TikTok.apk(点击下载) / C64019PBo.java

package X;

import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.DashPathEffect;
import android.graphics.LinearGradient;
import android.graphics.Matrix;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.Path;
import android.graphics.RadialGradient;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.graphics.Shader;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.Base64;
import com.bytedance.covode.number.Covode;
import com.lynx.tasm.base.LLog;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

/* renamed from: X.PBo  reason: case insensitive filesystem */
public final class C64019PBo {
    public float LIZ;
    public float LIZIZ;
    public Canvas LIZJ;
    public float LIZLLL;
    public KPR LJ;
    public C64021PBq LJFF;
    public C64008PBd LJI;
    public Stack<C64008PBd> LJII;
    public Stack<AbstractC64032PCb> LJIIIIZZ;
    public Stack<Matrix> LJIIIZ;

    static {

    public C64019PBo(Canvas canvas, float f, float f2, float f3, KPR kpr) {
        this.LIZJ = canvas;
        this.LIZ = f;
        this.LIZIZ = f2;
        this.LIZLLL = f3;
        this.LJ = kpr;

    public static int LIZ(float f) {
        int i2 = (int) (f * 256.0f);
        if (i2 < 0) {
            return 0;
        if (i2 > 255) {
            return 255;
        return i2;

    public static int LIZ(int i2, float f) {
        int i3 = 255;
        int round = Math.round(((float) ((i2 >> 24) & 255)) * f);
        if (round < 0) {
            i3 = 0;
        } else if (round <= 255) {
            i3 = round;
        return (i2 & 16777215) | (i3 << 24);

    private C64008PBd LIZ(C64039PCi pCi, C64008PBd pBd) {
        ArrayList<PCK> arrayList = new ArrayList();
        while (true) {
            if (pCi instanceof PCK) {
                arrayList.add(0, pCi);
            if (pCi.LJIILL == null) {
            pCi = (C64039PCi) pCi.LJIILL;
        for (PCK pck : arrayList) {
            LIZ(pBd, pck);
        pBd.LJI = this.LJI.LJI;
        pBd.LJFF = this.LJI.LJFF;
        return pBd;

    private C64028PBx LIZ(C64025PBu pBu, C64025PBu pBu2, C64025PBu pBu3, C64025PBu pBu4) {
        float f = 0.0f;
        float LIZ2 = pBu != null ? pBu.LIZ(this) : 0.0f;
        if (pBu2 != null) {
            f = pBu2.LIZIZ(this);
        C64028PBx LIZ3 = LIZ();
        return new C64028PBx(LIZ2, f, pBu3 != null ? pBu3.LIZ(this) : LIZ3.LIZJ, pBu4 != null ? pBu4.LIZIZ(this) : LIZ3.LIZLLL);

    private Bitmap LIZ(String str) {
        if (!str.startsWith("data:")) {
            return null;
        if (str.length() < 14) {
            return null;
        int indexOf = str.indexOf(44);
        if (indexOf < 12) {
            return null;
        if (!";base64".equals(str.substring(indexOf - 7, indexOf))) {
            return null;
        try {
            byte[] decode = Base64.decode(str.substring(indexOf + 1), 0);
            return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decode, 0, decode.length);
        } catch (Exception unused) {
            return null;

    /* JADX WARNING: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:25:0x006c, code lost:
        if (r6 != 8) goto L_0x006e;
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:16:0x005e  */
    private Matrix LIZ(C64028PBx pBx, C64028PBx pBx2, C64030PBz pBz) {
        float f;
        int i2;
        float f2;
        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
        if (!(pBz == null || pBz.LIZ == null)) {
            float f3 = pBx.LIZJ / pBx2.LIZJ;
            float f4 = pBx.LIZLLL / pBx2.LIZLLL;
            float f5 = -pBx2.LIZ;
            float f6 = -pBx2.LIZIZ;
            if (!pBz.equals(C64030PBz.LIZLLL)) {
                float max = pBz.LIZIZ == PCB.slice ? Math.max(f3, f4) : Math.min(f3, f4);
                float f7 = pBx.LIZJ / max;
                float f8 = pBx.LIZLLL / max;
                switch (PC0.LIZ[pBz.LIZ.ordinal()]) {
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
                    case 3:
                        f = (pBx2.LIZJ - f7) / 2.0f;
                        f5 -= f;
                        i2 = PC0.LIZ[pBz.LIZ.ordinal()];
                        if (i2 != 2) {
                            if (i2 != 3) {
                                if (i2 != 5) {
                                    if (i2 != 6) {
                                        if (i2 != 7) {
                            f2 = pBx2.LIZLLL - f8;
                            f6 -= f2;
                            matrix.preTranslate(pBx.LIZ, pBx.LIZIZ);
                            matrix.preScale(max, max);
                            matrix.preTranslate(f5, f6);
                        f2 = (pBx2.LIZLLL - f8) / 2.0f;
                        f6 -= f2;
                        matrix.preTranslate(pBx.LIZ, pBx.LIZIZ);
                        matrix.preScale(max, max);
                        matrix.preTranslate(f5, f6);
                    case 4:
                    case 5:
                    case 6:
                        f = pBx2.LIZJ - f7;
                        f5 -= f;
                        i2 = PC0.LIZ[pBz.LIZ.ordinal()];
                        if (i2 != 2) {
                        f2 = (pBx2.LIZLLL - f8) / 2.0f;
                        f6 -= f2;
                        matrix.preTranslate(pBx.LIZ, pBx.LIZIZ);
                        matrix.preScale(max, max);
                        matrix.preTranslate(f5, f6);
                        i2 = PC0.LIZ[pBz.LIZ.ordinal()];
                        if (i2 != 2) {
                        f2 = (pBx2.LIZLLL - f8) / 2.0f;
                        f6 -= f2;
                        matrix.preTranslate(pBx.LIZ, pBx.LIZIZ);
                        matrix.preScale(max, max);
                        matrix.preTranslate(f5, f6);
            } else {
                matrix.preTranslate(pBx.LIZ, pBx.LIZIZ);
                matrix.preScale(f3, f4);
                matrix.preTranslate(f5, f6);
                return matrix;
        return matrix;

    private Path LIZ(PCO pco) {
        float LIZ2;
        float LIZIZ2;
        if (pco.LJFF == null && pco.LJI == null) {
            LIZ2 = 0.0f;
            LIZIZ2 = 0.0f;
        } else {
            if (pco.LJFF == null) {
                LIZ2 = pco.LJI.LIZIZ(this);
            } else if (pco.LJI == null) {
                LIZ2 = pco.LJFF.LIZ(this);
            } else {
                LIZ2 = pco.LJFF.LIZ(this);
                LIZIZ2 = pco.LJI.LIZIZ(this);
            LIZIZ2 = LIZ2;
        float min = Math.min(LIZ2, pco.LIZJ.LIZ(this) / 2.0f);
        float min2 = Math.min(LIZIZ2, pco.LIZLLL.LIZIZ(this) / 2.0f);
        float LIZ3 = pco.LIZ != null ? pco.LIZ.LIZ(this) : 0.0f;
        float LIZIZ3 = pco.LIZIZ != null ? pco.LIZIZ.LIZIZ(this) : 0.0f;
        float LIZ4 = pco.LIZJ.LIZ(this);
        float LIZIZ4 = pco.LIZLLL.LIZIZ(this);
        if (pco.LJIIIZ == null) {
            pco.LJIIIZ = new C64028PBx(LIZ3, LIZIZ3, LIZ4, LIZIZ4);
        float f = LIZ3 + LIZ4;
        float f2 = LIZIZ3 + LIZIZ4;
        Path path = new Path();
        if (min == 0.0f || min2 == 0.0f) {
            path.addRect(LIZ3, LIZIZ3, f, f2, Path.Direction.CW);
            return path;
        float f3 = min * 0.5522848f;
        float f4 = 0.5522848f * min2;
        float f5 = LIZIZ3 + min2;
        path.moveTo(LIZ3, f5);
        float f6 = f5 - f4;
        float f7 = LIZ3 + min;
        float f8 = f7 - f3;
        path.cubicTo(LIZ3, f6, f8, LIZIZ3, f7, LIZIZ3);
        float f9 = f - min;
        path.lineTo(f9, LIZIZ3);
        float f10 = f9 + f3;
        path.cubicTo(f10, LIZIZ3, f, f6, f, f5);
        float f11 = f2 - min2;
        path.lineTo(f, f11);
        float f12 = f11 + f4;
        path.cubicTo(f, f12, f10, f2, f9, f2);
        path.lineTo(f7, f2);
        path.cubicTo(f8, f2, LIZ3, f12, LIZ3, f11);
        path.lineTo(LIZ3, f5);
        return path;

