apk(点击下载) / f.java

package com.gaoyuan.mianshu;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.Base64;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
import android.widget.TextView;
import com.gaoyuan.mianshu.bean.c;
import com.netease.nim.uikit.bean.AppConfigResBean;
import com.netease.nim.uikit.bean.EquipBean;
import com.netease.nim.uikit.common.util.sys.TimeUtil;
import com.netease.nim.uikit.utils.GlobalConstants;
import com.netease.nim.uikit.utils.SPUtils;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import kotlin.h;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.i;
import kotlin.text.d;
import kotlin.text.g;

/* compiled from: MyUtils.kt */
public final class f {
    public static final f a = new f();

    /* compiled from: MyUtils.kt */
    public static final class a extends com.google.gson.p.a<List<com.gaoyuan.mianshu.bean.h>> {
        a() {

    /* compiled from: MyUtils.kt */
    public static final class b extends com.google.gson.p.a<List<c>> {
        b() {

    private f() {

    private final EquipBean g() {
        String str = Build.PRODUCT;
        i.d(str, "PRODUCT");
        String str2 = Build.TAGS;
        i.d(str2, "TAGS");
        String str3 = Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL;
        i.d(str3, "INCREMENTAL");
        String str4 = Build.VERSION.RELEASE;
        i.d(str4, "RELEASE");
        String str5 = Build.MODEL;
        i.d(str5, "MODEL");
        String str6 = Build.DEVICE;
        i.d(str6, "DEVICE");
        String str7 = Build.DISPLAY;
        i.d(str7, "DISPLAY");
        String str8 = Build.BRAND;
        i.d(str8, "BRAND");
        String str9 = Build.BOARD;
        i.d(str9, "BOARD");
        String str10 = Build.FINGERPRINT;
        i.d(str10, "FINGERPRINT");
        String str11 = Build.ID;
        i.d(str11, "ID");
        String str12 = Build.MANUFACTURER;
        i.d(str12, "MANUFACTURER");
        String str13 = Build.USER;
        i.d(str13, "USER");
        String str14 = Build.HARDWARE;
        i.d(str14, "HARDWARE");
        String str15 = Build.HOST;
        i.d(str15, "HOST");
        String str16 = Build.TYPE;
        i.d(str16, "TYPE");
        return new EquipBean(str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, str12, str13, str14, str15, str16, String.valueOf(Build.TIME));

    public final void A(String str) {
        i.e(str, "type");
        SPUtils sPUtils = SPUtils.INSTANCE;
        sPUtils.put(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_ENTER_TYPE, "okhttp-" + str);

    public final void B(String str, String str2, String str3) {
        i.e(str, com.heytap.mcssdk.a.a.j);
        i.e(str2, "url");
        i.e(str3, "msg");
        com.gaoyuan.mianshu.bean.h hVar = new com.gaoyuan.mianshu.bean.h(str, str2, str3, null, null, null, null, null, 248, null);
        List<com.gaoyuan.mianshu.bean.h> i = i();
        String nowDatetime = TimeUtil.getNowDatetime();
        i.d(nowDatetime, "getNowDatetime()");
        SPUtils sPUtils = SPUtils.INSTANCE;
        String r = sPUtils.getGson().r(i);
        i.d(r, "SPUtils.gson.toJson(list)");
        sPUtils.put(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_INIT_ERRORMSG, r);

    public final void C(String str) {
        i.e(str, "token");
        SPUtils.INSTANCE.put(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_JWT_TOKEN, str);

    public final void D(String str) {
        i.e(str, "res");
        SPUtils.INSTANCE.put(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_LAUNCH_SATE, str);

    public final void E(String str, String str2, String str3) {
        i.e(str, com.heytap.mcssdk.a.a.j);
        i.e(str2, "url");
        i.e(str3, "msg");
        c cVar = new c(str, str2, str3);
        List<c> m = m();
        SPUtils sPUtils = SPUtils.INSTANCE;
        String r = sPUtils.getGson().r(m);
        i.d(r, "SPUtils.gson.toJson(list)");
        sPUtils.put(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_LAUNCH_STEP, r);

    public final void F(String str) {
        i.e(str, "url");
        if (!g.G(str, "http://second", false, 2, null)) {
            E("1008", str, "网络框架初始化");
            SPUtils.INSTANCE.put(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_URL_CACHE, str);

    public final void G(String str) {
        i.e(str, "res");
        SPUtils sPUtils = SPUtils.INSTANCE;
        if (SPUtils.getString$default(sPUtils, GlobalConstants.WEBDOMAIN_DATA, null, 2, null).length() == 0) {
            sPUtils.put(GlobalConstants.WEBDOMAIN_DATA, str);

    public final String a(String str) {
        i.e(str, "str");
        Charset charset = d.b;
        byte[] bytes = str.getBytes(charset);
        i.d(bytes, "this as java.lang.String).getBytes(charset)");
        byte[] decode = Base64.decode(bytes, 0);
        i.d(decode, "decode(str.toByteArray(), Base64.DEFAULT)");
        return new String(decode, charset);

