小红书.apk(点击下载) / s.java

package com.g.gysdk.a;

import android.text.TextUtils;
import com.g.gysdk.GyCode;
import com.g.gysdk.GyErrorCode;
import com.g.gysdk.a.am;
import com.g.gysdk.a.d;
import com.g.gysdk.a.o;
import com.g.gysdk.a.y;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import y7.f;

public class s {

    /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static boolean f22628a = true;

    /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
    private AtomicBoolean f22629b;

    /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
    private final o f22630c;

    /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
    private final o f22631d;

    /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
    private final o f22632e;

    /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
    private String f22633f;

    /* renamed from: g  reason: collision with root package name */
    private String f22634g;

    /* renamed from: h  reason: collision with root package name */
    private String f22635h;

    /* renamed from: i  reason: collision with root package name */
    private String f22636i;

    /* renamed from: j  reason: collision with root package name */
    private String f22637j;

    /* renamed from: k  reason: collision with root package name */
    private String f22638k;

    /* renamed from: com.g.gysdk.a.s$6  reason: invalid class name */
    public static /* synthetic */ class AnonymousClass6 {

        /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
        public static final /* synthetic */ int[] f22648a;

        /* JADX WARNING: Can't wrap try/catch for region: R(6:0|1|2|3|4|(3:5|6|8)) */
        /* JADX WARNING: Failed to process nested try/catch */
        /* JADX WARNING: Missing exception handler attribute for start block: B:3:0x0012 */
        /* JADX WARNING: Missing exception handler attribute for start block: B:5:0x001d */
        static {
            int[] iArr = new int[o.e.values().length];
            f22648a = iArr;
            iArr[o.e.CT.ordinal()] = 1;
            f22648a[o.e.CM.ordinal()] = 2;
            try {
                f22648a[o.e.CU.ordinal()] = 3;
            } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused) {

    public static class a {

        /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
        private static final s f22649a = new s();

    private s() {
        this.f22629b = new AtomicBoolean(false);
        this.f22633f = "";
        this.f22634g = "";
        this.f22635h = "";
        this.f22636i = "";
        this.f22637j = "";
        this.f22638k = "";
        this.f22630c = null;
        this.f22631d = new p();
        this.f22632e = new q();

    private static int a(long j14, int i10) {
        long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (j14 > currentTimeMillis) {
            j14 = currentTimeMillis;
        int i14 = (i10 - ((int) (currentTimeMillis - j14))) - 100;
        if (i14 < 100) {
            return 100;
        return i14;

    private o a(boolean z14, int i10) throws Throwable {
        o oVar;
        o.e a14 = ar.a(z14, i10);
        int i14 = AnonymousClass6.f22648a[a14.ordinal()];
        if (i14 == 1) {
            oVar = this.f22630c;
        } else if (i14 == 2) {
            oVar = this.f22631d;
        } else if (i14 == 3) {
            oVar = this.f22632e;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("unSupport operator:" + a14.f22609e);
        if (oVar != null) {
            return oVar;
        throw new IllegalStateException("unInit operator:" + a14.f22609e);

    public static s a() {
        return a.f22649a;

    public static boolean b(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, String str6) {
        return (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str3) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(str4)) || (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str5) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(str6));

    public void a(long j14, int i10, final r rVar) throws Throwable {
        int a14 = a(j14, i10);
        try {
            a(true, -1).a(a14, new o.b() {
                /* class com.g.gysdk.a.s.AnonymousClass1 */

                @Override // com.g.gysdk.a.o.b
                public void a(v vVar) {
        } catch (Throwable th3) {
            GyErrorCode gyErrorCode = GyErrorCode.UNSUPPORT_OPERATOR;
            if (!ar.c(d.f22558b)) {
                gyErrorCode = GyErrorCode.NO_SIM_CARD;
            rVar.a(new com.g.gysdk.a(GyCode.PRELOGIN_ERROR, gyErrorCode, an.a(th3)).a("preLogin", "", null));

    public void a(String str, long j14, int i10, final r rVar) throws Throwable {
        int a14 = a(j14, i10);
        try {
            a(true, -1).a(str, a14, new o.c() {
                /* class com.g.gysdk.a.s.AnonymousClass3 */

                @Override // com.g.gysdk.a.o.c
                public void a(w wVar) {
        } catch (Throwable th3) {
            GyErrorCode gyErrorCode = GyErrorCode.UNSUPPORT_OPERATOR;
            if (!ar.c(d.f22558b)) {
                gyErrorCode = GyErrorCode.NO_SIM_CARD;
            rVar.a(new com.g.gysdk.a(GyCode.PREVERIFY_ERROR, gyErrorCode, an.a(th3)).a("getAccessCode", "", null));

    public void a(String str, String str2, String str3, int i10, long j14, int i14, final r rVar) throws Throwable {
        int a14 = a(j14, i14);
        try {
            a(false, i10).a(str, str2, str3, a14, new o.d() {
                /* class com.g.gysdk.a.s.AnonymousClass4 */

