APKPure.apk(点击下载) / MiniGamesFragment.java

package com.apkpure.aegon.main.mainfragment;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar;
import androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager;
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView;
import com.apkpure.aegon.R;
import com.apkpure.aegon.app.newcard.model.AppCardData;
import com.apkpure.aegon.application.AegonApplication;
import com.apkpure.aegon.application.RealApplicationLike;
import com.apkpure.aegon.minigames.TopGamesViewHolder;
import com.apkpure.aegon.minigames.widget.MiniGameGridView;
import com.apkpure.aegon.minigames.widget.MiniGameHorizontalCard;
import com.apkpure.aegon.plugin.topon.api1.IAdErrorDelegate;
import com.apkpure.aegon.widgets.MultiTypeRecyclerView;
import com.chad.library.adapter.base.BaseMultiItemQuickAdapter;
import com.chad.library.adapter.base.BaseQuickAdapter;
import com.chad.library.adapter.base.BaseViewHolder;
import com.chad.library.adapter.base.entity.MultiItemEntity;
import com.google.android.gms.common.internal.ServiceSpecificExtraArgs;
import com.google.android.material.appbar.AppBarLayout;
import com.google.android.material.appbar.CollapsingToolbarLayout;
import com.tencent.trpcprotocol.projecta.common.card_data.nano.CardData;
import com.tencent.trpcprotocol.projecta.common.common_card.nano.CommonCardItem;
import com.tencent.trpcprotocol.projecta.common.game_info.nano.GameInfo;
import e.g.a.c.n.n.j;
import e.g.a.f.f;
import e.g.a.h0.b.h;
import e.g.a.i0.a0;
import e.g.a.i0.g0;
import e.g.a.i0.p1;
import e.g.a.i0.r1;
import e.g.a.i0.w;
import e.g.a.t.b.i;
import e.g.a.t.e.j1;
import e.g.a.t.e.r;
import e.g.a.t.e.s;
import e.g.a.t.e.u;
import e.g.a.t.e.v;
import e.g.a.u.k;
import e.g.a.u.q;
import e.g.a.u.r.m;
import e.g.a.u.r.o;
import e.g.a.u.r.p;
import e.g.a.u.t.e;
import e.w.c.e.b.l;
import i.i.d.e.d;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import k.g.c;
import o.o.g;
import p.a.v0;

public class MiniGamesFragment extends i implements BaseQuickAdapter.RequestLoadMoreListener, j.b {
    public static final /* synthetic */ int J = 0;
    public boolean A = false;
    public boolean B = false;
    public boolean C = true;
    public long H = 0;
    public boolean I;

    /* renamed from: g  reason: collision with root package name */
    public MultiTypeRecyclerView f1755g;

    /* renamed from: h  reason: collision with root package name */
    public H5CardAdapter f1756h;

    /* renamed from: i  reason: collision with root package name */
    public FrameLayout f1757i;

    /* renamed from: j  reason: collision with root package name */
    public AppBarLayout f1758j;

    /* renamed from: k  reason: collision with root package name */
    public CollapsingToolbarLayout f1759k;

    /* renamed from: l  reason: collision with root package name */
    public ImageView f1760l;

    /* renamed from: m  reason: collision with root package name */
    public Toolbar f1761m;

    /* renamed from: n  reason: collision with root package name */
    public TextView f1762n;

    /* renamed from: o  reason: collision with root package name */
    public int f1763o = 1;

    /* renamed from: p  reason: collision with root package name */
    public boolean f1764p = false;

    /* renamed from: q  reason: collision with root package name */
    public boolean f1765q = false;

    /* renamed from: r  reason: collision with root package name */
    public String f1766r;

    /* renamed from: s  reason: collision with root package name */
    public boolean f1767s = false;

    /* renamed from: t  reason: collision with root package name */
    public int f1768t = 0;
    public boolean u = false;
    public boolean v = false;
    public long w;
    public long x;
    public long y;
    public long z;

    public static class H5CardAdapter extends BaseMultiItemQuickAdapter<b, BaseViewHolder> {
        public H5CardAdapter(List<b> list) {
            addItemType(3, R.layout.arg_RES_2131493377);
            addItemType(1, R.layout.arg_RES_2131493373);
            addItemType(2, R.layout.arg_RES_2131493374);
            addItemType(4, R.layout.arg_RES_2131493375);

