                                i17 = 1;
                                Object[] objArr32 = new Object[i17];
                                objArr32[0] = e16;
                                Log.e("TAG", "doPreVerifyJSAPI: %s", objArr32);
                                i15 = i16;
                                str2 = str3;
                                msgHandler.f167378x.v6(252, null);
                                String b152 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.webcompt.u.b(str10);
                                String b162 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.webcompt.u.b(str12);
                                m mVar2 = msgHandler.f167378x;
                                c cVar2 = msgHandler.f167382z;
                                int l652 = msgHandler.l6();
                                int m652 = msgHandler.m6();
                                p2Var = new p2(msgHandler, b162, mVar2, str12, jsapiPermissionWrapper, str10, h1Var);
                                z16 = !Util.isNullOrNil(str4);
                                if (linkedList.size() <= 0) {
                                if (linkedList2.size() <= 0) {
                                if (z16) {
                                Log.e("MicroMsg.webview.JSVerifyHelper", "handlePreVerify wrong args, %s", str4);
                                p2Var.b(c.a.EnumC1741a.RET_FAIL, null, null, 0, 0);
                                return true;
                        } catch (Exception e19) {
                            e16 = e19;
                            i17 = 1;
                            i16 = 0;
                            Object[] objArr322 = new Object[i17];
                            objArr322[0] = e16;
                            Log.e("TAG", "doPreVerifyJSAPI: %s", objArr322);
                            i15 = i16;
                            str2 = str3;
                            msgHandler.f167378x.v6(252, null);
                            String b1522 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.webcompt.u.b(str10);
                            String b1622 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.webcompt.u.b(str12);
                            m mVar22 = msgHandler.f167378x;
                            c cVar22 = msgHandler.f167382z;
                            int l6522 = msgHandler.l6();
                            int m6522 = msgHandler.m6();
                            p2Var = new p2(msgHandler, b1622, mVar22, str12, jsapiPermissionWrapper, str10, h1Var);
                            z16 = !Util.isNullOrNil(str4);
                            if (linkedList.size() <= 0) {
                            if (linkedList2.size() <= 0) {
                            if (z16) {
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.webview.JSVerifyHelper", "handlePreVerify wrong args, %s", str4);
                            p2Var.b(c.a.EnumC1741a.RET_FAIL, null, null, 0, 0);
                            return true;
                        try {
                            msgHandler.f167378x.v6(252, null);
                        } catch (Exception unused) {
                        String b15222 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.webcompt.u.b(str10);
                        String b16222 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.webcompt.u.b(str12);
                        m mVar222 = msgHandler.f167378x;
                        c cVar222 = msgHandler.f167382z;
                        int l65222 = msgHandler.l6();
                        int m65222 = msgHandler.m6();
                        p2Var = new p2(msgHandler, b16222, mVar222, str12, jsapiPermissionWrapper, str10, h1Var);
                        z16 = !Util.isNullOrNil(str4);
                        boolean z17 = linkedList.size() <= 0;
                        boolean z18 = linkedList2.size() <= 0;
                        if (z16 || (!z17 && !z18)) {
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.webview.JSVerifyHelper", "handlePreVerify wrong args, %s", str4);
                            p2Var.b(c.a.EnumC1741a.RET_FAIL, null, null, 0, 0);
                            return true;
                        d60.z.d().a(ro0.c.CTRL_INDEX, cVar222);
                        d60.z.d().f(new com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.d0(p2Var, b15222, b16222, str4, linkedList, linkedList2, str7, str6, str5, str, i15, str2, cVar222.f167592g, l65222, m65222));
                    } catch (Exception e25) {
                        e15 = e25;
                        z15 = true;
                        Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "exception occur " + e15.getMessage());
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "pre_verify_jsapi:fail", null);
                        return z15;
                return true;
            } catch (Exception e26) {
                e15 = e26;
                z15 = true;
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "exception occur " + e15.getMessage());
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "pre_verify_jsapi:fail", null);
                return z15;
        } catch (Exception e27) {
            e15 = e27;
            z15 = true;
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "exception occur " + e15.getMessage());
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "pre_verify_jsapi:fail", null);
            return z15;

    public static boolean s(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        String f15 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "username");
        ((f1) j.c(f1.class)).Zr(msgHandler.f167360d, p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "contactUsername"), f15, p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "appId"), 5, p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "sceneNote"), new MsgHandler$$a(msgHandler, h1Var));
        return true;

    public static boolean s0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "start doChangePayActivityView");
        ChangePayActivityViewEvent changePayActivityViewEvent = new ChangePayActivityViewEvent();
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("showInfo");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "changePayActivityView eroor, parse showinfo to jsonarray error");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "changePayActivityView:fail", null);
            return false;
        try {
            JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(str);
            changePayActivityViewEvent.f61995d.f61997a = jSONObject.getString("buttonTitle");
            String string = jSONObject.getString("isButtonEnable");
            String string2 = jSONObject.getString("isButtonHidden");
            String string3 = jSONObject.getString("isActivityViewHidden");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "isButtonEnable:" + string + " isButtonHidden:" + string2 + " isActivityViewHidden:" + string3);
            changePayActivityViewEvent.f61995d.f61998b = Util.getInt(string, 0) > 0;
            changePayActivityViewEvent.f61995d.f61999c = Util.getInt(string2, 0) > 0;
            changePayActivityViewEvent.f61995d.f62000d = Util.getInt(string3, 0) > 0;
            if (changePayActivityViewEvent.f61996e.f62001a) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "changePayActivityView:ok");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "changePayActivityView:ok", null);
            } else {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "changePayActivityView:fail");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "changePayActivityView:fail", null);
            return true;
        } catch (Exception unused) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "changePayActivityView eroor, parse showinfo to jsonarray error");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "changePayActivityView:fail", null);
            return false;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:11:0x005b  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:12:0x0068  */
    public static boolean s1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        int i15;
        int safeParseInt;
        Exception e15;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "start secureTunnel");
        String s65 = msgHandler.s6();
        String o65 = msgHandler.o6(s65);
        try {
            i15 = msgHandler.f167378x.r8();
            try {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "securetunnel getA8keyscene: " + msgHandler.f167378x.r8());
            } catch (Exception e16) {
                e15 = e16;
        } catch (Exception e17) {
            e15 = e17;
            i15 = 0;
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getCurrentUrl, exception = %s", e15);
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("type"))) {
            return true;
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("type"))) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "securetunnel type nil");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "secureTunnel:fail", null);
            msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        } else if (Util.isNullOrNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("reqbuf"))) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "securetunnel reqbuf nil");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "secureTunnel:fail", null);
            msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        } else if (Util.isNullOrNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FileReaderHelper.OPEN_FILE_FROM_CMD))) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "securetunnel cmd nil");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "secureTunnel:fail", null);
            msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        } else {
            if (h1Var.f247819a.containsKey("timeout") && (safeParseInt = Util.safeParseInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("timeout"))) != 0) {
                h1Var.f247819a.put("timeout", Integer.valueOf(safeParseInt));
            l1 l1Var = new l1(msgHandler, h1Var);
            if (((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("type")).equals("wxpay")) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "secureTunnel doscene");
                ((qv3.d) j.c(qv3.d.class)).Ur0(h1Var.f247819a, s65, o65, i15, l1Var);
                msgHandler.f167375u = false;
            } else {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "secureTunnel callback fail: invalid type");
                HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                hashMap.put("err_desc", "invalid type");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "secureTunnel:fail", hashMap);
                msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        return true;

    public static boolean s2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        String str = (String) map.get("query");
        String str2 = (String) map.get("sortedContacts");
        int safeParseInt = Util.safeParseInt((String) map.get("offset"));
        int safeParseInt2 = Util.safeParseInt((String) map.get("count"));
        int nullAsInt = Util.nullAsInt(map.get("webview_instance_id"), -1);
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
            str2 = "";
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
        try {
            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str2);
            for (int i15 = 0; i15 < jSONArray.length(); i15++) {
        } catch (JSONException e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", e15, "", new Object[0]);
        if (fTSWebViewLogic.f164242r == null) {
            fTSWebViewLogic.f164242r = new so3.b();
        so3.d dVar = new so3.d(str, arrayList);
        so3.d dVar2 = fTSWebViewLogic.f164243s;
        if (dVar2 == null || !dVar2.equals(dVar)) {
            fTSWebViewLogic.f164243s = dVar;
            so3.b bVar = (so3.b) fTSWebViewLogic.f164242r;
            ((HashMap) bVar.f304292b).put(dVar, new com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.h(fTSWebViewLogic, safeParseInt, safeParseInt2, nullAsInt));
            bVar.a(dVar, bVar.f304294d);
        } else {
            so3.d dVar3 = fTSWebViewLogic.f164243s;
            if (dVar3.f304299e) {
                fTSWebViewLogic.c(dVar3, safeParseInt, safeParseInt2, nullAsInt);
        return false;

    public static boolean s3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        boolean z15;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("alwaysDarkMode");
        if (str == null || !str.equals("1")) {
            z15 = false;
        } else {
            z15 = true;
        zl3.d Fq0 = ((zl3.e) d60.z.q(zl3.e.class)).Fq0(msgHandler.f167360d, z15);
        if (Fq0 == null) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
        } else {
            Fq0.a(new q1(msgHandler, h1Var));
        return true;

    public static boolean t0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Context context;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("cardType");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) || (context = msgHandler.f167360d) == null) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "scanLicence:fail", null);
        } else if (!msgHandler.D.b(str, context, new j1(msgHandler, str, h1Var))) {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(1);
            hashMap.put("cardType", str);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "scanLicence:type not supported", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean t1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sendId");
        int safeParseInt = Util.safeParseInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("hbKind"));
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "sendId: %s, hbKind: %s", str, Integer.valueOf(safeParseInt));
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("key_sendid", str);
            intent.putExtra("key_jump_from", 4);
            if (safeParseInt == 2) {
                intent.putExtra("key_hb_kind", safeParseInt);
                sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "luckymoney", ".ui.LuckyMoneyBusiDetailUI", intent, null);
            } else if (safeParseInt == 5) {
                intent.putExtra("key_hb_kind", safeParseInt);
                sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "luckymoney", ".ui.LuckyMoneyBeforeDetailUI", intent, null);
            } else if (safeParseInt == 6) {
                intent.putExtra("key_hk_scene", 3);
                intent.putExtra("key_hb_kind", safeParseInt);
                sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "luckymoney", ".hk.ui.LuckyMoneyHKBeforeDetailUI", intent, null);
            } else if (safeParseInt == 7) {
                intent.putExtra("key_hb_kind", safeParseInt);
                sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "luckymoney", ".ui.LuckyMoneyBeforeDetailUI", intent, null);
            } else {
                sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "luckymoney", ".ui.LuckyMoneyBeforeDetailUI", intent, null);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openLuckyMoneyDetailView:ok", null);
        } else {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openLuckyMoneyDetailView:fail", null);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:146:0x0592  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:27:0x011c A[SYNTHETIC, Splitter:B:27:0x011c] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:41:0x014b  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:44:0x0150  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:47:0x0157 A[SYNTHETIC, Splitter:B:47:0x0157] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:51:0x017a  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:54:0x01d5  */
    public static boolean t2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        boolean z15;
        String str;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        String str4;
        int i15;
        int i16;
        boolean z16;
        String str5;
        boolean z17;
        String str6;
        JSONException e15;
        String str7;
        JSONException e16;
        String str8;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        int i17 = msgHandler.A;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "openSearchWebView %s", map.toString());
        int safeParseInt = Util.safeParseInt((String) map.get("actionType"));
        int e17 = p.e(map, "type", 0);
        String str9 = (String) map.get("extParams");
        String str10 = (String) map.get("jumpTo");
        String str11 = (String) map.get("navBarColor");
        String f15 = p.f(map, "publishId");
        boolean equals = "true".equals((String) map.get("hideSearchBar"));
        boolean equals2 = "true".equals((String) map.get("isMoreButton"));
        boolean equals3 = "true".equals((String) map.get("isShowCancel"));
        int safeParseInt2 = Util.safeParseInt((String) map.get("isHomePage"));
        String valueOf = String.valueOf(map.get("isSug"));
        boolean z18 = p.e(map, "isHalfScreen", 0) == 1;
        String str12 = (String) map.get("nativeConfig");
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str12)) {
            z15 = equals3;
            try {
                JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(str12);
                str7 = jSONObject.has(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE) ? jSONObject.optString(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE) : null;
                try {
                    if (jSONObject.has("searchBarTextColor")) {
                        str8 = jSONObject.optString("searchBarTextColor");
                    } else {
                        str8 = null;
                    str2 = str8;
                } catch (JSONException e18) {
                    e16 = e18;
                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", e16, "", new Object[0]);
                    str2 = null;
                    str = str7;
                    str3 = (String) map.get("navButtonConfig");
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
                    i15 = 0;
                    if (z18) {
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(str11)) {
                    String str13 = (String) map.get("statusBarStyle");
                    String str14 = (String) map.get("tagId");
                    String str15 = (String) map.get("sessionId");
                    String str16 = (String) map.get("srcUserName");
                    int e19 = p.e(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
                    int e25 = p.e(map, "subType", 0);
                    int e26 = p.e(map, "ftsNeedHideKeyBoard", 0);
                    if (safeParseInt == 1) {
                    z16 = false;
                    return z16;
            } catch (JSONException e27) {
                e16 = e27;
                str7 = null;
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", e16, "", new Object[0]);
                str2 = null;
                str = str7;
                str3 = (String) map.get("navButtonConfig");
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
                i15 = 0;
                if (z18) {
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str11)) {
                String str132 = (String) map.get("statusBarStyle");
                String str142 = (String) map.get("tagId");
                String str152 = (String) map.get("sessionId");
                String str162 = (String) map.get("srcUserName");
                int e192 = p.e(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
                int e252 = p.e(map, "subType", 0);
                int e262 = p.e(map, "ftsNeedHideKeyBoard", 0);
                if (safeParseInt == 1) {
                z16 = false;
                return z16;
            str = str7;
        } else {
            z15 = equals3;
            str2 = null;
            str = null;
        str3 = (String) map.get("navButtonConfig");
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
            try {
                JSONObject jSONObject2 = new JSONObject(str3);
                str4 = FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE;
                try {
                    String optString = jSONObject2.optString("leftBarButtonType", "back");
                    if (optString.equals("exit")) {
                        i15 = 1;
                    } else if (optString.equals("none")) {
                        i15 = 2;
                } catch (JSONException e28) {
                    e15 = e28;
                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", e15, "", new Object[0]);
                    i15 = 0;
                    if (z18) {
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(str11)) {
                    String str1322 = (String) map.get("statusBarStyle");
                    String str1422 = (String) map.get("tagId");
                    String str1522 = (String) map.get("sessionId");
                    String str1622 = (String) map.get("srcUserName");
                    int e1922 = p.e(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
                    int e2522 = p.e(map, "subType", 0);
                    int e2622 = p.e(map, "ftsNeedHideKeyBoard", 0);
                    if (safeParseInt == 1) {
                    z16 = false;
                    return z16;
            } catch (JSONException e29) {
                e15 = e29;
                str4 = FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE;
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", e15, "", new Object[0]);
                i15 = 0;
                if (z18) {
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str11)) {
                String str13222 = (String) map.get("statusBarStyle");
                String str14222 = (String) map.get("tagId");
                String str15222 = (String) map.get("sessionId");
                String str16222 = (String) map.get("srcUserName");
                int e19222 = p.e(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
                int e25222 = p.e(map, "subType", 0);
                int e26222 = p.e(map, "ftsNeedHideKeyBoard", 0);
                if (safeParseInt == 1) {
                z16 = false;
                return z16;
            if (z18) {
                i15 = 2;
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str11)) {
                try {
                    i16 = Color.parseColor(str11);
                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e35) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "startSearchItemDetailPage: " + e35.getMessage());
                    return true;
            } else {
                i16 = 0;
            String str132222 = (String) map.get("statusBarStyle");
            String str142222 = (String) map.get("tagId");
            String str152222 = (String) map.get("sessionId");
            String str162222 = (String) map.get("srcUserName");
            int e192222 = p.e(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
            int e252222 = p.e(map, "subType", 0);
            int e262222 = p.e(map, "ftsNeedHideKeyBoard", 0);
            if (safeParseInt == 1) {
                if (safeParseInt != 2) {
                    if (safeParseInt != 3) {
                        if (safeParseInt == 5) {
                            String f16 = p.f(map, "query");
                            int e36 = p.e(map, "topStoryScene", 0);
                            int e37 = p.e(map, "tagId", 0);
                            String f17 = p.f(map, "navigationId");
                            String f18 = p.f(map, "newLifeByPass");
                            String f19 = p.f(map, "reportExtraInfo");
                            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str152222)) {
                                str152222 = jo3.z0.f(e36);
                            String valueOf2 = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
                            HashMap<String, String> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
                            hashMap.put(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, String.valueOf(21));
                            hashMap.put("query", f16);
                            hashMap.put("extParams", str9);
                            hashMap.put("sessionId", str152222);
                            hashMap.put("subSessionId", str152222);
                            hashMap.put("requestId", valueOf2);
                            hashMap.put("pRequestId", valueOf2);
                            hashMap.put(TPReportKeys.Common.COMMON_SEQ, valueOf2);
                            hashMap.put("navigationId", f17);
                            hashMap.put(AssistantStore.DownloadInfos.DownloadInfoColumns.CHANNELID, String.valueOf(e37));
                            w65 w65 = new w65();
                            w65.f40716p = ((e00.n) j.c(e00.n.class)).gL0();
                            w65.f40712i = e36;
                            w65.f40707d = "";
                            w65.f40711h = f16;
                            w65.f40708e = str152222;
                            w65.f40709f = str152222;
                            w65.f40721u = 2;
                            w65.f40713j = ((e00.h) j.c(e00.h.class)).en0(hashMap);
                            w65.f40722v = str;
                            w65.f40719s = e37;
                            w65.f40714n = valueOf2;
                            w65.f40720t = f17;
                            w65.f40723w = p.c();
                            w65.E = f18;
                            e00 e002 = new e00();
                            e002.f19923d = "rec_category";
                            e002.f19924e = (long) e37;
                            e002.f19925f = String.valueOf(e37);
                            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(f18)) {
                                if (map.containsKey("setCachePage")) {
                                    int i18 = gw.i.E0;
                                    ServiceStateCenter<gw.m> ub02 = ((gw.f) j.c(gw.f.class)).ub0();
                                    if (ub02 != null) {
                                        ub02.dispatch(new hw.q(f18));
                                } else if (!a42.a.f1076a.a("entrance")) {
                                    gw.l.c(6, 2, 211);
                                    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                                    bundle.putString("newlifeSearchByPassInfo", f18);
                                    ((e00.n) j.c(e00.n.class)).tr(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), e192222, bundle);
                                ((gw.h) j.c(gw.h.class)).YI("newlife_reportExtraInfo", f19);
                            } else {
                                ((e00.n) j.c(e00.n.class)).nt(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), w65, valueOf2);
                        } else if (safeParseInt != 7) {
                            if (safeParseInt == 8) {
                                String f25 = p.f(map, "query");
                                JSONObject jSONObject3 = new JSONObject();
                                try {
                                    jSONObject3.put("word", f25);
                                    jSONObject3.put("id", String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()));
                                    jSONObject3.put(AppMeasurement.Param.TIMESTAMP, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()));
                                    jSONObject3.put("showType", 1);
                                    jSONObject3.put("jumpUrl", p.f(map, "jumpUrl"));
                                } catch (Exception unused) {
                                ((b62.q) j.c(b62.q.class)).L4(f25 + "​" + "1", jSONObject3.toString());
                    String f26 = p.f(map, "query");
                    String f27 = p.f(map, "searchId");
                    Intent intent = new Intent();
                    if (e262222 == 1 || e262222 == 2) {
                        intent.putExtra("ftsneedkeyboard", e262222 == 1);
                    intent.putExtra("hardcode_jspermission", JsapiPermissionWrapper.f173510h);
                    intent.putExtra("hardcode_general_ctrl", GeneralControlWrapper.f173507e);
                    intent.putExtra("neverGetA8Key", true);
                    intent.putExtra("key_load_js_without_delay", true);
                    intent.putExtra("ftsQuery", f26);
                    intent.putExtra("ftsType", e17);
                    intent.putExtra("customize_status_bar_color", i16);
                    intent.putExtra("status_bar_style", str132222);
                    intent.putExtra("jumpto_sns_contact_page", "snsContactPage".equalsIgnoreCase(str10));
                    intent.putExtra("KPublisherId", f15);
                    intent.putExtra("ftsbizscene", e192222);
                    intent.putExtra("key_preload_biz", 4);
                    intent.putExtra("ftsismorebutton", equals2);
                    intent.putExtra("ftsisshowcancel", z15);
                    if (str != null) {
                        intent.putExtra(str4, str);
                    int e38 = p.e(map, "tabPageType", 0);
                    Map<String, String> c15 = jo3.z0.c(e192222, false, e17, str9);
                    try {
                        str5 = ck.q.b(f26, "utf-8");
                    } catch (Throwable unused2) {
                        str5 = f26;
                    HashMap hashMap2 = (HashMap) c15;
                    hashMap2.put("query", str5);
                    hashMap2.put("searchId", f27);
                    hashMap2.put("isHomePage", String.valueOf(safeParseInt2));
                    hashMap2.put("isSug", valueOf);
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str152222)) {
                        hashMap2.put("sessionId", str152222);
                        intent.putExtra("sessionId", str152222);
                    String f28 = jo3.z0.f(e192222);
                    hashMap2.put("subSessionId", f28);
                    intent.putExtra("subSessionId", f28);
                    intent.putExtra("rawUrl", jo3.z0.e(c15, 0));
                    intent.putExtra("ftsQuery", f26);
                    intent.putExtra("customize_status_bar_color", i16);
                    intent.putExtra("status_bar_style", str132222);
                    intent.putExtra("tabId", str142222);
                    intent.putExtra("key_load_js_without_delay", true);
                    intent.putExtra("key_back_btn_type", i15);
                    intent.putExtra("key_search_bar_text_color", str2);
                    if (e38 == 1) {
                        intent.putExtra("ftscaneditable", false);
                        jo3.z0.l(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), f26, intent, str, str9, f27, str152222, f28);
                        return false;
                    if (e192222 == 20 || e192222 == 22 || e192222 == 33 || e192222 == 3 || e192222 == 34 || e192222 == 65 || e192222 == 36 || e192222 == 100 || e192222 == 67 || e192222 == 140) {
                        z17 = true;
                        intent.putExtra("key_search_icon_and_hint_fix_default", true);
                        intent.putExtra("ftsInitToSearch", true);
                        intent.putExtra("hideSearchInput", equals);
                        str6 = ".ui.tools.fts.FTSSOSHomeWebViewUI";
                    } else {
                        intent.putExtra("key_change_search_icon", true);
                        intent.putExtra("key_search_icon_and_hint_fix_default", true);
                        str6 = ".ui.tools.fts.FTSSearchTabWebViewUI";
                        z17 = true;
                    if (e192222 == 125) {
                        intent.putExtra("ftsForceShowDarkMode", z17);
                    if (z18) {
                        intent.putExtra("ftscaneditable", false);
                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str6)) {
                        if (str6.endsWith(".ui.tools.fts.FTSSOSHomeWebViewUI")) {
                            ((h0) j.c(h0.class)).Yb0(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), intent, z18, true);
                        } else {
                            ((h0) j.c(h0.class)).nI(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), intent, z18);
                String f29 = p.f(map, "jumpUrl");
                Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "jump url = %s", f29);
                Bundle TQ = i17 != -1 ? ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).TQ(i17) : null;
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(f29)) {
                    fTSWebViewLogic.n(f29, TQ, i16, str132222, f15, 0, str162222, e192222, e252222, "");
            } else {
                if (e17 == 1) {
                    z16 = false;
                    fTSWebViewLogic.k(fTSWebViewLogic.i(map), false);
                } else if (e17 == 8) {
                    String f35 = p.f(map, "snsid");
                    String f36 = p.f(map, "objectXmlDesc");
                    String f37 = p.f(map, "userName");
                    z16 = false;
                    fTSWebViewLogic.m(f35, f36, f37, p.d(map, "fromMusicItem", false));
                } else if (e17 != 32) {
                    String f38 = p.f(map, "jumpUrl");
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "jump url = %s", f38);
                    Bundle TQ2 = i17 != -1 ? ((o0) j.c(o0.class)).TQ(i17) : null;
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(f38)) {
                        fTSWebViewLogic.n(f38, TQ2, i16, str132222, f15, 0, str162222, e192222, e252222, "");
                } else {
                return z16;
            z16 = false;
            return z16;
        str4 = FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE;
        i15 = 0;
        if (z18) {
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str11)) {
        String str1322222 = (String) map.get("statusBarStyle");
        String str1422222 = (String) map.get("tagId");
        String str1522222 = (String) map.get("sessionId");
        String str1622222 = (String) map.get("srcUserName");
        int e1922222 = p.e(map, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
        int e2522222 = p.e(map, "subType", 0);
        int e2622222 = p.e(map, "ftsNeedHideKeyBoard", 0);
        if (safeParseInt == 1) {
        z16 = false;
        return z16;

