大漢易經書院.apk(点击下载) / U.java

package com.baidu.techain.ac;

import android.accounts.NetworkErrorException;
import android.app.AlarmManager;
import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo;
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import com.baidu.techain.TechainReceiver;
import com.baidu.techain.TechainService;
import com.baidu.techain.a.a;
import com.baidu.techain.b;
import com.baidu.techain.core.ApkInfo;
import com.baidu.techain.core.c;
import com.baidu.techain.core.f;
import com.baidu.techain.core.i;
import com.baidu.techain.i.g;
import com.baidu.techain.i.l;
import com.baidu.techain.i.n;
import com.baidu.techain.i.q;
import com.baidu.techain.i.v;
import com.baidu.techain.jni.Asc;
import com.huawei.hms.framework.common.ExceptionCode;
import com.huawei.hms.push.constant.RemoteMessageConst;
import com.huawei.hms.push.e;
import com.meizu.cloud.pushsdk.constants.PushConstants;
import com.meizu.cloud.pushsdk.notification.model.NotifyType;
import com.umeng.analytics.pro.ak;
import com.xiaomi.mipush.sdk.Constants;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public class U implements Runnable {
    public static final int FROM_DAILY_ALARM = 6;
    public static final int FROM_DEFAULT = 0;
    public static final int FROM_HANDLE_REMOVE = 4;
    public static final int FROM_INIT = 1;
    public static final int FROM_INIT_ALARM = 2;
    public static final int FROM_NET_CHANGE = 3;
    public static final int FROM_OUT_FLASH = 5;
    public static final int MINUTE = 60000;
    public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_2G = 1;
    public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_3G = 2;
    public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_4G = 3;
    public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE = 5;
    public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_UNCONNECTED = -1;
    public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_UNKNOWN = -2;
    public static final int NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI = 4;
    public static final int OUT_AES_FAIL = 8;
    public static final int OUT_FINISH = 1;
    public static final int OUT_NO_INTERNET = 3;
    public static final int OUT_NULL_APPKEY = 5;
    public static final int OUT_NULL_HOST_PKGINFO = 6;
    public static final int OUT_NULL_PLUGIN_JSON = 10;
    public static final int OUT_NULL_RESPONSE_JSON = 9;
    public static final int OUT_OTHER_THROWABLE = 11;
    public static final int OUT_PING_FAIL = 4;
    public static final int OUT_RESPONSE_EMPTY = 7;
    public static final int OUT_TIME_TOO_CLOSE = 2;
    public static final int OUT_UNSET = 0;
    public static final int TYPE_END = 1;
    public static final int TYPE_START = 0;
    public static final int UPGRADE_DECRYPT_FAIL = 7;
    public static final int UPGRADE_DOWNLOAD_FAIL = 4;
    public static final int UPGRADE_ERROR_CRASH_TIMES = 6;
    public static final int UPGRADE_LOAD_FAIL = 5;
    public static final int UPGRADE_MD5_FAIL = 8;
    public static final int UPGRADE_NETWORK_CHECK_FAIL = 3;
    public static final int UPGRADE_RESULT_EXCEPTION = 2;
    public static final int UPGRADE_RESULT_SUCCESS = 1;
    private static long sLastCheckTime = 0;
    public static boolean sMonitorNetworkWhenUpgradeNoNet = false;
    private static volatile boolean sOutGoing = false;
    public static Map<String, String> sRealtimeMd5Map = null;
    private static int sRetryDownoadHostCareApksTimesCount = 0;
    private static int sRetryPingTimesCount = 0;
    private static boolean sSetRetrmAlarm = false;
    private Context context;
    private c forHostAPP;
    private a loadedPluginDB;
    private Map<Integer, String> mCloudKeyMap = new HashMap();
    List<Integer> mDownloadPluginsList = new ArrayList();
    private int mEndReason = 0;
    private int mFrom = 0;
    private boolean mOut = false;
    private com.baidu.techain.h.a mPreferenceManager;
    private Map<Integer, String> mStartKeyMap;
    private int mStartNetwork = -2;
    List<Integer> mUnloadPluginsList = new ArrayList();
    private Map<Integer, UpgradeResult> mUpgradeResultMap = new HashMap();
    private JSONObject mWholeJson;
    private File tmpDir;

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    public class UpgradeResult {
        int networkId;
        int resultId;

        public UpgradeResult(int i, int i2) {
            this.networkId = i;
            this.resultId = i2;

    public U(Context context2, int i, boolean z) {
        this.context = context2;
        this.loadedPluginDB = a.a(context2);
        this.mPreferenceManager = com.baidu.techain.h.a.a(context2);
        this.forHostAPP = c.a(context2);
        this.tmpDir = new File(context2.getFilesDir(), ".tmp_techain");
        this.mFrom = i;
        this.mOut = z;

    public U(Context context2, int i, boolean z, JSONObject jSONObject) {
        this.context = context2;
        this.loadedPluginDB = a.a(context2);
        this.mPreferenceManager = com.baidu.techain.h.a.a(context2);
        this.forHostAPP = c.a(context2);
        this.tmpDir = new File(context2.getFilesDir(), ".tmp_techain");
        this.mFrom = i;
        this.mOut = z;
        this.mWholeJson = jSONObject;

    public U() {

    public void handleWork(Context context2, Intent intent) {
        this.context = context2;
        this.loadedPluginDB = a.a(context2);
        this.mPreferenceManager = com.baidu.techain.h.a.a(context2);
        this.tmpDir = new File(context2.getFilesDir(), ".tmp_techain");
        this.forHostAPP = c.a(context2);
        this.mFrom = intent.getIntExtra(RemoteMessageConst.FROM, 0);