        @Override // com.chad.library.adapter.base.BaseQuickAdapter
        public void convert(BaseViewHolder baseViewHolder, Object obj) {
            b bVar = (b) obj;
            Boolean bool = Boolean.FALSE;
            int itemViewType = baseViewHolder.getItemViewType();
            CommonCardItem commonCardItem = bVar.b;
            boolean z = false;
            if (itemViewType != 1) {
                String str = "discover_new_games";
                if (itemViewType == 2) {
                    MiniGameGridView miniGameGridView = (MiniGameGridView) baseViewHolder.getView(R.id.arg_RES_2131296730);
                    if (commonCardItem.dataType == 6) {
                        z = true;
                    if (z) {
                    int layoutPosition = baseViewHolder.getLayoutPosition();
                    o.s.c.j.e(miniGameGridView, "cardView");
                    e.g.a.s.l.a.O0(miniGameGridView, 1120, str, layoutPosition, bool);
                } else if (itemViewType == 3) {
                    ((TextView) baseViewHolder.getView(R.id.arg_RES_2131296734)).setText(commonCardItem.title);
                    LinearLayout linearLayout = (LinearLayout) baseViewHolder.getView(R.id.arg_RES_2131297707);
                    int i2 = commonCardItem.dataType;
                    int layoutPosition2 = baseViewHolder.getLayoutPosition();
                    o.s.c.j.e(linearLayout, "cardView");
                    if (i2 == 7) {
                        str = "editor_choice";
                    } else if (i2 == 8) {
                        str = "trending_games";
                    } else if (i2 != 9) {
                        str = "";
                    e.g.a.s.l.a.O0(linearLayout, 1120, str, layoutPosition2, bool);
                    MiniGameGridView miniGameGridView2 = (MiniGameGridView) baseViewHolder.getView(R.id.arg_RES_2131296730);
                } else if (itemViewType == 4) {
                    if (baseViewHolder.getAssociatedObject() == null) {
                        baseViewHolder.setAssociatedObject(new TopGamesViewHolder(this.mContext, baseViewHolder));
                    Object associatedObject = baseViewHolder.getAssociatedObject();
                    if (associatedObject instanceof TopGamesViewHolder) {
                        TopGamesViewHolder topGamesViewHolder = (TopGamesViewHolder) associatedObject;
                        o.s.c.j.e(commonCardItem, "commonCardItem");
                        CardData[] cardDataArr = commonCardItem.data;
                        List m2 = cardDataArr == null ? null : g.m(cardDataArr);
                        if (m2 != null) {
                            topGamesViewHolder.d = e.g.a.s.l.a.e0(topGamesViewHolder.f1811a);
                            RecyclerView recyclerView = topGamesViewHolder.c;
                            recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(topGamesViewHolder.f1811a));
                            RecyclerView.e adapter = recyclerView.getAdapter();
                            if (!(adapter instanceof TopGamesViewHolder.a)) {
                                recyclerView.setAdapter(new TopGamesViewHolder.a(topGamesViewHolder, m2));
                                recyclerView.h(new q(topGamesViewHolder.f1811a));
                            } else {
                                ((TopGamesViewHolder.a) adapter).setNewData(m2);
                    View view = baseViewHolder.itemView;
                    int layoutPosition3 = baseViewHolder.getLayoutPosition();
                    o.s.c.j.e(view, "cardView");
                    e.g.a.s.l.a.O0(view, 1140, "top_games", layoutPosition3, bool);
            } else {
                ((TextView) baseViewHolder.getView(R.id.arg_RES_2131296734)).setText(commonCardItem.title);
                LinearLayout linearLayout2 = (LinearLayout) baseViewHolder.getView(R.id.arg_RES_2131297707);
                o.s.c.j.e(linearLayout2, "cardView");
                e.g.a.s.l.a.O0(linearLayout2, 1119, "recently_played", 0, bool);
                MiniGameHorizontalCard miniGameHorizontalCard = (MiniGameHorizontalCard) baseViewHolder.getView(R.id.arg_RES_2131296730);

    public class a implements l.a.i<List<b>> {
        public final /* synthetic */ boolean b;

        public a(boolean z) {
            this.b = z;

        @Override // l.a.i
        public void b(Throwable th) {
            MiniGamesFragment.this.f1755g.d(null, th);