    private Path LIZ(PCR pcr) {
        float f = 0.0f;
        float LIZ2 = pcr.LIZ != null ? pcr.LIZ.LIZ(this) : 0.0f;
        if (pcr.LIZIZ != null) {
            f = pcr.LIZIZ.LIZIZ(this);
        float LIZ3 = pcr.LIZJ.LIZ(this);
        float LIZIZ2 = pcr.LIZLLL.LIZIZ(this);
        float f2 = LIZ2 - LIZ3;
        float f3 = f - LIZIZ2;
        float f4 = LIZ2 + LIZ3;
        float f5 = f + LIZIZ2;
        if (pcr.LJIIIZ == null) {
            pcr.LJIIIZ = new C64028PBx(f2, f3, LIZ3 * 2.0f, 2.0f * LIZIZ2);
        float f6 = LIZ3 * 0.5522848f;
        float f7 = 0.5522848f * LIZIZ2;
        Path path = new Path();
        path.moveTo(LIZ2, f3);
        float f8 = LIZ2 + f6;
        float f9 = f - f7;
        path.cubicTo(f8, f3, f4, f9, f4, f);
        float f10 = f7 + f;
        path.cubicTo(f4, f10, f8, f5, LIZ2, f5);
        float f11 = LIZ2 - f6;
        path.cubicTo(f11, f5, f2, f10, f2, f);
        path.cubicTo(f2, f9, f11, f3, LIZ2, f3);
        return path;

    private Path LIZ(PCV pcv) {
        float f = 0.0f;
        float LIZ2 = pcv.LIZ != null ? pcv.LIZ.LIZ(this) : 0.0f;
        if (pcv.LIZIZ != null) {
            f = pcv.LIZIZ.LIZIZ(this);
        float LIZJ2 = pcv.LIZJ.LIZJ(this);
        float f2 = LIZ2 - LIZJ2;
        float f3 = f - LIZJ2;
        float f4 = LIZ2 + LIZJ2;
        float f5 = f + LIZJ2;
        if (pcv.LJIIIZ == null) {
            float f6 = 2.0f * LIZJ2;
            pcv.LJIIIZ = new C64028PBx(f2, f3, f6, f6);
        float f7 = 0.5522848f * LIZJ2;
        Path path = new Path();
        path.moveTo(f4, f);
        float f8 = f + f7;
        float f9 = LIZ2 + f7;
        path.cubicTo(f4, f8, f9, f5, LIZ2, f5);
        float f10 = LIZ2 - f7;
        path.cubicTo(f10, f5, f2, f8, f2, f);
        float f11 = f - f7;
        path.cubicTo(f2, f11, f10, f3, LIZ2, f3);
        path.cubicTo(f9, f3, f4, f11, f4, f);
        return path;

    private Path LIZ(C64031PCa pCa) {
        Path path = new Path();
        path.moveTo(pCa.LIZ[0], pCa.LIZ[1]);
        for (int i2 = 2; i2 < pCa.LIZ.length; i2 += 2) {
            path.lineTo(pCa.LIZ[i2], pCa.LIZ[i2 + 1]);
        if (pCa instanceof C64040PCj) {
        if (pCa.LJIIIZ == null) {
            pCa.LJIIIZ = LIZIZ(path);
        return path;

    private Path LIZ(AbstractC64035PCe pCe, boolean z) {
        Path path;
        Path LIZIZ2;
        C64008PBd pBd = new C64008PBd(this, this.LJI);
        this.LJI = pBd;
        LIZ(pBd, pCe);
        if (!LJII() || !LJIIIIZZ()) {
            this.LJI = this.LJII.pop();
            return null;
        if (pCe instanceof PCM) {
            if (!z) {
                LIZIZ("<use> elements inside a <clipPath> cannot reference another <use>", new Object[0]);
            PCM pcm = (PCM) pCe;
            C64039PCi LIZIZ3 = pCe.LJIILJJIL.LIZIZ(pcm.LIZ);
            if (LIZIZ3 == null) {
                LIZIZ("Use reference '%s' not found", pcm.LIZ);
                this.LJI = this.LJII.pop();
                return null;
            } else if (!(LIZIZ3 instanceof AbstractC64035PCe)) {
                this.LJI = this.LJII.pop();
                return null;
            } else {
                path = LIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) LIZIZ3, false);
                if (path == null) {
                    return null;
                if (pcm.LJIIIZ == null) {
                    pcm.LJIIIZ = LIZIZ(path);
                if (pcm.LIZIZ != null) {
        } else if (pCe instanceof PCZ) {
            PCZ pcz = (PCZ) pCe;
            if (pCe instanceof PCQ) {
                path = new C62548Oh7(((PCQ) pCe).LIZ).LIZ;
                if (pCe.LJIIIZ == null) {
                    pCe.LJIIIZ = LIZIZ(path);
            } else if (pCe instanceof PCO) {
                path = LIZ((PCO) pCe);
            } else if (pCe instanceof PCV) {
                path = LIZ((PCV) pCe);
            } else if (pCe instanceof PCR) {
                path = LIZ((PCR) pCe);
            } else {
                if (pCe instanceof C64031PCa) {
                    path = LIZ((C64031PCa) pCe);
                return null;
            if (path != null) {
                if (pcz.LJIIIZ == null) {
                    pcz.LJIIIZ = LIZIZ(path);
                if (pcz.LJ != null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            LIZIZ("Invalid %s element found in clipPath definition", pCe.LIZ());
            return null;
        if (!(this.LJI.LIZ.LJIJJ == null || (LIZIZ2 = LIZIZ(pCe, pCe.LJIIIZ)) == null)) {
            path.op(LIZIZ2, Path.Op.INTERSECT);
        this.LJI = this.LJII.pop();
        return path;

    private void LIZ(float f, float f2, float f3, float f4) {
        float f5 = f3 + f;
        float f6 = f4 + f2;
        if (this.LJI.LIZ.LJIILL != null) {
            f += this.LJI.LIZ.LJIILL.LIZLLL.LIZ(this);
            f2 += this.LJI.LIZ.LJIILL.LIZ.LIZIZ(this);
            f5 -= this.LJI.LIZ.LJIILL.LIZIZ.LIZ(this);
            f6 -= this.LJI.LIZ.LJIILL.LIZJ.LIZIZ(this);
        this.LIZJ.clipRect(f, f2, f5, f6);

