智能工厂.apk(点击下载) / a.java

package cn.jiguang.a;

import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.ServiceConnection;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import cn.jiguang.android.IDataShare;
import cn.jiguang.api.JCoreManager;
import cn.jiguang.aq.c;
import cn.jiguang.aw.e;
import cn.jiguang.bd.b;
import cn.jiguang.bd.d;
import cn.jiguang.internal.JConstants;
import cn.jiguang.internal.JCoreInternalHelper;
import cn.jpush.android.service.DataShare;
import cn.jpush.android.service.JCommonService;
import cn.jpush.android.service.PushReceiver;
import com.baidu.speech.utils.AsrError;

public class a {
    public static String a = ".permission.JPUSH_MESSAGE";
    public static String b = "2.3.8";
    public static int c = 238;
    public static String d = "";
    private static Boolean e;
    private static Boolean f;
    private static ServiceConnection g = new ServiceConnection() {
        /* class cn.jiguang.a.a.AnonymousClass1 */

        public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName componentName, IBinder iBinder) {
            c.c("JCoreGobal", "action - onServiceConnected, ComponentName:" + componentName);
            c.e("JCoreGobal", "Remote Service bind success.");
            try {
                DataShare.init(IDataShare.Stub.asInterface(iBinder), cn.jiguang.ap.c.a(JConstants.getAppContext(null)));
                if (JConstants.mApplicationContext != null) {
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                c.i("JCoreGobal", "onServiceConnected e:" + th);

        public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName componentName) {
            c.c("JCoreGobal", "action - onServiceDisconnected, ComponentName:" + componentName);

    /* access modifiers changed from: package-private */
    /* renamed from: cn.jiguang.a.a$a  reason: collision with other inner class name */
    public static class C0000a extends b {
        Context a;
        boolean b;
        String c;
        Bundle d;

        C0000a(Context context, boolean z, String str, Bundle bundle) {
            this.a = context;
            this.b = z;
            this.c = str;
            this.d = bundle;
            this.h = "JCoreGlobal";

        @Override // cn.jiguang.bd.b
        public void a() {
            String str;
            try {
                if (this.b) {
                    if (this.c.equals("a5")) {
                        cn.jiguang.aw.b.a().a(this.a, AsrError.ERROR_NETWORK_FAIL_READ, 1, "");
                        cn.jiguang.g.b.a(this.a, cn.jiguang.g.a.n().a((Boolean) true));
                        String string = this.d.getString("appkey");
                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) {
                            cn.jiguang.aw.b.a().a(this.a, 0, AsrError.ERROR_OFFLINE_INVALID_LICENSE, "appkey is empty");
                        String b2 = cn.jiguang.ap.a.b(this.a);
                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(b2) || b2.equals(string)) {
                            JConstants.APP_KEY = string;
                            if (cn.jiguang.aw.c.a(this.a)) {
                                str = "tcp_a24";
                            } else {
                                String b3 = cn.jiguang.d.a.b(this.a);
                                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(b3)) {
                                    cn.jiguang.aw.b.a().a(this.a, AsrError.ERROR_NETWORK_FAIL_READ, 0, b3);
                                str = "tcp_a1";
                            this.c = str;
                        } else {
                            cn.jiguang.aw.b.a().a(this.a, 0, AsrError.ERROR_OFFLINE_NO_LICENSE, "appkey not same with meta appkey");
                    } else if (this.c.equals("tcp_a23")) {
                        cn.jiguang.aw.b.a().a(this.a, AsrError.ERROR_NETWORK_FAIL_CONNECT, 0, "success");
                    if (a.b(this.a)) {
                        cn.jiguang.ap.c.a().b(this.a, this.c, this.d);
                } else if (a.a(this.a)) {
                    cn.jiguang.ap.c.a().a(this.a, this.c, this.d);
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                c.i("JCoreGobal", "do action error:" + th.getMessage());

