TikTok.apk(点击下载) / C63664Oz7.java

package X;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import com.bytedance.covode.number.Covode;
import com.bytedance.tux.widget.FlexLayout;
import com.zhiliaoapp.musically.R;
import kotlin.g.b.m;

/* renamed from: X.Oz7  reason: case insensitive filesystem */
public final class C63664Oz7 extends ViewGroup.LayoutParams {
    public static final int[] LJIJJ = {16842996, 16842997};
    public static final C63704Ozl LJIJJLI = new C63704Ozl((byte) 0);
    public C63662Oz5 LIZ;
    public C63662Oz5 LIZIZ;
    public C63662Oz5 LIZJ;
    public C63662Oz5 LIZLLL;
    public C63662Oz5 LJ;
    public C63662Oz5 LJFF;
    public C63662Oz5 LJI;
    public C63662Oz5 LJII;
    public float LJIIIIZZ;
    public float LJIIIZ;
    public float LJIIJ;
    public float LJIIJJI;
    public float LJIIL;
    public float LJIILIIL;
    public float LJIILJJIL;
    public float LJIILL;
    public int LJIILLIIL;
    public int LJIIZILJ;
    public int LJIJ;
    public String LJIJI = "";

    static {

    public C63664Oz7(int i2) {
        super(i2, -2);

    /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:109:0x0205  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:19:0x0101  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:29:0x0114  */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:64:0x0160  */
    public C63664Oz7(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) {
        super(0, 0);
        String string;
        char c;
        String attributeValue;
        String sb;
        C21090sc.LIZ(context, attributeSet);
        if (!(FlexLayout.LIZIZ == null || (attributeValue = attributeSet.getAttributeValue("http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android", "id")) == null)) {
            if (AnonymousClass1ZS.LIZIZ(attributeValue, "@+id/", false)) {
                sb = attributeValue.substring(5);
                m.LIZIZ(sb, "");
            } else if (AnonymousClass1ZS.LIZIZ(attributeValue, "@id/", false)) {
                sb = attributeValue.substring(4);
                m.LIZIZ(sb, "");
            } else if (AnonymousClass1ZS.LIZIZ(attributeValue, "@android:id/", false)) {
                StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("android:");
                String substring = attributeValue.substring(12);
                m.LIZIZ(substring, "");
                sb = sb2.append(substring).toString();
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("unidentified id ".concat(String.valueOf(attributeValue)));
            this.LJIJ = FlexLayout.LJIILL.LIZ(sb);
        if (FlexLayout.LJIILL.LIZ(context)) {
            String positionDescription = attributeSet.getPositionDescription();
            m.LIZIZ(positionDescription, "");
            this.LJIJI = positionDescription;
        TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, LJIJJ);
        m.LIZIZ(obtainStyledAttributes, "");
        this.width = obtainStyledAttributes.getLayoutDimension(0, -5);
        this.height = obtainStyledAttributes.getLayoutDimension(1, -5);
        TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes2 = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, new int[]{R.attr.a1t, R.attr.a1u, R.attr.a1v, R.attr.a3h, R.attr.a3k, R.attr.a3r, R.attr.a3z, R.attr.a40});
        m.LIZIZ(obtainStyledAttributes2, "");
        this.LIZ = C63662Oz5.LIZIZ.LIZ(context, obtainStyledAttributes2.getString(4), "layout_left");
        this.LIZJ = C63662Oz5.LIZIZ.LIZ(context, obtainStyledAttributes2.getString(6), "layout_top");
        this.LIZIZ = C63662Oz5.LIZIZ.LIZ(context, obtainStyledAttributes2.getString(5), "layout_right");
        this.LIZLLL = C63662Oz5.LIZIZ.LIZ(context, obtainStyledAttributes2.getString(0), "layout_bottom");
        this.LJ = C63662Oz5.LIZIZ.LIZ(context, obtainStyledAttributes2.getString(1), "layout_centerX");
        this.LJFF = C63662Oz5.LIZIZ.LIZ(context, obtainStyledAttributes2.getString(2), "layout_centerY");
        String string2 = obtainStyledAttributes2.getString(7);
        if (string2 != null) {
            int hashCode = string2.hashCode();
            if (hashCode != 343327108) {
                if (hashCode != 1261922022) {
                this.width = -1;
                string = obtainStyledAttributes2.getString(3);
                if (string != null) {
                    int hashCode2 = string.hashCode();
                    if (hashCode2 != 343327108) {
                        if (hashCode2 != 1261922022) {
                        this.height = -1;
                        c = (this.LIZ != null && this.LIZIZ == null && this.LJ == null && this.LJI == null && this.width == -5) ? (char) 0 : 1;
                        if (c > 0) {
                            if (c > 2) {
                                if (this.LIZ != null && this.LIZIZ != null) {
                                    this.LJI = null;
                                    this.width = -5;
                                } else if (this.LJ == null || (this.LJI == null && this.width == -5)) {
                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("too many restriction on LayoutParams");
                                } else {
                                    this.LIZ = null;
                                    this.LIZIZ = null;
                            char c2 = (this.LIZJ == null && this.LIZLLL == null && this.LJFF == null && this.LJII == null && this.height == -5) ? (char) 0 : 1;
                            if (c2 <= 0) {
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("no LayoutParams in layout_top|layout_bottom|layout_centerY|layout_height");
                            } else if (c2 <= 2) {
                            } else {
                                if (this.LIZJ != null && this.LIZLLL != null) {
                                    this.LJII = null;
                                    this.height = -5;
                                } else if (this.LJFF == null || (this.LJII == null && this.height == -5)) {
                                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("too many restriction on LayoutParams");
                                } else {
                                    this.LIZJ = null;
                                    this.LIZLLL = null;
                        } else {
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("no LayoutParams in layout_left|layout_right|layout_centerX|layout_width");
                    } else if (string.equals("wrap_content")) {
                        this.height = -2;
                        if (this.LIZ != null) {
                        if (c > 0) {
                this.LJII = C63662Oz5.LIZIZ.LIZ(context, string, "layout_height");
                if (this.LIZ != null) {
                if (c > 0) {
            } else if (string2.equals("wrap_content")) {
                this.width = -2;
                string = obtainStyledAttributes2.getString(3);
                if (string != null) {
                this.LJII = C63662Oz5.LIZIZ.LIZ(context, string, "layout_height");
                if (this.LIZ != null) {
                if (c > 0) {
        this.LJI = C63662Oz5.LIZIZ.LIZ(context, string2, "layout_width");
        string = obtainStyledAttributes2.getString(3);
        if (string != null) {
        this.LJII = C63662Oz5.LIZIZ.LIZ(context, string, "layout_height");
        if (this.LIZ != null) {
        if (c > 0) {