    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:12:?, code lost:
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:331:0x0703, code lost:
        if (r29.mEndReason != 0) goto L_0x0708;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:332:0x0705, code lost:
        r29.mEndReason = 1;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:333:0x0708, code lost:
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:336:0x070e, code lost:
        if (r29.mOut == false) goto L_0x0717;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:338:0x0712, code lost:
        if (com.baidu.techain.ac.U.sOutGoing == false) goto L_0x0717;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:339:0x0714, code lost:
        com.baidu.techain.ac.U.sOutGoing = false;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:33:0x0048, code lost:
        if (r29.mOut == false) goto L_0x0050;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:341:0x0718, code lost:
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:342:0x0719, code lost:
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:345:0x071d, code lost:
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:35:0x004c, code lost:
        if (com.baidu.techain.ac.U.sOutGoing == false) goto L_0x0050;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:36:0x004e, code lost:
        com.baidu.techain.ac.U.sOutGoing = false;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:38:0x0051, code lost:
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:39:0x0052, code lost:
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:42:0x0056, code lost:
    /* JADX WARNING: Exception block dominator not found, dom blocks: [] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Failed to process nested try/catch */
    /* JADX WARNING: Missing exception handler attribute for start block: B:11:0x0013 */
    /* JADX WARNING: Missing exception handler attribute for start block: B:191:0x03d6 */
    /* JADX WARNING: Missing exception handler attribute for start block: B:51:0x00e9 */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:204:0x0411  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:205:0x0413  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:213:0x042b  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:214:0x042d  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:217:0x0432  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:220:0x043c  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:223:0x0454  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:238:0x04a4  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:241:0x04c0  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:244:0x04d7  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:246:0x04dc  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:271:0x0562  */
    public synchronized void run() {
        JSONObject jSONObject;
        List<ApkInfo> list;
        ArrayList arrayList;
        ArrayList arrayList2;
        ArrayList arrayList3;
        ArrayList arrayList4;
        PackageInfo packageInfo;
        ApkInfo apkInfo;
        JSONObject optJSONObject;
        JSONObject optJSONObject2;
        boolean z;
        int indexOf;
        int indexOf2;
        ArrayList arrayList5;
        ArrayList arrayList6;
        ArrayList arrayList7;
        JSONArray jSONArray;
        if (this.mOut) {
            if (!sOutGoing) {
                sOutGoing = true;
            } else {
        try {
            synchronized (U.class) {
                if (this.mFrom == 1 || this.mFrom == 2 || this.mFrom == 3 || this.mOut || System.currentTimeMillis() - sLastCheckTime >= 600000) {
                    if (com.baidu.techain.i.c.f(this.context)) {
                        sLastCheckTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    Context context2 = this.context;
                    try {
                        com.baidu.techain.h.a a = com.baidu.techain.h.a.a(context2);
                        AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) context2.getSystemService("alarm");
                        Intent intent = new Intent("com.baidu.action.Techain.VIEW");
                        intent.setClass(context2, TechainService.class);
                        intent.putExtra("from_plugin_package", context2.getPackageName());
                        intent.putExtra("target_class", U.class.getCanonicalName());
                        intent.putExtra("target_method", "handleWork");
                        intent.putExtra(RemoteMessageConst.FROM, 6);
                        PendingIntent service = PendingIntent.getService(context2, 1000, intent, 134217728);
                        long currentTimeMillis = ((System.currentTimeMillis() + (((long) a.a.getInt("appal_te", 24)) * 3600000)) - 600000) + ((long) (Math.random() * 1200000.0d));
                        a.b.putLong("npuct", currentTimeMillis);
                        try {
                            alarmManager.set(1, currentTimeMillis, service);
                        } catch (Throwable unused) {
                    } catch (Throwable unused2) {
                    if (this.mFrom == 1 || this.mFrom == 3) {
                        sRetryPingTimesCount = 0;
                        sRetryDownoadHostCareApksTimesCount = 0;
                        com.baidu.techain.i.a.a(this.context, 0, true);
                        sSetRetrmAlarm = false;
                    if (this.mFrom == 2) {
                        sSetRetrmAlarm = false;
                    boolean z2 = "com.baidu.input_huawei".equals(this.context.getPackageName()) ? !this.mPreferenceManager.w() : false;
                    if (!com.baidu.techain.i.c.f(this.context) || z2) {
                        if (this.mFrom == 1 || this.mFrom == 2 || this.mFrom == 3) {
                            sMonitorNetworkWhenUpgradeNoNet = true;
                            IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter("android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE");
                            if (com.baidu.techain.i.c.g == null) {
                                com.baidu.techain.i.c.g = new TechainReceiver().a();
                            com.baidu.techain.i.c.a(this.context, com.baidu.techain.i.c.g, intentFilter);
                        if (this.mEndReason == 0) {
                            this.mEndReason = 3;
                        if (z2) {
                            throw new NetworkErrorException("blocked by Huawei Input");
                        throw new NetworkErrorException("no internet");
                    sLastCheckTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    if (com.baidu.techain.i.c.g != null && (sMonitorNetworkWhenUpgradeNoNet || com.baidu.techain.i.c.a)) {
                        try {
                        } catch (Throwable unused3) {
                    sMonitorNetworkWhenUpgradeNoNet = false;
                    com.baidu.techain.i.c.a = false;
                    if (this.mFrom != 1) {
                        this.mWholeJson = com.baidu.techain.i.c.o(this.context);
                    if (this.mWholeJson == null) {
                        if ((this.mFrom == 1 || this.mFrom == 2 || (this.mFrom == 3 && !sSetRetrmAlarm)) && this.mPreferenceManager.p().size() > 0) {
                            sSetRetrmAlarm = true;
                            com.baidu.techain.i.a.a(this.context, sRetryPingTimesCount, false);
                        IntentFilter intentFilter2 = new IntentFilter("android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE");
                        if (com.baidu.techain.i.c.g == null) {
                            com.baidu.techain.i.c.g = new TechainReceiver().a();
                        } else {
                        com.baidu.techain.i.c.a(this.context, com.baidu.techain.i.c.g, intentFilter2);
                        sMonitorNetworkWhenUpgradeNoNet = true;
                        if (this.mEndReason == 0) {
                            if (com.baidu.techain.i.c.d != 0) {
                                this.mEndReason = com.baidu.techain.i.c.d;
                            } else {
                                this.mEndReason = 4;
                        throw new NetworkErrorException("ping faild");
                    sRetryPingTimesCount = 0;
                    com.baidu.techain.h.a aVar = this.mPreferenceManager;
                    aVar.b.putInt("rtqe", this.mPreferenceManager.a.getInt("rtqe", 0) + 1);
                    List<ApkInfo> a2 = this.loadedPluginDB.a();
                    ArrayList arrayList8 = new ArrayList();
                    ArrayList arrayList9 = new ArrayList();
                    ArrayList arrayList10 = new ArrayList();
                    final ArrayList arrayList11 = new ArrayList();
                    JSONObject optJSONObject3 = this.mWholeJson.optJSONObject("5");
                    if (optJSONObject3 == null) {
                        if (this.mEndReason == 0) {
                            this.mEndReason = 10;
                        throw new NetworkErrorException("plugin json is null");
                    if (optJSONObject3 instanceof JSONObject) {
                        Iterator<String> keys = optJSONObject3.keys();
                        while (keys.hasNext()) {
                            String next = keys.next();
                            JSONObject optJSONObject4 = optJSONObject3.optJSONObject(next);
                            int optInt = optJSONObject4.optInt(NotifyType.LIGHTS);
                            String optString = optJSONObject4.optString("v");
                            if (this.mCloudKeyMap != null) {
                                this.mCloudKeyMap.put(Integer.valueOf(optInt), optString);
                            String optString2 = optJSONObject4.optString(ak.aG);
                            String optString3 = optJSONObject4.optString("m");
                            String optString4 = optJSONObject4.optString("sm");
                            if (optString3 != null) {
                                optString3 = optString3.toLowerCase();
                            String str = optInt + optString;
                            if (sRealtimeMd5Map == null) {
                                sRealtimeMd5Map = new HashMap();
                            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str) || TextUtils.isEmpty(optString3)) {
                                jSONObject = optJSONObject3;
                            } else {
                                jSONObject = optJSONObject3;
                                sRealtimeMd5Map.put(str, optString3);
                            if (optString4 != null) {
                                optString4 = optString4.toLowerCase();
                            boolean z3 = optJSONObject4.optInt("o") == 1;
                            boolean z4 = optJSONObject4.optInt("d") == 1;
                            int optInt2 = optJSONObject4.optInt("r");
                            if (z3) {
                                arrayList3 = arrayList8;
                                com.baidu.techain.h.a aVar2 = this.mPreferenceManager;
                                arrayList2 = arrayList9;
                                arrayList = arrayList11;
                                list = a2;
                                if (optInt2 > aVar2.a.getInt("opi", 0)) {
                                    aVar2.b.putInt("opi", optInt2);
                            } else {
                                list = a2;
                                arrayList3 = arrayList8;
                                arrayList2 = arrayList9;
                                arrayList = arrayList11;
                            if (!z3 || !z4) {
                                try {
                                    packageInfo = new PackageInfo();
                                    packageInfo.packageName = optJSONObject4.optString(ak.ax);
                                    packageInfo.versionName = optString;
                                    ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo();
                                    applicationInfo.className = optJSONObject4.optString("n");
                                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(applicationInfo.className) && applicationInfo.className.startsWith(".")) {
                                        applicationInfo.className = next + applicationInfo.className;
                                    applicationInfo.theme = optJSONObject4.optInt(ak.aH);
                                    packageInfo.applicationInfo = applicationInfo;
                                    JSONArray optJSONArray = optJSONObject4.optJSONArray(ak.av);
                                    if (optJSONArray == null || optJSONArray.length() <= 0) {
                                        arrayList4 = arrayList10;
                                        apkInfo = new ApkInfo(optInt, next, optString, optString2, optString3);
                                        apkInfo.isOnce = !z3 ? 1 : 0;
                                        try {
                                            apkInfo.priority = optJSONObject4.getInt(ak.ay);
                                        } catch (Throwable unused4) {
                                            apkInfo.priority = -1;
                                        apkInfo.isMem = optJSONObject4.optInt("mem") != 1;
                                        if (packageInfo != null) {
                                            apkInfo.cloudPkgInfo = packageInfo;
                                        optJSONObject = optJSONObject4.optJSONObject(e.a);
                                        if (optJSONObject != null) {
                                            int optInt3 = optJSONObject.optInt("d");
                                            int optInt4 = optJSONObject.optInt("n");
                                            apkInfo.duration = optInt3;
                                            apkInfo.network = optInt4;
                                        optJSONObject2 = optJSONObject4.optJSONObject("ext");
                                        if (optJSONObject2 == null) {
                                            z = optJSONObject2.optInt("nl", 0) == 1;
                                            if (optJSONObject2.optInt(ak.av) == 1) {
                                                List<Integer> p = this.mPreferenceManager.p();
                                                if (optInt > 0 && !p.contains(Integer.valueOf(optInt))) {
