電視直播.apk(点击下载) / m.java

package com.inno.innosdk.utils;

import android.text.TextUtils;
import com.inno.innosdk.a.c;

/* compiled from: ServiceAddress */
public class m {
    private static boolean a = false;
    private static String b = "https://usr-api.1sapp.com";
    public static String c = (b + "/report/v1");
    private static String d = "https://qfc.innotechx.com";

    /* renamed from: e  reason: collision with root package name */
    private static String f11571e = "https://fy.1sapp.com";

    /* renamed from: f  reason: collision with root package name */
    private static String f11572f = "http://fy.1sapp.com";

    public static String a() {
        if (c.p() == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(c.p().getRurl())) {
            if (a) {
                c = "http://qfc.innotechx.com/report/v1";
            } else {
                c = d + "/report/v1";
            return c;
        return c.p().getRurl() + "/report/v1";

    public static String b() {
        if (c.p() == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(c.p().getTurl())) {
            String str = f11571e + "/report/v1";
            c = str;
            return str;
        return c.p().getTurl() + "/report/v1";

    public static String c() {
        if (c.p() == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(c.p().getTurl())) {
            if (a) {
                c = "http://usr-api.1sapp.com/107635";
            } else {
                c = b + "/107635";
            return c;
        return c.p().getTurl() + "/report/v1";

    public static boolean d() {
        if (!b.startsWith("https://")) {
            return false;
        b = "http://usr-api.1sapp.com";
        d = "http://qfc.innotechx.com";
        f11571e = "http://fy.1sapp.com";
        f11572f = "http://qfc.innotechx.com";
        return true;