得物.apk(点击下载) / SmartTagViewV2.java

package com.shizhuang.duapp.media.editimage.view;

import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewParent;
import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout;
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment;
import com.meituan.robust.ChangeQuickRedirect;
import com.meituan.robust.PatchProxy;
import com.meituan.robust.PatchProxyResult;
import com.shizhuang.duapp.R;
import com.shizhuang.duapp.libs.duimageloaderview.DuImageLoaderView;
import com.shizhuang.duapp.media.editimage.ImageTagViewModel;
import com.shizhuang.duapp.media.editimage.fragment.ImageEditFragment;
import com.shizhuang.duapp.media.editimage.view.BaseTagView;
import com.shizhuang.duapp.media.view.TagBackgroundView;
import com.shizhuang.duapp.modules.du_community_common.sensor.SensorPublishUtil;
import com.shizhuang.duapp.modules.du_community_common.view.MarqueeTextView;
import com.shizhuang.duapp.modules.pay.R$styleable;
import com.shizhuang.model.trend.TagModel;
import java.util.HashMap;
import jt.t;
import jt.u;
import kotlin.Metadata;
import kotlin.Unit;
import kotlin.jvm.JvmOverloads;
import o5.i;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import t20.n;

@Metadata(bv = {}, d1 = {"\u0000\u001c\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\u0010\u000b\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010\u0002\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0010\b\n\u0002\b\t\u0018\u00002\u00020\u0001J\u0010\u0010\u0005\u001a\u00020\u00042\u0006\u0010\u0003\u001a\u00020\u0002H\u0002J\b\u0010\u0007\u001a\u00020\u0006H\u0016R\"\u0010\u000e\u001a\u00020\u00068\u0006@\u0006X†\u000e¢\u0006\u0012\n\u0004\b\b\u0010\t\u001a\u0004\b\n\u0010\u000b\"\u0004\b\f\u0010\r¨\u0006\u000f"}, d2 = {"Lcom/shizhuang/duapp/media/editimage/view/SmartTagViewV2;", "Lcom/shizhuang/duapp/media/editimage/view/BaseTagView;", "", "isUsed", "", "setSmartTagMatTextWidth", "", "getLayoutId", "H", "I", "getApiSource", "()I", "setApiSource", "(I)V", "apiSource", "du_media_release"}, k = 1, mv = {1, 4, 2})
/* compiled from: SmartTagViewV2.kt */
public final class SmartTagViewV2 extends BaseTagView {
    public static ChangeQuickRedirect changeQuickRedirect;
    public int H;
    public GestureDetector I;
    public ValueAnimator J;
    public ValueAnimator K;
    public final boolean L;
    public HashMap M;

    /* compiled from: SmartTagViewV2.kt */
    public static final class a implements Runnable {
        public static ChangeQuickRedirect changeQuickRedirect;
        public final /* synthetic */ SmartTagViewV2 b;

        /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ TagModel f9903c;

        public a(SmartTagViewV2 smartTagViewV2, TagModel tagModel) {
            this.b = smartTagViewV2;
            this.f9903c = tagModel;

        public final void run() {
            if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43669, new Class[0], Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
                SmartTagViewV2 smartTagViewV2 = this.b;
                TagModel tagModel = this.f9903c;
                smartTagViewV2.k(tagModel.x, tagModel.y);
                SmartTagViewV2 smartTagViewV22 = this.b;
                if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], smartTagViewV22, SmartTagViewV2.changeQuickRedirect, false, 43658, new Class[0], Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
                    ViewParent parent = smartTagViewV22.getParent().getParent();
                    if (!(parent instanceof ViewGroup)) {
                        parent = null;
                    ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) parent;
                    if (viewGroup != null) {
                        if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], smartTagViewV22, SmartTagViewV2.changeQuickRedirect, false, 43659, new Class[0], Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
                            if (smartTagViewV22.o()) {
                                ConstraintLayout clTagLeft = smartTagViewV22.getClTagLeft();
                                if (clTagLeft != null) {
                            } else {
                                ConstraintLayout clTagRight = smartTagViewV22.getClTagRight();
                                if (clTagRight != null) {
                            FrameLayout flBreath = smartTagViewV22.getFlBreath();
                            if (flBreath != null) {
                        int b2 = fi.b.b(smartTagViewV22.L ? 92.0f : 50.0f);
                        DuImageLoaderView duImageLoaderView = new DuImageLoaderView(smartTagViewV22.getContext());
                        ((co.c) h.b.h(b2, b2, duImageLoaderView.i(smartTagViewV22.L ? "https://cdn.poizon.com/node-common/12a966f1a2ee0f0612f610453a863108.webp" : "https://cdn.poizon.com/node-common/0902d64b-8e31-fba2-da9f-df8cfec55887.webp"))).S(new t(smartTagViewV22, duImageLoaderView)).T(1).l0(null).c0(null).x();
                        smartTagViewV22.post(new u(smartTagViewV22, duImageLoaderView, b2, viewGroup));

