LINE.apk(点击下载) /

package gk2;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import androidx.biometric.g0;
import androidx.biometric.j0;
import com.linecorp.voip.core.CallConnectInfo;
import dj2.e;
import em3.l0;
import em3.q;
import hk2.c;
import java.util.List;
import ql3.w;
import si2.g;
import sm3.x;
import ul3.f;
import um3.h0;
import um3.t;
import um3.w0;
import um3.x1;

public final class b extends si2.b implements a {

    /* renamed from: b  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final VoIPYouTubeRepository f77144b;

    /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final h0 f77145c;

    public /* synthetic */ class a {
        public static final /* synthetic */ int[] $EnumSwitchMapping$0;

        static {
            int[] iArr = new int[c.a.values().length];
            iArr[c.a.LOADING.ordinal()] = 1;
            iArr[c.a.SEARCHING.ordinal()] = 2;
            $EnumSwitchMapping$0 = iArr;

    /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
    public b(g<?> gVar) {
        CallConnectInfo d14;
        q.f(gVar, "context");
        Context d15 = gVar.d();
        com.linecorp.voip.core.a d16 = g0.d(gVar);
        this.f77144b = new VoIPYouTubeRepository(d15, (d16 == null || (d14 = d16.d()) == null) ? null : d14.u());
        t a14 = j0.a(null, 1);
        w0 w0Var = w0.f166204a;
        this.f77145c = z1.c.a(f.a.C2977a.d((x1) a14, zm3.t.f199868a));

    @Override // gk2.a
    public void A0(e eVar) {
        c.a aVar;
        hk2.b J2;
        q.f(eVar, "viewContext");
        hk2.a U0 = U0(eVar);
        if (U0 != null && U0.L4().getValue() != (aVar = c.a.LOADING) && (J2 = U0.J2()) != null) {
            String str = J2.f82042b;
            if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
                J2 = null;
            if (J2 != null) {
                um3.g.d(this.f77145c, null, 0, new c(this, J2, eVar, null), 3, null);

    @Override // gk2.a
    public void F0() {
        this.f143212a.b().e(new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse("")), null);

    @Override // gk2.a
    public void K0(e eVar, String str) {
        hk2.a U0;
        q.f(str, "searchText");
        if (!(x.C0(str).toString().length() == 0) && (U0 = U0(eVar)) != null) {
            hk2.b bVar = new hk2.b(str, null, 2);
            um3.g.d(this.f77145c, null, 0, new c(this, bVar, eVar, null), 3, null);

    @Override // gk2.a
    public void S0(e eVar) {
        hk2.b J2;
        hk2.a U0 = U0(eVar);
        if (U0 != null && (J2 = U0.J2()) != null) {
            K0(eVar, J2.f82041a);

    @Override // si2.b
    public void T0() {
        z1.c.c(this.f77145c, null, 1);

    public final hk2.a U0(e eVar) {
        return (hk2.a) dz.a.i(l0.a(hk2.a.class), eVar);

    @Override // gk2.a
    public void V(e eVar) {
        q.f(eVar, "viewContext");
        hk2.a U0 = U0(eVar);
        if (U0 != null) {

    @Override // gk2.a
    public void W(e eVar, int i14) {
        List<ck2.a> value;
        ck2.a aVar;
        try {
            hk2.a U0 = U0(eVar);
            if (U0 != null && (value = U0.M3().getValue()) != null && (aVar = value.get(i14)) != null) {
                vl2.f fVar = (vl2.f) g0.e(l0.a(vl2.f.class), eVar);
                if (fVar != null) {
                    fVar.Q0(aVar, vl2.b.YOUTUBE_SEARCH);
                hk2.a aVar2 = (hk2.a) dz.a.i(l0.a(hk2.a.class), eVar);
                if (aVar2 != null) {
        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException unused) {

    @Override // gk2.a
    public void u0() {
        this.f143212a.b().e(new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse("")), null);