TikTok.apk(点击下载) / C37541Eok.java

package X;

import android.net.Uri;
import com.bytedance.covode.number.Covode;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import kotlin.g.b.m;
import okhttp3.Request;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;

/* renamed from: X.Eok  reason: case insensitive filesystem */
public final class C37541Eok<T> extends AbstractC37529EoY<T> {
    public final C37607Epo LIZIZ;
    public final C37540Eoj LIZJ;
    public String LIZLLL;
    public final String LJ;
    public final AbstractC37543Eom<T> LJFF;

    static {

    /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
    public C37541Eok(C37522EoR eoR, C37607Epo epo, C37540Eoj eoj, String str, String str2, AbstractC37543Eom<T> eom) {
        C21090sc.LIZ(eoR, epo, eoj, str, str2);
        this.LIZIZ = epo;
        this.LIZJ = eoj;
        this.LIZLLL = str;
        this.LJ = str2;
        this.LJFF = eom;

    @Override // X.AbstractC37529EoY
    public final T LIZ(C37516EoL eoL) {
        String str;
        List<String> queryParameters;
        if (eoL.LIZ.length() > 0 && eoL.LIZIZ.length() > 0) {
            this.LIZJ.LIZ("captcha_sid", eoL.LIZ).LIZ("captcha_key", eoL.LIZIZ);
        if (eoL.LIZJ) {
            this.LIZJ.LIZ("confirm", "1");
        String LIZ = this.LIZJ.LIZ("device_id");
        if (LIZ == null) {
            LIZ = "";
        if (AnonymousClass1ZS.LIZ((CharSequence) LIZ)) {
            LIZ = this.LIZLLL;
        C37540Eoj eoj = this.LIZJ;
        if (LIZ != null) {
            String lowerCase = LIZ.toLowerCase();
            m.LIZ((Object) lowerCase, "");
            eoj.LIZ("device_id", lowerCase);
            String LIZ2 = this.LIZJ.LIZ("lang");
            if (LIZ2 == null) {
                LIZ2 = "";
            if (AnonymousClass1ZS.LIZ((CharSequence) LIZ2)) {
                LIZ2 = this.LJ;
            C37540Eoj eoj2 = this.LIZJ;
            if (LIZ2 != null) {
                String lowerCase2 = LIZ2.toLowerCase();
                m.LIZ((Object) lowerCase2, "");
                eoj2.LIZ("lang", lowerCase2);
                C37539Eoi LIZ3 = this.LIZJ.LIZ();
                C37607Epo epo = this.LIZIZ;
                String str2 = epo.LIZLLL;
                String str3 = epo.LJ;
                C87213by r10 = C87213by.LIZIZ;
                int i2 = epo.LJFF.LIZ.LIZIZ;
                String str4 = LIZ3.LIZ;
                String str5 = LIZ3.LIZIZ;
                Map<String, String> map = LIZ3.LIZJ;
                C21090sc.LIZ(str4, str5, map);
                if (str3 == null || str3.length() == 0) {
                    str = r10.LIZ(str5, map, str2, i2, true);
                } else {
                    String str6 = "/method/" + str4 + '?' + r10.LIZ(str5, map, str2, i2, false) + str3;
                    MessageDigest instance = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
                    Charset charset = C23650wk.LIZ;
                    if (str6 != null) {
                        byte[] bytes = str6.getBytes(charset);
                        m.LIZ((Object) bytes, "");
                        byte[] digest = instance.digest(bytes);
                        m.LIZ((Object) digest, "");
                        str = r10.LIZ(str5, map, str2, i2, true) + "&sig=" + AnonymousClass1YG.LIZ(digest, "", "", "", "...", (AnonymousClass1IM<? super Byte, ? extends CharSequence>) C60162Yr.LIZ);
                    } else {
                        throw new C23830x2("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String");
                C24780yZ LIZIZ2 = C24780yZ.LIZIZ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8");
                C21090sc.LIZ(LIZ3, str);
                if (AnonymousClass1ZS.LIZIZ(LIZ3.LIZ, "execute.", false)) {
                    Uri parse = Uri.parse("https://vk.com/?".concat(String.valueOf(str)));
                    if (parse.getQueryParameters("method").contains("execute") && (queryParameters = parse.getQueryParameters("code")) != null && !queryParameters.isEmpty()) {
                        throw new C37517EoM(15, LIZ3.LIZ, false, "Hey dude don't execute your hacky code ;)", null, null, null, 112, null);
                C24600yH LIZ4 = new C24600yH().LIZ(AbstractC24610yI.LIZ(LIZIZ2, str)).LIZ("https://" + epo.LIZJ + "/method/" + LIZ3.LIZ).LIZ(C24660yN.LIZ);
                C37542Eol eol = LIZ3.LIZLLL;
                Request LIZ5 = LIZ4.LIZ(Map.class, eol != null ? AnonymousClass1YE.LIZIZ(C23820x1.LIZ("UID", eol.LIZ), C23820x1.LIZ("AWAIT_NETWORK", eol.LIZIZ), C23820x1.LIZ("REASON", eol.LIZJ), C23820x1.LIZ("RETRY_COUNT", eol.LIZLLL)) : null).LIZ();
                m.LIZ((Object) LIZ5, "");
                long j = epo.LJFF.LIZ.LJI;
                C24630yK LIZIZ3 = epo.LIZ(j).LIZ(LIZ5).LIZIZ();
                m.LIZ((Object) LIZIZ3, "");
                String LIZ6 = epo.LIZ(LIZIZ3);
                String str7 = LIZ3.LIZ;
                if (LIZ6 != null) {
                    if (!FQG.LIZ.LIZ(LIZ6, "error")) {
                        if (!FQG.LIZ.LIZ(LIZ6, "execute_errors")) {
                            AbstractC37543Eom<T> eom = this.LJFF;
                            if (eom != null) {
                                return eom.LIZ(LIZ6);
                            return null;
                        C21090sc.LIZ(LIZ6, str7);
                        C37518EoN eoN = C37518EoN.LIZ;
                        C21090sc.LIZ(LIZ6, str7);
                        JSONArray jSONArray = new JSONObject(LIZ6).getJSONArray("execute_errors");
                        m.LIZ((Object) jSONArray, "");
                        throw eoN.LIZ(jSONArray, str7);
                    C37518EoN eoN2 = C37518EoN.LIZ;
                    JSONObject optJSONObject = new JSONObject(LIZ6).optJSONObject("error");
                    m.LIZ((Object) optJSONObject, "");
                    throw eoN2.LIZ(optJSONObject, str7);
                throw new C37533Eoc("Response returned null instead of valid string response");
            throw new C23830x2("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String");
        throw new C23830x2("null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String");