翰林优商.apk(点击下载) / NativeController.java

package com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller;

import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.motion.utils.TypedValues;
import com.iab.omid.library.mmadbridge.adsession.AdEvents;
import com.iab.omid.library.mmadbridge.adsession.AdSession;
import com.mbridge.msdk.MBridgeConstans;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.db.i;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.db.k;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.db.l;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.db.t;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.download.download.H5DownLoadManager;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.download.download.HTMLResourceManager;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.download.download.ResourceManager;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.entity.CampaignEx;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.entity.CampaignUnit;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.entity.h;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.entity.m;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.entity.p;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.tools.SameMD5;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.tools.aa;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.tools.r;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.tools.s;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.tools.u;
import com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.tools.w;
import com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.a;
import com.mbridge.msdk.out.Campaign;
import com.mbridge.msdk.out.Frame;
import com.mbridge.msdk.out.NativeListener;
import com.sigmob.sdk.base.mta.PointCategory;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public class NativeController {
    private static boolean B = false;
    public static Map<String, Long> c = new HashMap();
    private static final String e = "NativeController";
    private boolean A = false;
    private int C = 0;
    private int D = 0;
    private int E = 0;
    private int F = 0;
    private com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.b G;
    private Map<String, Boolean> H = new HashMap();
    private List<a> I;
    private List<a.AbstractC0220a> J;

    /* renamed from: K  reason: collision with root package name */
    private CopyOnWriteArrayList<com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a> f116K = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
    private Hashtable<String, AdSession> L = new Hashtable<>();
    private int M = 1;
    private String N = "";
    private i O;
    private int P = 2;
    private a Q;
    private boolean R;
    private boolean S;
    private String T = "";
    private Timer U;
    private String V = "";
    private com.mbridge.msdk.c.d W;
    private long X;
    private int Y;
    private int Z;
    protected List<Integer> a;
    private boolean aa;
    private int ab;
    private int ac;
    private boolean ad;
    protected List<Integer> b;
    Map<String, Object> d;
    private com.mbridge.msdk.c.c f;
    private com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.c.a g;
    private NativeListener.NativeTrackingListener h;
    private Context i;
    private String j;
    private String k;
    private Queue<Integer> l;
    private Queue<Long> m;
    private String n;
    private e o;
    private com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.report.d p;
    private String q;
    private com.mbridge.msdk.click.b r;
    private int s = 1;
    private int t = 1;
    private int u = -1;
    private int v = 0;
    private String w;
    private boolean x;
    private boolean y = false;
    private boolean z = false;

    public interface b {
        void a();

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public static class e extends Handler {
        private WeakReference<NativeController> a;

        public e(NativeController nativeController) {
            this.a = new WeakReference<>(nativeController);

        public final void handleMessage(Message message) {
            WeakReference<NativeController> weakReference;
            NativeController nativeController;
            try {
                if (!(message.what != 0 || (weakReference = this.a) == null || (nativeController = weakReference.get()) == null)) {
                    nativeController.p.a(message.arg1, (String) message.obj);
                if (message.what == 1) {
                    NativeController nativeController2 = null;
                    WeakReference<NativeController> weakReference2 = this.a;
                    if (!(weakReference2 == null || weakReference2.get() == null)) {
                        nativeController2 = this.a.get();
                    if (nativeController2 != null) {
                        nativeController2.z = true;
                        w.b(NativeController.e, "time out return");
                        List<Campaign> b = nativeController2.b(nativeController2.j, nativeController2.t, nativeController2.V);
                        if (!nativeController2.y) {
                            String str = NativeController.e;
                            w.b(str, "time out return isReturn = " + nativeController2.y);
                            nativeController2.a((NativeController) b);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                w.d(NativeController.e, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e));

    public NativeController(com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.c.a aVar, NativeListener.NativeTrackingListener nativeTrackingListener, Map<String, Object> map, Context context) {
        com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.b<String, List<Campaign>> a2;
        this.i = context;
        this.d = map;
        this.f = new com.mbridge.msdk.c.c();
        this.g = aVar;
        this.h = nativeTrackingListener;
        this.I = new ArrayList();
        this.J = new ArrayList();
        String str = (String) map.get(MBridgeConstans.PROPERTIES_UNIT_ID);
        this.j = str;
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
            w.c(e, "load error,make sure you have correct unitid");
        if (!map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.PLACEMENT_ID) || map.get(MBridgeConstans.PLACEMENT_ID) == null) {
            this.k = "";
        } else {
            this.k = (String) map.get(MBridgeConstans.PLACEMENT_ID);
        if (map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.PREIMAGE)) {
            B = ((Boolean) map.get(MBridgeConstans.PREIMAGE)).booleanValue();
        this.l = new LinkedList();
        this.m = new LinkedList();
        this.G = new com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.b(this.i);
        if (Looper.myLooper() == null) {
        this.o = new e(this);
        if (map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.PROPERTIES_API_REUQEST_CATEGORY)) {
            this.w = (String) map.get(MBridgeConstans.PROPERTIES_API_REUQEST_CATEGORY);
        try {
            if (!(b.b().containsKey(this.j) ? b.b().get(this.j).booleanValue() : false)) {
                if (map.containsKey("ad_num")) {
                    int intValue = ((Integer) map.get("ad_num")).intValue();
                    intValue = intValue < 1 ? 1 : intValue;
                    intValue = intValue > 10 ? 10 : intValue;
                    this.t = intValue;
                    this.s = intValue;
                if (map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.PROPERTIES_AD_FRAME_NUM)) {
                    this.E = ((Integer) map.get(MBridgeConstans.PROPERTIES_AD_FRAME_NUM)).intValue();
            } else if (b.d().containsKey(this.j)) {
                this.t = b.d().get(this.j).intValue();
                if (map.containsKey("ad_num")) {
                    int intValue2 = ((Integer) map.get("ad_num")).intValue();
                    this.C = intValue2;
                    this.s = intValue2;
                if (map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.PROPERTIES_AD_FRAME_NUM)) {
                    int intValue3 = ((Integer) map.get(MBridgeConstans.PROPERTIES_AD_FRAME_NUM)).intValue();
                    this.D = intValue3;
                    this.E = intValue3;
        } catch (Exception e2) {
            w.d(e, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e2));
        this.p = new com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.report.d(this.i);
        this.r = new com.mbridge.msdk.click.b(this.i, this.j);
        try {
            this.S = true;
            Map<String, Object> map2 = this.d;
            if (map2 != null && (map2.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_WIDTH) || this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_HEIGHT) || map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_SUPPORT))) {
                this.R = true;
            c.a(this.i, this.j);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.j)) {
                int a3 = a(map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO) ? (String) map.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO) : null);
                String str2 = this.j;
                a3 = a3 <= 0 ? this.s : a3;
                com.mbridge.msdk.c.d e3 = com.mbridge.msdk.c.b.a().e("", str2);
                this.W = e3;
                if (e3 == null) {
                    this.W = com.mbridge.msdk.c.d.d(str2);
                List<Integer> r2 = this.W.r();
                this.a = r2;
                List<Campaign> b2 = (r2 == null || r2.size() <= 0 || !this.a.contains(1) || (a2 = com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.f.a(1)) == null) ? null : a2.b(str2, a3);
                if (b2 != null) {
                    ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < b2.size(); i2++) {
                        CampaignEx campaignEx = (CampaignEx) b2.get(i2);
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx.getVideoUrlEncode())) {
                    if (arrayList.size() > 0) {
                        Class<?> cls = Class.forName("com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.b");
                        Class<?> cls2 = Class.forName("com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.listener.a");
                        Object invoke = cls.getMethod("getInstance", new Class[0]).invoke(null, new Object[0]);
                        cls.getMethod("createUnitCache", Context.class, String.class, List.class, Integer.TYPE, cls2).invoke(invoke, context, this.j, arrayList, 1, null);
                        cls.getMethod(PointCategory.LOAD, String.class).invoke(invoke, this.j);
        } catch (Throwable unused) {
            w.d(e, "please import the nativex aar");