    public final String b(String str) {
        i.e(str, "str");
        byte[] bytes = str.getBytes(d.b);
        i.d(bytes, "this as java.lang.String).getBytes(charset)");
        String encodeToString = Base64.encodeToString(bytes, 0);
        i.d(encodeToString, "encodeToString(str.toByteArray(), Base64.DEFAULT)");
        return g.E0(encodeToString).toString();

    public final String c() {
        return SPUtils.getString$default(SPUtils.INSTANCE, GlobalConstants.API_LINK_DATA, null, 2, null);

    public final String d() {
        SPUtils sPUtils = SPUtils.INSTANCE;
        if (SPUtils.getString$default(sPUtils, GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_DEVICES_ID, null, 2, null).length() == 0) {
            sPUtils.put(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_DEVICES_ID, n(g().toString()));
        return SPUtils.getString$default(sPUtils, GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_DEVICES_ID, null, 2, null);

    public final boolean e() {
        return SPUtils.INSTANCE.getBoolean(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_ERRORUPLOADRES);

    public final String f() {
        return SPUtils.getString$default(SPUtils.INSTANCE, GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_ENTER_TYPE, null, 2, null);

    public final String h() {
        return SPUtils.getString$default(SPUtils.INSTANCE, GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_INIT_ERRORMSG, null, 2, null);

    public final List<com.gaoyuan.mianshu.bean.h> i() {
        String h = h();
        Type e = new a().e();
        i.d(e, "object : TypeToken<Mutab…tErrorReqBean>>() {}.type");
        List<com.gaoyuan.mianshu.bean.h> list = (List) SPUtils.INSTANCE.getGson().j(h, e);
        return list == null ? new ArrayList() : list;

    public final String j() {
        return SPUtils.getString$default(SPUtils.INSTANCE, GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_JWT_TOKEN, null, 2, null);

    public final String k() {
        return SPUtils.getString$default(SPUtils.INSTANCE, GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_LAUNCH_SATE, null, 2, null);

    public final String l() {
        return SPUtils.getString$default(SPUtils.INSTANCE, GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_LAUNCH_STEP, null, 2, null);

    public final List<c> m() {
        String l = l();
        Type e = new b().e();
        i.d(e, "object : TypeToken<Mutab…aunchStepBean>>() {}.type");
        List<c> list = (List) SPUtils.INSTANCE.getGson().j(l, e);
        return list == null ? new ArrayList() : list;

    public final String n(String str) {
        i.e(str, "input");
        MessageDigest instance = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
        byte[] bytes = str.getBytes(d.b);
        i.d(bytes, "this as java.lang.String).getBytes(charset)");
        String bigInteger = new BigInteger(1, instance.digest(bytes)).toString(16);
        i.d(bigInteger, "BigInteger(1, md.digest(…yteArray())).toString(16)");
        return g.b0(bigInteger, 32, '0');

    public final String o() {
        return SPUtils.getString$default(SPUtils.INSTANCE, GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_NIM_KEY, null, 2, null);

    public final String p() {
        return SPUtils.getString$default(SPUtils.INSTANCE, GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_APP_VERSIONNAME, null, 2, null);

    public final String q() {
        return SPUtils.getString$default(SPUtils.INSTANCE, GlobalConstants.WEBDOMAIN_DATA, null, 2, null);

    public final void r(Context context, TextView textView) {
        i.e(context, "context");
        i.e(textView, "tv");
        Object systemService = context.getSystemService("input_method");
        Objects.requireNonNull(systemService, "null cannot be cast to non-null type android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager");
        ((InputMethodManager) systemService).hideSoftInputFromWindow(textView.getWindowToken(), 0);

    public final void s() {
        SPUtils sPUtils = SPUtils.INSTANCE;
        sPUtils.put(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_INIT_ERRORMSG, "");
        sPUtils.put(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_LAUNCH_STEP, "");

    public final void t(Context context) {
        String str = "";
        i.e(context, "context");
        try {
            ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = context.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(c.c().getPackageName(), 128);
            i.d(applicationInfo, "context.packageManager.g…T_META_DATA\n            )");
            String string = applicationInfo.metaData.getString("com.netease.nim.appKey");
            if (string != null) {
                str = string;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        SPUtils.INSTANCE.put(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_NIM_KEY, str);

    public final void u(Context context) {
        i.e(context, "context");
        String str = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0).versionName;
        SPUtils sPUtils = SPUtils.INSTANCE;
        i.d(str, "res");
        sPUtils.put(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_APP_VERSIONNAME, str);

    public final void v() {
        SPUtils.INSTANCE.put(GlobalConstants.WEBDOMAIN_DATA, "");

    public final void w(AppConfigResBean appConfigResBean) {
        i.e(appConfigResBean, "bean");
        Log.e("setAppConf", appConfigResBean.toString());
        SPUtils.INSTANCE.put(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_APPCONFIG_RESBEAN, appConfigResBean);

    public final void x(String str) {
        i.e(str, "res");
        SPUtils.INSTANCE.put(GlobalConstants.API_LINK_DATA, str);

    public final void y(boolean z) {
        SPUtils.INSTANCE.put(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_ERRORUPLOADRES, Boolean.valueOf(z));

    public final void z(String str) {
        i.e(str, "url");
        SPUtils.INSTANCE.put(GlobalConstants.CONSTANTS_FENFA_CACHE, str);