WeChat.apk(点击下载) / a.java

package cn1;

import a50.g;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import bw3.d33;
import bw3.mq1;
import bw3.pp1;
import com.tencent.mm.R;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.finder.model.BaseFinderFeed;
import com.tencent.mm.protocal.protobuf.FinderJumpInfo;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.http.HttpWrapperBase;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.LocaleUtil;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.Log;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.WeChatHosts;
import com.tencent.thumbplayer.tplayer.plugins.report.TPReportKeys;
import d32.ta;
import ez1.f1;
import im1.a;
import java.util.Arrays;
import ku.f;
import lh4.m;
import sv3.b;
import t32.b5;
import wg4.b0;
import ww2.d;
import ym1.e0;
import ym1.r;
import yz3.j;
import zz1.e;

public final class a {

    /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final a f50706a = new a();

    /* renamed from: cn1.a$a  reason: collision with other inner class name */
    public static final class C0516a implements f.h {
        @Override // ku.f.h
        public void fail() {
            Log.i("FinderExposeLogic", "OpenLiteApp fail");

        @Override // ku.f.h
        public void success() {
            Log.i("FinderExposeLogic", "OpenLiteApp success");

    public static /* synthetic */ void b(a aVar, Context context, long j15, long j16, int i15, int i16, Object obj) {
        if ((i16 & 4) != 0) {
            j16 = 0;
        if ((i16 & 8) != 0) {
            i15 = 58;
        aVar.a(context, j15, j16, i15);

    public static void c(a aVar, Context context, BaseFinderFeed baseFinderFeed, long j15, int i15, int i16, Object obj) {
        long j16;
        int i17;
        int i18;
        int i19;
        im1.a b15;
        Long l15;
        pp1 pp12;
        if ((i16 & 4) != 0) {
            j16 = 0;
        } else {
            j16 = j15;
        if ((i16 & 8) != 0) {
            i17 = 58;
        } else {
            i17 = i15;
        m.g(context, "context");
        m.g(baseFinderFeed, "item");
        long itemId = baseFinderFeed.getItemId();
        ta.a aVar2 = ta.W0;
        ta f15 = aVar2.f(context);
        if (f15 != null) {
            i18 = f15.f197187i;
        } else {
            i18 = 0;
        d.INSTANCE.idkeyStat(1278, 8, 1, false);
        if (e.Ac.t().intValue() == 0) {
            String format = String.format(HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS + WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fys) + "/security/readtemplate?t=weixin_report/w_type&scene=%s&wechat_real_lang=%s&content_ID=%s&commentscene=%s", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{Integer.valueOf(i17), LocaleUtil.getApplicationLanguage(), m60.d.p(itemId), Integer.valueOf(i18)}, 4));
            m.f(format, "format(format, *args)");
            if (j16 != 0) {
                format = String.format(format + "&comment_ID=%s", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{m60.d.p(j16)}, 1));
                m.f(format, "format(format, *args)");
            mq1 mq12 = baseFinderFeed.t().getFeedObject().object_extend;
            if (mq12 == null || (pp12 = mq12.f30040h) == null) {
                l15 = null;
            } else {
                l15 = Long.valueOf(pp12.f33234e);
            if (l15 != null) {
                format = String.format(format + "&ad_aid=%s", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{m60.d.p(l15.longValue())}, 1));
                m.f(format, "format(format, *args)");
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra("rawUrl", format);
            b.j(context, "webview", ".ui.tools.WebViewUI", intent, null);
            i19 = 1;
        } else {
            String format2 = String.format("t=weixin_report/w_type&scene=%s&wechat_real_lang=%s&content_ID=%s&commentscene=%s", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{Integer.valueOf(i17), LocaleUtil.getApplicationLanguage(), m60.d.p(itemId), Integer.valueOf(i18)}, 4));
            m.f(format2, "format(format, *args)");
            e0 e0Var = e0.f346876a;
            FinderJumpInfo finderJumpInfo = new FinderJumpInfo();
            d33 d332 = new d33();
            d332.f18954d = "wxalite949d20096e938e0a9b88fb5793431a26";
            d332.f18956f = format2;
            finderJumpInfo.lite_app_info = d332;
            b0 b0Var = b0.f332794a;
            i19 = 1;
            e0.u(e0Var, context, new r(finderJumpInfo), null, null, 12, null);
        ((f1) j.c(f1.class)).eO0(itemId);
        ta f16 = aVar2.f(context);
        if (f16 != null && (b15 = b5.a.b(f16, 0, i19, null)) != null) {
            b15.a(new a.C3178a(17, itemId));

