WeChat.apk(点击下载) / n0.java

package com.tencent.mm.plugin.brandservice.ui.timeline.preload;

import android.content.Context;
import android.net.Uri;
import b41.b;
import bw3.r62;
import bw3.s62;
import bw3.t62;
import bw3.ts5;
import bw3.u62;
import bw3.us5;
import bw3.v62;
import bw3.wu2;
import bw3.x62;
import com.tencent.mars.cdn.CronetLogic;
import com.tencent.mm.ipcinvoker.type.IPCString;
import com.tencent.mm.network.d0;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.mmsight.segment.FFmpegMetadataRetriever;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.report.service.q;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.v;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.x;
import com.tencent.mm.pluginsdk.model.q1;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.http.HttpWrapperBase;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.BuildInfo;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.LocaleUtil;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.Log;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.MMApplicationContext;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.MMCacheSlotManager;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.MMKVSlotManager;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.MMSlotKt;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.MultiProcessMMKV;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.Util;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.WeChatProcess;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.__BATCH_RUN_OBJ;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.storage.MStorageEventData;
import com.tencent.mm.vfs.u1;
import com.tencent.tavkit.component.TAVPlayer;
import com.tencent.tmassistantsdk.downloadservice.DownloadInfo;
import com.tencent.xweb.ProxyConfig;
import d60.z;
import dk0.j0;
import ek4.y;
import fo3.e0;
import gk4.d1;
import gk4.o0;
import gk4.s1;
import gk4.x0;
import gk4.z1;
import ie1.h;
import io3.d;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet;
import kh4.p;
import kotlin.Result;
import kotlin.ResultKt;
import lh4.a0;
import lh4.m;
import lh4.o;
import r21.h;
import w31.o;
import wg4.b0;
import wg4.n;
import xg4.c0;
import xg4.v;
import xp3.d;
import xp3.e;
import yz3.j;

public final class n0 {

    /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final n0 f100379a = new n0();

    /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final MMKVSlotManager f100380b = new MMKVSlotManager(a1.a(), 604800);

    /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final MMKVSlotManager f100381c = new MMKVSlotManager(a1.a(), 86400);

    /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final MMKVSlotManager f100382d = new MMKVSlotManager(a1.a(), 604800);

    /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final wg4.g f100383e = wg4.h.a(i.f100432d);

    /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final wg4.g f100384f = wg4.h.a(c.f100400d);

    /* renamed from: g  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final wg4.g f100385g = wg4.h.a(g.f100419d);

    public static final class a {

        /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final String f100386a;

        /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final String f100387b;

        /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final String f100388c;

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final boolean f100389d;

        /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final Map<String, String> f100390e;

        /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final int f100391f;

        public a(String str, String str2, String str3, boolean z15, Map map, int i15, int i16, lh4.h hVar) {
            map = (i16 & 16) != 0 ? null : map;
            i15 = (i16 & 32) != 0 ? 0 : i15;
            m.g(str, "host");
            m.g(str2, "rawUrl");
            m.g(str3, "prefetchUrl");
            this.f100386a = str;
            this.f100387b = str2;
            this.f100388c = str3;
            this.f100389d = z15;
            this.f100390e = map;
            this.f100391f = i15;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (this == obj) {
                return true;
            if (!(obj instanceof a)) {
                return false;
            a aVar = (a) obj;
            return m.b(this.f100386a, aVar.f100386a) && m.b(this.f100387b, aVar.f100387b) && m.b(this.f100388c, aVar.f100388c) && this.f100389d == aVar.f100389d && m.b(this.f100390e, aVar.f100390e) && this.f100391f == aVar.f100391f;

        public int hashCode() {
            int hashCode = ((((this.f100386a.hashCode() * 31) + this.f100387b.hashCode()) * 31) + this.f100388c.hashCode()) * 31;
            boolean z15 = this.f100389d;
            if (z15) {
                z15 = true;
            int i15 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
            int i16 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
            int i17 = z15 ? 1 : 0;
            int i18 = (hashCode + i15) * 31;
            Map<String, String> map = this.f100390e;
            return ((i18 + (map == null ? 0 : map.hashCode())) * 31) + this.f100391f;

        public String toString() {
            return "PrefetchAction(host=" + this.f100386a + ", rawUrl=" + this.f100387b + ", prefetchUrl=" + this.f100388c + ", checkCacheOnly=" + this.f100389d + ", prefetchHeader=" + this.f100390e + ", bizScene=" + this.f100391f + ')';

    public enum b {

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final String f100399d;

        /* access modifiers changed from: public */
        b(String str) {
            this.f100399d = str;

        public String toString() {
            return this.f100399d;

    public static final class c extends o implements kh4.a<Boolean> {

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public static final c f100400d = new c();

        public c() {

        /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */
        @Override // kh4.a
        public Boolean invoke() {
            boolean z15 = false;
            if (((ie1.h) j.c(ie1.h.class)).Xj0(h.c.f232105ls, 0) == 1) {
                z15 = true;
            Boolean valueOf = Boolean.valueOf(z15);
            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "disableRemoveUnSafeHeaderFromHeader " + valueOf.booleanValue());
            return valueOf;

    public static final class d extends a41.c<d0> {

        /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ io3.a f100401a;

        /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ String f100402b;

        /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ bh4.d<Boolean> f100403c;

        /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r3v0, resolved type: bh4.d<? super java.lang.Boolean> */
        /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
        public d(io3.a aVar, String str, bh4.d<? super Boolean> dVar) {
            this.f100401a = aVar;
            this.f100402b = str;
            this.f100403c = dVar;

        /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object, a41.e] */
        @Override // a41.c, a41.b
        public void a(d0 d0Var, a41.e eVar) {
            m.g(eVar, "downloadResult");
            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "fetchManifest: " + this.f100401a.f234424a.f36095d + '#' + this.f100402b + ", succ:" + eVar.f1073a + ", path:" + this.f100401a.f234425b.f37185d + ", url:" + this.f100401a.f234425b.f37186e);
            if (eVar.f1073a) {
                String str = this.f100401a.f234424a.f36095d;
                m.f(str, "manifest.domain.Domain");
                ConcurrentHashMap<String, String> concurrentHashMap = i.f100313a;
                synchronized (i.class) {
                    String str2 = WeChatProcess.PROCESS_MAIN;
                    m.f(str2, "PROCESS_MAIN");
                    com.tencent.mm.ipcinvoker.a.a(str2, new IPCString(str), g.f100310d, null);
                    if (!q1.b()) {
                        String str3 = WeChatProcess.PROCESS_TOOLS;
                        m.f(str3, "PROCESS_TOOLS");
                        com.tencent.mm.ipcinvoker.a.a(str3, new IPCString(str), h.f100312d, null);
                bh4.d<Boolean> dVar = this.f100403c;
                Result.Companion companion = Result.Companion;
            bh4.d<Boolean> dVar2 = this.f100403c;
            Result.Companion companion2 = Result.Companion;

        @Override // a41.b
        public boolean b(Object obj, int i15, HashMap hashMap) {
            m.g((d0) obj, "connection");
            m.g(hashMap, "headers");
            com.tencent.mm.plugin.brandservice.webprefetcher.debug.a.d(hashMap, "fetchManifest");
            if (i15 == 200) {
                return true;
            return false;

        @Override // a41.b
        public void c(Object obj) {
            d0 d0Var = (d0) obj;
            m.g(d0Var, "connection");
            if (com.tencent.mm.plugin.brandservice.webprefetcher.debug.a.a()) {
                d0Var.e("Cookie", com.tencent.mm.plugin.brandservice.webprefetcher.debug.a.c());

    public static final class e implements Runnable {

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ List<String> f100404d;

        public e(List<String> list) {
            this.f100404d = list;

        public final void run() {
            LinkedList linkedList = new LinkedList();
            for (T t15 : this.f100404d) {
                try {
                    InetAddress byName = InetAddress.getByName(t15);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "pre dns:" + byName);
                    MMCacheSlotManager mMCacheSlotManager = q21.b.f286532j;
                    ((MultiProcessMMKV) q21.b.f286534o.getSlotForWrite()).encode((String) t15, true);
                } catch (Exception e15) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "InetAddress Error, " + e15.getMessage());
            int size = linkedList.size();
            wg4.g gVar = aq3.d.f7969a;
            q.INSTANCE.v(1200, 1, (long) size);

    @dh4.f(c = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.brandservice.ui.timeline.preload.WebPrefetcher$prefetch$$inlined$batchRun$default$1", f = "WebPrefetcher.kt", l = {28}, m = "invokeSuspend")
    public static final class f extends dh4.j implements p<gk4.n0, bh4.d<? super b0>, Object> {

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public int f100405d;

        /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
        public /* synthetic */ Object f100406e;

        /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ long f100407f;

        /* renamed from: g  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ String f100408g;

        /* renamed from: h  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ String f100409h;

        /* renamed from: i  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ io3.a f100410i;

        /* renamed from: j  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ boolean f100411j;

        /* renamed from: n  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ boolean f100412n;

        /* renamed from: o  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ int f100413o;

        /* renamed from: p  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ int f100414p;

        /* renamed from: q  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ int f100415q;

        /* renamed from: r  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ String f100416r;

        /* renamed from: s  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ long f100417s;

        /* renamed from: t  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ String f100418t;

        /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
        public f(long j15, String str, bh4.d dVar, String str2, io3.a aVar, boolean z15, boolean z16, int i15, int i16, int i17, String str3, long j16, String str4) {
            super(2, dVar);
            this.f100407f = j15;
            this.f100408g = str;
            this.f100409h = str2;
            this.f100410i = aVar;
            this.f100411j = z15;
            this.f100412n = z16;
            this.f100413o = i15;
            this.f100414p = i16;
            this.f100415q = i17;
            this.f100416r = str3;
            this.f100417s = j16;
            this.f100418t = str4;

        @Override // dh4.a
        public final bh4.d<b0> create(Object obj, bh4.d<?> dVar) {
            f fVar = new f(this.f100407f, this.f100408g, dVar, this.f100409h, this.f100410i, this.f100411j, this.f100412n, this.f100413o, this.f100414p, this.f100415q, this.f100416r, this.f100417s, this.f100418t);
            fVar.f100406e = obj;
            return fVar;

        /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object] */
        @Override // kh4.p
        public Object invoke(gk4.n0 n0Var, bh4.d<? super b0> dVar) {
            return ((f) create(n0Var, dVar)).invokeSuspend(b0.f332794a);

        @Override // dh4.a
        public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
            gk4.n0 n0Var;
            ArrayList<a> arrayList;
            d.b bVar = d.b.f340571f;
            ch4.a aVar = ch4.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
            int i15 = this.f100405d;
            if (i15 == 0) {
                gk4.n0 n0Var2 = (gk4.n0) this.f100406e;
                long j15 = this.f100407f;
                this.f100406e = n0Var2;
                this.f100405d = 1;
                if (x0.b(j15, this) == aVar) {
                    return aVar;
                n0Var = n0Var2;
            } else if (i15 == 1) {
                n0Var = (gk4.n0) this.f100406e;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
            if (!o0.h(n0Var)) {
                return b0.f332794a;
            __BATCH_RUN_OBJ __batch_run_obj = __BATCH_RUN_OBJ.INSTANCE;
            String str = this.f100408g;
            synchronized (__batch_run_obj) {
                Queue<?> queue = __batch_run_obj.getBatchData().get(str);
                Queue<?> queue2 = queue instanceof Queue ? queue : null;
                if (queue2 != null) {
                    arrayList = new ArrayList(queue2);
                } else {
                    arrayList = null;
            if (arrayList != null) {
                for (a aVar2 : arrayList) {
                    String str2 = aVar2.f100387b;
                    String i16 = i.i(str2, false);
                    io3.b bVar2 = io3.d.N;
                    n0 n0Var3 = n0.f100379a;
                    MMKVSlotManager mMKVSlotManager = n0.f100381c;
                    String str3 = this.f100409h;
                    io3.a aVar3 = this.f100410i;
                    w31.a aVar4 = new w31.a(str2, i16, bVar2, mMKVSlotManager, null, str3, null, aVar3, this.f100411j, aVar3 != null ? io3.p.b(aVar3) : null, null, 1104, null);
                    if (!aVar4.w()) {
                        d.a aVar5 = d.a.ACTION_NO_CACHE_AND_DOWNLOAD;
                        String str4 = aVar2.f100386a;
                        int i17 = this.f100413o;
                        int i18 = this.f100414p;
                        int i19 = this.f100415q;
                        String str5 = this.f100416r;
                        xp3.d.a(aVar5, bVar, str4, i17, i18, i19, str5, str5);
                        n0.a(n0Var3, aVar2.f100388c, aVar2.f100386a, aVar4, 0, aVar2.f100390e, this.f100410i);
                        t0.f100480a.a(this.f100417s, this.f100418t, 13);
                    } else if (!aVar2.f100389d) {
                        int max = Math.max(aVar4.n() - 60, 60);
                        if (aVar4.o() || ((aVar4.f() > 0 && MMSlotKt.isExpire(aVar4.f(), max)) || this.f100412n)) {
                            d.a aVar6 = d.a.ACTION_CACHE_EXPIRE_AND_DOWNLOAD;
                            String str6 = aVar2.f100386a;
                            int i25 = this.f100413o;
                            int i26 = this.f100414p;
                            int i27 = this.f100415q;
                            String str7 = this.f100416r;
                            xp3.d.a(aVar6, bVar, str6, i25, i26, i27, str7, str7);
                            n0.a(n0Var3, aVar2.f100388c, aVar2.f100386a, aVar4, 0, aVar2.f100390e, this.f100410i);
                            t0.f100480a.a(this.f100417s, this.f100418t, 13);
                        } else {
                            t0.f100480a.a(this.f100417s, this.f100418t, 12);
                            d.a aVar7 = d.a.ACTION_CACHE_VALID_NOT_NEED_DOWNLOAD;
                            String str8 = aVar2.f100386a;
                            int i28 = this.f100413o;
                            int i29 = this.f100414p;
                            int i35 = this.f100415q;
                            String str9 = this.f100416r;
                            xp3.d.a(aVar7, bVar, str8, i28, i29, i35, str9, str9);
            return b0.f332794a;

    public static final class g extends o implements kh4.a<Boolean> {

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public static final g f100419d = new g();

        public g() {

        /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */
        @Override // kh4.a
        public Boolean invoke() {
            boolean z15 = false;
            if (MultiProcessMMKV.getMMKV("__webview_command").decodeInt("prefetchTestMode", 0) == 1) {
                z15 = true;
            return Boolean.valueOf(z15);

    public static final class h implements b41.a {

        /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ long f100420a;

        /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ HashMap<String, String> f100421b;

        public static final class a extends o implements kh4.a<b0> {

            /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
            public final /* synthetic */ v62 f100422d;

            /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
            public a(v62 v622) {
                this.f100422d = v622;

            /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */
            @Override // kh4.a
            public b0 invoke() {
                String str;
                boolean z15;
                LinkedList<u62> linkedList = this.f100422d.f39512n;
                m.f(linkedList, "req.ReqInfo");
                for (T t15 : linkedList) {
                    us5 us5 = new us5();
                    us5.f39077d = t15.f38370e;
                    us5.f39079f = t15.f38376n;
                    xp3.f fVar = xp3.f.f340585a;
                    us5.f39078e = ((Number) ((n) xp3.f.f340589e).getValue()).intValue();
                    if (t15 instanceof r) {
                        str = t15.f100457v;
                    } else {
                        str = "";
                    us5.f39084n = str;
                    byte[] byteArray = us5.toByteArray();
                    MMKVSlotManager mMKVSlotManager = xp3.f.f340587c;
                    ((MultiProcessMMKV) mMKVSlotManager.getSlotForWrite()).encode(us5.f39077d, byteArray);
                    String str2 = us5.f39084n;
                    if (str2 == null || str2.length() == 0) {
                        z15 = true;
                    } else {
                        z15 = false;
                    if (!z15) {
                        ((MultiProcessMMKV) mMKVSlotManager.getSlotForWrite()).encode(us5.f39084n, byteArray);
                return b0.f332794a;

        @dh4.f(c = "com.tencent.mm.plugin.brandservice.ui.timeline.preload.WebPrefetcher$sendGetA8KeyLiteRequest$ret$1$onResponse$1$1", f = "WebPrefetcher.kt", l = {449, 449}, m = "invokeSuspend")
        public static final class b extends dh4.j implements p<gk4.n0, bh4.d<? super b0>, Object> {

            /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
            public Object f100423d;

            /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
            public Object f100424e;

            /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
            public Object f100425f;

            /* renamed from: g  reason: collision with root package name */
            public long f100426g;

            /* renamed from: h  reason: collision with root package name */
            public int f100427h;

            /* renamed from: i  reason: collision with root package name */
            public final /* synthetic */ x62 f100428i;

            /* renamed from: j  reason: collision with root package name */
            public final /* synthetic */ long f100429j;

            /* renamed from: n  reason: collision with root package name */
            public final /* synthetic */ v62 f100430n;

            /* renamed from: o  reason: collision with root package name */
            public final /* synthetic */ HashMap<String, String> f100431o;

            /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
            public b(x62 x622, long j15, v62 v622, HashMap<String, String> hashMap, bh4.d<? super b> dVar) {
                super(2, dVar);
                this.f100428i = x622;
                this.f100429j = j15;
                this.f100430n = v622;
                this.f100431o = hashMap;

            @Override // dh4.a
            public final bh4.d<b0> create(Object obj, bh4.d<?> dVar) {
                return new b(this.f100428i, this.f100429j, this.f100430n, this.f100431o, dVar);

            /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object] */
            @Override // kh4.p
            public Object invoke(gk4.n0 n0Var, bh4.d<? super b0> dVar) {
                return ((b) create(n0Var, dVar)).invokeSuspend(b0.f332794a);

            /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:24:0x0113, code lost:
                if (r4 == null) goto L_0x0118;
            @Override // dh4.a
            public final Object invokeSuspend(Object obj) {
                n0 n0Var;
                v62 v622;
                long j15;
                x62 x622;
                ArrayList arrayList;
                n0 n0Var2;
                x62 x623;
                s62 s622;
                LinkedList<t62> linkedList;
                boolean z15;
                boolean z16;
                boolean z17;
                HashMap hashMap;
                String str;
                boolean z18;
                String str2;
                String string;
                ch4.a aVar = ch4.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
                int i15 = this.f100427h;
                if (i15 == 0) {
                    n0 n0Var3 = n0.f100379a;
                    x62 x624 = this.f100428i;
                    long j16 = this.f100429j;
                    v62 v623 = this.f100430n;
                    LinkedList<xv3.b> linkedList2 = v623.f39513o;
                    m.f(linkedList2, "req.PrefetchDomainInfos");
                    this.f100423d = n0Var3;
                    this.f100424e = x624;
                    this.f100425f = v623;
                    this.f100426g = j16;
                    this.f100427h = 1;
                    ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(v.m(linkedList2, 10));
                    Iterator<T> it = linkedList2.iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()) {
                        s62 s623 = new s62();
                    List F0 = c0.F0(arrayList2);
                    LinkedList<xv3.b> linkedList3 = x624.f41867h;
                    m.f(linkedList3, "PrefetchDomainInfos");
                    ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(v.m(linkedList3, 10));
                    Iterator<T> it4 = linkedList3.iterator();
                    while (it4.hasNext()) {
                        s62 s624 = new s62();
                    StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();
                    sb5.append("saveManifest before: localSize: ");
                    ArrayList arrayList4 = (ArrayList) F0;
                    sb5.append(", respSize:");
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", sb5.toString());
                    Iterator it5 = arrayList3.iterator();
                    while (it5.hasNext()) {
                        s62 s625 = (s62) it5.next();
                        m.g(s625, "domainInfo");
                        v.b bVar = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.v.f164638a;
                        if (bVar.a()) {
                            n0Var2 = n0Var3;
                            if (bVar.a()) {
                                x623 = x624;
                                str = x.a().getString("DebugManifest", "");
                            } else {
                                x623 = x624;
                            str = "";
                            if (str.length() > 0) {
                                z18 = true;
                            } else {
                                z18 = false;
                            if (z18) {
                                if (!bVar.a() || (string = x.a().getString("DebugManifest", "")) == null) {
                                    str2 = "";
                                } else {
                                    str2 = string;
                                List X = ek4.d0.X(str2, new String[]{","}, false, 0, 6, null);
                                String str3 = (String) c0.R(X, 0);
                                String str4 = (String) c0.R(X, 1);
                                LinkedList<t62> linkedList4 = s625.f36097f;
                                m.f(linkedList4, "domainInfo.ResInfos");
                                Iterator<T> it6 = linkedList4.iterator();
                                while (it6.hasNext()) {
                                    T next = it6.next();
                                    String str5 = s625.f36095d + next.f37185d;
                                    if (str5.equals(str3)) {
                                        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcherDebugUtils", "saveManifest use debug manifestUrl, fullPath: %s, debugManifestUrl: %s", str5, str4);
                                        next.f37186e = str4;
                                        it6 = it6;
                                        j16 = j16;
                                        str3 = str3;
                                    } else {
                                        it6 = it6;
                                        j16 = j16;
                        } else {
                            n0Var2 = n0Var3;
                            x623 = x624;
                        String str6 = s625.f36095d;
                        m.f(str6, "Domain");
                        String a15 = io3.p.a(str6);
                        LinkedList<t62> linkedList5 = s625.f36097f;
                        m.f(linkedList5, "ResInfos");
                        HashMap hashMap2 = new HashMap();
                        for (Iterator<T> it7 = linkedList5.iterator(); it7.hasNext(); it7 = it7) {
                            T next2 = it7.next();
                            String str7 = next2.f37185d;
                            m.f(str7, "resInfo.Path");
                            hashMap2.put(str7, next2);
                        Iterator it8 = arrayList4.iterator();
                        while (true) {
                            if (!it8.hasNext()) {
                                s622 = null;
                            s622 = (s62) it8.next();
                            if (m.b(s622.f36095d, s625.f36095d)) {
                            it8 = it8;
                        if (s622 != null) {
                            linkedList = s622.f36097f;
                        } else {
                            linkedList = null;
                        if (linkedList != null) {
                            Iterator it9 = linkedList.iterator();
                            boolean z19 = false;
                            z16 = false;
                            z15 = false;
                            while (it9.hasNext()) {
                                t62 t622 = (t62) it9.next();
                                if (hashMap2.containsKey(t622.f37185d)) {
                                    Object obj2 = hashMap2.get(t622.f37185d);
                                    t62 t623 = (t62) obj2;
                                    hashMap = hashMap2;
                                    if (!m.b(t622.f37186e, t623.f37186e) || !m.b(t622.f37192n, t623.f37192n) || t623.f37188g == 1) {
                                        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "update manifest:" + s625.f36095d + '#' + a15 + ", path:" + t622.f37185d + ", opType:" + t622.f37188g);
                                        z19 = z19;
                                        z16 = true;
                                    } else {
                                        z19 = true;
                                } else {
                                    hashMap = hashMap2;
                                    z15 = true;
                                it9 = it9;
                                hashMap2 = hashMap;
                            z17 = z19;
                        } else {
                            z17 = false;
                            z16 = false;
                            z15 = false;
                        LinkedList<t62> linkedList6 = s625.f36097f;
                        m.f(linkedList6, "ResInfos");
                        ArrayList arrayList5 = new ArrayList();
                        Iterator<T> it10 = linkedList6.iterator();
                        while (it10.hasNext()) {
                            T next3 = it10.next();
                            if (!(next3.f37188g == 1)) {
                            it10 = it10;
                            v623 = v623;
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "saveManifest resultResInfos size:" + arrayList5.size() + ", ResInfos size:" + s625.f36097f.size());
                        LinkedList<t62> linkedList7 = new LinkedList<>();
                        s625.f36097f = linkedList7;
                        if (!z17 || z16 || z15) {
                            ((MultiProcessMMKV) n0.f100380b.getSlotForWrite()).encode(a15, s625.toByteArray());
                            StringBuilder sb6 = new StringBuilder();
                            sb6.append("save manifest:");
                            sb6.append(", [");
                            LinkedList<t62> linkedList8 = s625.f36097f;
                            m.f(linkedList8, "ResInfos");
                            sb6.append(c0.V(linkedList8, "\n", null, null, 0, null, r0.f100458d, 30, null));
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", sb6.toString());
                        } else {
                            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "resp manifest:" + s625.f36095d + '#' + a15 + ", nothing changed");
                        x624 = x623;
                        n0Var3 = n0Var2;
                        j16 = j16;
                        v623 = v623;
                    n0Var = n0Var3;
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "saveManifest after: localSize: " + arrayList4.size() + ", respSize:" + arrayList3.size());
                    ArrayList arrayList6 = new ArrayList();
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "saveManifest result: size: " + arrayList6.size());
                    if (arrayList6 == aVar) {
                        return aVar;
                    x622 = x624;
                    j15 = j16;
                    v622 = v623;
                    arrayList = arrayList6;
                } else if (i15 == 1) {
                    long j17 = this.f100426g;
                    j15 = j17;
                    x622 = (x62) this.f100424e;
                    n0Var = (n0) this.f100423d;
                    v622 = (v62) this.f100425f;
                    arrayList = obj;
                } else if (i15 == 2) {
                    return b0.f332794a;
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
                HashMap<String, String> hashMap3 = this.f100431o;
                this.f100423d = null;
                this.f100424e = null;
                this.f100425f = null;
                this.f100427h = 2;
                if (n0.b(n0Var, x622, j15, v622, arrayList, hashMap3, this) == aVar) {
                    return aVar;
                return b0.f332794a;

        public h(long j15, HashMap<String, String> hashMap) {
            this.f100420a = j15;
            this.f100421b = hashMap;

