LINE.apk(点击下载) /

package tg;

import ac.u2;
import ig.a;
import java.util.List;
import jg.a;
import kg.q;
import kg.u;
import pg.m;
import pg.o;
import ra.h0;
import ug.c0;
import ug.i;
import ug.l;
import ug.r;

public class a extends jg.a {

    /* renamed from: tg.a$a  reason: collision with other inner class name */
    public static final class C2841a extends a.AbstractC1418a {
        /* JADX WARNING: Illegal instructions before constructor call */
        public C2841a(u uVar, ng.b bVar, q qVar) {
            super(uVar, bVar, r0, "", qVar, false);
            String str;
            String str2 = System.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT");
            str2 = str2 == null ? "auto" : str2;
            if (!"always".equals(str2)) {
                str = "";
            } else {
                str = "";

        @Override // ig.a.AbstractC1299a
        public a.AbstractC1299a a(String str) {
            return this;

        @Override // ig.a.AbstractC1299a
        public a.AbstractC1299a b(String str) {
            return this;

    public class b {

        /* renamed from: tg.a$b$a  reason: collision with other inner class name */
        public class C2842a extends b<i> {

            /* renamed from: id  reason: collision with root package name */
            private List<String> f149250id;
            private Long maxResults;
            private String onBehalfOfContentOwner;
            private String pageToken;
            private List<String> part;
            private String playlistId;
            private String videoId;

            public C2842a(b bVar, List<String> list) {
                super(a.this, "GET", "youtube/v3/playlistItems", null, i.class);
                h0.k(list, "Required parameter part must be specified.");
                this.part = list;

            @Override // jg.b, tg.b, ig.c, pg.m
            public m f(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            @Override // jg.b, tg.b, ig.c
            public ig.c l(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            @Override // jg.b, tg.b
            public jg.b n(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            /* Return type fixed from 'tg.b' to match base method */
            @Override // tg.b
            public b<i> o(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            public C2842a q(Long l14) {
                this.maxResults = l14;
                return this;

            public C2842a r(String str) {
                this.playlistId = str;
                return this;

        public b() {

    public class c {

        /* renamed from: tg.a$c$a  reason: collision with other inner class name */
        public class C2843a extends b<l> {
            private String channelId;

            /* renamed from: hl  reason: collision with root package name */
            private String f149252hl;

            /* renamed from: id  reason: collision with root package name */
            private List<String> f149253id;
            private Long maxResults;
            private Boolean mine;
            private String onBehalfOfContentOwner;
            private String onBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel;
            private String pageToken;
            private List<String> part;

            public C2843a(c cVar, List<String> list) {
                super(a.this, "GET", "youtube/v3/playlists", null, l.class);
                h0.k(list, "Required parameter part must be specified.");
                this.part = list;

            @Override // jg.b, tg.b, ig.c, pg.m
            public m f(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            @Override // jg.b, tg.b, ig.c
            public ig.c l(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            @Override // jg.b, tg.b
            public jg.b n(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            /* Return type fixed from 'tg.b' to match base method */
            @Override // tg.b
            public b<l> o(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            public C2843a q(List<String> list) {
                this.f149253id = list;
                return this;

        public c() {

    public class d {

        /* renamed from: tg.a$d$a  reason: collision with other inner class name */
        public class C2844a extends b<r> {
            private String channelId;
            private String channelType;
            private String eventType;
            private Boolean forContentOwner;
            private Boolean forDeveloper;
            private Boolean forMine;
            private String location;
            private String locationRadius;
            private Long maxResults;
            private String onBehalfOfContentOwner;
            private String order;
            private String pageToken;
            private List<String> part;
            private String publishedAfter;
            private String publishedBefore;

            /* renamed from: q  reason: collision with root package name */
            private String f149255q;
            private String regionCode;
            private String relatedToVideoId;
            private String relevanceLanguage;
            private String safeSearch;
            private String topicId;
            private List<String> type;
            private String videoCaption;
            private String videoCategoryId;
            private String videoDefinition;
            private String videoDimension;
            private String videoDuration;
            private String videoEmbeddable;
            private String videoLicense;
            private String videoSyndicated;
            private String videoType;

            public C2844a(d dVar, List<String> list) {
                super(a.this, "GET", "youtube/v3/search", null, r.class);
                h0.k(list, "Required parameter part must be specified.");
                this.part = list;

            @Override // jg.b, tg.b, ig.c, pg.m
            public m f(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            @Override // jg.b, tg.b, ig.c
            public ig.c l(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            @Override // jg.b, tg.b
            public jg.b n(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            /* Return type fixed from 'tg.b' to match base method */
            @Override // tg.b
            public b<r> o(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            public C2844a q(Long l14) {
                this.maxResults = l14;
                return this;

            public C2844a r(String str) {
                this.order = str;
                return this;

            public C2844a s(String str) {
                this.pageToken = str;
                return this;

            public C2844a t(String str) {
                this.f149255q = str;
                return this;

            public C2844a u(String str) {
                this.safeSearch = str;
                return this;

            public C2844a v(List<String> list) {
                this.type = list;
                return this;

        public d() {

    public class e {

        /* renamed from: tg.a$e$a  reason: collision with other inner class name */
        public class C2845a extends b<c0> {
            private String chart;

            /* renamed from: hl  reason: collision with root package name */
            private String f149257hl;

            /* renamed from: id  reason: collision with root package name */
            private List<String> f149258id;
            private String locale;
            private Integer maxHeight;
            private Long maxResults;
            private Integer maxWidth;
            private String myRating;
            private String onBehalfOfContentOwner;
            private String pageToken;
            private List<String> part;
            private String regionCode;
            private String videoCategoryId;

            public C2845a(e eVar, List<String> list) {
                super(a.this, "GET", "youtube/v3/videos", null, c0.class);
                h0.k(list, "Required parameter part must be specified.");
                this.part = list;

            @Override // jg.b, tg.b, ig.c, pg.m
            public m f(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            @Override // jg.b, tg.b, ig.c
            public ig.c l(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            @Override // jg.b, tg.b
            public jg.b n(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            /* Return type fixed from 'tg.b' to match base method */
            @Override // tg.b
            public b<c0> o(String str, Object obj) {
                super.n(str, obj);
                return this;

            public C2845a q(List<String> list) {
                this.f149258id = list;
                return this;

        public e() {

    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:12:0x002f A[RETURN] */
    /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:13:0x0030  */
    static {
        boolean z14;
        if (GoogleUtils.f31366b.intValue() == 1) {
            Integer num = GoogleUtils.f31367c;
            if (num.intValue() >= 32 || (num.intValue() == 31 && GoogleUtils.f31368d.intValue() >= 1)) {
                z14 = true;
                Object[] objArr = {GoogleUtils.f31365a};
                if (z14) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(u2.d("You are currently running with version %s of google-api-client. You need at least version 1.31.1 of google-api-client to run version 1.32.1 of the YouTube Data API v3 library.", objArr));
        z14 = false;
        Object[] objArr2 = {GoogleUtils.f31365a};
        if (z14) {

    public a(C2841a aVar) {