    public static boolean t3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        if (Util.isNullOrNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("businessId"))) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[WeCoin] doEnterWCCoinHomePage businessId is null");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
            return false;
        ((zl3.e) d60.z.q(zl3.e.class)).wb(msgHandler.f167360d);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean t4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        if (!msgHandler.G6()) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Do not in recording state.");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopRecord:fail", null);
        } else {
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "stop record appId : %s", str);
            o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
            WebViewJSSDKFileItem b15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(msgHandler.X);
            if (b15 == null || !str.equals(b15.f165427d)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "get jssdk file item by id failed or the appid is not corrected, appid is : %s", str);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopRecord:fail", null);
            } else {
                MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new x2(msgHandler, b15));
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "stop record, file name  : %s, file path : %s, localid : %s", b15.f165433j, b15.f165430g, b15.f165428e);
                HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                hashMap.put(l3.COL_LOCALID, b15.f165428e);
                try {
                    msgHandler.f167378x.callback(2009, null);
                } catch (RemoteException unused) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "callback on stop record failed.");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopRecord:ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:25:0x00b8  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:28:0x00de  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:36:0x014e  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:39:0x0195 A[SYNTHETIC, Splitter:B:39:0x0195] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:47:0x01be  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:50:0x01cb  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:55:0x01e9  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:62:0x0228  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:63:0x022e  */
    public static boolean u0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        int i15;
        String str;
        Bundle bundle;
        Bundle v65;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        StartAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent = new StartAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent();
        StartAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.a aVar = startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d;
        aVar.f64743f = msgHandler.f167360d;
        aVar.f64738a = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "userName");
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64745h = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "appId");
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64739b = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "relativeURL");
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64746i = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "appVersion", 0);
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64741d = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 1018);
        int i16 = 2;
        if (msgHandler.l6() == 2) {
            StartAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.a aVar2 = startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d;
            if (((c1) j.c(c1.class)).oV(aVar2.f64745h, aVar2.f64738a)) {
                i15 = 3;
                if (i15 != 0) {
                    Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle();
                    bundle2.putInt("stat_scene", i15);
                    startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64757t = bundle2;
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64742e = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "sceneNote");
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64742e)) {
                    startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64742e = ck.q.a(Util.nullAsNil(msgHandler.s6()));
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64748k = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "downloadURL");
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64740c = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "openType", 0);
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64749l = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "checkSumMd5");
                StartAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.a aVar3 = startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d;
                aVar3.f64751n = false;
                aVar3.f64752o.f78387f = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "extJsonInfo");
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u = msgHandler.o6(msgHandler.s6());
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u) && (bundle = h1Var.f247859e) != null) {
                    startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u = bundle.getString("appId");
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u)) {
                    startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "sourceAppId");
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64759v = msgHandler.s6();
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64760w = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "privateExtraData");
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64763z = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "extraData");
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64761x = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "adUxInfo");
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64761x)) {
                    try {
                        Bundle v66 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(300, Bundle.EMPTY);
                        if (v66 == null) {
                            str = null;
                        } else {
                            str = v66.getString(w.j.f187151q);
                        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64761x = str;
                        lq2.a.c("WebViewUI", "openWeApp", str, "intent");
                    } catch (Throwable th5) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenWeApp try get adUxInfo by ipc, t=%s", th5);
                } else {
                    lq2.a.c("WebViewUI", "openWeApp", startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64761x, "msg.params");
                if (h1Var.f247859e != null) {
                    String f15 = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "nativeExtraData");
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(f15)) {
                        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.B = f15;
                if (((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).containsKey("devuin")) {
                    startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64747j = gh.q.b(p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "devuin"));
                Bundle v67 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(302, Bundle.EMPTY);
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64744g = v67.getParcelable("delegate");
                if (!startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64737e.f64764a) {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openWeApp:ok", null);
                } else {
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openWeApp:fail:" + Util.nullAsNil(startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64737e.f64765b), null);
                return true;
        if (msgHandler.l6() == 1) {
            StartAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.a aVar4 = startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d;
            if (((c1) j.c(c1.class)).oV(aVar4.f64745h, aVar4.f64738a)) {
                try {
                    m mVar = msgHandler.f167378x;
                    if (!(mVar == null || (v65 = mVar.v6(1020, null)) == null)) {
                        String string = v65.getString("key_get_a8key_req_params_username");
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string)) {
                            if (!string.endsWith("chatroom")) {
                                i16 = 1;
                            i15 = i16;
                            if (i15 != 0) {
                            startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64742e = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "sceneNote");
                            if (Util.isNullOrNil(startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64742e)) {
                            startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64748k = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "downloadURL");
                            startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64740c = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "openType", 0);
                            startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64749l = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "checkSumMd5");
                            StartAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.a aVar32 = startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d;
                            aVar32.f64751n = false;
                            aVar32.f64752o.f78387f = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "extJsonInfo");
                            startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u = msgHandler.o6(msgHandler.s6());
                            startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u = bundle.getString("appId");
                            if (Util.isNullOrNil(startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u)) {
                            startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64759v = msgHandler.s6();
                            startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64760w = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "privateExtraData");
                            startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64763z = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "extraData");
                            startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64761x = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "adUxInfo");
                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64761x)) {
                            if (h1Var.f247859e != null) {
                            if (((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).containsKey("devuin")) {
                            Bundle v672 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(302, Bundle.EMPTY);
                            startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64744g = v672.getParcelable("delegate");
                            if (!startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64737e.f64764a) {
                            return true;
                    i16 = 0;
                    i15 = i16;
                } catch (RemoteException e15) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invokeAsResult error.%s", e15);
                if (i15 != 0) {
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64742e = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "sceneNote");
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64742e)) {
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64748k = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "downloadURL");
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64740c = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "openType", 0);
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64749l = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "checkSumMd5");
                StartAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.a aVar322 = startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d;
                aVar322.f64751n = false;
                aVar322.f64752o.f78387f = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "extJsonInfo");
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u = msgHandler.o6(msgHandler.s6());
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u = bundle.getString("appId");
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u)) {
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64759v = msgHandler.s6();
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64760w = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "privateExtraData");
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64763z = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "extraData");
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64761x = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "adUxInfo");
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64761x)) {
                if (h1Var.f247859e != null) {
                if (((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).containsKey("devuin")) {
                Bundle v6722 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(302, Bundle.EMPTY);
                startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64744g = v6722.getParcelable("delegate");
                if (!startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64737e.f64764a) {
                return true;
        i15 = 0;
        if (i15 != 0) {
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64742e = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "sceneNote");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64742e)) {
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64748k = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "downloadURL");
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64740c = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "openType", 0);
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64749l = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "checkSumMd5");
        StartAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.a aVar3222 = startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d;
        aVar3222.f64751n = false;
        aVar3222.f64752o.f78387f = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "extJsonInfo");
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u = msgHandler.o6(msgHandler.s6());
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u = bundle.getString("appId");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64758u)) {
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64759v = msgHandler.s6();
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64760w = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "privateExtraData");
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64763z = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "extraData");
        startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64761x = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "adUxInfo");
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64761x)) {
        if (h1Var.f247859e != null) {
        if (((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).containsKey("devuin")) {
        try {
            Bundle v67222 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(302, Bundle.EMPTY);
            startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64736d.f64744g = v67222.getParcelable("delegate");
        } catch (RemoteException e16) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenWeApp, try get startActivityIpcDelegate e=%s", e16);
        if (!startAppBrandUIFromOuterEvent.f64737e.f64764a) {
        return true;

    public static boolean u1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("transactionId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("transfer_id");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("receiverName");
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        String str5 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("pic");
        String str6 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("description");
        String str7 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("left_button_wording");
        String str8 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("right_button_wording");
        String str9 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("is_open_im");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str9)) {
            str9 = "0";
        int parseInt = Integer.parseInt(str9);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str3) || Util.isNullOrNil(str4) || Util.isNullOrNil(str5) || Util.isNullOrNil(str6) || Util.isNullOrNil(str7) || Util.isNullOrNil(str8)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doResendRemittanceMsg:fail", null);
            return true;
        ((ss3.c) j.c(ss3.c.class)).cs0(msgHandler.f167360d, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, new b2(msgHandler, str, str2, str3, parseInt, h1Var));
        return true;

    public static boolean u2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        int e15 = p.e(h1Var.f247819a, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 3);
        boolean z15 = 84 == e15;
        boolean z16 = 132 == e15;
        if (!z15 && !z16) {
            e15 = 33;
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("query", p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "query"));
        hashMap.put(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, Integer.valueOf(e15));
        hashMap.put("thirdExtParam", ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("thirdExtParam"));
        hashMap.put("type", Integer.valueOf(p.e(h1Var.f247819a, "type", 0)));
        if (((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).containsKey("url")) {
            ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.q10()).f164283f = new at5();
            ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.q10()).f164283f.f16625e = new lk();
            ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.q10()).f164283f.f16625e.f28607p = p.f(h1Var.f247819a, "url");
        String str = "";
        if (z15) {
            ((FTSWebViewLogic) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka()).getClass();
            int e16 = p.e(hashMap, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 3);
            long e17 = (long) e6.e();
            String f15 = p.f(hashMap, "query");
            String k15 = b62.g.k(e16);
            jo3.t0 t0Var = new jo3.t0();
            t0Var.f242489a = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
            t0Var.f242490b = e16;
            t0Var.f242492d = f15;
            t0Var.f242501m = f15;
            t0Var.f242493e = k15;
            t0Var.f242494f = true;
            t0Var.f242496h = true;
            t0Var.f242497i = true;
            t0Var.f242498j = 1;
            t0Var.f242499k = gy3.a.d(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), R.color.aaw);
            t0Var.f242500l = true;
            ((HashMap) t0Var.f242495g).put("msgSvrId", String.valueOf(0L));
            ((HashMap) t0Var.f242495g).put("parentSearchID", str);
            ((HashMap) t0Var.f242495g).put("fromTagSearch", "1");
            ((HashMap) t0Var.f242506r).put("ShareSceneId", str);
            ((HashMap) t0Var.f242506r).put("SnsContentType", "0");
            ((jo3.r) j.c(jo3.r.class)).H20(t0Var);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(f15) && f15.startsWith("#")) {
                f15 = f15.substring(1);
            WCTopicSearchContentActionStruct wCTopicSearchContentActionStruct = new WCTopicSearchContentActionStruct();
            wCTopicSearchContentActionStruct.f71456d = 1;
            wCTopicSearchContentActionStruct.f71457e = e17;
            wCTopicSearchContentActionStruct.f71458f = 1;
            wCTopicSearchContentActionStruct.f71459g = wCTopicSearchContentActionStruct.b("ResultQuery", f15, true);
            wCTopicSearchContentActionStruct.f71460h = 6;
            wCTopicSearchContentActionStruct.f71461i = wCTopicSearchContentActionStruct.b("ShareSceneId", str, true);
            wCTopicSearchContentActionStruct.f71462j = e17;
            wCTopicSearchContentActionStruct.f71463k = 0;
            wCTopicSearchContentActionStruct.f71464l = wCTopicSearchContentActionStruct.b("SearchSessionId", k15, true);
        } else {
            ((FTSWebViewLogic) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka()).getClass();
            String f16 = p.f(hashMap, "query");
            int e18 = p.e(hashMap, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 3);
            int e19 = p.e(hashMap, "type", 0);
            if (hashMap.get("thirdExtParam") != null) {
                str = hashMap.get("thirdExtParam").toString();
            String f17 = jo3.z0.f(e18);
            Map<String, String> b15 = jo3.z0.b(e18, true, 0);
            HashMap hashMap2 = (HashMap) b15;
            hashMap2.put("query", f16);
            hashMap2.put("sessionId", f17);
            hashMap2.put("thirdExtParam", ck.q.a(str));
            ((jo3.r) j.c(jo3.r.class)).nb(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), e18, f16, f17, true, b15, e19, true);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openWXSearchPage:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean u3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        byte[] Xe = fp2.g.INSTANCE.Xe();
        if (Xe != null) {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(1);
            hashMap.put("data", Base64.encodeToString(Xe, 2));
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", hashMap);
            return true;
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
        return false;

    public static boolean u4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(l3.COL_LOCALID);
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPlayVoice, appId : %s, localId : %s", str, str2);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "playVoice:fail_missing arguments", null);
        } else {
            WebViewJSSDKFileItem b15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(str2);
            if (b15 != null) {
                MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new y2(msgHandler, b15, str2));
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "playVoice:ok", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "playVoice:fail_arguments error", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean v(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        return ((jo3.p) j.c(jo3.p.class)).an().b(h1Var.f247819a);

    public static boolean v0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "do ecard jsapi check");
        ECardJsApiCheckEvent eCardJsApiCheckEvent = new ECardJsApiCheckEvent();
        WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
        ECardJsApiCheckEvent.a aVar = eCardJsApiCheckEvent.f62208d;
        aVar.f62210a = walletJsapiData.f173486d;
        aVar.f62211b = walletJsapiData.f173490h;
        aVar.f62212c = walletJsapiData.f173489g;
        aVar.f62213d = walletJsapiData.f173491i;
        aVar.f62214e = walletJsapiData.f173495p;
        aVar.f62215f = walletJsapiData.f173488f;
        aVar.f62216g = walletJsapiData.f173497r;
        aVar.f62217h = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("ecardType");
        eCardJsApiCheckEvent.f62208d.f62218i = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("openScene");
        eCardJsApiCheckEvent.f62208d.f62219j = new WeakReference(msgHandler.f167360d);
        eCardJsApiCheckEvent.f62208d.f62220k = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(XWalkReaderBasePlugin.PARAM_KEY_TOKEN);
        ECardJsApiCheckEvent.a aVar2 = eCardJsApiCheckEvent.f62208d;
        aVar2.f62221l = new t1(msgHandler, eCardJsApiCheckEvent, h1Var);
        aVar2.f62222m = walletJsapiData.f173501v;
        return true;

    public static boolean v1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doRecordVideo()");
        msgHandler.G5(h1Var, 1);
        return true;

    public static boolean v2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = "";
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, msgHandler.u6("sendEmail"), null, null);
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        try {
            str = msgHandler.C6(msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl());
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, str, new Object[0]);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("composeType", 1);
        intent.putExtra("subject", str2);
        intent.putExtra("mail_content", str);
        sv3.b.k(msgHandler.f167360d, "qqmail", ".ui.ComposeUI", intent, false);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "send_email:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean v3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        byte[] bArr;
        Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("rqt");
        if (obj == null) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "calrqt, dataIn is null.");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
            return false;
        if (obj instanceof String) {
            bArr = ((String) obj).getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
        } else if (obj instanceof byte[]) {
            bArr = (byte[]) obj;
        } else {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "calrqt, cannot determine type of rqt data.");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
            return false;
        PInt pInt = new PInt();
        PInt pInt2 = new PInt();
        PByteArray pByteArray = new PByteArray();
        if (fp2.g.INSTANCE.h7(1, bArr, 0, bArr.length, pInt, pInt2, pByteArray)) {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(5);
            hashMap.put("k1", Integer.valueOf(pInt.value));
            hashMap.put("k2", Integer.valueOf(pInt2.value));
            hashMap.put("data", Base64.encodeToString(pByteArray.value, 2));
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", hashMap);
            return true;
        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "calrqt, cannot calculate hash of rqt data.");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
        return false;

    public static boolean v4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(l3.COL_LOCALID);
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doStopVoice, appId : %s, localId : %s", str, str2);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "pauseVoice:fail_missing arguments", null);
        } else {
            WebViewJSSDKFileItem b15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(str2);
            if (b15 != null) {
                MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new a3(msgHandler, b15));
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "pauseVoice:ok", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "pauseVoice:fail_not playing", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean w(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("widgetId").toString();
        String tC0 = ((z00.s) j.c(z00.s.class)).tC0(obj);
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("widgetId", obj);
        hashMap.put("imgUrl", tC0);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, String.format("%s:ok", h1Var.f247863i), hashMap);
        return false;

    public static boolean w0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("miniprogramAppID");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("data");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToMiniProgram:fail invalid miniprogramAppID", null);
            return false;
        ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.t0) j.c(com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.t0.class)).bw0(str, str2, msgHandler.A);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "sendDataToMiniProgram:ok", null);
        return false;

    public static boolean w1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        boolean z15;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(l3.COL_LOCALID);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doPreviewVideo(), localId:%s", str);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        if (Util.nullAsNil(str).trim().startsWith("weixin://bgmixid/")) {
            intent.putExtra("game_bg_mix_fake_local_id", Util.nullAsNil(str).trim());
            Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
            if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
                ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
                sv3.b.n(msgHandler.f167360d, "game", ".media.background.GameFakeVideoUI", intent, 46);
        } else {
            WebViewJSSDKFileItem b15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(str);
            if (b15 == null) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "the item is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "previewVideo:fail", null);
            } else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(b15.f165430g)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "the File item not exist for localId:%s", b15.f165428e);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "previewVideo:fail", null);
            } else {
                n2 a15 = n2.a(b15.f165430g);
                String str2 = a15.f189021f;
                if (str2 != null) {
                    String k15 = o2.k(str2, false, false);
                    if (!a15.f189021f.equals(k15)) {
                        a15 = new n2(a15.f189019d, a15.f189020e, k15, a15.f189022g, a15.f189023h);
                h0.h l15 = h0.i.f188954a.l(a15, null);
                if (!l15.a()) {
                    z15 = false;
                } else {
                    z15 = l15.f188951a.D(l15.f188952b);
                if (!z15) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "the File not exist for origFilePath:%s", b15.f165430g);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "previewVideo:fail", null);
                } else {
                    intent.putExtra("key_video_path", b15.f165430g);
                    Context context2 = msgHandler.f167360d;
                    if (context2 instanceof MMActivity) {
                        ((MMActivity) context2).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
                        sv3.b.n(msgHandler.f167360d, "card", ".ui.CardGiftVideoUI", intent, 46);
        return true;

    public static boolean w2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Map<String, Object> map;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        try {
            if (!(msgHandler.f167378x == null || (map = h1Var.f247819a) == null || !map.containsKey("view"))) {
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                bundle.putString("fts_key_data", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("view"));
                msgHandler.f167378x.callback(138, bundle);
        } catch (Exception unused) {
        return false;

    public static boolean w3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        ((kq.c0) j.c(kq.c0.class)).Lx(msgHandler.f167360d, com.tencent.mm.plugin.downloader_app.model.a.c(h1Var.f247819a), new y0(msgHandler, h1Var));
        return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:123:? A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:92:0x0352  */
    public static boolean w4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        int i15;
        String str2;
        int i16;
        String str3;
        boolean z15;
        String str4;
        String str5;
        a0.b bVar;
        String str6;
        String str7;
        int i17;
        int i18;
        String str8;
        String str9;
        String str10;
        a0.b bVar2;
        Exception e15;
        String str11;
        msgHandler.E.a(2, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("use_update_jsapi_data"));
        msgHandler.y5(jsapiPermissionWrapper, h1Var, jsapiPermissionWrapper.f(88) || jsapiPermissionWrapper.f(TingProto.TingReportContext.CURRTAPETYPE_FIELD_NUMBER));
        boolean I6 = msgHandler.I6();
        WXMediaMessage w55 = msgHandler.w5(h1Var, I6);
        msgHandler.f167362f = w55;
        if (w55 == null) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doTimeline fail, appmsg is null");
        String str12 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("link");
        if (str12 == null || str12.length() == 0) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doTimeline fail, link is null");
            msgHandler.k7(2, 2);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "share_timeline:fail", null);
            return true;
        String str13 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("desc");
        if (str13 != null) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doTimeline, img_url = " + ((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("img_url")) + ", title = " + ((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE)) + ", desc = " + ((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("desc")));
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "alvinluo doTimeline %s, %s", h1Var.f247819a.get("adUxInfo"), h1Var.f247819a.get(AppMeasurement.Param.TIMESTAMP));
        Bundle bundle = msgHandler.f167367n;
        if (bundle != null) {
            str = "prePublishId";
            int i19 = msgHandler.f167367n.getInt("snsWebSource", 1);
            String string = msgHandler.f167367n.getString("jsapi_args_appid");
            i15 = Util.getInt(msgHandler.f167367n.getString("urlAttribute"), 0);
            i16 = i19;
            str2 = string;
        } else {
            str = "prePublishId";
            str2 = "";
            i16 = 1;
            i15 = 0;
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            str3 = "preMsgIndex";
            str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appid");
        } else {
            str3 = "preMsgIndex";
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, msgHandler.u6(com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.jsapi.share.n.NAME), str12, str2);
        String str14 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("img_width");
        String str15 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("img_height");
        String str16 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("link");
        String C6 = msgHandler.C6(str16);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doTimeline, rawUrl:[%s], shareUrl:[%s]", str16, C6);
        String str17 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        String str18 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("img_url");
        String str19 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("src_username");
        String str20 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("src_displayname");
        try {
            str5 = msgHandler.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
            z15 = I6;
            str4 = str19;
        } catch (Exception e16) {
            z15 = I6;
            str4 = str19;
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e16, "", new Object[0]);
            str5 = "";
        a0.b x65 = msgHandler.x6(str5);
        if (x65 == null || Util.isNullOrNil(x65.f165892a)) {
            bVar = x65;
            str7 = str20;
            str6 = str4;
        } else {
            String str21 = x65.f165892a;
            bVar = x65;
            str7 = x65.f165893b;
            str6 = str21;
        try {
            i17 = Integer.valueOf(str14).intValue();
            try {
            } catch (NumberFormatException unused) {
        } catch (NumberFormatException unused2) {
            i17 = -1;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doTimeline, init intent");
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_width", i17);
        intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_height", i17);
        intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_link", C6);
        intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_title", str17);
        intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_imgurl", str18);
        intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_contentattribute", i15);
        intent.putExtra("ksnsupload_link_desc", str13);
        if (w0.D(str6)) {
            intent.putExtra("src_username", str6);
            intent.putExtra("src_displayname", str7);
        intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_source", i16);
        if (z15) {
            intent.putExtra("Kdescription", C6);
            intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_type", 9);
            i18 = 1;
        } else {
            i18 = 1;
            intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_type", 1);
            intent.putExtra("sns_upload_is_show_dialog", true);
        if (str2 != null && str2.length() > 0) {
            intent.putExtra("Ksnsupload_appid", str2);
        Object[] objArr = new Object[i18];
        objArr[0] = Boolean.valueOf(msgHandler.f167367n == null);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doTimeline, init intent, jsapiArgs == null ? %b", objArr);
        Bundle bundle2 = msgHandler.f167367n;
        if (bundle2 != null) {
            String string2 = bundle2.getString("K_sns_thumb_url");
            String string3 = msgHandler.f167367n.getString("K_sns_raw_url");
            str8 = "";
            String nullAs = Util.nullAs(msgHandler.f167367n.getString("KSnsStrId"), str8);
            String nullAs2 = Util.nullAs(msgHandler.f167367n.getString("KSnsLocalId"), str8);
            String string4 = msgHandler.f167367n.getString("key_snsad_statextstr");
            intent.putExtra("key_snsad_statextstr", string4);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "currentUrl %s contentUrl %s thumbUrl %s", str12, string3, string2);
            if (string3 != null && string3.equals(str12)) {
                intent.putExtra("KlinkThumb_url", string2);
            intent.putExtra("KSnsStrId", nullAs);
            intent.putExtra("KSnsLocalId", nullAs2);
            Parcelable parcelable = msgHandler.f167367n.getParcelable("KSnsAdTag");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doTimeline, snsAdTag : %s", parcelable);
            if (parcelable != null && (parcelable instanceof SnsAdClick)) {
                intent.putExtra("KsnsAdTag", (SnsAdClick) parcelable);
            if (nullAs != null && msgHandler.f167367n.getBoolean("KFromTimeline", false)) {
                SnsForwardFeedToSnsForDataReportEvent snsForwardFeedToSnsForDataReportEvent = new SnsForwardFeedToSnsForDataReportEvent();
                SnsForwardFeedToSnsForDataReportEvent.a aVar = snsForwardFeedToSnsForDataReportEvent.f64619d;
                aVar.f64620a = nullAs;
                aVar.f64621b = nullAs2;
            str9 = string4;
        } else {
            str8 = "";
            str9 = null;
        try {
            intent.putExtra("ShareUrlOriginal", msgHandler.f167378x.Al());
            Bundle v65 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(18, null);
            if (v65 == null) {
                str11 = str8;
                str10 = "KPublisherId";
            } else {
                str10 = "KPublisherId";
                try {
                    str11 = Util.nullAsNil(v65.getString(str10));
                } catch (Exception e17) {
                    e15 = e17;
                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, str8, new Object[0]);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doTimeline, start activity");
                    if (!(msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity)) {
            intent.putExtra(str10, str11);
            intent.putExtra("ShareUrlOpen", str5);
            intent.putExtra("JsAppId", msgHandler.f167382z.c(str5));
        } catch (Exception e18) {
            e15 = e18;
            str10 = "KPublisherId";
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, str8, new Object[0]);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doTimeline, start activity");
            if (!(msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity)) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doTimeline, start activity");
        if (!(msgHandler.f167360d instanceof MMActivity)) {
            return true;
        intent.putExtra("need_result", true);
        try {
            Bundle v66 = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(18, null);
            if (v66 != null) {
                String a15 = nf0.z0.a(Util.nullAsNil(v66.getString(str10)));
                z0.c c15 = nf0.z0.d().c(a15, true);
                c15.i("sendAppMsgScene", 2);
                c15.i("preChatName", v66.getString("preChatName"));
                c15.i(str3, Integer.valueOf(v66.getInt(str3)));
                c15.i(str, v66.getString(str));
                c15.i("preUsername", v66.getString("preUsername"));
                c15.i("url", C6);
                c15.i("getA8KeyScene", Integer.valueOf(v66.getInt("getA8KeyScene")));
                c15.i("referUrl", v66.getString("referUrl"));
                int i25 = v66.getInt("_DATA_CENTER_ITEM_SHOW_TYPE", -1);
                if (bVar != null) {
                    bVar2 = bVar;
                    int i26 = bVar2.f165894c;
                    if (i26 >= 0) {
                        i25 = i26;
                } else {
                    bVar2 = bVar;
                if (i25 != -1) {
                    c15.i("_DATA_CENTER_ITEM_SHOW_TYPE", Integer.valueOf(i25));
                    c15.i("_tmpl_webview_transfer_scene", 10);
                    c15.i("_DATA_CENTER_IS_PAY_SUBSCRIBE", Integer.valueOf(bVar2 != null ? bVar2.f165895d : 0));
                    if ((i25 == 5 || i25 == 16) && bVar2 != null) {
                        c15.i("_DATA_CENTER_VID", bVar2.f165899h);
                        c15.i("_DATA_CENTER_DESC", str13);
                        c15.i("_DATA_CENTER__DULATION", Integer.valueOf(bVar2.f165898g));
                        c15.i("_DATA_CENTER_COVER_URL", msgHandler.f167367n.getString("K_sns_thumb_url"));
                        c15.i("_DATA_CENTER_VIDEO_WIDTH", Integer.valueOf(bVar2.f165896e));
                        c15.i("_DATA_CENTER_VIDEO_HEIGHT", Integer.valueOf(bVar2.f165897f));
                        c15.i("_DATA_SHOW_NATIVE_PAGE", 1);
                        intent.putExtra("ksnsis_video", true);
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str9)) {
                    c15.i("adExtStr", str9);
                intent.putExtra("reportSessionId", a15);
        } catch (Exception e19) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "try to attach report args error, %s", e19);
        ((MMActivity) msgHandler.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
        sv3.b.o(msgHandler.f167360d, "sns", ".ui.SnsUploadUI", intent, 24, false);
        return true;

    public static boolean x(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        jo3.m q102 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.q10();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f fVar = (com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f) q102;
        int nullAsInt = Util.nullAsInt(map.get("webview_instance_id"), -1);
        String f15 = p.f(map, "searchId");
        String f16 = p.f(map, "poiId");
        c.b bVar = new c.b();
        gm4 gm42 = new gm4();
        gm42.f22849e = f16;
        gm42.f22848d = f15;
        bVar.f345559a = gm42;
        bVar.f345560b = new hm4();
        bVar.f345561c = "/cgi-bin/mmsearch-bin/searchpoi";
        bVar.f345562d = 2608;
        l0.e(bVar.a(), new com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.e(fVar, nullAsInt, f15, f16), false);
        return false;

    public static boolean x0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.t0) j.c(com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.t0.class)).vR(String.valueOf(h1Var.f247819a.get("appId")));
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "preloadMiniProgramEnv:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean x1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        boolean z15;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doUploadEncryptMediaFile()");
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(l3.COL_LOCALID);
        Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("isShowProgressTips");
        if (obj != null) {
            try {
                z15 = Util.getInt(obj.toString(), 0) == 1;
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Exception has occured : %s", e15.getMessage());
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doUploadEncryptMediaFile, appid = %s, localid = %s, isShowProgressTips(%s)", str, str2, Boolean.valueOf(z15));
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId or localid is null");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "uploadEncryptMediaFile:fail_missing arguments", null);
            } else {
                o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
                WebViewJSSDKFileItem b15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(str2);
                if (b15 == null) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "jssdk file item is null for localId:%s", str2);
                    msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "uploadEncryptMediaFile:file_not_exist", null);
                } else {
                    int i15 = b15.f165434n;
                    if (i15 == 1) {
                        msgHandler.g7(h1Var, str, str2, 10011, 0, 0, "uploadEncryptMediaFile", z15);
                    } else if (i15 != 4) {
                        msgHandler.h7(h1Var, str, str2, 10011, 0, 0, "uploadEncryptMediaFile", z15);
                    } else {
                        msgHandler.h7(h1Var, str, str2, 10011, 0, 0, "uploadEncryptMediaFile", z15);
            return true;
        z15 = true;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doUploadEncryptMediaFile, appid = %s, localid = %s, isShowProgressTips(%s)", str, str2, Boolean.valueOf(z15));
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId or localid is null");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "uploadEncryptMediaFile:fail_missing arguments", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean x2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        JSONObject jSONObject;
        try {
            jSONObject = (JSONObject) new JSONTokener(h1Var.f247819a.get("liteAppInfo").toString()).nextValue();
        } catch (JSONException unused) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenGameUrlWithExtraWebView param error");
            jSONObject = null;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
        if (jSONObject != null) {
            String optString = jSONObject.optString("appId");
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(optString)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenGameUrlWithExtraWebView openInLiteApp appId is null");
            String optString2 = jSONObject.optString(ConstantsKinda.INTENT_LITEAPP_PATH);
            String optString3 = jSONObject.optString("query");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenGameUrlWithExtraWebView openInLiteApp, appId : %s, path : %s, query : %s", optString, optString2, optString3);
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putString("appId", optString);
            bundle.putString(ConstantsKinda.INTENT_LITEAPP_PATH, optString2);
            bundle.putString("query", optString3);
            ((ku.f) j.c(ku.f.class)).V40(msgHandler.f167360d, bundle, true, false, new v0(msgHandler, str, h1Var));
        return true;

    public static boolean x3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        Bundle bundle;
        JSONObject jSONObject;
        TreeMap treeMap = new TreeMap(new z0(msgHandler));
        try {
            bundle = msgHandler.f167378x.v6(150, null);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
            bundle = null;
        if (bundle == null) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
        } else {
            treeMap.put(21, bundle.getString("page_key"));
            treeMap.put(22, NetStatusUtil.getFormatedNetType(MMApplicationContext.getContext()));
            treeMap.put(23, String.valueOf(j6.b.b(MMApplicationContext.getContext())));
            String string = bundle.getString("raw_url");
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string)) {
                try {
                    treeMap.put(24, ck.q.b(string, "UTF-8"));
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException unused) {
            treeMap.put(25, Integer.valueOf(bundle.getBoolean("is_used_wepkg", false) ? 1 : 0));
            treeMap.put(26, 0);
            treeMap.put(27, 0);
            treeMap.put(28, bundle.getString("wepkg_version"));
            treeMap.put(29, bundle.getString("comm_js_version"));
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("type");
            boolean equals = "1".equals((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("isReportNow"));
            try {
                jSONObject = new JSONObject((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("data"));
            } catch (JSONException unused2) {
                jSONObject = null;
            if (jSONObject == null) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "data is null or not json");
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail_data_is_null", null);
            } else if ("1".equals(str)) {
                treeMap.put(49, 0);
                treeMap.put(1000, Boolean.valueOf(equals));
                HashMap hashMap = (HashMap) oq3.e.a(jSONObject);
                for (Integer num : hashMap.keySet()) {
                    if (!treeMap.containsKey(num)) {
                        treeMap.put(num, hashMap.get(num));
                oq3.e.b(string, treeMap);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
            } else if ("2".equals(str)) {
                HashMap hashMap2 = (HashMap) oq3.e.a(jSONObject);
                for (Integer num2 : hashMap2.keySet()) {
                    if (!treeMap.containsKey(num2)) {
                        treeMap.put(num2, hashMap2.get(num2));
                String a15 = oq3.c.a(treeMap);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "report web runtime. isReportNow:%b, reportData: [%s]", Boolean.valueOf(equals), a15);
                q.INSTANCE.c(16145, a15, equals, false);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
            } else {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "type is error. type:%s", str);
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail_type_not_right", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean x4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(l3.COL_LOCALID);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doStopVoice, appId : %s, localId : %s", str, str2);
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopVoice:fail_missing arguments", null);
        } else {
            WebViewJSSDKFileItem b15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(str2);
            if (b15 != null) {
                MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new z2(msgHandler, b15));
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopVoice:ok", null);
            } else {
                msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "stopVoice:fail_not playing", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean y(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        if (Util.safeParseInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("isSearch")) == 1) {
            return ((z00.o) j.c(z00.o.class)).nr(Util.safeParseLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("reddotTimeStamps")));
        ((vg3.h) ((e00.h) j.c(e00.h.class)).U4()).I(Util.safeParseLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("reddotTimeStamps")));
        return false;