        @Override // b41.a
        public void a(v62 v622, int i15, int i16, String str, x62 x622) {
            String string;
            m.g(v622, "req");
            if (i15 != 0 && i16 != 0) {
                Log.e("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "sendGetA8KeyLiteRequest:" + i15 + ", " + i16 + ", " + str);
            } else if (x622 != null) {
                long j15 = this.f100420a;
                HashMap<String, String> hashMap = this.f100421b;
                Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "GetA8KeyLiteResponse: " + x622.f41867h.size());
                if (BuildInfo.DEBUG) {
                    String str2 = "";
                    if (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.v.f164638a.a() && (string = x.a().getString("DebugLocalIP", str2)) != null) {
                        str2 = string;
                    s62 s622 = new s62();
                    s622.f36095d = str2;
                    LinkedList<t62> linkedList = s622.f36097f;
                    t62 t622 = new t62();
                    t622.f37185d = "/wechat_test/";
                    t622.f37186e = HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTP + str2 + ":8000/wechat_test/manifest.js";
                    x622.f41867h.add(new xv3.b(s622.toByteArray()));
                LinkedList<r62> linkedList2 = x622.f41866g;
                m.f(linkedList2, "DomainInfos");
                for (T t15 : linkedList2) {
                    String str3 = t15.f34946d;
                    if (str3 != null) {
                        t15.f34949g = MMSlotKt.now();
                        ((MultiProcessMMKV) n0.f100380b.getSlotForWrite()).encode(i.g(str3, false, 2, null), t15.toByteArray());
                        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "save preauth domain:" + str3 + ' ' + t15.f34947e + ' ' + t15.f34948f);
                gk4.h.d(s1.f221256d, null, null, new b(x622, j15, v622, hashMap, null), 3, null);

        public boolean b(v62 v622) {
            m.g(v622, "req");
            xp3.f fVar = xp3.f.f340585a;
            if (((Number) ((n) xp3.f.f340588d).getValue()).intValue() <= 0 || ((Number) ((n) xp3.f.f340589e).getValue()).intValue() != 2) {
                return false;
            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebViewPrefetchTestReportUtil", "ClosePrefetchAndA8key");
            return true;

        public void c(v62 v622) {
            m.g(v622, "req");
            xp3.f fVar = xp3.f.f340585a;
            if (((Number) ((n) xp3.f.f340588d).getValue()).intValue() > 0 || BuildInfo.DEBUG) {
                m60.d.B(null, new a(v622));

    public static final class i extends o implements kh4.a<wq3.j> {

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public static final i f100432d = new i();

        public i() {

        /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */
        @Override // kh4.a
        public wq3.j invoke() {
            Context context = MMApplicationContext.getContext();
            m.f(context, "getContext()");
            return new wq3.j(context);

    static {
        new MMKVSlotManager(a1.a(), 43200);

    public static final void a(n0 n0Var, String str, String str2, w31.a aVar, int i15, Map map, io3.a aVar2) {
        boolean a15 = x31.c.a();
        xv3.b bVar = (xv3.b) ((n) aVar.f330812v).getValue();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "fetchContent businessData: " + j0.b(bVar) + ", enableFetchByTransfer: " + a15);
        x31.b bVar2 = new x31.b(str, aVar, str2, map);
        String b15 = j0.b(bVar);
        if (b15 == null) {
            b15 = "";
        bVar2.f336729e = b15;
        p0 p0Var = new p0(str, aVar, str2, map, aVar2);
        Iterator it = ((ArrayList) x31.c.f336731b).iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            y31.c cVar = (y31.c) it.next();
            if (cVar.b(bVar2) && cVar.a(bVar2, p0Var)) {
                Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcherContentManager", "fetchContent by " + cVar.name() + ", url: %s", bVar2.f336725a);