                                                    int[] iArr = new int[p.size()];
                                                    for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); i++) {
                                                        iArr[i] = p.get(i).intValue();
                                        } else {
                                            z = false;
                                        apkInfo.signMD5 = optString4;
                                        apkInfo.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                        indexOf = list.indexOf(apkInfo);
                                        ApkInfo apkInfo2 = new ApkInfo(apkInfo);
                                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(apkInfo.packageName)) {
                                            apkInfo2.packageName = new StringBuilder(apkInfo2.packageName).reverse().toString();
                                        indexOf2 = list.indexOf(apkInfo2);
                                        if (indexOf2 >= 0) {
                                        if (indexOf < 0) {
                                            ApkInfo apkInfo3 = list.get(indexOf);
                                            if (com.baidu.techain.i.c.b(apkInfo.versionName, apkInfo3.versionName)) {
                                                if (apkInfo3.priority != apkInfo.priority) {
                                                    this.loadedPluginDB.c(apkInfo.key, apkInfo.priority);
                                                if (!this.loadedPluginDB.e(apkInfo3.key)) {
                                                    if (z) {
                                                        apkInfo.isNextLoad = true;
                                                    if (c.d == null || !c.d.contains(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key))) {
                                                        arrayList7 = arrayList;
                                                        arrayList6 = arrayList2;
                                                    } else {
                                                        arrayList7 = arrayList;
                                                        arrayList6 = arrayList2;
                                                    if (this.mDownloadPluginsList != null) {
                                                } else {
                                                    arrayList6 = arrayList2;
                                                    arrayList7 = arrayList;
                                                arrayList5 = arrayList3;
                                            } else {
                                                arrayList6 = arrayList2;
                                                arrayList7 = arrayList;
                                                if (apkInfo3.priority != apkInfo.priority) {
                                                    apkInfo3.priority = apkInfo.priority;
                                                    this.loadedPluginDB.c(apkInfo.key, apkInfo.priority);
                                                arrayList5 = arrayList3;
                                        } else {
                                            arrayList5 = arrayList3;
                                            arrayList6 = arrayList2;
                                            arrayList7 = arrayList;
                                            if (this.mDownloadPluginsList != null) {
                                        a2 = list;
                                        arrayList9 = arrayList6;
                                        arrayList8 = arrayList5;
                                        optJSONObject3 = jSONObject;
                                        keys = keys;
                                        arrayList10 = arrayList4;
                                        arrayList11 = arrayList7;
                                    } else {
                                        ArrayList arrayList12 = new ArrayList();
                                        int i2 = 0;
                                        while (i2 < optJSONArray.length()) {
                                            try {
                                                JSONObject jSONObject2 = optJSONArray.getJSONObject(i2);
                                                if (jSONObject2 != null) {
                                                    ActivityInfo activityInfo = new ActivityInfo();
                                                    jSONArray = optJSONArray;
                                                    try {
                                                        activityInfo.name = jSONObject2.optString("n");
                                                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(activityInfo.name)) {
                                                            arrayList4 = arrayList10;
                                                            if (activityInfo.name.startsWith(".")) {
                                                                activityInfo.name = next + activityInfo.name;
                                                        } else {
                                                            arrayList4 = arrayList10;
                                                        activityInfo.packageName = next;
                                                        activityInfo.theme = jSONObject2.optInt(ak.aH);
                                                        activityInfo.labelRes = jSONObject2.optInt(NotifyType.LIGHTS);
                                                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(activityInfo.name)) {
                                                    } catch (Throwable unused5) {
                                                        arrayList4 = arrayList10;
                                                        try {
                                                            optJSONArray = jSONArray;
                                                            arrayList10 = arrayList4;
                                                        } catch (Throwable unused6) {
                                                            packageInfo = null;
                                                            apkInfo = new ApkInfo(optInt, next, optString, optString2, optString3);
                                                            apkInfo.isOnce = !z3 ? 1 : 0;
                                                            apkInfo.priority = optJSONObject4.getInt(ak.ay);
                                                            apkInfo.isMem = optJSONObject4.optInt("mem") != 1;
                                                            if (packageInfo != null) {
                                                            optJSONObject = optJSONObject4.optJSONObject(e.a);
                                                            if (optJSONObject != null) {
                                                            optJSONObject2 = optJSONObject4.optJSONObject("ext");
                                                            if (optJSONObject2 == null) {
                                                            apkInfo.signMD5 = optString4;
                                                            apkInfo.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                                            indexOf = list.indexOf(apkInfo);
                                                            ApkInfo apkInfo22 = new ApkInfo(apkInfo);
                                                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(apkInfo.packageName)) {
                                                            indexOf2 = list.indexOf(apkInfo22);
                                                            if (indexOf2 >= 0) {
                                                            if (indexOf < 0) {
                                                            a2 = list;
                                                            arrayList9 = arrayList6;
                                                            arrayList8 = arrayList5;
                                                            optJSONObject3 = jSONObject;
                                                            keys = keys;
                                                            arrayList10 = arrayList4;
                                                            arrayList11 = arrayList7;
                                                } else {
                                                    jSONArray = optJSONArray;
                                                    arrayList4 = arrayList10;
                                            } catch (Throwable unused7) {
                                                jSONArray = optJSONArray;
                                                arrayList4 = arrayList10;
                                                optJSONArray = jSONArray;
                                                arrayList10 = arrayList4;
                                            optJSONArray = jSONArray;
                                            arrayList10 = arrayList4;
                                        arrayList4 = arrayList10;
                                        if (arrayList12.size() > 0) {
                                            packageInfo.activities = (ActivityInfo[]) arrayList12.toArray(new ActivityInfo[arrayList12.size()]);
                                        apkInfo = new ApkInfo(optInt, next, optString, optString2, optString3);
                                        apkInfo.isOnce = !z3 ? 1 : 0;
                                        apkInfo.priority = optJSONObject4.getInt(ak.ay);
                                        apkInfo.isMem = optJSONObject4.optInt("mem") != 1;
                                        if (packageInfo != null) {
                                        optJSONObject = optJSONObject4.optJSONObject(e.a);
                                        if (optJSONObject != null) {
                                        optJSONObject2 = optJSONObject4.optJSONObject("ext");
                                        if (optJSONObject2 == null) {
                                        apkInfo.signMD5 = optString4;
                                        apkInfo.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                        indexOf = list.indexOf(apkInfo);
                                        ApkInfo apkInfo222 = new ApkInfo(apkInfo);
                                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(apkInfo.packageName)) {
                                        indexOf2 = list.indexOf(apkInfo222);
                                        if (indexOf2 >= 0) {
                                        if (indexOf < 0) {
                                        a2 = list;
                                        arrayList9 = arrayList6;
                                        arrayList8 = arrayList5;
                                        optJSONObject3 = jSONObject;
                                        keys = keys;
                                        arrayList10 = arrayList4;
                                        arrayList11 = arrayList7;
                                } catch (Throwable unused8) {
                                    arrayList4 = arrayList10;
                                    packageInfo = null;
                                    apkInfo = new ApkInfo(optInt, next, optString, optString2, optString3);
                                    apkInfo.isOnce = !z3 ? 1 : 0;
                                    apkInfo.priority = optJSONObject4.getInt(ak.ay);
                                    apkInfo.isMem = optJSONObject4.optInt("mem") != 1;
                                    if (packageInfo != null) {
                                    optJSONObject = optJSONObject4.optJSONObject(e.a);
                                    if (optJSONObject != null) {
                                    optJSONObject2 = optJSONObject4.optJSONObject("ext");
                                    if (optJSONObject2 == null) {
                                    apkInfo.signMD5 = optString4;
                                    apkInfo.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                    indexOf = list.indexOf(apkInfo);
                                    ApkInfo apkInfo2222 = new ApkInfo(apkInfo);
                                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(apkInfo.packageName)) {
                                    indexOf2 = list.indexOf(apkInfo2222);
                                    if (indexOf2 >= 0) {
                                    if (indexOf < 0) {
                                    a2 = list;
                                    arrayList9 = arrayList6;
                                    arrayList8 = arrayList5;
                                    optJSONObject3 = jSONObject;
                                    keys = keys;
                                    arrayList10 = arrayList4;
                                    arrayList11 = arrayList7;
                            } else {
                                optJSONObject3 = jSONObject;
                                keys = keys;
                                arrayList8 = arrayList3;
                                arrayList9 = arrayList2;
                                arrayList11 = arrayList;
                                a2 = list;
                    ArrayList arrayList13 = arrayList10;
                    if (c.d != null) {
                    for (ApkInfo apkInfo4 : a2) {
                        if (!arrayList13.contains(apkInfo4.packageName)) {
                            if (this.mUnloadPluginsList != null) {
                        arrayList13 = arrayList13;
                    f a3 = f.a(this.context.getApplicationContext());
                    final List<Integer> q = this.mPreferenceManager.q();
                    List<Integer> p2 = this.mPreferenceManager.p();
                    for (int i3 = 0; i3 < p2.size(); i3++) {
                        if (!q.contains(p2.get(i3))) {
                    ArrayList arrayList14 = new ArrayList();
                    Collections.sort(arrayList14, new Comparator<ApkInfo>() {
                        /* class com.baidu.techain.ac.U.AnonymousClass1 */

