LINE.apk(点击下载) /

package oo2;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.Window;
import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import androidx.lifecycle.o0;
import bo2.n;
import com.linecorp.voip.core.CallConnectInfo;
import com.linecorp.voip2.access.connect.VoIPMeetingConnectInfo;
import com.linecorp.voip2.service.groupcall.GroupCallFragment;
import dj2.e;
import em3.l0;
import em3.q;
import em3.s;
import hv.h;
import java.util.Objects;
import kotlin.NoWhenBranchMatchedException;
import kotlin.ResultKt;
import kotlin.Unit;
import oo2.a;
import qj.g;
import qo2.a;
import um3.w0;
import wi2.i;
import zg2.f;
import zm3.t;

public final class b extends si2.b implements a {

    /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final GroupCallFragment f124021b;

    /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
    public C2229b f124022c;

    public static final class a extends Dialog {

        /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final ImageView f124023b;

        public a(Context context) {
            super(context, false, null);
            ImageView imageView = new ImageView(context);
            int i14 = (int) (((float) 32) * context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density);
            imageView.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(i14, i14));
            this.f124023b = imageView;
            Window window = getWindow();
            if (window != null) {
                g.c(0, window);

        public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {

        public void onStart() {
            this.f124023b.startAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getContext(), R.anim.common_progress_rotate));

        public void onStop() {

    /* renamed from: oo2.b$b  reason: collision with other inner class name */
    public static final class C2229b {

        /* renamed from: a  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final si2.g<?> f124024a;

        /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final e f124025b;

        /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final on2.g f124026c;

        /* renamed from: d  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final un2.e f124027d;

        /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final a.EnumC2510a f124028e;

        /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final a.EnumC2228a f124029f;

        /* renamed from: g  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final dm3.a<Unit> f124030g;

        /* renamed from: h  reason: collision with root package name */
        public sh2.a f124031h;

        /* renamed from: i  reason: collision with root package name */
        public boolean f124032i;

        /* renamed from: oo2.b$b$a */
        public /* synthetic */ class a {
            public static final /* synthetic */ int[] $EnumSwitchMapping$0;

            static {
                int[] iArr = new int[a.EnumC2510a.values().length];
                iArr[a.EnumC2510a.SPAM_ADVERTISING.ordinal()] = 1;
                iArr[a.EnumC2510a.SEXUAL_HARASSMENT.ordinal()] = 2;
                iArr[a.EnumC2510a.INAPPROPRIATE_VIDEO.ordinal()] = 3;
                iArr[a.EnumC2510a.OTHERS.ordinal()] = 4;
                $EnumSwitchMapping$0 = iArr;

        public C2229b(si2.g<?> gVar, e eVar, on2.g gVar2, un2.e eVar2, a.EnumC2510a aVar, a.EnumC2228a aVar2, dm3.a<Unit> aVar3) {
            q.f(gVar, "context");
            this.f124024a = gVar;
            this.f124025b = eVar;
            this.f124026c = gVar2;
            this.f124027d = eVar2;
            this.f124028e = aVar;
            this.f124029f = aVar2;
            this.f124030g = aVar3;

        public static final Object a(C2229b bVar, un2.e eVar, boolean z14, ul3.d dVar) {
            w0 w0Var = w0.f166204a;
            Object g14 = um3.g.g(t.f199868a, new d(bVar, z14, eVar, null), dVar);
            return g14 == vl3.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED ? g14 : Unit.INSTANCE;

        /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:13:0x0033  */
        /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:19:0x004f  */
        /* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:8:0x0025  */
        public static final Object b(C2229b bVar, File file, String str, ul3.d dVar) {
            g gVar;
            int i14;
            ObjectInfo objectInfo;
            if (dVar instanceof g) {
                gVar = (g) dVar;
                int i15 = gVar.f124048d;
                if ((i15 & Integer.MIN_VALUE) != 0) {
                    gVar.f124048d = i15 - Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                    Object obj = gVar.f124046b;
                    vl3.a aVar = vl3.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
                    i14 = gVar.f124048d;
                    if (i14 != 0) {
                        po2.a aVar2 = (po2.a) bVar.f124026c.k(po2.a.class);
                        if (aVar2 != null) {
                            gVar.f124048d = 1;
                            obj = aVar2.A(file, str, gVar);
                            if (obj == aVar) {
                                return aVar;
                        return null;
                    } else if (i14 == 1) {
                        try {
                        } catch (Throwable th4) {
                            ig2.a.d("MeetingController", "Fail to upload report image by " + th4);
                    } else {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("call to 'resume' before 'invoke' with coroutine");
                    objectInfo = (ObjectInfo) obj;
                    if (objectInfo != null) {
                        return objectInfo.f97629d;
                    return null;
            gVar = new g(bVar, dVar);
            Object obj2 = gVar.f124046b;
            vl3.a aVar3 = vl3.a.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
            i14 = gVar.f124048d;
            if (i14 != 0) {
            objectInfo = (ObjectInfo) obj2;
            if (objectInfo != null) {
            return null;

        public final void c(boolean z14) {
            qo2.a aVar;
            o0<qo2.d> q34;
            if (!this.f124032i) {
                if (!(!z14 || (aVar = (qo2.a) dz.a.i(l0.a(qo2.a.class), this.f124025b)) == null || (q34 = aVar.q3()) == null)) {
                    qo2.d value = q34.getValue();
                    if (q.b(value != null ? value.getId() : null, this.f124027d.getId())) {
                        n nVar = (n) dz.a.i(l0.a(n.class), this.f124025b);
                        if (nVar != null) {