    private void LIZ(C64008PBd pBd, C64022PBr pBr) {
        if (LIZ(pBr, 4096)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJIILIIL = pBr.LJIILIIL;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 2048)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJIIL = pBr.LJIIL;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 1)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LIZIZ = pBr.LIZIZ;
            pBd.LIZIZ = (pBr.LIZIZ == null || pBr.LIZIZ == PCC.LIZJ) ? false : true;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 4)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LIZLLL = pBr.LIZLLL;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 6149)) {
            LIZ(pBd, true, pBd.LIZ.LIZIZ);
        if (LIZ(pBr, 2)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LIZJ = pBr.LIZJ;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 8)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJ = pBr.LJ;
            pBd.LIZJ = (pBr.LJ == null || pBr.LJ == PCC.LIZJ) ? false : true;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 16)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJFF = pBr.LJFF;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 6168)) {
            LIZ(pBd, false, pBd.LIZ.LJ);
        if (LIZ(pBr, 34359738368L)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJJII = pBr.LJJII;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 32)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJI = pBr.LJI;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 64)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJII = pBr.LJII;
            int i2 = PC0.LIZIZ[pBr.LJII.ordinal()];
            if (i2 == 1) {
            } else if (i2 == 2) {
            } else if (i2 == 3) {
        if (LIZ(pBr, 128)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJIIIIZZ = pBr.LJIIIIZZ;
            int i3 = PC0.LIZJ[pBr.LJIIIIZZ.ordinal()];
            if (i3 == 1) {
            } else if (i3 == 2) {
            } else if (i3 == 3) {
        if (LIZ(pBr, 256)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJIIIZ = pBr.LJIIIZ;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 512)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJIIJ = pBr.LJIIJ;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 1024)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJIIJJI = pBr.LJIIJJI;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 1536)) {
            if (pBd.LIZ.LJIIJ == null) {
            } else {
                int length = pBd.LIZ.LJIIJ.length;
                int i4 = length % 2 == 0 ? length : length * 2;
                float[] fArr = new float[i4];
                float f = 0.0f;
                for (int i5 = 0; i5 < i4; i5++) {
                    fArr[i5] = pBd.LIZ.LJIIJ[i5 % length].LIZJ(this);
                    f += fArr[i5];
                if (f == 0.0f) {
                } else {
                    float LIZJ2 = pBd.LIZ.LJIIJJI.LIZJ(this);
                    if (LIZJ2 < 0.0f) {
                        LIZJ2 = (LIZJ2 % f) + f;
                    pBd.LJ.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(fArr, LIZJ2));
        if (LIZ(pBr, 524288)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJIILJJIL = pBr.LJIILJJIL;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 16777216)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJIILLIIL = pBr.LJIILLIIL;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 33554432)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJIIZILJ = pBr.LJIIZILJ;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 1048576)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJIILL = pBr.LJIILL;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 268435456)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJIJJ = pBr.LJIJJ;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 536870912)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJIJJLI = pBr.LJIJJLI;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 67108864)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJIJ = pBr.LJIJ;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 134217728)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJIJI = pBr.LJIJI;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 8589934592L)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJJI = pBr.LJJI;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 17179869184L)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJJIFFI = pBr.LJJIFFI;
        if (LIZ(pBr, 137438953472L)) {
            pBd.LIZ.LJJIII = pBr.LJJIII;

    private void LIZ(C64008PBd pBd, PCK pck) {
        pBd.LIZ.LIZ(pck.LJIILL == null);
        if (pck.LJIIL != null) {
            LIZ(pBd, pck.LJIIL);
        if (pck.LJIILIIL != null) {
            LIZ(pBd, pck.LJIILIIL);

    private void LIZ(C64008PBd pBd, boolean z, AbstractC64044PCn pCn) {
        int i2;
        C64022PBr pBr = pBd.LIZ;
        float floatValue = (z ? pBr.LIZLLL : pBr.LJFF).floatValue();
        if (pCn instanceof PCC) {
            i2 = ((PCC) pCn).LIZ;
        } else if (pCn instanceof C64042PCl) {
            i2 = pBd.LIZ.LJIILIIL.LIZ;
        } else {
        int LIZ2 = LIZ(i2, floatValue);
        if (z) {
        } else {

    private void LIZ(AbstractC64026PBv pBv, String str) {
        while (true) {
            C64039PCi LIZIZ2 = pBv.LJIILJJIL.LIZIZ(str);
            if (LIZIZ2 == null) {
                LIZ("Gradient reference '%s' not found", str);
            } else if (!(LIZIZ2 instanceof AbstractC64026PBv)) {
                LIZIZ("Gradient href attributes must point to other gradient elements", new Object[0]);
            } else if (LIZIZ2 == pBv) {
                LIZIZ("Circular reference in gradient href attribute '%s'", str);
            } else {
                AbstractC64026PBv pBv2 = (AbstractC64026PBv) LIZIZ2;
                if (pBv.LIZIZ == null) {
                    pBv.LIZIZ = pBv2.LIZIZ;
                if (pBv.LIZJ == null) {
                    pBv.LIZJ = pBv2.LIZJ;
                if (pBv.LIZLLL == null) {
                    pBv.LIZLLL = pBv2.LIZLLL;
                if (pBv.LIZ.isEmpty()) {
                    pBv.LIZ = pBv2.LIZ;
                try {
                    if (pBv instanceof PCU) {
                        LIZ((PCU) pBv, (PCU) LIZIZ2);
                    } else {
                        LIZ((PCL) pBv, (PCL) LIZIZ2);
                } catch (ClassCastException unused) {
                if (pBv2.LJ != null) {
                    str = pBv2.LJ;
                } else {

    private void LIZ(PC6 pc6, String str) {
        while (true) {
            C64039PCi LIZIZ2 = pc6.LJIILJJIL.LIZIZ(str);
            if (LIZIZ2 == null) {
                LIZ("Pattern reference '%s' not found", str);
            } else if (!(LIZIZ2 instanceof PC6)) {
                LIZIZ("Pattern href attributes must point to other pattern elements", new Object[0]);
            } else if (LIZIZ2 == pc6) {
                LIZIZ("Circular reference in pattern href attribute '%s'", str);
            } else {
                PC6 pc62 = (PC6) LIZIZ2;
                if (pc6.LIZ == null) {
                    pc6.LIZ = pc62.LIZ;
                if (pc6.LIZIZ == null) {
                    pc6.LIZIZ = pc62.LIZIZ;
                if (pc6.LIZJ == null) {
                    pc6.LIZJ = pc62.LIZJ;
                if (pc6.LIZLLL == null) {
                    pc6.LIZLLL = pc62.LIZLLL;
                if (pc6.LJ == null) {
                    pc6.LJ = pc62.LJ;
                if (pc6.LJFF == null) {
                    pc6.LJFF = pc62.LJFF;
                if (pc6.LJI == null) {
                    pc6.LJI = pc62.LJI;
                if (pc6.LJIIIIZZ.isEmpty()) {
                    pc6.LJIIIIZZ = pc62.LJIIIIZZ;
                if (pc6.LJIIZILJ == null) {
                    pc6.LJIIZILJ = pc62.LJIIZILJ;
                if (pc6.LJIILLIIL == null) {
                    pc6.LJIILLIIL = pc62.LJIILLIIL;
                if (pc62.LJII != null) {
                    str = pc62.LJII;
                } else {

    private void LIZ(PCL pcl, PCL pcl2) {
        if (pcl.LJFF == null) {
            pcl.LJFF = pcl2.LJFF;
        if (pcl.LJI == null) {
            pcl.LJI = pcl2.LJI;
        if (pcl.LJII == null) {
            pcl.LJII = pcl2.LJII;
        if (pcl.LJIIIIZZ == null) {
            pcl.LJIIIIZZ = pcl2.LJIIIIZZ;
        if (pcl.LJIIIZ == null) {
            pcl.LJIIIZ = pcl2.LJIIIZ;

    private void LIZ(PCM pcm, Path path, Matrix matrix) {
        LIZ(this.LJI, pcm);
        if (LJII() && LJIIIIZZ()) {
            if (pcm.LIZIZ != null) {
            C64039PCi LIZIZ2 = pcm.LJIILJJIL.LIZIZ(pcm.LIZ);
            if (LIZIZ2 == null) {
                LIZIZ("Use reference '%s' not found", pcm.LIZ);
            LIZJ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcm);
            LIZ(LIZIZ2, false, path, matrix);