    public NativeController() {

    private int a(String str) {
        if (str == null) {
            return 0;
        try {
            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str);
            if (jSONArray.length() > 0) {
                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < jSONArray.length(); i2++) {
                    JSONObject jSONObject = (JSONObject) jSONArray.opt(i2);
                    if (2 == jSONObject.optInt("id", 0)) {
                        return jSONObject.optInt("ad_num");
        } catch (Exception e2) {
            w.d(e, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e2));
        return 0;

    public final void a(int i2, String str) {
        String str2;
        boolean z2;
        this.y = false;
        this.z = false;
        this.A = false;
        this.aa = false;
        this.x = false;
        this.V = str;
        String str3 = null;
        this.Q = null;
        Map<String, Long> map = c;
        if (map != null && map.size() > 0) {
        if (!((b.b() == null || !b.b().containsKey(this.j)) ? false : b.b().get(this.j).booleanValue()) || i2 != 1 || !a(i2)) {
            if (!this.d.containsKey("app_id") || !this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.APP_KEY) || !this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.KEY_WORD)) {
                str2 = null;
            } else {
                str3 = (String) this.d.get("app_id");
                str2 = (String) this.d.get(MBridgeConstans.APP_KEY);
            this.f.a(this.i, str3, str2, this.j);
            com.mbridge.msdk.c.d e2 = com.mbridge.msdk.c.b.a().e(str3, this.j);
            this.W = e2;
            if (e2 == null) {
                this.W = com.mbridge.msdk.c.d.d(this.j);
            b.e().put(this.j, Integer.valueOf(this.W.v() * this.t));
            this.a = this.W.r();
            this.b = this.W.s();
            this.Z = this.W.p();
            this.Y = this.W.q();
            this.t = this.s;
            List<Integer> list = this.a;
            if (list == null || list.size() == 0) {
                com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.c.a aVar = this.g;
                if (aVar != null) {
                    this.y = true;
                    aVar.onAdLoadError("don't have sorceList");
            try {
                z2 = com.mbridge.msdk.mbjscommon.webEnvCheck.a.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.f().j());
            } catch (Exception unused) {
                z2 = false;
            if (!z2) {
                com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.c.a aVar2 = this.g;
                if (aVar2 != null) {
                    aVar2.onAdLoadError("webview is not available");
            if (this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO) && this.n == null) {
                String str4 = (String) this.d.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO);
                this.n = str4;
                if (str4 != null) {
                    try {
                        JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(this.n);
                        if (jSONArray.length() > 0) {
                            for (int i3 = 0; i3 < jSONArray.length(); i3++) {
                                JSONObject jSONObject = (JSONObject) jSONArray.opt(i3);
                                int optInt = jSONObject.optInt("id", 0);
                                if (2 == optInt) {
                                    this.ab = jSONObject.optInt("ad_num");
                                    if (this.Z > 0) {
                                        jSONObject.put("ad_num", this.Z);
                                } else if (3 == optInt) {
                                    this.ac = jSONObject.optInt("ad_num");
                                    if (this.Z > 0) {
                                        jSONObject.put("ad_num", this.Z);
                        this.M = Math.max(this.ab, this.ac);
                        this.n = jSONArray.toString();
                    } catch (JSONException e3) {
                        w.d(e, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e3));
            if (!((!this.a.contains(1) || this.a.get(0).intValue() == 1) && i2 == 0 && a(b(this.j, this.t, this.V)))) {
                this.ad = true;
                if (this.a.contains(1) && i2 == 0 && this.a.get(0).intValue() != 1) {
                    int intValue = this.a.get(0).intValue();
                    com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.b<String, List<Campaign>> a2 = com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.f.a(intValue);
                    if (intValue != 2 || !this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO)) {
                        this.t = this.s;
                    } else {
                        this.t = this.M;
                    if (a2 == null || !a(a(intValue, d(a2.b(this.j, this.t))))) {
                        this.x = false;
                        this.ad = false;
                        try {
                            a((long) (this.b.get(this.a.indexOf(1)).intValue() * 1000), i2, false, this.j, this.V);
                        } catch (Exception unused2) {
                    } else {
                this.o.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(1, (long) (this.W.m() * 1000));
                List<Integer> list2 = this.a;
                if (list2 != null && list2.size() > 0) {
                    Queue<Integer> queue = this.l;
                    if (queue != null && queue.size() > 0) {
                        w.b(e, "setRequestQueue clear requestqueue");
                    for (Integer num : this.a) {
                        Queue<Integer> queue2 = this.l;
                        if (queue2 != null) {
                List<Integer> list3 = this.b;
                if (list3 != null && list3.size() > 0) {
                    Queue<Long> queue3 = this.m;
                    if (queue3 != null && queue3.size() > 0) {
                    for (Integer num2 : this.b) {
                        Queue<Long> queue4 = this.m;
                        if (queue4 != null) {
                            queue4.add(Long.valueOf((long) (num2.intValue() * 1000)));
                b(i2, this.V);

    private boolean a(int i2) {
        int i3;
        int i4;
        int i5;
        com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.c.a aVar;
        int i6 = 0;
        if (b.b().containsKey(this.j) && b.b().get(this.j).booleanValue()) {
            Map<String, Map<Long, Object>> a2 = b.a();
            Map<Long, Object> map = a2.get(i2 + "_" + this.j);
            Integer num = b.d().get(this.j);
            com.mbridge.msdk.c.a b2 = com.mbridge.msdk.c.b.a().b(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.f().k());
            if (num != null) {
                this.t = num.intValue();
            if (map != null && map.size() > 0) {
                Long next = map.keySet().iterator().next();
                long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if (b2 == null) {
                    b2 = com.mbridge.msdk.c.b.a().b();
                if (currentTimeMillis - next.longValue() >= b2.ae() * 1000) {
                    a2.remove(i2 + "_" + this.j);
                } else if (i2 == 1) {
                    List<Frame> list = (List) map.get(next);
                    if (list == null || list.size() <= 0 || (aVar = this.g) == null) {
                        return false;
                    if (this.E >= list.size()) {
                        a2.remove(i2 + "_" + this.j);
                        return true;
                    } else if (this.E == 0) {
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        List<Frame> subList = list.subList(0, this.D);
                        map.put(next, subList);
                        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                        for (Frame frame : list) {
                            if (i6 >= this.E) {
                        map.put(next, arrayList);
                        a2.put(i2 + "_" + this.j, map);
                        return true;
                } else {
                    List list2 = (List) map.get(next);
                    if (list2 != null && list2.size() > 0) {
                        List<Campaign> arrayList2 = new ArrayList<>();
                        if (((CampaignEx) list2.get(0)).getType() == 1) {
                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(this.n)) {
                                i3 = Math.min(this.C, list2.size());
                            } else {
                                try {
                                    JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(this.n);
                                    if (jSONArray.length() > 0) {
                                        i5 = 0;
                                        i4 = 0;
                                        for (int i7 = 0; i7 < jSONArray.length(); i7++) {
                                            JSONObject jSONObject = (JSONObject) jSONArray.opt(i7);
                                            int optInt = jSONObject.optInt("id", 0);
                                            if (2 == optInt) {
                                                i5 = jSONObject.optInt("ad_num");
                                            } else if (3 == optInt) {
                                                i4 = jSONObject.optInt("ad_num");
                                    } else {
                                        i5 = 0;
                                        i4 = 0;
                                    if (3 == ((CampaignEx) list2.get(0)).getTemplate()) {
                                        i3 = Math.min(i4, list2.size());
                                    } else {
                                        i3 = Math.min(i5, list2.size());
                                } catch (Exception unused) {
                                    w.d(e, "load from catch error in get nativeinfo adnum");
                                    i3 = 0;
                            if (i3 <= 0) {
                                return false;
                            Iterator it = list2.iterator();
                            while (it.hasNext() && i6 != i3) {
                                CampaignEx campaignEx = (CampaignEx) it.next();
                        } else {
                            int min = Math.min(this.C, list2.size());
                            if (min > 0) {
                                Iterator it2 = list2.iterator();
                                while (it2.hasNext() && i6 != min) {
                                    CampaignEx campaignEx2 = (CampaignEx) it2.next();
                        return true;
        return false;