    public static void e(a aVar, Context context, long j15, String str, Long l15, int i15, BaseFinderFeed baseFinderFeed, int i16, Object obj) {
        String str2;
        Long l16;
        pp1 pp12;
        if ((i16 & 8) != 0) {
            l15 = null;
        if ((i16 & 16) != 0) {
            i15 = 62;
        if ((i16 & 32) != 0) {
            baseFinderFeed = null;
        m.g(context, "context");
        m.g(str, "username");
        Object[] objArr = new Object[4];
        objArr[0] = Integer.valueOf(i15);
        objArr[1] = Long.valueOf(j15);
        objArr[2] = str;
        if (l15 == null || (str2 = l15.toString()) == null) {
            str2 = "";
        objArr[3] = str2;
        String format = String.format("https://weixin110.qq.com/security/readtemplate?t=weixin_report/w_type&scene=%d&liveid=%s&liveidentityid=%s&msgId=%s", Arrays.copyOf(objArr, 4));
        m.f(format, "format(format, *args)");
        if (baseFinderFeed != null) {
            mq1 mq12 = baseFinderFeed.t().getFeedObject().object_extend;
            if (mq12 == null || (pp12 = mq12.f30040h) == null) {
                l16 = null;
            } else {
                l16 = Long.valueOf(pp12.f33234e);
            if (l16 != null) {
                format = String.format(format + "&ad_aid=%s", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{m60.d.p(l16.longValue())}, 1));
                m.f(format, "format(format, *args)");
        Log.i("FinderExposeLogic", "liveExpose liveId:" + j15 + ",username:" + str + ",commentSeq:" + l15 + " url: " + format);
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("showShare", false);
        intent.putExtra("rawUrl", format);
        b.j(context, "webview", ".ui.tools.WebViewUI", intent, null);

    public final void a(Context context, long j15, long j16, int i15) {
        int i16;
        im1.a b15;
        m.g(context, "context");
        ta.a aVar = ta.W0;
        ta f15 = aVar.f(context);
        if (f15 != null) {
            i16 = f15.f197187i;
        } else {
            i16 = 0;
        d.INSTANCE.idkeyStat(1278, 8, 1, false);
        String format = String.format(HttpWrapperBase.PROTOCAL_HTTPS + WeChatHosts.domainString(R.string.fys) + "/security/readtemplate?t=weixin_report/w_type&scene=%s&wechat_real_lang=%s&content_ID=%s&comment_ID=%s&commentscene=%s", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{Integer.valueOf(i15), LocaleUtil.getApplicationLanguage(), m60.d.p(j15), m60.d.p(j16), Integer.valueOf(i16)}, 5));
        m.f(format, "format(format, *args)");
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra("rawUrl", format);
        b.j(context, "webview", ".ui.tools.WebViewUI", intent, null);
        ((f1) j.c(f1.class)).eO0(j15);
        ta f16 = aVar.f(context);
        if (f16 != null && (b15 = b5.a.b(f16, 0, 1, null)) != null) {
            b15.a(new a.C3178a(17, j15));

    public final void d(Context context, long j15, long j16, int i15) {
        int i16;
        m.g(context, "context");
        Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
        bundle.putString("appId", "wxalite949d20096e938e0a9b88fb5793431a26");
        g gVar = new g();
        gVar.n(TPReportKeys.PlayerStep.PLAYER_BUFFERING_SCENE, i15);
        gVar.put("id", m60.d.p(j15));
        ta f15 = ta.W0.f(context);
        if (f15 != null) {
            i16 = f15.f197187i;
        } else {
            i16 = 0;
        gVar.n("commentscene", i16);
        if (j16 != 0) {
            gVar.put("comment_ID", m60.d.p(j16));
        bundle.putString("query", gVar.toString());
        ((f) j.c(f.class)).V40(context, bundle, true, false, new C0516a());