    private void LIZ(PCN pcn, C64028PBx pBx, C64028PBx pBx2, C64030PBz pBz) {
        LIZJ("Svg render", new Object[0]);
        if (pBx.LIZJ != 0.0f && pBx.LIZLLL != 0.0f) {
            if (pBz == null) {
                pBz = pcn.LJIILLIIL != null ? pcn.LJIILLIIL : new C64030PBz(PC1.none, PCB.meet);
            LIZ(this.LJI, pcn);
            if (LJII()) {
                this.LJI.LJFF = pBx;
                if (!this.LJI.LIZ.LJIILJJIL.booleanValue()) {
                    LIZ(this.LJI.LJFF.LIZ, this.LJI.LJFF.LIZIZ, this.LJI.LJFF.LIZJ, this.LJI.LJFF.LIZLLL);
                LIZ(pcn, this.LJI.LJFF);
                if (pBx2 != null) {
                    this.LIZJ.concat(LIZ(this.LJI.LJFF, pBx2, pBz));
                    this.LJI.LJI = pcn.LJIIZILJ;
                } else {
                    this.LIZJ.translate(this.LJI.LJFF.LIZ, this.LJI.LJFF.LIZIZ);
                boolean LJFF2 = LJFF();
                LIZ((AbstractC64032PCb) pcn);
                if (LJFF2) {
                LIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcn);

    private void LIZ(PCQ pcq, Path path, Matrix matrix) {
        LIZ(this.LJI, pcq);
        if (LJII() && LJIIIIZZ()) {
            if (pcq.LJ != null) {
            Path path2 = new C62548Oh7(pcq.LIZ).LIZ;
            if (pcq.LJIIIZ == null) {
                pcq.LJIIIZ = LIZIZ(path2);
            LIZJ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcq);
            path.addPath(path2, matrix);

    private void LIZ(PCU pcu, PCU pcu2) {
        if (pcu.LJFF == null) {
            pcu.LJFF = pcu2.LJFF;
        if (pcu.LJI == null) {
            pcu.LJI = pcu2.LJI;
        if (pcu.LJII == null) {
            pcu.LJII = pcu2.LJII;
        if (pcu.LJIIIIZZ == null) {
            pcu.LJIIIIZZ = pcu2.LJIIIIZZ;

    private void LIZ(PCZ pcz, Path path, Matrix matrix) {
        Path LIZ2;
        LIZ(this.LJI, pcz);
        if (LJII() && LJIIIIZZ()) {
            if (pcz.LJ != null) {
            if (pcz instanceof PCO) {
                LIZ2 = LIZ((PCO) pcz);
            } else if (pcz instanceof PCV) {
                LIZ2 = LIZ((PCV) pcz);
            } else if (pcz instanceof PCR) {
                LIZ2 = LIZ((PCR) pcz);
            } else if (pcz instanceof C64031PCa) {
                LIZ2 = LIZ((C64031PCa) pcz);
            } else {
            LIZJ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcz);
            path.addPath(LIZ2, matrix);

    private void LIZ(AbstractC64032PCb pCb) {
        for (C64039PCi pCi : pCb.LIZIZ()) {

    private void LIZ(AbstractC64035PCe pCe) {
        if (pCe.LJIILL != null && pCe.LJIIIZ != null) {
            Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
            if (this.LJIIIZ.peek().invert(matrix)) {
                int i2 = 2;
                RectF rectF = new RectF(fArr[0], fArr[1], fArr[0], fArr[1]);
                do {
                    if (fArr[i2] < rectF.left) {
                        rectF.left = fArr[i2];
                    if (fArr[i2] > rectF.right) {
                        rectF.right = fArr[i2];
                    int i3 = i2 + 1;
                    if (fArr[i3] < rectF.top) {
                        rectF.top = fArr[i3];
                    if (fArr[i3] > rectF.bottom) {
                        rectF.bottom = fArr[i3];
                    i2 += 2;
                } while (i2 <= 6);
                AbstractC64035PCe pCe2 = (AbstractC64035PCe) this.LJIIIIZZ.peek();
                if (pCe2.LJIIIZ == null) {
                    pCe2.LJIIIZ = C64028PBx.LIZ(rectF.left, rectF.top, rectF.right, rectF.bottom);
                } else {
                    pCe2.LJIIIZ.LIZ(C64028PBx.LIZ(rectF.left, rectF.top, rectF.right, rectF.bottom));

    private void LIZ(AbstractC64035PCe pCe, C64028PBx pBx) {
        if (this.LJI.LIZ.LJIJJ != null) {
            int i2 = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
            Path LIZIZ2 = LIZIZ(pCe, pBx);
            if (LIZIZ2 != null) {

    private void LIZ(AbstractC64035PCe pCe, Path path) {
        if (this.LJI.LIZ.LIZIZ instanceof PCD) {
            C64039PCi LIZIZ2 = this.LJFF.LIZIZ(((PCD) this.LJI.LIZ.LIZIZ).LIZ);
            if (LIZIZ2 instanceof PC6) {
                LIZ(pCe, path, (PC6) LIZIZ2);
        this.LIZJ.drawPath(path, this.LJI.LIZLLL);

    private void LIZ(AbstractC64035PCe pCe, Path path, PC6 pc6) {
        float f;
        float f2;
        float f3;
        float f4;
        boolean z = pc6.LIZ != null && pc6.LIZ.booleanValue();
        if (pc6.LJII != null) {
            LIZ(pc6, pc6.LJII);
        if (z) {
            f = pc6.LIZLLL != null ? pc6.LIZLLL.LIZ(this) : 0.0f;
            f2 = pc6.LJ != null ? pc6.LJ.LIZIZ(this) : 0.0f;
            f3 = pc6.LJFF != null ? pc6.LJFF.LIZ(this) : 0.0f;
            f4 = pc6.LJI != null ? pc6.LJI.LIZIZ(this) : 0.0f;
        } else {
            float LIZLLL2 = pc6.LIZLLL != null ? pc6.LIZLLL.LIZLLL(this) : 0.0f;
            float LIZLLL3 = pc6.LJ != null ? pc6.LJ.LIZLLL(this) : 0.0f;
            float LIZLLL4 = pc6.LJFF != null ? pc6.LJFF.LIZLLL(this) : 0.0f;
            float LIZLLL5 = pc6.LJI != null ? pc6.LJI.LIZLLL(this) : 0.0f;
            f = (LIZLLL2 * pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZJ) + pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZ;
            f2 = (LIZLLL3 * pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZLLL) + pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZIZ;
            f3 = LIZLLL4 * pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZJ;
            f4 = LIZLLL5 * pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZLLL;
        if (!(f3 == 0.0f || f4 == 0.0f)) {
            C64030PBz pBz = pc6.LJIILLIIL != null ? pc6.LJIILLIIL : C64030PBz.LJ;
            C64008PBd pBd = new C64008PBd(this);
            LIZ(pBd, C64022PBr.LIZ());
            pBd.LIZ.LJIILJJIL = false;
            this.LJI = LIZ(pc6, pBd);
            C64028PBx pBx = pCe.LJIIIZ;
            if (pc6.LIZJ != null) {
                Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
                if (pc6.LIZJ.invert(matrix)) {
                    float[] fArr = {pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZ, pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZIZ, pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZ(), pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZIZ, pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZ(), pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZIZ(), pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZ, pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZIZ()};
                    RectF rectF = new RectF(fArr[0], fArr[1], fArr[0], fArr[1]);
                    int i2 = 2;
                    do {
                        if (fArr[i2] < rectF.left) {
                            rectF.left = fArr[i2];
                        if (fArr[i2] > rectF.right) {
                            rectF.right = fArr[i2];
                        int i3 = i2 + 1;
                        if (fArr[i3] < rectF.top) {
                            rectF.top = fArr[i3];
                        if (fArr[i3] > rectF.bottom) {
                            rectF.bottom = fArr[i3];
                        i2 += 2;
                    } while (i2 <= 6);
                    pBx = new C64028PBx(rectF.left, rectF.top, rectF.right - rectF.left, rectF.bottom - rectF.top);
            float floor = f + (((float) Math.floor((double) ((pBx.LIZ - f) / f3))) * f3);
            float LIZ2 = pBx.LIZ();
            float LIZIZ2 = pBx.LIZIZ();
            C64028PBx pBx2 = new C64028PBx(0.0f, 0.0f, f3, f4);
            boolean LJFF2 = LJFF();
            for (float floor2 = f2 + (((float) Math.floor((double) ((pBx.LIZIZ - f2) / f4))) * f4); floor2 < LIZIZ2; floor2 += f4) {
                for (float f5 = floor; f5 < LIZ2; f5 += f3) {
                    pBx2.LIZ = f5;
                    pBx2.LIZIZ = floor2;
                    if (!this.LJI.LIZ.LJIILJJIL.booleanValue()) {
                        LIZ(pBx2.LIZ, pBx2.LIZIZ, pBx2.LIZJ, pBx2.LIZLLL);
                    if (pc6.LJIIZILJ != null) {
                        this.LIZJ.concat(LIZ(pBx2, pc6.LJIIZILJ, pBz));
                    } else {
                        boolean z2 = pc6.LIZIZ == null || pc6.LIZIZ.booleanValue();
                        this.LIZJ.translate(f5, floor2);
                        if (!z2) {
                            this.LIZJ.scale(pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZJ, pCe.LJIIIZ.LIZLLL);
                    for (C64039PCi pCi : pc6.LJIIIIZZ) {
            if (LJFF2) {