    /* compiled from: SmartTagViewV2.kt */
    public static final class b extends GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener {
        public static ChangeQuickRedirect changeQuickRedirect;
        public final /* synthetic */ SmartTagViewV2 b;

        /* JADX WARN: Incorrect args count in method signature: ()V */
        public b(SmartTagViewV2 smartTagViewV2) {
            this.b = smartTagViewV2;

        public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(@NotNull MotionEvent motionEvent) {
            PatchProxyResult proxy = PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[]{motionEvent}, this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43672, new Class[]{MotionEvent.class}, Boolean.TYPE);
            if (proxy.isSupported) {
                return ((Boolean) proxy.result).booleanValue();
            BaseTagView.Listener listener = this.b.getListener();
            if (listener != null) {
            return true;

    /* compiled from: SmartTagViewV2.kt */
    public static final class c implements ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener {
        public static ChangeQuickRedirect changeQuickRedirect;
        public final /* synthetic */ SmartTagViewV2 b;

        public c(SmartTagViewV2 smartTagViewV2) {
            this.b = smartTagViewV2;

        public final void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) {
            if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[]{valueAnimator}, this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43676, new Class[]{ValueAnimator.class}, Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
                float floatValue = ((Float) valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue()).floatValue();
                ConstraintLayout clChildTagLeft = this.b.getClChildTagLeft();
                if (clChildTagLeft != null) {
                ConstraintLayout clChildTagLeft2 = this.b.getClChildTagLeft();
                if (clChildTagLeft2 != null) {
                ConstraintLayout clChildTagLeft3 = this.b.getClChildTagLeft();
                float f = i.f36333a;
                if (clChildTagLeft3 != null) {
                ConstraintLayout clChildTagLeft4 = this.b.getClChildTagLeft();
                if (clChildTagLeft4 != null) {
                    ConstraintLayout clChildTagLeft5 = this.b.getClChildTagLeft();
                    if (clChildTagLeft5 != null) {
                        f = (float) clChildTagLeft5.getHeight();

    /* compiled from: SmartTagViewV2.kt */
    public static final class d implements ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener {
        public static ChangeQuickRedirect changeQuickRedirect;
        public final /* synthetic */ SmartTagViewV2 b;

        public d(SmartTagViewV2 smartTagViewV2) {
            this.b = smartTagViewV2;

        public final void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) {
            if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[]{valueAnimator}, this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43677, new Class[]{ValueAnimator.class}, Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
                float floatValue = ((Float) valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue()).floatValue();
                ConstraintLayout clChildTagRight = this.b.getClChildTagRight();
                if (clChildTagRight != null) {
                ConstraintLayout clChildTagRight2 = this.b.getClChildTagRight();
                if (clChildTagRight2 != null) {
                ConstraintLayout clChildTagRight3 = this.b.getClChildTagRight();
                float f = i.f36333a;
                if (clChildTagRight3 != null) {
                ConstraintLayout clChildTagRight4 = this.b.getClChildTagRight();
                if (clChildTagRight4 != null) {
                    ConstraintLayout clChildTagRight5 = this.b.getClChildTagRight();
                    if (clChildTagRight5 != null) {
                        f = (float) clChildTagRight5.getHeight();

