TikTok.apk(点击下载) / C46384IJh.java

package X;

import com.bytedance.covode.number.Covode;
import com.ss.android.ugc.aweme.compliance.business.termspp.TermsConsentCombineDialogV2;
import com.zhiliaoapp.musically.R;
import kotlin.g.b.m;

/* renamed from: X.IJh  reason: case insensitive filesystem */
public final class C46384IJh extends AnonymousClass1PL implements AnonymousClass1IL<C23860x5> {
    public final /* synthetic */ TermsConsentCombineDialogV2 LIZ;

    static {

    /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
    public C46384IJh(TermsConsentCombineDialogV2 termsConsentCombineDialogV2) {
        this.LIZ = termsConsentCombineDialogV2;

    /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */
    @Override // X.AnonymousClass1IL
    public final /* synthetic */ C23860x5 invoke() {
        TermsConsentCombineDialogV2 termsConsentCombineDialogV2 = this.LIZ;
        String string = termsConsentCombineDialogV2.getString(R.string.b1t);
        m.LIZIZ(string, "");
        termsConsentCombineDialogV2.LIZ("https://www.tiktok.com/legal/terms-of-service?lang=ko-KR", string);
        return C23860x5.LIZ;