                        public int compare(ApkInfo apkInfo, ApkInfo apkInfo2) {
                            if (apkInfo.priority == -1 && apkInfo2.priority != -1) {
                                return 1;
                            if ((apkInfo.priority != -1 && apkInfo2.priority == -1) || apkInfo.priority < apkInfo2.priority) {
                                return -1;
                            if (apkInfo.priority > apkInfo2.priority) {
                                return 1;
                            List list = q;
                            int indexOf = (list == null || !list.contains(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key))) ? -1 : q.indexOf(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key));
                            List list2 = q;
                            int indexOf2 = (list2 == null || !list2.contains(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo2.key))) ? -1 : q.indexOf(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo2.key));
                            if (indexOf != -1 && indexOf2 == -1) {
                                return -1;
                            if ((indexOf == -1 && indexOf2 != -1) || indexOf > indexOf2) {
                                return 1;
                            if (indexOf < indexOf2) {
                                return -1;
                            return 0;
                    for (int i4 = 0; i4 < arrayList14.size(); i4++) {
                        ApkInfo apkInfo5 = (ApkInfo) arrayList14.get(i4);
                        if (arrayList8.contains(apkInfo5)) {
                            if (a3.d(apkInfo5.packageName) == null) {
                                boolean z5 = this.loadedPluginDB.g(apkInfo5.key) != 3;
                                if (!this.mPreferenceManager.b() || !z5) {
                                    File file = new File(this.context.getFilesDir(), ".b_techain");
                                    if (file.exists()) {
                                        File file2 = new File(file, apkInfo5.key + Constants.ACCEPT_TIME_SEPARATOR_SERVER + apkInfo5.versionName);
                                        if (com.baidu.techain.i.c.a(file2)) {
                                } else {
                                    File file3 = new File(this.context.getFilesDir(), ".b_techain");
                                    if (!file3.exists()) {
                                    File file4 = new File(apkInfo5.pkgPath);
                                    File file5 = new File(file3, apkInfo5.key + Constants.ACCEPT_TIME_SEPARATOR_SERVER + apkInfo5.versionName);
                                    if (!com.baidu.techain.i.c.a(file5)) {
                                        com.baidu.techain.i.c.a(file4, file5);
                                    com.baidu.techain.c.a(this.context, apkInfo5.key, file4, file5);
                                this.forHostAPP.a(apkInfo5.key, apkInfo5.versionName, null);
                        } else if (arrayList9.contains(apkInfo5) && !this.loadedPluginDB.e(apkInfo5.key)) {
                    new Timer().schedule(new TimerTask() {
                        /* class com.baidu.techain.ac.U.AnonymousClass2 */