    private void b(int i2, String str) {
        Queue<Integer> queue = this.l;
        if (queue != null && queue.size() > 0) {
            int intValue = this.l.poll().intValue();
            this.X = (long) MBridgeConstans.REQUEST_TIME_OUT;
            Queue<Long> queue2 = this.m;
            if (queue2 != null && queue2.size() > 0) {
                this.X = this.m.poll().longValue();
            String str2 = e;
            w.b(str2, "start queue adsource = " + intValue);
            b(intValue, this.X, i2, str);
        } else if (!this.y && this.g != null) {
            w.b(e, "no ad source return");
            this.y = true;
            this.g.onAdLoadError("no ad source");

    private void b(int i2, long j2, int i3, String str) {
        com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.b<String, List<Campaign>> a2;
        if (i3 == 0 && (a2 = com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.f.a(i2)) != null) {
            if ((i2 == 1 || i2 == 2) && this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO)) {
                this.t = this.M;
            } else {
                this.t = this.s;
            if (a(a(i2, d(a2.b(this.j, this.t))))) {
        this.x = false;
        if (i2 == 1) {
            a(j2, i3, true, this.j, str);
        } else if (i2 != 2) {
            a(i2, j2, i3, str);
        } else {
            a(2, j2, i3, str);

    public final void a(String str, int i2, String str2) {
        String str3 = e;
        w.b(str3, "request error msg = " + str);
        Queue<Integer> queue = this.l;
        if ((queue == null || queue.size() > 0) && this.l != null) {
            w.b(str3, "request queue in request error");
            b(i2, str2);
        com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.c.a aVar = this.g;
        if (aVar != null && !this.y) {
            this.y = true;
            w.b(str3, "requestError return listener isReturn = " + this.y);

    public final synchronized void a(int i2, long j2, int i3, String str) {
        m mVar;
        try {
            if (this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO)) {
                this.t = Math.max(this.ab, this.ac);
            if (i3 == 0) {
                com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.b<String, List<Campaign>> a2 = com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.f.a(i2);
                if (this.x) {
                    if (a2 == null || !a(a(1, d(a2.b(this.j, this.t))))) {
                        String str2 = e;
                        w.b(str2, "isGetApiReulst = " + this.aa + " isReturn = " + this.y);
                        a aVar = this.Q;
                        if (aVar != null && !this.aa) {
                        if (this.aa && !this.y) {
                            w.b(str2, "222222");
                            a("mb load failed", i3, str);
                        if (!this.ad) {
                    } else {
                } else if (!(i2 == 1 || a2 == null || !a(a(i2, d(a2.b(this.j, this.t)))))) {
            int i4 = this.u;
            if (i4 == -1) {
                this.u = i2;
            } else if (i4 != i2) {
                this.v = 0;
            String str3 = e;
            w.b(str3, "START LOAD MB MVNATIVE");
            com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.e.a.a aVar2 = new com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.e.a.a(this.i);
            com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.g.d dVar = new com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.g.d();
            String k2 = com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.f().k();
            String l2 = com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.f().l();
            Map<String, Object> map = this.d;
            if (map != null && map.containsKey("app_id") && this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.APP_KEY) && this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.KEY_WORD) && this.d.get(MBridgeConstans.KEY_WORD) != null) {
                String str4 = null;
                if (this.d.get("app_id") instanceof String) {
                    k2 = (String) this.d.get("app_id");
                if (this.d.get(MBridgeConstans.APP_KEY) instanceof String) {
                    l2 = (String) this.d.get(MBridgeConstans.APP_KEY);
                if (this.d.get(MBridgeConstans.KEY_WORD) instanceof String) {
                    str4 = (String) this.d.get(MBridgeConstans.KEY_WORD);
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str4)) {
                    dVar.a("smart", r.a(str4));
            dVar.a("app_id", k2);
            dVar.a(MBridgeConstans.PROPERTIES_UNIT_ID, this.j);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.k)) {
                dVar.a(MBridgeConstans.PLACEMENT_ID, this.k);
            dVar.a("req_type", "2");
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.w)) {
                dVar.a("category", this.w);
            dVar.a("sign", SameMD5.getMD5(k2 + l2));
            if (this.Z <= 0 || i3 != 0) {
                dVar.a("ad_num", this.s + "");
            } else {
                dVar.a("ad_num", this.Z + "");
            String e2 = aa.e(this.j);
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(e2)) {
                dVar.a("j", e2);
            dVar.a("only_impression", "1");
            dVar.a("ping_mode", "1");
            if (this.E != 0) {
                dVar.a("frame_num", this.E + "");
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.n)) {
                dVar.a(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO, this.n);
                if (i2 == 1 && !com.mbridge.msdk.click.b.a) {
                    dVar.a("tnum", this.M + "");
            } else if (i2 == 1 && !com.mbridge.msdk.click.b.a) {
                dVar.a("tnum", this.s + "");
            if (i2 == 1 && !TextUtils.isEmpty(this.N)) {
                dVar.a("ttc_ids", this.N);
            String a3 = com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.a.d.a(this.j, "native");
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(a3)) {
                dVar.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.g.d.b, a3);
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14) {
                if (this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_WIDTH) && (this.d.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_WIDTH) instanceof Integer)) {
                    dVar.a("video_width", ((Integer) this.d.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_WIDTH)).intValue() + "");
                if (this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_HEIGHT) && (this.d.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_HEIGHT) instanceof Integer)) {
                    dVar.a("video_height", ((Integer) this.d.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_HEIGHT)).intValue() + "");
                if (this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_SUPPORT) && (this.d.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_SUPPORT) instanceof Boolean)) {
                    ((Boolean) this.d.get(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_SUPPORT)).booleanValue();
                dVar.a("video_version", MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_VIDEO_VERSION);
            if (com.mbridge.msdk.c.b.a().b(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.f().k()) == null) {
            if (!a(this.d)) {
                w.b(str3, "没有param 参数 要传fqci");
                JSONArray a4 = aa.a(this.i, this.j);
                if (a4.length() > 0) {
                    dVar.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.g.d.c, aa.a(a4));
            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray();
            List<Long> i5 = com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.f().i();
            if (i5 != null && i5.size() > 0) {
                for (Long l3 : i5) {
            if (jSONArray.length() > 0) {
                dVar.a("install_ids", aa.a(jSONArray));
            if (b.b().containsKey(this.j) && b.b().get(this.j).booleanValue() && b.c().get(this.j) != null && (mVar = b.c().get(this.j)) != null) {
                if (i2 == 1) {
                    this.v = mVar.b();
                } else if (i2 == 2) {
                    this.v = mVar.a();
            dVar.a(TypedValues.CycleType.S_WAVE_OFFSET, this.v + "");
            dVar.a("ad_type", "42");
            dVar.a(CampaignEx.JSON_KEY_AD_SOURCE_ID, i2 + "");
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.q)) {
                dVar.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.g.d.a, this.q);
            a aVar3 = new a();
            aVar3.d = this.j;
            aVar3.e = this.k;
            aVar3.f = 42;
            if (i2 != 1 || this.x) {
            } else {
                this.Q = aVar3;
            c cVar = new c(1, aVar3, i3, str);
            if (i3 == 0) {
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
                    dVar.a("token", str);
                aVar2.a(1, dVar, aVar3, str);
            if (i3 == 1) {
                aVar2.b(1, com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.f.d.a().m, dVar, aVar3);
            this.o.postDelayed(cVar, j2);
        } catch (Exception e3) {
            String str5 = e;
            w.d(str5, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e3));
            w.d(str5, e3.getMessage());