        /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */
        @Override // l.a.i
        public void d(List<b> list) {
            List<b> list2 = list;
            if (this.b) {
            } else {
                MiniGamesFragment.this.f1756h.addData((Collection) list2);
            MiniGamesFragment miniGamesFragment = MiniGamesFragment.this;
            if (!miniGamesFragment.f1764p) {

        @Override // l.a.i
        public void g(l.a.l.b bVar) {

        @Override // l.a.i
        public void onComplete() {
            MiniGamesFragment.this.y = System.currentTimeMillis();
            MiniGamesFragment miniGamesFragment = MiniGamesFragment.this;
            boolean z = miniGamesFragment.u;
            if (!z) {
                miniGamesFragment.z = miniGamesFragment.y - miniGamesFragment.x;
            if (!z && miniGamesFragment.v) {
                miniGamesFragment.u = true;
                long j2 = miniGamesFragment.w;
                long j3 = miniGamesFragment.y;
                long j4 = miniGamesFragment.z;
                HashMap<String, Object> e2 = f.b().e();
                if (e2 == null) {
                    e2 = new HashMap<>();
                e2.put("pop_type", "page_mini_game_pop");
                e2.put("pop_id", Long.valueOf(k.f7244a));
                e2.put("pv_id", "page_pop");
                e.g.a.h0.b.o.a d = f.b().d();
                if (d != null) {
                    e2.put(AppCardData.KEY_SCENE, Long.valueOf(d.scene));
                e2.put("first_show_page_time", Long.valueOf(j2));
                e2.put("req_end_time", Long.valueOf(j3));
                e2.put("req_time", Long.valueOf(j4));
                h.o("AppMiniGameLoad", null, e2);
            MiniGamesFragment miniGamesFragment2 = MiniGamesFragment.this;
            if (miniGamesFragment2.f1756h != null && miniGamesFragment2.v) {
            if (MiniGamesFragment.this.f1756h.getData().size() == 0) {
            } else {

    public static class b implements MultiItemEntity {
        public CommonCardItem b;
        public int c;
        public int d;

        public b(int i2) {
            this.d = i2;

        @Override // com.chad.library.adapter.base.entity.MultiItemEntity
        public int getItemType() {
            return this.d;

    public static MiniGamesFragment M1() {
        MiniGamesFragment miniGamesFragment = new MiniGamesFragment();
        miniGamesFragment.setArguments(new Bundle());
        return miniGamesFragment;

    @Override // e.g.a.t.b.i
    public boolean F1() {
        return true;

    @Override // e.g.a.t.b.i
    public void I1() {
        if (this.C) {
            View view = getView();
            this.f1767s = e.g.a.u.j.b().a(this.c).size() > 0;
            CoordinatorLayout coordinatorLayout = (CoordinatorLayout) view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131297714);
            this.f1757i = (FrameLayout) view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131298323);
            this.f1755g = (MultiTypeRecyclerView) view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131298234);
            this.f1758j = (AppBarLayout) view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131296444);
            this.f1759k = (CollapsingToolbarLayout) view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131296910);
            this.f1760l = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131297349);
            this.f1761m = (Toolbar) view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131298667);
            this.f1762n = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131298668);
            this.f1758j.a(new j1(this));
            w wVar = w.f6575a;
            wVar.g(this.f1761m, null);
            this.f1755g.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this.c));
            MultiTypeRecyclerView multiTypeRecyclerView = this.f1755g;
            H5CardAdapter h5CardAdapter = new H5CardAdapter(new ArrayList());
            this.f1756h = h5CardAdapter;
            this.f1755g.setOnRefreshListener(new v(this));
            this.f1755g.setErrorClickLister(new e.g.a.t.e.q(this));
            this.f1755g.setNoDataClickLister(new r(this));
            this.f1756h.setLoadMoreView(new r1());
            this.f1756h.setOnLoadMoreListener(this, this.f1755g.getRecyclerView());
            View view2 = new View(this.c);
            view2.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(-1, p1.a(this.c, 58.0f)));
            e.g.a.s.l.a.c1(view.findViewById(R.id.arg_RES_2131298566), 2141);
            Context context = this.c;
            e.g.a.u.t.h hVar = e.g.a.u.t.h.f7316a;
            o.s.c.j.e(context, "mContext");
            c.T(v0.b, null, null, new e.g.a.u.t.i(context, null), 3, null);
            this.C = false;
        this.f1767s = e.g.a.u.j.b().a(this.c).size() > 0;
        g0.q(getActivity(), "mini-game", getClass().getSimpleName());
        List<GameInfo> list = e.g.a.u.j.b().b;
        if (!i.i.d.c.H(list)) {
            b bVar = new b(1);
            bVar.b = new CommonCardItem();
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(this.f1766r)) {
                String string = getResources().getString(R.string.arg_RES_2131821060);
                bVar.b.title = string;
                this.f1766r = string;
            } else {
                bVar.b.title = this.f1766r;
            bVar.b.data = new CardData[Math.min(list.size(), 30)];
            int i2 = 0;
            while (i2 < list.size() && i2 < 30) {
                bVar.b.data[i2] = new CardData();
                bVar.b.data[i2].gameInfo = list.get(i2);
            H5CardAdapter h5CardAdapter2 = this.f1756h;
            if (!(h5CardAdapter2 == null || h5CardAdapter2.getData() == null || this.f1756h.getData().size() <= 0)) {
                if (this.f1765q) {
                    this.f1756h.setData(0, bVar);
                } else {
                    this.f1756h.addData(0, bVar);
                    this.f1765q = true;
        m.d().f(o.QuitCenter, null);
        this.B = true;
        if (this.d instanceof e.g.a.t.b.a) {
            e.g.a.h0.b.o.a aVar = new e.g.a.h0.b.o.a();
            aVar.scene = 2141;
            ((e.g.a.t.b.a) this.d).Y1(aVar);