                        public void run() {
                            List<ApkInfo> list = arrayList11;
                            if (list != null) {
                                for (ApkInfo apkInfo : list) {
                    }, 120000);
                } else if (this.mEndReason == 0) {
                    this.mEndReason = 2;
        } catch (Throwable unused9) {
        if (this.mEndReason == 0) {
            if (th.getMessage().contains("response is empty")) {
                this.mEndReason = 7;
            } else if (th.getMessage().contains("aes is fail")) {
                this.mEndReason = 8;
            } else {
                this.mEndReason = 11;
        if (this.mOut && sOutGoing) {
            sOutGoing = false;
        sOutGoing = false;

    private void handleThreadEnd(String str) {
        try {
            this.mPreferenceManager.g(this.mPreferenceManager.s() + 1);
            if (this.mEndReason != 0) {
                this.mPreferenceManager.a(1, this.mEndReason, this.mPreferenceManager.a(1, this.mEndReason) + 1);
        } catch (Throwable unused) {
        try {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            if (this.mStartKeyMap != null) {
                hashMap.put("1", this.mStartKeyMap.keySet());
                hashMap.put(PushConstants.PUSH_TYPE_UPLOAD_LOG, this.mStartKeyMap.values());
            hashMap.put(PushConstants.PUSH_FLYME_3_CHANGE_VERSION_START, Integer.valueOf(this.mFrom));
            if (this.mCloudKeyMap != null) {
                hashMap.put(PushConstants.PUSH_TYPE_WITHDRAW_NOTIFICATION, this.mCloudKeyMap.keySet());
                hashMap.put("5", this.mCloudKeyMap.values());
            if (this.mUnloadPluginsList != null) {
                hashMap.put("6", this.mUnloadPluginsList);
            if (this.mDownloadPluginsList != null) {
                hashMap.put("7", this.mDownloadPluginsList);
            if (this.mUpgradeResultMap != null) {
                JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
                for (Map.Entry<Integer, UpgradeResult> entry : this.mUpgradeResultMap.entrySet()) {
                    JSONObject jSONObject2 = new JSONObject();
                    int intValue = entry.getKey().intValue();
                    UpgradeResult value = entry.getValue();
                    if (value != null) {
                        jSONObject2.put("1", value.networkId);
                        jSONObject2.put(PushConstants.PUSH_TYPE_NOTIFY, value.resultId);
                    jSONObject.put(String.valueOf(intValue), jSONObject2);
                hashMap.put("8", jSONObject);
            Map<Integer, String> b = this.loadedPluginDB.b();
            hashMap.put("9", b.keySet());
            hashMap.put("10", b.values());
            hashMap.put("11", Integer.valueOf(this.mEndReason));
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) {
                hashMap.put("12", str.replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "").replace("\r", ""));
            hashMap.put("13", Integer.valueOf(this.mStartNetwork));
            hashMap.put("14", Integer.valueOf(com.baidu.techain.i.c.k(this.context)));
            com.baidu.techain.i.c.a(this.context, "1003129", (Map<String, Object>) hashMap, false);
        } catch (Throwable unused2) {