    public final void a(Campaign campaign, View view, List<View> list) {
        try {
            if (campaign.getType() != 3) {
                NativeListener.NativeTrackingListener nativeTrackingListener = this.h;
                if (nativeTrackingListener != null) {
                com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.f.a(campaign.getType()).a(this.j, campaign, this.V);
                final CampaignEx campaignEx = (CampaignEx) campaign;
                Class<?> cls = null;
                try {
                    cls = Class.forName("com.mbridge.msdk.nativex.view.MBMediaView");
                } catch (Throwable unused) {
                    w.d("", "MBMediaView can't found");
                com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.a.d.a(this.j, campaignEx, "native");
                if (campaignEx != null) {
                    if (view != null) {
                        if (cls == null || !cls.isInstance(view)) {
                            view.setOnClickListener(new com.mbridge.msdk.widget.a() {
                                /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass1 */

                                /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
                                @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.widget.a
                                public final void a(View view) {
                                    NativeController.a(NativeController.this, view.getContext(), campaignEx);
                        } else {
                    if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
                        for (View view2 : list) {
                            if (cls != null && cls.isInstance(view2)) {
                            view2.setOnClickListener(new com.mbridge.msdk.widget.a() {
                                /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass8 */

                                /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
                                @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.widget.a
                                public final void a(View view) {
                                    NativeController.a(NativeController.this, view.getContext(), campaignEx);
                    if (!campaignEx.isReport()) {
                        a(campaignEx, view, list);
                        String str = e;
                        Log.e(str, "sendImpression" + campaignEx);
        } catch (Exception unused2) {
            w.d(e, "registerview exception!");

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    /* access modifiers changed from: public */
    private void a(CampaignEx campaignEx) {
        if (!campaignEx.isReportClick()) {
            if (campaignEx != null && campaignEx.getNativeVideoTracking() != null && campaignEx.getNativeVideoTracking().h() != null) {
                com.mbridge.msdk.click.b.a(this.i, campaignEx, campaignEx.getCampaignUnitId(), campaignEx.getNativeVideoTracking().h(), false, false);

    public final void a(Campaign campaign, View view) {
        try {
            if (campaign.getType() != 3) {
                NativeListener.NativeTrackingListener nativeTrackingListener = this.h;
                if (nativeTrackingListener != null) {
                com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.f.a(campaign.getType()).a(this.j, campaign, this.V);
                final CampaignEx campaignEx = (CampaignEx) campaign;
                com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.a.d.a(this.j, campaignEx, "native");
                if (campaignEx != null) {
                    AnonymousClass10 r0 = new com.mbridge.msdk.widget.a() {
                        /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass10 */

                        /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
                        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.widget.a
                        public final void a(View view) {
                            NativeController.a(NativeController.this, view.getContext(), campaignEx);
                    try {
                        a(view, r0, Class.forName("com.mbridge.msdk.nativex.view.MBMediaView"));
                    } catch (Throwable unused) {
                        a(view, r0, (Class) null);
                    if (!campaignEx.isReport()) {
                        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                        a(campaignEx, view, (List<View>) arrayList);
                        String str = e;
                        w.b(str, "sendImpression" + campaignEx);
        } catch (Exception unused2) {
            w.d(e, "registerview exception!");

    private AdSession b(CampaignEx campaignEx) {
        if (this.L == null) {
            this.L = new Hashtable<>();
        String requestIdNotice = campaignEx.getRequestIdNotice();
        AdSession adSession = this.L.get(requestIdNotice);
        if (adSession == null && campaignEx.isActiveOm()) {
            adSession = com.mbridge.msdk.a.b.a(this.i, true, campaignEx.getOmid(), campaignEx.getRequestId(), campaignEx.getId(), this.j, "", campaignEx.getRequestIdNotice());
        if (adSession != null) {
            this.L.put(requestIdNotice, adSession);
        return adSession;

    private void a(CampaignEx campaignEx, View view, List<View> list) {
        AdSession adSession = null;
        try {
            if (!(this.i == null || campaignEx == null || (adSession = b(campaignEx)) == null)) {
            com.mbridge.msdk.c.d dVar = this.W;
            int d2 = dVar != null ? dVar.d() : 0;
            final f fVar = new f(campaignEx, view, list, this, adSession);
            if (this.f116K == null) {
                this.f116K = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
            fVar.setonStateChangeListener(new a.b() {
                /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass11 */

                @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a.b
                public final void a(a.EnumC0206a aVar) {
                    if (aVar == a.EnumC0206a.FINISH && NativeController.this.f116K != null && NativeController.this.f116K.size() > 0 && NativeController.this.f116K.contains(fVar)) {
            e eVar = this.o;
            if (eVar != null) {
                eVar.postDelayed(fVar, (long) (d2 * 1000));
        } catch (Exception e2) {
            w.d(e, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e2));

    private void a(View view, View.OnClickListener onClickListener, Class cls) {
        if (view == null || onClickListener == null) {
            w.d("", "traverseView  subview or mOnClickListener is null");
        if (cls != null) {
            try {
                if (cls.isInstance(view)) {
            } catch (Throwable unused) {
                w.d("", "traverseView  failed");
        if (view instanceof ViewGroup) {
            ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) view;
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < viewGroup.getChildCount(); i2++) {
                a(viewGroup.getChildAt(i2), onClickListener, cls);

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public static class f extends com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a {
        private CampaignEx a;
        private WeakReference<View> b;
        private WeakReference<List<View>> c;
        private WeakReference<NativeController> d;
        private WeakReference<AdSession> e;

        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a
        public final void cancelTask() {

        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a
        public final void pauseTask(boolean z) {

        public f(CampaignEx campaignEx, View view, List<View> list, NativeController nativeController, AdSession adSession) {
            this.a = campaignEx;
            this.b = new WeakReference<>(view);
            this.c = new WeakReference<>(list);
            this.d = new WeakReference<>(nativeController);
            this.e = new WeakReference<>(adSession);

        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a
        public final void runTask() {
            WeakReference<View> weakReference;
            w.d(NativeController.e, "waitSomeTimeToReport run");
            try {
                if (this.d != null && (weakReference = this.b) != null && this.c != null) {
                    View view = weakReference.get();
                    List<View> list = this.c.get();
                    NativeController nativeController = this.d.get();
                    AdSession adSession = null;
                    WeakReference<AdSession> weakReference2 = this.e;
                    if (weakReference2 != null) {
                        adSession = weakReference2.get();
                    if (view != null && nativeController != null) {
                        NativeController.a(nativeController, this.a, view, list, adSession);
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                w.d(NativeController.e, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e2));

    public final void b(Campaign campaign, View view) {
        b(campaign, view, (List<View>) null);

    public final void b(Campaign campaign, View view, List<View> list) {
        if (campaign != null) {
            int type = campaign.getType();
            if (type == 1 || type == 2) {
                Class<?> cls = null;
                try {
                    cls = Class.forName("com.mbridge.msdk.nativex.view.MBMediaView");
                } catch (Throwable unused) {
                if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
                    for (View view2 : list) {
                        a(view2, cls);
                } else if (view != null) {
                    a(view, cls);

    private void a(View view, Class cls) {
        if (view == null) {
            try {
                w.d("", "traverseView  subview  is null");
            } catch (Throwable unused) {
                w.d("", "traverseView  failed");
        } else if (cls == null || !cls.isInstance(view)) {
            if (view instanceof ViewGroup) {
                ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) view;
                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < viewGroup.getChildCount(); i2++) {
                    a(viewGroup.getChildAt(i2), cls);