    /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r0v114, resolved type: com.tencent.mm.plugin.brandservice.ui.timeline.preload.n0 */
    /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
    /* JADX WARNING: Can't wrap try/catch for region: R(27:85|(1:87)(1:88)|(1:90)(1:91)|92|(1:97)(1:96)|(2:99|(21:101|(2:(1:107)(1:106)|(2:109|(12:111|112|(19:114|117|130|(1:132)(1:133)|134|(4:136|(7:139|140|(13:197|199|218|219|220|221|222|(7:224|225|226|227|228|229|230)(1:235)|236|(1:238)(1:239)|244|247|(1:248)(0))|142|(1:144)(1:145)|146|(10:148|149|(1:166)(5:151|(8:164|165|168|(1:170)(1:171)|172|(20:174|175|(3:180|(1:185)(1:184)|186)(1:178)|179|187|(4:189|(1:191)(15:192|193|194|196|218|219|220|221|222|(0)(0)|236|(0)(0)|244|247|(0))|191|281)|195|194|196|218|219|220|221|222|(0)(0)|236|(0)(0)|244|247|(0)(0))|157|280)|153|(4:155|(8:158|159|(6:161|165|168|(0)(0)|172|(0))|162|168|(0)(0)|172|(0))|157|280)|163)|167|168|(0)(0)|172|(0)|157|280))|138|279)|198|199|218|219|220|221|222|(0)(0)|236|(0)(0)|244|247|(0))|115|130|(0)(0)|134|(13:198|199|218|219|220|221|222|(0)(0)|236|(0)(0)|244|247|(0)(0))|136|(0)|138|279)))|116|117|130|(0)(0)|134|(0)|198|199|218|219|220|221|222|(0)(0)|236|(0)(0)|244|247|(0)))|118|(1:123)(1:122)|(2:125|(10:127|128|130|(0)(0)|134|(0)|136|(0)|138|279))|129|130|(0)(0)|134|(0)|198|199|218|219|220|221|222|(0)(0)|236|(0)(0)|244|247|(0)(0)) */
    /* JADX WARNING: Can't wrap try/catch for region: R(7:224|225|226|227|228|229|230) */
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:231:0x1222, code lost:
        r65 = r7;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:233:0x1225, code lost:
        r64 = r6;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:240:0x128b, code lost:
        r63 = r4;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:242:0x128e, code lost:
        com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.Log.e(r1, "Report Error");
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:10:0x003d  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:11:0x00a1  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:12:0x0116  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:132:0x0abc  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:133:0x0abe  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:136:0x0ad3  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:139:0x0b3d  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:13:0x01b4  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:144:0x0b6e  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:145:0x0b79  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:148:0x0be1  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:14:0x024a  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:151:0x0c05  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:15:0x02f5  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:166:0x0d82  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:16:0x039f  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:170:0x0dd9  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:171:0x0deb  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:174:0x0ec5  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:17:0x043d  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:18:0x04e0  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:192:0x0f9e  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:197:0x0ffa  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:198:0x1022  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:200:0x109a  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:210:0x114c  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:213:0x116b  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:214:0x1185  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:224:0x120f A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x1225 }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:235:0x1228 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x128e }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:238:0x1268 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x128e }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:239:0x1277 A[Catch:{ Exception -> 0x128e }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:248:0x12f1  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:24:0x0546  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:250:0x1303 A[SYNTHETIC, Splitter:B:250:0x1303] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:257:0x133f A[LOOP:3: B:255:0x1339->B:257:0x133f, LOOP_END] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:261:0x1379  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:68:0x0712  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:71:0x0718  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:74:0x0725  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:77:0x0746  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:80:0x0778  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:85:0x0782  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:8:0x0035  */
    public static final Object b(n0 n0Var, x62 x622, long j15, v62 v622, List list, HashMap hashMap, bh4.d dVar) {
        n0 n0Var2;
        s0 s0Var;
        HashMap hashMap2;
        HashMap hashMap3;
        HashMap hashMap4;
        String str;
        ch4.a aVar;
        Class cls;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        int i15;
        int i16;
        String str4;
        s0 s0Var2;
        a0 a0Var;
        a0 a0Var2;
        LinkedList linkedList;
        long j16;
        HashMap hashMap5;
        List list2;
        x62 x623;
        v62 v623;
        int i17;
        String str5;
        ch4.a aVar2;
        Class cls2;
        HashMap hashMap6;
        long j17;
        String str6;
        s0 s0Var3;
        x62 x624;
        LinkedList linkedList2;
        List list3;
        n0 n0Var3;
        String str7;
        v62 v624;
        ts5 ts5;
        HashMap hashMap7;
        String str8;
        HashMap hashMap8;
        List list4;
        n0 n0Var4;
        Integer num;
        Integer num2;
        HashMap hashMap9;
        String str9;
        HashMap hashMap10;
        Class cls3;
        String str10;
        String str11;
        ts5 ts52;
        int i18;
        int i19;
        String str12;
        ch4.a aVar3;
        s0 s0Var4;
        LinkedList linkedList3;
        n0 n0Var5;
        List list5;
        v62 v625;
        v62 v626;
        long j18;
        a0 a0Var3;
        a0 a0Var4;
        n0 n0Var6;
        HashMap hashMap11;
        ch4.a aVar4;
        HashMap hashMap12;
        HashMap hashMap13;
        String str13;
        int i25;
        int i26;
        s0 s0Var5;
        x62 x625;
        LinkedList linkedList4;
        List list6;
        s0 s0Var6;
        x62 x626;
        LinkedList linkedList5;
        List list7;
        a0 a0Var5;
        int i27;
        String str14;
        HashMap hashMap14;
        String str15;
        v62 v627;
        n0 n0Var7;
        ts5 ts53;
        int i28;
        String str16;
        HashMap hashMap15;
        String str17;
        x62 x627;
        List list8;
        HashMap hashMap16;
        HashMap hashMap17;
        String str18;
        long j19;
        int i29;
        LinkedList linkedList6;
        String str19;
        String str20;
        HashMap hashMap18;
        HashMap hashMap19;
        int i35;
        ch4.a aVar5;
        HashMap hashMap20;
        s0 s0Var7;
        HashMap hashMap21;
        a0 a0Var6;
        HashMap hashMap22;
        io3.a aVar6;
        ts5 ts54;
        String str21;
        a0 a0Var7;
        ch4.a aVar7;
        int i36;
        int i37;
        long j25;
        String str22;
        Map<String, String> map;
        HashMap hashMap23;
        HashMap hashMap24;
        ts5 ts55;
        int i38;
        int i39;
        int i45;
        ch4.a aVar8;
        ts5 ts56;
        String str23;
        HashMap hashMap25;
        String str24;
        int i46;
        LinkedList linkedList7;
        a0 a0Var8;
        a0 a0Var9;
        ts5 ts57;
        Map<String, String> map2;
        long j26;
        int i47;
        int i48;
        String str25;
        HashMap hashMap26;
        HashMap hashMap27;
        HashMap hashMap28;
        String str26;
        ts5 ts58;
        ch4.a aVar9;
        String str27;
        String str28;
        String str29;
        a0 a0Var10;
        LinkedList linkedList8;
        n0 n0Var8;
        s0 s0Var8;
        a0 a0Var11;
        v62 v628;
        int i49;
        ts5 ts59;
        String str30;
        ch4.a aVar10;
        Map<String, String> map3;
        long j27;
        int i55;
        int i56;
        ch4.a aVar11;
        io3.a aVar12;
        ts5 ts510;
        HashMap hashMap29;
        String str31;
        String str32;
        s0 s0Var9;
        a0 a0Var12;
        String str33;
        List list9;
        HashMap hashMap30;
        HashMap hashMap31;
        a0 a0Var13;
        int i57;
        String str34;
        HashMap hashMap32;
        v62 v629;
        int i58;
        int i59;
        HashMap hashMap33;
        a0 a0Var14;
        Map<String, String> map4;
        x62 x628;
        v62 v6210;
        List list10;
        String str35;
        int i65;
        String str36;
        int i66;
        long j28;
        ch4.a aVar13;
        s0 s0Var10;
        HashMap hashMap34;
        a0 a0Var15;
        String str37;
        HashMap hashMap35;
        io3.a aVar14;
        a0 a0Var16;
        HashMap hashMap36;
        int i67;
        HashMap hashMap37;
        v62 v6211;
        int i68;
        int i69;
        HashMap hashMap38;
        a0 a0Var17;
        Map<String, String> map5;
        v62 v6212;
        HashMap hashMap39;
        int i75;
        long j29;
        ch4.a aVar15;
        int i76;
        s0 s0Var11;
        LinkedHashMap linkedHashMap;
        String str38;
        String str39;
        long j35;
        int i77;
        ch4.a aVar16;
        int i78;
        String str40;
        int i79;
        io3.a aVar17;
        HashMap hashMap40;
        HashMap hashMap41;
        v62 v6213;
        ch4.a aVar18;
        LinkedHashMap linkedHashMap2;
        long j36;
        a0 a0Var18;
        a0 a0Var19;
        HashMap hashMap42;
        HashMap hashMap43;
        ts5 ts511;
        String str41;
        String str42;
        int i85;
        int i86;
        String str43;
        LinkedList linkedList9;
        int i87;
        v62 v6214;
        List list11;
        HashMap hashMap44;
        boolean z15;
        String str44;
        String str45;
        int i88;
        io3.a aVar19;
        String str46;
        long j37;
        HashMap hashMap45;
        String str47;
        x62 x629;
        v62 v6215;
        HashMap hashMap46;
        HashMap hashMap47;
        LinkedList linkedList10;
        a0 a0Var20;
        a0 a0Var21;
        String str48;
        String str49;
        String str50;
        String str51;
        List list12;
        HashMap hashMap48;
        int i89;
        int i95;
        String str52;
        ts5 ts512;
        LinkedHashMap linkedHashMap3;
        int i96;
        io3.a aVar20;
        String str53;
        String str54;
        long j38;
        HashMap hashMap49;
        String str55;
        HashMap hashMap50;
        HashMap hashMap51;
        Class cls4;
        String str56;
        String str57;
        ts5 ts513;
        ts5 ts514;
        int i97;
        int i98;
        ch4.a aVar21;
        String str58;
        a0 a0Var22;
        a0 a0Var23;
        LinkedList linkedList11;
        String str59;
        HashMap hashMap52;
        String str60;
        LinkedHashMap linkedHashMap4;
        List list13;
        v62 v6216;
        int i99;
        x62 x6210;
        HashMap hashMap53;
        LinkedList linkedList12;
        a0 a0Var24;
        a0 a0Var25;
        String str61;
        String str62;
        String str63;
        String str64;
        String str65;
        int i100;
        ts5 ts515;
        String str66;
        LinkedHashMap linkedHashMap5;
        List list14;
        String str67;
        String str68;
        v62 v6217;
        a0 a0Var26;
        n0 n0Var9;
        ch4.a aVar22;
        int i101;
        s0 s0Var12;
        int i102;
        LinkedList linkedList13;
        boolean z16;
        io3.a h15;
        Object a15;
        t62 t622;
        if (dVar instanceof s0) {
            s0Var = (s0) dVar;
            int i103 = s0Var.G;
            if ((i103 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) {
                s0Var.G = i103 - Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                n0Var2 = n0Var;
                Object obj = s0Var.E;
                ch4.a aVar23 = ch4.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
                String str69 = "prefetchUrl";
                String str70 = "fullUrl";
                String str71 = "MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher";
                String str72 = "url";
                switch (s0Var.G) {
                    case 0:
                        cls = r21.d.class;
                        LinkedList linkedList14 = new LinkedList();
                        a0 a0Var27 = new a0();
                        a0 a0Var28 = new a0();
                        HashMap hashMap54 = new HashMap();
                        HashMap hashMap55 = new HashMap();
                        HashMap hashMap56 = new HashMap();
                        Iterator it = list.iterator();
                        while (it.hasNext()) {
                            s62 s622 = (s62) it.next();
                            String str73 = s622.f36095d;
                            m.f(str73, "it.Domain");
                            hashMap56.put(str73, s622);
                            linkedList14 = linkedList14;
                        i15 = x622.f41863d;
                        str5 = str69;
                        str2 = str70;
                        str3 = str71;
                        hashMap3 = hashMap54;
                        hashMap2 = hashMap55;
                        hashMap4 = hashMap56;
                        linkedList = linkedList14;
                        i17 = 0;
                        a0Var2 = a0Var27;
                        s0Var2 = s0Var;
                        aVar = aVar23;
                        str4 = str72;
                        list2 = list;
                        hashMap5 = hashMap;
                        x623 = x622;
                        a0Var = a0Var28;
                        j16 = j15;
                        v623 = v622;
                        if (i17 >= i15) {
                            ts53 = new ts5();
                            a0Var2.f253280d = false;
                            a0Var.f253280d = false;
                            String str74 = v623.f39512n.get(i17).f38370e;
                            ts53.f37923d = str74;
                            m.f(str74, str4);
                            ts53.f37941y = w31.p.c(str74, hashMap5);
                            ts53.f37928i = x623.f41865f.get(i17).f40687e;
                            ts53.f37936t = x623.f41865f.get(i17).f40702w;
                            String str75 = ts53.f37923d;
                            m.f(str75, str4);
                            String i104 = i.i(str75, false);
                            u62 u622 = v623.f39512n.get(i17);
                            r rVar = u622 instanceof r ? (r) u622 : null;
                            if (rVar != null) {
                                ts53.f37940x = rVar.f100456u;
                                ts53.f37932p = rVar.f100454s;
                                ts53.f37933q = rVar.f100455t;
                                ts53.f37939w = rVar.f100457v;
                                b0 b0Var = b0.f332794a;
                            String str76 = ts53.f37928i;
                            m.f(str76, str2);
                            if (y.v(str76, ProxyConfig.MATCH_HTTP, false)) {
                                LinkedHashMap linkedHashMap6 = new LinkedHashMap();
                                boolean z17 = ((ie1.h) j.c(ie1.h.class)).Xj0(h.c.G6, 1) == 1;
                                boolean b15 = com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.v.f164638a.b();
                                StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();
                                v6217 = v623;
                                sb5.append("[TRACE_PREFETCH] useA8keyLiteHeader: ");
                                sb5.append(" mockUseA8keyLiteHeader: ");
                                Log.i(str3, sb5.toString());
                                if ((z17 || b15) && !Util.isNullOrNil(x623.f41865f.get(i17).f40701v)) {
                                    Log.i(str3, "[TRACE_PREFETCH] response header size : " + x623.f41865f.get(i17).f40701v.size());
                                    LinkedList<wu2> linkedList15 = x623.f41865f.get(i17).f40701v;
                                    m.f(linkedList15, "RespInfo[i].HttpHeader");
                                    ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                                    for (Iterator<T> it4 = linkedList15.iterator(); it4.hasNext(); it4 = it4) {
                                        T next = it4.next();
                                        T t15 = next;
                                        if (!(t15.f41479d == null || t15.f41480e == null)) {
                                    Iterator it5 = arrayList.iterator();
                                    while (it5.hasNext()) {
                                        wu2 wu22 = (wu2) it5.next();
                                        String str77 = wu22.f41479d;
                                        m.f(str77, "it.Key");
                                        String str78 = wu22.f41480e;
                                        m.f(str78, "it.Value");
                                        linkedHashMap6.put(str77, str78);
                                StringBuilder sb6 = new StringBuilder();
                                sb6.append("[TRACE_PREFETCH] useA8keyLiteHeader size : ");
                                sb6.append(" domains.size=");
                                sb6.append(", controlBytes: ");
                                xv3.b bVar = x623.f41865f.get(i17).f40702w;
                                sb6.append(bVar != null ? new Integer(bVar.f341419a.length) : null);
                                sb6.append(", authBits: ");
                                Log.i(str3, sb6.toString());
                                ts53.f37924e = MMSlotKt.now();
                                Integer num3 = x623.f41864e.get(i17);
                                if (num3 != null && num3.intValue() == 0) {
                                    z16 = true;
                                    if (x623.f41865f.get(i17).f40697r != 0) {
                                        ts53.f37926g = true;
                                    if (!ts53.f37925f) {
                                        a0Var.f253280d = z16;
                                    if (!list2.isEmpty()) {
                                        xp3.e.a(e.a.ACTION_PREFETCH_RESP_VALID, ts53.f37923d, ts53.f37928i, ts53.f37940x, ts53.f37932p, ts53.f37933q);
                                    if (xp3.f.a(ts53.f37932p)) {
                                        t0 t0Var = t0.f100480a;
                                        String str79 = ts53.f37923d;
                                        m.f(str79, str4);
                                        t0Var.a(j16, str79, 11);
                                        list14 = list2;
                                        linkedList13 = linkedList;
                                        i102 = i17;
                                        str67 = str3;
                                        str68 = str2;
                                        aVar22 = aVar;
                                        i101 = i15;
                                        n0Var9 = n0Var2;
                                        a0Var26 = a0Var2;
                                        s0Var12 = s0Var2;
                                    n0 n0Var10 = f100379a;
                                    String str80 = ts53.f37928i;
                                    m.f(str80, str2);
                                    h15 = n0Var10.h(str80, list2);
                                    String str81 = (h15 != null || (t622 = h15.f234425b) == null) ? null : t622.f37191j;
                                    if (h15 != null) {
                                        t0 t0Var2 = t0.f100480a;
                                        String str82 = ts53.f37923d;
                                        m.f(str82, str4);
                                        str55 = str2;
                                        t0Var2.a(j16, str82, 7);
                                        xp3.e.a(e.a.ACTION_MATCH_MANIFEST, ts53.f37923d, ts53.f37928i, ts53.f37940x, ts53.f37932p, ts53.f37933q);
                                        v6214 = v6217;
                                        u62 u623 = v6214.f39512n.get(i17);
                                        r rVar2 = u623 instanceof r ? (r) u623 : null;
                                        h15.f234426c = rVar2 != null ? rVar2.f100453r : null;
                                        h15.f234427d = ts53.f37932p;
                                        h15.f234428e = ts53.f37933q;
                                        t62 t623 = h15.f234425b;
                                        String str83 = t623.f37190i;
                                        str58 = t623.f37186e;
                                        if (!(str83 == null || y.n(str83))) {
                                            d.b bVar2 = io3.d.I;
                                            if (((Boolean) ((n) io3.d.L).getValue()).booleanValue()) {
                                                if (!h15.f234429f) {
                                                    if (!(str58 == null || y.n(str58))) {
                                                        n0Var7 = n0Var2;
                                                        s0Var3 = s0Var2;
                                                        s0Var3.f100460d = n0Var7;
                                                        s0Var3.f100461e = x623;
                                                        s0Var3.f100462f = v6214;
                                                        s0Var3.f100463g = list2;
                                                        s0Var3.f100464h = hashMap5;
                                                        s0Var3.f100465i = linkedList;
                                                        s0Var3.f100466j = a0Var2;
                                                        s0Var3.f100467n = a0Var;
                                                        s0Var3.f100468o = hashMap3;
                                                        hashMap51 = hashMap3;
                                                        s0Var3.f100469p = hashMap2;
                                                        hashMap50 = hashMap2;
                                                        s0Var3.f100470q = hashMap4;
                                                        s0Var3.f100471r = ts53;
                                                        s0Var3.f100472s = ts53;
                                                        hashMap53 = hashMap4;
                                                        s0Var3.f100473t = i104;
                                                        s0Var3.f100474u = linkedHashMap6;
                                                        s0Var3.f100475v = h15;
                                                        s0Var3.f100476w = str81;
                                                        s0Var3.f100477x = str83;
                                                        s0Var3.f100478y = str58;
                                                        s0Var3.f100479z = j16;
                                                        s0Var3.A = i17;
                                                        i99 = i17;
                                                        s0Var3.B = i15;
                                                        s0Var3.C = 1;
                                                        s0Var3.G = 1;
                                                        obj = n0Var10.d(h15, ts53, s0Var3);
                                                        aVar4 = aVar;
                                                        if (obj != aVar4) {
                                                            aVar20 = h15;
                                                            str53 = str81;
                                                            j38 = j16;
                                                            str61 = str58;
                                                            str54 = str83;
                                                            ts515 = ts53;
                                                            i100 = i15;
                                                            a0Var25 = a0Var;
                                                            i96 = 1;
                                                            str63 = str3;
                                                            str62 = str4;
                                                            list11 = list2;
                                                            hashMap44 = hashMap5;
                                                            linkedList12 = linkedList;
                                                            str66 = i104;
                                                            a0Var24 = a0Var2;
                                                            str65 = str5;
                                                            x6210 = x623;
                                                            linkedHashMap5 = linkedHashMap6;
                                                            str64 = str55;
                                                            if (!((Boolean) obj).booleanValue()) {
                                                                v6216 = v6214;
                                                                a0Var23 = a0Var24;
                                                                str56 = str65;
                                                                linkedList11 = linkedList12;
                                                                cls4 = cls;
                                                                ts514 = ts53;
                                                                i97 = i100;
                                                                str59 = str62;
                                                                aVar21 = aVar4;
                                                                i98 = i99;
                                                                hashMap49 = hashMap53;
                                                                linkedHashMap4 = linkedHashMap5;
                                                                x623 = x6210;
                                                                str55 = str64;
                                                                a0Var22 = a0Var25;
                                                                str57 = str63;
                                                                str58 = str61;
                                                                ts513 = ts515;
                                                                str60 = str66;
                                                                list13 = list11;
                                                                hashMap52 = hashMap44;
                                                                linkedHashMap2 = linkedHashMap4;
                                                                aVar2 = aVar21;
                                                                str15 = str56;
                                                                j36 = j38;
                                                                aVar17 = aVar20;
                                                                z15 = true;
                                                                str26 = str59;
                                                                a0Var19 = a0Var22;
                                                                cls2 = cls4;
                                                                i87 = i96;
                                                                x627 = x623;
                                                                str41 = str60;
                                                                hashMap44 = hashMap52;
                                                                list11 = list13;
                                                                str44 = str54;
                                                                a0Var18 = a0Var23;
                                                                v6214 = v6216;
                                                                str45 = str55;
                                                                hashMap14 = hashMap50;
                                                                hashMap43 = hashMap49;
                                                                hashMap42 = hashMap51;
                                                                ts511 = ts514;
                                                                i86 = i97;
                                                                ts53 = ts513;
                                                                i85 = i98;
                                                                str43 = str58;
                                                                linkedList9 = linkedList11;
                                                                str17 = str57;
                                                                str42 = str53;
                                                                StringBuilder sb7 = new StringBuilder();
                                                                sb7.append("savePrefetch appId=");
                                                                sb7.append(" fetched=");
                                                                sb7.append(" debug:");
                                                                sb7.append(" usePkg=");
                                                                sb7.append(i87 == 0);
                                                                sb7.append(", manifestUrl: ");
                                                                Log.i(str17, sb7.toString());
                                                                if (!z15) {
                                                                    WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                                                                    String str84 = ts53.f37928i;
                                                                    m.f(str84, str45);
                                                                    s0Var3.f100460d = n0Var7;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100461e = x627;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100462f = v6214;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100463g = list11;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100464h = hashMap44;
                                                                    linkedList2 = linkedList9;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100465i = linkedList2;
                                                                    a0Var12 = a0Var18;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100466j = a0Var12;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100467n = a0Var19;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100468o = hashMap42;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100469p = hashMap14;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100470q = hashMap43;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100471r = ts511;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100472s = ts53;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100473t = str41;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100474u = linkedHashMap2;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100475v = aVar17;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100476w = str42;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100477x = str44;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100478y = null;
                                                                    s0Var3.f100479z = j36;
                                                                    s0Var3.A = i85;
                                                                    s0Var3.B = i86;
                                                                    s0Var3.C = i87;
                                                                    s0Var3.G = 3;
                                                                    obj = webPrefetcherManifest.k(aVar17, str84, s0Var3);
                                                                    aVar18 = aVar2;
                                                                    if (obj != aVar18) {
                                                                        str38 = str42;
                                                                        aVar16 = aVar18;
                                                                        str39 = str44;
                                                                        j35 = j36;
                                                                        v6213 = v6214;
                                                                        hashMap40 = hashMap44;
                                                                        i78 = i86;
                                                                        i77 = i85;
                                                                        str40 = str41;
                                                                        ts510 = ts511;
                                                                        hashMap15 = hashMap43;
                                                                        hashMap41 = hashMap14;
                                                                        hashMap36 = hashMap42;
                                                                        a0Var16 = a0Var19;
                                                                        linkedHashMap = linkedHashMap2;
                                                                        str31 = str17;
                                                                        i79 = i87;
                                                                        str70 = str45;
                                                                        list9 = list11;
                                                                        if (!((Boolean) obj).booleanValue()) {
                                                                            v627 = v6213;
                                                                            i27 = i77;
                                                                            aVar2 = aVar16;
                                                                            a0Var5 = a0Var12;
                                                                            str16 = str26;
                                                                            hashMap14 = hashMap41;
                                                                            j19 = j35;
                                                                            i28 = i78;
                                                                            str14 = str70;
                                                                            str18 = str40;
                                                                            str17 = str31;
                                                                            hashMap16 = hashMap40;
                                                                            hashMap17 = hashMap36;
                                                                            a0Var = a0Var16;
                                                                            list8 = list9;
                                                                            t0 t0Var3 = t0.f100480a;
                                                                            String str85 = ts53.f37923d;
                                                                            m.f(str85, str16);
                                                                            t0Var3.a(j19, str85, 10);
                                                                            Log.w(str17, "fail to prefetch #" + str18 + ' ' + ts53.f37923d);
                                                                            hashMap6 = hashMap16;
                                                                            j17 = j19;
                                                                            str8 = str17;
                                                                            hashMap4 = hashMap15;
                                                                            str7 = str16;
                                                                            ts5 = ts53;
                                                                            v624 = v627;
                                                                            hashMap7 = hashMap14;
                                                                            str6 = str14;
                                                                            a0Var2 = a0Var5;
                                                                            hashMap8 = hashMap17;
                                                                            list3 = list8;
                                                                            x624 = x627;
                                                                            i15 = i28;
                                                                            n0Var3 = n0Var7;
                                                                            str = str15;
                                                                            i16 = i27;
                                                                            int i105 = ts5.f37940x;
                                                                            v62 v6218 = v624;
                                                                            num = (Integer) hashMap7.get(new Integer(i105));
                                                                            if (num == null) {
                                                                                n0Var4 = n0Var3;
                                                                                list4 = list3;
                                                                                hashMap7.put(new Integer(i105), new Integer(1));
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                n0Var4 = n0Var3;
                                                                                list4 = list3;
                                                                                hashMap7.put(new Integer(i105), new Integer(num.intValue() + 1));
                                                                            String str86 = ts5.f37923d;
                                                                            m.f(str86, str7);
                                                                            aq3.d.i(0, str86, false, false, true, a0Var.f253280d, a0Var2.f253280d, true);
                                                                            num2 = (Integer) hashMap8.get(new Integer(i105));
                                                                            if (num2 == null) {
                                                                                hashMap8.put(new Integer(i105), new Integer(1));
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                hashMap8.put(new Integer(i105), new Integer(num2.intValue() + 1));
                                                                            n0Var2 = n0Var4;
                                                                            str3 = str8;
                                                                            linkedList = linkedList2;
                                                                            x623 = x624;
                                                                            s0Var2 = s0Var3;
                                                                            str2 = str6;
                                                                            hashMap5 = hashMap6;
                                                                            cls = cls2;
                                                                            aVar = aVar2;
                                                                            hashMap3 = hashMap8;
                                                                            hashMap2 = hashMap7;
                                                                            str4 = str7;
                                                                            j16 = j17;
                                                                            v623 = v6218;
                                                                            list2 = list4;
                                                                            i17 = i16 + 1;
                                                                            str5 = str;
                                                                            if (i17 >= i15) {
                                                                        ts53.f37934r = !aVar17.f234429f ? Uri.parse(ts53.f37928i).getHost() : str39;
                                                                        WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest2 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                                                                        String str87 = ts53.f37928i;
                                                                        m.f(str87, str70);
                                                                        s0Var3.f100460d = n0Var7;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100461e = x627;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100462f = v6213;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100463g = list9;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100464h = hashMap40;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100465i = linkedList2;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100466j = a0Var12;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100467n = a0Var16;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100468o = hashMap36;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100469p = hashMap41;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100470q = hashMap15;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100471r = ts510;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100472s = ts53;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100473t = str40;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100474u = linkedHashMap;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100475v = aVar17;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100476w = str38;
                                                                        str37 = str38;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100477x = str39;
                                                                        s0Var3.f100479z = j35;
                                                                        s0Var3.A = i77;
                                                                        s0Var3.B = i78;
                                                                        s0Var3.C = i79;
                                                                        s0Var3.G = 4;
                                                                        obj = webPrefetcherManifest2.d(aVar17, str87, s0Var3);
                                                                        aVar18 = aVar16;
                                                                        if (obj != aVar18) {
                                                                            aVar11 = aVar18;
                                                                            i56 = i78;
                                                                            v6211 = v6213;
                                                                            map3 = linkedHashMap;
                                                                            hashMap37 = hashMap41;
                                                                            j27 = j35;
                                                                            i55 = i77;
                                                                            hashMap35 = hashMap15;
                                                                            aVar14 = aVar17;
                                                                            str33 = str39;
                                                                            hashMap31 = hashMap40;
                                                                            i67 = i79;
                                                                            str36 = str40;
                                                                            str32 = str70;
                                                                            i58 = ((Number) obj).intValue();
                                                                            if (i67 == 0) {
                                                                                i68 = i58;
                                                                                v6212 = v6211;
                                                                                hashMap38 = hashMap37;
                                                                                i76 = i67;
                                                                                hashMap39 = hashMap36;
                                                                                a0Var17 = a0Var16;
                                                                                s0Var11 = s0Var3;
                                                                                aVar15 = aVar11;
                                                                                i69 = i56;
                                                                                i75 = i55;
                                                                                j29 = j27;
                                                                                map5 = map3;
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                if (aVar14.f234429f) {
                                                                                    hashMap29 = hashMap36;
                                                                                    aVar12 = aVar14;
                                                                                    str34 = str36;
                                                                                    hashMap30 = hashMap35;
                                                                                    a0Var13 = a0Var16;
                                                                                    s0Var9 = s0Var3;
                                                                                    i57 = i67;
                                                                                    v629 = v6211;
                                                                                    hashMap32 = hashMap37;
                                                                                    ((r21.d) z.q(cls2)).p3(str33, ts53.f37928i, "itemExpose", null);
                                                                                    i49 = i58;
                                                                                    v628 = v629;
                                                                                    hashMap27 = hashMap32;
                                                                                    str25 = str34;
                                                                                    x624 = x627;
                                                                                    linkedList8 = linkedList2;
                                                                                    a0Var11 = a0Var12;
                                                                                    ts59 = ts53;
                                                                                    str28 = str32;
                                                                                    hashMap26 = hashMap29;
                                                                                    str29 = str15;
                                                                                    aVar9 = aVar11;
                                                                                    i48 = i56;
                                                                                    i47 = i55;
                                                                                    j26 = j27;
                                                                                    map2 = map3;
                                                                                    i45 = i57;
                                                                                    hashMap20 = hashMap31;
                                                                                    list3 = list9;
                                                                                    s0Var8 = s0Var9;
                                                                                    str27 = str31;
                                                                                    ts58 = ts510;
                                                                                    a0Var10 = a0Var13;
                                                                                    hashMap28 = hashMap30;
                                                                                    n0Var8 = n0Var7;
                                                                                    aVar6 = aVar12;
                                                                                    ts59.f37927h = ts59.f37928i;
                                                                                    if (w.a().getBoolean("tencent_view_inews_prefix", false)) {
                                                                                        String str88 = ts59.f37927h;
                                                                                        m.f(str88, str29);
                                                                                        str30 = str29;
                                                                                        ts59.f37927h = y.t(str88, "//view.inews.qq.com", "//ssr.view.inews.qq.com", false);
                                                                                    } else {
                                                                                        str30 = str29;
                                                                                    ts59.f37930n = true;
                                                                                    ts59.f37935s = true;
                                                                                    ts59.f37937u = io3.p.b(aVar6);
                                                                                    ts59.f37938v = aVar6.f234425b.f37192n;
                                                                                    Log.i(str27, "prefetch call, header size: " + map2.size() + ", url: " + ts59.f37927h + ", fetchPkgType: " + i49 + ", pkgFileKey: " + ts59.f37937u);
                                                                                    str19 = str27;
                                                                                    xp3.e.a(e.a.ACTION_MANIFEST_OPEN_PREFETCH, ts59.f37923d, ts59.f37928i, ts59.f37940x, ts59.f37932p, ts59.f37933q);
                                                                                    WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest3 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                                                                                    String str89 = ts59.f37928i;
                                                                                    m.f(str89, str28);
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100460d = n0Var8;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100461e = x624;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100462f = v628;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100463g = list3;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100464h = hashMap20;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100465i = linkedList8;
                                                                                    a0Var2 = a0Var11;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100466j = a0Var2;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100467n = a0Var10;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100468o = hashMap26;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100469p = hashMap27;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100470q = hashMap28;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100471r = ts58;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100472s = ts59;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100473t = str25;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100474u = map2;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100475v = aVar6;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100476w = null;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100477x = null;
                                                                                    s0Var8.f100479z = j26;
                                                                                    s0Var8.A = i47;
                                                                                    s0Var8.B = i48;
                                                                                    s0Var8.C = i45;
                                                                                    s0Var8.D = i49;
                                                                                    s0Var8.G = 6;
                                                                                    obj = webPrefetcherManifest3.j(aVar6, str89, s0Var8);
                                                                                    aVar10 = aVar9;
                                                                                    if (obj != aVar10) {
                                                                                        aVar8 = aVar10;
                                                                                        j25 = j26;
                                                                                        a0Var8 = a0Var10;
                                                                                        hashMap25 = hashMap26;
                                                                                        str24 = str26;
                                                                                        str22 = str25;
                                                                                        map = map2;
                                                                                        n0Var3 = n0Var8;
                                                                                        i46 = i49;
                                                                                        hashMap23 = hashMap27;
                                                                                        s0Var7 = s0Var8;
                                                                                        i38 = i47;
                                                                                        ts56 = ts59;
                                                                                        v624 = v628;
                                                                                        str6 = str28;
                                                                                        hashMap24 = hashMap28;
                                                                                        str23 = str30;
                                                                                        ts55 = ts58;
                                                                                        linkedList7 = linkedList8;
                                                                                        i39 = i48;
                                                                                        boolean booleanValue = ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue();
                                                                                        if (i45 != 0 || booleanValue) {
                                                                                            n0 n0Var11 = f100379a;
                                                                                            String str90 = ts56.f37923d;
                                                                                            m.f(str90, str24);
                                                                                            str20 = str24;
                                                                                            String str91 = ts56.f37927h;
                                                                                            m.f(str91, str23);
                                                                                            str = str23;
                                                                                            hashMap22 = hashMap25;
                                                                                            a0Var9 = a0Var8;
                                                                                            linkedList6 = linkedList7;
                                                                                            ts57 = ts56;
                                                                                            n0Var11.l(j25, str90, str91, ts56.f37934r, false, map, ts56.f37932p, ts56.f37933q, ts56.f37940x, aVar6, !c41.b.a() && i46 == 2, com.tencent.mm.plugin.brandservice.webprefetcher.debug.a.b());
                                                                                        } else {
                                                                                            a0Var9 = a0Var8;
                                                                                            linkedList6 = linkedList7;
                                                                                            str20 = str24;
                                                                                            hashMap22 = hashMap25;
                                                                                            str = str23;
                                                                                            ts57 = ts56;
                                                                                        a0Var2.f253280d = true;
                                                                                        if (i45 != 0) {
                                                                                            WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest4 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100460d = n0Var3;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100461e = x624;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100462f = v624;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100463g = list3;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100464h = hashMap20;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100465i = linkedList6;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100466j = a0Var2;
                                                                                            a0Var7 = a0Var9;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100467n = a0Var7;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100468o = hashMap22;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100469p = hashMap23;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100470q = hashMap24;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100471r = ts55;
                                                                                            ts54 = ts57;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100472s = ts54;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100473t = str22;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100474u = aVar6;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100475v = null;
                                                                                            s0Var7.f100479z = j25;
                                                                                            s0Var7.A = i38;
                                                                                            j17 = j25;
                                                                                            i37 = i39;
                                                                                            s0Var7.B = i37;
                                                                                            s0Var7.G = 7;
                                                                                            obj = webPrefetcherManifest4.c(aVar6, s0Var7);
                                                                                            if (obj == aVar8) {
                                                                                                hashMap18 = hashMap23;
                                                                                                i36 = i38;
                                                                                                hashMap19 = hashMap24;
                                                                                                aVar7 = aVar8;
                                                                                                s0Var = s0Var7;
                                                                                                str21 = str;
                                                                                                String str92 = aVar6.f234424a.f36095d;
                                                                                                i29 = i37;
                                                                                                m.f(str92, "manifest.domain.Domain");
                                                                                                String str93 = ts54.f37927h;
                                                                                                m.f(str93, str21);
                                                                                                c41.c.a((List) obj, str92, str93);
                                                                                                i35 = i36;
                                                                                                a0Var6 = a0Var7;
                                                                                                str = str21;
                                                                                                ts5 = ts54;
                                                                                                hashMap21 = hashMap22;
                                                                                                s0Var7 = s0Var;
                                                                                                aVar5 = aVar7;
                                                                                                str7 = str20;
                                                                                                String str94 = ts5.f37927h;
                                                                                                hashMap8 = hashMap21;
                                                                                                aVar2 = aVar5;
                                                                                                hashMap4 = hashMap19;
                                                                                                i15 = i29;
                                                                                                a0Var = a0Var6;
                                                                                                s0Var3 = s0Var7;
                                                                                                str8 = str19;
                                                                                                linkedList2 = linkedList6;
                                                                                                hashMap6 = hashMap20;
                                                                                                i16 = i35;
                                                                                                hashMap7 = hashMap18;
                                                                                                int i1052 = ts5.f37940x;
                                                                                                v62 v62182 = v624;
                                                                                                num = (Integer) hashMap7.get(new Integer(i1052));
                                                                                                if (num == null) {
                                                                                                String str862 = ts5.f37923d;
                                                                                                m.f(str862, str7);
                                                                                                aq3.d.i(0, str862, false, false, true, a0Var.f253280d, a0Var2.f253280d, true);
                                                                                                num2 = (Integer) hashMap8.get(new Integer(i1052));
                                                                                                if (num2 == null) {
                                                                                                n0Var2 = n0Var4;
                                                                                                str3 = str8;
                                                                                                linkedList = linkedList2;
                                                                                                x623 = x624;
                                                                                                s0Var2 = s0Var3;
                                                                                                str2 = str6;
                                                                                                hashMap5 = hashMap6;
                                                                                                cls = cls2;
                                                                                                aVar = aVar2;
                                                                                                hashMap3 = hashMap8;
                                                                                                hashMap2 = hashMap7;
                                                                                                str4 = str7;
                                                                                                j16 = j17;
                                                                                                v623 = v62182;
                                                                                                list2 = list4;
                                                                                                i17 = i16 + 1;
                                                                                                str5 = str;
                                                                                                if (i17 >= i15) {
                                                                                            return aVar8;
                                                                                        j17 = j25;
                                                                                        i29 = i39;
                                                                                        hashMap18 = hashMap23;
                                                                                        a0Var6 = a0Var9;
                                                                                        ts5 = ts57;
                                                                                        i35 = i38;
                                                                                        hashMap21 = hashMap22;
                                                                                        aVar5 = aVar8;
                                                                                        hashMap19 = hashMap24;
                                                                                        str7 = str20;
                                                                                        String str942 = ts5.f37927h;
                                                                                        hashMap8 = hashMap21;
                                                                                        aVar2 = aVar5;
                                                                                        hashMap4 = hashMap19;
                                                                                        i15 = i29;
                                                                                        a0Var = a0Var6;
                                                                                        s0Var3 = s0Var7;
                                                                                        str8 = str19;
                                                                                        linkedList2 = linkedList6;
                                                                                        hashMap6 = hashMap20;
                                                                                        i16 = i35;
                                                                                        hashMap7 = hashMap18;
                                                                                        int i10522 = ts5.f37940x;
                                                                                        v62 v621822 = v624;
                                                                                        num = (Integer) hashMap7.get(new Integer(i10522));
                                                                                        if (num == null) {
                                                                                        String str8622 = ts5.f37923d;
                                                                                        m.f(str8622, str7);
                                                                                        aq3.d.i(0, str8622, false, false, true, a0Var.f253280d, a0Var2.f253280d, true);
                                                                                        num2 = (Integer) hashMap8.get(new Integer(i10522));
                                                                                        if (num2 == null) {
                                                                                        n0Var2 = n0Var4;
                                                                                        str3 = str8;
                                                                                        linkedList = linkedList2;
                                                                                        x623 = x624;
                                                                                        s0Var2 = s0Var3;
                                                                                        str2 = str6;
                                                                                        hashMap5 = hashMap6;
                                                                                        cls = cls2;
                                                                                        aVar = aVar2;
                                                                                        hashMap3 = hashMap8;
                                                                                        hashMap2 = hashMap7;
                                                                                        str4 = str7;
                                                                                        j16 = j17;
                                                                                        v623 = v621822;
                                                                                        list2 = list4;
                                                                                        i17 = i16 + 1;
                                                                                        str5 = str;
                                                                                        if (i17 >= i15) {
                                                                                    return aVar10;
                                                                                if (i58 == 1) {
                                                                                    e0 e0Var = e0.f216134a;
                                                                                    m.f(str33, "manifestAppId");
                                                                                    int i106 = ts53.f37940x;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100460d = n0Var7;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100461e = x627;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100462f = v6211;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100463g = list9;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100464h = hashMap31;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100465i = linkedList2;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100466j = a0Var12;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100467n = a0Var16;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100468o = hashMap36;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100469p = hashMap37;
                                                                                    v6210 = v6211;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100470q = hashMap35;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100471r = ts510;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100472s = ts53;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100473t = str36;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100474u = map3;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100475v = aVar14;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100476w = str33;
                                                                                    map4 = map3;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100477x = null;
                                                                                    hashMap29 = hashMap36;
                                                                                    a0Var14 = a0Var16;
                                                                                    s0Var3.f100479z = j27;
                                                                                    i66 = i55;
                                                                                    s0Var3.A = i66;
                                                                                    hashMap33 = hashMap37;
                                                                                    s0Var3.B = i56;
                                                                                    i59 = i56;
                                                                                    s0Var3.C = i67;
                                                                                    s0Var3.D = i58;
                                                                                    s0Var3.G = 5;
                                                                                    obj = e0Var.d(aVar14, str33, str37, i106, s0Var3);
                                                                                    aVar10 = aVar11;
                                                                                    if (obj != aVar10) {
                                                                                        aVar12 = aVar14;
                                                                                        str71 = str31;
                                                                                        i65 = i58;
                                                                                        s0Var10 = s0Var3;
                                                                                        a0Var15 = a0Var12;
                                                                                        i57 = i67;
                                                                                        aVar13 = aVar10;
                                                                                        hashMap34 = hashMap35;
                                                                                        list10 = list9;
                                                                                        str72 = str26;
                                                                                        str35 = str33;
                                                                                        j28 = j27;
                                                                                        x628 = x627;
                                                                                        str69 = str15;
                                                                                        if (!((Boolean) obj).booleanValue()) {
                                                                                            aVar11 = aVar13;
                                                                                            j27 = j28;
                                                                                            i55 = i66;
                                                                                            i58 = i65;
                                                                                            str33 = str35;
                                                                                            map3 = map4;
                                                                                            a0Var13 = a0Var14;
                                                                                            i56 = i59;
                                                                                            a0Var12 = a0Var15;
                                                                                            s0Var9 = s0Var10;
                                                                                            str31 = str71;
                                                                                            str26 = str72;
                                                                                            str34 = str36;
                                                                                            list9 = list10;
                                                                                            v629 = v6210;
                                                                                            hashMap30 = hashMap34;
                                                                                            hashMap32 = hashMap33;
                                                                                            str15 = str69;
                                                                                            x627 = x628;
                                                                                            ((r21.d) z.q(cls2)).p3(str33, ts53.f37928i, "itemExpose", null);
                                                                                            i49 = i58;
                                                                                            v628 = v629;
                                                                                            hashMap27 = hashMap32;
                                                                                            str25 = str34;
                                                                                            x624 = x627;
                                                                                            linkedList8 = linkedList2;
                                                                                            a0Var11 = a0Var12;
                                                                                            ts59 = ts53;
                                                                                            str28 = str32;
                                                                                            hashMap26 = hashMap29;
                                                                                            str29 = str15;
                                                                                            aVar9 = aVar11;
                                                                                            i48 = i56;
                                                                                            i47 = i55;
                                                                                            j26 = j27;
                                                                                            map2 = map3;
                                                                                            i45 = i57;
                                                                                            hashMap20 = hashMap31;
                                                                                            list3 = list9;
                                                                                            s0Var8 = s0Var9;
                                                                                            str27 = str31;
                                                                                            ts58 = ts510;
                                                                                            a0Var10 = a0Var13;
                                                                                            hashMap28 = hashMap30;
                                                                                            n0Var8 = n0Var7;
                                                                                            aVar6 = aVar12;
                                                                                            ts59.f37927h = ts59.f37928i;
                                                                                            if (w.a().getBoolean("tencent_view_inews_prefix", false)) {
                                                                                            ts59.f37930n = true;
                                                                                            ts59.f37935s = true;
                                                                                            ts59.f37937u = io3.p.b(aVar6);
                                                                                            ts59.f37938v = aVar6.f234425b.f37192n;
                                                                                            Log.i(str27, "prefetch call, header size: " + map2.size() + ", url: " + ts59.f37927h + ", fetchPkgType: " + i49 + ", pkgFileKey: " + ts59.f37937u);
                                                                                            str19 = str27;
                                                                                            xp3.e.a(e.a.ACTION_MANIFEST_OPEN_PREFETCH, ts59.f37923d, ts59.f37928i, ts59.f37940x, ts59.f37932p, ts59.f37933q);
                                                                                            WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest32 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                                                                                            String str892 = ts59.f37928i;
                                                                                            m.f(str892, str28);
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100460d = n0Var8;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100461e = x624;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100462f = v628;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100463g = list3;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100464h = hashMap20;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100465i = linkedList8;
                                                                                            a0Var2 = a0Var11;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100466j = a0Var2;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100467n = a0Var10;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100468o = hashMap26;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100469p = hashMap27;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100470q = hashMap28;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100471r = ts58;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100472s = ts59;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100473t = str25;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100474u = map2;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100475v = aVar6;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100476w = null;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100477x = null;
                                                                                            s0Var8.f100479z = j26;
                                                                                            s0Var8.A = i47;
                                                                                            s0Var8.B = i48;
                                                                                            s0Var8.C = i45;
                                                                                            s0Var8.D = i49;
                                                                                            s0Var8.G = 6;
                                                                                            obj = webPrefetcherManifest32.j(aVar6, str892, s0Var8);
                                                                                            aVar10 = aVar9;
                                                                                            if (obj != aVar10) {
                                                                                        str26 = str72;
                                                                                        j26 = j28;
                                                                                        ts59 = ts53;
                                                                                        i47 = i66;
                                                                                        str25 = str36;
                                                                                        str28 = str32;
                                                                                        x624 = x628;
                                                                                        map2 = map4;
                                                                                        a0Var10 = a0Var14;
                                                                                        i48 = i59;
                                                                                        i45 = i57;
                                                                                        aVar9 = aVar13;
                                                                                        hashMap20 = hashMap31;
                                                                                        str27 = str71;
                                                                                        n0Var8 = n0Var7;
                                                                                        list3 = list10;
                                                                                        aVar6 = aVar12;
                                                                                        hashMap27 = hashMap33;
                                                                                        s0Var8 = s0Var10;
                                                                                        a0Var11 = a0Var15;
                                                                                        i49 = i65;
                                                                                        ts58 = ts510;
                                                                                        hashMap28 = hashMap34;
                                                                                        v628 = v6210;
                                                                                        hashMap26 = hashMap29;
                                                                                        str29 = str69;
                                                                                        linkedList8 = linkedList2;
                                                                                        ts59.f37927h = ts59.f37928i;
                                                                                        if (w.a().getBoolean("tencent_view_inews_prefix", false)) {
                                                                                        ts59.f37930n = true;
                                                                                        ts59.f37935s = true;
                                                                                        ts59.f37937u = io3.p.b(aVar6);
                                                                                        ts59.f37938v = aVar6.f234425b.f37192n;
                                                                                        Log.i(str27, "prefetch call, header size: " + map2.size() + ", url: " + ts59.f37927h + ", fetchPkgType: " + i49 + ", pkgFileKey: " + ts59.f37937u);
                                                                                        str19 = str27;
                                                                                        xp3.e.a(e.a.ACTION_MANIFEST_OPEN_PREFETCH, ts59.f37923d, ts59.f37928i, ts59.f37940x, ts59.f37932p, ts59.f37933q);
                                                                                        WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest322 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                                                                                        String str8922 = ts59.f37928i;
                                                                                        m.f(str8922, str28);
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100460d = n0Var8;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100461e = x624;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100462f = v628;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100463g = list3;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100464h = hashMap20;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100465i = linkedList8;
                                                                                        a0Var2 = a0Var11;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100466j = a0Var2;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100467n = a0Var10;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100468o = hashMap26;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100469p = hashMap27;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100470q = hashMap28;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100471r = ts58;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100472s = ts59;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100473t = str25;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100474u = map2;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100475v = aVar6;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100476w = null;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100477x = null;
                                                                                        s0Var8.f100479z = j26;
                                                                                        s0Var8.A = i47;
                                                                                        s0Var8.B = i48;
                                                                                        s0Var8.C = i45;
                                                                                        s0Var8.D = i49;
                                                                                        s0Var8.G = 6;
                                                                                        obj = webPrefetcherManifest322.j(aVar6, str8922, s0Var8);
                                                                                        aVar10 = aVar9;
                                                                                        if (obj != aVar10) {
                                                                                    return aVar10;
                                                                                v6212 = v6211;
                                                                                hashMap38 = hashMap37;
                                                                                hashMap39 = hashMap36;
                                                                                a0Var17 = a0Var16;
                                                                                s0Var11 = s0Var3;
                                                                                aVar15 = aVar11;
                                                                                i69 = i56;
                                                                                i75 = i55;
                                                                                j29 = j27;
                                                                                map5 = map3;
                                                                                i76 = i67;
                                                                                i68 = i58;
                                                                            j26 = j29;
                                                                            x624 = x627;
                                                                            linkedList8 = linkedList2;
                                                                            ts59 = ts53;
                                                                            n0Var8 = n0Var7;
                                                                            i47 = i75;
                                                                            str25 = str36;
                                                                            str28 = str32;
                                                                            str27 = str31;
                                                                            ts58 = ts510;
                                                                            hashMap28 = hashMap35;
                                                                            str29 = str15;
                                                                            map2 = map5;
                                                                            hashMap27 = hashMap38;
                                                                            i48 = i69;
                                                                            s0Var8 = s0Var11;
                                                                            i45 = i76;
                                                                            aVar9 = aVar15;
                                                                            aVar6 = aVar14;
                                                                            a0Var11 = a0Var12;
                                                                            v628 = v6212;
                                                                            i49 = i68;
                                                                            hashMap20 = hashMap31;
                                                                            list3 = list9;
                                                                            hashMap26 = hashMap39;
                                                                            a0Var10 = a0Var17;
                                                                            ts59.f37927h = ts59.f37928i;
                                                                            if (w.a().getBoolean("tencent_view_inews_prefix", false)) {
                                                                            ts59.f37930n = true;
                                                                            ts59.f37935s = true;
                                                                            ts59.f37937u = io3.p.b(aVar6);
                                                                            ts59.f37938v = aVar6.f234425b.f37192n;
                                                                            Log.i(str27, "prefetch call, header size: " + map2.size() + ", url: " + ts59.f37927h + ", fetchPkgType: " + i49 + ", pkgFileKey: " + ts59.f37937u);
                                                                            str19 = str27;
                                                                            xp3.e.a(e.a.ACTION_MANIFEST_OPEN_PREFETCH, ts59.f37923d, ts59.f37928i, ts59.f37940x, ts59.f37932p, ts59.f37933q);
                                                                            WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest3222 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                                                                            String str89222 = ts59.f37928i;
                                                                            m.f(str89222, str28);
                                                                            s0Var8.f100460d = n0Var8;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100461e = x624;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100462f = v628;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100463g = list3;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100464h = hashMap20;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100465i = linkedList8;
                                                                            a0Var2 = a0Var11;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100466j = a0Var2;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100467n = a0Var10;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100468o = hashMap26;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100469p = hashMap27;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100470q = hashMap28;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100471r = ts58;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100472s = ts59;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100473t = str25;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100474u = map2;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100475v = aVar6;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100476w = null;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100477x = null;
                                                                            s0Var8.f100479z = j26;
                                                                            s0Var8.A = i47;
                                                                            s0Var8.B = i48;
                                                                            s0Var8.C = i45;
                                                                            s0Var8.D = i49;
                                                                            s0Var8.G = 6;
                                                                            obj = webPrefetcherManifest3222.j(aVar6, str89222, s0Var8);
                                                                            aVar10 = aVar9;
                                                                            if (obj != aVar10) {
                                                                            return aVar10;
                                                                    return aVar18;
                                                                linkedList2 = linkedList9;
                                                                str14 = str45;
                                                                j19 = j36;
                                                                v627 = v6214;
                                                                a0Var5 = a0Var18;
                                                                hashMap16 = hashMap44;
                                                                i28 = i86;
                                                                str16 = str26;
                                                                str18 = str41;
                                                                hashMap15 = hashMap43;
                                                                hashMap17 = hashMap42;
                                                                a0Var = a0Var19;
                                                                list8 = list11;
                                                                i27 = i85;
                                                                t0 t0Var32 = t0.f100480a;
                                                                String str852 = ts53.f37923d;
                                                                m.f(str852, str16);
                                                                t0Var32.a(j19, str852, 10);
                                                                Log.w(str17, "fail to prefetch #" + str18 + ' ' + ts53.f37923d);
                                                                hashMap6 = hashMap16;
                                                                j17 = j19;
                                                                str8 = str17;
                                                                hashMap4 = hashMap15;
                                                                str7 = str16;
                                                                ts5 = ts53;
                                                                v624 = v627;
                                                                hashMap7 = hashMap14;
                                                                str6 = str14;
                                                                a0Var2 = a0Var5;
                                                                hashMap8 = hashMap17;
                                                                list3 = list8;
                                                                x624 = x627;
                                                                i15 = i28;
                                                                n0Var3 = n0Var7;
                                                                str = str15;
                                                                i16 = i27;
                                                                int i105222 = ts5.f37940x;
                                                                v62 v6218222 = v624;
                                                                num = (Integer) hashMap7.get(new Integer(i105222));
                                                                if (num == null) {
                                                                String str86222 = ts5.f37923d;
                                                                m.f(str86222, str7);
                                                                aq3.d.i(0, str86222, false, false, true, a0Var.f253280d, a0Var2.f253280d, true);
                                                                num2 = (Integer) hashMap8.get(new Integer(i105222));
                                                                if (num2 == null) {
                                                                n0Var2 = n0Var4;
                                                                str3 = str8;
                                                                linkedList = linkedList2;
                                                                x623 = x624;
                                                                s0Var2 = s0Var3;
                                                                str2 = str6;
                                                                hashMap5 = hashMap6;
                                                                cls = cls2;
                                                                aVar = aVar2;
                                                                hashMap3 = hashMap8;
                                                                hashMap2 = hashMap7;
                                                                str4 = str7;
                                                                j16 = j17;
                                                                v623 = v6218222;
                                                                list2 = list4;
                                                                i17 = i16 + 1;
                                                                str5 = str;
                                                                if (i17 >= i15) {
                                                            linkedHashMap2 = linkedHashMap5;
                                                            str45 = str64;