    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:17:?, code lost:
        r4 = 1;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:18:0x00b5, code lost:
        if (r4 <= 6) goto L_0x00b7;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:19:0x00b7, code lost:
        r15.mPreferenceManager.a(0, r4, 0);
        r4 = r4 + 1;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:20:0x00bf, code lost:
        r1 = 1;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:21:0x00c0, code lost:
        if (r1 <= 11) goto L_0x00c2;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:22:0x00c2, code lost:
        r15.mPreferenceManager.a(1, r1, 0);
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:23:0x00c7, code lost:
        r1 = r1 + 1;
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:24:0x00ca, code lost:
    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:26:0x00cd, code lost:
    /* JADX WARNING: Failed to process nested try/catch */
    /* JADX WARNING: Missing exception handler attribute for start block: B:16:0x00aa */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:30:0x00e8 A[Catch:{ all -> 0x0101 }] */
    private void handleThreadStart() {
        long j = this.mPreferenceManager.a.getLong("slruct", 0);
        long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (j <= 0 || currentTimeMillis - j <= 86400000) {
            if (j == 0) {
            try {
                this.mStartKeyMap = this.loadedPluginDB.b();
                this.mPreferenceManager.f(this.mPreferenceManager.r() + 1);
                if (this.mFrom != 0) {
                    this.mPreferenceManager.a(0, this.mFrom, this.mPreferenceManager.a(0, this.mFrom) + 1);
                this.mStartNetwork = com.baidu.techain.i.c.k(this.context);
            } catch (Throwable unused) {
        } else {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            hashMap.put("1", Integer.valueOf(this.mPreferenceManager.r()));
            JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject();
            for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
                jSONObject.put(String.valueOf(i), this.mPreferenceManager.a(0, i));
                this.mPreferenceManager.a(0, i, 0);
            hashMap.put(PushConstants.PUSH_TYPE_UPLOAD_LOG, jSONObject);
            hashMap.put(PushConstants.PUSH_FLYME_3_CHANGE_VERSION_START, Integer.valueOf(this.mPreferenceManager.s()));
            JSONObject jSONObject2 = new JSONObject();
            for (int i2 = 1; i2 <= 11; i2++) {
                jSONObject2.put(String.valueOf(i2), this.mPreferenceManager.a(1, i2));
                this.mPreferenceManager.a(1, i2, 0);
            hashMap.put(PushConstants.PUSH_TYPE_WITHDRAW_NOTIFICATION, jSONObject2);
            com.baidu.techain.i.c.a(this.context, "1003128", (Map<String, Object>) hashMap, false);
            this.mStartKeyMap = this.loadedPluginDB.b();
            this.mPreferenceManager.f(this.mPreferenceManager.r() + 1);
            if (this.mFrom != 0) {
            this.mStartNetwork = com.baidu.techain.i.c.k(this.context);