    public final void a() {
        com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a next;
        com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.b bVar = this.G;
        if (bVar != null) {
            this.G = null;
        Hashtable<String, AdSession> hashtable = this.L;
        if (hashtable != null) {
            for (AdSession adSession : hashtable.values()) {
                if (adSession != null) {
        e eVar = this.o;
        if (eVar != null) {
        this.h = null;
        try {
            Context context = this.i;
            if (context != null) {
            List<a> list = this.I;
            if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
                for (a aVar : this.I) {
                this.I = null;
            List<a.AbstractC0220a> list2 = this.J;
            if (list2 != null && list2.size() > 0) {
                for (a.AbstractC0220a aVar2 : this.J) {
                this.J = null;
            CopyOnWriteArrayList<com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a> copyOnWriteArrayList = this.f116K;
            if (copyOnWriteArrayList != null && copyOnWriteArrayList.size() > 0) {
                Iterator<com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a> it = this.f116K.iterator();
                if (it.hasNext() && (next = it.next()) != null) {
        } catch (Exception unused) {

    public class c implements Runnable {
        private int b;
        private com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.c c;
        private int d;
        private String e;

        public c(int i, com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.c cVar, int i2, String str) {
            this.b = i;
            this.c = cVar;
            this.d = i2;
            this.e = str;

        public final void run() {
            String str = NativeController.e;
            w.b(str, "cancel task adsource is = " + this.b);
            int i = this.b;
            if (i == 1) {
                NativeController.this.aa = true;
                if (NativeController.this.x || this.d == 1) {
                    NativeController.this.a("REQUEST_TIMEOUT", this.d, this.e);
            } else if (i == 2) {
                if (!NativeController.this.y || this.d == 1) {
                    NativeController.this.a("REQUEST_TIMEOUT", this.d, this.e);

    public class a extends com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.e.a.b implements com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.c {
        private boolean b = false;
        private Runnable c;
        private boolean g = true;
        private List<String> h = null;

        public a() {

        public final void b(boolean z) {
            this.g = z;

        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.c
        public final void a(boolean z) {
            this.b = z;

        public final void a(List<String> list) {
            this.h = list;

        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.e.a.b
        public final void a(List<com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.net.c.b> list, CampaignUnit campaignUnit) {
            int i = 1;
            NativeController.this.aa = true;
            l a2 = l.a(i.a(NativeController.this.i));
            if (this.c != null) {
                w.b(NativeController.e, "REMOVE CANCEL TASK ON SUCCESS");
            w.d(NativeController.e, "onSuccess");
            aa.a((List<CampaignEx>) campaignUnit.getAds());
            int i2 = 0;
            if (campaignUnit == null || campaignUnit.getAds() == null || campaignUnit.getAds().size() <= 0) {
                this.d = "0_" + this.d;
                b.b(NativeController.this.u, this.d);
                NativeController.this.v = 0;
            NativeController.this.q = campaignUnit.getSessionId();
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList();
            if (NativeController.this.Y <= 0) {
                if (NativeController.this.Y == -3) {
                    NativeController.this.Y = campaignUnit.getAds().size();
                } else {
                    NativeController nativeController = NativeController.this;
                    nativeController.Y = nativeController.t;
                if (NativeController.this.ab != 0 && campaignUnit.getTemplate() == 2) {
                    NativeController nativeController2 = NativeController.this;
                    nativeController2.Y = nativeController2.ab;
                if (NativeController.this.ac != 0 && campaignUnit.getTemplate() == 3) {
                    NativeController nativeController3 = NativeController.this;
                    nativeController3.Y = nativeController3.ac;
            boolean z = false;
            for (int i3 = 0; i3 < campaignUnit.getAds().size(); i3++) {
                CampaignEx campaignEx = campaignUnit.getAds().get(i3);
                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(NativeController.this.V)) {
                if (NativeController.B) {
                if (campaignEx != null) {
                    boolean c2 = aa.c(NativeController.this.i, campaignEx.getPackageName());
                    if (c2 && com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e() != null) {
                        com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.e().add(new com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.entity.i(campaignEx.getId(), campaignEx.getPackageName()));
                        z = true;
                    if (i3 < NativeController.this.t && campaignEx.getOfferType() != 99) {
                        if (aa.b(campaignEx)) {
                            campaignEx.setRtinsType(c2 ? 1 : 2);
                        if (campaignEx.getWtick() == 1 || !c2) {
                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx.getVideoUrlEncode())) {
                        } else if (aa.b(campaignEx)) {
                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx.getVideoUrlEncode())) {
                        } else {
                            aa.a(this.d, campaignEx, com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.a.D);
                    if (i3 < NativeController.this.Y && campaignEx.getOfferType() != 99) {
                        if (aa.b(campaignEx)) {
                            campaignEx.setRtinsType(c2 ? 1 : 2);
                        if (!c2) {
                        } else if (aa.b(campaignEx)) {
                    if (!a2.a(campaignEx.getId())) {
                        h hVar = new h();
            NativeController.b(NativeController.this, arrayList3);
            if (z) {
            int type = campaignUnit.getAds().get(0) != null ? campaignUnit.getAds().get(0).getType() : 1;
            com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.b<String, List<Campaign>> a3 = com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.f.a(type);
            if (a3 != null) {
                a3.a(this.d, arrayList2, NativeController.this.V);
            if (arrayList.size() != 0) {
                if (NativeController.this.x || type != 1) {
                    NativeController nativeController4 = NativeController.this;
                    nativeController4.a((NativeController) nativeController4.a((NativeController) type, (int) nativeController4.d((NativeController) arrayList)));
                if (!NativeController.this.y && NativeController.this.z && !NativeController.this.x) {
                    NativeController nativeController5 = NativeController.this;
                    nativeController5.a((NativeController) nativeController5.a((NativeController) type, (int) nativeController5.d((NativeController) arrayList)));
                if (!b.b().containsKey(this.d) || !b.b().get(this.d).booleanValue()) {
                    if (b.e().containsKey(this.d)) {
                        i = b.e().get(this.d).intValue();
                    int i4 = NativeController.this.t + NativeController.this.v;
                    if (i4 <= i) {
                        i2 = i4;
                    NativeController.this.v = i2;
                b.a(NativeController.this.u, this.d);
            } else if (NativeController.this.x || type != 1) {
                NativeController.this.a("APP ALREADY INSTALLED", g(), f());

        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.e.a.b
        public final void a(int i, String str) {
            NativeController.this.aa = true;
            if (!this.b) {
                if (i == -1) {
                    b.b(NativeController.this.u, this.d);
                    NativeController.this.v = 0;
                if (this.c != null) {
                    w.b(NativeController.e, "REMOVE CANCEL TASK ON onFailed");
                if (NativeController.this.y) {
                if (g() == 1 || this.g) {
                    NativeController.this.a(str, g(), f());
            } else if (!NativeController.this.y && this.g) {
                w.b(NativeController.e, "onFailed onnative fail");
                NativeController.this.a(str, g(), f());

        public final void a(Runnable runnable) {
            this.c = runnable;