    public static void a(Context context, String str, Bundle bundle) {
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(cn.jiguang.ap.c.b(context)) || !context.getPackageName().equals(cn.jiguang.f.a.a(context))) {
            b(context, str, bundle);
        } else {
            d.a("SDK_INIT", new C0000a(context, false, str, bundle));

    public static void a(Context context, boolean z, long j) {
        try {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            bundle.putBoolean("force", z);
            bundle.putLong("delay_time", j);
            a(context, "tcp_a2", bundle);
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            c.h("JCoreGobal", "sendHeartBeat error:" + th);

    public static boolean a() {
        try {
            if (Class.forName("cn.jiguang.dy.b") != null) {
        } catch (Throwable unused) {
        return true;

    public static synchronized boolean a(Context context) {
        synchronized (a.class) {
            if (e != null) {
                return e.booleanValue();
            } else if (context == null) {
                c.j("JCoreGobal", "init failed,context is null");
                return false;
            } else {
                c.f("JCoreGobal", "action:init jcore,version:" + b + ",build id:" + 15 + ",l:" + JConstants.SDK_VERSION_INT);
                c.c("JCoreGobal", "build type:release");
                JConstants.mApplicationContext = context.getApplicationContext();
                Context applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext();
                String b2 = cn.jiguang.ap.c.b(applicationContext);
                if ((cn.jiguang.ap.b.a().c() || cn.jiguang.ap.b.a().b()) && TextUtils.isEmpty(b2)) {
                    e = false;
                    c.j("JCoreGobal", "AndroidManifest.xml missing required service:" + JCommonService.class.getCanonicalName() + ",please custom one service and extends JCommonService");
                    return false;
                e = true;
                return e.booleanValue();

    public static void b(Context context, String str, Bundle bundle) {
        d.a("SDK_SERVICE_INIT", new C0000a(context, true, str, bundle));

    public static synchronized boolean b(Context context) {
        synchronized (a.class) {
            if (f != null) {
                return f.booleanValue();
            } else if (context == null) {
                c.j("JCoreGobal", "init failed,context is null");
                return false;
            } else {
                c.c("JCoreGobal", "serviceInit...");
                JConstants.mApplicationContext = context.getApplicationContext();
                Context applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext();
                if (!cn.jiguang.ap.a.e(applicationContext)) {
                    return false;
                if (!cn.jiguang.ap.a.f(applicationContext)) {
                    f = false;
                    return false;
                if (a()) {
                    try {
                        JCoreInternalHelper.getInstance().onEvent(applicationContext, JConstants.SDK_TYPE, 65, true, "", null, 1);
                    } catch (Throwable unused) {
                        c.g("JCoreGobal", "u p call failed");
                try {
                } catch (Throwable unused2) {
                f = true;
                e.a(applicationContext, "service_create", null);
                return f.booleanValue();

    private static void c(Context context) {
        try {
            IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
            PushReceiver pushReceiver = new PushReceiver();
            String str = context.getPackageName() + a;
            context.registerReceiver(pushReceiver, intentFilter, str, null);
            if (!cn.jiguang.f.a.a(context, PushReceiver.class)) {
                IntentFilter intentFilter2 = new IntentFilter();
                context.registerReceiver(pushReceiver, intentFilter2, str, null);
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            c.i("JCoreGobal", "registerPushReceiver fail:" + th);

    private static void d(Context context) {
        String b2 = cn.jiguang.ap.c.b(context);
        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(b2)) {
            c.e("JCoreGobal", "not found commonServiceClass(JCommonService)");
        } else if (DataShare.isBinding()) {
            c.c("JCoreGobal", "is binding service");
        } else {
            try {
                Intent intent = new Intent();
                intent.setClass(context, Class.forName(b2));
                if (context.bindService(intent, g, 1)) {
                    c.a("JCoreGobal", "Remote Service on binding...");
                c.a("JCoreGobal", "Remote Service bind failed");
            } catch (SecurityException unused) {
                c.h("JCoreGobal", "Remote Service bind failed caused by SecurityException!");
            } catch (Throwable th) {
                c.h("JCoreGobal", "Remote Service bind failed :" + th);