    /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r1v6, resolved type: com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.t0 */
    /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
    public static boolean y0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        List list;
        String str;
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("userNames");
        String str2 = ":ok";
        if (obj instanceof String) {
            try {
                list = J6(new JSONArray((String) obj));
            } catch (Exception unused) {
                str = ":fail:param type mismatch";
        } else if (obj instanceof JSONArray) {
            list = J6((JSONArray) obj);
        } else if (obj instanceof String[]) {
            list = Util.stringsToList((String[]) obj);
        } else {
            str = ":fail:empty param";
            str2 = str;
            list = null;
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(list)) {
            ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.t0) j.c(com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.service.t0.class)).Pd0(list);
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "preloadMiniProgramContacts" + str2, null);
        return true;

    public static boolean y1(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        boolean z15;
        boolean z16;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "url is null or nil");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openCunstonWebview:fail_invalid_url", null);
            return true;
        String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("orientation"));
        int i15 = -1;
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(nullAsNil)) {
            if (nullAsNil.equals("horizontal")) {
                i15 = 0;
            } else if (nullAsNil.equals("vertical")) {
                i15 = 1;
            } else if (nullAsNil.equals("sensor")) {
                i15 = 4;
        boolean equals = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("fullscreen")).equals("true");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("top_url");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("top_title");
        try {
            m mVar = msgHandler.f167378x;
            z15 = mVar != null ? mVar.v6(81, new Bundle()).getBoolean("from_shortcut", false) : false;
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenCustomWebview, get from shortcut exception : %s", e15.getMessage());
            z15 = false;
        boolean equals2 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("finish_recent_webview")).equals("1");
        boolean equals3 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("disable_swipe_back")).equals("1");
        String nullAsNil2 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("username"));
        try {
            m mVar2 = msgHandler.f167378x;
            z16 = mVar2 != null ? mVar2.v6(86, new Bundle()).getBoolean("is_from_keep_top") : false;
        } catch (Exception e16) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenCustomWebview, get from keep top exception : %s", e16.getMessage());
            z16 = false;
        String nullAsNil3 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("gameAppid"));
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("rawUrl", str);
        intent.putExtra("screen_orientation", i15);
        intent.putExtra("show_full_screen", equals);
        intent.putExtra("disable_swipe_back", equals3);
        intent.putExtra("from_shortcut", z15);
        intent.putExtra("shortcut_user_name", nullAsNil2);
        intent.putExtra("is_from_keep_top", z16);
        intent.putExtra("game_hv_menu_appid", nullAsNil3);
        intent.putExtra("start_activity_time", System.currentTimeMillis());
        if (z15) {
            sv3.b.j(msgHandler.f167360d, "webview", ".ui.tools.game.H5GameWebViewUI", intent, null);
        } else {
            v.e(intent.getExtras(), "webview", ".ui.tools.WebViewUI", msgHandler.f167378x, new r(msgHandler, intent));
        if (equals2 && !z15) {
            MMHandlerThread.postToMainThreadDelayed(new s(msgHandler), 200);
        GameCommOperationEvent gameCommOperationEvent = new GameCommOperationEvent();
        GameCommOperationEvent.a aVar = gameCommOperationEvent.f63042d;
        aVar.f63044a = 2;
        aVar.f63045b = nullAsNil3;
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "openCunstonWebview:ok", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean y2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        String a15 = o3.f270764c.a("login_user_name", "");
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("request_ticket");
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("Kusername", a15);
            intent.putExtra("Kvertify_key", str);
            Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
            if (!(context instanceof MMActivity)) {
                return true;
            ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(msgHandler);
            sv3.b.n(msgHandler.f167360d, "voiceprint", ".ui.VoiceLoginUI", intent, 57);
            return true;
        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "requestVoiceLoginVerify, ticket is null");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "requestVoiceLoginVerify:ticket is null", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean y3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var) {
        LinkedList<DownloadWidgetTaskInfo> Wg = ((ab1.h) j.c(ab1.h.class)).Wg();
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(Wg)) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
        } else {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray();
            Iterator<DownloadWidgetTaskInfo> it = Wg.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                DownloadWidgetTaskInfo next = it.next();
                JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
                try {
                    jSONObject.put("appid", next.f103626d);
                    jSONObject.put("status", next.f103628f);
                    jSONObject.put("download_id", next.f103627e);
                    jSONObject.put("progress", next.f103629g);
                    jSONObject.put("progress_float", (double) next.f103631i);
                    if (next.f103630h) {
                        jSONObject.put("reserve_for_wifi", 1);
                } catch (JSONException unused) {
            hashMap.put("result", jSONArray);
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public static boolean y4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        boolean z15;
        String str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("appId");
        String str2 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(l3.COL_LOCALID);
        Object obj = ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("isShowProgressTips");
        if (obj != null) {
            try {
                if (Util.getInt(obj.toString(), 0) != 1) {
                    z15 = false;
                    o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doUploadVoice, appId : %s, localId : %s, isShowProgressTips(%s)", str, str2, Boolean.valueOf(z15));
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId or localId is null or nil.");
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "uploadVoice:fail_missing arguments", null);
                    } else {
                        b3 b3Var = new b3(msgHandler, str2, h1Var);
                        boolean c15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.cO0().c(str, str2, 5, 0, 0, b3Var);
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doUploadVoice, add cdn upload task result : %b", Boolean.valueOf(c15));
                        if (!c15) {
                            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "uploadVoice:fail", null);
                        } else if (z15) {
                            Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
                            msgHandler.f167363g = i14.j.Q(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f367625yv), hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.lbc), true, true, new d3(msgHandler, b3Var, str2, h1Var));
                    return true;
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Exception has occured : %s", e15.getMessage());
        z15 = true;
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doUploadVoice, appId : %s, localId : %s, isShowProgressTips(%s)", str, str2, Boolean.valueOf(z15));
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId or localId is null or nil.");
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "uploadVoice:fail_missing arguments", null);
        return true;

    public static boolean z(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).put("type", 262144);
        ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).put("subType", 8);
        ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.q10()).f164283f = new at5();
        ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.q10()).f164283f.f16625e = new lk();
        ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.q10()).f164283f.f16625e.f28604j = 1;
        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", new HashMap());
        msgHandler.f167375u = false;
        p.e(h1Var.f247819a, TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0);
        ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.websearch.f) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.q10()).c(h1Var.f247819a);
        return false;

    public static boolean z0(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("packageName");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "packageName is null or nil");
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "get_install_state:no", null);
            return true;
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, str, null);
        e04.a.a(new i1(msgHandler, str, h1Var));
        return true;

    public static boolean z2(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        HashMap hashMap;
        MsgHandler msgHandler2;
        Exception e15;
        Bundle bundle;
        long j15;
        HashMap hashMap2 = new HashMap();
        try {
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("next_step");
            String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("result");
            try {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "next_step: %s, result: %s", str, str2);
                bundle = new Bundle();
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                    long j16 = 500;
                    if ("auth_again".equals(str)) {
                        bundle.putString("go_next", "auth_again");
                    } else if ("get_reg_verify_code".equals(str)) {
                        bundle.putString("go_next", "get_reg_verify_code");
                    } else {
                        if ("roomlive_verify".equals(str)) {
                            bundle.putString("go_next", "roomlive_verify");
                            bundle.putString("result_json", str2);
                            WebViewExWindowCloseEvent webViewExWindowCloseEvent = new WebViewExWindowCloseEvent();
                            webViewExWindowCloseEvent.f65231d.f65232a = "next_continue_open_live";
                        } else if ("modify_alias".equals(str)) {
                            bundle.putString("go_next", "modify_alias");
                            bundle.putString("result_json", str2);
                        } else if ("continue_login".equals(str)) {
                            WebViewExWindowCloseEvent webViewExWindowCloseEvent2 = new WebViewExWindowCloseEvent();
                            webViewExWindowCloseEvent2.f65231d.f65232a = "continue_login";
                        } else if ("cancel_login".equals(str)) {
                            WebViewExWindowCloseEvent webViewExWindowCloseEvent3 = new WebViewExWindowCloseEvent();
                            webViewExWindowCloseEvent3.f65231d.f65232a = "cancel_login";
                        } else if ("escape_change_qq_login_type".equals(str)) {
                            WebViewExWindowCloseEvent webViewExWindowCloseEvent4 = new WebViewExWindowCloseEvent();
                            WebViewExWindowCloseEvent.a aVar = webViewExWindowCloseEvent4.f65231d;
                            aVar.f65232a = "escape_change_qq_login_type";
                            aVar.f65233b = new Bundle();
                            webViewExWindowCloseEvent4.f65231d.f65233b.putString("liteAppUuid", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("liteAppUuid"));
                            webViewExWindowCloseEvent4.f65231d.f65233b.putString("liteAppPtr", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("liteAppPtr"));
                        } else if ("continue_check".equals(str)) {
                            WebViewExWindowCloseEvent webViewExWindowCloseEvent5 = new WebViewExWindowCloseEvent();
                            webViewExWindowCloseEvent5.f65231d.f65232a = "continue_check";
                        bundle.putSerializable("next_params", new HashMap(h1Var.f247819a));
                        j15 = j16;
                    j16 = 0;
                    bundle.putSerializable("next_params", new HashMap(h1Var.f247819a));
                    j15 = j16;
                } else {
                    j15 = 0;
                msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                hashMap = hashMap2;
            } catch (Exception e16) {
                e15 = e16;
                msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
                hashMap = hashMap2;
                msgHandler2.I5(e15, hashMap);
                return true;
            try {
                u0 u0Var = new u0(msgHandler2, bundle, hashMap, h1Var);
                if (j15 > 0) {
                    MMHandlerThread.postToMainThreadDelayed(u0Var, j15);
                    return true;
                return true;
            } catch (Exception e17) {
                e15 = e17;
                msgHandler2.I5(e15, hashMap);
                return true;
        } catch (Exception e18) {
            e15 = e18;
            msgHandler2 = msgHandler;
            hashMap = hashMap2;
            msgHandler2.I5(e15, hashMap);
            return true;

    public static boolean z3(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("extInfo");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("task_url");
        long j15 = Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("download_id"), -1);
        boolean z15 = Util.getBoolean((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("use_downloader_widget"), false);
        c3 Uj = ((t) j.c(t.class)).Uj(j15);
        if (Uj == null) {
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doResumeDownloadTask:fail", null);
            return true;
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE), 1000);
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("uiarea"), 0);
        int i17 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("notice_id"), 0);
        int i18 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("download_type"), 1);
        int i19 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPDownloadProxyEnum.USER_SSID), 0);
        Uj.field_scene = i15;
        Uj.field_uiarea = i16;
        Uj.field_noticeId = i17;
        Uj.field_ssid = i19;
        Uj.field_downloadType = i18;
        ((t) j.c(t.class)).A00(Uj);
        ua1.b bVar = new ua1.b();
        bVar.f317027j = 0;
        ((kq.w) j.c(kq.w.class)).Rq(10, bVar);
        if (z15) {
            ((kq.c0) j.c(kq.c0.class)).WO(msgHandler.f167360d, Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("download_id"), -1), Util.getBoolean("download_in_wifi", false), false, new i2(msgHandler, h1Var));
            ((lv.i) j.c(lv.i.class)).yP(10, "MsgHandler_doResumeDownloadTask", msgHandler.hashCode());
            return true;
        } else if (!NetStatusUtil.isNetworkConnected(msgHandler.f167360d)) {
            Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
            ak.a.makeText(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f368635fm1), 0).show();
            msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "doResumeDownloadTask:fail_network_not_connected", null);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doResumeDownloadTask fail, network not ready");
            msgHandler.V6(Uj.field_appId, TingProto.TingReportContext.ACTIONSONGINDEXINLIST_FIELD_NUMBER, str);
            return true;
        } else if (NetStatusUtil.isWifi(msgHandler.f167360d)) {
            msgHandler.W5(h1Var, jsapiPermissionWrapper);
            return true;
        } else {
            q.INSTANCE.g(14217, Uj.field_appId, 4, str2, str3, 3);
            Context context2 = msgHandler.f167360d;
            i14.j.D(context2, hy3.h.a(context2).getString(R.string.l5x), hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.l5y), hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.l5q), hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.f367394sg), false, new g2(msgHandler, Uj, str2, str3, h1Var, jsapiPermissionWrapper), new h2(msgHandler, Uj, str2, str3, h1Var), R.color.aaq);
            return true;

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:11:0x0061  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:12:0x0067  */
    public static boolean z4(MsgHandler msgHandler, h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        boolean z15;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("serverId");
        Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("isShowProgressTips");
        if (obj != null) {
            try {
                if (Util.getInt(obj.toString(), 0) != 1) {
                    z15 = false;
                    o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doDownloadVoice, appid is : %s, media id is : %s, isShowProgDialog(%s)", str, str2, Boolean.valueOf(z15));
                    if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                        msgHandler.q5(h1Var, "downloadVoice:fail_invaild_serverId", null);
                    } else {
                        e3 e3Var = new e3(msgHandler, str2, h1Var);
                        com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.cO0().a(str, str2, e3Var);
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doDownloadVoice, add cdn download task result : %b", Boolean.TRUE);
                        if (z15) {
                            Context context = msgHandler.f167360d;
                            msgHandler.f167363g = i14.j.Q(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f367625yv), hy3.h.a(msgHandler.f167360d).getString(R.string.laq), true, true, new f3(msgHandler, e3Var, str2, h1Var));
                    return true;
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Exception has occured : %s", e15.getMessage());
        z15 = true;
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doDownloadVoice, appid is : %s, media id is : %s, isShowProgDialog(%s)", str, str2, Boolean.valueOf(z15));
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
        return true;

    public final boolean A5(h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        long j15;
        String str;
        String str2;
        boolean z15;
        Map<String, Object> map;
        int i15;
        long j16;
        kq.v fI0;
        q qVar = q.INSTANCE;
        qVar.idkeyStat(157, 27, 1, false);
        String str3 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("task_name");
        String str4 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("task_url");
        String str5 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("alternative_url");
        long j17 = Util.getLong((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("task_size"), 0);
        String str6 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("file_md5");
        String str7 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("extInfo");
        String str8 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("fileType");
        String str9 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("appid");
        String str10 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(IXWebBroadcastListener.PACKAGE_NAME);
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE), 1000);
        int i17 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("download_type"), 1);
        int i18 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get(TPDownloadProxyEnum.USER_SSID), 0);
        int i19 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("uiarea"), 0);
        int i25 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("notice_id"), 0);
        String str11 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("sourceInfo");
        String str12 = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("bizInfo");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTaskStraight, md5 = " + str6 + ", url = " + str4 + ", extinfo = " + str7 + ", fileType = " + str8 + ", reportScene = " + i16);
        Bundle bundle = this.f167367n;
        if (bundle != null) {
            str2 = str10;
            str = str3;
            int i26 = bundle.getInt("key_download_restrict", 0);
            j15 = j17;
            String string = this.f167367n.getString("key_function_id", "");
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string)) {
                z15 = true;
                qVar.g(14596, string, Integer.valueOf(i26), 0);
            } else {
                z15 = true;
            if (i26 == z15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "not allow to download file");
                q5(h1Var, "add_download_task_straight:fail", null);
                return z15;
            map = null;
        } else {
            str = str3;
            str2 = str10;
            j15 = j17;
            map = null;
            z15 = true;
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTaskStraight fail, url is null");
            q5(h1Var, "add_download_task_straight:fail_invalid_url", map);
            V6(str9, 700, str7);
            return z15;
        if (Util.nullAsNil(str9).startsWith("wx")) {
            int i27 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
            int i28 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
            int i29 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
            int i35 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
            int i36 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
            i15 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("downloader_type"), i27);
        } else {
            i15 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("downloader_type"), 0);
        GameDownloadReport4WebViewEvent gameDownloadReport4WebViewEvent = new GameDownloadReport4WebViewEvent();
        GameDownloadReport4WebViewEvent.a aVar = gameDownloadReport4WebViewEvent.f63052d;
        aVar.f63053a = str4;
        aVar.f63054b = str6;
        aVar.f63056d = str7;
        aVar.f63055c = str9;
        aVar.f63057e = i16;
        com.tencent.mm.plugin.downloader.model.n nVar = new com.tencent.mm.plugin.downloader.model.n(null);
        nVar.f103517a = str4;
        nVar.f103518b = str5;
        nVar.f103519c = j15;
        nVar.f103520d = str;
        nVar.f103521e = str6;
        nVar.f103523g = str9;
        nVar.f103524h = str2;
        nVar.f103525i = true;
        nVar.f103522f = Util.getInt(str8, 1);
        nVar.f103528l = i16;
        nVar.f103533q = str7;
        nVar.f103538v = i17;
        nVar.f103535s = i18;
        nVar.f103537u = i19;
        nVar.f103536t = i25;
        if (i15 == 1) {
            j16 = ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.downloader.model.l) ((kq.y) j.c(kq.y.class)).fI0()).c(nVar);
        } else {
            j16 = ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.downloader.model.l) ((kq.y) j.c(kq.y.class)).fI0()).b(nVar);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTaskStraight, downloadId = " + j16);
        ((lv.i) j.c(lv.i.class)).yP(10, "MsgHandler_doAddDownloadTaskStraight", hashCode());
        if (j16 <= 0) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddDownloadTaskStraight fail, downloadId = " + j16);
            q5(h1Var, "add_download_task_straight:fail", null);
            return true;
        j1 j1Var = j1.f165615a;
        String b15 = j1Var.b(str12, str11);
        if (b15 != null) {
            j1.f165616b.put(Long.valueOf(j16), new k1(str12, str11));
            kq.y yVar = (kq.y) j.c(kq.y.class);
            FileDownloadTaskInfo p15 = (yVar == null || (fI0 = yVar.fI0()) == null) ? null : ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.downloader.model.l) fI0).p(j16);
            if (p15 == null) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewAdReportHelper", "reportAddDownloadTaskStraightStart, downloadTaskInfo is null");
                ((c0) j.c(c0.class)).Qg0(b15);
            } else if (p15.f103383f != 3 || !u1.k(p15.f103384g)) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewAdReportHelper", "reportAddDownloadTaskStraightStart, downloadTaskInfo status is " + p15.f103383f + ", path is " + p15.f103384g);
                ((c0) j.c(c0.class)).Qg0(b15);
            } else {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewAdReportHelper", "not reportAddDownloadTaskStraightStart, because download finished and do install report");
                String b16 = j1Var.b(str12, str11);
                if (b16 != null) {
                    ((c0) j.c(c0.class)).GM0(b16);
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("download_id", Long.valueOf(j16));
        q5(h1Var, "add_download_task_straight:ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public final int A6() {
        Bundle v65;
        try {
            m mVar = this.f167378x;
            if (mVar == null || (v65 = mVar.v6(25, null)) == null) {
                return 0;
            return v65.getInt(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invokeAsResult error.%s", e15);
            return 0;

    public final boolean B5(String str, int i15, String str2) {
        String c15;
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) && i15 == 0) {
            return false;
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            if (x.f168144l == null) {
                synchronized (x.class) {
                    if (x.f168144l == null) {
                        Context context = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
                        lh4.m.f(context, "getContext()");
                        x xVar = new x(context, null);
                        x.f168144l = xVar;
                        IListener<MusicPlayerEvent> iListener = xVar.f168150f;
                        if (iListener != null) {
                    b0 b0Var = b0.f332794a;
            x xVar2 = x.f168144l;
            synchronized (xVar2) {
                MMKVSlotManager mMKVSlotManager = xVar2.f168149e;
                c15 = xVar2.c(MMKVSlotManager.decodeString$default(mMKVSlotManager, "currentAlbumIdKey_" + str2 + '}', null, 2, null), str2);
            if (c15 == null) {
                return false;
            str = c15;
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("audioListState", str);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAudioListStateCallback ok");
        q5(this.f167361e, "getBackgroundAudioState:ok", hashMap);
        return true;

    public void B6(String str, boolean z15, String str2, long j15) {
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putString("emoji_store_json_data", str);
        bundle.putBoolean("emoji_store_new_query", z15);
        bundle.putString("emoji_store_page_buf", str2);
        bundle.putLong("emoji_store_search_id", j15);
        try {
            m mVar = this.f167378x;
            if (mVar != null) {
                mVar.callback(80001, bundle);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getSearchEmotionDataCallBack exception" + e15.getMessage());

    public boolean C5(h1 h1Var) {
        s5(f167350e1, 0);
        new y0(this.f167360d).b(null, new MsgHandler$$e(this), new MsgHandler$$f(this, h1Var), new MsgHandler$$g(this, h1Var));
        return true;

    public String C6(String str) {
        try {
            Bundle bundle = null;
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "currentUrl is null");
                return null;
            Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle();
            bundle2.putString("webview_current_url", str);
            m mVar = this.f167378x;
            if (mVar != null) {
                bundle = mVar.v6(258, bundle2);
            if (bundle != null) {
                String string = bundle.getString("k_share_url");
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string)) {
                    return string;
            return m2.b(str);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getShareUrl error : %s", e15.getMessage());

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:22:0x005b  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:25:0x008a A[SYNTHETIC, Splitter:B:25:0x008a] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:42:0x00bd  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:45:0x00d1  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:50:0x00e0  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:56:0x013f  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:59:0x0148  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:65:0x0172  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:67:0x0176  */
    public final boolean D5(h1 h1Var) {
        int i15;
        String str;
        Boolean bool;
        Boolean bool2;
        Boolean bool3;
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sourceType");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "source Type = %s", str2);
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            try {
                JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str2);
                i15 = 0;
                for (int i16 = 0; i16 < jSONArray.length(); i16++) {
                    try {
                        if (jSONArray.getString(i16).equals(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM)) {
                            i15 |= 1;
                        } else if (jSONArray.getString(i16).equals("camera")) {
                            i15 |= 2;
                    } catch (Exception unused) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseImage: sizeType parsing error");
                        if (i15 == 0) {
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "real scene = %d", Integer.valueOf(i15));
                        int i17 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("count"), 0);
                        str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sizeType");
                        bool = Boolean.FALSE;
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                        String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("camera"));
                        int i18 = 7;
                        if (!bool.booleanValue()) {
                        if (!bool.booleanValue()) {
                        i18 = 8;
                        bool3 = Boolean.FALSE;
                        Intent intent = new Intent();
                        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_count", i17);
                        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_query_source_type", i18);
                        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_send_raw", bool3);
                        intent.putExtra("query_media_type", 3);
                        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_video_type", 2);
                        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_sight_type", "image");
                        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_choose_type", JsApiChooseImage.NAME);
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseImage: realScene: %d, count: %d, querySourceType: %d, sendRaw: %b", Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i17), Integer.valueOf(i18), bool3);
                        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                        if (!str2.contains(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM)) {
                        if (str2.contains(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM)) {
            } catch (Exception unused2) {
                i15 = 0;
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseImage: sizeType parsing error");
                if (i15 == 0) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "real scene = %d", Integer.valueOf(i15));
                int i172 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("count"), 0);
                str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sizeType");
                bool = Boolean.FALSE;
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
                String nullAsNil2 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("camera"));
                int i182 = 7;
                if (!bool.booleanValue()) {
                if (!bool.booleanValue()) {
                i182 = 8;
                bool3 = Boolean.FALSE;
                Intent intent2 = new Intent();
                intent2.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_count", i172);
                intent2.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_query_source_type", i182);
                intent2.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_send_raw", bool3);
                intent2.putExtra("query_media_type", 3);
                intent2.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_video_type", 2);
                intent2.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_sight_type", "image");
                intent2.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_choose_type", JsApiChooseImage.NAME);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseImage: realScene: %d, count: %d, querySourceType: %d, sendRaw: %b", Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i172), Integer.valueOf(i182), bool3);
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                if (!str2.contains(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM)) {
                if (str2.contains(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM)) {
        } else {
            i15 = 0;
        if (i15 == 0) {
            i15 = 3;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "real scene = %d", Integer.valueOf(i15));
        int i1722 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("count"), 0);
        str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sizeType");
        bool = Boolean.FALSE;
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            try {
                JSONArray jSONArray2 = new JSONArray(str);
                bool2 = bool;
                for (int i19 = 0; i19 < jSONArray2.length(); i19++) {
                    try {
                        if (jSONArray2.getString(i19).equals("original")) {
                            bool = Boolean.TRUE;
                        } else if (jSONArray2.getString(i19).equals("compressed")) {
                            bool2 = Boolean.TRUE;
                    } catch (Exception unused3) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseImage: sizeType parsing error");
                        String nullAsNil22 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("camera"));
                        int i1822 = 7;
                        if (!bool.booleanValue()) {
                        if (!bool.booleanValue()) {
                        i1822 = 8;
                        bool3 = Boolean.FALSE;
                        Intent intent22 = new Intent();
                        intent22.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_count", i1722);
                        intent22.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_query_source_type", i1822);
                        intent22.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_send_raw", bool3);
                        intent22.putExtra("query_media_type", 3);
                        intent22.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_video_type", 2);
                        intent22.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_sight_type", "image");
                        intent22.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_choose_type", JsApiChooseImage.NAME);
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseImage: realScene: %d, count: %d, querySourceType: %d, sendRaw: %b", Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i1722), Integer.valueOf(i1822), bool3);
                        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                        if (!str2.contains(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM)) {
                        if (str2.contains(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM)) {
            } catch (Exception unused4) {
                bool2 = bool;
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseImage: sizeType parsing error");
                String nullAsNil222 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("camera"));
                int i18222 = 7;
                if (!bool.booleanValue()) {
                if (!bool.booleanValue()) {
                i18222 = 8;
                bool3 = Boolean.FALSE;
                Intent intent222 = new Intent();
                intent222.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_count", i1722);
                intent222.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_query_source_type", i18222);
                intent222.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_send_raw", bool3);
                intent222.putExtra("query_media_type", 3);
                intent222.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_video_type", 2);
                intent222.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_sight_type", "image");
                intent222.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_choose_type", JsApiChooseImage.NAME);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseImage: realScene: %d, count: %d, querySourceType: %d, sendRaw: %b", Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i1722), Integer.valueOf(i18222), bool3);
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                if (!str2.contains(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM)) {
                if (str2.contains(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM)) {
        } else {
            bool2 = bool;
        String nullAsNil2222 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("camera"));
        int i182222 = 7;
        if (!bool.booleanValue() && !bool2.booleanValue()) {
            bool3 = Boolean.TRUE;
        } else if (!bool.booleanValue() || !bool2.booleanValue()) {
            i182222 = 8;
            bool3 = Boolean.FALSE;
        } else {
            bool3 = Boolean.FALSE;
        Intent intent2222 = new Intent();
        intent2222.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_count", i1722);
        intent2222.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_query_source_type", i182222);
        intent2222.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_send_raw", bool3);
        intent2222.putExtra("query_media_type", 3);
        intent2222.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_video_type", 2);
        intent2222.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_sight_type", "image");
        intent2222.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_choose_type", JsApiChooseImage.NAME);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseImage: realScene: %d, count: %d, querySourceType: %d, sendRaw: %b", Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i1722), Integer.valueOf(i182222), bool3);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            str2 = "album|camera";
        if (!str2.contains(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM) && str2.contains("camera")) {
            new y0(this.f167360d).b(null, new MsgHandler$$z(this), new MsgHandler$$a0(this, nullAsNil2222, intent2222), new MsgHandler$$b0(this, h1Var));
            return true;
        } else if (str2.contains(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM)) {
            t5(intent2222, 14);
            return true;
        } else if (str2.contains("camera")) {
            u5(nullAsNil2222, intent2222, 14, "image");
            return true;
        } else {
            q5(h1Var, "chooseImage:fail_sourceType_error", null);
            return true;

    public final String D6(h1 h1Var) {
        c.b w25;
        String q65 = q6();
        if (A6() == 27) {
            return this.f167369p;
        if (z6() != 8 && z6() != -1) {
            String str = this.f167368o;
            if (str != null) {
                return str;
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(q65)) {
                return null;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "BrandUsername in H5 is null, check if it is in hardBiz chat");
            ih.c b15 = bg0.l.b(q65);
            if (b15 == null || (w25 = b15.w2(false)) == null || w25.e() == null || !w25.e().a()) {
                return null;
            String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("src_username");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "HardBiz chat, key_src_username(%s)", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("src_username"));
            return str2;
        } else if (h1Var == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("src_username");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "key_src_username(%s)", (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("src_username"));
            return str3;

    public final void E5(h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "real scene = %d", 1);
        boolean KK0 = ((xw.d) j.c(xw.d.class)).KK0((Activity) this.f167360d, new String[]{"android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"}, 151, "", "");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "checkPermission checkStorage[%b]", Boolean.valueOf(KK0));
        if (KK0) {
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_capture", 1);
            intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_query_source_type", 8);
            intent.putExtra("query_media_type", 1);
            intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_count", 1);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseImageIdCard: realScene: %d, querySourceType: %d", 1, 8);
            Context context = this.f167360d;
            if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
                ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(this);
                sv3.b.o(this.f167360d, "webview", ".ui.tools.OpenFileChooserUI", intent, 43, false);