        public final boolean d(un2.e eVar) {
            wl2.e eVar2;
            ul2.b bVar = (ul2.b) this.f124026c.k(ul2.b.class);
            boolean z14 = false;
            if (bVar == null || (eVar2 = (wl2.e) bVar.f()) == null) {
                return false;
            wl2.d value = eVar2.getData().getValue();
            String str = null;
            if (value != null) {
                if (value.f177419a == wl2.q.SCREEN_SHARE) {
                    z14 = true;
                if (!z14) {
                    value = null;
                if (value != null) {
                    str = value.f177420b;
            return q.b(eVar.getId(), str);

    public /* synthetic */ class c {
        public static final /* synthetic */ int[] $EnumSwitchMapping$0;

        static {
            int[] iArr = new int[jz2.b.values().length];
            iArr[jz2.b.ALPHA.ordinal()] = 1;
            iArr[jz2.b.BETA.ordinal()] = 2;
            iArr[jz2.b.LOCAL.ordinal()] = 3;
            iArr[jz2.b.RC.ordinal()] = 4;
            iArr[jz2.b.RELEASE.ordinal()] = 5;
            $EnumSwitchMapping$0 = iArr;

    public static final class d extends s implements dm3.a<Unit> {

        /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ b f124033b;

        /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
        public d(b bVar) {
            this.f124033b = bVar;

        /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */
        @Override // dm3.a
        public Unit invoke() {
            this.f124033b.f124022c = null;
            return Unit.INSTANCE;

    /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
    public b(si2.g<?> gVar) {
        q.f(gVar, "context");
        T t14 = gVar.f143219b;
        GroupCallFragment groupCallFragment = t14 instanceof GroupCallFragment ? (GroupCallFragment) t14 : null;
        if (groupCallFragment != null) {
            this.f124021b = groupCallFragment;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    @Override // oo2.a
    public void C0(e eVar, un2.e eVar2) {
        String string = this.f143212a.d().getString(R.string.groupcall_removeuser_popuptitle_removefrommeeting, eVar2.getName());
        q.e(string, "context.context.getStrin…\n        )");
        String string2 = this.f143212a.d().getString(R.string.groupcall_removeuser_popupbutton_remove);
        q.e(string2, "context.context.getStrin…euser_popupbutton_remove)");
        String string3 = this.f143212a.d().getString(R.string.common_cancel_RES_2131954495);
        q.e(string3, "context.context.getString(R.string.common_cancel)");
        si2.g.h(this.f143212a, com.linecorp.voip.ui.base.dialog.a.h(string, string2, string3, new mx0.b(this, eVar2), new h(this, 8)), false, 2, null);

    @Override // oo2.a
    public void L0(e eVar, un2.e eVar2, a.EnumC2510a aVar, a.EnumC2228a aVar2) {
        q.f(eVar, "viewContext");
        q.f(eVar2, "user");
        q.f(aVar, "reason");
        q.f(aVar2, "targetStream");
        C2229b bVar = this.f124022c;
        if (bVar != null) {
            bVar.f124032i = true;
            sh2.a aVar3 = bVar.f124031h;
            if (aVar3 != null) {
            bVar.f124031h = null;
        C2229b bVar2 = new C2229b(this.f143212a, eVar, U0(), eVar2, aVar, aVar2, new d(this));
        bVar2.f124031h = si2.g.g(bVar2.f124024a, c.f124034a, false, 2, null);
        um3.g.d(z1.c.a(w0.f166207d), null, 0, new e(bVar2, null), 3, null);
        this.f124022c = bVar2;

    @Override // si2.b
    public void T0() {
        C2229b bVar = this.f124022c;
        if (bVar != null) {
            bVar.f124032i = true;
            sh2.a aVar = bVar.f124031h;
            if (aVar != null) {
            bVar.f124031h = null;
        this.f124022c = null;

    public final on2.g U0() {
        on2.g gVar = this.f124021b.f58408d;
        return gVar;

    @Override // oo2.a
    public void c0() {
        String str;
        com.linecorp.voip.core.a X7;
        T t14 = this.f143212a.f143219b;
        CallConnectInfo d14 = (!(t14 instanceof i) || (X7 = ((i) t14).X7()) == null) ? null : X7.d();
        if (d14 instanceof VoIPMeetingConnectInfo) {
            VoIPMeetingConnectInfo voIPMeetingConnectInfo = (VoIPMeetingConnectInfo) d14;
            String str2 = voIPMeetingConnectInfo.f57991e;
            String str3 = voIPMeetingConnectInfo.f57992f;
            int i14 = c.$EnumSwitchMapping$0[pd3.d.c().i().ordinal()];
            if (i14 == 1 || i14 == 2 || i14 == 3) {
                str = a1.a.a("", str3);
            } else if (i14 == 4 || i14 == 5) {
                str = a1.a.a("", str3);
            } else {
                throw new NoWhenBranchMatchedException();
            Intent P = f.f().P(this.f143212a.d(), this.f143212a.d().getString(R.string.groupcall_chatlink_desc_userisinvitedtojoinmeeting, str2, str));
            P.setFlags(P.getFlags() & -268435457);
            this.f143212a.b().e(P, null);