        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.e.a.b
        public final void b(List<Frame> list) {
            if (!this.b) {
                if (this.c != null) {
                    w.b(NativeController.e, "REMOVE CANCEL TASK ON onAdLoaded");
                if (list != null && list.size() != 0) {
                    for (Frame frame : list) {
                        List<CampaignEx> campaigns = frame.getCampaigns();
                        if (campaigns != null && campaigns.size() != 0) {
                            for (CampaignEx campaignEx : campaigns) {
                                if (NativeController.B) {
                        } else if (NativeController.this.g != null) {
                            NativeController.this.y = true;
                            NativeController.this.g.onAdLoadError("ads in frame is empty");
                        } else {
                    if (NativeController.this.g != null) {
                } else if (NativeController.this.g != null) {
                    NativeController.this.y = true;
                    NativeController.this.g.onAdLoadError("frame is empty");

    public final List<Campaign> b(String str, int i2, String str2) {
        int i3;
        int i4;
        List<Campaign> list = null;
        if (this.a != null) {
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(this.a);
            for (int i5 = 0; i5 < arrayList.size(); i5++) {
                com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.b<String, List<Campaign>> a2 = com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.f.a(((Integer) arrayList.get(i5)).intValue());
                if (a2 != null) {
                    if ((((Integer) arrayList.get(i5)).intValue() == 1 || ((Integer) arrayList.get(i5)).intValue() == 2) && this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO)) {
                        i4 = this.M;
                    } else {
                        i4 = this.s;
                    list = a(((Integer) arrayList.get(i5)).intValue(), a2.b(str, i4));
                    if (list != null) {
            if (list == null) {
                for (int i6 = 0; i6 < arrayList.size(); i6++) {
                    com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.b<String, List<Campaign>> a3 = com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.f.a(((Integer) arrayList.get(i6)).intValue());
                    if ((((Integer) arrayList.get(i6)).intValue() == 1 || ((Integer) arrayList.get(i6)).intValue() == 2) && this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO)) {
                        i3 = this.M;
                    } else {
                        i3 = this.s;
                    list = a(((Integer) arrayList.get(i6)).intValue(), a3.a(str, i3));
                    if (list != null) {
        return d(list);

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    /* access modifiers changed from: public */
    private boolean a(final List<Campaign> list) {
        if (!(TextUtils.isEmpty(this.V) || list == null || list.size() != 0) || list == null || list.size() <= 0) {
            return false;
        final com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.c.a aVar = this.g;
        if (aVar == null) {
            return true;
        CampaignEx campaignEx = (CampaignEx) list.get(0);
        final int template = campaignEx != null ? campaignEx.getTemplate() : 2;
        l a2 = l.a(i.a(this.i));
        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < list.size(); i2++) {
            CampaignEx campaignEx2 = (CampaignEx) list.get(i2);
            if (!a2.a(campaignEx2.getId())) {
                h hVar = new h();
        int type = campaignEx.getType();
        if (!this.S || !this.R || type == 3 || type == 6 || type == 7) {
            if (list == null || list.size() <= 0) {
                a(aVar, "has no ads");
                return true;
            for (Campaign campaign : list) {
            a(list, template, aVar);
            return true;
        } else if (e().h() == 3) {
            final List<Campaign> b2 = b(list);
            if (list == null || list.size() <= 0) {
                a(aVar, "has no ads");
                return true;
            a(list, new b() {
                /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass13 */

                @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.b
                public final void a() {
                    List a2 = NativeController.a(NativeController.this, b2, true);
                    if (a2 == null || a2.size() <= 0) {
                        NativeController.this.a((NativeController) aVar, (NativeListener.NativeAdListener) "has no ads");
                    } else {
                        NativeController.this.a((NativeController) a2, (List) template, (int) aVar);
            return true;
        } else {
            List<Campaign> c2 = c(list);
            if (c2 == null || c2.size() <= 0) {
                a(list, template, aVar);
                return true;
            a(c2, new b() {
                /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass14 */

                @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.b
                public final void a() {
                    List a2 = NativeController.a(NativeController.this, list, false);
                    if (a2 == null || a2.size() <= 0) {
                        NativeController.this.a((NativeController) aVar, (NativeListener.NativeAdListener) "has no ads");
                    } else {
                        NativeController.this.a((NativeController) a2, (List) template, (int) aVar);
            return true;

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    /* access modifiers changed from: public */
    private void a(final List<Campaign> list, final int i2, final NativeListener.NativeAdListener nativeAdListener) {
        this.o.post(new Runnable() {
            /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass15 */

            public final void run() {
                List list = list;
                if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
                    NativeController.this.T = ((CampaignEx) list.get(0)).getRequestId();
                NativeController.this.y = true;
                nativeAdListener.onAdLoaded(list, i2);
                com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.d.a.a(NativeController.this.i, list, NativeController.this.j);

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    /* access modifiers changed from: public */
    private void a(final NativeListener.NativeAdListener nativeAdListener, final String str) {
        this.o.post(new Runnable() {
            /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass2 */

            public final void run() {

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    /* access modifiers changed from: public */
    private List<Campaign> a(int i2, List<Campaign> list) {
        int i3;
        int i4;
        int i5 = 1;
        if (i2 != 1 || !this.d.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.NATIVE_INFO) || list == null || list.size() <= 0) {
            return list;
        CampaignEx campaignEx = (CampaignEx) list.get(0);
        if (campaignEx != null) {
            i5 = campaignEx.getTemplate();
        if (i5 != 2) {
            return (i5 != 3 || list == null || list.size() < (i3 = this.ac)) ? list : list.subList(0, i3);
        if (list == null || list.size() < (i4 = this.ab)) {
            return list;
        return list.subList(0, i4);

    private void a(final long j2, final int i2, final boolean z2, final String str, final String str2) {
        final UUID D2 = s.D();
        if (D2 == null) {
            Map<String, Boolean> map = this.H;
            map.put(str + "_" + z2 + "_ttc", false);
            Map<String, Boolean> map2 = this.H;
            map2.put(str + "_" + z2 + "_post", false);
        } else {
            Map<String, Boolean> map3 = this.H;
            map3.put(D2 + str + "_" + z2 + "_ttc", false);
            Map<String, Boolean> map4 = this.H;
            map4.put(D2 + str + "_" + z2 + "_post", false);
        final AnonymousClass3 r14 = new com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a() {
            /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass3 */

            @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a
            public final void cancelTask() {

            @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a
            public final void pauseTask(boolean z) {

            @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a
            public final void runTask() {
                if (NativeController.this.O == null) {
                    NativeController nativeController = NativeController.this;
                    nativeController.O = i.a(nativeController.i);
                com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.db.c a2 = com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.db.c.a(NativeController.this.O);
                NativeController.this.N = a2.a(str);
                if (NativeController.this.H != null && !NativeController.this.H.isEmpty()) {
                    if (D2 == null) {
                        Map map = NativeController.this.H;
                        if (map.containsKey(str + "_" + z2 + "_ttc")) {
                            Map map2 = NativeController.this.H;
                            map2.put(str + "_" + z2 + "_ttc", true);
                    if (D2 != null) {
                        Map map3 = NativeController.this.H;
                        if (map3.containsKey(D2 + str + "_" + z2 + "_ttc")) {
                            Map map4 = NativeController.this.H;
                            map4.put(D2 + str + "_" + z2 + "_ttc", true);
        this.o.postDelayed(new com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a() {
            /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass4 */

            @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a
            public final void cancelTask() {

            @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a
            public final void pauseTask(boolean z) {

            @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a
            public final void runTask() {
                boolean z = false;
                if (NativeController.this.H != null && !NativeController.this.H.isEmpty()) {
                    Map map = NativeController.this.H;
                    if (map.containsKey(str + "_" + z2 + "_ttc")) {
                        Map map2 = NativeController.this.H;
                        z = ((Boolean) map2.get(str + "_" + z2 + "_ttc")).booleanValue();
                        Map map3 = NativeController.this.H;
                        map3.remove(str + "_" + z2 + "_ttc");
                    Map map4 = NativeController.this.H;
                    if (map4.containsKey(D2 + str + "_" + z2 + "_ttc")) {
                        Map map5 = NativeController.this.H;
                        z = ((Boolean) map5.get(D2 + str + "_" + z2 + "_ttc")).booleanValue();
                        Map map6 = NativeController.this.H;
                        map6.remove(D2 + str + "_" + z2 + "_ttc");
                if (!z) {
                    NativeController.this.o.post(new Runnable() {
                        /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass4.AnonymousClass1 */