    /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r1v1, resolved type: boolean */
    /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r1v2, resolved type: boolean */
    /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r1v23, resolved type: boolean */
    /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
    public boolean E6(h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str;
        h1 h1Var2;
        boolean z15;
        int i15;
        int i16;
        Exception e15;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        String str4;
        if (this.f167375u) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "handleMsg, MsgHandler is busy, old msg will be overrided");
        Bundle bundle = this.f167367n;
        if (bundle != null) {
        this.f167361e = h1Var;
        this.f167375u = true;
        if (h1Var.f247856b.equals("call")) {
            m mVar = this.f167378x;
            Set<String> set = o1.f248008a;
            boolean z16 = mVar == null;
            if (z16) {
                str2 = "";
            } else {
                try {
                    str2 = mVar.Al();
                } catch (Exception e16) {
                    Log.w("MicroMsg.WebViewSecurityUtil", "report, ex = " + e16.getMessage());
            o1.f248009b = str2;
            if (z16) {
                str3 = "";
            } else {
                str3 = mVar.getCurrentUrl();
            o1.f248010c = str3;
            if (z16) {
                str4 = "";
            } else {
                str4 = mVar.U70();
            o1.f248011d = str4;
            String str5 = h1Var.f247863i;
            this.f167376v = str5;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "handleMsg function = %s", str5);
            Integer num = aq3.a.f7946d.get(h1Var.f247863i);
            if (num == null) {
                num = -1;
            int intValue = num.intValue();
            if (-1 != intValue) {
                q.INSTANCE.idkeyStat(157, (long) intValue, 1, false);
            c.h b15 = yv3.c.b(Util.nullAsNil(this.f167376v));
            if (b15 == null) {
                Bundle bundle2 = null;
                try {
                    JSONObject jSONObject = h1Var.f247858d;
                    if (jSONObject != null) {
                        bundle2 = this.f167378x.n00(this.f167376v, jSONObject.toString());
                } catch (RemoteException e17) {
                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e17, "proxy handleMsg:%s", this.f167376v);
                if (bundle2 == null || !bundle2.getBoolean("handle")) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "unknown function = %s", this.f167376v);
                    r5(h1Var, "system:function_not_exist", null, true, false);
                    return true;
                r5(h1Var, bundle2.getString("handle_result", ""), null, true, false);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "proxy function = %s", this.f167376v);
                return true;
            } else if (this.G.a(b15.f349159c)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "isTooFrequent func: %s", b15.f349157a);
                r5(h1Var, "system:too_frequent", null, true, false);
                this.G.b(b15.f349159c, b15.f349157a, s6());
                return true;
            } else {
                String str6 = b15.f349157a;
                if (str6 == "recordHistory") {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "handleMsg access denied func: %s", str6);
                    r5(h1Var, "system:access_denied", null, true, false);
                    return true;
                } else if (this.f167366j.contains(str6) || jsapiPermissionWrapper.d(b15.f349159c) != 0) {
                    try {
                        MsgHandler$$v msgHandler$$v = new MsgHandler$$v(this, h1Var, jsapiPermissionWrapper, b15);
                        i16 = 0;
                        i15 = 1;
                        str = "MicroMsg.MsgHandler";
                        h1Var2 = h1Var;
                        try {
                            this.f167382z.e(jsapiPermissionWrapper, s6(), r6(), b15.f349159c, h1Var, m6(), msgHandler$$v);
                            return msgHandler$$v.f167601a;
                        } catch (Exception e18) {
                            e15 = e18;
                            Object[] objArr = new Object[i15];
                            objArr[i16] = e15.getMessage();
                            Log.e(str, "handleMsg excpetion %s", objArr);
                            Log.printErrStackTrace(str, e15, "", new Object[i16]);
                            z15 = i16;
                            Log.e(str, "unknown type = " + h1Var2.f247856b);
                            this.f167375u = z15;
                            return z15;
                    } catch (Exception e19) {
                        e15 = e19;
                        i16 = 0;
                        i15 = 1;
                        str = "MicroMsg.MsgHandler";
                        h1Var2 = h1Var;
                        Object[] objArr2 = new Object[i15];
                        objArr2[i16] = e15.getMessage();
                        Log.e(str, "handleMsg excpetion %s", objArr2);
                        Log.printErrStackTrace(str, e15, "", new Object[i16]);
                        z15 = i16;
                        Log.e(str, "unknown type = " + h1Var2.f247856b);
                        this.f167375u = z15;
                        return z15;
                } else {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "handleMsg access denied func: %s", b15.f349157a);
                    r5(h1Var, "system:access_denied", null, true, false);
                    if (h1Var.f247863i.equalsIgnoreCase(JsApiAddDownloadTask.NAME) && this.f167360d != null) {
                        ((xc4.j) xc4.j.f338034d).z(new r1(this));
                    return true;
        } else {
            z15 = 0;
            str = "MicroMsg.MsgHandler";
            h1Var2 = h1Var;
            Log.e(str, "unknown type = " + h1Var2.f247856b);
            this.f167375u = z15;
            return z15;

    public final boolean F5(h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseMedia()");
        String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sourceType"));
        String nullAsNil2 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("mediaType"));
        int i15 = 10;
        int min = Math.min(Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("maxDuration"), 10), 10);
        String nullAsNil3 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("camera"));
        int i16 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("count"), 1);
        String nullAsNil4 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sizeType"));
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseMedia sourceType:%s, mediaType:%s, maxDuration:%d, camera:%s, count:%d, sizeType:%s", nullAsNil, nullAsNil2, Integer.valueOf(min), nullAsNil3, Integer.valueOf(i16), nullAsNil4);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_count", i16);
        if (min > 0) {
            i15 = min;
        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_duration", i15);
        intent.putExtra("query_media_type", 3);
        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_video_type", 2);
        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_sight_type", nullAsNil2);
        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_query_source_type", nullAsNil4.contains("original") ^ nullAsNil4.contains("compressed") ? 7 : 8);
        Boolean valueOf = Boolean.valueOf(!nullAsNil4.contains("compressed"));
        if (!nullAsNil4.contains("original") && !nullAsNil4.contains("compressed")) {
            valueOf = Boolean.FALSE;
        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_send_raw", valueOf);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(nullAsNil)) {
            nullAsNil = "album|camera";
        if (nullAsNil.contains(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM) && nullAsNil.contains("camera")) {
            new y0(this.f167360d).b(null, new MsgHandler$$c0(this), new MsgHandler$$d0(this, nullAsNil3, intent, nullAsNil2), new MsgHandler$$e0(this, h1Var));
            return true;
        } else if (nullAsNil.contains(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM)) {
            t5(intent, 47);
            return true;
        } else if (nullAsNil.contains("camera")) {
            u5(nullAsNil3, intent, 47, nullAsNil2);
            return true;
        } else {
            q5(h1Var, "chooseMedia:fail_sourceType_error", null);
            return true;

    public final boolean F6(boolean z15) {
        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hideMenuEntry:" + z15);
        try {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hideMenuEntry succ");
            return true;
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hideMenuEntry error");
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hideMenuEntry succ");
            return false;
        } catch (Throwable unused) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hideMenuEntry succ");
            return true;

    public final boolean G5(h1 h1Var, int i15) {
        String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sourceType"));
        String nullAsNil2 = Util.nullAsNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("camera"));
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseVideo sourceType = %s, camera = %s, isVideoType:%d", nullAsNil, nullAsNil2, Integer.valueOf(i15));
        int i16 = 60;
        int i17 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("maxDuration"), 60);
        int i18 = nullAsNil.contains(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM) ? 4096 : 0;
        if (nullAsNil.contains("camera")) {
            if (i17 <= 0) {
                q5(h1Var, "chooseVideo:fail", null);
                return true;
            i18 = nullAsNil2.equals("front") ? i18 | 16 : i18 | 256;
        if (i18 == 0) {
            i18 = 4352;
        if (i18 == 16 || i18 == 256 || i18 == 4352) {
            if (i15 == 1) {
                if (!((xw.d) j.c(xw.d.class)).M1((Activity) this.f167360d, "android.permission.CAMERA", 117, "", "") || !((xw.d) j.c(xw.d.class)).M1((Activity) this.f167360d, "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO", 118, "", "")) {
                    return true;
            } else if (!((xw.d) j.c(xw.d.class)).M1((Activity) this.f167360d, "android.permission.CAMERA", 115, "", "")) {
                return true;
        int i19 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("quality"), 1);
        if (!(i19 == 0 || i19 == 1)) {
            i19 = 1;
        if (i17 <= 60) {
            i16 = i17;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseVideo real scene = %d, select count = %d, video quality = %d, duration = %d", Integer.valueOf(i18), 1, Integer.valueOf(i19), Integer.valueOf(i16));
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_capture", i18);
        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_count", 1);
        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_query_source_type", 7);
        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_quality", i19);
        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_duration", i16);
        intent.putExtra("query_media_type", 2);
        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_media_video_type", i15);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doChooseVideo: realScene: %d, count: %d, querySourceType: %d", Integer.valueOf(i18), 1, 7);
        Context context = this.f167360d;
        if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
            ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(this);
            if (i15 == 1) {
                sv3.b.o(this.f167360d, "webview", ".ui.tools.OpenFileChooserUI", intent, 45, false);
            } else {
                sv3.b.o(this.f167360d, "webview", ".ui.tools.OpenFileChooserUI", intent, 32, false);
        return true;

    public final boolean G6() {
        boolean z15 = !Util.isNullOrNil(this.X);
        if (z15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "in recording state.");
        return z15;

    public boolean H5(h1 h1Var) {
        try {
            this.f167378x.v6(39, new Bundle(0));
            q5(h1Var, "clearBounceBackground:ok", null);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doClearBounceBackground, exception = %s", e15);
            q5(h1Var, "clearBounceBackground:fail", null);
        return true;

    public final boolean H6(String str) {
        if (str.startsWith(Y0) || str.startsWith(Z0) || str.startsWith(f167347b1) || str.startsWith(f167348c1) || str.startsWith(f167349d1) || str.startsWith(f167346a1) || str.startsWith("https://security.wechat.com/security/") || str.startsWith("https://s0.security.wechat.com/") || str.startsWith("https://wx110.qq.com/") || str.startsWith("https://sec.wechat.com/") || str.startsWith("https://s0.sec.wechat.com/")) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public final void I5(Exception exc, Map<String, Object> map) {
        Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doCloseWindow, ex = " + exc.getMessage());
        map.put("err_code", 1);
        map.put("err_msg", "fail");
        q5(this.f167361e, "close window and next:fail", map);

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:11:0x0038 A[RETURN] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:12:0x0039 A[SYNTHETIC, Splitter:B:12:0x0039] */
    public final boolean I6() {
        boolean z15;
        boolean z16;
        v.b bVar = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.v.f164638a;
        if (ih.n2.a()) {
            if (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.x.a().decodeInt("forcesharecard", 0) == 1) {
                z16 = true;
            } else {
                z16 = false;
            Log.i("WebViewCommand", "forceShareCard = " + z16);
            if (z16) {
                z15 = true;
                if (!z15) {
                    return false;
                try {
                    m mVar = this.f167378x;
                    Bundle bundle = null;
                    if (mVar != null) {
                        bundle = mVar.v6(TinkerStatusReport.KVSTAT_TYPE_ID_TINKER_EXCEPTION, null);
                    if (bundle != null) {
                        boolean z17 = bundle.getBoolean("k_text_url_share", false);
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "isShareTypeText = %b", Boolean.valueOf(z17));
                        return z17;
                } catch (Exception e15) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "isShareTypeText error : %s", e15.getMessage());
                return false;
        z15 = false;
        if (!z15) {

    public boolean J5(h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("place");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            q5(h1Var, "disableBounceScroll:fail", null);
            return true;
        try {
            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str);
            boolean z15 = false;
            for (int i15 = 0; i15 < jSONArray.length(); i15++) {
                if ("top".equalsIgnoreCase(jSONArray.getString(i15))) {
                    z15 = true;
            if (!z15) {
                q5(h1Var, "disableBounceScroll:ok", null);
                return true;
            try {
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle(1);
                bundle.putInt("webview_disable_bounce_scroll_top", 1);
                this.f167378x.v6(38, bundle);
                q5(h1Var, "disableBounceScroll:ok", null);
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doDisableBounceScroll, exception = %s", e15);
                q5(h1Var, "disableBounceScroll:fail", null);
            return true;
        } catch (JSONException unused) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doDisableBounceScroll, invalid json array, string = %s", str);
            q5(h1Var, "disableBounceScroll:fail", null);
            return true;

    public boolean K5() {
        try {
            this.f167378x.v6(47, Bundle.EMPTY);
            q5(this.f167361e, "disablePullDownRefresh:ok", null);
            return true;
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
            q5(this.f167361e, "disablePullDownRefresh:fail", null);
            return true;

    public void K6(boolean z15) {
        this.f167377w = z15;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "markAwaitingProxyUI %d, %b", Integer.valueOf(this.A), Boolean.valueOf(z15));

    public boolean L5(h1 h1Var) {
        try {
            this.f167378x.v6(34, Bundle.EMPTY);
            q5(h1Var, "enablePullDownRefresh:ok", null);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doEnablePullDownRefresh, exception = %s", e15);
            q5(h1Var, "enablePullDownRefresh:fail", null);
        return true;

    public final void L6(boolean z15) {
        this.T0 = z15;
        if (!this.U0) {
            this.U0 = true;

    public final void M5() {
        Map<String, Object> map;
        String str = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("type");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) || X0.contains(str)) {
            mg0.b Zv = ((lt.c) j.c(lt.c.class)).Zv();
            this.M = Zv;
            if (Zv == null) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGeoLocation fail, iGetLocation is null");
                q5(this.f167361e, "geo_location:fail", null);
            String str2 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("type");
            long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
            com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.f0 f0Var = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.f0.f164574a;
            if (!((Boolean) ((wg4.n) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.f0.f164578e).getValue()).booleanValue() || (map = this.S) == null || !Util.isEqual(map.get("type"), str2) || Math.abs(currentTimeMillis - this.T) >= ((long) ((Number) ((wg4.n) com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.f0.f164579f).getValue()).intValue())) {
                this.T = currentTimeMillis;
                if (this.N == null) {
                    this.N = new m2(this, str2);
                if (this.P == null) {
                    this.P = new MMHandler(Looper.getMainLooper());
                this.P.postDelayed(new n2(this), 20000);
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2) || str2.equalsIgnoreCase("gcj02")) {
                    this.M.a(this.N, false);
                } else if (str2.equalsIgnoreCase("wgs84")) {
                    this.M.b(this.N, false);
                } else {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "startGeoLocation, should not reach here !!!!!");
                    this.N = null;
                    q5(this.f167361e, "geo_location:fail_unsupported_type_startgeo", null);
            } else {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "startGeoLocation return cache location");
                this.S.put("cached", Boolean.TRUE);
                q5(this.f167361e, "geo_location:ok", this.S);
        } else {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGeoLocation fail, unsupported type = %s", str);
            q5(this.f167361e, "geo_location:fail_unsupported_type", null);

    public final Bundle M6(String str, int i15, Bundle bundle) {
        try {
            return this.f167378x.v6(i15, bundle);
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[NFC] " + str + " callback RemoteException!" + e15.toString());
            return null;

    public boolean N5(h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getGameCommInfo call");
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FileReaderHelper.OPEN_FILE_FROM_CMD), 0);
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("param");
        if (i15 == 10002) {
            m mVar = this.f167378x;
            if (mVar == null) {
                return true;
            try {
                Bundle v65 = mVar.v6(97, null);
                if (v65 == null) {
                    return true;
                int i16 = v65.getInt("web_page_count");
                HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                hashMap.put("webpageCount", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                q5(h1Var, "getGameCommInfo:ok", hashMap);
                return true;
            } catch (RemoteException e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doGetGameCommInfo exception, " + e15.getMessage());
                q5(h1Var, "getGameCommInfo:fail", null);
                return true;
        } else {
            e04.a.a(new MsgHandler$$d(this, i15, str, h1Var));
            return true;

    public final boolean N6(String str, int i15, Bundle bundle) {
        Bundle M6 = M6(str, i15, bundle);
        int i16 = -1;
        if (M6 != null) {
            i16 = M6.getInt("status", -1);
        } else {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[NFC] " + str + " callback fail!");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[NFC] " + str + " result status : " + i16);
        if (i16 == 0) {
            h1 h1Var = this.f167361e;
            q5(h1Var, str + ":nfc_not_support", null);
            return false;
        } else if (i16 != 1) {
            if (i16 == 2) {
                h1 h1Var2 = this.f167361e;
                q5(h1Var2, str + ":disconnect", null);
            } else if (i16 != 3) {
                if (i16 != 4) {
                    h1 h1Var3 = this.f167361e;
                    q5(h1Var3, str + ":fail", null);
                    return false;
                h1 h1Var4 = this.f167361e;
                q5(h1Var4, str + ":card_not_support", null);
                return false;
            return true;
        } else {
            h1 h1Var5 = this.f167361e;
            q5(h1Var5, str + ":nfc_off", null);
            return false;

    public boolean O5(h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doIdCardRealnameVerify call");
        WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        try {
            str = this.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
            str = null;
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            intent.putExtra("appId", this.f167382z.c(str));
            intent.putExtra("timeStamp", walletJsapiData.f173490h);
            intent.putExtra("nonceStr", walletJsapiData.f173489g);
            intent.putExtra("packageExt", walletJsapiData.f173491i);
            intent.putExtra("signtype", walletJsapiData.f173488f);
            intent.putExtra("paySignature", walletJsapiData.f173495p);
            try {
                intent.putExtra("url", this.f167378x.getCurrentUrl());
            } catch (RemoteException e16) {
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e16, "", new Object[0]);
            intent.putExtra("pay_channel", walletJsapiData.f173501v);
            intent.putExtra("real_name_verify_mode", 2);
            intent.putExtra("realname_scene", 1);
            ((MMActivity) this.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(this);
            sv3.b.n(this.f167360d, "wallet_core", ".id_verify.WalletRealNameProcessProxyUI", intent, 41);
        return true;

    public boolean O6(h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openMusicPage");
        this.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        int nullAsInt = Util.nullAsInt(map.get("webview_instance_id"), -1);
        JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
            try {
                jSONObject.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            } catch (Exception unused) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "openMusicPage webviewID:%s", Integer.valueOf(nullAsInt));
        ((z00.t) j.c(z00.t.class)).Xg0(jSONObject, true);
        return false;

    public boolean P5(h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        boolean z15 = false;
        int i15 = Util.getInt(Util.notNullToString(h1Var.f247819a.get("id")), 0);
        if (i15 <= 0) {
            q5(h1Var, "kvReport:fail", null);
            return true;
        String notNullToString = Util.notNullToString(h1Var.f247819a.get("value"));
        boolean z16 = Util.getInt(Util.notNullToString(h1Var.f247819a.get("is_important")), 0) > 0;
        if (Util.getInt(Util.notNullToString(h1Var.f247819a.get("is_report_now")), 0) > 0) {
            z15 = true;
        q.INSTANCE.c(i15, notNullToString, z15, z16);
        q5(h1Var, "kvReport:ok", null);
        return true;

    public final boolean P6(Integer num, int i15, int i16, String str, Intent intent) {
        intent.putExtra("key_product_scene", i15);
        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenProductView, productType = %d", num);
        Context context = this.f167360d;
        if (context instanceof MMActivity) {
            ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(this);
            int intValue = num.intValue();
            if (intValue != 0) {
                if (intValue == 10000 || intValue == 20000) {
                    sv3.b.j(this.f167360d, "card", ".ui.CardProductUI", intent, null);
                    q5(this.f167361e, "open_product_view:ok", null);
                } else {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenProductView fail, productType = %d", num);
                    if (i15 == 8) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "open_product_view_with_id:fail", null);
                    } else {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "open_product_view:fail", null);
            } else if (i16 == 0) {
                sv3.b.j(this.f167360d, "product", ".ui.MallProductUI", intent, null);
                q5(this.f167361e, "open_product_view:ok", null);
            } else if (i16 != 1) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenProductView fail, productType = %d, viewType = %d", num, Integer.valueOf(i16));
                q5(this.f167361e, "open_product_view:fail", null);
            } else {
                intent.putExtra("key_Qrcode_Url", str);
                intent.putExtra("key_ProductUI_getProductInfoScene", 4);
                sv3.b.n(this.f167360d, "scanner", ".ui.ProductUI", intent, 10);
        } else {
            q5(this.f167361e, "open_product_view:fail", null);
        return true;

    public final void Q5(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4) {
        try {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doLaunch3RdAppImpl pkg:" + str);
            Intent launchIntentForPackage = MMApplicationContext.getContext().getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(str);
            if (launchIntentForPackage != null) {
                Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                j0.i(bundle, str2);
                Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle();
                bundle2.putString("current_page_url", str3);
                bundle2.putString("current_page_appid", str4);
                ((ln.l) j.c(ln.l.class)).cB0(this.f167360d, launchIntentForPackage, null, new MsgHandler$$y(this, str), bundle2);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doLaunch3RdAppImpl getLaunchIntentForPackage, %s", e15.getMessage());
        q5(this.f167361e, "launch_3rdApp:fail", null);

    public boolean Q6(h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "playMusic");
        this.f167375u = false;
        jo3.o ka5 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.ka();
        Map<String, Object> map = h1Var.f247819a;
        FTSWebViewLogic fTSWebViewLogic = (FTSWebViewLogic) ka5;
        int nullAsInt = Util.nullAsInt(map.get("webview_instance_id"), -1);
        JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
            try {
                jSONObject.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            } catch (Exception unused) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebSearch.FTSWebViewLogic", "playMusic webviewID:%s", Integer.valueOf(nullAsInt));
        ((z00.t) j.c(z00.t.class)).Xg0(jSONObject, false);
        return false;

    public boolean R5(h1 h1Var) {
        if (zk.a.u(this.f167360d) || zk.a.e(this.f167360d)) {
            return false;
        boolean M1 = ((xw.d) j.c(xw.d.class)).M1((Activity) this.f167360d, "android.permission.CAMERA", 18, "", "");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenCamera checkPermission checkCamera[%b], stack[%s], activity[%s]", Boolean.valueOf(M1), Util.getStack(), this.f167360d);
        if (!M1) {
            return false;
        int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE), 0);
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sessionId");
        VideoTransPara videoTransPara = new SightParams(3, 0).f132983f;
        RecordConfigProvider e15 = RecordConfigProvider.e(videoTransPara, videoTransPara.f78868h * 1000, 16);
        Boolean bool = Boolean.TRUE;
        e15.f139937s = bool;
        e15.f139938t = Boolean.FALSE;
        e15.f139940v = bool;
        ((ox.m) j.c(ox.m.class)).Lc0((ComponentActivity) this.f167360d, e15, new MsgHandler$$x(this, h1Var, i15));
        return true;

    public boolean R6(String str) {
        boolean remove = this.f167366j.remove(str);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "removeInvokedJsApiFromMenu, functionName = %s, succ = %s.", str, Boolean.valueOf(remove));
        return remove;

    public boolean S5(h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openGameRegion call");
        Context context = this.f167360d;
        if (!(context instanceof MMActivity)) {
            return true;
        ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(this);
        sv3.b.o(this.f167360d, "game", ".ui.GameRegionSelectUI", null, 42, false);
        return true;

    public boolean T5(h1 h1Var) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("latitude");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("longitude");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("destinationName");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            q5(h1Var, "openMapNavigateMenu:fail", null);
            return true;
        try {
            double parseDouble = Double.parseDouble(str);
            double parseDouble2 = Double.parseDouble(str2);
            int i15 = Util.getInt((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("preferMap"), 0);
            Context context = this.f167360d;
            if (context == null || !(context instanceof Activity) || ((Activity) context).isFinishing()) {
                q5(h1Var, "openMapNavigateMenu:fail", null);
            } else {
                MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new t0(this, i15, parseDouble, parseDouble2, str3, o5(h1Var)));
            return true;
        } catch (Exception unused) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenMapNavigateMenu, parse double, exception = %s");
            q5(h1Var, "openMapNavigateMenu:fail", null);
            return true;

    public final void T6(h1 h1Var, boolean z15) {
        String str;
        m mVar;
        String[] stringArray;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        Object[] objArr;
        if (h1Var == null) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "msg is null when report.");
        String str4 = h1Var.f247863i;
        HashMap hashMap = (HashMap) h1Var.f247862h;
        hashMap.put("isSuccess", Boolean.valueOf(z15));
        hashMap.put("report_initUrl", Util.nullAs((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("key_webview_init_url"), ""));
        hashMap.put("containerEnv", Util.nullAs((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("key_wxapp_id"), ""));
        hashMap.put("miniProgramPath", Util.nullAs((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("key_wxapp_path"), ""));
        o1.c(str4, hashMap);
        Bundle bundle = this.f167367n;
        if (bundle != null) {
            str = bundle.getString("key_webview_container_env");
        } else {
            str = "";
        if ("miniProgram".equals(str) && (mVar = this.f167378x) != null) {
            try {
                Bundle v65 = mVar.v6(145, null);
                if (v65 != null && (stringArray = v65.getStringArray("key_webview_apbrand_jsapi_report_args")) != null && stringArray.length == 19) {
                    stringArray[10] = str4;
                    if (!str4.equals("getBrandWCPayRequest")) {
                        str2 = "";
                    } else {
                        str2 = h1Var.f247819a.get("package").toString();
                    stringArray[11] = str2;
                    if ("true".equals(f4.a(h1Var, "isSuccess"))) {
                        str3 = "1";
                    } else {
                        str3 = "2";
                    stringArray[12] = str3;
                    stringArray[13] = f4.a(h1Var, "permissionValue");
                    stringArray[14] = f4.a(h1Var, "jsapiErrorCode");
                    q qVar = q.INSTANCE;
                    int i15 = 0;
                    if (stringArray.length <= 0) {
                        objArr = new Object[0];
                    } else {
                        Object[] objArr2 = new Object[stringArray.length];
                        int length = stringArray.length;
                        int i16 = 0;
                        while (i15 < length) {
                            String str5 = stringArray[i15];
                            if (str5 == null) {
                                str5 = "";
                            } else if (str5.contains(",") || str5.contains("/")) {
                                str5 = f4.b(str5);
                            objArr2[i16] = String.valueOf(str5);
                        objArr = objArr2;
                    qVar.g(14993, objArr);
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("kv_14993", "" + e15);