    private void LIZ(C64039PCi pCi) {
        if (!(pCi instanceof AbstractC64047PCq)) {
            if (pCi instanceof PCN) {
                PCN pcn = (PCN) pCi;
                LIZ(pcn, LIZ(pcn.LIZ, pcn.LIZIZ, pcn.LIZJ, pcn.LIZLLL), pcn.LJIIZILJ, pcn.LJIILLIIL);
            } else {
                float f = 0.0f;
                if (pCi instanceof PCM) {
                    PCM pcm = (PCM) pCi;
                    LIZJ("Use render", new Object[0]);
                    if ((pcm.LJ == null || !pcm.LJ.LIZ()) && (pcm.LJFF == null || !pcm.LJFF.LIZ())) {
                        LIZ(this.LJI, pcm);
                        if (LJII()) {
                            C64039PCi LIZIZ2 = pcm.LJIILJJIL.LIZIZ(pcm.LIZ);
                            if (LIZIZ2 == null) {
                                LIZIZ("Use reference '%s' not found", pcm.LIZ);
                            } else {
                                if (pcm.LIZIZ != null) {
                                float LIZ2 = pcm.LIZJ != null ? pcm.LIZJ.LIZ(this) : 0.0f;
                                if (pcm.LIZLLL != null) {
                                    f = pcm.LIZLLL.LIZIZ(this);
                                this.LIZJ.translate(LIZ2, f);
                                LIZJ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcm);
                                boolean LJFF2 = LJFF();
                                LIZIZ((AbstractC64032PCb) pcm);
                                if (LIZIZ2 instanceof PCN) {
                                    PCN pcn2 = (PCN) LIZIZ2;
                                    C64028PBx LIZ3 = LIZ((C64025PBu) null, (C64025PBu) null, pcm.LJ, pcm.LJFF);
                                    LIZ(pcn2, LIZ3, pcn2.LJIIZILJ, pcn2.LJIILLIIL);
                                } else {
                                if (LJFF2) {
                                LIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcm);
                } else if (pCi instanceof PCX) {
                    PCX pcx = (PCX) pCi;
                    LIZJ(pcx.LIZ() + " render", new Object[0]);
                    LIZ(this.LJI, pcx);
                    if (LJII()) {
                        if (pcx.LIZIZ != null) {
                        LIZJ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcx);
                        boolean LJFF3 = LJFF();
                        LIZ((AbstractC64032PCb) pcx);
                        if (LJFF3) {
                        LIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcx);
                } else if (pCi instanceof PC9) {
                    PC9 pc9 = (PC9) pCi;
                    LIZJ("Image render", new Object[0]);
                    if (!(pc9.LIZLLL == null || pc9.LIZLLL.LIZ() || pc9.LJ == null || pc9.LJ.LIZ() || pc9.LIZ == null)) {
                        C64030PBz pBz = pc9.LJIILLIIL != null ? pc9.LJIILLIIL : C64030PBz.LJ;
                        Bitmap LIZ4 = LIZ(pc9.LIZ);
                        if (LIZ4 == null) {
                            KPR kpr = this.LJ;
                            String str = pc9.LIZ;
                            C64034PCd pCd = new C64034PCd(this, pc9, pBz);
                            MXW<O2A<O29>> LIZIZ3 = C61237O2o.LIZ().LJ().LIZIZ(O68.LIZ(O13.LIZ(Uri.parse(JU4.LIZ(kpr.LIZ, str)))).LIZ(), "lynx_SvgResourceManager");
                            CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
                            LIZIZ3.LIZ(new N56(kpr, LIZIZ3, pCd, countDownLatch), C186707Vj.LIZ);
                            try {
                                countDownLatch.await(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                            } catch (InterruptedException unused) {
                        } else {
                            LIZ(pc9, pBz, LIZ4);
                } else if (pCi instanceof PCQ) {
                    PCQ pcq = (PCQ) pCi;
                    LIZJ("Path render", new Object[0]);
                    if (pcq.LIZ != null) {
                        LIZ(this.LJI, pcq);
                        if (LJII() && LJIIIIZZ() && (this.LJI.LIZJ || this.LJI.LIZIZ)) {
                            if (pcq.LJ != null) {
                            Path path = new C62548Oh7(pcq.LIZ).LIZ;
                            if (pcq.LJIIIZ == null) {
                                pcq.LJIIIZ = LIZIZ(path);
                            LIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcq);
                            LIZIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcq);
                            LIZJ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcq);
                            boolean LJFF4 = LJFF();
                            if (this.LJI.LIZIZ) {
                                LIZ(pcq, path);
                            if (this.LJI.LIZJ) {
                            if (LJFF4) {
                } else if (pCi instanceof PCO) {
                    PCO pco = (PCO) pCi;
                    LIZJ("Rect render", new Object[0]);
                    if (pco.LIZJ != null && pco.LIZLLL != null && !pco.LIZJ.LIZ() && !pco.LIZLLL.LIZ()) {
                        LIZ(this.LJI, pco);
                        if (LJII() && LJIIIIZZ()) {
                            if (pco.LJ != null) {
                            Path LIZ5 = LIZ(pco);
                            LIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pco);
                            LIZIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pco);
                            LIZJ((AbstractC64035PCe) pco);
                            boolean LJFF5 = LJFF();
                            if (this.LJI.LIZIZ) {
                                LIZ(pco, LIZ5);
                            if (this.LJI.LIZJ) {
                            if (LJFF5) {
                } else if (pCi instanceof PCV) {
                    PCV pcv = (PCV) pCi;
                    LIZJ("Circle render", new Object[0]);
                    if (pcv.LIZJ != null && !pcv.LIZJ.LIZ()) {
                        LIZ(this.LJI, pcv);
                        if (LJII() && LJIIIIZZ()) {
                            if (pcv.LJ != null) {
                            Path LIZ6 = LIZ(pcv);
                            LIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcv);
                            LIZIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcv);
                            LIZJ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcv);
                            boolean LJFF6 = LJFF();
                            if (this.LJI.LIZIZ) {
                                LIZ(pcv, LIZ6);
                            if (this.LJI.LIZJ) {
                            if (LJFF6) {
                } else if (pCi instanceof PCR) {
                    PCR pcr = (PCR) pCi;
                    LIZJ("Ellipse render", new Object[0]);
                    if (pcr.LIZJ != null && pcr.LIZLLL != null && !pcr.LIZJ.LIZ() && !pcr.LIZLLL.LIZ()) {
                        LIZ(this.LJI, pcr);
                        if (LJII() && LJIIIIZZ()) {
                            if (pcr.LJ != null) {
                            Path LIZ7 = LIZ(pcr);
                            LIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcr);
                            LIZIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcr);
                            LIZJ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcr);
                            boolean LJFF7 = LJFF();
                            if (this.LJI.LIZIZ) {
                                LIZ(pcr, LIZ7);
                            if (this.LJI.LIZJ) {
                            if (LJFF7) {
                } else if (pCi instanceof PCS) {
                    PCS pcs = (PCS) pCi;
                    LIZJ("Line render", new Object[0]);
                    LIZ(this.LJI, pcs);
                    if (LJII() && LJIIIIZZ() && this.LJI.LIZJ) {
                        if (pcs.LJ != null) {
                        float LIZ8 = pcs.LIZ == null ? 0.0f : pcs.LIZ.LIZ(this);
                        float LIZIZ4 = pcs.LIZIZ == null ? 0.0f : pcs.LIZIZ.LIZIZ(this);
                        float LIZ9 = pcs.LIZJ == null ? 0.0f : pcs.LIZJ.LIZ(this);
                        if (pcs.LIZLLL != null) {
                            f = pcs.LIZLLL.LIZIZ(this);
                        if (pcs.LJIIIZ == null) {
                            pcs.LJIIIZ = new C64028PBx(Math.min(LIZ8, LIZ9), Math.min(LIZIZ4, f), Math.abs(LIZ9 - LIZ8), Math.abs(f - LIZIZ4));
                        Path path2 = new Path();
                        path2.moveTo(LIZ8, LIZIZ4);
                        path2.lineTo(LIZ9, f);
                        LIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcs);
                        LIZIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcs);
                        LIZJ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcs);
                        boolean LJFF8 = LJFF();
                        if (LJFF8) {
                } else if (pCi instanceof C64040PCj) {
                    C64040PCj pCj = (C64040PCj) pCi;
                    LIZJ("Polygon render", new Object[0]);
                    LIZ(this.LJI, pCj);
                    if (LJII() && LJIIIIZZ() && (this.LJI.LIZJ || this.LJI.LIZIZ)) {
                        if (pCj.LJ != null) {
                        if (pCj.LIZ.length >= 2) {
                            Path LIZ10 = LIZ((C64031PCa) pCj);
                            LIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pCj);
                            LIZIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pCj);
                            LIZJ((AbstractC64035PCe) pCj);
                            boolean LJFF9 = LJFF();
                            if (this.LJI.LIZIZ) {
                                LIZ(pCj, LIZ10);
                            if (this.LJI.LIZJ) {
                            if (LJFF9) {
                } else if (pCi instanceof C64031PCa) {
                    C64031PCa pCa = (C64031PCa) pCi;
                    LIZJ("PolyLine render", new Object[0]);
                    LIZ(this.LJI, pCa);
                    if (LJII() && LJIIIIZZ() && (this.LJI.LIZJ || this.LJI.LIZIZ)) {
                        if (pCa.LJ != null) {
                        if (pCa.LIZ.length >= 2) {
                            Path LIZ11 = LIZ(pCa);
                            LIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pCa);
                            LIZIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pCa);
                            LIZJ((AbstractC64035PCe) pCa);
                            boolean LJFF10 = LJFF();
                            if (this.LJI.LIZIZ) {
                                LIZ(pCa, LIZ11);
                            if (this.LJI.LIZJ) {
                            if (LJFF10) {