    private void pluginUpdate(File file, ApkInfo apkInfo, int i) {
        com.baidu.techain.i.c.a(file.getAbsolutePath(), true);
        if (this.mPreferenceManager.b()) {
            File file2 = new File(this.context.getFilesDir(), ".b_techain");
            if (!file2.exists()) {
            File file3 = new File(file2, apkInfo.key + Constants.ACCEPT_TIME_SEPARATOR_SERVER + apkInfo.versionName);
            com.baidu.techain.i.c.a(file, file3);
            com.baidu.techain.c.a(this.context, apkInfo.key, file, file3);
        apkInfo.pkgPath = file.getAbsolutePath();
        String str = "before update, time=" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ", downloadAPK path:" + file.getAbsolutePath() + ", exists=" + file.exists() + ", canRead=" + file.canRead() + ", isFile=" + file.isFile() + ",length" + file.length();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("before update, time=" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ", ");
        ApkInfo a = this.loadedPluginDB.a(apkInfo.key);
        if (a == null) {
            sb.append("apkInDB == null");
        } else {
            File file4 = new File(a.pkgPath);
            sb.append("origAPK path:" + file4.getAbsolutePath() + ", exists=" + file4.exists() + ", canRead=" + file4.canRead() + ", isFile=" + file4.isFile() + ",length" + file4.length());
        boolean a2 = this.forHostAPP.a(apkInfo, str);
        this.loadedPluginDB.a(apkInfo.key + ExceptionCode.CRASH_EXCEPTION, apkInfo.versionName);
        if (!a2) {
            Map<Integer, UpgradeResult> map = this.mUpgradeResultMap;
            if (map != null && !map.keySet().contains(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key))) {
                this.mUpgradeResultMap.put(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key), new UpgradeResult(i, 5));
        int g = this.loadedPluginDB.g(apkInfo.key);
        if (g < 3 && g != -1) {
            this.loadedPluginDB.b(apkInfo.key, g + 1);
        Map<Integer, UpgradeResult> map2 = this.mUpgradeResultMap;
        if (map2 != null) {
            map2.put(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key), new UpgradeResult(i, 1));

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    /* access modifiers changed from: public */
    private boolean handlePluginDownload(ApkInfo apkInfo, File file, File file2, int i) {
        boolean z;
        try {
            if (file.exists()) {
            if ("com.baidu.input_huawei".equals(this.context.getPackageName()) && !this.mPreferenceManager.w()) {
                return false;
            if (q.a(this.context)) {
                z = new q(this.context).a(apkInfo.downloadURL, file);
            } else {
                z = new l(this.context).a(apkInfo.downloadURL, file);
            if (z) {
                if (file2.exists()) {
                new Asc();
                if (g.a(file, file2, apkInfo.signMD5.substring(0, apkInfo.signMD5.length() / 2).getBytes("utf-8")) != 0) {
                    if (this.mUpgradeResultMap != null && !this.mUpgradeResultMap.keySet().contains(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key))) {
                        this.mUpgradeResultMap.put(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key), new UpgradeResult(i, 7));
                    z = false;
            } else if (this.mUpgradeResultMap != null && !this.mUpgradeResultMap.keySet().contains(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key))) {
                this.mUpgradeResultMap.put(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key), new UpgradeResult(i, 4));
            String a = n.a(file2);
            if (!z || !apkInfo.apkMD5.equals(a)) {
                return false;
            return true;
        } catch (Throwable unused) {

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    /* access modifiers changed from: public */
    private void handlePluginDownError(ApkInfo apkInfo, File file, int i, List<Integer> list) {
        Map<Integer, UpgradeResult> map = this.mUpgradeResultMap;
        if (map != null && !map.keySet().contains(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key))) {
            this.mUpgradeResultMap.put(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key), new UpgradeResult(i, 8));
        int i2 = this.mFrom;
        if (i2 == 1 || i2 == 2 || i2 == 3) {
            if (list != null && list.contains(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key)) && !sSetRetrmAlarm) {
                sSetRetrmAlarm = true;
                com.baidu.techain.i.a.a(this.context, sRetryDownoadHostCareApksTimesCount, false);
            if (!sMonitorNetworkWhenUpgradeNoNet) {
                IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter("android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE");
                if (com.baidu.techain.i.c.g == null) {
                    com.baidu.techain.i.c.g = new TechainReceiver().a();
                } else {
                com.baidu.techain.i.c.a(this.context, com.baidu.techain.i.c.g, intentFilter);
                sMonitorNetworkWhenUpgradeNoNet = true;
        long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        com.baidu.techain.h.a aVar = this.mPreferenceManager;
        long j = aVar.a.getLong("pu_ap_fd", 0);
        if (j == 0) {
            j = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (currentTimeMillis - j > 86400000) {
            HashMap hashMap = new HashMap();
            if (com.baidu.techain.i.c.e(this.context)) {
                hashMap.put(PushConstants.PUSH_TYPE_NOTIFY, Integer.valueOf(this.mPreferenceManager.d() + 1));
                hashMap.put("1", Integer.valueOf(this.mPreferenceManager.e()));
            } else {
                hashMap.put(PushConstants.PUSH_TYPE_NOTIFY, Integer.valueOf(this.mPreferenceManager.d()));
                hashMap.put("1", Integer.valueOf(this.mPreferenceManager.e() + 1));
            com.baidu.techain.i.c.a(this.context, "1003116", (Map<String, Object>) hashMap, false);
        } else if (com.baidu.techain.i.c.e(this.context)) {
            com.baidu.techain.h.a aVar2 = this.mPreferenceManager;
            aVar2.a(aVar2.d() + 1);
        } else {
            com.baidu.techain.h.a aVar3 = this.mPreferenceManager;
            aVar3.b(aVar3.e() + 1);