    public boolean U5(String str, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        String str2;
        Map<String, Object> map;
        Map<String, Object> map2;
        Map<String, Object> map3;
        Map<String, Object> map4;
        Map<String, Object> map5;
        if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doProfile fail, username is null");
            this.f167375u = false;
            return false;
        } else if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            ak.a.makeText(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.fds, 3, -1), 0).show();
            this.f167375u = false;
            return false;
        } else {
            h1 h1Var = this.f167361e;
            if (h1Var != null) {
                o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, u6(Scopes.PROFILE), str, null);
            if (!d60.z.b().m()) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doProfile, hasLogin is false");
                this.f167375u = false;
                return false;
            z1 z1Var = ((k0) d60.z.q(k0.class)).Zx().get(str);
            if (z1Var == null || ((int) z1Var.V1) <= 0) {
                z1Var = ((k0) d60.z.q(k0.class)).Zx().R3(str);
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            h1 h1Var2 = this.f167361e;
            if (h1Var2 == null || (map5 = h1Var2.f247819a) == null || map5.get("profileReportInfo") == null) {
                str2 = "";
            } else {
                str2 = (String) this.f167361e.f247819a.get("profileReportInfo");
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
                intent.putExtra("key_add_contact_report_info", str2);
            Bundle bundle = this.f167367n;
            if (bundle != null && bundle.getBoolean("KFromBizSearch")) {
                intent.putExtra("Contact_Ext_Args", this.f167367n.getBundle("KBizSearchExtArgs"));
            h1 h1Var3 = this.f167361e;
            if (!(h1Var3 == null || (map4 = h1Var3.f247819a) == null || map4.get("channelSessionId") == null)) {
                intent.putExtra("key_channel_session_id", (String) this.f167361e.f247819a.get("channelSessionId"));
            h1 h1Var4 = this.f167361e;
            if (!(h1Var4 == null || (map3 = h1Var4.f247819a) == null || map3.get("isFromFinder") == null)) {
                intent.putExtra("biz_profile_enter_from_finder", this.f167361e.f247819a.get("isFromFinder").equals("true"));
            h1 h1Var5 = this.f167361e;
            if (!(h1Var5 == null || (map2 = h1Var5.f247819a) == null || map2.get("luckMoneySpringEventUrl") == null)) {
                intent.putExtra("biz_profile_enter_from_luck_money_spring_event_url", (String) this.f167361e.f247819a.get("luckMoneySpringEventUrl"));
            h1 h1Var6 = this.f167361e;
            if (!(h1Var6 == null || (map = h1Var6.f247819a) == null || map.get("tabType") == null)) {
                if (Util.safeParseInt((String) this.f167361e.f247819a.get("tabType")) == 2) {
                    intent.putExtra("biz_profile_tab_type", 1);
                } else {
                    intent.putExtra("biz_profile_tab_type", 0);
            if (z1Var == null || ((int) z1Var.V1) <= 0) {
                if (this.f167373s != null) {
                this.f167373s = str;
                b3.a().a(str, "", new MsgHandler$$c(this, intent));
                try {
                    Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle();
                    bundle2.putString("function", Scopes.PROFILE);
                    bundle2.putString("username", str);
                    this.f167378x.v6(198, bundle2);
                    this.f167375u = false;
                } catch (RemoteException e15) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "show dialog fail %s", e15.getMessage());
                return true;
            intent.putExtra("Contact_User", z1Var.getUsername());
            if (z1Var.u3()) {
                Bundle bundle3 = this.f167367n;
                int i15 = 42;
                if (bundle3 != null) {
                    i15 = bundle3.getInt("Contact_Scene", 42);
                q qVar = q.INSTANCE;
                qVar.kvStat(10298, z1Var.getUsername() + "," + i15);
                intent.putExtra("Contact_Scene", i15);
            if (z1Var.z3()) {
                SetLocalQQMobileEvent setLocalQQMobileEvent = new SetLocalQQMobileEvent();
                SetLocalQQMobileEvent.a aVar = setLocalQQMobileEvent.f64494d;
                aVar.f64496a = intent;
                aVar.f64497b = z1Var.getUsername();
            q5(this.f167361e, "profile:ok", null);
            return false;

    public final void U6(SnsAdClick snsAdClick) {
        ReportAdClickEvent reportAdClickEvent = new ReportAdClickEvent();
        reportAdClickEvent.f64208d.f64209a = snsAdClick;

    public boolean V5(h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        long j15;
        boolean z15 = false;
        int i15 = Util.getInt(Util.notNullToString(h1Var.f247819a.get("id")), 0);
        if (i15 <= 0) {
            q5(h1Var, "realtimeReport:fail", null);
            return true;
        String notNullToString = Util.notNullToString(h1Var.f247819a.get("value"));
        int i16 = Util.getInt(Util.notNullToString(h1Var.f247819a.get("type")), 0);
        com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.r rVar = r.b.f165769a;
        if (!d60.z.a()) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebView.JsLogHelper", "kvStat(), acc not ready, skip");
        } else {
            com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.q YN0 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.YN0();
            Long l15 = YN0.f165752e.get(Integer.valueOf(i15));
            if (l15 != null) {
                j15 = l15.longValue();
            } else {
                Cursor rawQuery = YN0.f165751d.rawQuery(String.format("select %s from %s where %s=?", "liftTime", "JsLogBlockList", "logId"), new String[]{String.valueOf(i15)}, 2);
                if (rawQuery != null) {
                    if (rawQuery.moveToFirst()) {
                        j15 = rawQuery.getLong(0);
                    } else {
                j15 = 0;
            if (j15 != 0 && j15 < Util.nowSecond()) {
                j15 = 0;
            if (j15 == 0 || j15 < Util.nowSecond()) {
                e03 e032 = new e03();
                e032.f19952d = i15;
                e032.f19953e = xv3.b.b(notNullToString);
                e032.f19956h = i16;
                ((LinkedList) rVar.f165766d).add(e032);
                z15 = true;
        if (z15) {
            q5(h1Var, "realtimeReport:ok", null);
        } else {
            q5(h1Var, "realtimeReport:fail", null);
        return true;

    public final void V6(String str, int i15, String str2) {
        GameWatchReportEvent gameWatchReportEvent = new GameWatchReportEvent();
        GameWatchReportEvent.a aVar = gameWatchReportEvent.f63084d;
        aVar.f63085a = str;
        aVar.f63086b = 2;
        aVar.f63087c = i15;
        aVar.f63088d = str2;

    public final boolean W5(h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        long j15 = Util.getLong((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("download_id"), -1);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doResumeDownloadTask, downloadId = " + j15);
        if (j15 <= 0) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doResumeDownloadTask fail, invalid downloadId = " + j15);
            q5(h1Var, "resume_download_task:fail", null);
            return true;
        c3 Uj = ((t) j.c(t.class)).Uj(j15);
        if (Uj != null && Uj.field_fromDownloadApp) {
            Uj.field_fromDownloadApp = false;
            Uj.field_showNotification = true;
            ((t) j.c(t.class)).A00(Uj);
            ((ab1.h) j.c(ab1.h.class)).q1(Uj.field_appId);
        boolean w15 = ((com.tencent.mm.plugin.downloader.model.l) ((kq.y) j.c(kq.y.class)).fI0()).w(j15);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doResumeDownloadTask, ret = " + w15);
        ((lv.i) j.c(lv.i.class)).yP(10, "MsgHandler_doResumeDownloadTask", hashCode());
        if (!w15) {
            q5(h1Var, "resume_download_task:fail", null);
        } else {
            q5(h1Var, "resume_download_task:ok", null);
        return true;

    public final void W6(String str, String str2, String str3, int i15, int i16, Bundle bundle) {
        String str4;
        if (bundle != null) {
            String string = bundle.getString("share_report_pre_msg_url");
            String string2 = bundle.getString("share_report_pre_msg_title");
            String string3 = bundle.getString("share_report_pre_msg_desc");
            String string4 = bundle.getString("share_report_pre_msg_icon_url");
            String string5 = bundle.getString("share_report_pre_msg_appid");
            int i17 = bundle.getInt("share_report_from_scene", 0);
            String string6 = bundle.getString("share_report_biz_username");
            String string7 = bundle.getString("share_report_current_url");
            String string8 = bundle.getString("share_report_current_title");
            WXMediaMessage wXMediaMessage = this.f167362f;
            WXMediaMessage.IMediaObject iMediaObject = wXMediaMessage.mediaObject;
            if (iMediaObject instanceof WXWebpageObject) {
                str4 = ((WXWebpageObject) iMediaObject).webpageUrl;
            } else {
                str4 = "";
            String str5 = wXMediaMessage.title;
            String str6 = wXMediaMessage.description;
            q qVar = q.INSTANCE;
            qVar.g(14062, string, string2, string3, string4, string5, Integer.valueOf(i17), string6, string7, string8, str, str4, str5, str6, str2, Integer.valueOf(i15));
            Bundle bundle2 = bundle.getBundle("ad_report_bundle");
            String s65 = s6();
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(s65) && bundle2 != null) {
                String string9 = bundle2.getString("ad_report_ux_info");
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(string9)) {
                    qVar.g(19214, Integer.valueOf((int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)), Integer.valueOf(i16), str3, string9, str, bundle2.getString("ad_report_mid", ""), bundle2.getString("ad_report_idx", ""), s65);
            if (I6() && i16 > 0 && i16 < 4) {
                int i18 = bundle.getInt("geta8key_scene", 0);
                int i19 = bundle.getInt("key_get_a8key_req_params_req_id", 0);
                String string10 = bundle.getString("rawUrl");
                QueueWorkerThread queueWorkerThread = c2.f173194a;
                String doUrlEncode = WebViewUtilities.doUrlEncode(string10);
                String doUrlEncode2 = WebViewUtilities.doUrlEncode(string7);
                qVar.g(24710, str3, Integer.valueOf(i16), Integer.valueOf(i18), doUrlEncode, WebViewUtilities.doUrlEncode(C6(string7)), doUrlEncode2, Integer.valueOf(i19), bundle.getString("key_get_a8key_req_params_msg_id"), Integer.valueOf(bundle.getInt("key_get_a8key_req_params_ctrl_mode")));

    public boolean X5(h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        Context context = this.f167360d;
        if (context == null || !(context instanceof MMActivity)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "context is null");
            q5(h1Var, "selectPedometerSource:fail", null);
            return true;
        ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(this);
        sv3.b.n(this.f167360d, "exdevice", ".ui.ExdeviceAddDataSourceUI", new Intent(), 26);
        return true;

    public void X6(Context context, m mVar) {
        String str;
        Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
        if (mVar == null) {
            str = "null";
        } else {
            str = mVar.toString();
        objArr[0] = str;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "set context and callbacker, callbacker %s", objArr);
        this.f167360d = context;
        c cVar = this.f167382z;
        if (cVar != null) {
            cVar.f167593h = context;
            cVar.f167594i = mVar;
        this.f167378x = mVar;

    public final void Y5(com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.model.app.j jVar, String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, String str6, String str7) {
        ((xc4.j) xc4.j.f338034d).f(new MsgHandler$$b(this, jVar, str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7));

    public void Y6(Context context, m mVar, m mVar2) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "set context, callbacker and service callbacker");
        this.f167360d = context;
        c cVar = this.f167382z;
        if (cVar != null) {
            cVar.f167593h = context;
            cVar.f167594i = mVar;
        if (mVar2 == null) {
        this.f167378x = mVar;
        this.f167380y = mVar2;

    public boolean Z5(h1 h1Var) {
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        String d15 = c2.d((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("wxbackgroundColor"));
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(d15)) {
            d15 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("backgroundColor");
        bundle.putString("key_set_bounce_background_color", d15);
        try {
            this.f167378x.v6(72, bundle);
            q5(h1Var, "setBounceBackground:ok", null);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setBounceBackground, exception = %s", e15);
            q5(h1Var, "setBounceBackground:fail", null);
        return true;

    public void Z6(boolean z15, String str) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "setIsBusy: %b, function:%s", Boolean.valueOf(z15), str);
        this.f167375u = z15;

    public final boolean a6(h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        if (!com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.stub.a.a(this.f167360d)) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Tencent QQ hasn't installed at all.");
            q5(h1Var, "shareQQ:fail", null);
            return true;
        if (this.f167362f == null) {
            this.f167362f = w5(h1Var, false);
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("img_url");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("desc");
        String string = hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.f367547wp);
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("link");
        try {
            if (Util.isNullOrNil(str4)) {
                str4 = this.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Get current url fail. exception : %s", e15.getMessage());
        String C6 = C6(str4);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            str2 = hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.l6g);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(C6) || Util.isNullOrNil(str2)) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "url(%s) or title(%s) or description(%s) is null or nil.", C6, str2, str3);
            q5(h1Var, "shareQQ:fail", null);
            return true;
        HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
        hashMap.put("image_url", c2.c(str, 2));
        hashMap.put(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, c2.c(str2, 2));
        hashMap.put("description", c2.c(str3, 2));
        hashMap.put("url", c2.c(C6, 2));
        hashMap.put("app_name", c2.c(string, 2));
        hashMap.put("req_type", c2.c(String.valueOf(1), 2));
        if (h1Var.f247863i.equalsIgnoreCase("shareQZone")) {
            hashMap.put("cflag", c2.c(String.valueOf(1), 2));
        Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse("mqqapi://share/to_fri?file_type=news&share_id=1103188687" + "&" + c2.b(hashMap)));
        intent.putExtra("pkg_name", "com.tencent.mm");
        int i15 = "shareQQ".equals(h1Var.f247863i) ? 5 : 6;
        this.E.a(i15, (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("use_update_jsapi_data"));
        if (!Util.isIntentAvailable(this.f167360d, intent, true) || !(this.f167360d instanceof Activity)) {
            k7(i15, 2);
            q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
        } else {
            try {
                k7(i15, 1);
                Context context = this.f167360d;
                Activity activity = (Activity) context;
                k30.a aVar = new k30.a();
                ThreadLocal<k30.a> threadLocal = k30.c.f244265a;
                j30.a.j((Activity) context, aVar.b(), "com/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/ui/tools/jsapi/MsgHandler", "doShareQQ", "(Lcom/tencent/mm/plugin/webview/jsapi/MsgWrapper;Lcom/tencent/mm/protocal/JsapiPermissionWrapper;)Z", "android/app/Activity", "startActivityForResult", "(Landroid/content/Intent;I)V");
                q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":ok", null);
            } catch (Exception e16) {
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e16, "", new Object[0]);
                k7(i15, 2);
                q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", null);
        return true;

    public final boolean a7(JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper, h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("__jsapi_fw_ext_info");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("link");
        if (obj instanceof Bundle) {
            str = ((Bundle) obj).getString("__jsapi_fw_ext_info_key_current_url");
        } else {
            str = null;
        return b7(str2, str);

    public boolean b6(h1 h1Var) {
        this.f167375u = false;
        try {
            Bundle v65 = this.f167378x.v6(79, new Bundle());
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            int i15 = v65.getInt("height", 0);
            if (i15 > 0) {
                hashMap.put("height", Integer.valueOf(gy3.a.c(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), i15)));
                p5(this.f167378x, h1Var, "showSmileyPanel:ok", hashMap, true, false, true);
            } else {
                p5(this.f167378x, h1Var, "showSmileyPanel:fail", null, true, false, true);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doShowSmileyPanel, exception = %s", e15);
            p5(this.f167378x, h1Var, "showSmileyPanel:fail", null, true, false, true);
        return true;

    public final boolean b7(String str, String str2) {
        List<String> list;
        boolean z15;
        c.d d15 = this.f167382z.d(str2);
        if (d15 == null) {
            d15 = this.f167382z.d(r6());
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str) || d15 == null || (list = d15.f167603b) == null || ((LinkedList) list).size() <= 0) {
            return false;
        LinkedList<String> linkedList = new LinkedList();
        int indexOf = str.indexOf("://");
        String substring = str.substring(indexOf + (indexOf == -1 ? 1 : 3));
        Iterator<String> it = d15.f167603b.iterator();
        while (true) {
            if (!it.hasNext()) {
                z15 = true;
            String next = it.next();
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "now domain : %s", next);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(next)) {
                int indexOf2 = next.indexOf("://");
                String substring2 = next.substring(indexOf2 + (indexOf2 == -1 ? 1 : 3));
                if (substring2.contains("/")) {
                    if (substring.equals(substring2)) {
                    if (!substring2.endsWith("/")) {
                        substring2 = substring2 + "/";
                    if (substring.startsWith(substring2)) {
                } else {
        z15 = false;
        if (z15 && !linkedList.isEmpty()) {
            URI create = URI.create(str);
            String host = create.getHost();
            int port = create.getPort();
            String str3 = host + ":" + port;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "share domain : %s", host);
            if (!Util.isNullOrNil(host)) {
                for (String str4 : linkedList) {
                    if (host.equals(str4)) {
                        return false;
                    if (host.endsWith("." + str4)) {
                        return false;
                    if (port != -1) {
                        if (str3.equals(str4)) {
                            return false;
                        if (str3.endsWith("." + str4)) {
                            return false;
        return z15;

    public boolean c6(h1 h1Var) {
        try {
            this.f167378x.v6(35, Bundle.EMPTY);
            q5(h1Var, "startPullDownRefresh:ok", null);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doStartPullDownRefresh, exception = %s", e15);
            q5(h1Var, "startPullDownRefresh:fail", null);
        return true;

    public final void c7(h1 h1Var, int i15, int i16) {
        String str = h1Var.f247863i;
        if (str.equals("requireSoterBiometricAuthentication") || str.equals("getSupportSoter")) {
            na3.r.INSTANCE.a(str, o6(s6()), i15, i16);

    public final boolean d6(h1 h1Var) {
        if (G6()) {
            try {
                this.f167378x.callback(2007, null);
            } catch (Exception unused) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "callback start record failed");
            q5(h1Var, "startRecord:fail_recording", null);
            return true;
        String str = (String) ((HashMap) h1Var.f247819a).get("appId");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId is null or nil.");
            q5(h1Var, "startRecord:fail_missing arguments", null);
            return true;
        o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, null, str);
        if (!((xw.d) j.c(xw.d.class)).lo0(this.f167360d, "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO")) {
            WebViewStubTempUI.T7(this.f167360d, this.f167378x, new String[]{"android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"}, 116, this.A);
            return true;
        HashMap<String, List<String>> hashMap = k2.f165621a;
        String str2 = "_USER_FOR_WEBVIEW_JSAPI" + nf0.t0.a(str, Util.nowMilliSecond());
        WebViewJSSDKVoiceItem webViewJSSDKVoiceItem = new WebViewJSSDKVoiceItem();
        webViewJSSDKVoiceItem.f165433j = str2;
        String th5 = ((qn.t) j.c(qn.t.class)).th(webViewJSSDKVoiceItem.f165433j);
        webViewJSSDKVoiceItem.f165430g = th5;
        webViewJSSDKVoiceItem.f165428e = j2.a(th5);
        long nowMilliSecond = Util.nowMilliSecond();
        String str3 = webViewJSSDKVoiceItem.f165428e;
        webViewJSSDKVoiceItem.f165432i = com.tencent.mm.modelcdntran.w.b("jsupvoice", nowMilliSecond, str3, str3);
        webViewJSSDKVoiceItem.f165427d = str;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "start record appId : %s, voice file name : %s, voice file path : %s", str, str2, webViewJSSDKVoiceItem.f165430g);
        this.X = webViewJSSDKVoiceItem.f165428e;
        MMHandlerThread.postToMainThread(new MsgHandler$$m0(this, webViewJSSDKVoiceItem, h1Var));
        try {
            this.f167378x.callback(2007, null);
        } catch (Exception unused2) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "callback start record failed");
        q5(h1Var, "startRecord:ok", null);
        return true;

    public final String d7(String str) {
        if (str.startsWith(HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTP)) {
            return str.substring(7);
        if (str.startsWith(HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS)) {
            return str.substring(8);
        return str;

    public boolean e6(h1 h1Var) {
        try {
            this.f167378x.v6(36, Bundle.EMPTY);
            q5(h1Var, "stopPullDownRefresh:ok", null);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doStopPullDownRefresh, exception = %s", e15);
            q5(h1Var, "stopPullDownRefresh:fail", null);
        return true;

    public final MsgHandler$$q0 e7(int i15) {
        return (MsgHandler$$q0) ((HashMap) this.Z).get(Integer.valueOf(i15));

    public boolean f6(h1 h1Var) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSwitchWalletCurrency call");
        ((MMActivity) this.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(this);
        sv3.b.n(this.f167360d, "wallet_core", ".ui.WalletSwitchWalletCurrencyUI", null, 211);
        return true;

    public final void f7(String str) {
        Bundle bundle;
        if (this.f167367n == null) {
            this.f167367n = new Bundle();
        int i15 = Util.getInt(str, 33);
        if (this.f167367n.getBoolean("KFromBizSearch") && (bundle = this.f167367n.getBundle("KBizSearchExtArgs")) != null) {
            i15 = bundle.getInt("Contact_Scene");
        if (this.f167367n.getInt("Contact_Scene", -1) < 0) {
            this.f167367n.putInt("Contact_Scene", i15);

    public boolean g6(h1 h1Var) {
        q5(h1Var, "uploadIdCardSuccess:ok", null);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "uploadIdCardSuccess");
        WalletRealNameResultNotifyMoreEvent walletRealNameResultNotifyMoreEvent = new WalletRealNameResultNotifyMoreEvent();
        walletRealNameResultNotifyMoreEvent.f65177d.f65178a = -1;
        ((qv3.c) j.c(qv3.c.class)).notifyUploadCardSuccess();
        return true;

    public final void g7(h1 h1Var, String str, String str2, int i15, int i16, int i17, String str3, boolean z15) {
        String str4;
        MsgHandler$$f0 msgHandler$$f0 = new MsgHandler$$f0(this, str3, str2, h1Var);
        WebViewJSSDKFileItem b15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(str2);
        if (b15 == null) {
            q5(h1Var, str3 + ":fail", null);
        int i18 = !b15.f165440t ? 1 : 0;
        PString pString = new PString();
        PInt pInt = new PInt();
        PInt pInt2 = new PInt();
        String str5 = b15.f165430g;
        String mD5String = MD5Util.getMD5String(str5);
        StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();
        sb5.append(d60.z.s().f198643d + "jsapi_temp/");
        String sb6 = sb5.toString();
        long d15 = u1.d(str5, sb6, false);
        if (d15 < 0) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.WebViewJSSDKFileItemManager", "copyFile src: %s, target: %s, ret: %s", str5, sb6, Long.valueOf(d15));
        long KO = ((com.tencent.mm.modelimage.w) ((yt.j) j.c(yt.j.class)).ol()).KO("", b15.f165430g, i18, 0, 0, pString, pInt, pInt2);
        com.tencent.mm.modelimage.u jq4 = ((com.tencent.mm.modelimage.w) ((yt.j) j.c(yt.j.class)).ol()).jq(Long.valueOf(KO));
        String Xv = ((com.tencent.mm.modelimage.w) ((yt.j) j.c(yt.j.class)).ol()).Xv(jq4.f79181e, "", "", true);
        b15.f165430g = Xv;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "Image Inserted, newPath: %s, origPath: %s, compressType: %s", Xv, sb6, Integer.valueOf(i18));
        boolean c15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.cO0().c(str, str2, i15, i16, i17, msgHandler$$f0);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", str3 + ", add cdn upload task result : %b", Boolean.valueOf(c15));
        if (!c15) {
            q5(h1Var, str3 + ":fail", null);
            str4 = sb6;
        } else if (z15) {
            Context context = this.f167360d;
            str4 = sb6;
            this.f167363g = i14.j.Q(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f367625yv), hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.lbc), true, true, new MsgHandler$$g0(this, msgHandler$$f0, str2, h1Var, str3));
        } else {
            str4 = sb6;
            Context context2 = this.f167360d;
            if (context2 instanceof Activity) {
                ((Activity) context2).finish();
                this.f167378x = this.f167380y;
        b15.f165430g = str4;

    public boolean h6(h1 h1Var) {
        String str;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doWCPayRealnameVerify call");
        WalletJsapiData walletJsapiData = new WalletJsapiData(h1Var.f247819a);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        try {
            str = this.f167378x.getCurrentUrl();
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
            str = null;
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(str)) {
            intent.putExtra("appId", this.f167382z.c(str));
            intent.putExtra("timeStamp", walletJsapiData.f173490h);
            intent.putExtra("nonceStr", walletJsapiData.f173489g);
            intent.putExtra("packageExt", walletJsapiData.f173491i);
            intent.putExtra("signtype", walletJsapiData.f173488f);
            intent.putExtra("paySignature", walletJsapiData.f173495p);
            try {
                intent.putExtra("url", this.f167378x.getCurrentUrl());
            } catch (RemoteException e16) {
                Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e16, "", new Object[0]);
            intent.putExtra("pay_channel", walletJsapiData.f173501v);
            intent.putExtra("realname_scene", 1);
            ((MMActivity) this.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(this);
            sv3.b.n(this.f167360d, "wallet_core", ".id_verify.WalletRealNameProcessProxyUI", intent, 34);
        return true;

    public final void h7(h1 h1Var, String str, String str2, int i15, int i16, int i17, String str3, boolean z15) {
        WebViewJSSDKFileItem b15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(str2);
        if (b15 == null || Util.isNullOrNil(b15.f165430g) || !u1.k(b15.f165430g)) {
            q5(h1Var, str3 + ":fail_file not exist", null);
        } else if (!com.tencent.mm.network.m0.a(this.f167360d)) {
            String sizeMB = Util.getSizeMB(u1.l(b15.f165430g));
            Context context = this.f167360d;
            i14.j.H(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.l6k, sizeMB), hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.f367625yv), false, new MsgHandler$$h0(this, h1Var, str, str2, i15, i16, i17, str3, z15), new MsgHandler$$i0(this, h1Var, str3));
        } else {
            i7(h1Var, str, str2, i15, i16, i17, str3, z15);

    public final boolean i6(h1 h1Var, String str, long j15) {
        JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("data"));
        String optString = jSONObject.optString("link");
        String optString2 = jSONObject.optString(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        String optString3 = jSONObject.optString("desc");
        String optString4 = jSONObject.optString("imgUrl");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(optString2) && Util.isNullOrNil(optString3)) {
            q5(h1Var, "sendEnterpriseChat:fail_params error", null);
            return true;
        } else if (Util.isNullOrNil(optString)) {
            q5(h1Var, "sendEnterpriseChat:fail_params error", null);
            return true;
        } else {
            WXWebpageObject wXWebpageObject = new WXWebpageObject();
            wXWebpageObject.webpageUrl = optString;
            WXMediaMessage wXMediaMessage = new WXMediaMessage();
            this.f167362f = wXMediaMessage;
            wXMediaMessage.mediaObject = wXWebpageObject;
            wXMediaMessage.title = optString2;
            wXMediaMessage.description = optString3;
            String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appid");
            if (this.f167367n != null && TextUtils.isEmpty(str2)) {
                str2 = this.f167367n.getString("jsapi_args_appid");
            com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.model.app.j appInfo = ((ln.l) j.c(ln.l.class)).getAppInfo(str2);
            Context context = this.f167360d;
            if (context == null || context.getResources() == null) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "showSendAppMsgDialog fail, context or context.getResources() is null");
                q5(h1Var, "sendEnterpriseChat:fail", null);
                return true;
            Context context2 = this.f167360d;
            if (!(context2 instanceof Activity)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "showsSendAppMsgDialog fail, context is not activity");
                q5(h1Var, "sendEnterpriseChat:fail", null);
                return true;
            g1.a.f203493a.yr0(((MMActivity) context2).getController(), optString2, optString4, optString3, null, true, hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.f367604ya), new MsgHandler$$n0(this, optString4, j15, appInfo, str2, str, h1Var));
            return true;