                        public final void run() {
                            if (NativeController.this.H != null && !NativeController.this.H.isEmpty()) {
                                Map map = NativeController.this.H;
                                if (map.containsKey(str + "_" + z2 + "_post")) {
                                    Map map2 = NativeController.this.H;
                                    map2.put(str + "_" + z2 + "_post", true);
                                Map map3 = NativeController.this.H;
                                if (map3.containsKey(D2 + str + "_" + z2 + "_post")) {
                                    Map map4 = NativeController.this.H;
                                    map4.put(D2 + str + "_" + z2 + "_post", true);
                            if (z2) {
                                NativeController.this.x = true;
                            } else {
                                NativeController.this.x = false;
                            if (NativeController.this.G != null) {
                            NativeController.this.a(1, j2, i2, str2);
        }, 90000);
        AnonymousClass5 r9 = new a.b() {
            /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass5 */

            @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.a.b
            public final void a(a.EnumC0206a aVar) {
                if (aVar == a.EnumC0206a.FINISH) {
                    NativeController.this.o.post(new Runnable() {
                        /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass5.AnonymousClass1 */

                        public final void run() {
                            if (z2) {
                                NativeController.this.x = true;
                            boolean z = false;
                            if (NativeController.this.H != null && !NativeController.this.H.isEmpty()) {
                                Map map = NativeController.this.H;
                                if (map.containsKey(str + "_" + z2 + "_post")) {
                                    Map map2 = NativeController.this.H;
                                    z = ((Boolean) map2.get(str + "_" + z2 + "_post")).booleanValue();
                                    Map map3 = NativeController.this.H;
                                    map3.remove(str + "_" + z2 + "_post");
                                Map map4 = NativeController.this.H;
                                if (map4.containsKey(D2 + str + "_" + z2 + "_post")) {
                                    Map map5 = NativeController.this.H;
                                    z = ((Boolean) map5.get(D2 + str + "_" + z2 + "_post")).booleanValue();
                                    Map map6 = NativeController.this.H;
                                    map6.remove(D2 + str + "_" + z2 + "_post");
                            if (!z) {
                                NativeController.this.a(1, j2, i2, str2);
        if (this.G == null) {
            this.G = new com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.b(this.i);
        com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.e.b bVar = this.G;
        if (bVar != null) {
            bVar.a(r14, r9);

    public static boolean a(Map<String, Object> map) {
        if (map != null) {
            try {
                if (map.containsKey("app_id") && map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.APP_KEY) && map.containsKey(MBridgeConstans.KEY_WORD) && map.get(MBridgeConstans.KEY_WORD) != null) {
                    w.b(e, "有smart 参数");
                    return true;
            } catch (Exception e2) {
                w.d(e, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e2));
        w.b(e, "木有smart 参数");
        return false;

    public static List<String> b(Map<String, Object> map) {
        Exception e2;
        ArrayList arrayList = null;
        try {
            if (!(map.get(MBridgeConstans.KEY_WORD) instanceof String)) {
                return null;
            String str = (String) map.get(MBridgeConstans.KEY_WORD);
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
                return null;
            JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONArray(str);
            if (jSONArray.length() == 0) {
                return null;
            ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < jSONArray.length(); i2++) {
                try {
                    JSONObject optJSONObject = jSONArray.optJSONObject(i2);
                    if (optJSONObject != null) {
                        String optString = optJSONObject.optString("p");
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(optString)) {
                } catch (Exception e3) {
                    e2 = e3;
                    arrayList = arrayList2;
                    w.d(e, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e2));
                    return arrayList;
            return arrayList2;
        } catch (Exception e4) {
            e2 = e4;
            w.d(e, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e2));
            return arrayList;

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public static class d implements H5DownLoadManager.IH5SourceDownloadListener {
        private String a;
        private CampaignEx b;
        private long c = System.currentTimeMillis();
        private boolean d = true;

        public d(String str, CampaignEx campaignEx, boolean z) {
            this.a = str;
            this.b = campaignEx;
            this.d = z;

        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.download.download.H5DownLoadManager.H5ResDownloadListerInter
        public final void onSuccess(String str) {
            try {
                if (this.d) {
                    long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.c;
                    p pVar = new p("2000043", 20, currentTimeMillis + "", str, this.b.getId(), this.a, "", "2");
                    CampaignEx campaignEx = this.b;
                    if (campaignEx != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx.getId())) {
                    CampaignEx campaignEx2 = this.b;
                    if (campaignEx2 != null) {
                    com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.report.c.a(pVar, this.a);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                w.d(NativeController.e, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e));

        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.download.download.H5DownLoadManager.H5ResDownloadListerInter
        public final void onFailed(String str, String str2) {
            try {
                if (this.d) {
                    long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.c;
                    p pVar = new p("2000043", 21, currentTimeMillis + "", str, this.b.getId(), this.a, str2, "2");
                    CampaignEx campaignEx = this.b;
                    if (campaignEx != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx.getId())) {
                    CampaignEx campaignEx2 = this.b;
                    if (campaignEx2 != null) {
                    com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.report.c.a(pVar, this.a);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                w.d(NativeController.e, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e));

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public static final class g implements H5DownLoadManager.ZipDownloadListener {
        String a;
        CampaignEx b;
        private long c = System.currentTimeMillis();
        private boolean d = true;

        public g(String str, CampaignEx campaignEx, boolean z) {
            this.a = str;
            this.b = campaignEx;
            this.d = z;

        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.download.download.H5DownLoadManager.H5ResDownloadListerInter
        public final void onSuccess(String str) {
            try {
                if (this.d) {
                    long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.c;
                    p pVar = new p("2000043", 14, currentTimeMillis + "", str, this.b.getId(), this.a, "", "1");
                    CampaignEx campaignEx = this.b;
                    if (campaignEx != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx.getId())) {
                    CampaignEx campaignEx2 = this.b;
                    if (campaignEx2 != null) {
                    com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.report.c.a(pVar, this.a);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                w.d(NativeController.e, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e));

        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.download.download.H5DownLoadManager.H5ResDownloadListerInter
        public final void onFailed(String str, String str2) {
            try {
                if (this.d) {
                    long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.c;
                    p pVar = new p("2000043", 3, currentTimeMillis + "", str2, this.b.getId(), this.a, str, "1");
                    CampaignEx campaignEx = this.b;
                    if (campaignEx != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx.getId())) {
                    CampaignEx campaignEx2 = this.b;
                    if (campaignEx2 != null) {
                    com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.report.c.a(pVar, this.a);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                w.d(NativeController.e, com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.b.a.a(e));

    public static void insertExcludeId(String str, CampaignEx campaignEx) {
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str) && campaignEx != null && com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.f().j() != null) {
            k a2 = k.a(i.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.f().j()));
            com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.entity.g gVar = new com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.entity.g();