                                                            aVar2 = aVar4;
                                                            str43 = str61;
                                                            i85 = i99;
                                                            j36 = j38;
                                                            i87 = i96;
                                                            cls2 = cls;
                                                            a0Var19 = a0Var25;
                                                            hashMap42 = hashMap51;
                                                            str42 = str53;
                                                            i86 = i100;
                                                            ts511 = ts53;
                                                            x627 = x6210;
                                                            ts53 = ts515;
                                                            hashMap14 = hashMap50;
                                                            hashMap43 = hashMap53;
                                                            z15 = false;
                                                            str15 = str65;
                                                            str17 = str63;
                                                            linkedList9 = linkedList12;
                                                            str41 = str66;
                                                            str44 = str54;
                                                            a0Var18 = a0Var24;
                                                            str26 = str62;
                                                            aVar17 = aVar20;
                                                            StringBuilder sb72 = new StringBuilder();
                                                            sb72.append("savePrefetch appId=");
                                                            sb72.append(" fetched=");
                                                            sb72.append(" debug:");
                                                            sb72.append(" usePkg=");
                                                            sb72.append(i87 == 0);
                                                            sb72.append(", manifestUrl: ");
                                                            Log.i(str17, sb72.toString());
                                                            if (!z15) {
                                                                linkedList2 = linkedList9;
                                                                str14 = str45;
                                                                j19 = j36;
                                                                v627 = v6214;
                                                                a0Var5 = a0Var18;
                                                                hashMap16 = hashMap44;
                                                                i28 = i86;
                                                                str16 = str26;
                                                                str18 = str41;
                                                                hashMap15 = hashMap43;
                                                                hashMap17 = hashMap42;
                                                                a0Var = a0Var19;
                                                                list8 = list11;
                                                                i27 = i85;
                                                                t0 t0Var322 = t0.f100480a;
                                                                String str8522 = ts53.f37923d;
                                                                m.f(str8522, str16);
                                                                t0Var322.a(j19, str8522, 10);
                                                                Log.w(str17, "fail to prefetch #" + str18 + ' ' + ts53.f37923d);
                                                                hashMap6 = hashMap16;
                                                                j17 = j19;
                                                                str8 = str17;
                                                                hashMap4 = hashMap15;
                                                                str7 = str16;
                                                                ts5 = ts53;
                                                                v624 = v627;
                                                                hashMap7 = hashMap14;
                                                                str6 = str14;
                                                                a0Var2 = a0Var5;
                                                                hashMap8 = hashMap17;
                                                                list3 = list8;
                                                                x624 = x627;
                                                                i15 = i28;
                                                                n0Var3 = n0Var7;
                                                                str = str15;
                                                                i16 = i27;
                                                                int i1052222 = ts5.f37940x;
                                                                v62 v62182222 = v624;
                                                                num = (Integer) hashMap7.get(new Integer(i1052222));
                                                                if (num == null) {
                                                                String str862222 = ts5.f37923d;
                                                                m.f(str862222, str7);
                                                                aq3.d.i(0, str862222, false, false, true, a0Var.f253280d, a0Var2.f253280d, true);
                                                                num2 = (Integer) hashMap8.get(new Integer(i1052222));
                                                                if (num2 == null) {
                                                                n0Var2 = n0Var4;
                                                                str3 = str8;
                                                                linkedList = linkedList2;
                                                                x623 = x624;
                                                                s0Var2 = s0Var3;
                                                                str2 = str6;
                                                                hashMap5 = hashMap6;
                                                                cls = cls2;
                                                                aVar = aVar2;
                                                                hashMap3 = hashMap8;
                                                                hashMap2 = hashMap7;
                                                                str4 = str7;
                                                                j16 = j17;
                                                                v623 = v62182222;
                                                                list2 = list4;
                                                                i17 = i16 + 1;
                                                                str5 = str;
                                                                if (i17 >= i15) {
                                                            WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest5 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                                                            String str842 = ts53.f37928i;
                                                            m.f(str842, str45);
                                                            s0Var3.f100460d = n0Var7;
                                                            s0Var3.f100461e = x627;
                                                            s0Var3.f100462f = v6214;
                                                            s0Var3.f100463g = list11;
                                                            s0Var3.f100464h = hashMap44;
                                                            linkedList2 = linkedList9;
                                                            s0Var3.f100465i = linkedList2;
                                                            a0Var12 = a0Var18;
                                                            s0Var3.f100466j = a0Var12;
                                                            s0Var3.f100467n = a0Var19;
                                                            s0Var3.f100468o = hashMap42;
                                                            s0Var3.f100469p = hashMap14;
                                                            s0Var3.f100470q = hashMap43;
                                                            s0Var3.f100471r = ts511;
                                                            s0Var3.f100472s = ts53;
                                                            s0Var3.f100473t = str41;
                                                            s0Var3.f100474u = linkedHashMap2;
                                                            s0Var3.f100475v = aVar17;
                                                            s0Var3.f100476w = str42;
                                                            s0Var3.f100477x = str44;
                                                            s0Var3.f100478y = null;
                                                            s0Var3.f100479z = j36;
                                                            s0Var3.A = i85;
                                                            s0Var3.B = i86;
                                                            s0Var3.C = i87;
                                                            s0Var3.G = 3;
                                                            obj = webPrefetcherManifest5.k(aVar17, str842, s0Var3);
                                                            aVar18 = aVar2;
                                                            if (obj != aVar18) {
                                                            return aVar18;
                                                n0Var7 = n0Var2;
                                                s0Var3 = s0Var2;
                                                hashMap51 = hashMap3;
                                                hashMap50 = hashMap2;
                                                aVar20 = h15;
                                                str53 = str81;
                                                j38 = j16;
                                                v6216 = v6214;
                                                linkedHashMap4 = linkedHashMap6;
                                                str54 = str83;
                                                aVar21 = aVar;
                                                ts513 = ts53;
                                                a0Var22 = a0Var;
                                                i98 = i17;
                                                i96 = 1;
                                                str60 = i104;
                                                str59 = str4;
                                                hashMap52 = hashMap5;
                                                a0Var23 = a0Var2;
                                                cls4 = cls;
                                                linkedList11 = linkedList;
                                                hashMap49 = hashMap4;
                                                str56 = str5;
                                                list13 = list2;
                                                ts514 = ts513;
                                                i97 = i15;
                                                str57 = str3;
                                                linkedHashMap2 = linkedHashMap4;
                                                aVar2 = aVar21;
                                                str15 = str56;
                                                j36 = j38;
                                                aVar17 = aVar20;
                                                z15 = true;
                                                str26 = str59;
                                                a0Var19 = a0Var22;
                                                cls2 = cls4;
                                                i87 = i96;
                                                x627 = x623;
                                                str41 = str60;
                                                hashMap44 = hashMap52;
                                                list11 = list13;
                                                str44 = str54;
                                                a0Var18 = a0Var23;
                                                v6214 = v6216;
                                                str45 = str55;
                                                hashMap14 = hashMap50;
                                                hashMap43 = hashMap49;
                                                hashMap42 = hashMap51;
                                                ts511 = ts514;
                                                i86 = i97;
                                                ts53 = ts513;
                                                i85 = i98;
                                                str43 = str58;
                                                linkedList9 = linkedList11;
                                                str17 = str57;
                                                str42 = str53;
                                                StringBuilder sb722 = new StringBuilder();
                                                sb722.append("savePrefetch appId=");
                                                sb722.append(" fetched=");
                                                sb722.append(" debug:");
                                                sb722.append(" usePkg=");
                                                sb722.append(i87 == 0);
                                                sb722.append(", manifestUrl: ");
                                                Log.i(str17, sb722.toString());
                                                if (!z15) {
                                                linkedList2 = linkedList9;
                                                str14 = str45;
                                                j19 = j36;
                                                v627 = v6214;
                                                a0Var5 = a0Var18;
                                                hashMap16 = hashMap44;
                                                i28 = i86;
                                                str16 = str26;
                                                str18 = str41;
                                                hashMap15 = hashMap43;
                                                hashMap17 = hashMap42;
                                                a0Var = a0Var19;
                                                list8 = list11;
                                                i27 = i85;
                                                t0 t0Var3222 = t0.f100480a;
                                                String str85222 = ts53.f37923d;
                                                m.f(str85222, str16);
                                                t0Var3222.a(j19, str85222, 10);
                                                Log.w(str17, "fail to prefetch #" + str18 + ' ' + ts53.f37923d);
                                                hashMap6 = hashMap16;
                                                j17 = j19;
                                                str8 = str17;
                                                hashMap4 = hashMap15;
                                                str7 = str16;
                                                ts5 = ts53;
                                                v624 = v627;
                                                hashMap7 = hashMap14;
                                                str6 = str14;
                                                a0Var2 = a0Var5;
                                                hashMap8 = hashMap17;
                                                list3 = list8;
                                                x624 = x627;
                                                i15 = i28;
                                                n0Var3 = n0Var7;
                                                str = str15;
                                                i16 = i27;
                                                int i10522222 = ts5.f37940x;
                                                v62 v621822222 = v624;
                                                num = (Integer) hashMap7.get(new Integer(i10522222));
                                                if (num == null) {
                                                String str8622222 = ts5.f37923d;
                                                m.f(str8622222, str7);
                                                aq3.d.i(0, str8622222, false, false, true, a0Var.f253280d, a0Var2.f253280d, true);
                                                num2 = (Integer) hashMap8.get(new Integer(i10522222));
                                                if (num2 == null) {
                                                n0Var2 = n0Var4;
                                                str3 = str8;
                                                linkedList = linkedList2;
                                                x623 = x624;
                                                s0Var2 = s0Var3;
                                                str2 = str6;
                                                hashMap5 = hashMap6;
                                                cls = cls2;
                                                aVar = aVar2;
                                                hashMap3 = hashMap8;
                                                hashMap2 = hashMap7;
                                                str4 = str7;
                                                j16 = j17;
                                                v623 = v621822222;
                                                list2 = list4;
                                                i17 = i16 + 1;
                                                str5 = str;
                                                if (i17 >= i15) {
                                        n0Var7 = n0Var2;
                                        s0Var3 = s0Var2;
                                        hashMap47 = hashMap3;
                                        hashMap46 = hashMap2;
                                        aVar4 = aVar;
                                        if (!(str58 == null || y.n(str58))) {
                                            s0Var3.f100460d = n0Var7;
                                            s0Var3.f100461e = x623;
                                            s0Var3.f100462f = v6214;
                                            list12 = list2;
                                            s0Var3.f100463g = list12;
                                            s0Var3.f100464h = hashMap5;
                                            hashMap45 = hashMap5;
                                            s0Var3.f100465i = linkedList;
                                            s0Var3.f100466j = a0Var2;
                                            a0Var20 = a0Var2;
                                            s0Var3.f100467n = a0Var;
                                            s0Var3.f100468o = hashMap47;
                                            s0Var3.f100469p = hashMap46;
                                            hashMap48 = hashMap4;
                                            s0Var3.f100470q = hashMap48;
                                            s0Var3.f100471r = ts53;
                                            s0Var3.f100472s = ts53;
                                            s0Var3.f100473t = i104;
                                            s0Var3.f100474u = linkedHashMap6;
                                            s0Var3.f100475v = h15;
                                            s0Var3.f100476w = str81;
                                            s0Var3.f100477x = str83;
                                            s0Var3.f100478y = str58;
                                            s0Var3.f100479z = j16;
                                            s0Var3.A = i17;
                                            i95 = i15;
                                            s0Var3.B = i95;
                                            s0Var3.C = 0;
                                            s0Var3.G = 2;
                                            obj = n0Var10.d(h15, ts53, s0Var3);
                                            if (obj != aVar4) {
                                                aVar19 = h15;
                                                j37 = j16;
                                                a0Var21 = a0Var;
                                                linkedList10 = linkedList;
                                                str51 = str55;
                                                str46 = str81;
                                                i88 = 0;
                                                str69 = str5;
                                                str52 = i104;
                                                x629 = x623;
                                                i89 = i17;
                                                str47 = str83;
                                                ts512 = ts53;
                                                v6215 = v6214;
                                                linkedHashMap3 = linkedHashMap6;
                                                str49 = str4;
                                                str48 = str58;
                                                str50 = str3;
                                                linkedHashMap2 = linkedHashMap3;
                                                aVar2 = aVar4;
                                                str43 = str48;
                                                j36 = j37;
                                                i85 = i89;
                                                list11 = list12;
                                                cls2 = cls;
                                                a0Var18 = a0Var20;
                                                v6214 = v6215;
                                                i86 = i95;
                                                str15 = str69;
                                                str26 = str49;
                                                x627 = x629;
                                                hashMap44 = hashMap45;
                                                aVar17 = aVar19;
                                                a0Var19 = a0Var21;
                                                hashMap14 = hashMap46;
                                                str42 = str46;
                                                hashMap43 = hashMap48;
                                                str17 = str50;
                                                linkedList9 = linkedList10;
                                                str41 = str52;
                                                z15 = ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue();
                                                str45 = str51;
                                                i87 = i88;
                                                ts53 = ts512;
                                                str44 = str47;
                                                hashMap42 = hashMap47;
                                                ts511 = ts53;
                                                StringBuilder sb7222 = new StringBuilder();
                                                sb7222.append("savePrefetch appId=");
                                                sb7222.append(" fetched=");
                                                sb7222.append(" debug:");
                                                sb7222.append(" usePkg=");
                                                sb7222.append(i87 == 0);
                                                sb7222.append(", manifestUrl: ");
                                                Log.i(str17, sb7222.toString());
                                                if (!z15) {
                                                WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest52 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                                                String str8422 = ts53.f37928i;
                                                m.f(str8422, str45);
                                                s0Var3.f100460d = n0Var7;
                                                s0Var3.f100461e = x627;
                                                s0Var3.f100462f = v6214;
                                                s0Var3.f100463g = list11;
                                                s0Var3.f100464h = hashMap44;
                                                linkedList2 = linkedList9;
                                                s0Var3.f100465i = linkedList2;
                                                a0Var12 = a0Var18;
                                                s0Var3.f100466j = a0Var12;
                                                s0Var3.f100467n = a0Var19;
                                                s0Var3.f100468o = hashMap42;
                                                s0Var3.f100469p = hashMap14;
                                                s0Var3.f100470q = hashMap43;
                                                s0Var3.f100471r = ts511;
                                                s0Var3.f100472s = ts53;
                                                s0Var3.f100473t = str41;
                                                s0Var3.f100474u = linkedHashMap2;
                                                s0Var3.f100475v = aVar17;
                                                s0Var3.f100476w = str42;
                                                s0Var3.f100477x = str44;
                                                s0Var3.f100478y = null;
                                                s0Var3.f100479z = j36;
                                                s0Var3.A = i85;
                                                s0Var3.B = i86;
                                                s0Var3.C = i87;
                                                s0Var3.G = 3;
                                                obj = webPrefetcherManifest52.k(aVar17, str8422, s0Var3);
                                                aVar18 = aVar2;
                                                if (obj != aVar18) {
                                                return aVar18;
                                        linkedHashMap2 = linkedHashMap6;
                                        j36 = j16;
                                        list11 = list2;
                                        aVar2 = aVar4;
                                        cls2 = cls;
                                        v6214 = v6214;
                                        a0Var18 = a0Var2;
                                        str42 = str81;
                                        i87 = 0;
                                        str26 = str4;
                                        x627 = x623;
                                        i85 = i17;
                                        i86 = i15;
                                        str43 = str58;
                                        str44 = str83;
                                        hashMap42 = hashMap47;
                                        linkedList9 = linkedList;
                                        hashMap44 = hashMap5;
                                        str15 = str5;
                                        aVar17 = h15;
                                        ts511 = ts53;
                                        a0Var19 = a0Var;
                                        str41 = i104;
                                        z15 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a.b();
                                        str45 = str55;
                                        hashMap14 = hashMap46;
                                        hashMap43 = hashMap4;
                                        str17 = str3;
                                        StringBuilder sb72222 = new StringBuilder();
                                        sb72222.append("savePrefetch appId=");
                                        sb72222.append(" fetched=");
                                        sb72222.append(" debug:");
                                        sb72222.append(" usePkg=");
                                        sb72222.append(i87 == 0);
                                        sb72222.append(", manifestUrl: ");
                                        Log.i(str17, sb72222.toString());
                                        if (!z15) {
                                        linkedList2 = linkedList9;
                                        str14 = str45;
                                        j19 = j36;
                                        v627 = v6214;
                                        a0Var5 = a0Var18;
                                        hashMap16 = hashMap44;
                                        i28 = i86;
                                        str16 = str26;
                                        str18 = str41;
                                        hashMap15 = hashMap43;
                                        hashMap17 = hashMap42;
                                        a0Var = a0Var19;
                                        list8 = list11;
                                        i27 = i85;
                                        t0 t0Var32222 = t0.f100480a;
                                        String str852222 = ts53.f37923d;
                                        m.f(str852222, str16);
                                        t0Var32222.a(j19, str852222, 10);
                                        Log.w(str17, "fail to prefetch #" + str18 + ' ' + ts53.f37923d);
                                        hashMap6 = hashMap16;
                                        j17 = j19;
                                        str8 = str17;
                                        hashMap4 = hashMap15;
                                        str7 = str16;
                                        ts5 = ts53;
                                        v624 = v627;
                                        hashMap7 = hashMap14;
                                        str6 = str14;
                                        a0Var2 = a0Var5;
                                        hashMap8 = hashMap17;
                                        list3 = list8;
                                        x624 = x627;
                                        i15 = i28;
                                        n0Var3 = n0Var7;
                                        str = str15;
                                        i16 = i27;
                                        int i105222222 = ts5.f37940x;
                                        v62 v6218222222 = v624;
                                        num = (Integer) hashMap7.get(new Integer(i105222222));
                                        if (num == null) {
                                        String str86222222 = ts5.f37923d;
                                        m.f(str86222222, str7);
                                        aq3.d.i(0, str86222222, false, false, true, a0Var.f253280d, a0Var2.f253280d, true);
                                        num2 = (Integer) hashMap8.get(new Integer(i105222222));
                                        if (num2 == null) {
                                        n0Var2 = n0Var4;
                                        str3 = str8;
                                        linkedList = linkedList2;
                                        x623 = x624;
                                        s0Var2 = s0Var3;
                                        str2 = str6;
                                        hashMap5 = hashMap6;
                                        cls = cls2;
                                        aVar = aVar2;
                                        hashMap3 = hashMap8;
                                        hashMap2 = hashMap7;
                                        str4 = str7;
                                        j16 = j17;
                                        v623 = v6218222222;
                                        list2 = list4;
                                        i17 = i16 + 1;
                                        str5 = str;
                                        if (i17 >= i15) {
                                    } else {
                                        aVar4 = aVar;
                                        n0Var6 = n0Var2;
                                        a0Var4 = a0Var2;
                                        a0Var3 = a0Var;
                                        hashMap6 = hashMap5;
                                        t0 t0Var4 = t0.f100480a;
                                        String str95 = ts53.f37923d;
                                        m.f(str95, str4);
                                        t0Var4.a(j16, str95, 9);
                                        String str96 = ts53.f37928i;
                                        m.f(str96, str2);
                                        s62 s623 = (s62) hashMap4.get(i.j(str96));
                                        Integer num4 = s623 != null ? new Integer(s623.f36098g) : null;
                                        if (num4 != null && num4.intValue() == 1) {
                                            int i107 = g31.d.f218730i;
                                            ts53.f37930n = true;
                                            ts53.f37935s = false;
                                            WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest6 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                                            String str97 = ts53.f37923d;
                                            m.f(str97, str4);
                                            s0Var2.f100460d = n0Var6;
                                            s0Var2.f100461e = x623;
                                            s0Var2.f100462f = v6217;
                                            s0Var2.f100463g = list2;
                                            str9 = str2;
                                            s0Var2.f100464h = hashMap6;
                                            s0Var2.f100465i = linkedList;
                                            s0Var2.f100466j = a0Var4;
                                            s0Var2.f100467n = a0Var3;
                                            s0Var2.f100468o = hashMap3;
                                            v626 = v6217;
                                            s0Var2.f100469p = hashMap2;
                                            s0Var2.f100470q = hashMap4;
                                            s0Var2.f100471r = ts53;
                                            s0Var2.f100472s = ts53;
                                            s0Var2.f100473t = null;
                                            s0Var2.f100474u = null;
                                            s0Var2.f100475v = null;
                                            s0Var2.f100476w = null;
                                            s0Var2.f100477x = null;
                                            s0Var2.f100478y = null;
                                            s0Var2.f100479z = j16;
                                            s0Var2.A = i17;
                                            s0Var2.B = i15;
                                            s0Var2.G = 8;
                                            a15 = webPrefetcherManifest6.a(2, str97, s0Var2);
                                            if (a15 != aVar4) {
                                                j18 = j16;
                                                ts52 = ts53;
                                                hashMap13 = hashMap4;
                                                i25 = i17;
                                                i26 = i15;
                                                hashMap11 = hashMap3;
                                                str71 = str3;
                                                linkedList4 = linkedList;
                                                s0Var5 = s0Var2;
                                                obj = a15;
                                                str13 = str5;
                                                x625 = x623;
                                                list6 = list2;
                                                hashMap12 = hashMap2;
                                                str72 = str4;
                                                if (!((Boolean) obj).booleanValue()) {
                                                    list7 = list6;
                                                    linkedList5 = linkedList4;
                                                    x626 = x625;
                                                    s0Var6 = s0Var5;
                                                    ((r21.d) z.q(cls)).p3("", ts52.f37923d, "urlExposed", null);
                                                } else {
                                                    list7 = list6;
                                                    linkedList5 = linkedList4;
                                                    x626 = x625;
                                                    s0Var6 = s0Var5;
                                                list5 = list7;
                                                x623 = x626;
                                                str11 = str13;
                                                hashMap4 = hashMap13;
                                                hashMap9 = hashMap12;
                                                aVar3 = aVar4;
                                                hashMap10 = hashMap11;
                                                n0Var5 = n0Var6;
                                                cls3 = cls;
                                                v625 = v626;
                                                linkedList3 = linkedList5;
                                                s0Var4 = s0Var6;
                                                i18 = i26;
                                                i19 = i25;
                                                str10 = str71;
                                                str12 = str72;
                                                a0Var2 = a0Var4;
                                                a0Var = a0Var3;
                                                j16 = j18;
                                                v624 = v625;
                                                j17 = j16;
                                                aVar2 = aVar3;
                                                str7 = str12;
                                                i16 = i19;
                                                i15 = i18;
                                                hashMap8 = hashMap10;
                                                x624 = x623;
                                                n0Var3 = n0Var5;
                                                ts5 = ts52;
                                                str8 = str10;
                                                s0Var3 = s0Var4;
                                                linkedList2 = linkedList3;
                                                list3 = list5;
                                                hashMap7 = hashMap9;
                                                cls2 = cls3;
                                                str6 = str9;
                                                str = str11;
                                                int i1052222222 = ts5.f37940x;
                                                v62 v62182222222 = v624;
                                                num = (Integer) hashMap7.get(new Integer(i1052222222));
                                                if (num == null) {
                                                String str862222222 = ts5.f37923d;
                                                m.f(str862222222, str7);
                                                aq3.d.i(0, str862222222, false, false, true, a0Var.f253280d, a0Var2.f253280d, true);
                                                num2 = (Integer) hashMap8.get(new Integer(i1052222222));
                                                if (num2 == null) {
                                                n0Var2 = n0Var4;
                                                str3 = str8;
                                                linkedList = linkedList2;
                                                x623 = x624;
                                                s0Var2 = s0Var3;
                                                str2 = str6;
                                                hashMap5 = hashMap6;
                                                cls = cls2;
                                                aVar = aVar2;
                                                hashMap3 = hashMap8;
                                                hashMap2 = hashMap7;
                                                str4 = str7;
                                                j16 = j17;
                                                v623 = v62182222222;
                                                list2 = list4;
                                                i17 = i16 + 1;
                                                str5 = str;
                                                if (i17 >= i15) {
                                        } else {
                                            str9 = str2;
                                            s0Var4 = s0Var2;
                                            hashMap10 = hashMap3;
                                            hashMap9 = hashMap2;
                                            ts52 = ts53;
                                            n0Var5 = n0Var6;
                                            hashMap4 = hashMap4;
                                            cls3 = cls;
                                            a0Var2 = a0Var4;
                                            a0Var = a0Var3;
                                            str11 = str5;
                                            str10 = str3;
                                            i19 = i17;
                                            i18 = i15;
                                            list5 = list2;
                                            linkedList3 = linkedList;
                                            v625 = v6217;
                                            str12 = str4;
                                            aVar3 = aVar4;
                                            v624 = v625;
                                            j17 = j16;
                                            aVar2 = aVar3;
                                            str7 = str12;
                                            i16 = i19;
                                            i15 = i18;
                                            hashMap8 = hashMap10;
                                            x624 = x623;
                                            n0Var3 = n0Var5;
                                            ts5 = ts52;
                                            str8 = str10;
                                            s0Var3 = s0Var4;
                                            linkedList2 = linkedList3;
                                            list3 = list5;
                                            hashMap7 = hashMap9;
                                            cls2 = cls3;
                                            str6 = str9;
                                            str = str11;
                                            int i10522222222 = ts5.f37940x;
                                            v62 v621822222222 = v624;
                                            num = (Integer) hashMap7.get(new Integer(i10522222222));
                                            if (num == null) {
                                            String str8622222222 = ts5.f37923d;
                                            m.f(str8622222222, str7);
                                            aq3.d.i(0, str8622222222, false, false, true, a0Var.f253280d, a0Var2.f253280d, true);
                                            num2 = (Integer) hashMap8.get(new Integer(i10522222222));
                                            if (num2 == null) {
                                            n0Var2 = n0Var4;
                                            str3 = str8;
                                            linkedList = linkedList2;
                                            x623 = x624;
                                            s0Var2 = s0Var3;
                                            str2 = str6;
                                            hashMap5 = hashMap6;
                                            cls = cls2;
                                            aVar = aVar2;
                                            hashMap3 = hashMap8;
                                            hashMap2 = hashMap7;
                                            str4 = str7;
                                            j16 = j17;
                                            v623 = v621822222222;
                                            list2 = list4;
                                            i17 = i16 + 1;
                                            str5 = str;
                                            if (i17 >= i15) {
                                        int i1072 = g31.d.f218730i;
                                        ts53.f37930n = true;
                                        ts53.f37935s = false;
                                        WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest62 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                                        String str972 = ts53.f37923d;
                                        m.f(str972, str4);
                                        s0Var2.f100460d = n0Var6;
                                        s0Var2.f100461e = x623;
                                        s0Var2.f100462f = v6217;
                                        s0Var2.f100463g = list2;
                                        str9 = str2;
                                        s0Var2.f100464h = hashMap6;
                                        s0Var2.f100465i = linkedList;
                                        s0Var2.f100466j = a0Var4;
                                        s0Var2.f100467n = a0Var3;
                                        s0Var2.f100468o = hashMap3;
                                        v626 = v6217;
                                        s0Var2.f100469p = hashMap2;
                                        s0Var2.f100470q = hashMap4;
                                        s0Var2.f100471r = ts53;
                                        s0Var2.f100472s = ts53;
                                        s0Var2.f100473t = null;
                                        s0Var2.f100474u = null;
                                        s0Var2.f100475v = null;
                                        s0Var2.f100476w = null;
                                        s0Var2.f100477x = null;
                                        s0Var2.f100478y = null;
                                        s0Var2.f100479z = j16;
                                        s0Var2.A = i17;
                                        s0Var2.B = i15;
                                        s0Var2.G = 8;
                                        a15 = webPrefetcherManifest62.a(2, str972, s0Var2);
                                        if (a15 != aVar4) {
                                    return aVar4;
                                z16 = true;
                                ts53.f37925f = true;
                                if (!ts53.f37925f) {
                                if (!list2.isEmpty()) {
                                if (xp3.f.a(ts53.f37932p)) {
                                    n0 n0Var102 = f100379a;
                                    String str802 = ts53.f37928i;
                                    m.f(str802, str2);
                                    h15 = n0Var102.h(str802, list2);
                                    if (h15 != null) {
                                    if (h15 != null) {
                                    return aVar4;
                                t0 t0Var5 = t0.f100480a;
                                String str792 = ts53.f37923d;
                                m.f(str792, str4);
                                t0Var5.a(j16, str792, 11);
                                list14 = list2;
                                linkedList13 = linkedList;
                                i102 = i17;
                                str67 = str3;
                                str68 = str2;
                                aVar22 = aVar;
                                i101 = i15;
                                n0Var9 = n0Var2;
                                a0Var26 = a0Var2;
                                s0Var12 = s0Var2;
                                z16 = true;
                                if (x623.f41865f.get(i17).f40697r != 0) {
                                if (!ts53.f37925f) {
                                if (!list2.isEmpty()) {
                                if (xp3.f.a(ts53.f37932p)) {
                                n0 n0Var1022 = f100379a;
                                String str8022 = ts53.f37928i;
                                m.f(str8022, str2);
                                h15 = n0Var1022.h(str8022, list2);
                                if (h15 != null) {
                                if (h15 != null) {
                                return aVar4;
                            v6217 = v623;
                            list14 = list2;
                            linkedList13 = linkedList;
                            s0Var12 = s0Var2;
                            i102 = i17;
                            str67 = str3;
                            str68 = str2;
                            aVar22 = aVar;
                            i101 = i15;
                            n0Var9 = n0Var2;
                            a0Var26 = a0Var2;
                            s0Var2 = s0Var12;
                            i15 = i101;
                            hashMap2 = hashMap2;
                            aVar = aVar22;
                            n0Var2 = n0Var9;
                            hashMap4 = hashMap4;
                            a0Var = a0Var;
                            str2 = str68;
                            hashMap5 = hashMap5;
                            str = str5;
                            str3 = str67;
                            linkedList = linkedList13;
                            i16 = i102;
                            hashMap3 = hashMap3;
                            a0Var2 = a0Var26;
                            v623 = v6217;
                            list2 = list14;
                            i17 = i16 + 1;
                            str5 = str;
                            if (i17 >= i15) {
                        if (!linkedList.isEmpty()) {
                            try {
                            } catch (Exception e15) {
                                Log.e(str3, "preDns ex " + e15.getMessage());
                        ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(hashMap3.size());
                        for (Map.Entry entry : hashMap3.entrySet()) {
                            aq3.d.e(((Number) entry.getValue()).intValue(), ((Number) entry.getKey()).intValue());
                        ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(hashMap2.size());
                        for (Map.Entry entry2 : hashMap2.entrySet()) {
                            int intValue = ((Number) entry2.getKey()).intValue();
                            int intValue2 = ((Number) entry2.getValue()).intValue();
                            aq3.d.h(intValue2, intValue);
                            if (hashMap3.get(new Integer(intValue)) != null) {
                                Object obj2 = hashMap3.get(new Integer(intValue));
                                if (((Number) obj2).intValue() > intValue2) {
                                    Object obj3 = hashMap3.get(new Integer(intValue));
                                    aq3.d.f(((Number) obj3).intValue() - intValue2, intValue);
                        t0.b(t0.f100480a, j16, false, 150, 2, null);
                        return b0.f332794a;
                    case 1:
                        cls = r21.d.class;
                        int i108 = s0Var.C;
                        int i109 = s0Var.B;
                        int i110 = s0Var.A;
                        long j39 = s0Var.f100479z;
                        Map<String, String> map6 = (Map) s0Var.f100474u;
                        String str98 = (String) s0Var.f100473t;
                        ts5 ts516 = (ts5) s0Var.f100472s;
                        ts5 ts517 = (ts5) s0Var.f100471r;
                        HashMap hashMap57 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100470q;
                        HashMap hashMap58 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100469p;
                        HashMap hashMap59 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100468o;
                        a0Var25 = (a0) s0Var.f100467n;
                        a0Var24 = (a0) s0Var.f100466j;
                        linkedList12 = (LinkedList) s0Var.f100465i;
                        HashMap hashMap60 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100464h;
                        List list15 = (List) s0Var.f100463g;
                        v62 v6219 = (v62) s0Var.f100462f;
                        x6210 = (x62) s0Var.f100461e;
                        i99 = i110;
                        j38 = j39;
                        str54 = (String) s0Var.f100477x;
                        str53 = (String) s0Var.f100476w;
                        aVar20 = (io3.a) s0Var.f100475v;
                        i96 = i108;
                        list11 = list15;
                        ts53 = ts517;
                        hashMap50 = hashMap58;
                        n0Var7 = (n0) s0Var.f100460d;
                        s0Var3 = s0Var;
                        str63 = str71;
                        str62 = str72;
                        str61 = (String) s0Var.f100478y;
                        v6214 = v6219;
                        linkedHashMap5 = map6;
                        str66 = str98;
                        hashMap53 = hashMap57;
                        aVar4 = aVar23;
                        str64 = str70;
                        hashMap44 = hashMap60;
                        hashMap51 = hashMap59;
                        str65 = str69;
                        i100 = i109;
                        ts515 = ts516;
                        if (!((Boolean) obj).booleanValue()) {
                            linkedHashMap2 = linkedHashMap5;
                            str45 = str64;
                            aVar2 = aVar4;
                            str43 = str61;
                            i85 = i99;
                            j36 = j38;
                            i87 = i96;
                            cls2 = cls;
                            a0Var19 = a0Var25;
                            hashMap42 = hashMap51;
                            str42 = str53;
                            i86 = i100;
                            ts511 = ts53;
                            x627 = x6210;
                            ts53 = ts515;
                            hashMap14 = hashMap50;
                            hashMap43 = hashMap53;
                            z15 = false;
                            str15 = str65;
                            str17 = str63;
                            linkedList9 = linkedList12;
                            str41 = str66;
                            str44 = str54;
                            a0Var18 = a0Var24;
                            str26 = str62;
                            aVar17 = aVar20;
                            StringBuilder sb722222 = new StringBuilder();
                            sb722222.append("savePrefetch appId=");
                            sb722222.append(" fetched=");
                            sb722222.append(" debug:");
                            sb722222.append(" usePkg=");
                            sb722222.append(i87 == 0);
                            sb722222.append(", manifestUrl: ");
                            Log.i(str17, sb722222.toString());
                            if (!z15) {
                            WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest522 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                            String str84222 = ts53.f37928i;
                            m.f(str84222, str45);
                            s0Var3.f100460d = n0Var7;
                            s0Var3.f100461e = x627;
                            s0Var3.f100462f = v6214;
                            s0Var3.f100463g = list11;
                            s0Var3.f100464h = hashMap44;
                            linkedList2 = linkedList9;
                            s0Var3.f100465i = linkedList2;
                            a0Var12 = a0Var18;
                            s0Var3.f100466j = a0Var12;
                            s0Var3.f100467n = a0Var19;
                            s0Var3.f100468o = hashMap42;
                            s0Var3.f100469p = hashMap14;
                            s0Var3.f100470q = hashMap43;
                            s0Var3.f100471r = ts511;
                            s0Var3.f100472s = ts53;
                            s0Var3.f100473t = str41;
                            s0Var3.f100474u = linkedHashMap2;
                            s0Var3.f100475v = aVar17;
                            s0Var3.f100476w = str42;
                            s0Var3.f100477x = str44;
                            s0Var3.f100478y = null;
                            s0Var3.f100479z = j36;
                            s0Var3.A = i85;
                            s0Var3.B = i86;
                            s0Var3.C = i87;
                            s0Var3.G = 3;
                            obj = webPrefetcherManifest522.k(aVar17, str84222, s0Var3);
                            aVar18 = aVar2;
                            if (obj != aVar18) {
                            return aVar18;
                        v6216 = v6214;
                        a0Var23 = a0Var24;
                        str56 = str65;
                        linkedList11 = linkedList12;
                        cls4 = cls;
                        ts514 = ts53;
                        i97 = i100;
                        str59 = str62;
                        aVar21 = aVar4;
                        i98 = i99;
                        hashMap49 = hashMap53;
                        linkedHashMap4 = linkedHashMap5;
                        x623 = x6210;
                        str55 = str64;
                        a0Var22 = a0Var25;
                        str57 = str63;
                        str58 = str61;
                        ts513 = ts515;
                        str60 = str66;
                        list13 = list11;
                        hashMap52 = hashMap44;
                        linkedHashMap2 = linkedHashMap4;
                        aVar2 = aVar21;
                        str15 = str56;
                        j36 = j38;
                        aVar17 = aVar20;
                        z15 = true;
                        str26 = str59;
                        a0Var19 = a0Var22;
                        cls2 = cls4;
                        i87 = i96;
                        x627 = x623;
                        str41 = str60;
                        hashMap44 = hashMap52;
                        list11 = list13;
                        str44 = str54;
                        a0Var18 = a0Var23;
                        v6214 = v6216;
                        str45 = str55;
                        hashMap14 = hashMap50;
                        hashMap43 = hashMap49;
                        hashMap42 = hashMap51;
                        ts511 = ts514;
                        i86 = i97;
                        ts53 = ts513;
                        i85 = i98;
                        str43 = str58;
                        linkedList9 = linkedList11;
                        str17 = str57;
                        str42 = str53;
                        StringBuilder sb7222222 = new StringBuilder();
                        sb7222222.append("savePrefetch appId=");
                        sb7222222.append(" fetched=");
                        sb7222222.append(" debug:");
                        sb7222222.append(" usePkg=");
                        sb7222222.append(i87 == 0);
                        sb7222222.append(", manifestUrl: ");
                        Log.i(str17, sb7222222.toString());
                        if (!z15) {
                        linkedList2 = linkedList9;
                        str14 = str45;
                        j19 = j36;
                        v627 = v6214;
                        a0Var5 = a0Var18;
                        hashMap16 = hashMap44;
                        i28 = i86;
                        str16 = str26;
                        str18 = str41;
                        hashMap15 = hashMap43;
                        hashMap17 = hashMap42;
                        a0Var = a0Var19;
                        list8 = list11;
                        i27 = i85;
                        t0 t0Var322222 = t0.f100480a;
                        String str8522222 = ts53.f37923d;
                        m.f(str8522222, str16);
                        t0Var322222.a(j19, str8522222, 10);
                        Log.w(str17, "fail to prefetch #" + str18 + ' ' + ts53.f37923d);
                        hashMap6 = hashMap16;
                        j17 = j19;
                        str8 = str17;
                        hashMap4 = hashMap15;
                        str7 = str16;
                        ts5 = ts53;
                        v624 = v627;
                        hashMap7 = hashMap14;
                        str6 = str14;
                        a0Var2 = a0Var5;
                        hashMap8 = hashMap17;
                        list3 = list8;
                        x624 = x627;
                        i15 = i28;
                        n0Var3 = n0Var7;
                        str = str15;
                        i16 = i27;
                        int i105222222222 = ts5.f37940x;
                        v62 v6218222222222 = v624;
                        num = (Integer) hashMap7.get(new Integer(i105222222222));
                        if (num == null) {
                        String str86222222222 = ts5.f37923d;
                        m.f(str86222222222, str7);
                        aq3.d.i(0, str86222222222, false, false, true, a0Var.f253280d, a0Var2.f253280d, true);
                        num2 = (Integer) hashMap8.get(new Integer(i105222222222));
                        if (num2 == null) {
                        n0Var2 = n0Var4;
                        str3 = str8;
                        linkedList = linkedList2;
                        x623 = x624;
                        s0Var2 = s0Var3;
                        str2 = str6;
                        hashMap5 = hashMap6;
                        cls = cls2;
                        aVar = aVar2;
                        hashMap3 = hashMap8;
                        hashMap2 = hashMap7;
                        str4 = str7;
                        j16 = j17;
                        v623 = v6218222222222;
                        list2 = list4;
                        i17 = i16 + 1;
                        str5 = str;
                        if (i17 >= i15) {
                        if (!linkedList.isEmpty()) {
                        ArrayList arrayList22 = new ArrayList(hashMap3.size());
                        while (r1.hasNext()) {
                        ArrayList arrayList32 = new ArrayList(hashMap2.size());
                        while (r1.hasNext()) {
                        t0.b(t0.f100480a, j16, false, 150, 2, null);
                        return b0.f332794a;
                    case 2:
                        cls = r21.d.class;
                        int i111 = s0Var.C;
                        int i112 = s0Var.B;
                        i89 = s0Var.A;
                        long j45 = s0Var.f100479z;
                        Map<String, String> map7 = (Map) s0Var.f100474u;
                        String str99 = (String) s0Var.f100473t;
                        ts5 ts518 = (ts5) s0Var.f100472s;
                        ts5 ts519 = (ts5) s0Var.f100471r;
                        HashMap hashMap61 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100470q;
                        HashMap hashMap62 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100469p;
                        HashMap hashMap63 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100468o;
                        a0Var21 = (a0) s0Var.f100467n;
                        a0Var20 = (a0) s0Var.f100466j;
                        linkedList10 = (LinkedList) s0Var.f100465i;
                        HashMap hashMap64 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100464h;
                        List list16 = (List) s0Var.f100463g;
                        v6215 = (v62) s0Var.f100462f;
                        x629 = (x62) s0Var.f100461e;
                        j37 = j45;
                        str47 = (String) s0Var.f100477x;
                        str46 = (String) s0Var.f100476w;
                        aVar19 = (io3.a) s0Var.f100475v;
                        i88 = i111;
                        hashMap45 = hashMap64;
                        ts53 = ts519;
                        hashMap47 = hashMap63;
                        n0Var7 = (n0) s0Var.f100460d;
                        s0Var3 = s0Var;
                        str50 = str71;
                        str49 = str72;
                        str48 = (String) s0Var.f100478y;
                        list12 = list16;
                        linkedHashMap3 = map7;
                        ts512 = ts518;
                        hashMap46 = hashMap62;
                        aVar4 = aVar23;
                        str51 = str70;
                        hashMap48 = hashMap61;
                        i95 = i112;
                        str52 = str99;
                        linkedHashMap2 = linkedHashMap3;
                        aVar2 = aVar4;
                        str43 = str48;
                        j36 = j37;
                        i85 = i89;
                        list11 = list12;
                        cls2 = cls;
                        a0Var18 = a0Var20;
                        v6214 = v6215;
                        i86 = i95;
                        str15 = str69;
                        str26 = str49;
                        x627 = x629;
                        hashMap44 = hashMap45;
                        aVar17 = aVar19;
                        a0Var19 = a0Var21;
                        hashMap14 = hashMap46;
                        str42 = str46;
                        hashMap43 = hashMap48;
                        str17 = str50;
                        linkedList9 = linkedList10;
                        str41 = str52;
                        z15 = ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue();
                        str45 = str51;
                        i87 = i88;
                        ts53 = ts512;
                        str44 = str47;
                        hashMap42 = hashMap47;
                        ts511 = ts53;
                        StringBuilder sb72222222 = new StringBuilder();
                        sb72222222.append("savePrefetch appId=");
                        sb72222222.append(" fetched=");
                        sb72222222.append(" debug:");
                        sb72222222.append(" usePkg=");
                        sb72222222.append(i87 == 0);
                        sb72222222.append(", manifestUrl: ");
                        Log.i(str17, sb72222222.toString());
                        if (!z15) {
                        WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest5222 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                        String str842222 = ts53.f37928i;
                        m.f(str842222, str45);
                        s0Var3.f100460d = n0Var7;
                        s0Var3.f100461e = x627;
                        s0Var3.f100462f = v6214;
                        s0Var3.f100463g = list11;
                        s0Var3.f100464h = hashMap44;
                        linkedList2 = linkedList9;
                        s0Var3.f100465i = linkedList2;
                        a0Var12 = a0Var18;
                        s0Var3.f100466j = a0Var12;
                        s0Var3.f100467n = a0Var19;
                        s0Var3.f100468o = hashMap42;
                        s0Var3.f100469p = hashMap14;
                        s0Var3.f100470q = hashMap43;
                        s0Var3.f100471r = ts511;
                        s0Var3.f100472s = ts53;
                        s0Var3.f100473t = str41;
                        s0Var3.f100474u = linkedHashMap2;
                        s0Var3.f100475v = aVar17;
                        s0Var3.f100476w = str42;
                        s0Var3.f100477x = str44;
                        s0Var3.f100478y = null;
                        s0Var3.f100479z = j36;
                        s0Var3.A = i85;
                        s0Var3.B = i86;
                        s0Var3.C = i87;
                        s0Var3.G = 3;
                        obj = webPrefetcherManifest5222.k(aVar17, str842222, s0Var3);
                        aVar18 = aVar2;
                        if (obj != aVar18) {
                        return aVar18;
                    case 3:
                        int i113 = s0Var.C;
                        int i114 = s0Var.B;
                        int i115 = s0Var.A;
                        long j46 = s0Var.f100479z;
                        String str100 = (String) s0Var.f100473t;
                        ts5 ts520 = (ts5) s0Var.f100472s;
                        ts5 ts521 = (ts5) s0Var.f100471r;
                        HashMap hashMap65 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100470q;
                        HashMap hashMap66 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100469p;
                        HashMap hashMap67 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100468o;
                        a0 a0Var29 = (a0) s0Var.f100467n;
                        a0 a0Var30 = (a0) s0Var.f100466j;
                        LinkedList linkedList16 = (LinkedList) s0Var.f100465i;
                        HashMap hashMap68 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100464h;
                        List list17 = (List) s0Var.f100463g;
                        v62 v6220 = (v62) s0Var.f100462f;
                        x62 x6211 = (x62) s0Var.f100461e;
                        i78 = i114;
                        aVar16 = aVar23;
                        i77 = i115;
                        j35 = j46;
                        str39 = (String) s0Var.f100477x;
                        str38 = (String) s0Var.f100476w;
                        aVar17 = (io3.a) s0Var.f100475v;
                        linkedHashMap = (Map) s0Var.f100474u;
                        cls2 = r21.d.class;
                        i79 = i113;
                        a0Var12 = a0Var30;
                        linkedList2 = linkedList16;
                        hashMap40 = hashMap68;
                        str40 = str100;
                        ts53 = ts520;
                        ts510 = ts521;
                        hashMap36 = hashMap67;
                        a0Var16 = a0Var29;
                        n0Var7 = (n0) s0Var.f100460d;
                        s0Var3 = s0Var;
                        str31 = str71;
                        str26 = str72;
                        list9 = list17;
                        v6213 = v6220;
                        hashMap15 = hashMap65;
                        hashMap41 = hashMap66;
                        str15 = str69;
                        x627 = x6211;
                        if (!((Boolean) obj).booleanValue()) {
                        ts53.f37934r = !aVar17.f234429f ? Uri.parse(ts53.f37928i).getHost() : str39;
                        WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest22 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                        String str872 = ts53.f37928i;
                        m.f(str872, str70);
                        s0Var3.f100460d = n0Var7;
                        s0Var3.f100461e = x627;
                        s0Var3.f100462f = v6213;
                        s0Var3.f100463g = list9;
                        s0Var3.f100464h = hashMap40;
                        s0Var3.f100465i = linkedList2;
                        s0Var3.f100466j = a0Var12;
                        s0Var3.f100467n = a0Var16;
                        s0Var3.f100468o = hashMap36;
                        s0Var3.f100469p = hashMap41;
                        s0Var3.f100470q = hashMap15;
                        s0Var3.f100471r = ts510;
                        s0Var3.f100472s = ts53;
                        s0Var3.f100473t = str40;
                        s0Var3.f100474u = linkedHashMap;
                        s0Var3.f100475v = aVar17;
                        s0Var3.f100476w = str38;
                        str37 = str38;
                        s0Var3.f100477x = str39;
                        s0Var3.f100479z = j35;
                        s0Var3.A = i77;
                        s0Var3.B = i78;
                        s0Var3.C = i79;
                        s0Var3.G = 4;
                        obj = webPrefetcherManifest22.d(aVar17, str872, s0Var3);
                        aVar18 = aVar16;
                        if (obj != aVar18) {
                        return aVar18;
                    case 4:
                        int i116 = s0Var.C;
                        int i117 = s0Var.B;
                        int i118 = s0Var.A;
                        long j47 = s0Var.f100479z;
                        String str101 = (String) s0Var.f100473t;
                        ts5 ts522 = (ts5) s0Var.f100472s;
                        ts5 ts523 = (ts5) s0Var.f100471r;
                        HashMap hashMap69 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100470q;
                        HashMap hashMap70 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100469p;
                        HashMap hashMap71 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100468o;
                        a0 a0Var31 = (a0) s0Var.f100467n;
                        a0 a0Var32 = (a0) s0Var.f100466j;
                        LinkedList linkedList17 = (LinkedList) s0Var.f100465i;
                        HashMap hashMap72 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100464h;
                        List list18 = (List) s0Var.f100463g;
                        v62 v6221 = (v62) s0Var.f100462f;
                        x62 x6212 = (x62) s0Var.f100461e;
                        str36 = str101;
                        i56 = i117;
                        aVar11 = aVar23;
                        i55 = i118;
                        j27 = j47;
                        str33 = (String) s0Var.f100477x;
                        str37 = (String) s0Var.f100476w;
                        map3 = (Map) s0Var.f100474u;
                        cls2 = r21.d.class;
                        i67 = i116;
                        a0Var12 = a0Var32;
                        linkedList2 = linkedList17;
                        ts53 = ts522;
                        hashMap36 = hashMap71;
                        a0Var16 = a0Var31;
                        s0Var3 = s0Var;
                        str32 = str70;
                        str31 = str71;
                        str26 = str72;
                        aVar14 = (io3.a) s0Var.f100475v;
                        hashMap31 = hashMap72;
                        list9 = list18;
                        ts510 = ts523;
                        hashMap35 = hashMap69;
                        hashMap37 = hashMap70;
                        n0Var7 = (n0) s0Var.f100460d;
                        v6211 = v6221;
                        str15 = str69;
                        x627 = x6212;
                        i58 = ((Number) obj).intValue();
                        if (i67 == 0) {
                        j26 = j29;
                        x624 = x627;
                        linkedList8 = linkedList2;
                        ts59 = ts53;
                        n0Var8 = n0Var7;
                        i47 = i75;
                        str25 = str36;
                        str28 = str32;
                        str27 = str31;
                        ts58 = ts510;
                        hashMap28 = hashMap35;
                        str29 = str15;
                        map2 = map5;
                        hashMap27 = hashMap38;
                        i48 = i69;
                        s0Var8 = s0Var11;
                        i45 = i76;
                        aVar9 = aVar15;
                        aVar6 = aVar14;
                        a0Var11 = a0Var12;
                        v628 = v6212;
                        i49 = i68;
                        hashMap20 = hashMap31;
                        list3 = list9;
                        hashMap26 = hashMap39;
                        a0Var10 = a0Var17;
                        ts59.f37927h = ts59.f37928i;
                        if (w.a().getBoolean("tencent_view_inews_prefix", false)) {
                        ts59.f37930n = true;
                        ts59.f37935s = true;
                        ts59.f37937u = io3.p.b(aVar6);
                        ts59.f37938v = aVar6.f234425b.f37192n;
                        Log.i(str27, "prefetch call, header size: " + map2.size() + ", url: " + ts59.f37927h + ", fetchPkgType: " + i49 + ", pkgFileKey: " + ts59.f37937u);
                        str19 = str27;
                        xp3.e.a(e.a.ACTION_MANIFEST_OPEN_PREFETCH, ts59.f37923d, ts59.f37928i, ts59.f37940x, ts59.f37932p, ts59.f37933q);
                        WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest32222 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                        String str892222 = ts59.f37928i;
                        m.f(str892222, str28);
                        s0Var8.f100460d = n0Var8;
                        s0Var8.f100461e = x624;
                        s0Var8.f100462f = v628;
                        s0Var8.f100463g = list3;
                        s0Var8.f100464h = hashMap20;
                        s0Var8.f100465i = linkedList8;
                        a0Var2 = a0Var11;
                        s0Var8.f100466j = a0Var2;
                        s0Var8.f100467n = a0Var10;
                        s0Var8.f100468o = hashMap26;
                        s0Var8.f100469p = hashMap27;
                        s0Var8.f100470q = hashMap28;
                        s0Var8.f100471r = ts58;
                        s0Var8.f100472s = ts59;
                        s0Var8.f100473t = str25;
                        s0Var8.f100474u = map2;
                        s0Var8.f100475v = aVar6;
                        s0Var8.f100476w = null;
                        s0Var8.f100477x = null;
                        s0Var8.f100479z = j26;
                        s0Var8.A = i47;
                        s0Var8.B = i48;
                        s0Var8.C = i45;
                        s0Var8.D = i49;
                        s0Var8.G = 6;
                        obj = webPrefetcherManifest32222.j(aVar6, str892222, s0Var8);
                        aVar10 = aVar9;
                        if (obj != aVar10) {
                        return aVar10;
                    case 5:
                        int i119 = s0Var.D;
                        int i120 = s0Var.C;
                        int i121 = s0Var.B;
                        int i122 = s0Var.A;
                        j28 = s0Var.f100479z;
                        i65 = i119;
                        String str102 = (String) s0Var.f100473t;
                        ts5 ts524 = (ts5) s0Var.f100472s;
                        ts5 ts525 = (ts5) s0Var.f100471r;
                        HashMap hashMap73 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100470q;
                        HashMap hashMap74 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100469p;
                        HashMap hashMap75 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100468o;
                        a0 a0Var33 = (a0) s0Var.f100467n;
                        a0 a0Var34 = (a0) s0Var.f100466j;
                        LinkedList linkedList18 = (LinkedList) s0Var.f100465i;
                        HashMap hashMap76 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100464h;
                        list10 = (List) s0Var.f100463g;
                        v6210 = (v62) s0Var.f100462f;
                        x628 = (x62) s0Var.f100461e;
                        str36 = str102;
                        hashMap33 = hashMap74;
                        a0Var14 = a0Var33;
                        i59 = i121;
                        aVar12 = (io3.a) s0Var.f100475v;
                        map4 = (Map) s0Var.f100474u;
                        cls2 = r21.d.class;
                        n0Var7 = (n0) s0Var.f100460d;
                        aVar13 = aVar23;
                        str32 = str70;
                        i66 = i122;
                        a0Var15 = a0Var34;
                        linkedList2 = linkedList18;
                        hashMap31 = hashMap76;
                        ts510 = ts525;
                        hashMap29 = hashMap75;
                        i57 = i120;
                        str35 = (String) s0Var.f100476w;
                        ts53 = ts524;
                        s0Var10 = s0Var;
                        hashMap34 = hashMap73;
                        if (!((Boolean) obj).booleanValue()) {
                            str26 = str72;
                            j26 = j28;
                            ts59 = ts53;
                            i47 = i66;
                            str25 = str36;
                            str28 = str32;
                            x624 = x628;
                            map2 = map4;
                            a0Var10 = a0Var14;
                            i48 = i59;
                            i45 = i57;
                            aVar9 = aVar13;
                            hashMap20 = hashMap31;
                            str27 = str71;
                            n0Var8 = n0Var7;
                            list3 = list10;
                            aVar6 = aVar12;
                            hashMap27 = hashMap33;
                            s0Var8 = s0Var10;
                            a0Var11 = a0Var15;
                            i49 = i65;
                            ts58 = ts510;
                            hashMap28 = hashMap34;
                            v628 = v6210;
                            hashMap26 = hashMap29;
                            str29 = str69;
                            linkedList8 = linkedList2;
                            ts59.f37927h = ts59.f37928i;
                            if (w.a().getBoolean("tencent_view_inews_prefix", false)) {
                            ts59.f37930n = true;
                            ts59.f37935s = true;
                            ts59.f37937u = io3.p.b(aVar6);
                            ts59.f37938v = aVar6.f234425b.f37192n;
                            Log.i(str27, "prefetch call, header size: " + map2.size() + ", url: " + ts59.f37927h + ", fetchPkgType: " + i49 + ", pkgFileKey: " + ts59.f37937u);
                            str19 = str27;
                            xp3.e.a(e.a.ACTION_MANIFEST_OPEN_PREFETCH, ts59.f37923d, ts59.f37928i, ts59.f37940x, ts59.f37932p, ts59.f37933q);
                            WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest322222 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                            String str8922222 = ts59.f37928i;
                            m.f(str8922222, str28);
                            s0Var8.f100460d = n0Var8;
                            s0Var8.f100461e = x624;
                            s0Var8.f100462f = v628;
                            s0Var8.f100463g = list3;
                            s0Var8.f100464h = hashMap20;
                            s0Var8.f100465i = linkedList8;
                            a0Var2 = a0Var11;
                            s0Var8.f100466j = a0Var2;
                            s0Var8.f100467n = a0Var10;
                            s0Var8.f100468o = hashMap26;
                            s0Var8.f100469p = hashMap27;
                            s0Var8.f100470q = hashMap28;
                            s0Var8.f100471r = ts58;
                            s0Var8.f100472s = ts59;
                            s0Var8.f100473t = str25;
                            s0Var8.f100474u = map2;
                            s0Var8.f100475v = aVar6;
                            s0Var8.f100476w = null;
                            s0Var8.f100477x = null;
                            s0Var8.f100479z = j26;
                            s0Var8.A = i47;
                            s0Var8.B = i48;
                            s0Var8.C = i45;
                            s0Var8.D = i49;
                            s0Var8.G = 6;
                            obj = webPrefetcherManifest322222.j(aVar6, str8922222, s0Var8);
                            aVar10 = aVar9;
                            if (obj != aVar10) {
                            return aVar10;
                        aVar11 = aVar13;
                        j27 = j28;
                        i55 = i66;
                        i58 = i65;
                        str33 = str35;
                        map3 = map4;
                        a0Var13 = a0Var14;
                        i56 = i59;
                        a0Var12 = a0Var15;
                        s0Var9 = s0Var10;
                        str31 = str71;
                        str26 = str72;
                        str34 = str36;
                        list9 = list10;
                        v629 = v6210;
                        hashMap30 = hashMap34;
                        hashMap32 = hashMap33;
                        str15 = str69;
                        x627 = x628;
                        ((r21.d) z.q(cls2)).p3(str33, ts53.f37928i, "itemExpose", null);
                        i49 = i58;
                        v628 = v629;
                        hashMap27 = hashMap32;
                        str25 = str34;
                        x624 = x627;
                        linkedList8 = linkedList2;
                        a0Var11 = a0Var12;
                        ts59 = ts53;
                        str28 = str32;
                        hashMap26 = hashMap29;
                        str29 = str15;
                        aVar9 = aVar11;
                        i48 = i56;
                        i47 = i55;
                        j26 = j27;
                        map2 = map3;
                        i45 = i57;
                        hashMap20 = hashMap31;
                        list3 = list9;
                        s0Var8 = s0Var9;
                        str27 = str31;
                        ts58 = ts510;
                        a0Var10 = a0Var13;
                        hashMap28 = hashMap30;
                        n0Var8 = n0Var7;
                        aVar6 = aVar12;
                        ts59.f37927h = ts59.f37928i;
                        if (w.a().getBoolean("tencent_view_inews_prefix", false)) {
                        ts59.f37930n = true;
                        ts59.f37935s = true;
                        ts59.f37937u = io3.p.b(aVar6);
                        ts59.f37938v = aVar6.f234425b.f37192n;
                        Log.i(str27, "prefetch call, header size: " + map2.size() + ", url: " + ts59.f37927h + ", fetchPkgType: " + i49 + ", pkgFileKey: " + ts59.f37937u);
                        str19 = str27;
                        xp3.e.a(e.a.ACTION_MANIFEST_OPEN_PREFETCH, ts59.f37923d, ts59.f37928i, ts59.f37940x, ts59.f37932p, ts59.f37933q);
                        WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest3222222 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                        String str89222222 = ts59.f37928i;
                        m.f(str89222222, str28);
                        s0Var8.f100460d = n0Var8;
                        s0Var8.f100461e = x624;
                        s0Var8.f100462f = v628;
                        s0Var8.f100463g = list3;
                        s0Var8.f100464h = hashMap20;
                        s0Var8.f100465i = linkedList8;
                        a0Var2 = a0Var11;
                        s0Var8.f100466j = a0Var2;
                        s0Var8.f100467n = a0Var10;
                        s0Var8.f100468o = hashMap26;
                        s0Var8.f100469p = hashMap27;
                        s0Var8.f100470q = hashMap28;
                        s0Var8.f100471r = ts58;
                        s0Var8.f100472s = ts59;
                        s0Var8.f100473t = str25;
                        s0Var8.f100474u = map2;
                        s0Var8.f100475v = aVar6;
                        s0Var8.f100476w = null;
                        s0Var8.f100477x = null;
                        s0Var8.f100479z = j26;
                        s0Var8.A = i47;
                        s0Var8.B = i48;
                        s0Var8.C = i45;
                        s0Var8.D = i49;
                        s0Var8.G = 6;
                        obj = webPrefetcherManifest3222222.j(aVar6, str89222222, s0Var8);
                        aVar10 = aVar9;
                        if (obj != aVar10) {
                        return aVar10;
                    case 6:
                        int i123 = s0Var.D;
                        int i124 = s0Var.C;
                        int i125 = s0Var.B;
                        int i126 = s0Var.A;
                        long j48 = s0Var.f100479z;
                        ts5 ts526 = (ts5) s0Var.f100472s;
                        ts5 ts527 = (ts5) s0Var.f100471r;
                        HashMap hashMap77 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100470q;
                        HashMap hashMap78 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100469p;
                        HashMap hashMap79 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100468o;
                        a0 a0Var35 = (a0) s0Var.f100467n;
                        a0 a0Var36 = (a0) s0Var.f100466j;
                        LinkedList linkedList19 = (LinkedList) s0Var.f100465i;
                        HashMap hashMap80 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100464h;
                        List list19 = (List) s0Var.f100463g;
                        v62 v6222 = (v62) s0Var.f100462f;
                        x62 x6213 = (x62) s0Var.f100461e;
                        aVar8 = aVar23;
                        str19 = str71;
                        map = (Map) s0Var.f100474u;
                        str22 = (String) s0Var.f100473t;
                        cls2 = r21.d.class;
                        v624 = v6222;
                        ts56 = ts526;
                        hashMap24 = hashMap77;
                        a0Var2 = a0Var36;
                        i45 = i124;
                        aVar6 = (io3.a) s0Var.f100475v;
                        i46 = i123;
                        str23 = str69;
                        str6 = str70;
                        list3 = list19;
                        ts55 = ts527;
                        n0Var3 = (n0) s0Var.f100460d;
                        j25 = j48;
                        hashMap20 = hashMap80;
                        x624 = x6213;
                        hashMap23 = hashMap78;
                        a0Var8 = a0Var35;
                        i38 = i126;
                        s0Var7 = s0Var;
                        linkedList7 = linkedList19;
                        i39 = i125;
                        str24 = str72;
                        hashMap25 = hashMap79;
                        boolean booleanValue2 = ((Boolean) obj).booleanValue();
                        if (i45 != 0) {
                        n0 n0Var112 = f100379a;
                        String str902 = ts56.f37923d;
                        m.f(str902, str24);
                        str20 = str24;
                        String str912 = ts56.f37927h;
                        m.f(str912, str23);
                        str = str23;
                        hashMap22 = hashMap25;
                        a0Var9 = a0Var8;
                        linkedList6 = linkedList7;
                        ts57 = ts56;
                        if (!c41.b.a()) {
                        n0Var112.l(j25, str902, str912, ts56.f37934r, false, map, ts56.f37932p, ts56.f37933q, ts56.f37940x, aVar6, !c41.b.a() && i46 == 2, com.tencent.mm.plugin.brandservice.webprefetcher.debug.a.b());
                        a0Var2.f253280d = true;
                        if (i45 != 0) {
                            j17 = j25;
                            i29 = i39;
                            hashMap18 = hashMap23;
                            a0Var6 = a0Var9;
                            ts5 = ts57;
                            i35 = i38;
                            hashMap21 = hashMap22;
                            aVar5 = aVar8;
                            hashMap19 = hashMap24;
                            str7 = str20;
                            String str9422 = ts5.f37927h;
                            hashMap8 = hashMap21;
                            aVar2 = aVar5;
                            hashMap4 = hashMap19;
                            i15 = i29;
                            a0Var = a0Var6;
                            s0Var3 = s0Var7;
                            str8 = str19;
                            linkedList2 = linkedList6;
                            hashMap6 = hashMap20;
                            i16 = i35;
                            hashMap7 = hashMap18;
                            int i1052222222222 = ts5.f37940x;
                            v62 v62182222222222 = v624;
                            num = (Integer) hashMap7.get(new Integer(i1052222222222));
                            if (num == null) {
                            String str862222222222 = ts5.f37923d;
                            m.f(str862222222222, str7);
                            aq3.d.i(0, str862222222222, false, false, true, a0Var.f253280d, a0Var2.f253280d, true);
                            num2 = (Integer) hashMap8.get(new Integer(i1052222222222));
                            if (num2 == null) {
                            n0Var2 = n0Var4;
                            str3 = str8;
                            linkedList = linkedList2;
                            x623 = x624;
                            s0Var2 = s0Var3;
                            str2 = str6;
                            hashMap5 = hashMap6;
                            cls = cls2;
                            aVar = aVar2;
                            hashMap3 = hashMap8;
                            hashMap2 = hashMap7;
                            str4 = str7;
                            j16 = j17;
                            v623 = v62182222222222;
                            list2 = list4;
                            i17 = i16 + 1;
                            str5 = str;
                            if (i17 >= i15) {
                            if (!linkedList.isEmpty()) {
                            ArrayList arrayList222 = new ArrayList(hashMap3.size());
                            while (r1.hasNext()) {
                            ArrayList arrayList322 = new ArrayList(hashMap2.size());
                            while (r1.hasNext()) {
                            t0.b(t0.f100480a, j16, false, 150, 2, null);
                            return b0.f332794a;
                        WebPrefetcherManifest webPrefetcherManifest42 = WebPrefetcherManifest.f100251a;
                        s0Var7.f100460d = n0Var3;
                        s0Var7.f100461e = x624;
                        s0Var7.f100462f = v624;
                        s0Var7.f100463g = list3;
                        s0Var7.f100464h = hashMap20;
                        s0Var7.f100465i = linkedList6;
                        s0Var7.f100466j = a0Var2;
                        a0Var7 = a0Var9;
                        s0Var7.f100467n = a0Var7;
                        s0Var7.f100468o = hashMap22;
                        s0Var7.f100469p = hashMap23;
                        s0Var7.f100470q = hashMap24;
                        s0Var7.f100471r = ts55;
                        ts54 = ts57;
                        s0Var7.f100472s = ts54;
                        s0Var7.f100473t = str22;
                        s0Var7.f100474u = aVar6;
                        s0Var7.f100475v = null;
                        s0Var7.f100479z = j25;
                        s0Var7.A = i38;
                        j17 = j25;
                        i37 = i39;
                        s0Var7.B = i37;
                        s0Var7.G = 7;
                        obj = webPrefetcherManifest42.c(aVar6, s0Var7);
                        if (obj == aVar8) {
                        return aVar8;
                    case 7:
                        int i127 = s0Var.B;
                        i36 = s0Var.A;
                        long j49 = s0Var.f100479z;
                        a0 a0Var37 = (a0) s0Var.f100467n;
                        a0 a0Var38 = (a0) s0Var.f100466j;
                        LinkedList linkedList20 = (LinkedList) s0Var.f100465i;
                        HashMap hashMap81 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100464h;
                        List list20 = (List) s0Var.f100463g;
                        v62 v6223 = (v62) s0Var.f100462f;
                        x62 x6214 = (x62) s0Var.f100461e;
                        linkedList6 = linkedList20;
                        str19 = str71;
                        str20 = str72;
                        j17 = j49;
                        hashMap18 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100469p;
                        hashMap22 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100468o;
                        cls2 = r21.d.class;
                        x624 = x6214;
                        a0Var7 = a0Var37;
                        a0Var2 = a0Var38;
                        aVar6 = (io3.a) s0Var.f100474u;
                        str21 = str69;
                        str6 = str70;
                        hashMap19 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100470q;
                        list3 = list20;
                        n0Var3 = (n0) s0Var.f100460d;
                        aVar7 = aVar23;
                        ts54 = (ts5) s0Var.f100472s;
                        i37 = i127;
                        hashMap20 = hashMap81;
                        v624 = v6223;
                        String str922 = aVar6.f234424a.f36095d;
                        i29 = i37;
                        m.f(str922, "manifest.domain.Domain");
                        String str932 = ts54.f37927h;
                        m.f(str932, str21);
                        c41.c.a((List) obj, str922, str932);
                        i35 = i36;
                        a0Var6 = a0Var7;
                        str = str21;
                        ts5 = ts54;
                        hashMap21 = hashMap22;
                        s0Var7 = s0Var;
                        aVar5 = aVar7;
                        str7 = str20;
                        String str94222 = ts5.f37927h;
                        hashMap8 = hashMap21;
                        aVar2 = aVar5;
                        hashMap4 = hashMap19;
                        i15 = i29;
                        a0Var = a0Var6;
                        s0Var3 = s0Var7;
                        str8 = str19;
                        linkedList2 = linkedList6;
                        hashMap6 = hashMap20;
                        i16 = i35;
                        hashMap7 = hashMap18;
                        int i10522222222222 = ts5.f37940x;
                        v62 v621822222222222 = v624;
                        num = (Integer) hashMap7.get(new Integer(i10522222222222));
                        if (num == null) {
                        String str8622222222222 = ts5.f37923d;
                        m.f(str8622222222222, str7);
                        aq3.d.i(0, str8622222222222, false, false, true, a0Var.f253280d, a0Var2.f253280d, true);
                        num2 = (Integer) hashMap8.get(new Integer(i10522222222222));
                        if (num2 == null) {
                        n0Var2 = n0Var4;
                        str3 = str8;
                        linkedList = linkedList2;
                        x623 = x624;
                        s0Var2 = s0Var3;
                        str2 = str6;
                        hashMap5 = hashMap6;
                        cls = cls2;
                        aVar = aVar2;
                        hashMap3 = hashMap8;
                        hashMap2 = hashMap7;
                        str4 = str7;
                        j16 = j17;
                        v623 = v621822222222222;
                        list2 = list4;
                        i17 = i16 + 1;
                        str5 = str;
                        if (i17 >= i15) {
                        if (!linkedList.isEmpty()) {
                        ArrayList arrayList2222 = new ArrayList(hashMap3.size());
                        while (r1.hasNext()) {
                        ArrayList arrayList3222 = new ArrayList(hashMap2.size());
                        while (r1.hasNext()) {
                        t0.b(t0.f100480a, j16, false, 150, 2, null);
                        return b0.f332794a;
                    case 8:
                        int i128 = s0Var.B;
                        int i129 = s0Var.A;
                        long j55 = s0Var.f100479z;
                        ts52 = (ts5) s0Var.f100472s;
                        hashMap13 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100470q;
                        hashMap11 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100468o;
                        cls = r21.d.class;
                        a0 a0Var39 = (a0) s0Var.f100467n;
                        a0 a0Var40 = (a0) s0Var.f100466j;
                        LinkedList linkedList21 = (LinkedList) s0Var.f100465i;
                        HashMap hashMap82 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100464h;
                        List list21 = (List) s0Var.f100463g;
                        v62 v6224 = (v62) s0Var.f100462f;
                        x62 x6215 = (x62) s0Var.f100461e;
                        a0Var3 = a0Var39;
                        a0Var4 = a0Var40;
                        hashMap6 = hashMap82;
                        v626 = v6224;
                        str9 = str70;
                        j18 = j55;
                        hashMap12 = (HashMap) s0Var.f100469p;
                        n0Var6 = (n0) s0Var.f100460d;
                        aVar4 = aVar23;
                        str13 = str69;
                        list6 = list21;
                        s0Var5 = s0Var;
                        i25 = i129;
                        linkedList4 = linkedList21;
                        i26 = i128;
                        x625 = x6215;
                        if (!((Boolean) obj).booleanValue()) {
                        list5 = list7;
                        x623 = x626;
                        str11 = str13;
                        hashMap4 = hashMap13;
                        hashMap9 = hashMap12;
                        aVar3 = aVar4;
                        hashMap10 = hashMap11;
                        n0Var5 = n0Var6;
                        cls3 = cls;
                        v625 = v626;
                        linkedList3 = linkedList5;
                        s0Var4 = s0Var6;
                        i18 = i26;
                        i19 = i25;
                        str10 = str71;
                        str12 = str72;
                        a0Var2 = a0Var4;
                        a0Var = a0Var3;
                        j16 = j18;
                        v624 = v625;
                        j17 = j16;
                        aVar2 = aVar3;
                        str7 = str12;
                        i16 = i19;
                        i15 = i18;
                        hashMap8 = hashMap10;
                        x624 = x623;
                        n0Var3 = n0Var5;
                        ts5 = ts52;
                        str8 = str10;
                        s0Var3 = s0Var4;
                        linkedList2 = linkedList3;
                        list3 = list5;
                        hashMap7 = hashMap9;
                        cls2 = cls3;
                        str6 = str9;
                        str = str11;
                        int i105222222222222 = ts5.f37940x;
                        v62 v6218222222222222 = v624;
                        num = (Integer) hashMap7.get(new Integer(i105222222222222));
                        if (num == null) {
                        String str86222222222222 = ts5.f37923d;
                        m.f(str86222222222222, str7);
                        aq3.d.i(0, str86222222222222, false, false, true, a0Var.f253280d, a0Var2.f253280d, true);
                        num2 = (Integer) hashMap8.get(new Integer(i105222222222222));
                        if (num2 == null) {
                        n0Var2 = n0Var4;
                        str3 = str8;
                        linkedList = linkedList2;
                        x623 = x624;
                        s0Var2 = s0Var3;
                        str2 = str6;
                        hashMap5 = hashMap6;
                        cls = cls2;
                        aVar = aVar2;
                        hashMap3 = hashMap8;
                        hashMap2 = hashMap7;
                        str4 = str7;
                        j16 = j17;
                        v623 = v6218222222222222;
                        list2 = list4;
                        i17 = i16 + 1;
                        str5 = str;
                        if (i17 >= i15) {
                        if (!linkedList.isEmpty()) {
                        ArrayList arrayList22222 = new ArrayList(hashMap3.size());
                        while (r1.hasNext()) {
                        ArrayList arrayList32222 = new ArrayList(hashMap2.size());
                        while (r1.hasNext()) {
                        t0.b(t0.f100480a, j16, false, 150, 2, null);
                        return b0.f332794a;
                        throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
        n0Var2 = n0Var;
        s0Var = new s0(n0Var2, dVar);
        Object obj4 = s0Var.E;
        ch4.a aVar232 = ch4.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
        String str692 = "prefetchUrl";
        String str702 = "fullUrl";
        String str712 = "MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher";
        String str722 = "url";
        switch (s0Var.G) {