    public final void i7(h1 h1Var, String str, String str2, int i15, int i16, int i17, String str3, boolean z15) {
        MsgHandler$$j0 msgHandler$$j0 = new MsgHandler$$j0(this, str3, str2, h1Var);
        boolean c15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.cO0().c(str, str2, i15, i16, i17, msgHandler$$j0);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", str3 + ", add cdn upload task result : %b", Boolean.valueOf(c15));
        if (!c15) {
            q5(h1Var, str3 + ":fail", null);
        MsgHandler$$p0 msgHandler$$p0 = new MsgHandler$$p0();
        msgHandler$$p0.f167481a = h1Var;
        msgHandler$$p0.f167482b = msgHandler$$j0;
        ((HashMap) this.W).put(str2, msgHandler$$p0);
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putString("close_window_confirm_dialog_switch", "true");
        bundle.putString("close_window_confirm_dialog_title_cn", hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.l6l));
        bundle.putString("close_window_confirm_dialog_title_eng", hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.l6l));
        bundle.putString("close_window_confirm_dialog_ok_cn", hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.l6i));
        bundle.putString("close_window_confirm_dialog_ok_eng", hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.l6i));
        bundle.putString("close_window_confirm_dialog_cancel_cn", hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.l6j));
        bundle.putString("close_window_confirm_dialog_cancel_eng", hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.l6j));
        try {
            this.f167378x.callback(13, bundle);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSetCloseWindowConfirmDialogInfo invoke callback failed : %s", e15.getMessage());
        if (z15) {
            Context context = this.f167360d;
            p64.i0 Q2 = i14.j.Q(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f367625yv), hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.lbc), true, true, new MsgHandler$$k0(this, msgHandler$$j0, str2, h1Var, str3));
            this.f167363g = Q2;
            Q2.setOnKeyListener(new MsgHandler$$l0(this));
        Context context2 = this.f167360d;
        if (context2 instanceof Activity) {
            ((Activity) context2).finish();
            this.f167378x = this.f167380y;

    public final boolean j6(h1 h1Var, String str, long j15) {
        boolean publish;
        String optString = new JSONObject((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("data")).optString("content");
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(optString)) {
            q5(h1Var, "sendEnterpriseChat:fail_params error", null);
            return true;
        cg0.c c05 = bg0.w0.bO0().c0(j15);
        synchronized (cg0.e.f49354d) {
            String j16 = cg0.e.j();
            SendMsgEvent sendMsgEvent = new SendMsgEvent();
            SendMsgEvent.a aVar = sendMsgEvent.f64446d;
            aVar.f64447a = str;
            aVar.f64448b = optString;
            aVar.f64449c = w0.z(str);
            sendMsgEvent.f64446d.f64450d = 0;
            publish = sendMsgEvent.publish();
        if (!publish) {
            q5(h1Var, "sendEnterpriseChat:fail", null);
            return true;
        q5(h1Var, "sendEnterpriseChat:ok", null);
        Context context = this.f167360d;
        if (context != null) {
            i14.j.T(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f367612yi));
        return true;

    public final void j7(Intent intent) {
        try {
            Bundle v65 = this.f167378x.v6(18, null);
            if (v65 != null) {
                String string = v65.getString("preChatName");
                String string2 = v65.getString("preUsername");
                int i15 = v65.getInt("preChatTYPE", 0);
                intent.putExtra("preChatName", string);
                intent.putExtra("preUsername", string2);
                intent.putExtra("preChatTYPE", i15);
                intent.putExtra("preChatTYPE", i15);
                intent.putExtra("url", v65.getString("url"));
                intent.putExtra("rawUrl", v65.getString("rawUrl"));
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
        } catch (Exception e16) {
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e16, "", new Object[0]);
        com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.v.e(intent.getExtras(), Scopes.PROFILE, ".ui.ContactInfoUI", this.f167378x, new MsgHandler$$i(this, intent));

    public void k6() {
        h1 h1Var;
        MsgHandler$$q0 e75;
        if (this.f167380y != null && (h1Var = this.f167361e) != null && (e75 = e7(h1Var.hashCode())) != null) {
            e75.f167494b = this.f167380y;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "blockMsg use persistentCallbacker fun = %s", this.f167361e.f247863i);

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:21:0x0065 A[RETURN] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:22:0x0066  */
    public void k7(int i15, int i16) {
        String str;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        WXMediaMessage wXMediaMessage;
        Exception e15;
        String str4;
        String str5 = "";
        String str6 = " ";
        try {
            m mVar = this.f167378x;
            Bundle bundle = null;
            if (mVar != null) {
                bundle = mVar.v6(77, null);
            if (bundle != null) {
                str = bundle.getString("KUrl");
                try {
                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "url is empty");
                    str6 = Util.nullAsNil(bundle.getString("KSessionId"));
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "sessionId %s", str6);
                    str4 = bundle.getString("geta8key_username");
                } catch (Exception e16) {
                    e15 = e16;
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "get sessionId error, %s", e15);
                    str2 = str6;
                    str3 = str5;
                    String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil(o6(str));
                    wXMediaMessage = this.f167362f;
                    if (wXMediaMessage != null) {
            } else {
                str4 = str5;
                str = str4;
            str2 = str6;
            str3 = str4;
        } catch (Exception e17) {
            e15 = e17;
            str = str5;
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "get sessionId error, %s", e15);
            str2 = str6;
            str3 = str5;
            String nullAsNil2 = Util.nullAsNil(o6(str));
            wXMediaMessage = this.f167362f;
            if (wXMediaMessage != null) {
        String nullAsNil22 = Util.nullAsNil(o6(str));
        wXMediaMessage = this.f167362f;
        if (wXMediaMessage != null) {
            int type = wXMediaMessage.mediaObject.type();
            int i17 = this.E.f165886c.remove(Integer.valueOf(i15)) ? 2 : 1;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "appId %s, type %d,publisher %s, opType %d", nullAsNil22, Integer.valueOf(type), str3, Integer.valueOf(i17));
            if (type == 5) {
                long nowSecond = Util.nowSecond();
                try {
                    str5 = URLEncoder.encode(Util.nullAsNil(str), "UTF-8");
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e18) {
                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e18, str5, new Object[0]);
                q.INSTANCE.g(13377, Long.valueOf(nowSecond), nullAsNil22, str5, str2, Integer.valueOf(i15), Integer.valueOf(i16), Integer.valueOf(i17), str3);

    public final int l6() {
        Bundle v65;
        try {
            m mVar = this.f167378x;
            if (mVar == null || (v65 = mVar.v6(99, null)) == null) {
                return 0;
            return v65.getInt("geta8key_scene");
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invokeAsResult error.%s", e15);
            return 0;

    public byte[] l7() {
        int i15;
        try {
            String a15 = ck.b.a(this.f167360d);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "xml %s", a15);
            v95 v95 = new v95();
            xv3.b a16 = xv3.b.a(vj.r.i().getBytes());
            v95.f39646d = a16;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", Util.encodeHexString(a16.f341419a));
            v95.f39647e = a15;
            SharedPreferences a17 = s3.a();
            byte[] decodeHexString = Util.decodeHexString(a17.getString("_auth_key", ""));
            int i16 = a17.getInt("_auth_uin", 0);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "cpan aak string:%s md5:%s uin:%d", Util.encodeHexString(decodeHexString), gh.g.f(decodeHexString), Integer.valueOf(i16));
            Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
            if (decodeHexString == null) {
                i15 = -1;
            } else {
                i15 = decodeHexString.length;
            objArr[0] = Integer.valueOf(i15);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "aat len:%d", objArr);
            v95.f39648f = xv3.b.a(decodeHexString);
            v95.f39649g = i16;
            yv3.c1 d15 = yv3.c1.d();
            byte[] byteArray = v95.toByteArray();
            PByteArray pByteArray = new PByteArray();
            if (MMProtocalJni.rsaPublicEncrypt(byteArray, pByteArray, d15.f349167a.getBytes(), d15.f349168b.getBytes())) {
                byteArray = pByteArray.value;
            w95 w95 = new w95();
            w95.f40818e = d15.f349169c;
            w95.f40817d = yv3.d.f349176g;
            w95.f40819f = vj.n.f327064a;
            w95.f40820g = xv3.b.a(byteArray);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getdevice done");
            return w95.toByteArray();
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "report error");
            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e15, "", new Object[0]);
            return null;

    public final int m6() {
        Bundle v65;
        try {
            m mVar = this.f167378x;
            if (mVar == null || (v65 = mVar.v6(1020, null)) == null) {
                return 0;
            return v65.getInt("key_get_a8key_req_params_req_id");
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invokeAsResult error.%s", e15);
            return 0;