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    /* access modifiers changed from: public */
    private com.mbridge.msdk.c.d e() {
        com.mbridge.msdk.c.d e2 = com.mbridge.msdk.c.b.a().e("", this.j);
        this.W = e2;
        if (e2 == null) {
            this.W = com.mbridge.msdk.c.d.d(this.j);
        return this.W;

    private List<Campaign> b(List<Campaign> list) {
        if (list != null) {
            CampaignEx campaignEx = null;
            for (int size = list.size() - 1; size >= 0; size--) {
                try {
                    campaignEx = (CampaignEx) list.get(size);
                } catch (Throwable th) {
                if (campaignEx != null && TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx.getVideoUrlEncode())) {
                    Campaign remove = list.remove(size);
                    com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.f.a(campaignEx.getType()).a(this.j, remove, this.V);
                    w.a(e, "remove no videoURL ads:" + remove);
        return list;

    private List<Campaign> c(List<Campaign> list) {
        ArrayList arrayList = null;
        if (list != null) {
            for (Campaign campaign : list) {
                if (campaign instanceof CampaignEx) {
                    CampaignEx campaignEx = (CampaignEx) campaign;
                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx.getImageUrl()) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx.getVideoUrlEncode())) {
                        if (arrayList == null) {
                            arrayList = new ArrayList();
        return arrayList;

    private void a(final List<Campaign> list, final b bVar) {
        final long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Timer timer = new Timer();
        this.U = timer;
        timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
            /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass7 */

            public final void run() {
                boolean z;
                w.a(NativeController.e, "search campain status");
                if (System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTimeMillis >= 60000) {
                int D = s.D(NativeController.this.i);
                int k = NativeController.this.e().k();
                if (D != 9 && k == 2) {
                } else if (k == 3) {
                } else {
                    while (true) {
                        z = false;
                        for (Campaign campaign : list) {
                            String id = campaign.getId();
                            if (campaign instanceof CampaignEx) {
                                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                CampaignEx campaignEx = (CampaignEx) campaign;
                                id = sb.toString();
                            com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.a a2 = com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.b.getInstance().a(NativeController.this.j, id);
                            if (a2 != null && com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.d.a(a2, NativeController.this.e().f())) {
                                z = true;
                        break loop0;
                    if (z) {
        }, 0, 1000);

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    /* access modifiers changed from: public */
    private void f() {
        Timer timer = this.U;
        if (timer != null) {
            this.U = null;

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    /* access modifiers changed from: public */
    private List<Campaign> d(List<Campaign> list) {
        if (list == null) {
            return null;
        ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(list.size());
        ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(list.size());
        for (Campaign campaign : list) {
            if (campaign instanceof CampaignEx) {
                CampaignEx campaignEx = (CampaignEx) campaign;
                if (TextUtils.isEmpty(this.V) && TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx.getBidToken()) && !campaignEx.isBidCampaign()) {
                } else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.V) && TextUtils.equals(campaignEx.getBidToken(), this.V)) {
            } else {
        return TextUtils.isEmpty(this.V) ? arrayList2 : arrayList;

    public final String b() {
        return this.T;

    static /* synthetic */ void a(NativeController nativeController, Context context, final CampaignEx campaignEx) {
        if (campaignEx != null) {
            try {
                if (campaignEx.needShowIDialog()) {
                    AnonymousClass9 r6 = new com.mbridge.msdk.widget.dialog.a() {
                        /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass9 */

                        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.widget.dialog.a
                        public final void b() {

                        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.widget.dialog.a
                        public final void a() {
                            com.mbridge.msdk.click.b unused = NativeController.this.r;
                            com.mbridge.msdk.click.b.a = false;
                            NativeController.this.r.a(campaignEx, NativeController.this.g);
                            NativeController.this.a((NativeController) campaignEx);

                        @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.widget.dialog.a
                        public final void c() {
                    if (com.mbridge.msdk.click.c.a(campaignEx) && campaignEx.needShowIDialog()) {
                        if (!nativeController.r.b(campaignEx)) {
                            com.mbridge.msdk.mbjscommon.confirmation.e.a().a("", campaignEx, context, nativeController.j, r6);
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                w.a(e, th.getMessage());
        com.mbridge.msdk.click.b bVar = nativeController.r;
        com.mbridge.msdk.click.b.a = false;
        nativeController.r.a(campaignEx, nativeController.g);

    static /* synthetic */ void a(NativeController nativeController, final CampaignEx campaignEx, View view, List list, AdSession adSession) {
        try {
            w.d(e, "trackView start");
            AnonymousClass12 r0 = new a.AbstractC0220a() {
                /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass12 */

                @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.a.AbstractC0220a
                public final void a(ArrayList<View> arrayList, ArrayList<View> arrayList2) {
                    w.d(NativeController.e, "trackView onVisibilityChanged");
                    if (arrayList != null && arrayList.size() > 0) {
                        w.d(NativeController.e, "trackView send");
                        com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.d.b.a(campaignEx, NativeController.this.i, NativeController.this.j, NativeController.this.g);
            a aVar = new a(list, r0, new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()));
            List<a> list2 = nativeController.I;
            if (list2 != null) {
            List<a.AbstractC0220a> list3 = nativeController.J;
            if (list3 != null) {
            if (adSession != null) {
        } catch (Exception unused) {

    static /* synthetic */ void b(NativeController nativeController, List list) {
        if (list != null) {
            try {
                if (list.size() > 0) {
                    w.b(e, "===创建下载任务");
                    try {
                        Class<?> cls = Class.forName("com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.b");
                        Class<?> cls2 = Class.forName("com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.listener.a");
                        Object invoke = cls.getMethod("getInstance", new Class[0]).invoke(null, new Object[0]);
                        if (invoke != null) {
                            cls.getMethod("createUnitCache", Context.class, String.class, List.class, Integer.TYPE, cls2).invoke(invoke, nativeController.i, nativeController.j, list, 1, null);
                            cls.getMethod(PointCategory.LOAD, String.class).invoke(invoke, nativeController.j);
                        Iterator it = list.iterator();
                        while (it.hasNext()) {
                            CampaignEx campaignEx = (CampaignEx) it.next();
                            if (campaignEx != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx.getImageUrl())) {
                                com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.c.b.a(com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.controller.a.f().j()).a(campaignEx.getImageUrl(), new com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.c.c() {
                                    /* class com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.controller.NativeController.AnonymousClass6 */

                                    @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.c.c
                                    public final void onFailedLoad(String str, String str2) {

                                    @Override // com.mbridge.msdk.foundation.same.c.c
                                    public final void onSuccessLoad(Bitmap bitmap, String str) {
                            try {
                                String str = campaignEx.getendcard_url();
                                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
                                    if (!str.contains(".zip") || !str.contains(ResourceManager.KEY_MD5FILENAME)) {
                                        H5DownLoadManager.getInstance().downloadH5Res(str, new d(nativeController.j, campaignEx, TextUtils.isEmpty(HTMLResourceManager.getInstance().getHtmlContentFromUrl(str))));
                                    } else {
                                        H5DownLoadManager.getInstance().downloadH5Res(str, new g(nativeController.j, campaignEx, TextUtils.isEmpty(H5DownLoadManager.getInstance().getH5ResAddress(str))));
                            } catch (Exception unused) {
                    } catch (Throwable unused2) {
                        w.d(e, "please import the videocommon and nativex aar");
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                if (MBridgeConstans.DEBUG) {
        w.b(e, "onload 不用下载视频素材 size为0");

    static /* synthetic */ List a(NativeController nativeController, List list, boolean z2) {
        if (list != null) {
            for (int size = list.size() - 1; size >= 0; size--) {
                Campaign campaign = (Campaign) list.get(size);
                String id = campaign.getId();
                boolean z3 = campaign instanceof CampaignEx;
                if (z3) {
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    CampaignEx campaignEx = (CampaignEx) campaign;
                    id = sb.toString();
                com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.a a2 = com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.b.getInstance().a(nativeController.j, id);
                if (z2) {
                    if (a2 == null || !com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.d.a(a2, nativeController.e().f())) {
                        com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.f.a(campaign.getType()).a(nativeController.j, (Campaign) list.remove(size), nativeController.V);
                } else if (z3) {
                    CampaignEx campaignEx2 = (CampaignEx) campaign;
                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx2.getImageUrl()) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(campaignEx2.getVideoUrlEncode()) && (a2 == null || !com.mbridge.msdk.videocommon.download.d.a(a2, nativeController.e().f()))) {
                        com.mbridge.msdk.mbnative.a.f.a(campaign.getType()).a(nativeController.j, (Campaign) list.remove(size), nativeController.V);
        return list;