    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:10:0x0032, code lost:
        if (r1.equals("application/x-javascript") == false) goto L_0x005e;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:24:?, code lost:
        return com.tencent.mm.plugin.brandservice.ui.timeline.preload.n0.b.f100392e;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:3:0x0014, code lost:
        if (r1.equals("text/javascript") == false) goto L_0x005e;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:5:0x001d, code lost:
        if (r1.equals("application/javascript") == false) goto L_0x005e;
    public static final b e(String str) {
        m.g(str, DownloadInfo.CONTENTTYPE);
        switch (str.hashCode()) {
            case -1347062799:
                if (str.equals("application/wspkg")) {
                    return b.WXA_PKG;
                return b.UNKNOWN;
            case -1082243251:
                if (str.equals("text/html")) {
                    return b.HTML;
                return b.UNKNOWN;
            case -1004747231:
                if (str.equals("text/css")) {
                    return b.CSS;
                return b.UNKNOWN;
            case -723118015:
            case 168355044:
                if (str.equals("application/wxprefetcher")) {
                    return b.WX_PREFETCH_CONFIG_FILE;
                return b.UNKNOWN;
            case 1440428940:
            case 2132236175:
                return b.UNKNOWN;

    public static final b f(HashMap<String, List<String>> hashMap) {
        String str;
        m.g(hashMap, "headers");
        List<String> list = hashMap.get("content-type");
        if (list == null || (str = (String) c0.O(list)) == null) {
            str = "";
        String lowerCase = str.toLowerCase();
        m.f(lowerCase, "this as java.lang.String).toLowerCase()");
        return e(lowerCase);

