LINE.apk(点击下载) /

package xa3;

import android.accounts.Account;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import j.q;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import lg.e;
import lw.l;
import ly2.f;
import ly2.f0;
import ly2.u;
import og.a;
import pg.k;
import rg.a;
import va3.c;
import xy2.b;
import z8.e0;

public class d {

    /* renamed from: g  reason: collision with root package name */
    public static final String[] f180864g = {""};

    /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final fg.a f180865a;

    /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
    public b<String> f180866b;

    /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
    public b<c.C3089c> f180867c;

    /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final Context f180868d;

    /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final String f180869e;

    /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final Executor f180870f;

    public static /* synthetic */ class a {

        /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
        public static final /* synthetic */ int[] f180871a;

        static {
            int[] iArr = new int[hg.a.a().length];
            f180871a = iArr;
            try {
                iArr[q.e(4)] = 1;
            } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused) {

    public d(Context context, String str, String str2, Executor executor) {
        this.f180868d = context;
        fg.a e14 = fg.a.e(context, Arrays.asList(f180864g));
        e14.f72138f = new k();
        this.f180865a = e14;
        this.f180869e = str;
        this.f180870f = executor;

    public final void a(rg.a aVar, String str, String str2) throws IOException {
        List<sg.c> i14 = i(aVar, str);
        if (!(i14 == null || i14.isEmpty())) {
            for (sg.c cVar : i14) {
                if (!str2.equals(cVar.getId())) {
                    try {
                        new a.c.b(new a.c(), cVar.getId()).h();
                    } catch (Exception unused) {

    public final rg.a b(fg.a aVar) {
        a.b bVar = new a.b(new e(), a.C2197a.f122925a, aVar);
        bVar.f87660f = this.f180868d.getString(R.string.app_name_RES_2131952796);
        return new rg.a(bVar);

    public c.b c() throws c.a {
        try {
            File f14 = wa3.b.f(this.f180868d, this.f180869e);
            rg.a b14 = b(this.f180865a);
            sg.c h14 = h(b14, f14.getName());
            if (h14 != null) {
                new a.c.b(new a.c(), h14.getId()).h();
                return c.b.f170829c;
            throw e(c.a.EnumC3088a.NO_BACKUP_FILE);
        } catch (IOException e14) {
            throw new c.a(c.a.EnumC3088a.GOOGLE_DRIVE_UNKNOWN, e14);

    public zx2.q<c> d(String str) {
        return new ly2.d(new mj0.a(this, str, 1)).B(wy2.a.a(this.f180870f));

    public final c.a e(c.a.EnumC3088a aVar) {
        return new c.a(aVar, null);

    public final zx2.q<c.b> f() {
        return new u(new b12.d(this, 1)).B(wy2.a.a(this.f180870f));

    public final Intent g(String str) throws Exception {
        try {
            Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
            Context context = this.f180868d;
            Account account = new Account(this.f180865a.f72136d, "");
            int i14 = nb.b.f116840d;
            nb.k.a(context, account, str, bundle);
            throw new Exception("Permission Intent isn't exist");
        } catch (UserRecoverableAuthException e14) {
            Intent intent = e14.f28364b;
            if (intent == null) {
                return null;
            return new Intent(intent);

    public final sg.c h(rg.a aVar, String str) throws IOException {
        List<sg.c> i14 = i(aVar, str);
        if (i14 == null || i14.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        return (sg.c) g1.c.a(i14, -1);

    public final List<sg.c> i(rg.a aVar, String str) throws IOException {
        a.c.d dVar = new a.c.d(new a.c());
        dVar.r("name ='" + str + "'");
        dVar.p("files(id, name, size, createdTime)");
        return ((sg.d) dVar.h()).k();

    public zx2.q<c.C3089c> j(Intent intent, androidx.activity.result.c<Intent> cVar) {
        return new f(new a(this, cVar, intent)).B(yx2.b.a());

    public zx2.q<c.C3089c> k(androidx.activity.result.c<Intent> cVar) {
        return new f0(new u(new l(this, 1)).B(wy2.a.a(this.f180870f)).f(new cj0.q(this, cVar, 3)), new e0(this, cVar, 3));

    public zx2.q<c> l(String str) {
        return new ly2.d(new s21.d(this, str)).B(wy2.a.a(this.f180870f));