小红书.apk(点击下载) / PermissionCheck.java

package com.baidu.mapsdkplatform.comapi.util;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import com.baidu.lbsapi.auth.LBSAuthManager;
import com.baidu.lbsapi.auth.LBSAuthManagerListener;
import com.xingin.xhs.v2.album.entities.AlbumBean;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public class PermissionCheck {

    /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static int f20691a = 200;

    /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static int f20692b = 202;

    /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static int f20693c = 252;

    /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
    private static final String f20694d = "PermissionCheck";

    /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
    private static Context f20695e = null;

    /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
    private static String f20696f = null;

    /* renamed from: g  reason: collision with root package name */
    private static Hashtable<String, String> f20697g = null;

    /* renamed from: h  reason: collision with root package name */
    private static LBSAuthManager f20698h = null;

    /* renamed from: i  reason: collision with root package name */
    private static LBSAuthManagerListener f20699i = null;

    /* renamed from: j  reason: collision with root package name */
    private static c f20700j = null;

    /* renamed from: k  reason: collision with root package name */
    private static int f20701k = 601;

    public static class a implements LBSAuthManagerListener {
        private a() {

        @Override // com.baidu.lbsapi.auth.LBSAuthManagerListener
        public void onAuthResult(int i10, String str) {
            if (str == null) {
                Log.e(PermissionCheck.f20694d, "The result is null");
                int permissionCheck = PermissionCheck.permissionCheck();
                String str2 = PermissionCheck.f20694d;
                Log.d(str2, "onAuthResult try permissionCheck result is: " + permissionCheck);
            b bVar = new b();
            try {
                JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(str);
                if (jSONObject.has("status")) {
                    bVar.f20702a = jSONObject.optInt("status");
                if (jSONObject.has("appid")) {
                    bVar.f20704c = jSONObject.optString("appid");
                if (jSONObject.has("uid")) {
                    bVar.f20703b = jSONObject.optString("uid");
                if (jSONObject.has("message")) {
                    bVar.f20705d = jSONObject.optString("message");
                if (jSONObject.has("token")) {
                    bVar.f20706e = jSONObject.optString("token");
                if (jSONObject.has("ak_permission")) {
                    bVar.f20707f = jSONObject.optInt("ak_permission");
            } catch (JSONException e14) {
            int unused = PermissionCheck.f20701k = bVar.f20702a;
            if (PermissionCheck.f20700j != null) {

    public static class b {

        /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
        public int f20702a = 0;

        /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
        public String f20703b = AlbumBean.ID_ALBUM_ALL;

        /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
        public String f20704c = AlbumBean.ID_ALBUM_ALL;

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public String f20705d = "";

        /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
        public String f20706e;

        /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
        public int f20707f;

        public String toString() {
            return String.format("=============================================\n----------------- 鉴权错误信息 ------------\nsha1;package:%s\nkey:%s\nerrorcode: %d uid: %s appid %s msg: %s\n请仔细核查 SHA1、package与key申请信息是否对应,key是否删除,平台是否匹配\nerrorcode为230时,请参考论坛链接:\nhttp://bbs.lbsyun.baidu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=106461\n=============================================\n", a.a(PermissionCheck.f20695e), PermissionCheck.f20696f, Integer.valueOf(this.f20702a), this.f20703b, this.f20704c, this.f20705d);

    public interface c {
        void a(b bVar);

    public static void destory() {
        f20700j = null;
        f20695e = null;
        f20699i = null;

    public static int getPermissionResult() {
        return f20701k;

    public static void init(Context context) {
        ApplicationInfo applicationInfo;
        String str;
        f20695e = context;
        try {
            applicationInfo = context.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(f20695e.getPackageName(), 128);
        } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e14) {
            applicationInfo = null;
        if (applicationInfo != null) {
            f20696f = applicationInfo.metaData.getString("com.baidu.lbsapi.API_KEY");
        if (f20697g == null) {
            f20697g = new Hashtable<>();
        if (f20698h == null) {
            f20698h = LBSAuthManager.getInstance(f20695e);
        if (f20699i == null) {
            f20699i = new a();
        try {
            str = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(f20695e.getPackageName(), 0).applicationInfo.loadLabel(f20695e.getPackageManager()).toString();
        } catch (Exception e15) {
            str = "";
        Bundle b14 = i.b();
        if (b14 != null) {
            f20697g.put("mb", b14.getString("mb"));
            f20697g.put("os", b14.getString("os"));
            f20697g.put(com.alipay.sdk.sys.a.f18248h, b14.getString(com.alipay.sdk.sys.a.f18248h));
            f20697g.put("imt", "1");
            f20697g.put(com.alipay.sdk.app.statistic.b.f18036a, b14.getString(com.alipay.sdk.app.statistic.b.f18036a));
            f20697g.put("cpu", b14.getString("cpu"));
            f20697g.put("glr", b14.getString("glr"));
            f20697g.put("glv", b14.getString("glv"));
            f20697g.put("resid", b14.getString("resid"));
            f20697g.put("appid", AlbumBean.ID_ALBUM_ALL);
            f20697g.put("ver", "1");
            f20697g.put("screen", String.format("(%d,%d)", Integer.valueOf(b14.getInt("screen_x")), Integer.valueOf(b14.getInt("screen_y"))));
            f20697g.put("dpi", String.format("(%d,%d)", Integer.valueOf(b14.getInt("dpi_x")), Integer.valueOf(b14.getInt("dpi_y"))));
            f20697g.put("pcn", b14.getString("pcn"));
            f20697g.put("cuid", b14.getString("cuid"));
            f20697g.put("name", str);

    public static synchronized int permissionCheck() {
        LBSAuthManagerListener lBSAuthManagerListener;
        synchronized (PermissionCheck.class) {
            LBSAuthManager lBSAuthManager = f20698h;
            if (!(lBSAuthManager == null || (lBSAuthManagerListener = f20699i) == null)) {
                if (f20695e != null) {
                    int authenticate = lBSAuthManager.authenticate(false, "lbs_androidmapsdk", f20697g, lBSAuthManagerListener);
                    if (authenticate != 0) {
                        String str = f20694d;
                        Log.e(str, "permission check result is: " + authenticate);
                    return authenticate;
            String str2 = f20694d;
            Log.e(str2, "The authManager is: " + f20698h + "; the authCallback is: " + f20699i + "; the mContext is: " + f20695e);
            return 0;

    public static void setPermissionCheckResultListener(c cVar) {
        f20700j = cVar;