    /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r25v0, resolved type: com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.ui.tools.jsapi.MsgHandler */
    /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
    @Override // com.tencent.mm.ui.MMActivity.d
    public void mmOnActivityResult(int i15, int i16, Intent intent) {
        int i17;
        Map map;
        JSONArray jSONArray;
        String str;
        SnsAdClick snsAdClick;
        Map map2;
        m mVar;
        Map map3;
        RemoteException e15;
        HashMap hashMap;
        char c15;
        boolean z15;
        int i18;
        int i19;
        SnsAdClick snsAdClick2;
        String str2;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mmOnActivityResult, requestCode = " + i15 + ", resultCode = " + i16);
        if (i15 == 1) {
            if (this.f167362f == null) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mmOnActivityResult fail, appmsg is null");
                k7(1, 2);
                q5(this.f167361e, "send_app_msg:fail", null);
            String str3 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("appid");
            Bundle bundle = this.f167367n;
            if (bundle != null) {
                snsAdClick2 = (SnsAdClick) bundle.getParcelable("KSnsAdTag");
                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str3)) {
                    str3 = this.f167367n.getString("jsapi_args_appid");
            } else {
                snsAdClick2 = null;
            Object obj = ((HashMap) this.f167361e.c()).get("Internal@AsyncReport");
            String str4 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("link");
            if (i16 == -1) {
                if (snsAdClick2 != null) {
                    snsAdClick2.f79448g = 7;
                com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.model.app.j appInfo = ((ln.l) j.c(ln.l.class)).getAppInfo(str3);
                String stringExtra = intent == null ? null : intent.getStringExtra("Select_Conv_User");
                if (stringExtra == null || stringExtra.length() == 0) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mmOnActivityResult fail, toUser is null");
                    k7(1, 2);
                    q5(this.f167361e, "send_app_msg:fail", null);
                String str5 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("img_url");
                String str6 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("desc");
                String str7 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("src_username");
                String str8 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("src_displayname");
                String t65 = t6();
                o1.a(this.f167361e.c(), u6("sendAppMessage"), stringExtra, str3);
                if (obj != null && (obj instanceof Boolean) && ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue()) {
                    T6(this.f167361e, true);
                int i25 = 0;
                int i26 = 0;
                for (String str9 : stringExtra.split(",")) {
                    if (str9.endsWith("@chatroom")) {
                    } else {
                HashMap hashMap2 = new HashMap();
                if (((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("share_callback_with_scene") != null && ((Boolean) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("share_callback_with_scene")).booleanValue()) {
                    hashMap2.put("groupCount", Integer.valueOf(i25));
                    hashMap2.put("singleCount", Integer.valueOf(i26));
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(t65)) {
                    if (intent == null) {
                        str2 = null;
                    } else {
                        str2 = intent.getStringExtra("custom_send_text");
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(str3)) {
                        str3 = "";
                    Y5(null, str3, stringExtra, str5, str7, str8, str2, t65);
                    Context context = this.f167360d;
                    if (context != null) {
                        i14.j.T(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f367612yi));
                    k7(1, 1);
                    q5(this.f167361e, "send_app_msg:ok", hashMap2);
                } else if (Util.isNullOrNil(str5)) {
                    Y5(null, "", stringExtra, str5, str7, str8, null, t65);
                    Context context2 = this.f167360d;
                    i14.j.T(context2, hy3.h.a(context2).getString(R.string.f367601y7));
                    q5(this.f167361e, "send_app_msg:ok", hashMap2);
                } else {
                    Context context3 = this.f167360d;
                    ((yt.h) j.c(yt.h.class)).JA(str5, new MsgHandler$$k(this, i14.j.Q(context3, "", context3.getResources().getString(R.string.f367605yb), true, true, new MsgHandler$$j(this, str5)), appInfo, str3, stringExtra, str5, str7, str8, t65, hashMap2));
            } else if (i16 == 0) {
                if (snsAdClick2 != null) {
                    snsAdClick2.f79448g = 8;
                o1.a(this.f167361e.c(), u6("sendAppMessage"), null, str3);
                if (obj != null && (obj instanceof Boolean) && ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue()) {
                    T6(this.f167361e, true);
                k7(1, 3);
                q5(this.f167361e, "send_app_msg:ok", null);
        } else if (i15 == 2) {
            if (i16 == -1) {
                Context context4 = this.f167360d;
                i14.j.T(context4, hy3.h.a(context4).getString(R.string.f367612yi));
                q5(this.f167361e, "share_weibo:ok", null);
            } else if (i16 == 0) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "share_weibo:cancel", null);
            } else if (i16 != 1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "share_weibo:fail_" + intent.getIntExtra("err_code", 0), null);
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "unknown resultCode");
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "share_weibo:fail_" + intent.getIntExtra("err_code", 0), null);
        } else if (i15 == 3) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "get callback address, result code = %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
            if (i16 == -1 && intent != null) {
                String nullAs = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("nationalCode"), "");
                String nullAs2 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("userName"), "");
                String nullAs3 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("telNumber"), "");
                String nullAs4 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("addressPostalCode"), "");
                String nullAs5 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("proviceFirstStageName"), "");
                String nullAs6 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("addressCitySecondStageName"), "");
                String nullAs7 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("addressCountiesThirdStageName"), "");
                String nullAs8 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("addressCountiesFourStageName"), "");
                String nullAs9 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("addressDetailInfo"), "");
                String format = (TextUtils.isEmpty(nullAs8) || nullAs9.startsWith(nullAs8)) ? nullAs9 : String.format("%s%s", nullAs8, nullAs9);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "first =  " + nullAs5 + " ; detail =" + nullAs9 + "; second = " + nullAs6 + " ; tel = " + nullAs3 + "; third = " + nullAs7 + "; fourth = " + nullAs8 + "; fullDetail = " + format);
                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(nullAs2)) {
                    HashMap hashMap3 = new HashMap();
                    hashMap3.put("nationalCode", (nullAs == null || nullAs.length() <= 6) ? nullAs : nullAs.substring(0, 6));
                    hashMap3.put("nationalCodeFull", nullAs);
                    hashMap3.put("userName", nullAs2);
                    hashMap3.put("telNumber", nullAs3);
                    hashMap3.put("addressPostalCode", nullAs4);
                    hashMap3.put("proviceFirstStageName", nullAs5);
                    hashMap3.put("addressCitySecondStageName", nullAs6);
                    hashMap3.put("addressCountiesThirdStageName", nullAs7);
                    hashMap3.put("addressStreetFourthStageName", nullAs8);
                    hashMap3.put("addressDetailInfo", format);
                    hashMap3.put("addressDetailInfoNew", nullAs9);
                    new c.a(1, n6(), "editAddress", "", 1).h();
                    q5(this.f167361e, "edit_address:ok", hashMap3);
            if (i16 == 0) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "edit_address:cancel", null);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "edit_address:fail", null);
        } else if (i15 == 4) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request pay, resultCode = " + i16);
            int i27 = this.K;
            if (!(i27 == -1 || e7(i27) == null)) {
                this.f167361e = e7(this.K).f167493a;
                this.f167378x = e7(this.K).f167494b;
            this.K = -1;
            h1 h1Var = this.f167361e;
            if (h1Var == null || !Util.isEqual("getBrandWCPayRequest", h1Var.f247863i)) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request pay, wrong function");
            } else if (i16 == -1) {
                HashMap hashMap4 = new HashMap();
                if (intent != null) {
                    int intExtra = intent.getIntExtra("key_is_clear_failure", -1);
                    if (intExtra == 0) {
                        hashMap4.put("pay_status", "pending");
                    } else if (intExtra == 1) {
                        hashMap4.put("pay_status", "fail");
                    m mVar2 = this.f167378x;
                    q5(this.f167361e, "get_brand_wcpay_request:ok", hashMap4);
                    int intExtra2 = intent.getIntExtra("key_jsapi_close_page_after_pay", 0);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "closePage: %s", Integer.valueOf(intExtra2));
                    if (intExtra2 == 1) {
                        try {
                            Context context5 = this.f167360d;
                            if (context5 != null && (context5 instanceof Activity)) {
                                ((Activity) context5).finish();
                            if (mVar2 != null) {
                        } catch (Exception e16) {
                            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e16, "", new Object[0]);
                        ((xc4.j) xc4.j.f338034d).i(new MsgHandler$$l(this), 1000);
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_brand_wcpay_request:ok", hashMap4);
            } else if (i16 == 5) {
                HashMap hashMap5 = new HashMap();
                if (intent != null) {
                    int intExtra3 = intent.getIntExtra("key_jsapi_pay_err_code", 0);
                    String nullAsNil = Util.nullAsNil(intent.getStringExtra("key_jsapi_pay_err_msg"));
                    hashMap5.put("err_code", Integer.valueOf(intExtra3));
                    hashMap5.put("err_desc", nullAsNil);
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: pay jsapi failed. errCode: %d, errMsg: %s", Integer.valueOf(intExtra3), nullAsNil);
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_brand_wcpay_request:fail", hashMap5);
            } else {
                HashMap hashMap6 = new HashMap();
                if (intent != null) {
                    int intExtra4 = intent.getIntExtra("key_is_clear_failure", -1);
                    if (intExtra4 == 0) {
                        hashMap6.put("pay_status", "pending");
                    } else if (intExtra4 == 1) {
                        hashMap6.put("pay_status", "fail");
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_brand_wcpay_request:cancel", hashMap6);
        } else if (i15 == 69) {
            Map<String, Object> a15 = intent != null ? kp3.a.a(intent.getExtras()) : null;
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, this.f167361e.f247863i + ":ok", a15);
            } else if (i16 == 5) {
                q5(this.f167361e, this.f167361e.f247863i + ":fail", a15);
            } else if (i16 == 0) {
                q5(this.f167361e, this.f167361e.f247863i + ":cancel", a15);
        } else if (i15 == 68) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request joint pay, resultCode = " + i16);
            int i28 = this.K;
            if (!(i28 == -1 || e7(i28) == null)) {
                this.f167361e = e7(this.K).f167493a;
                this.f167378x = e7(this.K).f167494b;
            this.K = -1;
            h1 h1Var2 = this.f167361e;
            if (h1Var2 == null || !Util.isEqual(com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.jsapi.pay.h0.NAME, h1Var2.f247863i)) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request joint pay, wrong function");
            } else if (i16 == -1) {
                HashMap hashMap7 = new HashMap();
                if (intent != null) {
                    int intExtra5 = intent.getIntExtra("key_jsapi_close_page_after_pay", 0);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "closePage: %s", Integer.valueOf(intExtra5));
                    if (intExtra5 == 1) {
                        try {
                            Context context6 = this.f167360d;
                            if (context6 != null && (context6 instanceof Activity)) {
                                ((Activity) context6).finish();
                            m mVar3 = this.f167378x;
                            if (mVar3 != null) {
                        } catch (Exception e17) {
                            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e17, "", new Object[0]);
                    int intExtra6 = intent.getIntExtra("key_is_clear_failure", -1);
                    if (intExtra6 == 0) {
                        hashMap7.put("pay_status", "pending");
                    } else if (intExtra6 == 1) {
                        hashMap7.put("pay_status", "fail");
                q5(this.f167361e, "requestJointPayment:ok", hashMap7);
            } else if (i16 == 5) {
                HashMap hashMap8 = new HashMap();
                if (intent != null) {
                    int intExtra7 = intent.getIntExtra("key_jsapi_pay_err_code", 0);
                    String nullAsNil2 = Util.nullAsNil(intent.getStringExtra("key_jsapi_pay_err_msg"));
                    hashMap8.put("err_code", Integer.valueOf(intExtra7));
                    hashMap8.put("err_desc", nullAsNil2);
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: pay jsapi failed. errCode: %d, errMsg: %s", Integer.valueOf(intExtra7), nullAsNil2);
                q5(this.f167361e, "requestJointPayment:fail", hashMap8);
            } else {
                HashMap hashMap9 = new HashMap();
                if (intent != null) {
                    int intExtra8 = intent.getIntExtra("key_is_clear_failure", -1);
                    if (intExtra8 == 0) {
                        hashMap9.put("pay_status", "pending");
                    } else if (intExtra8 == 1) {
                        hashMap9.put("pay_status", "fail");
                q5(this.f167361e, "requestJointPayment:cancel", hashMap9);
        } else if (i15 == 27) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request ibg prepay request, resultCode = " + i16);
            int i29 = this.K;
            if (i29 != -1) {
                this.f167361e = e7(i29).f167493a;
                this.f167378x = e7(this.K).f167494b;
                this.K = -1;
            if (i16 == -1) {
                if (intent != null && intent.hasExtra("url")) {
                    try {
                        this.f167378x.tC(intent.getStringExtra("url"), intent.hasExtra("view_port_code") ? intent.getStringExtra("view_port_code") : null);
                    } catch (RemoteException e18) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "loadUrl ex: %s", e18.getMessage());
                    q5(this.f167361e, "get_h5_prepay_request:ok", null);
                } else if (intent == null || !intent.hasExtra("is_from_native")) {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "get_h5_prepay_request:ok", null);
                } else {
                    HKCashierJSApiPayResultEvent hKCashierJSApiPayResultEvent = new HKCashierJSApiPayResultEvent();
                    hKCashierJSApiPayResultEvent.f63256d.f63257a = 1;
                    if (hKCashierJSApiPayResultEvent.f63256d.f63258b == 1) {
                        try {
                            this.f167378x.d(new Bundle());
                        } catch (RemoteException e19) {
                            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "get_h5_prepay_request doCloseWindow, ex = " + e19.getMessage());
                    HashMap hashMap10 = new HashMap();
                    hashMap10.put("is_from_native", "1");
                    q5(this.f167361e, "get_h5_prepay_request:ok", hashMap10);
            } else if (intent == null || !intent.hasExtra("is_from_native")) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_h5_prepay_request:cancel", null);
            } else {
                HashMap hashMap11 = new HashMap();
                hashMap11.put("is_from_native", "1");
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_h5_prepay_request:cancel", hashMap11);
        } else if (i15 == 5) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request jump to mall, resultCode = " + i16);
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "jump_wcmall:ok", null);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "jump_wcmall:fail", null);
        } else if (i15 == 6) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request jump to product view, resultCode = " + i16);
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "open_product_view:ok", null);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "open_product_view:fail", null);
        } else if (i15 == 7) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request bind card, resultCode = " + i16);
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_brand_wcpay_bind_card_request:ok", null);
                q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "get_brand_wcpay_bind_card_request:ok");
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_brand_wcpay_bind_card_request:fail", null);
                if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                    q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "get_brand_wcpay_bind_card_request:fail");
            if (!qv3.h.c()) {
        } else if (i15 == 9) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request open wxcredit, resultCode = " + i16);
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_wcpay_create_credit_card_request:ok", null);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_wcpay_create_credit_card_request:fail", null);
        } else if (i15 == 8) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request jumpToBizProfile, resultCode = " + i16);
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "jump_to_biz_profile:ok", null);
            } else if (i16 == 0) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "jump_to_biz_profile:cancel", null);
            } else if (i16 == 2 || i16 == 3) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "jump_to_biz_profile:check_fail", null);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "jump_to_biz_profile:fail", null);
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "unknown resultCode");
        } else if (i15 == 10) {
            if (i16 == 0) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "open scan product ui back");
                q5(this.f167361e, "open_scan_product_view:ok", null);
        } else if (i15 == 11) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request transfer_money, resultCode = " + i16);
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_transfer_money_request:ok", null);
                q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "get_transfer_money_request:ok");
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_transfer_money_request:fail", null);
                if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                    q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "get_transfer_money_request:fail");
            if (!qv3.h.c()) {
        } else if (i15 == 17) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request open_wcpay_specific_view, resultCode = " + i16);
            if (intent != null && "1".equals(intent.getStringExtra("closeWebView"))) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "close web view");
                try {
                } catch (RemoteException e25) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "REQUEST_OPEN_WCPAY_SPECIFIC_VIEW ex: %s", e25.getMessage());
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "open_wcpay_specific_view:ok", null);
                q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "open_wcpay_specific_view:ok");
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "open_wcpay_specific_view:fail", null);
                if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                    q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "open_wcpay_specific_view:fail");
            if (!qv3.h.c()) {
        } else if (i15 == 210) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request request_wcpay_send_c2c_msg, resultCode = " + i16);
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_send_c2c_message_request:ok", null);
                q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "get_send_c2c_message_request:ok");
            } else if (i16 == 0) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_send_c2c_message_request:cancel", null);
                q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "get_send_c2c_message_request:cancel");
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_send_c2c_message_request:fail", null);
                if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                    q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "get_send_c2c_message_request:fail");
            if (!qv3.h.c()) {
        } else if (i15 == 13) {
            HashMap hashMap12 = new HashMap();
            if (i16 == -1) {
                if (intent != null) {
                    hashMap12.put("choose_card_info", Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("choose_card_info"), ""));
                new c.a(1, n6(), "chooseCard", "", 1).h();
                q5(this.f167361e, "choose_card:ok", hashMap12);
            } else if (i16 == 0) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "choose_card:cancel", hashMap12);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "choose_card:fail", hashMap12);
        } else if (i15 == 36) {
            HashMap hashMap13 = new HashMap();
            if (i16 == -1) {
                if (intent != null) {
                    hashMap13.put("choose_invoice_info", Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("choose_invoice_info"), ""));
                new c.a(1, n6(), com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.jsapi.h2.NAME, "", 1).h();
                q5(this.f167361e, "choose_invoice:ok", hashMap13);
            } else if (i16 == 0) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "choose_invoice:cancel", hashMap13);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "choose_invoice:fail", hashMap13);
        } else if (i15 == 16) {
            HashMap hashMap14 = new HashMap();
            if (intent != null) {
                hashMap14.put("card_list", Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("card_list"), ""));
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "batch_add_card:ok", hashMap14);
            if (intent != null) {
                i18 = 2;
                i19 = intent.getIntExtra("result_code", 2);
            } else {
                i18 = 2;
                i19 = 2;
            if (i19 == i18) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "batch_add_card:fail", hashMap14);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "batch_add_card:cancel", hashMap14);
        } else if (i15 == 23) {
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "batch_view_card:ok", null);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "batch_view_card:fail", null);
        } else if (i15 == 15) {
            h1 h1Var3 = this.f167361e;
            if (h1Var3 == null || Util.isNullOrNil(h1Var3.f247863i)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "msg is null");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request to scan qr code, result code = %d, function is %s", Integer.valueOf(i16), this.f167361e.f247863i);
            if (!this.f167361e.f247863i.equals("scanQRCode")) {
            if (i16 == -1) {
                HashMap hashMap15 = new HashMap();
                if (intent != null) {
                    String stringExtra2 = intent.getStringExtra("key_scan_result_code_name");
                    String stringExtra3 = intent.getStringExtra("key_scan_result");
                    if (!com.tencent.mm.plugin.scanner.z.c(stringExtra2)) {
                        stringExtra3 = stringExtra2 + "," + stringExtra3;
                    hashMap15.put("resultStr", stringExtra3);
                q5(this.f167361e, "scanQRCode:ok", hashMap15);
            } else if (i16 != 0) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "scanQRCode:fail", null);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "scanQRCode:cancel", null);
        } else if (i15 == 14) {
            if (intent == null) {
                z15 = false;
                c15 = 0;
            } else {
                c15 = 0;
                z15 = intent.getBooleanExtra("key_pick_local_media_show_memory_warning", false);
            Object[] objArr = new Object[2];
            objArr[c15] = Integer.valueOf(i16);
            objArr[1] = Boolean.valueOf(z15);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request to open file chooser, result code = %d, hasShowMemoryWarning = %b", objArr);
            HashMap hashMap16 = new HashMap();
            if (z15) {
                hashMap16.put("memoryWarning", Boolean.TRUE);
            if (i16 == -1) {
                String stringExtra4 = intent.getStringExtra("key_pick_local_media_local_ids");
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "localIds = %s", stringExtra4);
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(stringExtra4)) {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "chooseImage:fail", hashMap16);
                hashMap16.put("localIds", stringExtra4);
                String stringExtra5 = intent.getStringExtra("key_pick_local_pic_source_type");
                if (stringExtra5 != null) {
                    hashMap16.put("sourceType", stringExtra5);
                new c.a(1, n6(), JsApiChooseImage.NAME, "", 1).h();
                q5(this.f167361e, "chooseImage:ok", hashMap16);
            } else if (i16 == 0) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "chooseImage:cancel", hashMap16);
            } else if (i16 != 1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "chooseImage:fail", hashMap16);
            } else {
                String stringExtra6 = intent.getStringExtra("key_pick_local_pic_fail_reason");
                q5(this.f167361e, !Util.isNullOrNil(stringExtra6) ? "chooseImage:fail, " + stringExtra6 : "chooseImage:fail", hashMap16);
        } else if (i15 == 32) {
            if (i16 == -1) {
                String stringExtra7 = intent.getStringExtra("key_pick_local_media_local_id");
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(stringExtra7)) {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "chooseVideo:fail", null);
                WebViewJSSDKFileItem b15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(stringExtra7);
                if (b15 == null || !(b15 instanceof WebViewJSSDKVideoItem)) {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "chooseVideo:fail", null);
                WebViewJSSDKVideoItem webViewJSSDKVideoItem = (WebViewJSSDKVideoItem) b15;
                HashMap hashMap17 = new HashMap();
                hashMap17.put(l3.COL_LOCALID, stringExtra7);
                hashMap17.put("duration", Integer.valueOf(webViewJSSDKVideoItem.f165446w));
                hashMap17.put("height", Integer.valueOf(webViewJSSDKVideoItem.f165437q));
                hashMap17.put("size", Integer.valueOf(webViewJSSDKVideoItem.f165435o));
                hashMap17.put("width", Integer.valueOf(webViewJSSDKVideoItem.f165436p));
                new c.a(1, n6(), JsApiChooseImage.NAME, "", 1).h();
                q5(this.f167361e, "chooseVideo:ok", hashMap17);
            } else if (i16 != 0) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "chooseVideo:fail", null);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "chooseVideo:cancel", null);
        } else if (i15 == 45) {
            if (i16 == -1) {
                String stringExtra8 = intent.getStringExtra("key_pick_local_media_local_id");
                String stringExtra9 = intent.getStringExtra("key_pick_local_media_thumb_local_id");
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "localId:%s", stringExtra8);
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "thumbLocalId:%s", stringExtra9);
                if (Util.isNullOrNil(stringExtra8)) {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "recordVideo:fail", null);
                WebViewJSSDKFileItem b16 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(stringExtra8);
                if (b16 == null || !(b16 instanceof WebViewJSSDKVideoItem)) {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "recordVideo:fail", null);
                WebViewJSSDKVideoItem webViewJSSDKVideoItem2 = (WebViewJSSDKVideoItem) b16;
                HashMap hashMap18 = new HashMap();
                hashMap18.put(l3.COL_LOCALID, stringExtra8);
                hashMap18.put("duration", Integer.valueOf(webViewJSSDKVideoItem2.f165446w));
                hashMap18.put("height", Integer.valueOf(webViewJSSDKVideoItem2.f165437q));
                hashMap18.put("size", Integer.valueOf(webViewJSSDKVideoItem2.f165435o));
                hashMap18.put("width", Integer.valueOf(webViewJSSDKVideoItem2.f165436p));
                hashMap18.put("thumbLocalId", stringExtra9);
                new c.a(1, n6(), JsApiChooseImage.NAME, "", 1).h();
                q5(this.f167361e, "recordVideo:ok", hashMap18);
            } else if (i16 != 0) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "recordVideo:fail", null);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "recordVideo:cancel", null);
        } else if (i15 == 47) {
            if (i16 != -1) {
                if (i16 != 0) {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "chooseMedia:fail", null);
                } else {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "chooseMedia:cancel", null);
            } else if (intent == null) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mmOnActivityResult REQUEST_CHOOSE_MEDIA data is null,");
                q5(this.f167361e, "chooseMedia:fail", null);
            } else {
                int intExtra9 = intent.getIntExtra("key_pick_local_media_callback_type", 0);
                if (intExtra9 == 1) {
                    String stringExtra10 = intent.getStringExtra("key_pick_local_media_local_id");
                    String stringExtra11 = intent.getStringExtra("key_pick_local_media_thumb_local_id");
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "video localId:%s", stringExtra10);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "video thumbLocalId:%s", stringExtra11);
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(stringExtra10)) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mmOnActivityResult REQUEST_CHOOSE_MEDIA video localId is null");
                        q5(this.f167361e, "chooseMedia:fail", null);
                    WebViewJSSDKFileItem b17 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.modeltools.m.aO0().b(stringExtra10);
                    if (b17 == null || !(b17 instanceof WebViewJSSDKVideoItem)) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mmOnActivityResult REQUEST_CHOOSE_MEDIA nor the videoitem");
                        q5(this.f167361e, "chooseMedia:fail", null);
                    WebViewJSSDKVideoItem webViewJSSDKVideoItem3 = (WebViewJSSDKVideoItem) b17;
                    String i35 = k2.i(stringExtra10, stringExtra11, webViewJSSDKVideoItem3.f165446w, webViewJSSDKVideoItem3.f165437q, webViewJSSDKVideoItem3.f165436p, webViewJSSDKVideoItem3.f165435o);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "after parse to json data : %s", i35);
                    HashMap hashMap19 = new HashMap();
                    hashMap19.put("type", 1);
                    hashMap19.put("localIds", i35);
                    new c.a(1, n6(), JsApiChooseImage.NAME, "", 1).h();
                    q5(this.f167361e, "chooseMedia:ok", hashMap19);
                } else if (intExtra9 == 2) {
                    String stringExtra12 = intent.getStringExtra("key_pick_local_media_local_ids");
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "chooseMedia localIds:%s", stringExtra12);
                    if (Util.isNullOrNil(stringExtra12)) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mmOnActivityResult REQUEST_CHOOSE_MEDIA image localIds is null");
                        q5(this.f167361e, "chooseMedia:fail", null);
                    HashMap hashMap20 = new HashMap();
                    hashMap20.put("type", 2);
                    hashMap20.put("localIds", stringExtra12);
                    new c.a(1, n6(), JsApiChooseImage.NAME, "", 1).h();
                    q5(this.f167361e, "chooseMedia:ok", hashMap20);
                } else {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "type:%d is error", Integer.valueOf(intExtra9));
                    q5(this.f167361e, "chooseMedia:fail", null);
        } else if (i15 == 46) {
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "previewVideo:ok", null);
            } else if (i16 != 0) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "previewVideo:fail", null);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "previewVideo:cancel", null);
        } else if (i15 == 19) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request to config exdevice wifi connection, result code = " + i16);
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "configWXDeviceWiFi:ok", null);
            } else if (i16 == 0) {
                if (intent == null || intent.getBooleanExtra("is_wifi_connected", true)) {
                    hashMap = null;
                } else {
                    hashMap = new HashMap();
                    hashMap.put("desc", "wifi_not_connected");
                q5(this.f167361e, "configWXDeviceWiFi:cancel", hashMap);
            } else if (i16 == 1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "configWXDeviceWiFi:fail", null);
        } else if (i15 == 20) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request request_verify_wcpay_password, resultCode = " + i16);
            HashMap hashMap21 = new HashMap();
            if (i16 == -1) {
                String str10 = "";
                if (intent != null) {
                    str10 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra(XWalkReaderBasePlugin.PARAM_KEY_TOKEN), "");
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str10)) {
                    hashMap21.put(XWalkReaderBasePlugin.PARAM_KEY_TOKEN, str10);
                    q5(this.f167361e, "verifyWCPayPassword:ok", hashMap21);
                    q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "verifyWCPayPassword:ok");
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "checkPwdToken is valid, verifyWCPayPassword:ok");
                } else {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "checkPwdToken is empty, verifyWCPayPassword:fail");
                    q5(this.f167361e, "verifyWCPayPassword:fail", null);
                    if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                        q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "verifyWCPayPassword:fail");
            } else {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "resultCode is canlcel, verifyWCPayPassword:fail");
                q5(this.f167361e, "verifyWCPayPassword:fail", null);
                if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                    q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "verifyWCPayPassword:fail");
            if (!qv3.h.c()) {
        } else if (21 == i15) {
            q5(this.f167361e, "see_order_ok", null);
        } else if (i15 == 22) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request get_recevie_biz_hongbao_request, resultCode = " + i16);
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_recevie_biz_hongbao_request:ok", null);
            } else if (i16 == 0) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_recevie_biz_hongbao_request:cancel", null);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_recevie_biz_hongbao_request:fail", null);
        } else if (i15 == 24) {
            Bundle bundle2 = this.f167367n;
            SnsAdClick snsAdClick3 = bundle2 != null ? (SnsAdClick) bundle2.getParcelable("KSnsAdTag") : null;
            if (i16 == -1) {
                if (snsAdClick3 != null) {
                    snsAdClick3.f79448g = 9;
                k7(2, 1);
                if (Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("open_from_scene"), 0) == 4) {
                    ((nr.j) j.c(nr.j.class)).PM(this.f167367n.getLong("favlocalid", 0), 0, 0);
                try {
                    if (this.f167378x != null) {
                        String str11 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("appId");
                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str11)) {
                            str11 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("appid");
                        try {
                            map3 = null;
                            try {
                                W6(str11, (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("img_url"), "", 1, 3, this.f167378x.v6(85, null));
                            } catch (RemoteException e26) {
                                e15 = e26;
                        } catch (RemoteException e27) {
                            e15 = e27;
                            map3 = null;
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invokeAsResult : %s", e15);
                            q5(this.f167361e, "share_timeline:ok", map3);
                    } else {
                        map3 = null;
                } catch (RemoteException e28) {
                    e15 = e28;
                    map3 = null;
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invokeAsResult : %s", e15);
                    q5(this.f167361e, "share_timeline:ok", map3);
                q5(this.f167361e, "share_timeline:ok", map3);
            if (snsAdClick3 != null) {
                snsAdClick3.f79448g = 10;
            k7(2, 3);
            q5(this.f167361e, "share_timeline:ok", null);
        } else if (i15 == 26) {
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "selectPedometerSource:ok", null);
            } else if (i16 == 0) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "selectPedometerSource result cancel");
                q5(this.f167361e, "selectPedometerSource:cancel", null);
            } else {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "selectPedometerSource result fail");
                q5(this.f167361e, "selectPedometerSource:fail", null);
        } else if (i15 == 25) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: get ibg order finish. result code: %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
            if (this.J == 1 && (mVar = this.f167378x) != null) {
                try {
                } catch (RemoteException e29) {
                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e29, "", new Object[0]);
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_h5_transaction_request:ok", null);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "get_h5_transaction_request:cancel", null);
        } else if (i15 == 28) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "get web pay checkout counter request finish. result code: %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
            boolean booleanExtra = intent != null ? intent.getBooleanExtra("is_new_cashier", false) : false;
            if (i16 == -1) {
                HashMap hashMap22 = new HashMap();
                String nullAs10 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra(XWalkReaderBasePlugin.PARAM_KEY_TOKEN), "");
                String nullAs11 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("bind_serial"), "");
                hashMap22.put(XWalkReaderBasePlugin.PARAM_KEY_TOKEN, nullAs10);
                hashMap22.put("bind_serial", nullAs11);
                hashMap22.put("is_new_cashier", booleanExtra ? "1" : "0");
                q5(this.f167361e, "getWebPayCheckoutCounterRequst:ok", hashMap22);
                q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "getWebPayCheckoutCounterRequst:ok");
            } else {
                HashMap hashMap23 = new HashMap();
                hashMap23.put("is_new_cashier", booleanExtra ? "1" : "0");
                q5(this.f167361e, "getWebPayCheckoutCounterRequst:fail", hashMap23);
                if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                    q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "getWebPayCheckoutCounterRequst:fail");
            if (!qv3.h.c()) {
        } else if (i15 == 31) {
            if (i16 != -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "openEnterpriseContact:ok", null);
            Bundle bundleExtra = intent.getBundleExtra("result_data");
            if (bundleExtra != null) {
                String string = bundleExtra.getString("result");
                HashMap hashMap24 = new HashMap();
                hashMap24.put("result", string);
                q5(this.f167361e, "openEnterpriseContact:ok", hashMap24);
            q5(this.f167361e, "openEnterpriseContact:ok", null);
        } else if (i15 == 53) {
            if (i16 != -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "selectEnterpriseContact:ok", null);
            Bundle bundleExtra2 = intent.getBundleExtra("result_data");
            if (bundleExtra2 != null) {
                String string2 = bundleExtra2.getString("result");
                HashMap hashMap25 = new HashMap();
                hashMap25.put("result", string2);
                q5(this.f167361e, "selectEnterpriseContact:ok", hashMap25);
            q5(this.f167361e, "selectEnterpriseContact:ok", null);
        } else if (i15 == 29) {
            if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "consumedShareCard:ok", null);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "consumedShareCard:fail", null);
        } else if (i15 != 150 && i15 != 149) {
            if (i15 == 152 || i15 == 151) {
                map = null;
                i17 = -1;
            } else if (i15 == 113) {
                i17 = -1;
                map = null;
            } else if (i15 == 116) {
                if (i16 == -1) {
                } else {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "startRecord:fail_android_permission_denied", null);
            } else if (i15 == 115) {
                if (i16 == -1) {
                    G5(this.f167361e, 0);
                } else {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "chooseVideo:fail_android_permission_denied", null);
            } else if (i15 == 117) {
                if (i16 == -1) {
                    G5(this.f167361e, 1);
                } else {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "recordVideo:fail_android_permission_denied", null);
            } else if (i15 == 118) {
                if (i16 == -1) {
                    G5(this.f167361e, 1);
                } else {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "recordVideo:fail_android_permission_denied", null);
            } else if (i15 == 119) {
                if (i16 == -1) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "chooseMedia:fail_android_permission_denied:CAMERA");
                q5(this.f167361e, "chooseMedia:fail_android_permission_denied", null);
            } else if (i15 == 120) {
                if (i16 == -1) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "chooseMedia:fail_android_permission_denied:MICROPHONE");
                q5(this.f167361e, "chooseMedia:fail_android_permission_denied", null);
            } else if (i15 == 30) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doSelectSingleContact activtiy callback");
                String str12 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("appId");
                if (this.f167367n != null && TextUtils.isEmpty(str12)) {
                    str12 = this.f167367n.getString("jsapi_args_appid");
                int i36 = Util.getInt((String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("selectMode"), 0);
                String str13 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("busiId");
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "select single contact : appId:%s, busiId:%s, selectedMode:%d", str12, str13, Integer.valueOf(i36));
                if (i16 == -1) {
                    String stringExtra13 = intent == null ? null : intent.getStringExtra("Select_Conv_User");
                    if (stringExtra13 == null || stringExtra13.length() == 0) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mmOnActivityResult,selectSingleContact fail, user is null");
                        q5(this.f167361e, "selectSingleContact:fail", null);
                    } else if (i36 == 0) {
                        com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.b0 b0Var = new com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.b0(str12, stringExtra13);
                        d60.z.d().a(1566, new MsgHandler$$m(this));
                        Context context7 = this.f167360d;
                        this.f167363g = i14.j.Q(context7, hy3.h.a(context7).getString(R.string.f367625yv), hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.f367656zq), true, true, new MsgHandler$$n(this, b0Var));
                    } else if (i36 == 1) {
                        com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.h0 h0Var = new com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.h0(str12, str13, stringExtra13);
                        d60.z.d().a(1177, new MsgHandler$$o(this));
                        Context context8 = this.f167360d;
                        this.f167363g = i14.j.Q(context8, hy3.h.a(context8).getString(R.string.f367625yv), hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.f367656zq), true, true, new MsgHandler$$p(this, h0Var));
                    } else {
                } else if (i16 == 0) {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "selectSingleContact:cancel", null);
                } else {
            } else if (i15 == 34) {
                if (i16 == -1) {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "get_wcpay_realname_verify:ok", null);
                    q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "get_wcpay_realname_verify:ok");
                } else if (i16 == 1) {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "get_wcpay_realname_verify:fail", null);
                    if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                        q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "get_wcpay_realname_verify:fail");
                } else {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "get_wcpay_realname_verify:cancel", null);
                    q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "get_wcpay_realname_verify:cancel");
                if (!qv3.h.c()) {
            } else if (i15 == 211) {
                if (i16 == -1) {
                    RequestEnterWalletEvent requestEnterWalletEvent = new RequestEnterWalletEvent();
                    requestEnterWalletEvent.f64256d.f64257a = this.f167360d;
                    try {
                    } catch (RemoteException e35) {
                        Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e35, "", new Object[0]);
                } else {
                    q5(this.f167361e, "selectWalletCurrency:cancel", null);
            } else if (i15 == 37) {
                if (this.f167362f == null) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mmOnActivityResult fail, appmsg is null");
                    q5(this.f167361e, "send_app_msg:fail", null);
                String str14 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("appid");
                Bundle bundle3 = this.f167367n;
                if (bundle3 != null) {
                    snsAdClick = (SnsAdClick) bundle3.getParcelable("KSnsAdTag");
                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str14)) {
                        str14 = this.f167367n.getString("jsapi_args_appid");
                } else {
                    snsAdClick = null;
                Object obj2 = ((HashMap) this.f167361e.c()).get("Internal@AsyncReport");
                if (i16 == -1) {
                    if (snsAdClick != null) {
                        snsAdClick.f79448g = 7;
                    com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.model.app.j appInfo2 = ((ln.l) j.c(ln.l.class)).getAppInfo(str14);
                    if (intent != null) {
                        String stringExtra14 = intent.getStringExtra("enterprise_biz_name");
                        long longExtra = intent.getLongExtra("key_biz_chat_id", -1);
                        String stringExtra15 = intent.getStringExtra("enterprise_share_append_text");
                        if (stringExtra14 == null || stringExtra14.length() == 0) {
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mmOnActivityResult fail, toUser is null");
                            q5(this.f167361e, "send_app_msg:fail", null);
                        String str15 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("img_url");
                        String str16 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("desc");
                        String str17 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("src_username");
                        String str18 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("src_displayname");
                        String t66 = t6();
                        o1.a(this.f167361e.c(), u6("sendAppMessage"), stringExtra14, str14);
                        if (obj2 != null && (obj2 instanceof Boolean) && ((Boolean) obj2).booleanValue()) {
                            T6(this.f167361e, true);
                        if (Util.isNullOrNil(str15)) {
                            if (longExtra >= 0) {
                                cg0.c c05 = bg0.w0.bO0().c0(longExtra);
                                synchronized (cg0.e.f49354d) {
                                    String j15 = cg0.e.j();
                                    Y5(appInfo2, str14, stringExtra14, str15, str17, str18, stringExtra15, t66);
                                map2 = null;
                            } else {
                                map2 = null;
                                Y5(appInfo2, str14, stringExtra14, str15, str17, str18, stringExtra15, t66);
                            Context context9 = this.f167360d;
                            i14.j.T(context9, hy3.h.a(context9).getString(R.string.f367891bb2));
                            q5(this.f167361e, "send_app_msg:ok", map2);
                        ((yt.h) j.c(yt.h.class)).JA(str15, new MsgHandler$$q(this, longExtra, appInfo2, str14, stringExtra14, str15, str17, str18, stringExtra15, t66));
                } else if (i16 == 0) {
                    if (snsAdClick != null) {
                        snsAdClick.f79448g = 8;
                    o1.a(this.f167361e.c(), u6("sendAppMessage"), null, str14);
                    if (obj2 != null && (obj2 instanceof Boolean) && ((Boolean) obj2).booleanValue()) {
                        T6(this.f167361e, true);
                    q5(this.f167361e, "send_app_msg:cancel", null);
                } else {
            } else if (i15 == 38) {
                if (i16 == -1) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: soter auth ok");
                    q5(this.f167361e, "soter_biometric_authentication:ok", kp3.a.a(intent.getExtras()));
                } else if (i16 == 1) {
                    Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: soter auth failed");
                    q5(this.f167361e, "soter_biometric_authentication:fail", kp3.a.a(intent.getExtras()));
                } else {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: soter user cancelled");
                    q5(this.f167361e, "soter_biometric_authentication:cancel", kp3.a.a(intent.getExtras()));
            } else if (i15 != 39) {
                int i37 = 49;
                if (i15 == 40) {
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        Bundle bundle4 = new Bundle();
                        if (intent != null) {
                            ArrayList<f4> p65 = p6(intent.getLongArrayExtra("k_outside_expose_proof_item_list"));
                            int size = p65.size();
                            String[] strArr = new String[size];
                            String[] strArr2 = new String[size];
                            String[] strArr3 = new String[size];
                            int[] iArr = new int[size];
                            int[] iArr2 = new int[size];
                            String[] strArr4 = new String[size];
                            int i38 = 0;
                            while (i38 < size) {
                                f4 f4Var = p65.get(i38);
                                strArr[i38] = String.valueOf(f4Var.E2());
                                if (intent.getBooleanExtra("k_is_group_chat", false)) {
                                    if (f4Var.o4()) {
                                        strArr2[i38] = nf0.f4.u(f4Var.F2());
                                    } else {
                                        strArr2[i38] = nf0.f4.u(f4Var.getContent());
                                    strArr3[i38] = nf0.f4.s(f4Var.getContent());
                                } else {
                                    if (f4Var.o4()) {
                                        strArr2[i38] = f4Var.F2();
                                    } else {
                                        strArr2[i38] = f4Var.getContent();
                                    if (z1.f5(f4Var.i())) {
                                        strArr3[i38] = ((f5) j.c(f5.class)).o(f4Var.i());
                                    } else if (z1.O5(f4Var.i())) {
                                        strArr3[i38] = ((qd3.w) j.c(qd3.w.class)).o(f4Var.i());
                                    } else {
                                        strArr3[i38] = f4Var.i();
                                if (f4Var.y2() == 1) {
                                    if (z1.f5(f4Var.i())) {
                                        strArr3[i38] = ((f5) j.c(f5.class)).w3(f4Var.i());
                                    } else {
                                        strArr3[i38] = u0.r();
                                if (strArr2[i38] == null) {
                                    strArr2[i38] = "";
                                if (strArr3[i38] == null) {
                                    strArr3[i38] = "";
                                if (f4Var.B3()) {
                                    iArr[i38] = i37;
                                } else {
                                    iArr[i38] = f4Var.getType();
                                iArr2[i38] = (int) (f4Var.getCreateTime() / 1000);
                                if (f4Var.j4() || f4Var.W3() || f4Var.o4()) {
                                    Map<String, String> parseXml = XmlParser.parseXml(f4Var.C2(), "msgsource", null);
                                    if (!(parseXml == null || parseXml.get(".msgsource.signature") == null)) {
                                        strArr4[i38] = parseXml.get(".msgsource.signature");
                                        if (parseXml.get(".msgsource.realcreatetime") != null) {
                                            iArr2[i38] = Util.getInt(parseXml.get(".msgsource.realcreatetime"), (int) (f4Var.getCreateTime() / 1000));
                                            strArr = strArr;
                                            i37 = 49;
                                } else {
                                    strArr4[i38] = "";
                                strArr = strArr;
                                i37 = 49;
                            bundle4.putStringArray("msgIds", strArr);
                            bundle4.putStringArray("contents", strArr2);
                            bundle4.putStringArray("senders", strArr3);
                            bundle4.putIntArray("msgTypes", iArr);
                            bundle4.putIntArray("msgTimes", iArr2);
                            bundle4.putStringArray("msgSignature", strArr4);
                            try {
                                m mVar4 = this.f167378x;
                                if (mVar4 != null) {
                                    mVar4.callback(48, bundle4);
                                q5(this.f167361e, "select chat record:ok", null);
                            } catch (RemoteException e36) {
                                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "onGetMsgProofItems exception" + e36.getMessage());
                                q5(this.f167361e, "select chat record:fail", null);
                        } else {
                            q5(this.f167361e, "select chat record:fail", null);
                    } else {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "select chat record:cancel", null);
                } else if (i15 == 41) {
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "id_card_realname_verify:ok", null);
                        q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "id_card_realname_verify:ok");
                    } else if (i16 == 1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "id_card_realname_verify:fail", null);
                        if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                            q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "id_card_realname_verify:fail");
                    } else {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "id_card_realname_verify:cancel", null);
                        q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "id_card_realname_verify:cancel");
                    if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                } else if (i15 == 42) {
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        if (intent != null) {
                            String nullAs12 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("gameRegionName"), "");
                            HashMap hashMap26 = new HashMap();
                            hashMap26.put("gameRegionName", nullAs12);
                            q5(this.f167361e, "get game region:ok", hashMap26);
                        q5(this.f167361e, "get game region:fail", null);
                    } else if (i16 == 1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "get game region:fail", null);
                    } else {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "get game region:cancel", null);
                } else if (i15 == 43) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request to open file chooser for id card image, result code = " + i16);
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        HashMap hashMap27 = new HashMap();
                        String stringExtra16 = intent.getStringExtra("key_pick_local_pic_callback_local_ids");
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "localIds = %s", stringExtra16);
                        if (Util.isNullOrNil(stringExtra16)) {
                            s5(f167351f1, f167353h1);
                            q5(this.f167361e, "chooseIdCard:fail", null);
                        try {
                            JSONArray jSONArray2 = new JSONArray(stringExtra16);
                            if (jSONArray2.length() > 0) {
                                hashMap27.put(l3.COL_LOCALID, jSONArray2.get(0).toString());
                                if (intent.getStringExtra("key_pick_local_pic_source_type") != null) {
                                    hashMap27.put("sourceType", FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM);
                                s5(f167351f1, f167355j1);
                                q5(this.f167361e, "chooseIdCard:ok", hashMap27);
                            s5(f167351f1, f167353h1);
                            q5(this.f167361e, "chooseImage:fail", null);
                        } catch (Exception e37) {
                            Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e37, "", new Object[0]);
                            s5(f167351f1, f167353h1);
                            q5(this.f167361e, "chooseImage:fail", null);
                    } else if (i16 != 0) {
                        s5(f167351f1, f167353h1);
                        q5(this.f167361e, "chooseImage:fail", null);
                    } else {
                        s5(f167351f1, f167354i1);
                        q5(this.f167361e, "chooseIdCard:cancel", null);
                } else if (i15 == 48) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "alvinluo: requestWxFacePictureVerify resultCode: %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "requestWxFacePictureVerify:ok", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else if (i16 == 1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "requestWxFacePictureVerify:fail", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else if (i16 == 0) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "requestWxFacePictureVerify:cancel", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else {
                } else if (i15 == 49) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: REQUEST_FACE_DETECT_WITH_VIDEO resultCode: %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "requestWxFacePictureVerifyUnionVideo:ok", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else if (i16 == 1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "requestWxFacePictureVerifyUnionVideo:fail", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else if (i16 == 0) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "requestWxFacePictureVerifyUnionVideo:cancel", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else {
                } else if (i15 == 52) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "share emmotion resultCode: %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        String nullAs13 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("Select_Conv_User"), "");
                        String nullAs14 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("emoji_thumb_path"), "");
                        String nullAs15 = Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("emoji_activity_id"), "");
                        IEmojiInfo F2 = ((q0) j.c(q0.class)).F2(nullAs14);
                        if (F2 == null) {
                            String s702 = ((com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.s0) j.c(com.tencent.mm.feature.emoji.api.s0.class)).s70(((e1) j.c(e1.class)).RN0(), "", nullAs14);
                            if (u1.k(s702)) {
                                int i39 = ImgUtil.isGif(s702) ? 2 : 1;
                                IEmojiInfo PK = ((q0) j.c(q0.class)).PK();
                                PK.q1((int) u1.l(s702));
                                if (!Util.isNullOrNil(nullAs15)) {
                                F2 = ((q0) j.c(q0.class)).PJ0(PK);
                        for (String str19 : Util.stringsToList(Util.nullAs(nullAs13, "").split(","))) {
                            if (F2 != null) {
                                ((t0) j.c(t0.class)).li0(str19, F2, null);
                        String stringExtra17 = intent.getStringExtra("custom_send_text");
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(stringExtra17)) {
                            SendMsgEvent sendMsgEvent = new SendMsgEvent();
                            SendMsgEvent.a aVar = sendMsgEvent.f64446d;
                            aVar.f64447a = nullAs13;
                            aVar.f64448b = stringExtra17;
                            aVar.f64449c = w0.z(nullAs13);
                            sendMsgEvent.f64446d.f64450d = 0;
                        Context context10 = this.f167360d;
                        i14.j.T(context10, hy3.h.a(context10).getString(R.string.f367612yi));
                        q5(this.f167361e, "shareEmoticon:ok", null);
                    } else if (i16 != 0) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "shareEmoticon:fail", null);
                    } else {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "shareEmoticon:cancel", null);
                } else if (i15 == 50) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: requestWxFaceRegisterInternal resultCode: %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "requestWxFaceRegisterInternal:ok", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else if (i16 == 1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "requestWxFaceRegisterInternal:fail", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else if (i16 == 0) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "requestWxFaceRegisterInternal:cancel", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else {
                } else if (i15 == 51) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: requestWxFaceVerifyInternal resultCode: %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "requestWxFaceVerifyInternal:ok", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else if (i16 == 1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "requestWxFaceVerifyInternal:fail", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else if (i16 == 0) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "requestWxFaceVerifyInternal:cancel", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else {
                } else if (i15 == 54) {
                    if (i16 != -1 || intent == null) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "selectContact:fail", null);
                    String stringExtra18 = intent.getStringExtra("Select_Contact");
                    String displayName = ((hh2.j) j.c(hh2.j.class)).getDisplayName(stringExtra18);
                    Bundle bundle5 = new Bundle();
                    bundle5.putString("username", stringExtra18);
                    bundle5.putString("nickname", displayName);
                    bundle5.putInt("ret", 0);
                    try {
                        m mVar5 = this.f167378x;
                        if (mVar5 != null) {
                            mVar5.callback(126, bundle5);
                    } catch (RemoteException e38) {
                        Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "onSearchDataReady exception" + e38.getMessage());
                    q5(this.f167361e, "selectContact:succ", null);
                } else if (i15 == 65) {
                    if (i16 != -1 || intent == null) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "selectContact:fail", null);
                    String stringExtra19 = intent.getStringExtra("Select_Contact");
                    String displayName2 = ((hh2.j) j.c(hh2.j.class)).getDisplayName(stringExtra19);
                    HashMap hashMap28 = new HashMap();
                    hashMap28.put("username", stringExtra19);
                    hashMap28.put("nickname", displayName2);
                    com.tencent.mm.modelavatar.n Sa = ((com.tencent.mm.modelavatar.o) ((yn.g) j.c(yn.g.class)).Ci()).Sa(stringExtra19);
                    if (Sa != null) {
                        hashMap28.put("headurl", Sa.f());
                    z1 z1Var = ((k0) d60.z.q(k0.class)).Zx().get(stringExtra19);
                    if (z1Var != null && !Util.isNullOrNil(z1Var.q2())) {
                        hashMap28.put("alias", z1Var.q2());
                    q5(this.f167361e, "selectContact:ok", hashMap28);
                } else if (i15 == 55) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: REQUEST_SET_RESET_WALLET_PWD_REQUEST resultCode: %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "setWCPayPassword:ok", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                        q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "setWCPayPassword:ok");
                    } else if (i16 == 0) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "setWCPayPassword:cancel", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                        q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "setWCPayPassword:cancel");
                    } else {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "setWCPayPassword:fail", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                        if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                            q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "setWCPayPassword:fail");
                    if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                } else if (i15 == 56) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request choose invoice title, resultCode = " + i16);
                    HashMap hashMap29 = new HashMap();
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        if (intent != null) {
                            hashMap29.put("choose_invoice_title_info", Util.nullAs(intent.getStringExtra("choose_invoice_title_info"), ""));
                        new c.a(1, n6(), com.tencent.mm.plugin.appbrand.jsapi.j2.NAME, "", 1).h();
                        q5(this.f167361e, "chooseInvoiceTitle:ok", hashMap29);
                    } else if (i16 == 0) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "chooseInvoiceTitle:cancel", hashMap29);
                    } else {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "chooseInvoiceTitle:fail", hashMap29);
                } else if (i15 == 57) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request voice login verify, resultCode: %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                    HashMap hashMap30 = new HashMap();
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        hashMap30.put("err_code", 0);
                        hashMap30.put("err_msg", "verify ok");
                        q5(this.f167361e, "request voice login verify:ok", hashMap30);
                    } else if (i16 == 0) {
                        hashMap30.put("err_code", 1);
                        hashMap30.put("err_msg", "verify cancel");
                        q5(this.f167361e, "request voice login verify:cancel", hashMap30);
                    } else {
                        hashMap30.put("err_code", 2);
                        hashMap30.put("err_msg", "verify error");
                        q5(this.f167361e, "request voice login verify:error", hashMap30);
                } else if (i15 == 59) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "hy: REQUEST_OPEN_CARD_LIST resultCode: %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "openWCPayCardList:ok", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                        q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "openWCPayCardList:ok");
                    } else if (i16 == 0) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "openWCPayCardList:fail", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                        if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                            q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "openWCPayCardList:fail");
                    } else {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "openWCPayCardList:fail", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                        if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                            q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "openWCPayCardList:fail");
                    if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                } else if (i15 == 60) {
                    if (intent != null) {
                        String stringExtra20 = intent.getStringExtra("key_callback");
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "open offline pay view callback: %s", stringExtra20);
                        q5(this.f167361e, String.format("openOfflinePayView:%s", stringExtra20), null);
                        q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "openOfflinePayView:ok");
                    } else {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "openOfflinePayView:fail", null);
                        if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                            q.INSTANCE.g(14954, qv3.h.b(), "openOfflinePayView:fail");
                    if (!qv3.h.c()) {
                } else if (i15 == 58) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "request bind email, resultCode %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "bindEmail:ok", null);
                    } else {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "bindEmail:cancel", null);
                } else if (i15 == 62) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "[openRealnameAuth]resultCode:%d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                    HashMap hashMap31 = new HashMap();
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openRealnameAuth ok");
                        String stringExtra21 = intent.getStringExtra("intent_auth_token");
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(stringExtra21)) {
                            hashMap31.put("err_code", 0);
                            hashMap31.put("auth_token", stringExtra21);
                            q5(this.f167361e, "openRealnameAuth:ok", hashMap31);
                        q5(this.f167361e, "openRealnameAuth:fail", hashMap31);
                    } else if (i16 == 0) {
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openRealnameAuth cancel");
                        q5(this.f167361e, "openRealnameAuth:cancel", hashMap31);
                    } else if (i16 == 1) {
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openRealnameAuth fail");
                        if (intent != null) {
                            int intExtra10 = intent.getIntExtra("intent_err_code", -1);
                            String stringExtra22 = intent.getStringExtra("intent_err_msg");
                            hashMap31.put("err_code", Integer.valueOf(intExtra10));
                            hashMap31.put("err_msg", stringExtra22);
                            q5(this.f167361e, "openRealnameAuth:fail", hashMap31);
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "openRealnameAuth errCode:%d, errMsg:%s", Integer.valueOf(intExtra10), stringExtra22);
                        q5(this.f167361e, "openRealnameAuth:fail", hashMap31);
                    } else {
                } else if (i15 == 61) {
                    if (this.f167362f == null) {
                        Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mmOnActivityResult fail, appmsg is null");
                        q5(this.f167361e, "sendSingleAppMessage:fail", null);
                    } else if (i16 == -1) {
                        if (intent == null) {
                            str = null;
                        } else {
                            str = intent.getStringExtra("Select_Conv_User");
                        if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "mmOnActivityResult fail, toUser is null");
                            q5(this.f167361e, "sendSingleAppMessage:fail", null);
                        Object obj3 = ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("__jsapi_fw_ext_info");
                        String c16 = this.f167382z.c(obj3 instanceof Bundle ? ((Bundle) obj3).getString("__jsapi_fw_ext_info_key_current_url") : null);
                        if (Util.isNullOrNil(c16)) {
                            c16 = (String) ((HashMap) this.f167361e.f247819a).get("appId");
                        com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.h0 h0Var2 = new com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.model.h0(c16, "", str);
                        d60.z.d().a(1177, new MsgHandler$$r(this, intent, str));
                        Context context11 = this.f167360d;
                        this.f167363g = i14.j.Q(context11, hy3.h.a(context11).getString(R.string.f367625yv), hy3.h.a(this.f167360d).getString(R.string.f367656zq), true, true, new MsgHandler$$s(this, h0Var2));
                    } else if (i16 != 0) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "sendSingleAppMessage:fail", null);
                    } else {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "sendSingleAppMessage:cancel", null);
                } else if (i15 == 75) {
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                    } else {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "geo_location:fail permission", null);
                } else if (i15 == 63) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "REQUEST_FACE_VERIFY_FOR_PAY resultCode: %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                    int intExtra11 = intent != null ? intent.getIntExtra("err_code", 0) : 0;
                    if (intent != null) {
                    int intExtra12 = intent != null ? intent.getIntExtra(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, 0) : 0;
                    int intExtra13 = intent != null ? intent.getIntExtra("countFace", 0) : 0;
                    long longExtra2 = intent != null ? intent.getLongExtra("totalTime", 0) : 0;
                    int intExtra14 = intent != null ? intent.getIntExtra("err_type", 6) : 6;
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "errCode:%s , scene:%s , countFace:%s ,totalTime:%s ,errorType:%s  otherVerifyTitle:%s otherVerifyTitleFront:%s", Integer.valueOf(intExtra11), Integer.valueOf(intExtra12), Integer.valueOf(intExtra13), Long.valueOf(longExtra2), Integer.valueOf(intExtra14), intent != null ? intent.getStringExtra("click_other_verify_btn") : "", intent != null ? intent.getStringExtra("click_other_verify_btn_front") : "");
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        q.INSTANCE.g(15711, Integer.valueOf(intExtra12), 0, Integer.valueOf(intExtra13), Long.valueOf(longExtra2), 2, 0, Integer.valueOf(intExtra11));
                        q5(this.f167361e, "faceVerifyForPay:ok", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else if (i16 == 1) {
                        q.INSTANCE.g(15711, Integer.valueOf(intExtra12), 3, Integer.valueOf(intExtra13), Long.valueOf(longExtra2), 2, Integer.valueOf(intExtra14), Integer.valueOf(intExtra11));
                        q5(this.f167361e, "faceVerifyForPay:fail", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else if (i16 == 0) {
                        q.INSTANCE.g(15711, Integer.valueOf(intExtra12), 2, Integer.valueOf(intExtra13), Long.valueOf(longExtra2), 2, 1, Integer.valueOf(intExtra11));
                        q5(this.f167361e, "faceVerifyForPay:cancel", kp3.a.a(intent != null ? intent.getExtras() : null));
                    } else {
                } else if (i15 == 64) {
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "REQUEST_FACE_VERIFY resultCode: %d", Integer.valueOf(i16));
                    Bundle bundle6 = new Bundle();
                    if (intent != null) {
                        String stringExtra23 = intent.getStringExtra("err_msg");
                        String stringExtra24 = intent.getStringExtra("k_bio_id");
                        String stringExtra25 = intent.getStringExtra("key_pic_cdn_id");
                        String stringExtra26 = intent.getStringExtra("key_cdn_aes_key");
                        int intExtra15 = intent.getIntExtra("check_alive_type", 0);
                        bundle6.putString("err_msg", stringExtra23);
                        bundle6.putInt("check_alive_type", intExtra15);
                        bundle6.putString("bioid", stringExtra24);
                        bundle6.putString("fileid", stringExtra25);
                        bundle6.putString("aeskey", stringExtra26);
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "errMsg: %s ,bioID:%s ,fileID: %s ,aesKey: %s ,check_alive_type: %d", stringExtra23, stringExtra24, stringExtra25, stringExtra26, Integer.valueOf(intExtra15));
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "internelWxFaceVerify:ok", kp3.a.a(bundle6));
                    } else if (i16 == 1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "internelWxFaceVerify:fail", kp3.a.a(bundle6));
                    } else if (i16 == 0) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "internelWxFaceVerify:cancel", kp3.a.a(bundle6));
                    } else {
                } else if (i15 == 66) {
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        HashMap hashMap32 = new HashMap();
                        String stringExtra27 = intent.getStringExtra("key_video_info");
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(stringExtra27)) {
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "video, result: %s", stringExtra27);
                            hashMap32.put("type", 2);
                            if (intent.getBooleanExtra("key_game_video_encode_json_array", false)) {
                                try {
                                    jSONArray = new JSONArray(stringExtra27);
                                } catch (JSONException e39) {
                                    Log.printErrStackTrace("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", e39, "CHOOSE_HAOWAN_MEDIA:JSONException", new Object[0]);
                                    jSONArray = null;
                                hashMap32.put("localIds", jSONArray);
                            } else {
                                hashMap32.put("localIds", stringExtra27);
                            hashMap32.put("localIds", stringExtra27);
                            hashMap32.put("appId", intent.getStringExtra("key_game_video_appid"));
                            hashMap32.put("appName", intent.getStringExtra("key_game_video_appname"));
                            hashMap32.put("transInfo", intent.getStringExtra("key_game_trans_info"));
                            hashMap32.put("pageType", Integer.valueOf(intent.getIntExtra("key_game_video_page_type", 0)));
                            q5(this.f167361e, "chooseHaowanMedia:ok", hashMap32);
                        ArrayList<String> stringArrayListExtra = intent.getStringArrayListExtra("CropImage_OutputPath_List");
                        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(stringArrayListExtra)) {
                            x5(this.f167360d, stringArrayListExtra, intent);
                        } else if (intent.getBooleanExtra("key_game_haowan_text", false)) {
                            hashMap32.put("type", 3);
                            hashMap32.put("appId", intent.getStringExtra("key_game_video_appid"));
                            hashMap32.put("appName", intent.getStringExtra("key_game_video_appname"));
                            q5(this.f167361e, "chooseHaowanMedia:ok", hashMap32);
                        } else {
                            q5(this.f167361e, "chooseHaowanMedia:cancel", null);
                    } else {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "chooseHaowanMedia:cancel", null);
                        a.b(MMApplicationContext.getContext(), 87, 8761, 1, 2, 0, a.a(4, null));
                } else if (i15 == 67) {
                    if (i16 == -1) {
                        int intExtra16 = intent.getIntExtra("webview_callback_err", 0);
                        if (intExtra16 == 0) {
                            HashMap hashMap33 = new HashMap();
                            try {
                                hashMap33.put("videoInfo", new JSONArray(intent.getStringExtra("key_video_info")).getJSONObject(0));
                            } catch (JSONException e45) {
                                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "json_err:%s", e45.getMessage());
                            q5(this.f167361e, "launchGameVideoEditor:ok", hashMap33);
                        } else if (intExtra16 == 1) {
                            q5(this.f167361e, "launchGameVideoEditor:cancel", null);
                        } else if (intExtra16 == 2) {
                            q5(this.f167361e, "launchGameVideoEditor:fail_download_err", null);
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "launchGameVideoEditor:cancel", null);
                } else if (i15 == 70) {
                    if (i16 != -1) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "openCamera:cancel", null);
                    } else if (((ie1.h) j.c(ie1.h.class)).Lk0(h.c.Ud, true)) {
                        q5(this.f167361e, "openCamera:cancel", null);
                    } else {
                        SightCaptureResult sightCaptureResult = (SightCaptureResult) intent.getParcelableExtra("key_req_result");
                        if (sightCaptureResult == null) {
                            q5(this.f167361e, "openCamera:fail", null);
                        String str20 = sightCaptureResult.f132980p;
                        try {
                            jo3.v vVar = new jo3.v();
                            vVar.f242514b = this.f167360d;
                            vVar.f242519g = str20;
                            vVar.f242521i = 83;
                            vVar.f242516d = 11;
                            ((jo3.p) j.c(jo3.p.class)).G8(vVar);
                            q5(this.f167361e, "doOpenCamera:success", null);
                        } catch (Exception e46) {
                            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doOpenCamera fail, ex = ", e46);
                            q5(this.f167361e, "doOpenCamera:fail", null);
                } else {
            } else if (i16 == -1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "unbind_bank_card:ok", null);
            } else if (i16 == 1) {
                q5(this.f167361e, "unbind_bank_card:fail", null);
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "unbind_bank_card:cancel", null);
            if (i16 == i17) {
            } else {
                q5(this.f167361e, "doChooseIdCard:fail_android_permission_denied", map);
        } else if (i16 == -1) {
        } else {
            q5(this.f167361e, "chooseImage:fail_android_permission_denied", null);