    /* compiled from: SmartTagViewV2.kt */
    public static final class e implements Runnable {
        public static ChangeQuickRedirect changeQuickRedirect;
        public final /* synthetic */ SmartTagViewV2 b;

        /* renamed from: c  reason: collision with root package name */
        public final /* synthetic */ TagModel f9904c;

        public e(SmartTagViewV2 smartTagViewV2, TagModel tagModel) {
            this.b = smartTagViewV2;
            this.f9904c = tagModel;

        public final void run() {
            if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43678, new Class[0], Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
                SmartTagViewV2 smartTagViewV2 = this.b;
                TagModel tagModel = this.f9904c;
                smartTagViewV2.k(tagModel.x, tagModel.y);

    public SmartTagViewV2(@NotNull Context context) {
        this(context, null, false, 6);

    public SmartTagViewV2(@NotNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attributeSet) {
        this(context, attributeSet, false, 4);

    /* JADX WARNING: Illegal instructions before constructor call */
    public SmartTagViewV2(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet, boolean z, int i) {
        super(context, attributeSet, 0, 4);
        attributeSet = (i & 2) != 0 ? null : attributeSet;
        z = (i & 4) != 0 ? false : z;
        this.L = z;

    private final void setSmartTagMatTextWidth(boolean z) {
        if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[]{new Byte(z ? (byte) 1 : 0)}, this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43652, new Class[]{Boolean.TYPE}, Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
            if (z) {
                setMMinTextWidth(n.a(Integer.valueOf((int) R$styleable.AppCompatTheme_windowFixedHeightMajor)));
            } else {
                setMMaxTextWidth(n.a(Integer.valueOf((int) R$styleable.AppCompatTheme_textAppearancePopupMenuHeader)));
            MarqueeTextView tvNameLeft = getTvNameLeft();
            if (tvNameLeft != null) {
            MarqueeTextView tvNameLeft2 = getTvNameLeft();
            if (tvNameLeft2 != null) {
            MarqueeTextView tvNameRight = getTvNameRight();
            if (tvNameRight != null) {
            MarqueeTextView tvNameRight2 = getTvNameRight();
            if (tvNameRight2 != null) {

    @Override // com.shizhuang.duapp.media.editimage.view.BaseTagView
    public Runnable a(@NotNull TagModel tagModel) {
        PatchProxyResult proxy = PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[]{tagModel}, this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43656, new Class[]{TagModel.class}, Runnable.class);
        return proxy.isSupported ? (Runnable) proxy.result : new a(this, tagModel);

    @Override // com.shizhuang.duapp.media.editimage.view.BaseTagView
    public void b() {
        TagModel tagBean;
        int i = 0;
        if (PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43663, new Class[0], Void.TYPE).isSupported || (tagBean = getTagBean()) == null) {
        if (o()) {
            setEdgeLeft(tagBean.isSmartRecommend ? 0 : getLeftSafeDistance());
        if (!tagBean.isSmartRecommend) {
            i = getRightSafeDistance();

    public final int getApiSource() {
        PatchProxyResult proxy = PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43649, new Class[0], Integer.TYPE);
        return proxy.isSupported ? ((Integer) proxy.result).intValue() : this.H;

    @Override // com.shizhuang.duapp.media.editimage.view.BaseTagView
    public int getLayoutId() {
        PatchProxyResult proxy = PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43648, new Class[0], Integer.TYPE);
        return proxy.isSupported ? ((Integer) proxy.result).intValue() : R.layout.layout_smart_tag;

    @Override // com.shizhuang.duapp.media.editimage.view.BaseTagView
    public void initData() {
        if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43654, new Class[0], Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
            TagBackgroundView ivBgLeft = getIvBgLeft();
            if (ivBgLeft != null) {
            TagBackgroundView ivBgRight = getIvBgRight();
            if (ivBgRight != null) {

