WeChat.apk(点击下载) / d.java

package cj1;

import bw3.fp1;
import bw3.l24;
import bw3.m24;
import bw3.px0;
import bw3.t34;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.FinderCommonFeatureService;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.finder.utils.h4;
import com.tencent.mm.plugin.finder.utils.v2;
import com.tencent.mm.protocal.protobuf.FinderContact;
import com.tencent.mm.sdk.platformtools.BuildInfo;
import dj1.b;
import ek0.x2;
import hj1.a;
import ij1.h;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import lh4.m;
import ln.l;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import t32.h4;
import tl1.c;
import wg4.b0;
import wg4.n;
import yz3.j;
import zz1.e;

public final class d implements a<fp1> {
    /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [int, int, java.lang.String, bw3.ci4, org.json.JSONObject] */
    @Override // hj1.a
    public void a(int i15, int i16, String str, fp1 fp12, JSONObject jSONObject) {
        boolean z15;
        T t15;
        b0 b0Var;
        String str2;
        boolean z16;
        fp1 fp13 = fp12;
        m.g(fp13, "resp");
        m.g(jSONObject, "reportExt");
        if (i15 == 0 && i16 == 0) {
            ((x2) j.c(x2.class)).F70(fp13.f21899u);
            LinkedList<px0> linkedList = fp13.f21899u;
            m.f(linkedList, "resp.alias_info");
            Iterator<T> it = linkedList.iterator();
            while (true) {
                z15 = false;
                if (!it.hasNext()) {
                    t15 = null;
                t15 = it.next();
                if (t15.f33534f == 2) {
                    z16 = true;
                } else {
                    z16 = false;
                if (z16) {
            T t16 = t15;
            if (t16 != null) {
                h4.f119006a.I1(t16, Boolean.TRUE, "UserPrepare");
                b0Var = b0.f332794a;
            } else {
                b0Var = null;
            if (b0Var == null) {
                LinkedList<px0> linkedList2 = fp13.f21899u;
                if (linkedList2 != null && (!linkedList2.isEmpty())) {
                    z15 = true;
                if (z15) {
                    h4.f119006a.y("UserPrepare", null);
            b.f200487e.O5().b().f41842z = fp13.A;
            LinkedList<t34> linkedList3 = fp13.f21904z;
            m.f(linkedList3, "resp.finder_list");
            for (T t17 : linkedList3) {
                FinderContact finderContact = t17.f37089e;
                if (finderContact == null || (str2 = finderContact.username) == null) {
                    str2 = "";
                b.f200487e.c6(str2, new h(t17.f37099r, t17.f37100s, false, 4, null));
                ((FinderCommonFeatureService) j.c(FinderCommonFeatureService.class)).lJ0().X().b(str2, h4.a.REFRESH_3);
            ((xc4.j) xc4.j.f338034d).a(c.f49718d);

    @Override // hj1.a
    public int b() {
        return 7289;

    /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [int, int, java.lang.String, bw3.ci4, org.json.JSONObject] */
    @Override // hj1.a
    public void c(int i15, int i16, String str, fp1 fp12, JSONObject jSONObject) {
        fp1 fp13 = fp12;
        m.g(fp13, "resp");
        m.g(jSONObject, "reportExt");
        if (i15 == 0 && i16 == 0) {
            LinkedList<t34> linkedList = fp13.f21904z;
            m.f(linkedList, "resp.finder_list");
            for (T t15 : linkedList) {
                m24 m242 = t15.f37094j;
                if (BuildInfo.DEBUG || BuildInfo.IS_FLAVOR_PURPLE || BuildInfo.IS_FLAVOR_RED) {
                    if (m242 == null) {
                        m242 = new m24();
                    LinkedList<l24> linkedList2 = m242.f29300d;
                    ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
                    if (((Number) ((c) ((n) e.f356430h2).getValue()).t()).intValue() == 1) {
                        l24 l242 = new l24();
                        l242.f28051d = "用秒剪制作视频(仅测试)";
                        l242.f28052e = "";
                        l242.f28053f = "";
                        l242.f28054g = 1;
                        l242.f28055h = "wxa5e0de08d96cc09d";
                        l242.f28058n = "miaojian://createvideo?scene=channels&page=1&from=channels";
                        l242.f28059o = "https://miaojian.weixin.qq.com/download/apps/?channel=debug";
                        l242.f28060p = "com.tencent.phoenix";
                        l242.f28061q = "A24DC0755072F64C480DC06DCD3412BF";
                if (m242 != null) {
                    LinkedList<l24> linkedList3 = m242.f29300d;
                    m.f(linkedList3, "actionSheetList.sheets");
                    m60.d.U(linkedList3, v2.f119393d);
                    LinkedList<l24> linkedList4 = m242.f29300d;
                    m.f(linkedList4, "actionSheetList.sheets");
                    for (T t16 : linkedList4) {
                        ((l) j.c(l.class)).pj0(t16.f28055h, t16.f28060p, null);
                t15.f37094j = m242;