    /* access modifiers changed from: private */
    /* access modifiers changed from: public */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:107:? A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:21:0x00c8 A[Catch:{ all -> 0x01cc, all -> 0x01fd, all -> 0x025f }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:31:0x0110 A[Catch:{ all -> 0x01cc, all -> 0x01fd, all -> 0x025f }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:34:0x0114 A[Catch:{ all -> 0x01cc, all -> 0x01fd, all -> 0x025f }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:35:0x0119 A[Catch:{ all -> 0x01cc, all -> 0x01fd, all -> 0x025f }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:51:0x0159 A[Catch:{ all -> 0x01cc, all -> 0x01fd, all -> 0x025f }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:52:0x0161 A[Catch:{ all -> 0x01cc, all -> 0x01fd, all -> 0x025f }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:59:0x0178 A[Catch:{ all -> 0x01cc, all -> 0x01fd, all -> 0x025f }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:63:0x019b A[Catch:{ all -> 0x01cc, all -> 0x01fd, all -> 0x025f }] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:70:0x01c8 A[Catch:{ all -> 0x01cc, all -> 0x01fd, all -> 0x025f }] */
    private void handlePluginUpgrade(final ApkInfo apkInfo) {
        boolean z;
        boolean z2;
        File file;
        boolean z3;
        boolean z4;
        boolean z5;
        File file2;
        try {
            final int k = com.baidu.techain.i.c.k(this.context);
            final List<Integer> p = this.mPreferenceManager.p();
            if (p.contains(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key)) || com.baidu.techain.i.c.a(this.context, apkInfo.network)) {
                if (!this.tmpDir.exists()) {
                ApkInfo a = this.loadedPluginDB.a(apkInfo.key + ExceptionCode.CRASH_EXCEPTION);
                final File file3 = new File(this.tmpDir, apkInfo.key + Constants.ACCEPT_TIME_SEPARATOR_SERVER + apkInfo.versionName + ".tmp");
                final File file4 = new File(this.tmpDir, apkInfo.key + Constants.ACCEPT_TIME_SEPARATOR_SERVER + apkInfo.versionName + ".zip");
                if (file4.exists()) {
                    if (apkInfo.apkMD5.equals(n.a(file4))) {
                        z2 = false;
                        z = true;
                        if (z2) {
                            file = file4;
                        } else if (apkInfo.isNextLoad) {
                            file = file4;
                            v.a(this.context).a(new Runnable() {
                                /* class com.baidu.techain.ac.U.AnonymousClass3 */

                                public void run() {
                                    try {
                                        if (!U.this.handlePluginDownload(apkInfo, file3, file4, k)) {
                                            U.this.handlePluginDownError(apkInfo, file4, k, p);
                                        apkInfo.pkgPath = file4.getAbsolutePath();
                                        ApkInfo apkInfo = new ApkInfo(apkInfo);
                                        apkInfo.key += ExceptionCode.CRASH_EXCEPTION;
                                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(apkInfo.packageName)) {
                                            apkInfo.packageName = new StringBuilder(apkInfo.packageName).reverse().toString();
                                    } catch (Throwable unused) {
                        } else {
                            file = file4;
                            z = handlePluginDownload(apkInfo, file3, file, k);
                            z3 = !z;
                            if (a != null) {
                                this.loadedPluginDB.h(a.key + ExceptionCode.CRASH_EXCEPTION);
                                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(a.pkgPath)) {
                                    File file5 = new File(a.pkgPath);
                                    if (file5.exists()) {
                            if (z) {
                                pluginUpdate(file, apkInfo, k);
                            } else {
                                if (a != null) {
                                    ApkInfo a2 = this.loadedPluginDB.a(apkInfo.key);
                                    if (a2 != null) {
                                        if (!com.baidu.techain.i.c.b(a.versionName, a2.versionName)) {
                                            z5 = false;
                                            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(a.versionName) && a.versionName.equals(apkInfo.versionName)) {
                                                this.loadedPluginDB.a(a.key + ExceptionCode.CRASH_EXCEPTION, a.versionName);
                                                z5 = false;
                                            file2 = TextUtils.isEmpty(a.pkgPath) ? new File(a.pkgPath) : null;
                                            if (file2 != null && file2.exists() && z5) {
                                                if (!a.apkMD5.equals(n.a(file2))) {
                                                    a.key -= ExceptionCode.CRASH_EXCEPTION;
                                                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(a.packageName)) {
                                                        a.packageName = new StringBuilder(a.packageName).reverse().toString();
                                                    pluginUpdate(file2, a, k);
                                                    z4 = true;
                                                    if (!z4 && f.a(this.context.getApplicationContext()).d(apkInfo.packageName) == null) {
                                                        this.forHostAPP.a(apkInfo.key, apkInfo.versionName, null);
                                                } else {
                                                    this.loadedPluginDB.a(a.key + ExceptionCode.CRASH_EXCEPTION, a.versionName);
                                    z5 = true;
                                    this.loadedPluginDB.a(a.key + ExceptionCode.CRASH_EXCEPTION, a.versionName);
                                    z5 = false;
                                    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(a.pkgPath)) {
                                    if (!a.apkMD5.equals(n.a(file2))) {
                                z4 = false;
                                this.forHostAPP.a(apkInfo.key, apkInfo.versionName, null);
                            if (z3) {
                                handlePluginDownError(apkInfo, file, k, p);
                        z3 = false;
                        if (z) {
                        if (z3) {
                z2 = true;
                z = false;
                if (z2) {
                z3 = false;
                if (z) {
                if (z3) {
            } else if (this.mUpgradeResultMap != null && !this.mUpgradeResultMap.keySet().contains(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key))) {
                this.mUpgradeResultMap.put(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key), new UpgradeResult(k, 3));
            } else {
        } catch (Throwable unused) {
        List<Integer> p2 = this.mPreferenceManager.p();
        if (this.mFrom == 1 || this.mFrom == 2 || this.mFrom == 3) {
            if (p2.contains(Integer.valueOf(apkInfo.key)) && !sSetRetrmAlarm) {
                sSetRetrmAlarm = true;
                com.baidu.techain.i.a.a(this.context, sRetryDownoadHostCareApksTimesCount, false);
            if (!sMonitorNetworkWhenUpgradeNoNet) {
                IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter("android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE");
                if (com.baidu.techain.i.c.g == null) {
                    com.baidu.techain.i.c.g = new TechainReceiver().a();
                } else {
                com.baidu.techain.i.c.a(this.context, com.baidu.techain.i.c.g, intentFilter);
                sMonitorNetworkWhenUpgradeNoNet = true;