    public static final boolean g(String str) {
        m.g(str, "url");
        if (!wq3.f.m(str) || wq3.f.i(str) || wq3.f.k(str) || wq3.f.l(str) || y.v(str, "https://channels.weixin.qq.com/mobile-support/pages", false)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public static void i(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, int i15, int i16, long j15, String str6, int i17, Object obj) {
        String str7;
        String str8;
        String str9;
        String str10;
        int i18;
        int i19;
        long j16;
        String str11;
        if ((i17 & 2) != 0) {
            str7 = "";
        } else {
            str7 = str2;
        if ((i17 & 4) != 0) {
            str8 = "";
        } else {
            str8 = str3;
        if ((i17 & 8) != 0) {
            str9 = "";
        } else {
            str9 = str4;
        if ((i17 & 16) != 0) {
            str10 = "";
        } else {
            str10 = str5;
        if ((i17 & 32) != 0) {
            i18 = -1;
        } else {
            i18 = i15;
        if ((i17 & 64) != 0) {
            i19 = -1;
        } else {
            i19 = i16;
        if ((i17 & 128) != 0) {
            j16 = 1000;
        } else {
            j16 = j15;
        if ((i17 & 256) != 0) {
            str11 = null;
        } else {
            str11 = str6;
        m.g(str, "url");
        m.g(str7, "appId");
        m.g(str8, FFmpegMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_TITLE);
        m.g(str9, "desc");
        m.g(str10, "from");
        b.a aVar = new b.a(str, str7, str8, str9, str10, i19, i18, 0, null, null, str11, hr0.f.CTRL_INDEX, null);
        n0 n0Var = f100379a;
        String str12 = b.a.class.getCanonicalName() + '_' + "addToPreload";
        __BATCH_RUN_OBJ __batch_run_obj = __BATCH_RUN_OBJ.INSTANCE;
        synchronized (__batch_run_obj) {
            z1 z1Var = __batch_run_obj.getBatchJobs().get(str12);
            if (z1Var != null) {
                z1.a.a(z1Var, null, 1, null);
            HashMap<String, Queue<?>> batchData = __batch_run_obj.getBatchData();
            if (!batchData.containsKey(str12)) {
                batchData.put(str12, new LinkedList());
            Queue<?> queue = batchData.get(str12);
            m.e(queue, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.util.LinkedList<T of com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.MMBatchRunKt.batchRun$lambda-1$lambda-0>");
            ((LinkedList) queue).add(aVar);
        __batch_run_obj.getBatchJobs().put(str12, gk4.h.d(s1.f221256d, d1.f221178c, null, new q0(j16, str12, null, n0Var), 2, null));