    @Override // com.shizhuang.duapp.media.editimage.view.BaseTagView
    public void l() {
        if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43653, new Class[0], Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
            ImageView imageView = (ImageView) v(R.id.ivCloseLeft);
            if (imageView != null) {
                imageView.setOnClickListener(new SmartTagViewV2$initListener$1(this));
            ImageView imageView2 = (ImageView) v(R.id.ivCloseRight);
            if (imageView2 != null) {
                imageView2.setOnClickListener(new SmartTagViewV2$initListener$2(this));
            this.I = new GestureDetector(getContext(), new b(this));

    @Override // com.shizhuang.duapp.media.editimage.view.BaseTagView
    public void n() {
        if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43651, new Class[0], Void.TYPE).isSupported) {

    @Override // com.shizhuang.duapp.media.editimage.view.BaseTagView
    public boolean onTouchEvent(@NotNull MotionEvent motionEvent) {
        PatchProxyResult proxy = PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[]{motionEvent}, this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43664, new Class[]{MotionEvent.class}, Boolean.TYPE);
        if (proxy.isSupported) {
            return ((Boolean) proxy.result).booleanValue();
        GestureDetector gestureDetector = this.I;
        if (gestureDetector != null) {
        return super.onTouchEvent(motionEvent);

    @Override // com.shizhuang.duapp.media.editimage.view.BaseTagView
    public void p() {
        boolean z = false;
        if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43665, new Class[0], Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
            ValueAnimator valueAnimator = this.J;
            if (valueAnimator != null) {
            ValueAnimator valueAnimator2 = this.K;
            if (valueAnimator2 != null) {
            this.J = null;
            this.K = null;
            TagModel tagBean = getTagBean();
            if (tagBean != null) {
                SensorPublishUtil sensorPublishUtil = SensorPublishUtil.f12955a;
                String str = tagBean.f26273id;
                String str2 = tagBean.type;
                String sessionID = getSessionID();
                Integer valueOf = Integer.valueOf(getClickSource());
                if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[]{str, str2, sessionID, valueOf}, sensorPublishUtil, SensorPublishUtil.changeQuickRedirect, false, 108595, new Class[]{String.class, String.class, String.class, Integer.class}, Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
                    ArrayMap arrayMap = new ArrayMap(8);
                    if ("218".length() > 0) {
                        arrayMap.put("current_page", "218");
                    if ("".length() > 0) {
                        z = true;
                    if (z) {
                        arrayMap.put("block_type", "");
                    if (str == null) {
                        str = "";
                    arrayMap.put("community_tag_id", str);
                    arrayMap.put("community_tag_type", sensorPublishUtil.c(str2));
                    arrayMap.put("content_release_source_type_id", valueOf);
                    arrayMap.put("content_release_id", sessionID);
                    l30.b.f34999a.b("community_content_release_tag_delete_click", arrayMap);

    @Override // com.shizhuang.duapp.media.editimage.view.BaseTagView
    public void r() {
        if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43661, new Class[0], Void.TYPE).isSupported) {

    public final void setApiSource(int i) {
        if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[]{new Integer(i)}, this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43650, new Class[]{Integer.TYPE}, Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
            this.H = i;

    public View v(int i) {
        PatchProxyResult proxy = PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[]{new Integer(i)}, this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43667, new Class[]{Integer.TYPE}, View.class);
        if (proxy.isSupported) {
            return (View) proxy.result;
        if (this.M == null) {
            this.M = new HashMap();
        View view = (View) this.M.get(Integer.valueOf(i));
        if (view != null) {
            return view;
        View findViewById = findViewById(i);
        this.M.put(Integer.valueOf(i), findViewById);
        return findViewById;

    public final void w() {
        BaseTagView.Listener listener;
        if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43655, new Class[0], Void.TYPE).isSupported && (listener = getListener()) != null) {

    public final void x() {
        TagModel tagBean;
        if (PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43662, new Class[0], Void.TYPE).isSupported || (tagBean = getTagBean()) == null) {
        if (o()) {
            MarqueeTextView tvNameLeft = getTvNameLeft();
            if (tvNameLeft != null) {
        MarqueeTextView tvNameRight = getTvNameRight();
        if (tvNameRight != null) {