    private void LIZ(C64039PCi pCi, boolean z, Path path, Matrix matrix) {
        if (LJII()) {
            if (pCi instanceof PCM) {
                if (z) {
                    LIZ((PCM) pCi, path, matrix);
                } else {
                    LIZIZ("<use> elements inside a <clipPath> cannot reference another <use>", new Object[0]);
            } else if (pCi instanceof PCQ) {
                LIZ((PCQ) pCi, path, matrix);
            } else if (pCi instanceof PCZ) {
                LIZ((PCZ) pCi, path, matrix);
            } else {
                LIZIZ("Invalid %s element found in clipPath definition", pCi.toString());

    private void LIZ(Path path) {
        if (this.LJI.LIZ.LJJII == PCE.NonScalingStroke) {
            Matrix matrix = this.LIZJ.getMatrix();
            Path path2 = new Path();
            path.transform(matrix, path2);
            this.LIZJ.setMatrix(new Matrix());
            Shader shader = this.LJI.LJ.getShader();
            Matrix matrix2 = new Matrix();
            if (shader != null) {
                Matrix matrix3 = new Matrix(matrix2);
            this.LIZJ.drawPath(path2, this.LJI.LJ);
            if (shader != null) {
        this.LIZJ.drawPath(path, this.LJI.LJ);

    public static void LIZ(String str, Object... objArr) {
        LLog.LIZ(5, "SVGAndroidRenderer", AnonymousClass0EJ.LIZ(str, objArr));

    private void LIZ(boolean z, C64028PBx pBx, PCD pcd) {
        C64039PCi LIZIZ2 = this.LJFF.LIZIZ(pcd.LIZ);
        if (LIZIZ2 == null) {
            Object[] objArr = new Object[2];
            objArr[0] = z ? "Fill" : "Stroke";
            objArr[1] = pcd.LIZ;
            LIZIZ("%s reference '%s' not found", objArr);
            if (pcd.LIZIZ != null) {
                LIZ(this.LJI, z, pcd.LIZIZ);
            } else if (z) {
                this.LJI.LIZIZ = false;
            } else {
                this.LJI.LIZJ = false;
        } else if (LIZIZ2 instanceof PCU) {
            LIZ(z, pBx, (PCU) LIZIZ2);
        } else if (LIZIZ2 instanceof PCL) {
            LIZ(z, pBx, (PCL) LIZIZ2);
        } else if (LIZIZ2 instanceof PCH) {
            LIZ(z, (PCH) LIZIZ2);