    @Override // e.g.a.t.b.i
    public void J1() {
        this.B = false;
        j jVar = j.f5065a;
        o.s.c.j.e(this, ServiceSpecificExtraArgs.CastExtraArgs.LISTENER);

    @Override // e.g.a.t.b.i
    public void K1() {
        H5CardAdapter h5CardAdapter;
        this.v = true;
        this.w = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (!this.u && (h5CardAdapter = this.f1756h) != null && !h5CardAdapter.getData().isEmpty()) {
            this.u = true;
            long j2 = this.w;
            long j3 = this.y;
            long j4 = this.z;
            HashMap<String, Object> e2 = f.b().e();
            if (e2 == null) {
                e2 = new HashMap<>();
            e2.put("pop_type", "page_mini_game_pop");
            e2.put("pop_id", Long.valueOf(k.f7244a));
            e2.put("pv_id", "page_pop");
            e.g.a.h0.b.o.a d = f.b().d();
            if (d != null) {
                e2.put(AppCardData.KEY_SCENE, Long.valueOf(d.scene));
            e2.put("first_show_page_time", Long.valueOf(j2));
            e2.put("req_end_time", Long.valueOf(j3));
            e2.put("req_time", Long.valueOf(j4));
            h.o("AppMiniGameLoad", null, e2);
        if (this.f1756h != null) {

    public final void L1() {
        int i2;
        if (isAdded() && !j.f(2141) && !this.A && d.b(requireActivity()) && !this.I && !m.d().f7275h) {
            this.I = true;
            if (e.g.a.r.d.c.c == null) {
                synchronized (e.g.a.r.d.c.class) {
                    if (e.g.a.r.d.c.c == null) {
                        int i3 = AegonApplication.f1165e;
                        Context context = RealApplicationLike.getContext();
                        o.s.c.j.d(context, "getContext()");
                        e.g.a.r.d.c.c = new e.g.a.r.d.c(context);
            e.g.a.r.d.c cVar = e.g.a.r.d.c.c;
            String d = a0.d();
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(d)) {
                o.s.c.j.e(d, "keyTimeStr");
                try {
                    String c = cVar.c("key_pre_game_center_shortcut_show_count", "");
                    if (c.length() > 0) {
                        p pVar = (p) e.g.a.r.c.a.e(c, p.class);
                        if (o.s.c.j.a(pVar == null ? null : pVar.b(), d)) {
                            i2 = pVar.a();
                            if (e.g.a.u.t.j.a() != 0 && i2 < e.g.a.u.t.j.a() && !cVar.d("key_pre_game_center_shortcut", false)) {
                                new e().F1(getChildFragmentManager());
                                o.s.c.j.e(d, "keyTimeStr");
                                String h2 = e.g.a.r.c.a.h(new p(d, i2 + 1));
                                o.s.c.j.d(h2, "objectToJson(ShortcutCen…Count(keyTimeStr, count))");
                                cVar.j("key_pre_game_center_shortcut_show_count", h2);
                } catch (Exception unused) {
                i2 = 0;
                if (e.g.a.u.t.j.a() != 0) {