    public static final void j(long j15, List<? extends h.b> list) {
        String str;
        String str2;
        String str3;
        String str4;
        m.g(list, "auths");
        if (!list.isEmpty()) {
            wg4.g gVar = w31.p.f330832a;
            ((xc4.j) xc4.j.f338034d).b(new w31.q(list), "MicroMsg.WebPrefetcherUrlQueryManager");
            HashMap<String, String> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
            for (T t15 : list) {
                String str5 = t15.f292789a;
                m.f(str5, "info.url");
                boolean z15 = false;
                if (y.v(str5, ProxyConfig.MATCH_HTTP, false)) {
                    String a15 = w31.p.a(t15.f292789a);
                    String b15 = w31.p.b(a15, t15);
                    if (a15.length() > 0) {
                        if (b15.length() > 0) {
                            z15 = true;
                        if (z15) {
                            hashMap.put(a15, b15);
            n0 n0Var = f100379a;
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(xg4.v.m(list, 10));
            for (Iterator<T> it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); it = it) {
                T next = it.next();
                String str6 = next.f292789a;
                m.f(str6, "info.url");
                String str7 = next.f292793e;
                if (str7 == null) {
                    str = "";
                } else {
                    str = str7;
                String str8 = next.f292794f;
                if (str8 == null) {
                    str2 = "";
                } else {
                    str2 = str8;
                String str9 = next.f292795g;
                if (str9 == null) {
                    str3 = "";
                } else {
                    str3 = str9;
                String str10 = next.f292796h;
                if (str10 == null) {
                    str4 = "";
                } else {
                    str4 = str10;
                arrayList.add(new b.a(str6, str, str2, str3, str4, next.f292792d, next.f292791c, next.f292798j, null, next.f292797i, next.f292790b, 256, null));
            n0Var.n(arrayList, j15, hashMap);