    public final void y() {
        if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43660, new Class[0], Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
            FrameLayout flBreath = getFlBreath();
            if (flBreath != null) {
            if (o()) {
                ConstraintLayout clTagLeft = getClTagLeft();
                if (clTagLeft != null) {
                ValueAnimator ofFloat = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(1.0f, 1.1f, 1.0f);
                ofFloat.addUpdateListener(new c(this));
                ofFloat.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());
                Unit unit = Unit.INSTANCE;
                this.J = ofFloat;
            ConstraintLayout clTagRight = getClTagRight();
            if (clTagRight != null) {
            ValueAnimator ofFloat2 = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(1.0f, 1.1f, 1.0f);
            ofFloat2.addUpdateListener(new d(this));
            ofFloat2.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());
            Unit unit2 = Unit.INSTANCE;
            this.K = ofFloat2;

    public final void z() {
        ImageTagViewModel C;
        int i;
        boolean z = false;
        if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], this, changeQuickRedirect, false, 43657, new Class[0], Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
            Fragment i3 = ku.b.f34916a.i(getContext());
            if (!(i3 instanceof ImageEditFragment)) {
                i3 = null;
            ImageEditFragment imageEditFragment = (ImageEditFragment) i3;
            if (imageEditFragment != null && (C = imageEditFragment.C()) != null && C.d()) {
                Class cls = Integer.TYPE;
                PatchProxyResult proxy = PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[0], C, ImageTagViewModel.changeQuickRedirect, false, 41991, new Class[0], cls);
                if (proxy.isSupported) {
                    i = ((Integer) proxy.result).intValue();
                } else {
                    i = C.f9810c;
                int i12 = i + 1;
                if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[]{new Integer(i12)}, C, ImageTagViewModel.changeQuickRedirect, false, 41992, new Class[]{cls}, Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
                    C.f9810c = i12;
                TagModel tagBean = getTagBean();
                if (tagBean != null) {
                    TextView textView = (TextView) v(R.id.tvUseLeft);
                    if (textView != null) {
                    TextView textView2 = (TextView) v(R.id.tvUseRight);
                    if (textView2 != null) {
                    ImageView imageView = (ImageView) v(R.id.ivCloseLeft);
                    if (imageView != null) {
                    ImageView imageView2 = (ImageView) v(R.id.ivCloseRight);
                    if (imageView2 != null) {
                    TagBackgroundView ivBgLeft = getIvBgLeft();
                    if (ivBgLeft != null) {
                    TagBackgroundView ivBgRight = getIvBgRight();
                    if (ivBgRight != null) {
                    TagBackgroundView ivBgLeft2 = getIvBgLeft();
                    if (ivBgLeft2 != null) {
                    TagBackgroundView ivBgRight2 = getIvBgRight();
                    if (ivBgRight2 != null) {
                    TagModel tagBean2 = getTagBean();
                    if (tagBean2 != null) {
                        tagBean2.isSmartRecommend = false;
                    SensorPublishUtil sensorPublishUtil = SensorPublishUtil.f12955a;
                    String str = tagBean.f26273id;
                    String str2 = tagBean.type;
                    String sessionID = getSessionID();
                    Integer valueOf = Integer.valueOf(getClickSource());
                    if (!PatchProxy.proxy(new Object[]{str, str2, sessionID, valueOf}, sensorPublishUtil, SensorPublishUtil.changeQuickRedirect, false, 108596, new Class[]{String.class, String.class, String.class, Integer.class}, Void.TYPE).isSupported) {
                        ArrayMap arrayMap = new ArrayMap(8);
                        if ("218".length() > 0) {
                            arrayMap.put("current_page", "218");
                        if ("".length() > 0) {
                            z = true;
                        if (z) {
                            arrayMap.put("block_type", "");
                        if (str == null) {
                            str = "";
                        arrayMap.put("community_tag_id", str);
                        arrayMap.put("community_tag_type", sensorPublishUtil.c(str2));
                        arrayMap.put("content_release_source_type_id", valueOf);
                        arrayMap.put("content_release_id", sessionID);
                        l30.b.f34999a.b("community_content_release_tag_choose_click", arrayMap);
                    post(new e(this, tagBean));