                @Override // com.g.gysdk.a.o.d
                public void a(x xVar) {
        } catch (Throwable th3) {
            GyErrorCode gyErrorCode = GyErrorCode.UNSUPPORT_OPERATOR;
            if (!ar.c(d.f22558b)) {
                gyErrorCode = GyErrorCode.NO_SIM_CARD;
            rVar.a(new com.g.gysdk.a(GyCode.VERIFY_ERROR, gyErrorCode, an.a(th3)));

    public void a(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, String str6) {
        o oVar;
        o oVar2;
        o oVar3;
        String str7 = "";
        String str8 = str == null ? str7 : str;
        String str9 = str2 == null ? str7 : str2;
        String str10 = str3 == null ? str7 : str3;
        String str11 = str4 == null ? str7 : str4;
        String str12 = str5 == null ? str7 : str5;
        if (str6 != null) {
            str7 = str6;
        boolean z14 = this.f22630c != null && (!TextUtils.equals(this.f22633f, str8) || !TextUtils.equals(this.f22634g, str9));
        boolean z15 = this.f22631d != null && (!TextUtils.equals(this.f22635h, str10) || !TextUtils.equals(this.f22636i, str11));
        boolean z16 = this.f22632e != null && (!TextUtils.equals(this.f22637j, str12) || !TextUtils.equals(this.f22638k, str7));
        if (z14 || z15 || z16) {
            this.f22633f = str8;
            this.f22634g = str9;
            this.f22635h = str10;
            this.f22636i = str11;
            this.f22637j = str12;
            this.f22638k = str7;
            JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
            try {
                jSONObject.put("0", d.f22561e);
                jSONObject.put("a", this.f22633f);
                jSONObject.put("b", this.f22634g);
                jSONObject.put("c", this.f22635h);
                jSONObject.put("d", this.f22636i);
                jSONObject.put("e", this.f22637j);
                jSONObject.put(f.f156778k, this.f22638k);
            } catch (Throwable th3) {
                ak.e("saveKeySecret new json error", th3);
            h.a().a(2, jSONObject.toString());
            if (!b(this.f22633f, this.f22634g, this.f22635h, this.f22636i, this.f22637j, this.f22638k)) {
                ak.e("saveKeySecret, not hasKeySecret");
            } else if (this.f22629b.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
                aj.a("初始化运营商SDK saveKeySecret 开始");
                if (z14 && (oVar3 = this.f22630c) != null) {
                    oVar3.a(this.f22633f, this.f22634g);
                if (z15 && (oVar2 = this.f22631d) != null) {
                    oVar2.a(this.f22635h, this.f22636i);
                if (z16 && (oVar = this.f22632e) != null) {
                    oVar.a(this.f22637j, this.f22638k);
                aj.a("初始化运营商SDK saveKeySecret 结束");
                ak.a("saveKeySecret, elogin inited");
            } else {
                ak.c("saveKeySecret, elogin inited before, will use new in next start up");
        } else {
            ak.a("saveKeySecret, no change");

    public void a(boolean z14) {
        o oVar = this.f22630c;
        if (oVar != null) {
        o oVar2 = this.f22631d;
        if (oVar2 != null) {
        o oVar3 = this.f22632e;
        if (oVar3 != null) {

    public void b() {
        am.a(am.b.Work, new Runnable() {
            /* class com.g.gysdk.a.s.AnonymousClass5 */

            public void run() {
                y.b a14 = y.a();
                if (a14 != null) {
                    s.this.a(a14.a(), a14.b(), a14.e(), a14.f(), a14.c(), a14.d());

    public void b(long j14, int i10, final r rVar) {
        int a14 = a(j14, i10);
        try {
            if (!d()) {
                rVar.a(new com.g.gysdk.a(GyCode.LOGIN_ERROR, GyErrorCode.INVALID_PRELOGIN, "预登录无效").a("eLogin", "", null));
            try {
                a(false, -1).a(a14, new o.a() {
                    /* class com.g.gysdk.a.s.AnonymousClass2 */