    private void LIZ(boolean z, C64028PBx pBx, PCL pcl) {
        float f;
        float LIZLLL2;
        float LIZLLL3;
        if (pcl.LJ != null) {
            LIZ(pcl, pcl.LJ);
        int i2 = 0;
        boolean z2 = pcl.LIZIZ != null && pcl.LIZIZ.booleanValue();
        C64008PBd pBd = this.LJI;
        Paint paint = z ? pBd.LIZLLL : pBd.LJ;
        if (z2) {
            C64025PBu pBu = new C64025PBu(50.0f, EnumC64027PBw.percent);
            LIZLLL2 = pcl.LJFF != null ? pcl.LJFF.LIZ(this) : pBu.LIZ(this);
            LIZLLL3 = pcl.LJI != null ? pcl.LJI.LIZIZ(this) : pBu.LIZIZ(this);
            if (pcl.LJII != null) {
                pBu = pcl.LJII;
            f = pBu.LIZJ(this);
        } else {
            f = 0.5f;
            LIZLLL2 = pcl.LJFF != null ? pcl.LJFF.LIZLLL(this) : 0.5f;
            LIZLLL3 = pcl.LJI != null ? pcl.LJI.LIZLLL(this) : 0.5f;
            if (pcl.LJII != null) {
                f = pcl.LJII.LIZLLL(this);
        this.LJI = LIZJ(pcl);
        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
        if (!z2) {
            matrix.preTranslate(pBx.LIZ, pBx.LIZIZ);
            matrix.preScale(pBx.LIZJ, pBx.LIZLLL);
        if (pcl.LIZJ != null) {
        int size = pcl.LIZ.size();
        if (size == 0) {
            if (z) {
                this.LJI.LIZIZ = false;
            } else {
                this.LJI.LIZJ = false;
        } else {
            int[] iArr = new int[size];
            float[] fArr = new float[size];
            float f2 = -1.0f;
            Iterator it = pcl.LIZ.iterator();
            while (true) {
                float f3 = 0.0f;
                if (!it.hasNext()) {
                PC8 pc8 = (PC8) ((C64039PCi) it.next());
                if (pc8.LIZ != null) {
                    f3 = pc8.LIZ.floatValue();
                if (i2 == 0 || f3 >= f2) {
                    fArr[i2] = f3;
                    f2 = f3;
                } else {
                    fArr[i2] = f2;
                LIZ(this.LJI, pc8);
                PCC pcc = (PCC) this.LJI.LIZ.LJIJ;
                if (pcc == null) {
                    pcc = PCC.LIZIZ;
                iArr[i2] = LIZ(pcc.LIZ, this.LJI.LIZ.LJIJI.floatValue());
            if (f == 0.0f || size == 1) {
                paint.setColor(iArr[size - 1]);
            Shader.TileMode tileMode = Shader.TileMode.CLAMP;
            if (pcl.LIZLLL != null) {
                if (pcl.LIZLLL == PCA.reflect) {
                    tileMode = Shader.TileMode.MIRROR;
                } else if (pcl.LIZLLL == PCA.repeat) {
                    tileMode = Shader.TileMode.REPEAT;
            RadialGradient radialGradient = new RadialGradient(LIZLLL2, LIZLLL3, f, iArr, fArr, tileMode);

    private void LIZ(boolean z, C64028PBx pBx, PCU pcu) {
        float f;
        float f2;
        float f3;
        float f4;
        if (pcu.LJ != null) {
            LIZ(pcu, pcu.LJ);
        int i2 = 0;
        boolean z2 = pcu.LIZIZ != null && pcu.LIZIZ.booleanValue();
        C64008PBd pBd = this.LJI;
        Paint paint = z ? pBd.LIZLLL : pBd.LJ;
        if (z2) {
            C64028PBx LIZ2 = LIZ();
            f2 = pcu.LJFF != null ? pcu.LJFF.LIZ(this) : 0.0f;
            f = pcu.LJI != null ? pcu.LJI.LIZIZ(this) : 0.0f;
            f3 = pcu.LJII != null ? pcu.LJII.LIZ(this) : LIZ2.LIZJ;
            if (pcu.LJIIIIZZ != null) {
                f4 = pcu.LJIIIIZZ.LIZIZ(this);
            f4 = 0.0f;
        } else {
            f2 = pcu.LJFF != null ? pcu.LJFF.LIZLLL(this) : 0.0f;
            f = pcu.LJI != null ? pcu.LJI.LIZLLL(this) : 0.0f;
            f3 = pcu.LJII != null ? pcu.LJII.LIZLLL(this) : 1.0f;
            if (pcu.LJIIIIZZ != null) {
                f4 = pcu.LJIIIIZZ.LIZLLL(this);
            f4 = 0.0f;
        this.LJI = LIZJ(pcu);
        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
        if (!z2) {
            matrix.preTranslate(pBx.LIZ, pBx.LIZIZ);
            matrix.preScale(pBx.LIZJ, pBx.LIZLLL);
        if (pcu.LIZJ != null) {
        int size = pcu.LIZ.size();
        if (size == 0) {
            if (z) {
                this.LJI.LIZIZ = false;
            } else {
                this.LJI.LIZJ = false;
        } else {
            int[] iArr = new int[size];
            float[] fArr = new float[size];
            float f5 = -1.0f;
            for (C64039PCi pCi : pcu.LIZ) {
                PC8 pc8 = (PC8) pCi;
                float floatValue = pc8.LIZ != null ? pc8.LIZ.floatValue() : 0.0f;
                if (i2 == 0 || floatValue >= f5) {
                    fArr[i2] = floatValue;
                    f5 = floatValue;
                } else {
                    fArr[i2] = f5;
                LIZ(this.LJI, pc8);
                PCC pcc = (PCC) this.LJI.LIZ.LJIJ;
                if (pcc == null) {
                    pcc = PCC.LIZIZ;
                iArr[i2] = LIZ(pcc.LIZ, this.LJI.LIZ.LJIJI.floatValue());
            if ((f2 == f3 && f == f4) || size == 1) {
                paint.setColor(iArr[size - 1]);
            Shader.TileMode tileMode = Shader.TileMode.CLAMP;
            if (pcu.LIZLLL != null) {
                if (pcu.LIZLLL == PCA.reflect) {
                    tileMode = Shader.TileMode.MIRROR;
                } else if (pcu.LIZLLL == PCA.repeat) {
                    tileMode = Shader.TileMode.REPEAT;
            LinearGradient linearGradient = new LinearGradient(f2, f, f3, f4, iArr, fArr, tileMode);

    private void LIZ(boolean z, PCH pch) {
        boolean z2 = true;
        if (z) {
            if (LIZ(pch.LJIIL, 2147483648L)) {
                this.LJI.LIZ.LIZIZ = pch.LJIIL.LJIL;
                C64008PBd pBd = this.LJI;
                if (pch.LJIIL.LJIL == null) {
                    z2 = false;
                pBd.LIZIZ = z2;
            if (LIZ(pch.LJIIL, 4294967296L)) {
                this.LJI.LIZ.LIZLLL = pch.LJIIL.LJJ;
            if (LIZ(pch.LJIIL, 6442450944L)) {
                C64008PBd pBd2 = this.LJI;
                LIZ(pBd2, z, pBd2.LIZ.LIZIZ);
        if (LIZ(pch.LJIIL, 2147483648L)) {
            this.LJI.LIZ.LJ = pch.LJIIL.LJIL;
            C64008PBd pBd3 = this.LJI;
            if (pch.LJIIL.LJIL == null) {
                z2 = false;
            pBd3.LIZJ = z2;
        if (LIZ(pch.LJIIL, 4294967296L)) {
            this.LJI.LIZ.LJFF = pch.LJIIL.LJJ;
        if (LIZ(pch.LJIIL, 6442450944L)) {
            C64008PBd pBd4 = this.LJI;
            LIZ(pBd4, z, pBd4.LIZ.LJ);

    private boolean LIZ(C64022PBr pBr, long j) {
        return (j & pBr.LIZ) != 0;

    private C64028PBx LIZIZ(Path path) {
        RectF rectF = new RectF();
        path.computeBounds(rectF, true);
        return new C64028PBx(rectF.left, rectF.top, rectF.width(), rectF.height());

    private Path LIZIZ(AbstractC64035PCe pCe, C64028PBx pBx) {
        Path LIZ2;
        boolean z = false;
        if (LIZIZ2 == null) {
            LIZIZ("ClipPath reference '%s' not found", this.LJI.LIZ.LJIJJ);
            return null;
        PCY pcy = (PCY) LIZIZ2;
        this.LJI = LIZJ((C64039PCi) pcy);
        if (pcy.LIZ == null || pcy.LIZ.booleanValue()) {
            z = true;
        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
        if (!z) {
            matrix.preTranslate(pBx.LIZ, pBx.LIZIZ);
            matrix.preScale(pBx.LIZJ, pBx.LIZLLL);
        if (pcy.LIZIZ != null) {
        Path path = new Path();
        for (C64039PCi pCi : pcy.LJIIIIZZ) {
            if ((pCi instanceof AbstractC64035PCe) && (LIZ2 = LIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pCi, true)) != null) {
                path.op(LIZ2, Path.Op.UNION);
        if (this.LJI.LIZ.LJIJJ != null) {
            if (pcy.LJIIIZ == null) {
                pcy.LJIIIZ = LIZIZ(path);
            Path LIZIZ3 = LIZIZ(pcy, pcy.LJIIIZ);
            if (LIZIZ3 != null) {
                path.op(LIZIZ3, Path.Op.INTERSECT);
        this.LJI = this.LJII.pop();
        return path;

