得物.apk(点击下载) / c.java

package su;

import bj1.e;
import com.meituan.robust.ChangeQuickRedirect;
import com.meituan.robust.PatchProxy;
import com.meituan.robust.PatchProxyResult;
import com.shizhuang.duapp.media.sticker.helper.EffectTextStickerTask;
import com.shizhuang.duapp.modules.du_community_common.view.sticker.bean.StickerBean;
import io.reactivex.ObservableSource;
import io.reactivex.functions.Function;
import java.util.List;
import ku.a;

/* compiled from: EffectTextStickerTask.kt */
public final class c<T, R> implements Function<List<? extends String>, ObservableSource<? extends StickerBean>> {
    public static ChangeQuickRedirect changeQuickRedirect;
    public final /* synthetic */ EffectTextStickerTask b;

    /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
    public final /* synthetic */ String f38277c;
    public final /* synthetic */ String d;
    public final /* synthetic */ String e;
    public final /* synthetic */ StickerBean f;

    public c(EffectTextStickerTask effectTextStickerTask, String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, StickerBean stickerBean) {
        this.b = effectTextStickerTask;
        this.f38277c = str3;
        this.d = str4;
        this.e = str5;
        this.f = stickerBean;

    /* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */
    /* JADX DEBUG: Method arguments types fixed to match base method, original types: [java.lang.Object] */
    @Override // io.reactivex.functions.Function
    public ObservableSource<? extends StickerBean> apply(List<? extends String> list) {
        PatchProxyResult proxy = PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[]{list}, this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 51591, new Class[]{List.class}, ObservableSource.class);
        if (proxy.isSupported) {
            return (ObservableSource) proxy.result;
        a aVar = a.f34913a;
        return e.create(new b(this, aVar.g(this.f38277c), aVar.g("https://cdn.poizon.com/node-common/b7de77d19e74232e84e26c816c56af18.ttf"), aVar.g("https://cdn.poizon.com/node-common/ef524a633553b91eaa2094647903c447.ttf"), aVar.g(this.d), aVar.g(this.e)));