                    @Override // com.g.gysdk.a.o.a
                    public void a(u uVar) {
                        if (uVar.b()) {
                            aa.a(uVar.f(), uVar.c(), uVar.d(), uVar.e().f22610f, uVar.h());
            } catch (Throwable th3) {
                GyErrorCode gyErrorCode = GyErrorCode.UNSUPPORT_OPERATOR;
                if (!ar.c(d.f22558b)) {
                    gyErrorCode = GyErrorCode.NO_SIM_CARD;
                rVar.a(new com.g.gysdk.a(GyCode.LOGIN_ERROR, gyErrorCode, an.a(th3)).a("eLogin", "", null));
        } catch (Throwable th4) {
            rVar.a(new com.g.gysdk.a(GyCode.LOGIN_ERROR, GyErrorCode.UNKOWN_ERROR, an.a(th4)).a("eLogin", "", null));

    public boolean b(boolean z14) {
        try {
            return a(z14, -1).a();
        } catch (Throwable th3) {
            return false;

    public void c() {
        long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        String a14 = h.a().a(2);
        aj.a("查询DB缓存的运营商APPID,cost:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTimeMillis));
        try {
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(a14)) {
                JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(a14);
                if (TextUtils.equals(jSONObject.getString("0"), d.f22561e)) {
                    this.f22633f = jSONObject.optString("a");
                    this.f22634g = jSONObject.optString("b");
                    this.f22635h = jSONObject.optString("c");
                    this.f22636i = jSONObject.optString("d");
                    this.f22637j = jSONObject.optString("e");
                    this.f22638k = jSONObject.optString(f.f156778k);
                } else {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("not to init elogin, appid changed");
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(this.f22635h)) {
                boolean z14 = f22628a;
                this.f22635h = z14 ? "300012143830" : "300011971923";
                this.f22636i = z14 ? "DF03A772A3F0571A9B602AE7EB0043E8" : "701C041FEF31606E4EC7A762B172CEAD";
                aj.a("设置移动运营商SDK APPID");
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(this.f22637j)) {
                boolean z15 = f22628a;
                this.f22637j = z15 ? "99166000000000112737" : "99166000000000000342";
                this.f22638k = z15 ? "9acb94bc70ffe5cda71ff3fc43361843" : "81d52e8f408eec32997b9cadcfb8a4b4";
                aj.a("设置联通运营商SDK APPID");
            if (!b(this.f22633f, this.f22634g, this.f22635h, this.f22636i, this.f22637j, this.f22638k)) {
                ak.e("elogin init error, not hasKeySecret");
            aj.a("cmLogin init");
            o oVar = this.f22630c;
            if (oVar != null) {
                oVar.a(this.f22633f, this.f22634g);
            long currentTimeMillis2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            o oVar2 = this.f22631d;
            if (oVar2 != null) {
                oVar2.a(this.f22635h, this.f22636i);
            long currentTimeMillis3 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            aj.a("初始化 CM:" + (currentTimeMillis3 - currentTimeMillis2));
            o oVar3 = this.f22632e;
            if (oVar3 != null) {
                oVar3.a(this.f22637j, this.f22638k);
            aj.a("初始化 CU:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTimeMillis3));
            ak.a("elogin init success");
        } catch (Throwable th3) {
            ak.e("elogin init error", th3);

    public boolean d() {
        return b(false);

    public String e() {
        if (d.a(d.a.DEBUG_UI)) {
            return "proc***id";
        try {
            return a(false, -1).f22597g.f();
        } catch (Throwable th3) {
            return "";

    public String f() {
        if (d.a(d.a.DEBUG_UI)) {
            return "888***999";
        try {
            return a(false, -1).f22597g.h();
        } catch (Throwable th3) {
            return "";

    public String g() {
        if (d.a(d.a.DEBUG_UI)) {
            return "DEBUG_UI服务";
        int i10 = AnonymousClass6.f22648a[ar.a(false, -1).ordinal()];
        return i10 != 1 ? i10 != 2 ? i10 != 3 ? "Unkown服务" : "认证服务由联通统一认证提供" : "中国移动提供认证服务" : "天翼账号提供认证服务";

    public String[] h() {
        String str;
        String str2;
        if (d.a(d.a.DEBUG_UI)) {
            str = "DEBUG_UI条款";
            str2 = "https://www.getui.com/verification";
        } else {
            int i10 = AnonymousClass6.f22648a[ar.a(false, -1).ordinal()];
            if (i10 == 1) {
                str = "天翼账号服务与隐私协议";
                str2 = "https://e.189.cn/sdk/agreement/detail.do?hidetop=true";
            } else if (i10 == 2) {
                str = "中国移动认证服务条款";
                str2 = "https://wap.cmpassport.com/resources/html/contract.html";
            } else if (i10 != 3) {
                str = "Unkown条款";
                str2 = "https://unkown";
            } else {
                str = "联通统一认证服务条款";
                str2 = "https://opencloud.wostore.cn/authz/resource/html/disclaimer.html?fromsdk=true";
        return new String[]{str, str2};