    public C63664Oz7(ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams) {

    private final boolean LJII() {
        float f = this.LJIIIIZZ;
        int i2 = f == f ? 1 : 0;
        float f2 = this.LJIIIZ;
        if (f2 == f2) {
        float f3 = this.LJIILJJIL;
        if (f3 == f3) {
        float f4 = this.LJIIL;
        if (f4 == f4) {
        return i2 >= 2;

    private final boolean LJIIIIZZ() {
        float f = this.LJIIJ;
        int i2 = f == f ? 1 : 0;
        float f2 = this.LJIIJJI;
        if (f2 == f2) {
        float f3 = this.LJIILL;
        if (f3 == f3) {
        float f4 = this.LJIILIIL;
        if (f4 == f4) {
        return i2 >= 2;

    public final float LIZ() {
        float f = this.LJIIIIZZ;
        if (f == f) {
            return f;
        float f2 = this.LJIILJJIL;
        if (f2 == f2) {
            float f3 = this.LJIIIZ;
            if (f3 == f3) {
                return f3 - f2;
            float f4 = this.LJIIL;
            if (f4 == f4) {
                return f4 - (f2 / 2.0f);
        float f5 = this.LJIIL;
        if (f5 != f5) {
            return Float.NaN;
        float f6 = this.LJIIIZ;
        if (f6 == f6) {
            return (f5 * 2.0f) - f6;
        return Float.NaN;

    public final float LIZIZ() {
        float f = this.LJIIIZ;
        if (f == f) {
            return f;
        float f2 = this.LJIILJJIL;
        if (f2 == f2) {
            float f3 = this.LJIIIIZZ;
            if (f3 == f3) {
                return f3 + f2;
            float f4 = this.LJIIL;
            if (f4 == f4) {
                return f4 + (f2 / 2.0f);
        float f5 = this.LJIIL;
        if (f5 != f5) {
            return Float.NaN;
        float f6 = this.LJIIIIZZ;
        if (f6 == f6) {
            return (f5 * 2.0f) - f6;
        return Float.NaN;

    public final float LIZJ() {
        float f = this.LJIIJ;
        if (f == f) {
            return f;
        float f2 = this.LJIILL;
        if (f2 == f2) {
            float f3 = this.LJIIJJI;
            if (f3 == f3) {
                return f3 - f2;
            float f4 = this.LJIILIIL;
            if (f4 == f4) {
                return f4 - (f2 / 2.0f);
        float f5 = this.LJIILIIL;
        if (f5 != f5) {
            return Float.NaN;
        float f6 = this.LJIIJJI;
        if (f6 == f6) {
            return (f5 * 2.0f) - f6;
        return Float.NaN;

    public final float LIZLLL() {
        float f = this.LJIIJJI;
        if (f == f) {
            return f;
        float f2 = this.LJIILL;
        if (f2 == f2) {
            float f3 = this.LJIIJ;
            if (f3 == f3) {
                return f3 + f2;
            float f4 = this.LJIILIIL;
            if (f4 == f4) {
                return f4 + (f2 / 2.0f);
        float f5 = this.LJIILIIL;
        if (f5 != f5) {
            return Float.NaN;
        float f6 = this.LJIIJ;
        if (f6 == f6) {
            return (f5 * 2.0f) - f6;
        return Float.NaN;

    public final float LJ() {
        float f = this.LJIILJJIL;
        if (f == f) {
            return f;
        float f2 = this.LJIIIIZZ;
        if (f2 == f2) {
            float f3 = this.LJIIIZ;
            if (f3 == f3) {
                return f3 - f2;
            float f4 = this.LJIIL;
            if (f4 == f4) {
                return (f4 - f2) * 2.0f;
        float f5 = this.LJIIIZ;
        if (f5 != f5) {
            return Float.NaN;
        float f6 = this.LJIIL;
        if (f6 == f6) {
            return (f5 - f6) * 2.0f;
        return Float.NaN;

    public final float LJFF() {
        float f = this.LJIILL;
        if (f == f) {
            return f;
        float f2 = this.LJIIJ;
        if (f2 == f2) {
            float f3 = this.LJIIJJI;
            if (f3 == f3) {
                return f3 - f2;
            float f4 = this.LJIILIIL;
            if (f4 == f4) {
                return (f4 - f2) * 2.0f;
        float f5 = this.LJIIJJI;
        if (f5 != f5) {
            return Float.NaN;
        float f6 = this.LJIILIIL;
        if (f6 == f6) {
            return (f5 - f6) * 2.0f;
        return Float.NaN;

    public final boolean LJI() {
        return LJII() && LJIIIIZZ();