    public String n6() {
        String o65 = o6(s6());
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil(o65)) {
            return o65;
        return (String) this.f167361e.f247819a.get("appId");

    public final int o5(h1 h1Var) {
        int hashCode = h1Var.hashCode();
        ((HashMap) this.Z).put(Integer.valueOf(hashCode), new MsgHandler$$q0(this, h1Var, this.f167378x));
        this.f167375u = false;
        try {
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "blockMsg, dealNext ex = %s", e15.getMessage());
        return hashCode;

    public String o6(String str) {
        c cVar = this.f167382z;
        if (cVar == null) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getCachedAppId, jsVerifyHelper is null, return null");
            return null;
        String c15 = cVar.c(str);
        if (Util.isNullOrNil(c15)) {
            c15 = this.f167382z.c(r6());
        if (this.f167367n == null || !Util.isNullOrNil(c15)) {
            return c15;
        return this.f167367n.getString("jsapi_args_appid");

    public final void p5(m mVar, h1 h1Var, String str, Map<String, Object> map, boolean z15, @Deprecated boolean z16, boolean z17) {
        String str2;
        if (!z17) {
            this.f167375u = false;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "callback ret:%s, make isBusy=false", str);
        if (h1Var == null) {
            str2 = null;
        } else {
            try {
                str2 = h1Var.f247857c;
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "onHandleEnd, ex = " + e15.getMessage());
        mVar.fl0(str2, str, h1.b(map), z15);

    public void q5(h1 h1Var, String str, Map<String, Object> map) {
        r5(h1Var, str, map, true, true);

    public final String q6() {
        Bundle v65;
        try {
            m mVar = this.f167378x;
            if (mVar == null || (v65 = mVar.v6(18, null)) == null) {
                return null;
            return v65.getString("preChatName");
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invokeAsResult error.%s", e15);
            return null;

    public final void r5(h1 h1Var, String str, Map<String, Object> map, boolean z15, @Deprecated boolean z16) {
        String str2;
        this.f167375u = false;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "callback ret:%s, make isBusy=false", str);
        try {
            m mVar = this.f167378x;
            if (mVar != null) {
                if (h1Var == null) {
                    str2 = null;
                } else {
                    str2 = h1Var.f247857c;
                mVar.fl0(str2, str, h1.b(map), z15);
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "onHandleEnd, ex = " + e15.getMessage());

    public String r6() {
        m mVar = this.f167378x;
        if (mVar == null) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getCommitUrl, callbacker is null");
            return null;
        try {
            return mVar.x3();
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getCommitUrl, exception = %s", e15);
            return null;

    public final void s5(int i15, int i16) {
        int i17;
        if (((ie1.h) j.c(ie1.h.class)).Xj0(h.c.f232339sa, 0) == 1) {
            i17 = 1;
        } else {
            i17 = 0;
        q.INSTANCE.c(22269, "" + i15 + "," + i16 + "," + (i17 ^ 1), false, false);

    public String s6() {
        m mVar = this.f167378x;
        if (mVar == null) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getCurrentUrl, callbacker is null");
            return null;
        try {
            return mVar.getCurrentUrl();
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getCurrentUrl, exception = %s", e15);
            return null;

    public final void t5(Intent intent, int i15) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "chooseMediaFromAlbum");
        intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_capture", 4096);
        Context context = this.f167360d;
        if (!(context instanceof MMActivity)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "chooseMediaFromCamera context invalid");
        ((MMActivity) context).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(this);
        sv3.b.o(this.f167360d, "webview", ".ui.tools.OpenFileChooserUI", intent, i15, false);

    public final String t6() {
        String string = w6().getString("connector_local_report");
        return string;

    public final void u5(String str, Intent intent, int i15, String str2) {
        if (((xw.d) j.c(xw.d.class)).M1((Activity) this.f167360d, "android.permission.CAMERA", 150, "", "")) {
            if (i15 == 47 && Util.nullAsNil(str2).contains("video")) {
                boolean M1 = ((xw.d) j.c(xw.d.class)).M1((Activity) this.f167360d, "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO", 120, "", "");
                Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", " checkPermission checkMicroPhone[%b]", Boolean.valueOf(M1));
                if (!M1) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "chooseMediaFromCamera");
            int i16 = str.equals("front") ? 16 : 256;
            if (!(this.f167360d instanceof MMActivity)) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "chooseMediaFromCamera context invalid");
            intent.putExtra("key_pick_local_pic_capture", i16);
            ((MMActivity) this.f167360d).mmSetOnActivityResultCallback(this);
            sv3.b.o(this.f167360d, "webview", ".ui.tools.OpenFileChooserUI", intent, i15, false);

    public boolean u6(String str) {
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getFromMenu, functionName = " + str);
        if (!this.f167365i.contains(str)) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public final void v5(h1 h1Var) {
        Bundle b15 = h1.b(h1Var.f247819a);
        try {
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.w("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "SendServiceAppMsg doCloseWindow, ex = " + e15.getMessage());

    public final Map<String, String> v6(h1 h1Var) {
        if (this.f167360d instanceof MMActivity) {
            String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appId");
            String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("sessionid");
            String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
            if (str2 == null || str == null || str2.isEmpty() || str.isEmpty()) {
                q5(h1Var, h1Var.f247863i + ":fail", new MsgHandler$$w(this));
            } else {
                HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
                hashMap.put("appId", str);
                hashMap.put("sessionId", str2);
                hashMap.put("JSAPIFunc", h1Var.f247863i);
                if (str3 != null) {
                    hashMap.put("webViewUrl", str3);
                return hashMap;
        return null;

    public final WXMediaMessage w5(h1 h1Var, boolean z15) {
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("link");
        if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "convert fail, link is null");
            return null;
        if (!Util.isNullOrNil((String) h1Var.f247819a.get("appid"))) {
            try {
                Bundle v65 = this.f167378x.v6(207, null);
                if (v65 != null && !v65.getBoolean("webview_allow_msg_tail", false)) {
                    h1Var.f247819a.put("appid", "");
            } catch (Exception e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invokeAsResult ex %s", e15.getMessage());
        String C6 = C6(str);
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "rawurl:[%s], shareurl:[%s]", str, C6);
        WXMediaMessage wXMediaMessage = new WXMediaMessage();
        if (z15) {
            WXTextObject wXTextObject = new WXTextObject();
            wXTextObject.text = C6;
            wXMediaMessage.mediaObject = wXTextObject;
        } else {
            WXWebpageObject wXWebpageObject = new WXWebpageObject();
            wXWebpageObject.webpageUrl = C6;
            wXWebpageObject.extInfo = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("review_data");
            wXMediaMessage.mediaObject = wXWebpageObject;
        wXMediaMessage.title = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        wXMediaMessage.description = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("desc");
        return wXMediaMessage;

    public Bundle w6() {
        if (this.f167367n == null) {
            this.f167367n = new Bundle();
        return this.f167367n;

    public final void x5(Context context, ArrayList<String> arrayList, Intent intent) {
        ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
        this.f167363g = i14.j.Q(context, hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.f367625yv), hy3.h.a(context).getString(R.string.g6v), true, false, new d1(this));
        ((xc4.j) xc4.j.f338034d).f(new MsgHandler$$t(this, arrayList, com.tencent.mm.plugin.game.commlib.util.f.b(f.a.f125105g) + "haowan/", arrayList2, intent));

    public a0.b x6(String str) {
        boolean z15;
        String a15 = h2.a(str);
        a0 a0Var = this.E;
        if (!a0Var.f165887d.containsKey(a15) || a0Var.f165887d.get(a15) == null) {
            z15 = false;
        } else {
            z15 = true;
        if (!z15) {
            return null;
        return this.E.f165887d.get(a15);

    public final boolean y5(JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper, h1 h1Var, boolean z15) {
        Object obj = h1Var.f247819a.get("__jsapi_fw_ext_info");
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("link");
        String string = obj instanceof Bundle ? ((Bundle) obj).getString("__jsapi_fw_ext_info_key_current_url") : null;
        if (b7(str, string) || !z15) {
            try {
                Bundle v65 = this.f167378x.v6(84, null);
                if (v65 != null) {
                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) {
                        string = C6(v65.getString("webview_current_url"));
                    h1Var.f247819a.put("img_url", "");
                    h1Var.f247819a.put("link", string);
                    h1Var.f247819a.put("desc", v65.getString("webview_current_desc"));
                    h1Var.f247819a.put(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, v65.getString("webview_current_title"));
                    return true;
            } catch (RemoteException e15) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invokeAsResult error : %s", e15);
        return false;

    public final boolean y6(h1 h1Var) {
        boolean z15;
        n b15 = d.b();
        String n65 = n6();
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("url");
        String c15 = !Util.isNullOrNil(str) ? up3.b.c(str) : null;
        if (b15 != null) {
            String str2 = b15.f12717t;
            String c16 = up3.b.c(b15.f12713p);
            String str3 = b15.C;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "app_id:%s, musicAppId:%s", n65, str2);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "domain: %s, songWebDomain: %s, jsWebDomain: %s, with no port", c15, c16, str3);
            z15 = !TextUtils.isEmpty(n65) && n65.equalsIgnoreCase(str2);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(c15) && c15.equalsIgnoreCase(c16)) {
                z15 = true;
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(c15) && c15.equalsIgnoreCase(str3)) {
                z15 = true;
        } else {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "currentWrapper is null");
            z15 = false;
        int i15 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
        int i16 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
        int i17 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
        int i18 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
        int i19 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "getMusicPermission hasPermmision:%d", Integer.valueOf(i15));
        return z15;

    public final boolean z5(h1 h1Var, JsapiPermissionWrapper jsapiPermissionWrapper) {
        int i15;
        String str = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("webtype");
        String str2 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("username");
        String str3 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE);
        String str4 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("scenenote");
        String str5 = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("profileReportInfo");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddContact scene = %s, sceneNote = %s", str3, str4);
        if (str == null || str.length() == 0 || str2 == null || str2.length() == 0) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddContact fail, invalid arguments, webType = " + str + ", username = " + str2);
            q5(h1Var, "add_contact:fail", null);
            return true;
        int i16 = Util.getInt(str, -1);
        if (i16 == -1) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddContact fail, parseInt fail, str = " + str);
            q5(h1Var, "add_contact:fail", null);
            return true;
        } else if (!(this.f167360d instanceof Activity)) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "doAddContact invalid context");
            q5(h1Var, "add_contact:fail", null);
            return false;
        } else {
            o1.a(h1Var.f247862h, false, str2, null);
            if (i16 != 1) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "unknown addScene = " + i16);
                q5(h1Var, "add_contact:fail", null);
                return true;
            Bundle bundle = this.f167367n;
            if (bundle == null) {
                i15 = 33;
            } else {
                i15 = bundle.getInt("Contact_Scene", 33);
            cu3.a aVar = new cu3.a();
            aVar.f193992a = str5;
            aVar.f193993b = 4;
            aVar.f193994c = str4;
            aVar.f193995d = (String) h1Var.f247819a.get("finderBuffer");
            ((dv3.b) ((cu3.v) j.c(cu3.v.class)).Hb(this.f167360d, str2, i15, new MsgHandler$$u(this, h1Var), aVar)).f();
            return true;

    public final int z6() {
        Bundle v65;
        try {
            m mVar = this.f167378x;
            if (mVar == null || (v65 = mVar.v6(22, null)) == null) {
                return -1;
            return v65.getInt("pay_channel");
        } catch (RemoteException e15) {
            Log.e("MicroMsg.MsgHandler", "invokeAsResult error.%s", e15);
            return -1;