    private void LIZIZ() {
        this.LJI = new C64008PBd(this);
        this.LJII = new Stack<>();
        LIZ(this.LJI, C64022PBr.LIZ());
        this.LJI.LJFF = null;
        this.LJI.LJII = false;
        this.LJII.push(new C64008PBd(this, this.LJI));
        this.LJIIIZ = new Stack<>();
        this.LJIIIIZZ = new Stack<>();

    private void LIZIZ(AbstractC64032PCb pCb) {

    private void LIZIZ(AbstractC64035PCe pCe) {
        if (this.LJI.LIZ.LIZIZ instanceof PCD) {
            LIZ(true, pCe.LJIIIZ, (PCD) this.LJI.LIZ.LIZIZ);
        if (this.LJI.LIZ.LJ instanceof PCD) {
            LIZ(false, pCe.LJIIIZ, (PCD) this.LJI.LIZ.LJ);

    private void LIZIZ(C64039PCi pCi) {
        if (pCi instanceof PCK) {
            PCK pck = (PCK) pCi;
            if (pck.LJIIJJI != null) {
                this.LJI.LJII = pck.LJIIJJI.booleanValue();

    public static void LIZIZ(String str, Object... objArr) {
        LLog.LIZ(6, "SVGAndroidRenderer", AnonymousClass0EJ.LIZ(str, objArr));

    private C64008PBd LIZJ(C64039PCi pCi) {
        C64008PBd pBd = new C64008PBd(this);
        LIZ(pBd, C64022PBr.LIZ());
        return LIZ(pCi, pBd);

    private void LIZJ() {
        this.LJI = new C64008PBd(this, this.LJI);

    private void LIZJ(AbstractC64035PCe pCe) {
        LIZ(pCe, pCe.LJIIIZ);

    private void LIZJ(AbstractC64035PCe pCe, C64028PBx pBx) {
        if (LIZIZ2 == null) {
            LIZIZ("ClipPath reference '%s' not found", this.LJI.LIZ.LJIJJ);
        PCY pcy = (PCY) LIZIZ2;
        if (pcy.LJIIIIZZ.isEmpty()) {
            this.LIZJ.clipRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
        boolean z = pcy.LIZ == null || pcy.LIZ.booleanValue();
        if (!(pCe instanceof PCX) || z) {
            if (!z) {
                Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
                matrix.preTranslate(pBx.LIZ, pBx.LIZIZ);
                matrix.preScale(pBx.LIZJ, pBx.LIZLLL);
            if (pcy.LIZIZ != null) {
            this.LJI = LIZJ((C64039PCi) pcy);
            LIZJ((AbstractC64035PCe) pcy);
            Path path = new Path();
            for (C64039PCi pCi : pcy.LJIIIIZZ) {
                LIZ(pCi, true, path, new Matrix());
        LIZ("<clipPath clipPathUnits=\"objectBoundingBox\"> is not supported when referenced from container elements (like %s)", pCe.LIZ());

    public static void LIZJ(String str, Object... objArr) {
        LLog.LIZ(3, "SVGAndroidRenderer", AnonymousClass0EJ.LIZ(str, objArr));

    private void LIZLLL() {
        this.LJI = this.LJII.pop();

    private void LJ() {

    private boolean LJFF() {
        if (!LJI()) {
            return false;
        this.LIZJ.saveLayerAlpha(null, LIZ(this.LJI.LIZ.LJIIL.floatValue()), 31);
        this.LJI = new C64008PBd(this, this.LJI);
        return true;

    private boolean LJI() {
        return this.LJI.LIZ.LJIIL.floatValue() < 1.0f;

    private boolean LJII() {
        if (this.LJI.LIZ.LJIILLIIL != null) {
            return this.LJI.LIZ.LJIILLIIL.booleanValue();
        return true;

    private boolean LJIIIIZZ() {
        if (this.LJI.LIZ.LJIIZILJ != null) {
            return this.LJI.LIZ.LJIIZILJ.booleanValue();
        return true;

    private Path.FillType LJIIIZ() {
        return (this.LJI.LIZ.LIZJ == null || this.LJI.LIZ.LIZJ != PCJ.EvenOdd) ? Path.FillType.WINDING : Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD;

    private void LJIIJ() {
        int i2;
        if (this.LJI.LIZ.LJJI instanceof PCC) {
            i2 = ((PCC) this.LJI.LIZ.LJJI).LIZ;
        } else if (this.LJI.LIZ.LJJI instanceof C64042PCl) {
            i2 = this.LJI.LIZ.LJIILIIL.LIZ;
        } else {
        if (this.LJI.LIZ.LJJIFFI != null) {
            i2 = LIZ(i2, this.LJI.LIZ.LJJIFFI.floatValue());

    private void LJIIJJI() {
        C47981ut.LIZ(this.LIZJ, C47981ut.LIZ);
        this.LJI = new C64008PBd(this, this.LJI);

    private void LJIIL() {
        this.LJI = this.LJII.pop();

    private Path.FillType LJIILIIL() {
        return (this.LJI.LIZ.LJIJJLI == null || this.LJI.LIZ.LJIJJLI != PCJ.EvenOdd) ? Path.FillType.WINDING : Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD;

    public final C64028PBx LIZ() {
        return this.LJI.LJI != null ? this.LJI.LJI : this.LJI.LJFF;

    public final void LIZ(C64021PBq pBq, PCG pcg) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(pcg, "renderOptions shouldn't be null");
        this.LJFF = pBq;
        PCN pcn = pBq.LIZ;
        if (pcn == null) {
            LIZ("Nothing to render. Document is empty.", new Object[0]);
        C64028PBx pBx = pcn.LJIIZILJ;
        C64030PBz pBz = pcn.LJIILLIIL;
        LIZIZ((C64039PCi) pcn);
        LIZ(pcn, new C64028PBx(pcg.LIZIZ), pBx, pBz);

    public final void LIZ(PC9 pc9, C64030PBz pBz, Bitmap bitmap) {
        int i2 = 0;
        if (bitmap == null) {
            LIZIZ("Could not locate image '%s'", pc9.LIZ);
        C64028PBx pBx = new C64028PBx(0.0f, 0.0f, (float) bitmap.getWidth(), (float) bitmap.getHeight());
        LIZ(this.LJI, pc9);
        if (LJII() && LJIIIIZZ()) {
            if (pc9.LJFF != null) {
            this.LJI.LJFF = new C64028PBx(pc9.LIZIZ != null ? pc9.LIZIZ.LIZ(this) : 0.0f, pc9.LIZJ != null ? pc9.LIZJ.LIZIZ(this) : 0.0f, pc9.LIZLLL.LIZ(this), pc9.LJ.LIZ(this));
            if (!this.LJI.LIZ.LJIILJJIL.booleanValue()) {
                LIZ(this.LJI.LJFF.LIZ, this.LJI.LJFF.LIZIZ, this.LJI.LJFF.LIZJ, this.LJI.LJFF.LIZLLL);
            pc9.LJIIIZ = this.LJI.LJFF;
            LIZ((AbstractC64035PCe) pc9);
            LIZJ((AbstractC64035PCe) pc9);
            boolean LJFF2 = LJFF();
            this.LIZJ.concat(LIZ(this.LJI.LJFF, pBx, pBz));
            if (this.LJI.LIZ.LJJIII != PC7.optimizeSpeed) {
                i2 = 2;
            this.LIZJ.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0.0f, 0.0f, new Paint(i2));
            if (LJFF2) {