    public final void N1() {
        long[] jArr;
        this.f1768t = 0;
        List<Long> a2 = e.g.a.u.j.b().a(this.c);
        if (!a2.isEmpty()) {
            if (a2.size() > 30) {
                a2 = a2.subList(0, 30);
            e.g.a.u.j b2 = e.g.a.u.j.b();
            o.s.c.j.e(a2, "list");
            b2.f7243a = a2;
            jArr = new long[a2.size()];
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < a2.size(); i2++) {
                jArr[i2] = a2.get(i2).longValue();
        } else {
            jArr = new long[0];
        P1(true, jArr);

    public final void O1() {
        if (this.f1767s) {
            TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = this.c.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[]{R.attr.arg_RES_2130968581});
            int dimensionPixelSize = obtainStyledAttributes.getDimensionPixelSize(0, 0);
            int a2 = p1.a(this.c, 1.0f) + dimensionPixelSize;
            this.f1760l.getLayoutParams().height = a2;
            this.f1759k.getLayoutParams().height = a2;
            CollapsingToolbarLayout collapsingToolbarLayout = this.f1759k;
            w wVar = w.f6575a;
        this.f1760l.getLayoutParams().height = p1.a(this.c, 120.0f);
        int i2 = AegonApplication.f1165e;
        e.f.a.e.c.Y(RealApplicationLike.getContext(), "https://image.winudf.com/v2/user/admin/YWRtaW5fbWluaV9nYW1lX2hlYWRlci5wbmdfMTY1Nzg1ODk1MjM3Ng/image.png?fakeurl=1", this.f1760l, new e.h.a.q.g());

    public final void P1(boolean z2, long[] jArr) {
        this.x = System.currentTimeMillis();
        this.y = 0;
        new l.a.n.e.b.d(new u(this, jArr, z2)).f(new e.g.a.t.e.p(this)).l(l.a.p.a.f15787e).n(l.a.p.a.c).k(new s(this)).l(l.a.k.a.a.a()).a(new a(z2));

    public final void Q1() {
        if (this.A || System.currentTimeMillis() - this.H < 2000) {
            e.f.a.g.a.a("TopOnAds", "interstitial ad has shown", new Object[0]);
        } else if (isAdded() && this.B) {
            if (j.f(2141)) {
                j.y(this.d, 2141);
            } else {

    @Override // e.g.a.c.n.n.j.b
    public void V(int i2) {
        long j2 = (long) i2;
        if (j2 == 2141 || j2 == 2142) {
            this.A = true;
            this.H = System.currentTimeMillis();

    @Override // e.g.a.t.b.i
    public String b1() {
        return "page_mini_game";

    @Override // e.g.a.c.n.n.j.b
    public void c(int i2) {

    @Override // e.g.a.c.n.n.j.b
    public void d(int i2) {
        if (((long) i2) == 2141) {

    @Override // e.g.a.c.n.n.j.b
    public void d0(int i2) {
        long j2 = (long) i2;
        if (j2 == 2141) {
            this.A = false;
        if (j2 == 2141 || j2 == 2142) {
            this.H = System.currentTimeMillis();

    @Override // e.g.a.c.n.n.j.b
    public void m0(int i2, IAdErrorDelegate iAdErrorDelegate) {

    @Override // androidx.fragment.app.Fragment
    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater layoutInflater, ViewGroup viewGroup, Bundle bundle) {
        View inflate = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.arg_RES_2131493179, viewGroup, false);
        l.b1(this, inflate);
        return inflate;

    @Override // e.w.e.a.b.t.c.c, androidx.fragment.app.Fragment, e.g.a.t.b.i
    public void onDestroyView() {
        this.u = false;
        this.w = 0;
        this.v = false;

    @Override // com.chad.library.adapter.base.BaseQuickAdapter.RequestLoadMoreListener
    public void onLoadMoreRequested() {
        P1(false, new long[0]);

    @Override // e.g.a.t.b.i, e.g.a.t.b.h
    public long v1() {
        return 2141;

    @Override // e.g.a.t.b.i
    public HashMap<String, Object> w0() {
        return super.w0();