    public final a41.d c(String str, w31.a aVar) {
        m.g(str, "url");
        m.g(aVar, "target");
        io3.b bVar = aVar.f330793c;
        a41.d dVar = new a41.d(str, bVar.J(aVar.d()));
        boolean m15 = dVar.f1069b.m();
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "fetchContent request savedFileExist: " + m15 + ", eTag: " + aVar.i() + ", wxETag: " + aVar.v());
        if (m15) {
            dVar.f1071d = aVar.i();
            dVar.f1072e = aVar.v();
        return dVar;

    public final Object d(io3.a aVar, ts5 ts5, bh4.d<? super Boolean> dVar) {
        d.b bVar = d.b.f340570e;
        bh4.h hVar = new bh4.h(ch4.b.b(dVar));
        String str = aVar.f234425b.f37186e;
        m.f(str, "manifest.manifest.ManifestUrl");
        String a15 = io3.p.a(str);
        d.b bVar2 = io3.d.I;
        io3.b bVar3 = io3.d.Q;
        if (!bVar3.I(a15)) {
            if (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.v.f164638a.a()) {
                String str2 = aVar.f234425b.f37186e;
                m.f(str2, "manifest.manifest.ManifestUrl");
                if (y.v(str2, "file://", false)) {
                    long d15 = u1.d(aVar.f234425b.f37186e, bVar3.J(a15).o(), false);
                    Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "fetchManifest from local file: %s, size: %d", aVar.f234425b.f37186e, new Long(bVar3.J(a15).y()));
                    if (d15 > 0) {
                        Result.Companion companion = Result.Companion;
            xp3.d.a(d.a.ACTION_NO_CACHE_AND_DOWNLOAD, bVar, aVar.f234424a.f36095d, ts5.f37940x, aVar.f234427d, aVar.f234428e, "", aVar.f234425b.f37186e);
            String str3 = aVar.f234425b.f37186e;
            m.f(str3, "manifest.manifest.ManifestUrl");
            z31.c.a(new a41.d(str3, bVar3.J(a15)), new d(aVar, a15, hVar));
        } else {
            xp3.d.a(d.a.ACTION_CACHE_VALID_NOT_NEED_DOWNLOAD, bVar, aVar.f234424a.f36095d, ts5.f37940x, aVar.f234427d, aVar.f234428e, "", aVar.f234425b.f37186e);
            Result.Companion companion2 = Result.Companion;
        return hVar.b();

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:23:0x0069 A[SYNTHETIC] */
    public final io3.a h(String str, List<? extends s62> list) {
        Uri parse = Uri.parse(str);
        io3.a c15 = io3.d.I.c(parse.getHost());
        if (c15 != null) {
            Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", "matchManifest debug");
            return c15;
        for (T t15 : list) {
            if (m.b(parse.getHost(), t15.f36095d)) {
                LinkedList<t62> linkedList = t15.f36097f;
                m.f(linkedList, "domain.ResInfos");
                for (T t16 : linkedList) {
                    String path = parse.getPath();
                    boolean z15 = true;
                    if (path != null) {
                        String str2 = t16.f37185d;
                        m.f(str2, "resInfo.Path");
                        if (bd.d.d(path, str2, false, 2, null)) {
                            if (z15) {
                                m.f(t16, "resInfo");
                                return new io3.a(t15, t16, null, 0, 0, false, null, 124, null);
                    z15 = false;
                    if (z15) {
        return null;

    public final void k(List<String> list) {
        boolean z15;
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(xg4.v.m(list, 10));
        Iterator<T> it = list.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String host = Uri.parse(it.next()).getHost();
            if (host == null) {
                host = "";
        ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
        Iterator it4 = arrayList.iterator();
        while (true) {
            z15 = false;
            if (!it4.hasNext()) {
            Object next = it4.next();
            String str = (String) next;
            m.f(str, LocaleUtil.ITALIAN);
            if (!y.n(str)) {
                MMCacheSlotManager mMCacheSlotManager = q21.b.f286532j;
                if (!q21.b.f286534o.containsKey(str)) {
                    z15 = true;
            if (z15) {
        List H = c0.H(arrayList2);
        if (H.isEmpty()) {
            z15 = true;
        if (!z15) {
            ((xc4.j) xc4.j.f338034d).o(new e(H));

    public final void l(long j15, String str, String str2, String str3, boolean z15, Map<String, String> map, int i15, int i16, int i17, io3.a aVar, boolean z16, boolean z17) {
        m.g(str, "url");
        m.g(str2, "prefetchUrl");
        a aVar2 = new a(i.j(str), str, str2, z15, map, 0, 32, null);
        String str4 = a.class.getCanonicalName() + '_' + MStorageEventData.EventType.BATCH;
        __BATCH_RUN_OBJ __batch_run_obj = __BATCH_RUN_OBJ.INSTANCE;
        synchronized (__batch_run_obj) {
            z1 z1Var = __batch_run_obj.getBatchJobs().get(str4);
            if (z1Var != null) {
                z1.a.a(z1Var, null, 1, null);
            HashMap<String, Queue<?>> batchData = __batch_run_obj.getBatchData();
            if (!batchData.containsKey(str4)) {
                batchData.put(str4, new LinkedList());
            Queue<?> queue = batchData.get(str4);
            m.e(queue, "null cannot be cast to non-null type java.util.LinkedList<T of com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.MMBatchRunKt.batchRun$lambda-1$lambda-0>");
            ((LinkedList) queue).add(aVar2);
        __batch_run_obj.getBatchJobs().put(str4, gk4.h.d(s1.f221256d, d1.f221178c, null, new f(50, str4, null, str3, aVar, z16, z17, i17, i15, i16, str2, j15, str), 2, null));

    public final void m(ts5 ts5) {
        boolean z15;
        boolean z16;
        Integer num;
        String str = ts5.f37923d;
        m.f(str, "url");
        String i15 = i.i(str, false);
        String str2 = ts5.f37939w;
        if (str2 == null || str2.length() == 0) {
            z15 = true;
        } else {
            z15 = false;
        if (z15) {
            w31.o oVar = w31.o.f330829a;
            String str3 = ts5.f37923d;
            m.f(str3, "url");
            ts5.f37939w = oVar.b(str3, ts5.f37941y, false);
        String str4 = ts5.f37928i;
        m.f(str4, "fullUrl");
        ts5.f37929j = i.i(str4, true);
        String str5 = ts5.f37939w;
        m.g(i15, "webId");
        MMKVSlotManager mMKVSlotManager = o.a.f330831b;
        ((MultiProcessMMKV) mMKVSlotManager.getSlotForWrite()).encode(i15, ts5.toByteArray());
        if (str5 == null || str5.length() == 0) {
            z16 = true;
        } else {
            z16 = false;
        if (!z16 && !m.b(i15, str5)) {
            ((MultiProcessMMKV) mMKVSlotManager.getSlotForWrite()).encode(str5, i15);
        String str6 = ts5.f37923d;
        m.f(str6, "url");
        int i16 = ts5.f37940x;
        MMKVSlotManager mMKVSlotManager2 = d41.a.f197738a;
        ((MultiProcessMMKV) d41.a.f197738a.getSlotForWrite()).encode(i.i(str6, false), i16);
        StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder();
        sb5.append("save preauth webid:");
        sb5.append(" bizId: ");
        sb5.append(" prefetchId: ");
        sb5.append(", prefetch:");
        sb5.append(", authorized:");
        sb5.append(", antispam:");
        sb5.append(", lastModify:");
        sb5.append(", appId: ");
        sb5.append(", pkgFileKey: ");
        sb5.append(", jsapiControlBytes: ");
        xv3.b bVar = ts5.f37936t;
        if (bVar != null) {
            num = Integer.valueOf(bVar.f341419a.length);
        } else {
            num = null;
        sb5.append(", url: %s");
        Log.i("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcher", sb5.toString(), ts5.f37923d);

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:100:0x0293  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:103:0x016f A[SYNTHETIC] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:108:? A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:46:0x0118  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:62:0x0164  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:66:0x016c  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:98:0x0283  */
    public final void n(List<b.a> list, long j15, HashMap<String, String> hashMap) {
        ArrayList<h.d> arrayList;
        boolean z15;
        Iterator<T> it;
        boolean z16;
        boolean z17;
        boolean z18;
        boolean z19;
        boolean z25;
        String host;
        xv3.a aVar;
        byte[] decodeBytes;
        if (j15 > 0) {
            t0 t0Var = t0.f100480a;
            m.g(list, "preAuths");
            ((xc4.j) xc4.j.f338034d).g(new w0(j15, list), "MicroMsg.WebPrefetcherCallbackManager");
            ((xc4.j) xc4.j.f338034d).j(new x0(j15), 60000, "MicroMsg.WebPrefetcherCallbackManager");
            arrayList = new ArrayList();
        } else {
            arrayList = null;
        h hVar = new h(j15, hashMap);
        b41.b bVar = b41.b.f10474a;
        m.g(list, "preAuths");
        v62 v622 = new v62();
        ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
        for (Iterator<T> it4 = list.iterator(); it4.hasNext(); it4 = it) {
            T next = it4.next();
            T t15 = next;
            if (!((Boolean) ((n) f100385g).getValue()).booleanValue()) {
                boolean z26 = !b41.b.f10475b.contains(i.h(t15.f10477a));
                b41.b bVar2 = b41.b.f10474a;
                bVar2.a(t15, z26, arrayList, 3);
                if (z26) {
                    boolean g15 = g(t15.f10477a);
                    bVar2.a(t15, g15, arrayList, 4);
                    if (g15) {
                        String str = t15.f10477a;
                        m.g(str, "url");
                        Uri parse = Uri.parse(wq3.f.g(str));
                        if (parse == null || (host = parse.getHost()) == null) {
                            it = it4;
                        } else {
                            it = it4;
                            String g16 = i.g(host, false, 2, null);
                            MultiProcessMMKV multiProcessMMKV = (MultiProcessMMKV) f100380b.findSlot(g16);
                            if (!(multiProcessMMKV == null || !multiProcessMMKV.containsKey(g16) || (decodeBytes = multiProcessMMKV.decodeBytes(g16)) == null)) {
                                if (!(decodeBytes.length == 0)) {
                                    try {
                                        Object newInstance = r62.class.newInstance();
                                        ((xv3.a) newInstance).parseFrom(decodeBytes);
                                        aVar = (xv3.a) newInstance;
                                    } catch (Exception e15) {
                                        Log.printErrStackTrace("MultiProcessMMKV.decodeProtoBuffer", e15, "decode ProtoBuffer", new Object[0]);
                                    r62 r622 = (r62) aVar;
                                    if (r622 != null && r622.f34947e == 1 && !MMSlotKt.isExpire(r622.f34949g, r622.f34948f)) {
                                        z18 = true;
                                        z19 = !z18;
                                        b41.b bVar3 = b41.b.f10474a;
                                        bVar3.a(t15, z19, arrayList, 4);
                                        if (z19) {
                                            w31.o oVar = w31.o.f330829a;
                                            String str2 = t15.f10477a;
                                            m.g(str2, "url");
                                            o.a aVar2 = o.a.f330830a;
                                            ts5 a15 = oVar.a(i.i(str2, false), null);
                                            if (a15 != null) {
                                                z25 = MMSlotKt.isExpire(a15.f37924e, (int) TAVPlayer.VIDEO_PLAYER_WIDTH);
                                            } else {
                                                z25 = true;
                                            bVar3.a(t15, z25, arrayList, 5);
                                            if (z25) {
                                                boolean z27 = !b41.b.f10476c.contains(t15.f10477a);
                                                bVar3.a(t15, z27, arrayList, 6);
                                                if (z27) {
                                                    z17 = true;
                                                    if (z17 && arrayList != null) {
                                                        arrayList.add(b41.b.f10474a.b(t15, 1));
                                                    if (!z17) {
                                                        z16 = false;
                                                        if (!z16) {
                                            z17 = false;
                                            arrayList.add(b41.b.f10474a.b(t15, 1));
                                            if (!z17) {
                                        z17 = false;
                                        arrayList.add(b41.b.f10474a.b(t15, 1));
                                        if (!z17) {
                            aVar = null;
                            r62 r6222 = (r62) aVar;
                            z18 = true;
                            z19 = !z18;
                            b41.b bVar32 = b41.b.f10474a;
                            bVar32.a(t15, z19, arrayList, 4);
                            if (z19) {
                            z17 = false;
                            arrayList.add(b41.b.f10474a.b(t15, 1));
                            if (!z17) {
                        z18 = false;
                        z19 = !z18;
                        b41.b bVar322 = b41.b.f10474a;
                        bVar322.a(t15, z19, arrayList, 4);
                        if (z19) {
                        z17 = false;
                        arrayList.add(b41.b.f10474a.b(t15, 1));
                        if (!z17) {
                it = it4;
                z17 = false;
                arrayList.add(b41.b.f10474a.b(t15, 1));
                if (!z17) {
            } else {
                it = it4;
            z16 = true;
            if (!z16) {
        ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(xg4.v.m(arrayList2, 10));
        Iterator it5 = arrayList2.iterator();
        int i15 = 0;
        while (it5.hasNext()) {
            b.a aVar3 = (b.a) it5.next();
            r rVar = new r();
            String str3 = aVar3.f10477a;
            rVar.f38370e = str3;
            rVar.f38371f = aVar3.f10478b;
            rVar.f38372g = aVar3.f10479c;
            rVar.f38373h = aVar3.f10480d;
            rVar.f38369d = i15;
            rVar.f38374i = aVar3.f10484h;
            rVar.f38376n = aVar3.f10482f;
            rVar.f100455t = aVar3.f10483g;
            rVar.f100456u = aVar3.f10481e;
            rVar.f100453r = aVar3.f10485i;
            rVar.f100454s = aVar3.f10482f;
            rVar.f100457v = aVar3.f10486j;
        v622.f39505d = v622.f39512n.size();
        v622.f39506e = 0;
        v622.f39507f = 0;
        if (!v622.f39512n.isEmpty()) {
            if (!(hVar.b(v622))) {
                try {
                    ConcurrentSkipListSet<String> concurrentSkipListSet = b41.b.f10476c;
                    LinkedList<u62> linkedList = v622.f39512n;
                    m.f(linkedList, "req.ReqInfo");
                    ArrayList arrayList4 = new ArrayList(xg4.v.m(linkedList, 10));
                    Iterator<T> it6 = linkedList.iterator();
                    while (it6.hasNext()) {
                } catch (Exception e16) {
                    Log.e("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcherPreAuther", "[TRACE_PREFETCH-preAuth] Concurrent Add Exception: " + e16.getMessage());
                if (com.tencent.mm.plugin.webview.core.v.f164638a.a()) {
                LinkedList<u62> linkedList2 = v622.f39512n;
                m.f(linkedList2, "req.ReqInfo");
                c0.V(linkedList2, ",", null, null, 0, null, b41.c.f10487d, 30, null);
                m60.d.C("MicroMsg.WebPrefetcherPreAuther", true, new b41.e(v622, hVar));
                z15 = true;
                if (arrayList != null) {
                    t0 t0Var2 = t0.f100480a;
                    ((xc4.j) xc4.j.f338034d).g(new y0(j15, arrayList), "MicroMsg.WebPrefetcherCallbackManager");
                if (z15) {
                    t0.b(t0.f100480a, j15, false, 0, 6, null);
            } else if (arrayList != null) {
                for (h.d dVar : arrayList) {
                    dVar.f292815b = 2;
        z15 = false;
        if (arrayList != null) {
        if (z15) {